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Former LCMS, seminary President Ralph Bohlmann dies | LCMS News & Information


Former LCMS, seminary President Ralph Bohlmann dies | LCMS News & Information: "

 (L-R) Rev. Dr. Sam Nafzger, Rev. Dr. Ralph Bohlmann, LCMS President Rev. Dr . Matthew C. Harrison, and Rev. Jon D. Vieker, senior assistant to Harrison, meet together in Harrison's office at the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod International Center on Monday, Dec. 16, 2013, in Kirkwood, Mo. LCMS Communications/Erik M. Lunsford

Former LCMS, seminary President Ralph Bohlmann dies

July 25, 2016 in REPORTER, TOP STORY 0
The Rev. Dr. Ralph Bohlmann, who served four terms (1981-92) as president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and was named as the church body’s first president emeritus, died July 24 in St. Louis. He was 84.

A memorial service is planned for 2 p.m. on Wednesday, July 27, in The Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus on the campus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, with a reception to follow. Visitation will be from noon to 2 p.m. that day in the chapel.

 At the request of Bohlmann’s family, clergy in attendance will not vest or process at the service.

Bohlmann was president of Concordia Seminary from 1975 to 1981. He joined the seminary faculty as a professor of systematic theology in 1960, and continued to teach there until his election as LCMS president."

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Swamp Fox Matters, And History Is More Important Than Misleading Myths

I read this book when I was about 9, because my mother subscribed to
two series of books for us - and I devoured them all.
Landmark Books were biographies of historical figures.

We enjoy watching "Legends and Lies," a series on Fox where O'Reilly never seems to shout and offers edifying material.

Mrs. Ichabod said, "There is a show about a Southerner on Legend and Lies."

I said, "Swamp Fox?"

She said, startled, "How did you know? Gretta von Susteren did not know when O'Reilley asked her."

I answered, "I read the book, 60 years ago. His name was Marion, I think."

Washington crossed the Delaware to surprise
the hung-over German mercenaries.

Francis Marion was the first American military leader to apply guerrilla warfare to the battle against the British. He was so successful that his efforts were equal to George Washington's. The winter at Valley Forge and the surprise party for the Hessians on Christmas morning, 1776, the Battle of Trenton is part of collective memory, but Marion is often overlooked.

Absent Washington and Marion, it is doubtful America would have won its complete independence from the British. Today the Army Rangers model their force according to the principles advocated by Marion.

When Little Ichabod was growing up, we discussed history often. I had a Time Life series about WWII and a collection of battleship books. Our son had every military book he and I wanted, even actual Army books on understanding the M-60 tank. Movies were fun when Nazi equipment rolled by and he said with great scorn, "Those aren't German. Those are repainted American machines!"

LI's military knowledge got us invited to a live shoot of the 8 inch M110 self-propelled howitzer. All the kids and parents there were military, but when one asked the road speed of the howitzer, LI's arm shot up. He answered when the officer could not, "Forty miles per hour." The entire group laughed at the officer covering his face. He also answered the question about howitzer's being different from tanks - giving three reasons in a loud clear voice.

Later, when my wife worked at an engineering firm, Gulf War I broke out and they needed to know about Russian rockets, delivery modes, range, and accuracy. We had it all at home because military rockets are important too. The youngest person there, LI was the go-to guy for all the engineers with questions - and he shared his books. One engineer said to me, "This Gulf situation must be heaven for you and your son." I said, "Yes, it shows how study clarifies everything."

Troubling Fake History - Really Mythology - Synodical Conference

The official histories and tales told about the LCMS are so full of lies that I can hardly start.

SP Mark Schroeder, MDiv (Sausage Factory), solemnly declared that WELS has always been and continues to be an orthodox Lutheran denomination,

ELS members and pastors tell one another that they are far superior to WELS.

The LCMS imagines that Walther began Holy Mother Synod, graciously giving his bishop several options, even though an armed kidnapping is not considered "offering options" even today. But why tell the truth when myths are entertaining and motivating?

Unfortunately, the myths motivate the wrong actions and support false doctrine. Although Walther left the motherland as a fugitive from the law, he is portrayed as the leader of the Stephanite exodus, which only took place once the bishop was fired and placed under house arrest for his sexual abuse of multiple young women and his misuse of church funds.

Pietistic Church Growth gimmicks
thrived under the late Ralph Bohlmann,
the late Al Barry. They are on steroids
with Matt the Fat Harrison.

East of Eden - Another Fine Walk with Sassy. Almost Eden Gardens and Nursery. Scholars Divide on Crepe or Cape Myrtle


Sassy and I had a long walk today, at her insistence. I let her take the lead since I have shortened her walk on hot, humid mornings. Today we enjoyed the cool from the brief rain yesterday. Sassy went down a favorite street, headed toward the fire station and smiled. That means a plan. We crossed Joye Street and headed past the fire station toward Almost Eden Gardens and Nursery - her goal.

I thought we were late to see Opie the dog and his Chief of Staff, Almost Eden himself. But there they were, watering the plants. Sassy and Opie friended each other again and carried out a mini-tag game. Opie howled softly to encourage me to pet him. He put his little muzzle in the air, "Ow-wooo." That is the first dog I have seen to howl for petting.

We are actually south of Almost Eden, but there is no South of Eden movie. I never saw East of Eden but remembered the movie title.

This time we talked about social media, Crepe Myrtles, KnockOut roses, and birds. He told me about how much Goldfinches love Crepe Myrtle seed. We looked over and saw a Mockingbird harvesting some seeds from the Crepe Myrtles.

We are both dealing with Bermuda grass invasions, plus all the other weeds. Rain has been pretty good, with plenty of sun in-between, so weeds are enjoying the benefits.

KnockOut roses seem vulnerable to a disease that is different from the feared Rosette disease. I looked all over the Net for answers to KnockOuts looking great and suddenly dying. I dug two out recently, after a good spring bloom. What looked like frost damage was simply the first sign of die-off. Almost Eden gave me some brief Yoda-like insights. "Once that starts, it's over."

And he was correct. I pruned those two KO roses until they were completely KOed. The rest of them burst into new growth and bloom after a 50% prune.

Great Expectations Hosta.

Meanwhile - Hosta Garden Preparation
We now have the Hosta garden carpeted with cardboard - and some pine needles on the sunniest row with the Blueberries. Blueberries are more productive with acidic soil and that will not hurt the Hostas.

Two rows of Hostas took off right away, with plenty of rain and some soaker hose contributions.

I said NO! to wood mulch in the backyard. We are using whatever falls from trees, so we will be rewarded with free mulch in another month or so. The neighbors are so kind to put their leaves in green, recycling bags.

Mrs. I is still talking about me stopping in Midland to grab bags that seemed to be full of leaves, tossing them in the trunk, with LI and my wife cringing in the car. Is it more noble to buy something similar from Lowe's, Walmart? I think not.

 Blue Hawaii - one of 8,000 cultivars.

Faith | While it's yet day - What Does It Mean To Be a Christian?


Faith | While it's yet day:

"What does it mean when someone tells you they are a Christian? Just about anything. The word Christian has been stretched and redefined so many times that about the only message it conveys is that a person has some kind of belief about Jesus Christ.

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. (Acts 4:12)

You’ve probably heard someone with the best intentions say, “As long as you’re a good person, you’ll be fine in the end.” But is this doing good things enough? Can it make you right before God and undo all the wrong you know you’ve done even to this very day?"

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Sorry, Bruce Foster - 5,000 Views Today

Filling the Rain Buckets Again

Clethra  - or Summersweet - is blooming now and
attracting scores of beneficial insects.

I laughed when I saw rain-barrels on sale on Amazon. Only $100 without the connections. Fortunately, rain falls from the sky and drips off the roof. I gather the results in:

  1. Four large garbage cans, with lids used as birdbaths or toad pools.
  2. Five 5-gallon paint buckets - all clean.
  3. Two wastebaskets.
  4. One broken wheelbarrow.
The paint buckets are easily carried to the plants that need extra care. The large containers can be dipped with the paint buckets and the rainwater carried to dry areas. The broken wheelbarrow is stationary now, so I am using its wide area to catch the rain.

The irony is, my biggest supply of rain develops when I have the least need. Thanks to the recent sprinkling and the steady rain tonight, the containers are all filling up.

A few years after I was ordained in the LCA (1973),
Fuller's Church Growth was established in the LCMS, WELS, and ELS.
"Come to the WELS," they sang, where sewage is sold as Perrier water.
WELS-ELS and LCMS work with ELCA all the time.

Likewise, when America was filled with traditional congregations of all types, everyone took that for granted. As I have mentioned many times, every LCA congregation used the traditional liturgy, hymns, sermons, pipe organ, and choirs. Anyone showing up to preach in his gardening clothes would have been laughed out of the building. The sermons I heard then were Biblical, and that was true through my vicarage in the largest Lutheran church in Canada. My dogmatics professor, Otto Heick, wrote the book that WELS pastors used - which I often spotted decades later in book sales.

A drought is not felt when the rain is falling, and a drought of the Word is not a worry when everything seems so peaceful and prosperous. The new addition and picking the paint colors are a distraction from the subtle changes in the environment.

We have to commend Fuller Seminary and its model church, the late Crystal Cathedral, for mining the gold and silver of all the denominations and poisoning them all with unending supply of toxins. The Israelites spoiled the Egyptians and left, but Fuller Seminary conned everyone into donating millions to their snake oil empire - and the denominational suckers arrived in droves, and spread the faux-Gospel of marketing and statistics to everyone.

Many parallels can be found in gardening, because the same Creation principles are violated. Every gardening center has stacks of chemical fertilizer and containers of insecticide and weed killers. Some companies combine the two with short-term fertilizer and temporary weed killers. The man-made answer to poorly growing plants is more fertilizer. Weeds? No problem. Either use broad-leaf weed killer, which is especially effective on flowers and bushes, or RoundUp, which kills everything green.

Studying Creation by the Word is easy, because the data is constantly being produced by everyone. No matter what the interpretation, the facts must emerge. When we received tours of the Grand Canyon and Sedona, sea life fossilized at great heights was pointed out by the guides. One said in Sedona, "The ocean left those fossils up there 300 million years ago." I added - "Or the Flood." The Grand Canyon guide admitted that the old description of the Colorado River - carving out the wonder over millions of years - was hilariously off-key.

I grew up on the Mississippi River Valley. Where was our Grand Canyon, carved out by the river? Instead, we had a massive deposit of mud (loess) and vast amounts of coal, which has to come from gigantic piles of leafy matter, pressed down, reduced to carbon, but leaving their prints on the fuel. Thus I lived and walked above coal mines, with nearby towns called Coal Valley and Carbon Cliffs. No wonder we had a giant foundry in the area and a large industrial base. We had water and coal, plus topsoil many feet deep. Our topsoil came from centuries of prairie grass growing and dying or burning, buffalo herds fertilizing, and finally European earthworms tunneling.

My gardening gurus (Sharon Lovejoy, Almost Eden, Jessica Walliser) have me fascinated with the beneficial insects and their work. As Walliser has written, timing is everything. Events must happen at the right time for insects to be nurtured into the next generation and plants to be pollinated and protected. 

 Monarch Butterfly

This summer the Sunny Garden was left to raspberry plants, a tribe known for quickly establishing a jungle. This ever-bearing kind does not disappoint, except in producing tasty berries. They are insipid, tasteless. So next year we will dig them up and replace them with plants known to nurture Monarch caterpillars (Butterfly Weed) and other butterfly babies (parsley for Swallowtails). That area just bakes with solar heat, and the block wall absorbs the heat and reflects it back to the plants all night. 

For those who like butterflies, the key is having diversity in the plants where the eggs must be laid. Like the general crowd of beneficial insects, the babies eat baby food and the adults enjoy something else. Some of the most common plants, like Milkweed, feed the butterflies that people enjoy.

 Tiger Swallowtail

Reviewing the August 1, 2016 Issue of Christian News: Ralph Bohlmann RIP Issue. Reading CN So You Don't Have To.

 The late LCMS former Synod President, like Jack Preus,
had an earned PhD. 
  • Jack Preus became SP in 1969, with a lot of help from Christian News and Herman Otten.
  • Ralph Bohlmann, also supported by Otten, became president in 1981, voted out of office in 1992.
  • Al Barry became president, with a lot of secret help from Otten via Paul McCain, in 1992.
  • Barry died in office in 2001 and Jerry Kieschnick became president. His ironic help came from Otten attacking "conservative" candidates.
  • Matt Harrison was elected in 2010, after serenading Herman Otten in New Haven - "The Ballad of Herman Otten." McCain rejoiced in surprisingly unflattering photos at the Purple Palace. Harrison made it clear that McCain was being rewarded for doing another Al Barry operation.
I was most impressed with Jack Preus and his brother Robert. The brothers actually stood for something and willingly fought the battles, even if they were opportunists. The brothers Preus also had earned doctorates and used their credentials to advance Biblical and historical scholarship.

I am least impressed with Harrison, who could not manage to finish an in-house seminary doctorate but had time to spend life working with ELCA, as he continues to do today. His partnership with and protection of Paul McCain speaks volumes. Harrison's election proves that faux-Waltherians do well as chubby faux-Lutherans.

Jack Preus was the only SP to move the needle toward Lutheran doctrine. The rest of them ran toward Fuller Seminary with arms extended, tongues lolling, Other People's Money jingling in their pockets.

"Herman, don't tell anyone that I worked with you,
even though I bragged to that blabbermouth Jackson."

Visual proof that milk is very fattening,
Roman Catholic propaganda addicting.

Herman's son Tim once talked about all the SPs tugged through the rocky channel of LCMS politics by his father's tabloid. In each case - Preus, Bohlmann, Barry - contempt rather than gratitude was shown by the victor toward his enabler.

Paul McCain worked deceptively with Otten to send Barry materials early, so CN could feature them and make Barry a hero to displace the eeevul Bohlmann. But McCain did not tell Otten about his promotion from campaign manager/pastor to Purple Palace Plutocrat. No, I knew before Otten.

Gratitude Is Not a Fruit of Pietism
Pietism does not generate much gratitude, love, or cooperation. How could Pietism - while denigrating the Means of Grace, ignoring the efficacy of the Word?

I consider the universal shun a mark of Biblical orthodoxy. For example. Otten has a free copy of Thy Strong Word, but he has no space to mention it, no space for Lutheran doctrine.

The ELDONUTs were deeply offended - as Pietists should be - that someone donated Lutheran books at their conference. My books were ordered removed at once! They must be a good sign. Although they had the books for as long as eight months (draft form), they were still "not vetted." Oh how I long for the Imprimatur of His Holiness and the Nihil Obstat of his Torquemada.

At the latest LCMS-LCMS-ELS Emmaus Conference, no Martin Chemnitz Press books were allowed to be displayed. Previously, our man on the scene was not allowed to discuss - shhhh - Justification by Faith, the Chief Article, with anyone. That prepared the servile to listen to Jar Jar Webber present the ELCA dogma of UOJ, pretending it was Luther's rather than Rambach's.

Did Otten or his UOJ pal Jack Cascione thank me for exposing Paul McCaine's Roman Catholic plagiarism, ending Paul's blogging Reign of Error? No. Cascione just stopped linking all the saints notices that McCain posted as links to his stolen-without-credit blog posts.

Fall Bulbs - The Catalogs Are Arriving by the Hundredweight.

Daffodils are the national flower of Wales.
Mrs. Ichabod's boss loved seeing them on his desk.
We grew them in our lawn and mowed late.

A true bulb is actually a flower encased in food for the plant. Fall bulbs planted early will develop roots and send the stem upward, but break the surface only after a good winter and a spring thaw. Fall bulbs can  and should be planted early. When I got them late in New Ulm, Minnesota, I had to dig near the parsonage, where the soil was still soft from the heat in the basement.

Like roses, I have planted fall (akakhardy) bulbs almost everywhere we lived.

Someone was kind enough to plant Grape Hyacinths at our home in Springdale, the Ichabode. They bloom early, for a long time, flower and then go to seed, creating a patch of color here and there. They multiply, so they are a good choice for naturalizing.

Make a Big Bet on Bulbs
The only place to get fall and spring bulbs is Dutch Gardens. They are bigger and cost less than all others. That has been true for decades.


Sign up for their catalogs - works of art by themselves.

Like many gardening adventures, bulbs can inspire the hair-on-fire buy everything impulse. That will be coupled with remorse with all of them arrive at once. They have to be dug into the ground.

My suggestion is to make one big bet each year on favorite bulbs.

  1. Buy a large amount of one variety, one color. The mass of color is impressive.
  2. Or - buy two colors and group them accordingly.
  3. Plan for a layer of little bulbs planted above the big ones.

Daffodils are an easy choice. Critters do not eat them, so they are not dug up and replanted by tree squirrels and ground squirrels - as crocus are.

The layer above could be early tiny bulbs.  That would mean one larger hold about seven inches deep, a fair amount of soil to move, the big bulbs covered up, then the tiny bulbs in the top layer.

We did group bulb orders at several churches and got a bulb discount, which we took in bulbs to plant at the church.

Grape Hyacinths are not hyacinths
and often come in other colors.

My Modest Plan
I am going to buy some Grape Hyacynths, which are very inexpensive, long lasting, and good at multiplying.

Our helper will get some to plant with his two children. They are enjoying gardening and participating:

  • The maple tree seedling from our yard is now 10 feet tall in theirs.
  • The Purple Splash roses are in bloom all the time.
Purple Splash blooms all the time if prune.
Our helper's son prunes and mulches it.

"Let Us Battle about Synod Politics" - Says Satan

"I love synod politics -
they keep people from talking about sound doctrine."
Christian News may be an even bigger failure than the Church Growth Movement. Time will tell.

Larry Darby and I agreed about this issue 100% - When people play politics in their synod, they are playing the devil's games with the devil's rules. They cannot win.

Each Lutheran sect has unwritten rules about how to play the game. One thing they all know is this - never question Holy Mother Sect directly, because they will invite a severe counter-strike. That is just as true in ELCA as it is in WELS, Missouri, or the Little Sect on the Prairie.

I have not played that game

  • By being anonymous, or 
  • By following the rules of their Father Below. 
So one synod politician tells me I am nasty, then sends numerous emails about stuff I should post on this blog - but not with his name on it. Oh no.

But I do keep confidences, unlike the heroic synod politicians. There is no reason for the innocent to bear the wrath of felonious DPs, CPs, and wanna-B's.

The Intrepid Lutherans played that game in WELS. That got them silenced, scattered, kicked out, and almost completely silenced. Several of them joined ELDONA, where the imperious bishop-for-life has more unwritten rules and strictures than ELCA and Rome put together. 

Ralph Bohlmann was another creature of Christian News,
not a bad guy, just another opportunist.

Vote for the Right Man - Nope
The theme of Christian News has been a winner for Beezebub for 50 years. If the LCMS votes for the right man who wears the mantle of Walther, everything will be fine.

The politicians also have to court Otten. Once they no longer need him, they can fight with each other in public, which is good for the politicians. Everyone officially hates Christian News. If people knew how much the leaders handle the editor to spin their news and spike the stories on their crimes, subscriptions would be even lower.

Why don't the politicians court me and sing ballads written especially for me? Answer - I do not play their games. I keep changing the topic to doctrine and show with their own materials how far they have departed from the Christian Faith.

Additional proof comes from the crimes they cover up and excuse.

Naturally, they promote the worst clergy and punish the faithful. WELS' Mark Schroeder is a prime example.

But they are all following the template of CFW Walther, their guru, guide, and inspiration:
  1. Steal property whenever possible.
  2. Abuse women and children in the name of discipline.
  3. Teach universal absolution without compromise.
  4. Claim orthodoxy while teaching Pietism.
  5. Break the law and cover up the crimes.
Why does Justification by Faith make
Because they are closeted Universalists,
the unblessed fruit of Pietism.

Doctrine Judges Everything - Yes
Behold, here is the logic of your slavemasters, the synod politicians: "You cannot listen to him, because he is a terrible person. If you get information from him, you are just as bad as he is."

They glory in the personal attack, and never hesitate to make up whatever they want.

But only one thing judges everything else - 

The Chief Article of the Christian Religion - the Master and Prince - Justification by Faith.

Everything revolves around this central doctrine, which is why the Lutheran sects are so completely misled and corrupted by fads, enthusiasms, and pure hogwash.

The UOJ Stormtroopers came out against this blog like all the Plagues of Egypt. Knowing how they would hide their comments later, I featured them and replied to them. Almost nothing comes by email anymore, not even with my address posted conspicuously on the front page.

I continue to get positive responses from all over, but no one wants to prove UOJ to me. They are equally timid on the various fire-hydrants of the social media, where they used to leave their scent, often without an invitation or even being on the topic.

Tell Me - Why Does Christian News Join the Apostates in Banning Luther's Gospel?

There is only one possible answer to this question. The editor, like the Roman Empire, tolerates every confession of faith except the One True Faith.

He can keep up his circulation and please his multi-denominational base if he studiously avoids Justification by Faith. The only way Otten can teach the doctrine of the Scriptures - and the Reformation - is by repudiating the dogma of:
  1. Knapp
  2. Halle University
  3. Rambach
  4. Schleiermacher
  5. Bishop Martin Stephan, the founder of the Missouri Synod
  6. CFW Walther
  7. F. Pieper
  8. Edward Preuss, who became a famous Roman Catholic scholar and editor
  9. Jack Cascione
  10. JP Meyer
  11. ELCA
  12. Jar Jar Webber.

Popes come and go at Christian News,
but the papacy goes on forever.

Ski and Glende Turmoil - from 2009. The Late Tim Niedfelt Argued Against This Blog at First, But Realized How Empty His Paris Was. Niedfelt Joining St. John's Led WELS to Steal That Congregation and Its Endowment.


From Anonymouse: 

This has got to be a new low, even for you. You admit that you know nothing about this situation other than what you read in the St. Peter newsletter. As far as you know, this has absolutely nothing to do with the Core. Yet you print this story with your little photoshopped picture designed to make Pastor Glende and Ski look as ridiculous as you possibly can (What, you've never looked silly having a good time at a restaurant?) and hint that it has something to do with St. Peter's relationship with the Core. On the record: I have no Idea why Pastor Christenson asked for a call out of St. Peter AND YOU DON'T HAVE ANY IDEA EITHER! I really don't know how you can live with yourself or sleep at night.
"Lord, Lord, didn't I maintain a church on the internet and mercilessly mock those who weren't (in my opinion) orthodox enough?"
"I never knew you!"

Above is the original silly photo, posted by Bishop Katie herself on Twitter. Shame on Katie!
The threesome attended a pastoral conference on Mark Driscoll's home turf,
but no one owned up to being in Seattle for Driscoll.

GJ - Reading the tea leaves, I would say that the someone approved the departure of the new pastor after only a few months. The public record of Ron Ash and Tim Glende is clear - they are up to their necks in unionistic Church Growth. There is no possibility that the new pastor left because he was too growthy for that pair! Consider also the leaven of Ski and Katie, whose motto is: "No Enthusiast left behind." Another source confirmed that Glende and Ash are the cause, not the cure.

The Appleton Dumpling Gang is well fed.

This PhotoShop above was inspired by Glende's and Ski's lack of candor
about their trip to Seattle.

This cartoon made Wally Oelhaven furious,
but it sure fits The CORE, Ski, Glende, Kati, and Ron Ash.

Ron Ash retired as the pastor of St. Peter, Freedom,
He still chairs the odious Church and Chicanery faction in WELS.

Floyd Luther Stolzenburg introduced Church Growth to St. Paul, German Village,when Tim Glende was an impressionable teen member there. Kicked out of the LCMS for cause, Stolzenburg was divorced by his wife, but WELS made him an overpaid CG guru - then Kuske and Schumann endorsed him for pastoral work.The apple does not fall far from the tree, does it?
But sometimes we just end up with The CORE!

Anonymouse has left a new comment on your post "St. Peter Freedom (The CORE Mother-Church) Loses S...":

Pretty hypocritical that it's OK for Confessional Crusaders to post anonymously. As long as it promotes your skewed agenda, right PJ? What a freaking double standard.

Run on sentences? Well that's typical criticism from someone who is narrow minded (or should I say closed minded) and needs to retake reading and comprehension. So if there's no real substance to criticize, lets (sic) nit pick (sic - nitpick is one word) grammar. Give me a break. Get a life.

Mighty Mouse [Most likely Tim Felt-Needs] But he denies it.

Tim loves to use the term "Confessional Crusaders."



2016 Update - Tim's family lost their love for the popcorn and soda at Victory of the Lamb. He lost his life in a tragic accident where a truck slammed into his car.

Tim first made fun of Confessional Crusaders and had a graphic made. Later he said he had become one. We do not have enough laity like that today, I am sorry to say.

Mighty Mouse was from Appleton, probably another Tim...Glende.

The Appleton gang got on the blog every day with their Apple computers (which were easily detected by my software). Lillo did not have an Apple. The Core/Glende did.

I think Don Patterson got into it until I identified the source of some really hateful emails - his hometown.

Facebook friends

James Hastings Nichols - The Princeton Professor of Church History. Roland Bainton's Student, Widely Admired

James Hastings Nichols - History of Christianity - free copy:
Church Historian, Academic Dean, Princeton University
student of Roland Bainton.

We visited Princeton in 1972, in time to enjoy hurricane weather. The New Jersey town was beautiful enough to be a museum by itself, and the campus was very attractive from the outside. Many buildings had that dank, crumbling atmosphere that comes with the Ivy League.

I was directed to the office of James Hastings Nichols. A request for a great church history book reminded me of this. He was required reading in the field, the editor of the journal Church History, and the academic dean. He was very kindly, always assuming I would be accepted - Never "if you come here," but "When you come here..."

The Princeton staff was warm and welcoming, always bragging about professors who had Yale degrees. I thought, "Maybe I should start there." Strangely enough, I did.

Roland Bainton was on the divinity campus often and lectured for special occasions, the year we arrived in the Fall of 1972. In the 1980s he offered to xerox some pages from his book on Yale, to help me with my dissertation at Notre Dame.

Bainton was famous for the telling details in his books and lectures. While others bore us to death with enormous studies that never omit a single detail from their research, Bainton would offer a narrative that combined understanding with a picture. His study of 20 languages showed that learning a new language was no barrier to his research.

Nichols showed that narrative ability, mentioning in his textbook that the first slave ship to land in America was named Jesus.

George Hunsinger, Princeton, 
exposed the Marxist sympathies of Karl Barth.

Speaking of Princeton, one of their current professors is George Hunsinger, whom we met at Yale when he was a graduate student and his wife was at the Yale Medical Library - where I worked.

He was in our apartment, telling us stories about their experiences in Germany. He wrote a book that every admirer of Barth and Fuller Seminary should read.

Karl Barth and Radical Politics shows how the "red pastor of Safenwill" worked with the Communists to spread their propaganda.

I know Evangelicals who explode like the Fourth of July - or more appropriately, like Guy Fawkes Day - when I mention Barth's extreme apostasy and love for Marxism.

Barth is responsible for Fuller Seminary's abandonment of their inerrancy stance (which was pretty weak to begin with) and remains their official and beloved theologian.

Another study of Barth, buried in my library at the moment, describes his enormous insecurity at become a theology professor without any graduate study. His able-bodied mistress - Charlotte Kirschbaum - prepared the research for him and likely wrote most of his Dogmatics (as claimed by Frank Fiorenza, former president of the Barth Society, my professor at ND, now at Harvard).

But this is yet another important detail about Barth, which supports the idea of Kirschbaum writing most of his famous work (the fine print) with the professor writing only the outline (the large print).
Barth had graduate students and associates look over this drafts. Some added lengthy clarifications, which Barth simply copied into the final draft without attribution.

Fuller seems to have spawned a whole generation of plagiarizing apostates like Barth. WELS has made plagiarism a virtue, practiced with this motto - "Why re-invent the wheel?" They have group sermons they copy from a private server and steal Craig Groeschel material, slogans, and graphics without attribution, as shown by the Appleton Alcoholics.

Experimenting - Low Cost Gardening


Anyone can spend $35 on a plant or half as much - or almost nothing.

Knowing the variety is important, which is why gardeners often employ the official Latin name.

At first, all Bee Balm is just that. But Bee Balm fans will favor one kind or another and only shop for the favorite at a good price. I found the red Bee Balm fast spreading but floppy. In contrast, the purple Bee Balm formed a big clump and bloomed in one place, swarmed by bumblebees and emitting a Vicks Vapo-rub fragrance.

Direct Gardening told me I just had to buy Catmint- which is related to, but different from Catnip. The dreaded Catnip spreads like Bermuda grass and has a powerful root system.

Catmint is showier and better behaved than its cousin. The best one, I am told, is Walker's Low, which is actually rather tall and very bloomy. So I ordered a couple at $2. I can also buy Walker's Low today for:

  • $10.95
  • $11.95, or 
  • $29.95.
I'll take Catmint, Walker's Low for $2, from Direct Gardening.

Bee Balm also makes tea, as many mints do.
This Bergamot is my favorite, easy to grow and divide.

This is one reason for Bee Balm -
beneficial insect hosts are good for the whole garden.

These Bee Balms also make good hummingbird feeders.

Why These Mints?
I am wary about mints, because they are just as famous for being weedy as they are for attracting bees.

Creeping Charlie is often a visitor to lawns. It is another mint that easily multiplies by its stolons. I am trying to insert stoloniferous into my conversations. "Socialism is stoloniferous, like Creeping Charlie." 

I also need some short responses to Almost Eden's Yoda-like summaries. AE - "These are easy to grow, and they naturalize fast." GJ - "So they are stoloniferous?"

In general, plants with tiny flowers are attractive to the beneficial insects. Potent fragrances also help. A third quality is Extra Floral Nectar (EFN). Jessica Walliser writes quite a bit about EFN. These are extra ducts for high sugar nectar, having the effect of Coca Cola, providing an attractant and a boost, but leaving a hunger for a real meal, insects - the Quarter Pounders of the animal world.

EFN attracts beneficial insects for a snack. Ever have a Coke on an empty stomach? Next you want a sandwich and fries. The EFN brings in hummingbirds, which also need insects in their diet. Adult beneficial insects need nectar and pollen for themselves,  but they lay their eggs on or near pests.

When I cut roses for friends and place them in a vase, tiny insects hover around them, as if to say, "My babies are there. Take good care of them." I see Hover Flies (like little bees) and Ichneumon Wasps (micro-wasps) around the roses in the vase. 

When I water beneficial insect plants, a little cloud of tiny creatures lift up from their meals and work. The two Clethra bushes were loaded with beneficial insects when I watered them.

Borage (not a mint) constantly flowers and goes to seed.
One article said its very presence increases beneficial
insects all around it.

Spiritual Gifts
This Sunday's Epistle concerns spiritual gifts. The garden is quite similar to that passage. Each plant and creature has beneficial effects for the plants and creatures around it. The yard limited to grass and some bushes will never have the same diversity as one planned for the entire zoo.

Simply growing different plants for the enjoyment of their colors, fragrances, flowers, and fruits will attract everything. When I visit the large berm of soil at Almost Eden, I look over the plants that landed or grew from the soil. In the midst of all that greenery is a hum of insects and doubtless the lair of various animals. So much food, shelter, nesting materials can be found by this random but strangely harmonious growth. It also qualifies as a Beetle Berm, a raised area of ground, untilled and untended by man, that shelters and protects an army of beneficial beetles that will prey upon pests at night.

1 Corinthians 12 
Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.
Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led.
Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.
Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.
And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.
And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.
But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.
For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;
To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit;
10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:
11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.
12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.
13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.
14 For the body is not one member, but many.
15 If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?
16 And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?
17 If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling?
18 But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him.
19 And if they were all one member, where were the body?
20 But now are they many members, yet but one body.
21 And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you.
22 Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary:
23 And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness.
24 For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked.
25 That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another.
26 And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it.
27 Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.
28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.
29 Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles?
30 Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret?
31 But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way.

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are visited upon those who believe in the Creating Word - the Savior and Son of God, Jesus.

Paul had many gifts but they were not active in benefiting the Kingdom of God. Instead, he used them to persecute the Christian Church. God took the hardest material, Paul's personality, and used it to create the sharpest knife for dividing doctrine, the good from the bad.

Individual believers have spiritual gifts too. Some teach. Others preach. Some encourage the workers. Still others write or paint. God fills believers with energy (the Word at work) to accomplish things that glorify His Name. Those with the least that the world values are often the most productive for the Kingdom. They can be filled with Gospel energy in the hospital, in prison, in a nursing home, or on the doctrinal battlefields. 

John Bunyan wrote his best books in prison, in a room no bigger than a bedroom, but without the comforts. He converted his jailer to the Christian faith. His books were so popular that some were probably lost forever for being shared so often.

Just the Facts, Pastor Bruce Foster


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Mark and Avoid Jeske gets all the religions
together to spend their Thrivent loot.
WELS supported the United Nations years ago.

Everyone Should See the Movie "Hillary's America." by Dinesh D'Souza


The movie "Hillary's America" was written, produced, and narrated by Dinesh D'Souza, who was born in India and established himself here as a conservative writer.

The movie is well done and obviously polemical. The historian side of me wanted to add what the RINOs have done to create the same problems. The so-called Thomas Dewey wing of the GOP has been eager to go along with the worst Democrat socialistic solutions. The entire country is moving in that direction.

I blame both parties since we have not had a conservative president since Reagan left office in 1988. Neither Bush was even close. But the point of the movie is to prevent adding to the mistake of electing Obama by anointing Hillary Clinton.

A large part of the movie is devoted to the history of the Democrats, a party devoted to slavery. The Republicans loathed slavery and most Lutherans avoided the South because of the slavery issue. One exception was the Missouri Synod, since Bishop Martin Stephan was a Bohemian, and they owned slaves for the sugar trade.

CFW Walther saw naked slaves in the markets of St. Louis and defended slavery.

The Ku Klux Klan, a renegade Masonic Lodge, was designed to suppress Black influence in the South and to scare or kill the white Republicans. The Democrats were able to win the Civil War in a sense by driving Blacks out of office and also denying them Second Amendment rights. Condi Rice said her neighborhood's ownership of unregistered guns enabled them to defend themselves against white bigots who wanted to attack with their guns - but not with return fire.

D'Souza makes a good case for the welfare system and the urban Democrat political machines being a new version of the plantation system in the South. Blacks and foreigners are given a certain amount of help in return for their 100% (or higher) votes.

The welfare system is a racket, no different from the crime rackets that exist beside it. Organized crime and the political parties work together in brotherly harmony.

Planned Parenthood - Another Racket
Margaret Sanger developed Planned Parenthood to kill as many Black babies as possible. Her work was hailed by other advocates of "eugenics." She was invited to speak to the KKK, who approved of her message.

This has become an enormous and evil scheme where vast amounts of tax money are grabbed - ObamaCare dollars too - so Planned Parenthood can support the politicians who fund them.

Thrivent also supports Planned Parenthood, but the "pro-life" leaders of LCMS-WELS-ELS will not say anything to endanger the flow of loot to their headquarters, over $50 million to LCMS alone - each year.

Dinesh draws a clear parallel between the rackets of street criminals
and the rackets of politicians.

Hillary's Crimes
Some of Hillary's crimes are pointed out briefly. Each one would really require a separate movie.

When Bill Clinton was elected, I predicted the Bill and Hillary would inspire a bookstore full of books about their corruption. I predicted that to a lawyer-MBA-CPA at the time. In the middle of Bill Clinton's years, the lawyer kept saying, "Greg. How did you know?"

My answer was this, "I read about their work in Arkansas, such as White Water and the looting of the bank. Too many things were NOT said." The same was repeated many times over with Obama, whose past was erased, altered, and Photoshopped. Obama's collegiate Marxist was overlooked, just as his Indonesian citizenship was ignored. His mother took him to Seattle right after he was born. Why there? No answers. In fact, no one knew until well into his presidency.

Some Hillary crimes are:

  • Whitewater land schemes
  • Madison Bank
  • Tainted Arkansas prisoner blood sold to Canada
  • Rose Law Firm billing
  • Cattle futures
  • Mysterious deaths
  • Vince Foster's death not investigated properly, and 
  • Many more listed here.

The so-called Clinton Foundation is an even larger and more obvious racket, also supported and promoted by the Bush family.

There are many more insights in this film, such as the Founders claiming that government comes from the consent of the governed, not rights from the consent of the federal government.

The ending is a moving version of the Star Spangled Banner.

Everyone Should See This Film

People may take issue with some of the claims of the movie and spread the blame around more, as I certainly do.

We need to do more and not imagine a few politicians will change America by themselves, without the active support of a majority of the voters. We were better off when we had so many WWII and Koreans in the voting population, people who would show up for school meetings and city council meetings.

The Boomers are used to managing and being managed. Very little leadership is apparent. The clergy led the way into doctrinal apostasy and covering up crimes. Everything the Clintons did was thought up by WELS in Columbus, Ohio - and no one went to prison.

New Photos from the Creation Garden

Chaste Tree is loved by bees.

Blackberries spread like weeds and produce. No thorns - Triple Crown.

Butterfly Weed supports Monarch butterflies.
The pot with a hole on top is a convenient spider hole, attractive to insects.
Cethra has colorful flowers loved by beneficial bugs.

Cardboard is the bottom layer for the Hosta garden.
Blueberries mulched with pine needles are on the left.
Robins will eat elderberries, foreground, before they are ripe.
 Coneflowers make spikey seeds that birds love.
Before that, beneficial insects enjoy the flowers.

New Plantations Teach New Duties: Time Makes Ancient Good Uncouth. They Must Upward Still and Onward, Who Would Keep Abreast of Truth

Bee on buckwheat - pollinators will be our theme today.

New plantations teach new duties, time makes ancient good uncouth,
They must upward still and onward, who would keep abreast of truth.

Apologies to James Russell Lowell

Lowell's poem was written to protest the Mexican-American War and the expansion of slavery to the West, but only part of it became a hymn, often questioned as a hymnal selection - because of ambiguous messages.

So I changed one word to "plantations," because I was thinking about how new plant interests get us studying that particular group of plants.

Plantation is often used today for a place where people are slaves, but it is also used for large swaths of agricultural land where one crop is grown. Plantation makes my yard seem rather grand, no?

The goal is to have roses growing faster than the weeds.

Various Gardens - Front and Back
Now that I have worked the front and back gardens for several years, specific areas are well defined.

The front yard is almost all roses, but I am breaking up some of the rose growth to include a variety of plants that invite pollinators. More on that will be posted in a minute.

The north side of the house, once crawling with weeds, is now 100% Blackberry, with some of it making the 90 degree turn to be in front and behind the house. 

The entire Western half of the backyard is Wild Garden (shade) and will be more completely covered in cardboard and autumn leaves this year.

The former Three Sisters Garden (corn, beans, pumpkins) with too much shade is the Hosta Garden, covered with cardboard already and boasting a few Hostas, which fill in the empty spaces. The sunniest row is for Blueberries. Yes, I am still feeding birds and squirrels with my plants

The other garden area behind the house has Butterfly Bushes and some new favorites - Chaste Tree, 
Bee Balm, Clethra, Gooseberry, and Helianthus. 

The fence roses will be the farm team to fill in the front rose garden when spots open up. Reason? It is difficult to have roses in two places at once.

Pollinators - Butterflies, Bees, and Other Wee Creatures - Plus Hummingbirds
The sunniest place on the property is appropriated called the Sunny Garden, where tomatoes are currently roasting in the heat and sun they love so much.

One neighbor asked, "Tomatoes like sun?" Sigh. 

Tomatoes will still get a row, but that area will be the Butterfly Garden, now being taken over by Raspberries I planted. Raspberries soon multiply like Blackberries. I will dig up the Raspberries and put them in the back where they can compete with the others in the Wild Garden.

I agree with those who oppose the monoculture of grass, which supports a limited number of creatures but is easy to keep going. Mowing is enough, because grass likes mowing and weeds shrink to almost nothing with regular cutting. Regular care drops mulched grass into the soil, where the nitrogen compounds built up the sod and squeeze out the weeds. Infrequent cutting favors the weeds, especially the broad field weeds that occupy a lot of turf.

Plantations for butterflies will also attract the other pollinating creatures, so I am studying how to build up this area, keep it under control, and gather butterflies, bees, and beneficial insects.

Yesterday I passed some time in the bookstore reading about gardening for pollinators. The idea is that a class of plants will attract butterflies, bees, hummingbirds, and beneficial insects for several reasons. One is the pollen, and the other is the nectar. Magnets to insects will also attract hummingbirds.

Catmint is easier to grow than Lavender.
Let us hope it is not too easy!

Mints - My Three Kinds
Some plants come up often in this category. One example is - mints. But I also remember them as winner-take-all plants that are impossible to control. Catnip was a plant that I moved away from...gladly. Our helper has a mint that is so aggressive that he threatens to give me some. I reply, "I warned you, that will spread."

My three well-behaved mints are:

  1. Mountain Mint - attracting swarms of insects.
  2. Horse Mint - aka Bee Balm, attractive hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies.
  3. Catmint - a $2 pollinator plant, on order.
Once I got involved in Bee Balm, I learned to distinguish various types. I like the purple one, Monarda, but will ban the red one from the main gardens - too mintily aggressive.

I am getting to know Mountain Mint, which produces the tiny flowers loved by pollinators. I now have three Mountain Mints and one Bee Balm (purple) in the main rose garden. Diversity in planting helps deter insect pests by attracting and feeding the adult stage of beneficial insects.

Catmints looks promising in adding variety, color, and pollination power in the front.

I will write more about butterfly specific plants later, as I learn more.

Norma Boeckler's butterfly greeting card.

Twelve Lessons from the Garden Time Makes Ancient Truths Uncouth.Almost Eden Gardens and Nursery


I was thinking about a direct walk to Almost Eden Gardens and Nursery, but Sassy wanted to take the long route, down Joye, past the fire station, and through Almost Eden. Her plan gave her a rich and varied path to follow, which led ultimately to Opie and his staffmember, Almost Eden himself.

Today we talked about hawks, rabbits, and the cat Sassy decided to track. Her sense of smell is so compelling that she will follow a rabbit's track across a street, her nose almost on the pavement, and miss the rabbit four feet from her, laughing at my dog's skills.

One the way home, about 1/2 block, I thought about the supposed truths of agriculture made uncouth in recent years. Although I never joined the fads of chemical gardening, I have learned a lot, not only in the past, but also in the last three years.

If one rose bush pays for itself,
a few more mean a wealth to give away.
Become a rose millionaire, a benefactor.

Twelve Lessons Learned

  1. The US government has some of the worst ideas in agriculture. They promoted two of the worst plant pests ever introduced to America - the Kudzu Vine and the Chinese Multiflora Rose. Now the feds will fine farmers for planting what they once promoted as good.
  2. Chemical fertilizers, which I hardly ever bought, because of the cost, have no long-term value for the gardener and only harms the creatures that really built fertility over time.
  3. Though I learned at home that most insects were beneficial, lately I learned how to encourage their work and enjoy the benefits. See #4.
  4. Plant it and they will come - every plant has its own helpers, and quite a few creatures help themselves to the plant. Squirrels and slugs come to mind right away. But there are many counter-measures that show up to pare down the pest numbers.
  5. Roses delight everyone. There is no better investment than a few rose bushes - or a few dozen - for sharing. Hybrid tea roses are the best for vases, but floribunda roses can be impressive too.
  6. KnockOut roses grow like weeds but they are not "self-pruning" as the greedy, unscrupulous marketing people claim. Are they also self-watering? Given good care and constant pruning of spent blooms, red and pink KnockOuts are a great supplement for bouquets. Chopping my KO shrubs down by 30-50%, I have a new set of growth and beautiful blooms in the heat of summer. And I water.
  7.  Every plant has its day. All plants have a time-table for when they flourish, flower, and set seed. Weather variables will doom some and make others flourish. 
  8. Every pest has its day, too. The little brown, round beetles are gone. Now we have the tiny flying insects in our house. Outside, the pests are food for something, so let them feed the ones that enjoy digesting them. Spiders, beetles, wasps, and beneficial flies (Hover, Tachinid) are under-rated and ignored. Lady Beetles are good but not the superstars. Jessica Walliser is the beneficial insect guru.
  9. The power of seeds and bulbs to hold life and power through the soil should be enough to convince people of Creation. But the multiple chemical micro-factories in each cell, and their specialization as they mature - that is beyond comprehension.
  10. Fungi, baceria, protozoa and other microbes are the foundation of all soil life and fertility, as Jeff Lowenfels has shown. Queen Elizabeth's gardeners agree. 
  11. Studying and observation is one of the delights of gardening, as Sharon Lovejoy has shown in A Blessing of Toads.
  12. Sow abundantly, reap abundantly. The Creator had good reason for using living seed as the metaphor for the active, energetic Word of God. The more one plants and fails, yet plants again for spectacular and rewarding growth, the more one trusts Matthew 13's Parable of the Sower and the Seed.

Double Delight - no photo
compares to the rose itself.

Howling Winds, Darkness, Drenching Rain.

Mrs. Ichabod said, "You got the rain you wanted.
You should be happy."

Today I visited with Almost Eden about the storm that bypassed us to rain on Eureka Springs, not far from the famous Thorncrown Chapel. Almost Eden was watering his plants, skeptical about promises of rain. Yes, it felt like rain again, and it was cooler, but that does not mean much here. I continue to think that the mountains above and below us speed up the clouds that rush past, laden with rain.

Thorncrown Chapel

Barbra Streisand is a productive lavender rose.

I thought the stored rain was aging in the barrels, so I decided to spread it around favorite and needy plants. I am building up the Barbra Streisand rose for a friend who loves lavender roses. Daily doses of rain brought the rose back after looking a bit dry and tired from the torrid heat. Other roses along the fence also benefited. A few Japanese beetles enjoyed a couple of Mr. Lincoln roses, so I cut their lunch off.

Today I was laughing as I carried my buckets of rain to the roses, feeling like a peasant. I made sure the front yard and backyard containers were all emptied. I also watered the main rose garden completely. The wind kicked up and began howling. I put some additional weight on the cardboard covering the Hosta garden. I told our helper, "Nothing brings on a wind storm like fresh cardboard."

He said, "No kidding." I put the three seed containers (zinc garbage cans) on the cardboard, plus mulch bags and containers of newspapers. The cardboard held, so I put fresh seed in the feeders as rain began to follow the wind.

When I came inside, the sky darkened even more, and thunder boomed. Normally the rain drips off the roof, so the roof is a great collector of rain for the gardens. I went inside. This time we felt like we were behind a small waterfall, looking out.

I got the rain I wanted in about one hour, one to two inches, plus some light rain afterwards. Sassy and I had a cool afternoon walk later.

Japanese beetles spoil roses,
but we do not have many.

What have we learned today?

  • Rain is unpredictable, so it is good to store some and ladle it out, without giving the skeeters a home.
  • Rain is liquid fertilizer, the safest kind, benefiting plants and creatures at the same time.
  • Cardboard is a magnet for wind, so weigh down the cardboard layer of your future garden.

Cardboard keeps the weeds from bursting through the mulch later.

WELS LACE Money at Work - Propping Up The Largest (sic) Distinctly Lutheran Festival in North AmericaLuther Daze

WELS Ex-VP (Michigan District) is a leader of LACE.
They just gave $5,000 of your interest money to Natalie Pratt,
pictured below.

WELS members and pastors should follow the money, instead of sleeping through the next money scandal. LACE paid $5,000 to be a sponsor of this fiasco.

Luther Daze is a good description of WELS.

They finally filed the LLC papers (false advertising before), but they are NOT a non-profit group.
They cannot be an LLC and non-profit in Wisconsin.

Tell Me This Is NOT a Scheme To Get Ski Back to Appleton!


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at this Temple for Short-Attention Span

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