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Luther's Sermon on Spiritual Gifts



1 CORINTHIANS 12:1-11.

1. Now, concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant. 2 Ye know that when ye were Gentiles ye were led away unto those dumb idols, howsoever ye might be led. 3 Wherefore I make known unto you, that no man speaking in the Spirit of God saith, Jesus is anathema [accursed], and no man can say, Jesus is Lord, but in the Holy Spirit. 4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 And there are diversities of ministrations, and the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of workings, but the same God, who worketh all things in all. 7 But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit to profit withal. 8 For to one is given through the Spirit the word of wisdom; and to another the word of knowledge, according to the same Spirit: 9 to another faith, in the same Spirit; and to another gifts of healings, in the one Spirit; 10 and to another workings of miracles; and to another prophecy; and to another discernings of spirits: to another divers kinds of tongues; and to another the interpretation of tongues: but all these worketh the one and the same Spirit, dividing to each one severally even as he will.


1. This epistle selection treats of spiritual things, things which chiefly pertain to the office of the ministry and concern the Church authorities.

Paul instructs how those in office should employ their gifts for the benefit of one another and thus further the unity and advancement of the Churches. Inharmony is a deplorable offense in the case of Christians, putting them in the worst possible light, and making it impossible for them to steer clear of factions. Divisions are an offense to the world’s wisest and best, who cry out, “If the Christians’ doctrine were true, they would preserve unity among themselves, but as it is they envy and slander and devour one another.” For, though the world carries its own great beam in its eye, it cannot refrain from judging us for our mote, and thus exalting itself as if it were pure and beautiful.


2. Well, we cannot altogether prevent inharmony in the Church. Paul says ( 1 Corinthians 11:19), “For there must be also factions among you, that they that are approved may be made manifest among you.” Wherever the Word of God has a foothold, there the devil will be. By the agency of his factions he will always build his taverns and kitchens beside God’s house.

So he did at first, in Paradise. In the family of Adam he entrenched himself, establishing there his church. And such has been his practice ever since, and doubtless will ever be. He who takes offense at differences in the Church, who when he sees any inharmony at once concludes there is no Church there, will in the end miss both the Church and Christ. You will never find any congregation of such purity that all its members are unanimous on every point of belief and teaching and all live in perfect harmony.

3. Paul had experience in this matter in the case of the beautiful and famed Church at Corinth in Achaia, which he himself planted and where he taught two years. Soon after his departure they began to disagree about their preachers and to attach themselves to certain ones — some to Paul, some to Peter, some to Apollos. Though these had all taught correctly, though they had been unanimous in their doctrine, yet men would cleave to a certain one because he was more or differently gifted than the others, could speak better, or was more attractive in personal appearance. And among the ministers of the Church, if one had a special gift or office, he thought he ought to be a little better and a little greater than the others. Necessarily, from such division and inharmony, grew hatred, strife and jealousy, resulting in great injury and disorder to the Church.

4. We must, then, so far as possible, guard against this fatal evil, though we cannot altogether keep it out of the Church. Were we to offer no resistance at all, the devil would seize all authority and bring every element into discord. But when we resist Satan, God will continue to extend his grace and favor, and some fruit and improvement will follow. Even were it not possible for us to accomplish anything, yet as faithful ministers we must not keep silent if we would not be regarded indolent hirelings who flee when the wolf comes. See John 10:12.

5. Such is the tenor of this text from Paul. He begins by preaching on spiritual gifts and admonishing the Corinthians how to conduct themselves in respect to them. In proportion to the greatness and excellence of the gifts are flesh and blood inclined to discord and to coveting personal honor. Let one have a good understanding of the Scriptures and be able to explain them, or let him have the power to work miracles, and he will soon begin to have an extravagantly good opinion of himself, deeming himself worthy the honor of all men, desiring the multitude to follow only him, and positively refusing to regard anyone his equal. He will seek to create something new in doctrine, to change the old order, as if he could introduce something better than others, who must be infinitely below him or at least his inferiors.

6. The same thing has taken place in our day — and will continue to take place — with respect to the Gospel. But through the grace of God that Gospel is brought to light again, and rightly instructs and harmonizes the people. The devil, unable to rest, had to rouse his factious rabble, his selfish souls, who desired the name of being superior and inspired people, a people who could preach, write and explain the Scriptures better than others; for they had learned a little from us. They conceded that the Gospel had indeed made a beginning, had somewhat purified ecclesiastical doctrine, but claimed it had not gone far enough; it was necessary that greater improvement be made — Church doctrine must be brought to far greater perfection. But as Paul says ( 1 Corinthians 3:11), they could, with their doctrine, lay no other foundation, could preach no other Christ, than the Christ of the Gospel. Nevertheless, they pretended to teach something better and higher. They hindered and perverted the true doctrine. Their work could not be called building up the faith, but was rather breaking up and destroying its foundation and leading the people back into error and blindness. So Paul begins his admonition in these words: “Ye know that when ye were Gentiles ye were led away unto those dumb idols, howsoever ye might be led.”

7. Paul reminds the Corinthians of their manner of life before they became Christians, for he would have them pause to think that their gifts, past and present, are not of their own procuring, nor are any gifts bestowed upon them because of merit on their part. It is his intent to restrain them from pride in their gifts and from disputations concerning them; to keep them from divisions and from pretending to teach and introduce into the Church something new and better. But at the same time he deals a blow to those who take offense at inharmony among Christians.

8. “Recall, all of you,” Paul would say, “your manner of life before you came to Christ. What were you? Mere darkened heathen, having no knowledge of God but suffering yourselves blindly to be led by anyone who should say aught to you of God. All your devotion was but a discordant worship. Each one — even the child in the cradle, the infant at the mother’s breast — must find his own idol wherever he might turn.” St.

Augustine tells us that the city of Rome alone had more than four hundred gods, and that it erected a church for all the gods in the world, which building still stands — the Pantheon. “These superstitions,” Paul’s word imply, “you followed as you were led; you flocked after them, praying and sacrificing, hanging your hearts upon dumb idols which could not teach and advise you, could not comfort, relieve or help you. In return for your devotion you obtained only the privilege of being a blind, wretched, divided, miserable people, unable to fortify yourselves against any error, and allowing yourselves to be distracted by the advocate of any doctrine. You were like a flock of helpless sheep scattered by wolves.

9. “But now you have been turned from that manifold idolatry to the one true worship and have been enlightened by God’s Word. More than that, in Christ have been bestowed upon you great and glorious gifts — discerning of the Scriptures, diversities of tongues, power to work miracles — things impossible to the world. It is unmistakably evident that you embrace the true God, who does not, like dumb idols, leave you to wander in the error of your own speculations, uncounseled by the Word; a living God, who speaks to you that you may know what to expect from him, and works among you publicly and visibly. “Therefore, it is not for you to make divisions among yourselves after the manner of the heathen as you see in the great Babel confusion and divisions of the world, where no one agrees with another, where one runs to this his idol and another to that, each claiming superiority for his own. Knowing that you all embrace the one true God and his Word, you are to hold together in one faith and one mind, not disagreeing among yourselves as if you had a variety of gods, of faiths, of baptisms, spirits and salvations.”


10. Paul speaks with particular plainness to the faultfinding and insolent cavilers against Christians and to other factious leaders when he says, “Ye were led away unto those dumb idols, howsoever ye might be led.” This class peremptorily judge and criticise the life and doctrine of the Church because they see therein a measure of defects, and even some divisions and disagreements; notwithstanding the fact is plainly evident to them that the Church possesses the Word of God in purity, a knowledge of Christ, an illumined understanding of God’s will and his grace, and true comfort for all distress of conscience, and that, in addition to all these, the Holy Spirit manifestly operates with them. At the same time, these same uncalled-for and self-constituted critics would never have been able to say anything about the Christian religion had they not witnessed that religion in the little company of Christians who have the Word of God and the Spirit’s gifts.

11. These fault-finders were individuals who, undoubtedly to a greater extent than others, suffered themselves to be blindly led in whatever way was pointed out, and who gave credence to what was taught and preached to them concerning the way to serve God, yet who all the time were but worshipers of dumb idols, possessing not the Word of God and having no witness to the truth of their faith and their works. Each believed and followed the devices of his own imagination or the popular choice. No man was able to teach anything certain and steadfast, anything to give the heart satisfaction and perfect security. They continually changed from one thing to another, accepting every new thing presented as real worship and true doctrine.

12. And the world, ever from the beginning, has had naught but dumb idols in the countless forms of worship offered to the numerous gods — gods which never existed, but of which images were made and to which divine honors were shown. Worship has been rendered to the mere names of misfortune, disaster and disease, of all sorts; yes, to insects, and to garlic and onions even. Yet, in the practice of all this idolatry, supposed to be evidence of great holiness, each one sacrificing to the idol of his choice — in it all no one could have the assurance of being heard and answered by his god. Men had no word or sign of the divine will or work; they possessed naught but a vain dream and delusion of the human imagination; man devised and made his own idols.

13. And what did we under the papacy but walk blindly? We suffered ourselves to be led just as we were directed by the names of God and the saints. I was myself a pious monk and priest, holding mass daily, wherein I worshipped St. Barbara, St. Anna, St. Christopher and others — more saints than the calendar mentions, some of whom no one knew anything about. I had no knowledge of Christ, I knew not why I should find comfort in him nor what I should expect of him. I was as much afraid of him as of the devil himself, regarding him more a stern Judge than a Savior. How many shameful pilgrimages were made to dead idols of wood and stone, images of Mary and of the saints! How many were the pilgrimages to the graves of the dead, and to bones called “holy relics”! These relics were mere open deception, devised by shameless impostors; yet such worship was established by popes and bishops, and indulgences granted therefor.

14. How many new saints, new brotherhoods, new psalms to Mary, and new rosaries and crowns did the monks daily invent! In fact, everything each individual monk might dream of had to be a special form of worship, and no one inquired whether or not it was at all authorized by God’s Word. When we had done all, we were uncertain that we had pleased God.

What was this sort of worship but a worship of dumb idols in the place of the living God — idols which could not talk with us and could not give any definite information or comfort, but left the people fettered and ruined with eternal doubts?


15. But Christians, as Paul says, have not a dead and dumb god, for which the Lord be praised! Nor will we countenance such idols. We have a living, speaking God, who gives us his infallible Word. We know how he is disposed toward us and what we may expect from him; namely: through faith in Christ we have forgiveness of sins and are his beloved children; and as evidence of acceptance with God, we have baptism and the Holy Supper, the office and gifts of the Holy Spirit, by which he works in our hearts. We know that in the faith of Christ our works and lives are pleasing to God, and that he will hear and help when in our distress and weakness we cry unto him.

16. Where this confidence obtains, where hearts enjoy such faith, there will be unity in the Church; for verily no one then will allow himself to be led into the manifold doctrines of insensible idols. But dissensions, sects and divisions are sure signs that the true doctrine is either ignored or misunderstood, men thus being left in a condition to be “tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine,” as Paul says (Eph 4, 14); which is indisputably the case with these same schismatics who condemn the Church and her doctrines because of some discordant ones.

The schismatics show by their very instability that they do not embrace the true, uniform and established doctrine, nor can exhibit any substitute for it.

They refuse to see that in cases where the Christian doctrine does not obtain, there is only blindness, distraction and confusion, and warring factions and sects, none agreeing with another, each claiming to be better than the other. Numerous have been the sects of monks, and of saints of the Pope and his god the devil, no two of which agreed. Each class regarded its own whims and speculations, and claimed to be holier than the others. The Pope, however, gave validity to them all, granting great indulgence to these factious fraternities. And I am not saying anything of other discords in the papacy — among the monasteries and in the parishes, and between these and the cloisters everywhere, perpetual quarreling, rioting and bitter contention. Such is inevitably the case when righteousness and divine worship are made to consist in external selfdevised works and forms, for then each individual, pleased with his own ideas, thinks his way right; under such circumstances, there can never be unanimity of opinion as to what is right and the best.

17. “From these numerous sources of disunion and idolatry,” Paul would say to the Corinthians, “you are now delivered. You know you embrace the real Word of God, the true faith. You worship one God, one Lord, and enjoy the same grace, the same Spirit, the same salvation. You need not seek other forms and ceremonies as essential to salvation — wearing a white or a gray cowl, refraining from this or that food, forbearing to touch certain things. No diversity of external service, of persons, offices and conditions, destroys the unity in Christ. “But take heed to continue in unity, to hold fast to it.

Unquestionably, you should be made wiser by the experience you have had with error; in the future you ought to be prudent, and watchful against being allured from the unity of this settled mind and true faith into your former blindness again. But so it will certainly befall you if you forget such grace and seek your own honor and praise more than the doctrine of the Holy Spirit and his gifts, and come to despise one another and to conduct yourselves as if you had many and not the same God, the same Christ, the same Spirit. God’s gifts cannot be different from, but must be one with his nature, and hence he cannot give to one a better Gospel or a different baptism from that given another.”

In short, Paul teaches there must be unity in Christ, otherwise we have no Christ, no God and Holy Spirit, no grace nor salvation; as the next verse emphasizes. “Wherefore I make known unto you that no man speaking in the Spirit of God saith, Jesus is anathema [calleth Jesus accursed]; and no man can say, Jesus is Lord, but in the Holy Spirit.”

18. “Why make divisions and differences,” Paul inquires, “in the doctrine and faith of the Church, which rests wholly upon the one Christ? In him you are to be one if you are Christians at all; you must harmoniously praise him, according to your individual gifts. No one can possibly possess the Holy Spirit if he does not regard Christ as the Lord, much less if he call him accursed. Destroy the foundation and you destroy all; there will be no God, no Spirit, and all your claims, teaching and works are naught. You must recognize and be governed by the fact that either Christ must be received and believed in as the one true Lord, and praised and glorified as such, or else he will be cursed; between these alternatives is no medium.”


It is easy, then, to judge the doctrine of every official teacher of the Christian Church. No one need resort to faction, no one need gaze hither and thither in uncertainty and hesitate as to which gift or which person is most to be regarded. We are to make the doctrine of this verse the standard and authority as to what and how we preach concerning Christ.

He who speaks by inspiration of the Holy Spirit certainly will not curse Christ; he will glorify and praise him. So doing, he surely will not teach error, or give occasion for divisions. If his teaching is not to the glory of God, you may safely conclude that he is not true, not inspired by the Holy Spirit.

19. Thus Paul rejects the glorying and boasting of the sects over their offices and gifts — they who pretend to be filled with the Spirit and to teach the people correctly, and who make out that Paul and other teachers are of no consequence. Themselves the chief of apostles, the people must hear them and accept their baptism. More than that, they demand a higher attainment in the Spirit for Gospel ministers, deeming faith, the Sacrament and the outward office not sufficient.

But Paul says: “Boast as you will about the great measure of the Spirit you possess, it is certain that the Spirit-inspired teacher will not curse Christ.”

In other words, such boasting of the Spirit will not answer the purpose.

What you believe and teach concerning Christ must receive attention. You are either reproaching and cursing Jesus, or praising him and owning him your Lord. If your preaching and teaching fail to point to Christ, something else being offered, and you nevertheless boast of the Spirit, you are already judged: the spirit you boast is not the Holy Spirit, not the true Spirit, but a false one. To it we are not to listen. Rather we are to condemn it to the abyss of hell, as Paul declares ( Galatians 1:8), saying: “But though we, or an angel from heaven, should preach unto you any Gospel other than that which we preached unto you, let him be anathema.”

20. When Paul here speaks of calling Jesus accursed, he does not only have reference to openly blaspheming or cursing Christ’s name or person after the manner of heathen and of ungodly Jews; with them Paul has nothing to do here, nor are the Corinthians supposed to be of that character. Paul refers rather to the Christian who, though boasting of the Holy Spirit, does not preach Christ as the ground of our salvation as he should, but, neglecting this truth, points the soul away to something else, pretending that this substitute is of the Holy Spirit and is something better and more essential than the common doctrine of the Gospel.

All such teachers are in reality simply guilty of condemning, reproaching and cursing Christ, though themselves bearing and boasting that name. To slight Christ’s Word and ministry, and exalt in their stead other things as mediums for obtaining the Holy Spirit and eternal life, or at least as being equally efficacious and essential — what is this but scorning Christ and making him of no consequence? Indeed, according to Hebrews 6:6 and 10:29, it is crucifying the Son of God afresh, and treading under foot his blood.

21. Christ himself explains the office and ministry of the Holy Spirit — what he is to teach in the Church — saying ( John 15:26), “He shall bear witness of me.” Again ( John 16:14): “He shall glorify me: for he shall take of mine, and shall declare it unto you.” The tongue of a minister of Christ — the language he employs — must be of that simplicity which preaches naught but Christ. If he is to testify of the Savior and glorify him, he cannot present other things whereby Christ would be ignored and robbed of his glory. He who does so, certainly is not inspired by the Holy Spirit, even though he possess great gifts and be called a teacher, a bishop, a pope, a council, an apostle even — yes, an angel from heaven. There were among the Corinthians some who thus neglected to preach only Christ, and presented instead the apostles, making choice of them — one Cephas, another Apollos and a third Paul.

And just so our monks have done. They have in a way highly extolled Jesus, have in words honored and worshiped his name and used it to clothe all their lying nonsense and idolatry. For instance, they exalt Mary as the mother of Jesus and Anna as his grandmother. But they have thus torn men’s hearts away from Christ, turning over to Mary and the saints the honor due him alone, and teaching the people to invoke these as mediators and intercessors having power to protect us in the hour of death. This is substituting dumb idols for Christ. No saint has ever taught such things; still less does the Word of God enjoin them. Thus the monks really curse and insult Christ.

22. The Pope, throughout his whole administration, has been guilty of such insult to Christ, notwithstanding his boast that his kingdom represents the Christian Church, that he truly possesses the Holy Spirit and that his decrees and ordinances must be respected. Nothing can dissuade the Papists from their practice. They ever boast of being led by the Spirit, yet their vaunting is mere malediction, not only of Christ in person, but of his Word and his sacraments. For they openly condemn, and denounce as heresy, the doctrine of the Gospel, which Gospel assures us that to Christ alone we owe the unmerited forgiveness of our sins; they condemn also the use of the sacraments according to Christ’s command and institution. And they destroy the people who thus offend them.

The fact is, the Pope has in our doctrine nothing to curse but Jesus Christ, its foundation and principle, expressed by his Word and sacraments. The same is true of other factions — the Anabaptists and similar sects. What else do they but slander baptism and the Lord’s Supper when they pretend that the external Word and outward sacraments do not benefit the soul, that the Spirit alone can do that? But in these matters you have Paul’s sure word of judgment to strengthen your faith. You may be assured that the factions of the Pope and other sects are not, as they boast, the Church of Christ, but accursed schisms of the devil. The true Church, the righteous bride of Christ, certainly will not curse him nor persecute his Word. Let no one be moved by hearing men loudly boast about Christ after the manner of the false apostles who called themselves disciples of the true apostles of Jesus, and claimed that certain of their number had even seen Christ in person. The Savior himself warns us against this class when he says ( Matthew 25:5,24), “Many shall come in my name.. and shall show wonders”; and ( Matthew 7:21), “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.”


23. Paul has the same thought here when he says, “No man can say, Jesus is Lord, but in the Holy Spirit.” To call Jesus “Lord” is to confess one’s self his servant and to seek his honor alone; to act as his messenger or the bearer of his Word and command. Paul’s reference here is chiefly to the office representative of Christ and bearing his Word. Where the office answers these conditions and points to Christ as the Lord, it is truly the message of the Holy Spirit, even though the occupant of the office does not in his own person possess the Spirit; the office itself is essentially the Holy Spirit. Hypocrisy and invention have no place here. One must proceed in sincerity if he would be certain he is Christ’s minister, or apostle, and really handles his Word. Only the inspiration of the Holy Spirit can give one this assurance.

24. All Christians — each in his own work or sphere — equally may call Christ “Lord.” One may be assured he serves Christ if he can call him “Lord,” for only by the Holy Spirit is he enabled to do that. Let him try for a single day — from morning until evening — whether or no he can truly say at all times that he is the servant of God and of Christ in what he does.

When delivering a sermon or listening to one, when baptizing a child or bringing a child to baptism, when pursuing your daily home duties, ask yourself if the act is attended by such faith that you can, without misgiving and not hypocritically nor mechanically, boast — and if necessary die by your word — that you serve and please Christ therein. This is calling Christ “Lord.” Unquestionably you will often feel your heart doubting and trembling over the matter.

25. In the papacy we were altogether hindered from feeling thus confident — yes, frightened from it by accursed scepticism. No one could — no one dared — say, “I know I am a servant, a bondsman, of Christ, and that my conduct pleases him.” Flesh and blood are too weak to obtain this glorious confidence; the Holy Spirit is essential. Reason and our own hearts cry out in protest: “Alas, I am far too evil and unworthy! How could I be proud and presumptuous enough to boast myself the servant of the Lord Jesus Christ? I might if I were as holy as St. Peter, St. Paul and others.”

26. I used often to wonder that St. Ambrose was so bold as, in his letters, to call himself a servant of Jesus Christ. I supposed we all ought to be terrified at thoughts of this kind, and that none but the apostles might boast of such honor. But the fact is, we must all say to Christ: “Thou art my Lord and I am thy servant; for I believe on thee and aspire to be with thee and all the faithful and to possess thy Word and Sacrament.” Otherwise Christ will not acknowledge us.


It is written ( Matthew 4:10) — indeed, it is the first commandment — “Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.”

There Christ requires of us, under the penalty of forfeiting eternal life, to honor him as our Lord and so to regulate our lives that we shall know we serve him. Peter also teaches ( 1 Peter 4:11) that all the Christian’s words and deeds should be regarded not as his own, but as God’s. The word and the act are to be of the ability which God gives, that in it all God may be glorified. Of necessity this condition can obtain only through the Holy Spirit.

27. In this point — the glorification of Christ — do the true Christians distinguish themselves from false Christians, hypocrites and factious spirits, who likewise triumphantly boast of the Spirit and of their divine office. But the vanity of their boasting is evident from the fact that they do not hold to the doctrine that glorifies Christ, but preach that which leads to other evils and deceives; yes, which condemns and persecutes the right doctrine and the true faith of Christ. Further evidence of the emptiness of their boasting is apparent in the fact that they have no conscious testimony that they serve Christ, nor can their followers give assurance on the same point. You have here the clear sentence of Paul declaring this class devoid of the Holy Spirit and thus separated from the true Church and from Christians. He exhorts us to be on our guard against them, and would bring Christians together in one faith and under one Lord and Spirit. Now he teaches how to employ rightly the manifold gifts of a united Church for the general benefit of its members. “Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.”

28. “In former time, when you were heathen, you followed many kinds of idolatrous worship, many doctrines and spirits; but it was only a divided religion, and representative of blindness and error. Now, however, you possess various beautiful divine gifts and offices. These are mutually related and all emanate, not from man’s reason or faculties, but from the one true God. They are his work — the expression of his power.

Notwithstanding the dissimilarity of gifts, offices and works, of a certain order in one and otherwise in another, many and few, great and small, weak and strong — notwithstanding all, we are not to divide the Spirit, God and faith; we are not to create factions, exalting this individual or that one solely because of his gifts, and despising others. All gifts are direct from one God, one Lord, one Spirit, and to serve the same purpose — to bring men to the knowledge of the one God and to build up the Church in the unity of faith. Therefore, you are united in the one doctrine, your object being to serve God and the Church in a harmonious way.” This verse is briefly the substance of all that follows in the text.


29. Paul presents three different points: “Diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit ;” “diversities of administrations, and the same Lord;” “diversities of workings, but the same God.” Unquestionably, Paul touches the article of faith concerning the Trinity, or three persons in the Divine Essence, and shows that both Christ and the Holy Spirit are true God and yet different in person from the Father and from each other. He teaches the same elsewhere ( 1 Corinthians 8:5-6), saying: “For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or on earth; as there are gods many, and lords many; yet to us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we unto him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and we through him.”

30. In the text before us, the apostle likewise distinguishes the three — one God, one Lord, one Spirit. He assigns to each the particular operation whereby he manifests himself. One is God the Father, and from him as the origin and first person emanates all power. Another is the Lord, Christ the Son of God, who as the head of the Church appoints all offices. The third is the Spirit, who produces and dispenses all gifts in the Church. Yet all three are of one divine, almighty and eternal essence. They are of the same name, and are truly one since God must be an indivisible essence.

To each individual is attributed only the characteristics of the Divine Majesty. As he who is the source of all operative power in the Church and in the entire creation is true God; so also must the Lord who appoints all offices, and the Spirit who confers all gifts, be true God. No creature is able to impart spiritual offices and gifts; that is impossible to any but God.

These three — God, Lord and Spirit — are not Gods of unlike nature, but one in divine essence. The Lord is no other God than God the Father; and the Spirit is none other than God and the Lord. But more on this topic elsewhere.


31. The names and nature of the spiritual gifts, the apostle here specifies.

He names wisdom, knowledge, prophecy, power to discern spirits, capacity to speak with tongues and to interpret, extraordinary gifts of faith, and power to work miracles. “The word of wisdom” is the doctrine which teaches a knowledge of God, revealing his will, counsel and design. It embraces every article of belief and justification. The world knows nothing of this loftiest, most exalted gift of the Spirit.


The “word of knowledge” also teaches of the outward life and interests of the Christian: how we are to conduct ourselves toward all others, making a profitable use of the Gospel doctrine according as necessity of time and person demands; it teaches us the wisest course toward the weak and the strong, the timid and the obstinate.


The gift of prophecy is the ability to rightly interpret and explain the Scriptures, and powerfully to reveal therefrom the doctrine of faith and the overthrow of false doctrine. The gift of prophecy includes, further, the ability to employ the Scriptures for admonition and reproof, for imparting strength and comfort, by pointing out, on the one hand, the certainty of future indignation, vengeance and punishment for the unbelieving and disobedient, and on the other hand presenting divine aid and reward to godly believers. Thus did the prophets with the Word of God, both the Law and the promises.


32. Paul is making mention of gifts not common to all. Only to certain ones are they given, and the gifts in themselves are unlike. “To another faith,” he says, “to another workings of miracles, and to another prophecy.” In “faith” here the reference is not to ordinary faith in Christ which brings justification before God and forgiveness of sin; such faith is essentially the property of every Christian, even if they do not possess the particular gifts here enumerated. Paul is speaking of a particular virtue or power of the Spirit operating in the Church, whereby certain ones can effect great and glorious things by reason of their remarkable and confident courage; as instanced in Paul’s words later on ( 1 Corinthians 13:2), “If I have all faith, so as to remove mountains.”

To work such wonders, a very strong and sure faith is certainly necessary.

An unwavering, vigorous, courageous faith may accomplish a special work in the name and power of Christ although the worker may not himself be truly repentant nor possess the right kind of faith to secure forgiveness of sins and grace in Christ. He may be a hypocrite, a false saint. Christ says ( Matthew 7:22), “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy by thy name, and by thy name cast out demons, and by thy name do many mighty works?” It is true that such gifts are exercised, such works performed, in the name of Christ, and that the gifts are granted to none but individuals in the Church of Christ, and yet the possessor may not be altogether righteous, may even be a false Christian. For the effects wrought do not emanate from the individual but from the office he represents, being the operation of the Spirit given in behalf of the Church.

Thus, as occupants of the office and by virtue of the Church, these persons perform many and great works, benefiting not themselves but others.

33. Paul says of all these, “There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit,” by way of admonishing us against creating sects. The Spirit is equally effective through him whose gifts are few and less significant and through him of remarkable gifts. And as with gifts, so it is with workings and ministrations.



34. The term “workings,” or operations, has reference to remarkable works of God wrought through certain individuals in an exceptional way. For instance, he grants to Paul a ministerial office of unusual influence: Paul is permitted to convert more souls than other apostles, to perform more wonders and accomplish more. He says himself ( 1 Corinthians 15:10) that by the grace of God he labored more abundantly than all.



35. The meaning of “administrations” is easily apparent. Office is an ordained and essential feature of every government. It represents various duties imposed and commanded by sovereign authority. It may have reference to the duties enjoined upon a society collectively, in the service of others. There are various offices in the Church; for instance, one individual is an apostle, another an evangelist, another a teacher, as Paul mentions in Ephesians 4:11. And as he says in 1 Corinthians 14:26 and also hints in this text, the office of one is to read the Scriptures in different languages, of another to interpret and explain. So it was ordained in the Church at that time, and similarly today are ordained certain offices — of pastors, preachers, deacons or priests, their duties being to hear confessions, to administer the Sacrament, and so on.

36. Not every Christian is obliged, nor is able, to execute such duties; only upon certain ones are they enjoined. “Administrations” differ from what Paul terms “workings” and gifts. There have ever been many Christians who, though possessing the Holy Spirit, were not “administrators;” for instance, virgins and wives — Agnes Anastasia and others — and martyrs, many of whom wrought miracles and had other gifts. True, both gifts and workings are imparted chiefly for the execution of Christian duties. It is essential here, especially in the superior office of preaching, that the occupant be peculiarly qualified for the place. The preacher must be able to understand and explain the Scriptures and be familiar with the languages. It is necessary to the effectiveness of his labors that he be accompanied by God’s operative power. Thus the three — gifts, workings, administrations are harmonious features of one divine government in the Church; Christ is the Lord, who regulates and maintains the offices, while God works and the Holy Spirit bestows his gifts.


37. As we said, offices are many and varied, even as one gift is greater than another, an apostle, for instance, is superior to a teacher or expounder, while the office of a baptizer is inferior to that of a preacher. Yet notwithstanding, we are to remember, Paul says, that all are ordained of the same Lord, and the occupant of a superior office is not to consider himself any better by reason of his position and to despise others. He must bear in mind that all serve the same Lord, the least as well as the greatest, and consequently the holder of the inferior office is not necessarily inferior with his Lord, nor the executor of the higher office greater with him. Christ is ever Lord of all; one belongs as much to his realm as another. Therefore he will have no divisions and sects over this point; rather he wills that such diversity of gifts and offices be promotive of unity.

38. When I preach and you listen, we are not exercising the same gift and office, yet you as truly serve Christ by listening as I by preaching. If you preach, explain the Scriptures, baptize, comfort or aught else, through you works the same Christ who works through another. All is wrought in obedience to the order of him who commands me to hear his Word as well as to preach to you, and to exercise the same faith and Spirit with you.

Thus all alike praise the one Lord. You say, “The Word I hear is the true Word of God,” and I as a preacher prove and declare the very same thing.

When I baptize, administer the Sacrament or absolve, and you accept my administrations, we are both engaged in the service of the same Lord and harmoniously execute his command. You and I, however, so far as office and gifts are considered, may be of different capacities.

39. A peculiarity of the Christian profession, and the chief point of distinction between Christians and the heathen, is their recognition of the fact that workings, offices and gifts are of God, Christ the Lord and the Holy Spirit. The world does not perceive this truth, though it, too, enjoys the gifts of God. For God remembers all his creatures, though, like swine that enter the trough on all fours with no thought but of eating and rooting therein, not even lifting their eyes, they cannot raise their thoughts to the source of all their good and have not a thought as to whom they should thank for it. He who is not a Christian comes before God in an insensible and beastly attitude. The world is but a pen of animals indifferent to the kingdom of God and with no idea of gratitude for his rich beneficence, his gifts for body and soul. The worldly seek only their husks and their troughs. To these they cleave like fattening swine intended for slaughter.

Jeremiah ( Jeremiah 12:3) says concerning the ungodly, who with great satisfaction persecute the righteous: “Pull them out like sheep for the slaughter, and prepare them for the day of slaughter.”

40. God gives the ungodly mighty kingdoms, riches, lands and houses, making them to enjoy greatness and abundance. But when the swine are fed and fat, the question of bacon and sausage introduces a struggle. A slaughterer — a sausage-maker — appears, perchance, to slaughter the swine in their sty; one comes desolating the country, overthrowing the kingdom, destroying people and all; for, desiring to be but swine, the people must be destroyed like swine. Even though the world have personal knowledge of such punishment, it continues its course so long as possible — until the slaughterer comes. Swine remain swine; they are capable of standing ever unmoved by their trough, one perfectly indifferent if another be struck dead before its eyes. Christians Recognize the Divine Source of Their Gifts.

41. Christians, however, though obliged to live among swine and to be at times trampled under foot and rooted about, have nevertheless surpassing glory; for they can look up and intelligently behold their Lord and his gifts.

They are not of the pen of swine intended only for slaughter; they know themselves children of God, adorned by him with gifts and graces not merely temporal. They are conscious that, having given them body and life — for these they realize are not of their own obtaining — he will also supply their further needs, providing for them forever.

42. Christians are able to recognize even God’s least blessing as most precious, as truly excellent; not only because it comes from him, but because of its inherent value. No one who recognizes even temporal blessings would give an eye, or a less important member of the body, to redeem the riches of the entire world. How much loftier and more precious to the Christian are the spiritual gifts concerning which Paul here speaks — gifts bestowed as means unto salvation! The baptizing of a child or the absolution of a penitent makes no great show, but were the office viewed in the true light, the bestowed treasure rightly appreciated, all the officers, authority and riches of kings and emperors would be nothing at all in comparison.

43. Regarding the baptizer — who may be a woman even — and the baptized, we certainly can see nothing wonderful. The humanity in the case does not effect any great work; the work is wrought by him who is God, Lord and Spirit. It is he who gives to the office power and greatness above that of all emperors, kings and lords, however inferior the instrumentality — the occupants of the sacred offices. By these ministrations souls are won from the devil, snatched out of hell and transformed into saints blessed forever. Person and office may be apparently inferior, but the office is of God and God is no inferior being. His greatness cannot be equaled by a hundred thousand worlds. He accomplishes things incomprehensible to the world and impossible to angels. The combined efforts of all creation could not produce baptism. Were the world to unite in baptizing an infant, the infant would receive no good therefrom unless God the Lord commanded the deed. Let the Sultan be many thousands of times more powerful than at present and he could not, with all his riches, his dominion and peoples, free himself or any other from the power of the least sin. He could not effectively pronounce the absolution, “God has forgiven you your sins.”

For the Sultan has neither gift, office nor work; indeed, he knows nothing about them. They belong to God alone, though human mouths and hands are instrumental therein.

44. Note why Paul boasts of the fact that God bestows such great blessings. It is that Christians may discern them and thank him; and that such discernment may lead them to serve one another in humility, with mutual faith and love, each one learning to praise God fervently wherever he beholds God’s gifts and offices operative in the Church, and to esteem them as he would esteem God himself. For, unquestionably, none would possess office and gifts had not God ordained and bestowed them.

45. How we have exalted our own nonsense — pilgrimages, cloisters, cords, cowls, running to the dead in the wilderness and so on! But to what purpose? What benefit have we derived therefrom, notwithstanding we walked until our feet were bleeding, and watched and fasted and tormented ourselves to death? Such a life, it is true, may be called holy, divine, yet it is not at all the gift, the work, the office, of God. No God, no Lord, no Spirit, is in that practice. God has nowhere commanded such a life. We have devised it and may reward and help ourselves for so doing. We cannot boast his authority for it nor find divine comfort therein.

But the discerning Christian can with satisfaction boast on this wise: “My baptism or my absolution is not of my own devising or ordaining, nor of another man’s. It is of Christ my Lord. For here is his command ordaining the office: ‘Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.’ Matthew 28:19. Upon authority of the office, work and gift here presented, I can boast and be strong in faith against the devil and all the gates of hell; otherwise I cannot withstand Satan for one moment. He would not be afraid of me and my works though I should be able to boast of having lived seventy years as a member of a holy order, serving God every day and hour, praying, fasting, and so on.”

46. The devil hurls both person and work, as he finds them, into the abyss of hell. If he ask you where God has commanded such works as yours, you have no answer. But let him hear you boast in the confident faith God’s command inspires: “I have received from Christ my Lord baptism and absolution; of this I am certain, and what I do is done at his command and by his power” — let him hear that and he is forced immediately to leave you. He must flee, not from your person or works, but from Christ’s office and gifts found with you.

47. Paul presents these thoughts to teach us what we Christians have from God in the three forms, blessings superior to those enjoyed by all others in the world. The apostle would have us be grateful for these things and make use of them in a spirit of Christian love. He desires that the possessor of gifts devote them to the service of others. He teaches we are to honor God in the gifts another possesses; that we are highly to esteem them, remembering they are not of man’s production, not wrought of man’s ability or skill, but are the offices, gifts and works of God. They are not the inferior and trivial things they seem to the world because making no show and noise. God does not give unredeemable coin or empty shells and mere husks. His gifts and works in his Church must effect inexpressible results, taking souls from the jaws of the devil and translating them into eternal life and glory.

The Tenth Sunday after Trinity, 2016. 1 Corinthians 12:1-11. Spirit and Word - Spiritual Gifts


The Tenth Sunday after Trinity, 2016

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

The Hymn # 376                                      Rock of Ages
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual       
The Gospel              
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed             p. 22
The Sermon Hymn #657                            Beautiful Savior

Spirit and Word - Spiritual Gifts

The Communion Hymn # 246                     Holy, Holy, Holy                     
The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn #649                                  Jesus Savior Pilot Me

KJV 1 Corinthians 12:1 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant. 2 Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led. 3 Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. 4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. 7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. 8 For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; 9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; 10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: 11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.

KJV Luke 19:41 And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it, 42 Saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes. 43 For the days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side, 44 And shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another; because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation. 45 And he went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold therein, and them that bought; 46 Saying unto them, It is written, My house is the house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of thieves. 47 And he taught daily in the temple. But the chief priests and the scribes and the chief of the people sought to destroy him, 48 And could not find what they might do: for all the people were very attentive to hear him.

Tenth Sunday After Trinity

Almighty and everlasting God, who by Thy Holy Ghost hast revealed unto us the gospel of Thy Son, Jesus Christ: We beseech Thee so to quicken our hearts that we may sincerely receive Thy word, and not make light of it, or hear it without fruit, as did Thy people, the unbelieving Jews, but that we may fear Thee and daily grow in faith in Thy mercy, and finally obtain eternal salvation, through Thy Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one true God, world without end. Amen.

Spirit and Word - Spiritual Gifts

KJV 1 Corinthians 12:1 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.

This is part of a long section about the work of the Holy Spirit. The word "concerning" means the Corinthians asked them about the topic because of all the uproar in the congregation about that topic. In modern business letters in America, people often used "re" with a subject to answer a specific topic. So anyone looking at a classic business letter, all by itself, would see that as a clue that someone raised a question. "Re: Basement flooded, records destroyed"

Therefore, these chapters are especially important, supplementing and building upon Jesus farewell sermon in the Fourth Gospel, which deals with the work of the Spirit.

Unlike an encyclopedia or Wikipedia, we do not have entire sections devoted to one topic in the Bible. Instead, we draw from the entire Bible to obtain a balanced treatment of any given topic. False teachers isolate a phrase, a verse, a title, and make that their entire teaching.

Paul instructs how those in office should employ their gifts for the benefit of one another and thus further the unity and advancement of the Churches. Inharmony is a deplorable offense in the case of Christians, putting them in the worst possible light, and making it impossible for them to steer clear of factions. Divisions are an offense to the world’s wisest and best, who cry out, “If the Christians’ doctrine were true, they would preserve unity among themselves, but as it is they envy and slander and devour one another.” For, though the world carries its own great beam in its eye, it cannot refrain from judging us for our mote, and thus exalting itself as if it were pure and beautiful.

"There must be factions among you" 1 Corinthians 11:19 - that is the scariest verse in the Bible for bureaucrats. They would like a NOT inserted there, perhaps a neat edit for the Newest NIV to attempt.

The reason why is good to remember. "To prove or test what is good and make that the norm" instead of tolerating an infestation of false doctrine.

The various Lutheran groups, from ELCA down to the CLC and the ELDONUTs, have marched down the well worn path of the mainline denominations, using each departure to solidify control at the top and invent "new insights" which are really quite old, musty with time.

They do not allow discussion, so they put a tight bandage around it and turn it into an anaerobic infection, no oxygen, which is really the worst kind.

Corinth was a case study in factions.

3. Paul had experience in this matter in the case of the beautiful and famed Church at Corinth in Achaia, which he himself planted and where he taught two years. Soon after his departure they began to disagree about their preachers and to attach themselves to certain ones — some to Paul, some to Peter, some to Apollos. Though these had all taught correctly, though they had been unanimous in their doctrine, yet men would cleave to a certain one because he was more or differently gifted than the others, could speak better, or was more attractive in personal appearance. And among the ministers of the Church, if one had a special gift or office, he thought he ought to be a little better and a little greater than the others. Necessarily, from such division and inharmony, grew hatred, strife and jealousy, resulting in great injury and disorder to the Church.

2 Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led. 3 Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. 

This clearly indicates that some were so "spirit-filled" that they could say anything they wanted, even curses, and that these people looked down on those who merely confessed Jesus as Lord. They had the gifts of the Spirit mixed up. There is also a reminded that they came from idol worship, which certain included ecstatic worship, uttering nonsense to show off their frenzy. In fact, that is a mild description of some pagan rites, which are being reproduced now in occult and Satanic rituals.

God's Word uses clashes to settle disputes about doctrine and to create a godly harmony where chaos ruled before. This has been seen throughout the history of the Church and remains true today, although it is hardly even attempted now. There is such a love of dominance that dictatorial attitudes are used, servile attitudes are taught, to maintain a false harmony that breeds destruction.

Most grocery stores have reminders about keeping the good fresh by rotating them. But in the rice and grain section, it says, "Rotate to avoid infestation." That is because little flour fly will take over the store if it is allowed to mate and lay 300 eggs at a time. They come in with flour and grain, but they live on anything organic, even dried up leaves in the bottom of a vase.

Disputes are like these flour and grain pests, coming in softly but multiplying their damage. Open discussion separates the good flour from the wormy flour, so people are not stuck with infested teaching.

4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all.

Now our country suffers from the wrong kind of diversity - diversity of morality, diversity of values, etc. Many have observed in academics that one slip of the tongue will get someone hated out of the university for saying the wrong thing once. And the wrong thing is always changing. Ditto the visible church bodies.

Jealousy is the root of many conflicts - the fact that some envy the gifts of others and want equality by bringing them down. In Corinth, the ecstatic speakers were looking down on the others because they had a better gift, in their own minds. Paul takes apart this argument in several chapters, not forbidding tongues but making that subordinate to sound teaching. When all the instructions are followed, tongues diminish almost to silence.

But the issue is not one thing as much as the mutual conflict and the ways in which people seize upon excuses for conflict. "I follow Paul." or "I belong to Apollo." or "I am a Jesus person." That sounds a little funny, but that goes on today, where people create a conflict that does not exist. "I worship Jesus, not Luther." I have heard that one in many synods, all of them inspired by Pietism. That is naturally a straw man argument because the issue is not worshiping Luther but agreement about Biblical doctrine.

Luther's sermons are not based on Ephraim-Rescriptus or Aquinas, or Augustine, but the Biblical verses themselves, their context in the entire Bible. Starting with any given human expert is bound to lead to conflict and confusion, as Lutherans prove today. They agree more about Fuller Seminary than about the Bible, and Fuller gets its wisdom from Peter Drucker and a South Korean embezzler.

Faith and confession of faith only come from the Gospel in the Word of God. So when we speak of the Spirit, it is always (properly speaking) the Word. Or when we speak of the work of God's Word, that is always the Holy Spirit at work. Anyone who knows and believes this, based on Isaiah 55:8ff and many other passages, is a true Pentecostal, because he never separates the two.

Anyone who has insights apart from the Spirit/Word is an Enthusiast, whether he is a Muslim or a Calvinist, because all false doctrine comes from this separation of Spirit and Word. 

Trinitarian Phrases: The Same, The Same, The Same
As I showed in the book on the Trinity, the Bible is full of Trinitarian phrases, where God is invoked or describe three ways. Here is an obvious case, where the work of the Word/Spirit is described three times using "the same." 

This is also a way to preserve the three-ness of the One God as well as the unity of the Three Persons. I can walk to a church nearby with only one Person, the Holy Spirit. One can only guess how many other distortions are taught.

7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.

Every believer is given spiritual gifts by the work of the Spirit in the Word. This itself is a great blessing for the Gospel and a manifestation of God at work. Some glorify God in music. Others in art. Others in writing. Still others in their witness and service. Nothing is a starring role except that the Spirit at work in the Word is always the star, the energy, the guiding impulse.

Each and every believer as the truth, the wisdom of all ages, at his finger-tips, in the Scriptures. God has given every person the insights to understand and grasp the truths that have bedeviled the great and wise for thousands of years. If anything is consistent in human history, it is the quest for truth, for purpose, for the meaning of life. And many wonder about or fear eternal life, whatever that might mean.

The answers are in the Bible. Laity who study the Word know the truths of the Bible better than the clergy, who are anchored to their denominations and brain-washed to some extent (it varies) by their teachers or heroes. "How could Professor Dunkel be wrong? He is my uncle!"

Laity who cling to falsehood are either trained in the synodical system or unduly attached to a given teacher other than the Word of God. 

I pay attention to what people say or write, and they give their authorities away but their expressions.

8 For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; 9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; 10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues:

God gives some a burning desire to pursue one vocation and also the ability to do so. God even places people in a position where they can use those gifts to glorify Him more than anyone could imagine or plan or dream about. 

Paul is saying that the differences do not make one better than the rest, but all share in the energy and power of the Word.

6. The same thing has taken place in our day — and will continue to take place — with respect to the Gospel. But through the grace of God that Gospel is brought to light again, and rightly instructs and harmonizes the people. The devil, unable to rest, had to rouse his factious rabble, his selfish souls, who desired the name of being superior and inspired people, a people who could preach, write and explain the Scriptures better than others; for they had learned a little from us. They conceded that the Gospel had indeed made a beginning, had somewhat purified ecclesiastical doctrine, but claimed it had not gone far enough; it was necessary that greater improvement be made — Church doctrine must be brought to far greater perfection. But as Paul says ( 1 Corinthians 3:11), they could, with their doctrine, lay no other foundation, could preach no other Christ, than the Christ of the Gospel. Nevertheless, they pretended to teach something better and higher. They hindered and perverted the true doctrine. Their work could not be called building up the faith, but was rather breaking up and destroying its foundation and leading the people back into error and blindness. So Paul begins his admonition in these words: “Ye know that when ye were Gentiles ye were led away unto those dumb idols, howsoever ye might be led.”

Those who pursue error wake up the secure and peaceful to defend the truth by exploring the Word and faithful teachers.

11 But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will.

35. The meaning of “administrations” is easily apparent. Office is an ordained and essential feature of every government. It represents various duties imposed and commanded by sovereign authority. It may have reference to the duties enjoined upon a society collectively, in the service of others. There are various offices in the Church; for instance, one individual is an apostle, another an evangelist, another a teacher, as Paul mentions in Ephesians 4:11. And as he says in 1 Corinthians 14:26 and also hints in this text, the office of one is to read the Scriptures in different languages, of another to interpret and explain. So it was ordained in the Church at that time, and similarly today are ordained certain offices — of pastors, preachers, deacons or priests, their duties being to hear confessions, to administer the Sacrament, and so on.

36. Not every Christian is obliged, nor is able, to execute such duties; only upon certain ones are they enjoined. “Administrations” differ from what Paul terms “workings” and gifts. There have ever been many Christians who, though possessing the Holy Spirit, were not “administrators;” for instance, virgins and wives — Agnes Anastasia and others — and martyrs, many of whom wrought miracles and had other gifts. True, both gifts and workings are imparted chiefly for the execution of Christian duties. It is essential here, especially in the superior office of preaching, that the occupant be peculiarly qualified for the place. The preacher must be able to understand and explain the Scriptures and be familiar with the languages. It is necessary to the effectiveness of his labors that he be accompanied by God’s operative power. Thus the three — gifts, workings, administrations are harmonious features of one divine government in the Church; Christ is the Lord, who regulates and maintains the offices, while God works and the Holy Spirit bestows his gifts.

Luther has a great analogy in his sermon. The world is like a big pigpen, where all the animals are rooting for their food and not at all mindful of where it comes from. Nor do they give any thanks for it. They simply grunt and grab what they want. Sheep are no better.

But Christians look to their Creator in thanksgiving for everything. The Spirit creates  this faith in the Gospel and sustains and builds it through the Means of Grace.

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Strange Reasoning from the ELDONUTs - Bishops Must Rule

CFW Walther did not call himself bishop or wear a mitre,
but he was the boss of everything and really coveted property.
Walther stole Bishop Stephan's property in Perryville,
then talked Stephan's son out of the other property in that town.
That involved fraud and theft with the first piece of land,
coveting and deception with the second one.
"We should fear and love God that we may not craftily seek to get our neighbor's inheritance or house, and obtain it by a show of [justice and] right, etc.,
but help and be of service to him in keeping it."
Ninth Commandment, Small Catechism.
Walther also talked Loehe out of the Ft. Wayne seminary property,
asking that Loehe also keep sending gifts for the school.

  • Bishop-for-Life James Heiser has church property owned by the LCMS, from 19922 until 2004, when they left with the real estate.
  • Baptist Trained Kent Heimbigner has an enormous church from the LCMS. Its "history"begins in 2009, when they left the LCMS and took the property. The LCMS started the church in 1975.
  • Pastor Paul Rydecki has a large property from the WELS, which began the parish in 1987. Many left the parish over UOJ and the remainder joined ELDONA in 2012.
Apart obtaining these properties by leaving the synod that bought and built them, these men did not buy or build anything. ELDONA has almost no real estate of its own.

Pastor Josh Sullivan went on YouTube to defend Episcopal government.

As I wrote before, the priests of ELDONA are mostly from the Ft. Wayne LCMS seminary, which remains a champion of Universal Objective Justification. This practical seminary was created for those with inadequate preparation for the ministry and light requirements in Greek and Hebrew.

Jay Webber also studied at Ft. Wayne but was not approved for LCMS ordination, so Robert Preus got him into the ELS. Ft. Wayne has been a nest of Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman fanaticism, more EO than Rome, it seems. However, Robert Preus wrote Justification and Rome to combat the Romanism he saw around him.

Ft. Wayne graduates bullies who feel insecure about their inadequate training and long to be as pompous and threatening as their hero David Scaer.

Ft. Wayne is the School of Peacocks,
strutting around in their majesty peacock robes,
but betraying themselves with their harsh and raucous voices.

Thus ELDONA is populated by MDiv graduates who wish to teach the entire world while lacking the academic requirements for the teaching office, which the Reformation insisted upon. For Chemnitz to be a bishop, a real doctorate was required - and he earned the degree.

More importantly, the Lutheran Reformation made its points always from the Scriptures, starting and ending there with occasional references to the early Church Fathers. If one looks at the Church Fathers set of books, they are enormous in volume, enough to let anyone pick a topic and find support for it.

Church government is lightly treated in the New Testament, and the term we translate as bishop really means "supervisor," not Prince of the Church.

The video above, by ELDONA priest Josh Sullivan, shows how they defend their Episcopal governance by starting with St. Ignatius. That may answer the question: "Why is their seminary with one student (a son-in-law) named St. Ignatius?"

Father Sullivan acknowledges that the St. Ignatius model is man-made, but he gives it two thumbs up. His division of church government into three categories is debatable too, but that is another matter.

St. Ignatius said it, and I believe it! But why? From Ignatius, Sullivan works back to the Pauline Epistles, but there are few bricks and mortar to build up what man creates with that one title - supervisor. Epi-skopos - to look over, a supervisor, not one who rules over and dictates to others.

From St. Paul, Sullivan leaps to the Reformation and Melanchthon. at least distinguishing the Preaching Office from man's model for governance.

Another annoyance from the Synodical Conference veterans is the Roman style emphasis on the "Holy Office of the Ministry" while preaching against the Chief Article, Justification by Faith. ELDONA existed for a long time before discovering and defending the Chief Article. They were happy to be in fellowship with the Rolf Preus Synod, with or without Rolf. Nowhere is UOJ more concentrated than the Rolf Preus Synod, perhaps even more than in ELCA.

This video is rather lame in promoting Bishop-for-Life Heiser's desire to be another control-freak bishop. Everyone must agree with Bishop Heiser, even the details of worship and the robes they wear. The ELDONUTs deny this and yet also admit it.

Like all false teachers, Heiser sent himself. He wanted to be a bishop after the thrill of working with Bishop-for-Life Randy DeJaynes in the short-lived - in fellowship with ELS/WELS - Lutheran Confessional (sic) Synod.

Heiser later gathered pastors who submitted to his episcopal hobby first, and then had himself appointed to the office he sought for years.

I have no problem with the title bishop, but I do with the pretensions, whether they come from District Presidents, their fawning Circuit Pastors, or some other title.

I still agree with the 19th century Lutheran sociologist J. H. W. Stuckenberg. He taught that power was not taken but given. That is apparent in all the bullying and threats accepted in Lutheran bodies today, from the largest to the dinkiest. Congregations can call any qualified man they want, but they are told which ones they really can call - or which one. One LCA bishop would not give a congregation a pastor until they called him. They voted him down, so he refused to give them anyone else. They finally surrendered their power. He wanted to be in his daughter's congregation. That was Lotz in Ontario. Thus with controlling the call they control all the congregations through the servile pastors.

Likewise, only ELDONA pastors are members of ELDONA. The congregations are not. If they have any kind of ELDONA meeting, no one can attend except certified, homogenized, pasteurized ELDONUT priests.
ELDONA studied and worshiped with the UOJ Rolf Preus Synod,
a group which openly denied the Chief Article. They will be welcomed back
into the fetid bosom of the ELS, thanks to Jay Webber.

That is one spooky photo rendition of Bishop-for-Life James Heiser,
one He picked Himself.

Jessica Walliser's List of Plants That Support Beneficial Insects


From Jessical Walliser's blog post:

  • Achillea millefolium – yarrow
  • Ammi majus – laceflower
  • Anethum graveolens – dill
  • Angelica species – angelica
  • Baccharis species – baccharis
  • Boltonia asteroides – boltonia
  • Coreopsis species – tickseed
  • Cosmos bipinnatus – cosmos
  • Eriogonum species – native buckwheat
  • Eupatorium perfoliatum – common boneset
  • Helianthus annuus – sunflower
  • Leucanthemum x superbum – shasta daisy
  • Labularia maritima – sweet alyssum
  • Phacelia tanacetifolia – lacy phacelia
  • Pycnanthemum species – mountain mint
  • Ratibida pinnata – praire coneflower
  • Rudbeckia species – black-eyed Susans
  • Solidago species – goldenrod
  • Spirea alba – meadowsweet
  • Symphyotrichum species – hardy aster
  • Veronicastrum virginicum – Culver’s root
  • Zizia aurea – golden Alexanders
  • Zizia aptera – heartleaf Alexanders
In addition to planting these plants, always allow your garden to stand through the winter months so beneficial insects have a place to overwinter. Check out this post for more reasons why you shouldn’t clean up your garden in the fall.
Toads do no like poisons either,
but they love to eat insects and slugs.

GJ - Only 1% of all insect species are considered pests. The remaining 99% are neutral or beneficial. If we use insecticide in the garden, we knock out everything, including the spiders - but the pests come back quickly enough.

Harry Butte - the Tachinid Fly
lays eggs that produce aphid eating maggots.

Avoiding the Monoculture with Interplanting - Mints and Borage


I posted the Jessica Walliser list of flowers that host beneficial insects,

When a lot of roses are planted, some will fail to come out of dormancy and others will die later. I have had empty spots from roses never leafing out, from Rose Rosette disease (where weird growth signals the disorder), and from sudden death in KnockOut roses.

In each case, the loss means a hole in the garden and in the soil. I fill holes with composted cow manure or mushroom compost. Both will help clay soil mix with the organic material, thanks to soil creatures always at work.

I have two farm teams in the back, the fence roses and the last free ones that came to replace the ones that never grew. However, I am going to use the openings to plant more beneficial plants - mints and borage.

Borage is an easy beneficial insect plant. Bees love it, so the plant is also called Bee Bread. The herb drops seed and keeps starting new plants. Last summer, when I bought a huge packet of Borage, I had the plant all along Mrs. Wright's fence and also just off the front patio, where Mrs. I could pick the flowers every day - they taste a bit like cucumbers. The point of beneficial insect plants is to attract a whole series of good insects, and borage is definitely a game-changer.

Three Well-Behaved Mints: Mountain Mint, Horse Mint, and Catmint
Mints are known for taking over, and caution is urged when planting certain kinds, such as planting them in the soil in pots, to contain the invasive growth. Or just leaving the pots on top of the ground.

But some mints are clumping rather than stoloniferous (invasive underground through their stolons, like grass and violets). Bamboo can be clumping or stoloniferous - but I suggest using bamboo only for a small, well placed forest.

I like the well-behaved mints because they flower easily and attract many beneficial insects, including butterflies.

Mountain Mint attracted this butterfly.

Bee Balm is also called Horse Mint.
This variety is called Monarda and makes
a big, clumping clump.

Catmint is a substitute for Lavender,
but Almost Eden said,
"I like Lavender."
Their plant is 25 years old.

The Guys Who Are Leading the Views Again - Ski and Glende, Jeske and Patterson. From 2009

Ski posted this photo of MariQueen in his Facebook photo albums.
It is still there if you follow the link.
Update - after a long interval, photos disappeared from public view -
Ski and Glende.

Glende still features this photo with Katy Perry, age 25, on the
home page of his Facebook account.
She is famous for Ur So Gay and I Kissed a Girl.
The Glende-Ski supervisors should look up the videos and lyrics to these masterpieces, especially since much is made of her growing up Christian and singing Gospel.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WELS - The CORE - Features Movies for Advent":

Where do those pictures of Pastors Ski and Glende come from?

I believe Mariqueen Maandig is married to Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails. So it's not like she's hitting on him. Still, Google her and you find plenty of pictures of her in various states of undress, and even naked. I can't say that having her pose for a picture with him would be wrong. But why would he want such a picture? Moreover, if he meets a celebrity and she agrees to pose, why would it be one that feigns intimacy? And perhaps most perplexing, why would he then make it public? It shows a lack of judgment so profound that that, in itself, would seem to disqualify him from ministry. It's disrespectful to Mrs. Ski. And it raises the question of what a pastor does to strive to be "beyond reproach." [GJ - 2 Corinthians 6:3 Giving no offence in any thing, that the ministry be not blamed]


GJ - I mentioned before that many of these WELS people are techno-dolts. Pastor Tim has now locked down his photo albums and other information, but he still features the photo (above) on his main page. Ski has not privatized his photos (as of this writing). The photo above is found among his photo albums.

I am always finding these Changers bragging about themselves on the Net, for everyone to see, and subsequently erasing the evidence or hiding it when people get linked to it.

Dom Perignon Patterson is listed as a Facebook friend among all the Changers I found. The same names keep cropping up. Patterson and Jeske are on all those lists. Jeske's information is open, but good luck with Patterson. You will get a copy of Obama's birth certificate before you see anything about Don. I guess the safari and fishing photos were painful experiences for him when published elsewhere. I was told he had another free vicar this year, but the vicar is not even listed on the church website. Nor is SP-in-Exile Gurgle, who was hired for pay by skimming the salaries of the staff.

Long ago, my grade school teacher admonished us not to go around writing on walls or in textbooks. She said, "Fools' names and fools' faces are often found in public places."

Ski's reputation in A-town is for posting all his celeb photos in his office and bragging about them. He even does that with people who come in for spiritual counseling.

Ski and Glende represent the Peter Pan segment in WELS, the pastors who never want to grow up. They often come from the athletes, the same ones who would not get the position as Second Water Boy in a big school. At a tiny school they can be varsity. There are mature, Lutheran pastors in WELS.

Someone wrote that SP Schroder has to act, but I ask, "Where are the Fox Valley pastors?" Some belong to the same Reformed cult as Ski and Glende, but there must be some Lutherans there, some grown-ups. And where are the Fox Valley laity?

Rainbow is the WELS mascot.


Try to deny it now, Kudu Don Patterson.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Fools' Names and Fools' Faces Often Appear in Publ...":

Your take on Dom Patterson is right on. He is a Changer to the Core but has recently tried to hide his affiliation as he is being exposed. Patterson's Reason for Hope is a replica of Mark Jeske's Time of Grace. Dom is also under the tutelage and direction of Gurgle.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Fools' Names and Fools' Faces Often Appear in Publ...":

I opened Ski's Facebook profile from your link. Did you notice that under his "Interested in" the only thing he has listed is "Women." Did someone hack his site and post that? I can't imagine a pastor posting something like that. If it's his, I would think his ministry is done.

People keep harping that it's Pres. Schroeder's job to discipline Ski. It isn't. It's his circuit pastor's job first. Who is his circuit pastor?


Joe Krohn questioned the infallible Kudu Don Patterson
and wondered about the huge fees wasted on fund-raising,
another Church and Change tie-in.

LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "Fools' Names and Fools' Faces Often Appear in Publ...":

"...who was hired for pay by skimming the salaries of the staff."

This remark is so far off the mark, I just needed to call attention to it. It shows what a buffoon you are.

"Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your take on Dom Patterson is right on. He is a Changer to the Core but has recently tried to hide his affiliation as he is being exposed. Patterson's Reason for Hope is a replica of Mark Jeske's Time of Grace. Dom is also under the tutelage and direction of Gurgle.

December 18, 2009 5:04 PM"

Only someone who gets their info from this sheistblog (sic! - no such word) would say something like this.


GJ - My informant says that staff salaries were reduced to pay for Gurgle's invented position. Patterson wanted two positions funded and "only" got his free vicar.

I am not sure what German word LutherRocks was attempting. Ichabodians, do you accept official denials to come from someone who knows not that he knows not German?

Don Patterson on his friends list? Ya think?


Best Comment of the Month!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Fools' Names and Fools' Faces Often Appear in Publ...":

Please! What is going on here? Isn't it o.k. to post a picture with your wife and her arm lovingly wrapped around your belly? There is nothing wrong with you showing your wife, family, kids, or niece, who loves you and shows it. I would have a little talk with my daughter if she dressed so provocatively though and my wife for that matter. But other than that, I think it's o.k.

Perhaps this could also just be a very loving congregation. "Greet each other with a heavenly kiss." Doesn't the Bible say that?


GJ - There are pictures of Ski with his wife, on Facebook, but they do not steam up the camera lens. Those photos have been shut down, along with the babe shot. Here is a boat picture of the family. And there are others, too.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Fools' Names and Fools' Faces Often Appear in Publ...":

Is he going to post more pictures with hookers? Why is he spending time with these x-rated females? What about setting a good role model? This female is not even a celebrity and is married to a man who doesn't even believe in God. He writes hateful songs about God.

[GJ - The rest is deleted, for obvious reasons. We don't need links to porn stars.]


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Fools' Names and Fools' Faces Often Appear in Publ...":

The author of this blog consistently refutes the fact that he is breaking the 8th Commandment. Regarding his claim that staff salaries were "skimmed" to pay for Gurgle's salary at Holy Word, that is a blatant lie. Their is no credence to that whatsoever. GJ's informant broke the 8th commandment when he shared this lie with Mr. (not pastor) Jackson. GJ broke the 8th commandment when he posted that lie. To you Mr. Jackson...your informant is not as in touch with things as he or you would like to think


GJ - Would anonymous and unfounded accusations qualify as slander? I think so. Send me the before and after budgets at Holy Word, Austin, and I will publish a retraction if the audited figures prove the claim posted above. Just to be sure, include your name, address, birthday, last four of your SS, and your mother's maiden name. I can't be too careful in dealing with Chicaneries.

I am also interested in the disappearing Vicar at Holy Word. Is there one or not? Why is he not on the websty if he is? And where is Gurgle? Is he afraid of a process server? Just wonderin'.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Fools' Names and Fools' Faces Often Appear in Publ...":

Mr. Jackson, why would anybody send you a copy of their church budget? What an idiotic request. It seems that request was just your way of trying to deflect the fact that you are publishing lies. As a man of God, which you claim to be, when another man of God, which I am by grace, lets you know that you printed a lie, I would hope that you would take that seriously and consider retracting it. Our Lord takes breaking the 8th commandment seriously, which you have done. If you still demand proof, ask your informant for proof since it seems they think they know what is going on, which they clearly don't. But I 'm sure you made sure their information was correct before you dragged a church's Gospel ministry through the dirt once again. Make a trip to Austin and visit one of their Bible classes and church services. Sit down with one of the lay leaders in the church. You will realize quickly their knowledge of the bible is substantial. To your chagrin they will not be able to quote the Lutheran confessions, however, they do have a thorough knowledge of the Bible and a genuine love for their Lord and Savior. May the Lord bless your Christmas celebration and hopefully you will find some time to share in the JOY of the Christ-child, instead of dwelling in your bitter state. Hopefully the plank in your eye will be removed sometime with the Lord's help. By His grace, I am working on my plank on a daily basis.


GJ - Oh-oh: another wounded heart comment. And this came from Mumford, Texas, not far from Round Rock and Austin.

Why does Patterson hide so much? He makes blogging interesting.

Why are we spending $45,000 on a WELS-LCMS
fundraising guy?
Ka-pow. Kicked out.

Bold Confession at one ELDONUT Congregation. "We Believe...the ELDONA Banner"

 Father Hudson is on the right.
For his confession of faith, email Bishop-for-Life Heiser.

What We Believe
At Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church, we believe and accept:


GJ - This saves a lot of time when Bishop-for-Life Heiser changes his mind, after enjoying a new revelation from the throne of his heart. After all, he ignored the Chief Article for a decade or so, welcomed fellowship with UOJ fanatics like the Rolf Preus Synod and Eric Stefanski.

Then, with Paul Rydecki and a large church building came Justification by Faith.

Erasing a lot of text is a bother, and old pages can be called up with special software. Leaving the page blank and posting the banner is a great time-saver.

Father Stefanski is a crock ever full of himself.

Waiting for your sermon on husband of one wife, Richard.

ELDONA is the most Pietistic sect claiming the Lutheran name.
They have raised shunning to an art form.
Who else was the enforcer for a bishop-for-life in the good, old days?
And coveted the property of others, then grabbed it?
And ruled like a pope?
ELDONUTs are the true Waltherians.

Bishop Shallow Unleashes the Three Types of Governance. Watch the Tape Before They Erase It

I would apologize for using this creepy picture of Heiser,
but he used it himself for his profile.

A bold confession of faith in ELDONA by a founder.

ELDONA Pastor Josh Sullivan published the continuing revelation of Bishop-for-Life Heiser, ELDONA.

ELDONA organized in 2006. "The decision was made..." Sure. Heiser wanted to be a bishop and made sure his friends named him bishop-for-life.

This is what Pastor Martin Stephan arranged when his cult landed in New Orleans. Walther and others signed a document making Stephan bishop-for-life, certifying what was already true. Only those who submitted to Stephan in all matters could be in the leadership.  One pastor had to apologize to Stephan before he met the man.

"For the sake of good order..." is a mantra in ELDONA, which gives Heiser power over every detail. They even joke about it.

For those who were raised in abusive LCMS, WELS, or ELS congregations, this is just fine. Walther worship and pastoral abuse go hand-in-hand. Ft. Wayne specializes in teaching their graduates that they are the greatest. Everyone bow down to the priest, David Scaer would say.

Heiser has a great line about subscribing to the Book of Concordwithout teaching the Confessions of the Lutheran Church. And yet, he is the best example of ignoring the Chief Article. He did not even know the truth of Justification by Faith when he read Thy Strong Word in 2000. He was offended that anyone "denied Objective Justification" until he found out from TSW what Objective Justification really meant.

Heiser thought David Scaer at Ft. Wayne was a great dogmatics professor. Ha!

 Scaer is another mini-pope following the model of Stephan and Walther.
That is why so many Ft. Wayne graduates come out damaged
by his bad influence.
Examples: Paul McCain, James Heiser, Jar Jar Webber.

And yet Heiser was silent about Objective Justification, welcomed OJ pastors who acknowledged his glorious title, and refused to deal with the issue openly until Paul Rydecki saw the light (after publicly supporting OJ on the Intrepid Lutherans blog). Rydecki became a champion of Justification by Faith and DP Buchholz kicked him out for falling away from the Chief Dogma of WELS (see the idiotic essay by Frosty Bivens, plagiarizing Zarling's  sophomoric "Stand in Awe of Justification" (without faith).

Like most graduates of Concordia Seminary in Ft. Wayne, Heiser managed to get his diploma without knowing basic Biblical, Lutheran doctrine and what the Missouri Synod continues to teach opposing it - also a matter of public knowledge, filling the library at Ft. Wayne, summarized in the Brief Statement of 1932.

I imagine that when Heiser embraced the Rolf Preus Synod and began meeting with them - after he knew better - the Chief Article was reduced to an adiaphoron, a matter of indifference.

Readers will notice on the tape that Heiser used "whoever" correctly and then changed that to "whomever," which is never the subject of a relative pronoun clause. Thus the semi-educated seek to use pretentious English to appear more educated.

Minute and second mark - 8.26 "error...whomever (sic) is promulgating it."

There are so many ways to cover the Chief Article with smog,
or just ignore it.

Although ELDONA pretends to enjoy the purist form of fellowship, the union of opposing doctrines without settling their differences is proof of doctrinal indifference and unionism.

Some would object and say, "But now ELDONA has defended Justification by Faith and the Rolf Synod has scurried back to the ELS. You have slandered Holy Mother Diocese!"

Recent events and the various eructations of ELDONUTs have convinced me that the Chief Dogma of ELDONA is the infallibility and authoritarian rule of Bishop James Heiser, "for the sake of good order."

ELDONA pastors are told how they must conform to the most minute details of Heiser's demands in conducting worship.

As I have noticed before with characters like Jar Jar Webber, the more they pay attention to their Eastern Orthodox/Roman influences from Ft. Wayne, the less they care about sound doctrine, especially the Gospel.

The Episcopal Church USA is additional proof of high church people caring nothing about doctrine, though any form of church government can be subverted by greedy, power-mad, narcissistic leaders.

More could be said about the chit-chat interview. There is no Biblical foundation for the claims, but who needs that when they have the continuing revelation of Heiser? Notice on the tape that "voting" is bad in electing officials, without clearly stating that Heiser is following the examples of

  1. DeJaynes, his former bishop, 
  2. Martin Stephan, the first Lutheran bishop in America, and 
  3. Walther the Pope and Great Prophet of Missouri. 

The Dumbing Down of the Synods and Denominations

Jungkuntz chaired the Seminex board, a portable seminary that became
the official school for the gay Metropolican Community Church sect - 100% gay.
Thus this WELS-LCMS-ALC leader became the chairman of the first
gay Lutheran seminary. That influence continues in ELCA, WELS, Missouri, and the ELS.
Note that Seminex was populated with Concordia, St. Louis faculty,
the ones who walked out and encouraged students to steal the library books.
One Seminex student said to me, "Those were our books!"
Richard Jungkuntz called himself "old school," for the New York Times and mourned the loss of respect for teachers that his father enjoyed. Martin Marty made the same point.

That generation led the Long March through the denominations, appearing to retreat at times - like their hero Mao - but actually regrouping to take over the culture. And they did.

Nothing claimed about the American decline is alien from what the mainline denominations have wrought. They pioneered what the ruling class now certifies as 100% good. The denominations look at the fruit of their labors and make it even worse.

The cause of this calamity among Lutherans is singular: ignorance of Biblical Lutheran doctrine. There is an old principle in sales that also applies to doctrine. If a sales trainer cannot sell, no matter what his words of wisdom suggest, his trainees will not learn to sell. If he has certain hang-ups, such as hating to phone or fearing the close, they will absorb the same quirks and weaknesses.

Applying that to Lutherans, we can see how the seminaries and colleges have been downgrades in service to Holy Mother Synod. I met the Philadelphia (LCA) seminary professor who published an article their Lutheran magazine, showing that homosexuality was against nature and therefore wrong.
That was about 1981. Now Philadelphia and Gettysburg have failed to such an extent, with all lavender faculties, that they now have merged organically while keeping the names. They wanted to fire more professors but had to backtrack a bit.

The Gospel of forgiveness is revealed from the faith of Jesus (Romans, Galatians, Philippians) to the faith of believers who have been converted by the Spirit at work in the Word of God. The Lutheran leaders, who never stop lecturing and writing about their ignorance, cannot teach the basics of Biblical doctrine. They are not stewards of the mysteries of God, but salesmen of the methods of Fuller Seminary.

These leaders do not trust the Word and do not believe in the Gospel as it is revealed in the Bible. Instead, they talk about themselves, their corporations, their need for money, and their great humility. The only things they do not publish are:

  • Their crimes, 
  • Their apologies for false doctrine, or
  • Their actual expenditures of money, from offerings, Thrivent, and foundations.
These leaders - with inadequate training - speak on their own authority. They claim eternal verities without the least bit of Biblical support. Most of the time they are teaching directly against the Scriptures. At other times they are improving and clarifying matters, so the articles of faith can be dispensed with later, thanks to those precious amendments. Thus the resurrection of Jesus expresses the "Easter faith of the disciples," meaning - it never happened.

If you think that cannot happen in your hyper-Pietistic sect, ask yourself how many things have been justified because, "According to research from Fuller Seminary..." One might as well say "the Pope" instead.

When I listen to these people blabbering, or read their pernicious works, I wonder if they could teach the basics of Luther's Small Catechism. They clearly reject the Large Catechism, which any layman can read with edification - and teach to others.

But if the leaders cannot explain correctly how one comes to faith, or what the efficacy of the Word means to all our work, then how can the callow seminarians grasp anything more than the current fads: guitars, cheap keyboards, and statistical models.

The Scriptures
The way the LCMS and WELS tumbled for the original, classic NIV is typical of the growing ignorance. No one had enough knowledge or spine to oppose this move, which worsened with the New NIV. The pattern of ignorance and cowardice continued.

Someone asked me about translations. Oddly enough, the super-pietistic holier-than-me ELDONA group was using the New KJV, which is fairly Babtist in all the key passages. They were not united in that, either, because one pastor likes the Calvinist RSV marketed as the ESV. (Paul McCain does too!) 

In the area where Lutherans should be most careful, they are especially lax. God help the person who disobeys Holy Mother Sects Chief Dogma (the infallibility of the sect itself) but everything else is up for grabs. That is what we should expect in the Age of Apostasy. The most important articles are neglected while matters of indifference are raised to canonical status.

Moreover, ELDONA (aka Jim Heiser, STM) filled with wrath at the mere appearance of my books, including a concise comparison of translations, which indicted their Babtist New KJV.

Those are the same dudes who had no problem with UOJ for over a decade. Real bright bulbs - or just opportunists?

As far as I can see - the only Bibles to use today are the

  1. KJV - my favorite, the only one I use,
  2. KJV21 - a very slight modernization, or
  3. Third Millennium Bible - another slight modernization.
We are not having a debate because all of us in the world-wide Church of the Augsburg Confession appreciate the KJV and feel no reason to look elsewhere. If people wanted to discuss this topic, we would look at all the key passages in the KJV21 and TMB, keeping in mind that the KJV is also slightly modernized.

But let us face the truth - the Lutheran leaders do not care about the teaching of the Scriptures. They cannot preach from it or teach it to to others.

Why Do Words and Ideas Anger and Scare the Leaders So Badly?

These three Lutheran leaders agree about one thing -
they reject Luther's doctrine of Justification by Faith, the Chief Article of Christianity,
the Master and Prince, the Judge of all other articles of faith.
They love bad Bible translations.

I have heard from various people that my posts anger and scare leaders.

That puzzles me, because their words and ideas do not anger and scare me. I have many acquaintances who think the opposite of me. One FB friend just quoted UOJ lovingly, and the actual words were really sappy and wrong.

One LCMS pastor is moving from CPH to Ft. Wayne to teach. He edited Luther's Works, so I asked on FB if he taught Luther's Justification by Faith. That offended his friends.

Paul McCain made sure no one linked this blog on the Steadfast Lutherans Matt for President group blog. The various writers also opposed having anyone defend Justification by Faith.

Steadfast (note the irony) Lutherans did their best to avoid mentioning me, although in the end they had to admit that UOJ came from Pietism. Once they began going full throttle on the Chief Article, the founder Steve Spencer bailed out and said IL was not accomplishing anything, Indeed. They jumped off the blog like fleas from a dying dog.

At the Emmaus Conference, which was promoted as a discussion among the LCMS, WELS, and ELS, one layman was ordered not to discuss Justification by Faith with anyone. However, Jar Jar Webber was not prohibited from discussing UOJ at the conference.

I am prohibited by Luther to offer motives for these reactions, even though my motives are constantly impugned by these opponents. I am often shocked by their confidently telling others that I do not know Greek when classical languages was my major in college. My future wife talked me into taking German with her as well. Ja wohl!  Should I send my transcripts?

I enjoyed learning more Greek by writing out my own translations in seminary. Between college, seminary, and Yale - I took beginning French, advanced Latin, advanced Hebrew, plenty of New Testament Greek, if one counts an entire year where most of the classes were either Hebrew exegesis or Greek exegesis.

So I tutored Little Ichabod in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. John Lawrenz coveted our son's Vulgate, so we gave it to him. Our son also learned to be fluent in Spanish and German at MLS.

Most ELCA Lutherans cannot explain the Augustana - the Augsburg Confession.
But the yahoos pictured above can only teach against it,
and their members are no better than ELCA in their prideful ignorance.
This is Augustana College, where I met Mrs. Ichabod - 50 years ago.

I could rehearse their other clear manifestations of fear, anger, and dishonesty.

I went to an inerrancy conference in Chicago decades ago. They gave us free books on the topic, all written by non-Lutherans. I appreciated having them and learned a few things from them, especially from a non-Lutheran perspective.

A tsunami of fear seems to be overtaking Lutherans as they look ahead at their doom and destruction. After all, the endowment-rich seminaries of ELCA are collapsing just in time for WELS and Missouri to import the leaven of the most rapidly dying group. Thrivent will pay them to accomplish these acts of self-destruction.

If the biggest boy on the block is failing, where will the little guys go? If the richest one is broke and firing staff, what will happen to the poor, country cousins?

Anticipating Fall - Preparation for 2017

Autumn Leaves - by Norma Boeckler.
They feed the soil creatures - for free.

Jessical Walliser wrote a column on the garden in autumn, which reminded me to mention a few ideas early. Some of us are already planning for next year.

The most important part of autumn is NOT cleaning up the garden. Everything should be left alone to let the beneficial insects over-winter in the debris. Hollow plant stems are good locations for wild bees and other insects. Some use the dead leaves for cover and warmth, too. When I used to have forests of sunflowers, I left all the stems intact for insects and birds. My mother wanted me to remove the mess. I said, "What will the birds perch on when the snow has fallen? They like to have an elevated place for safety and food spotting." She said, "I never thought of that."

Large annual plants like a sunflowers also have a large root system to rot into the ground over the winter. Rotting organic material is good for the soil, food for various creatures, and by creating a food magnet, also a good place for birds to harvest for their needs, in winter and early spring.

Apple Tree by Norma Boeckler.
Fruit trees increase their production when mulched with leaves all winter.

Autumn Leaves
We will finish the cardboard layer of three gardening areas before the leaves begin to fall:

  1. Hosta Garden - formerly The Three Sisters, which the squirrels treated as their main food source.
  2. The Bird Feeding and Butterfly Zone. Some see that as a contradiction, but we have bird feeders surrounded by Butterfly Bush with Bee Balms also planted. I want to subdue the weeds in-between
  3. The Wild Garden, which could use a little less wild. I know tall grass is good for many beneficial insects, but cardboard and leaves will tame the area

The Hosta Garden is now covered and the cardboard weighed down so we do not share our cardboard with the neighborhood during windstorms. Today is another cardboard delivery, which will modify the bird and butterfly area. There the red Bee Balms spread like crazy and also went quite wobbly, surrounded by tall grass weeds. I decided to stick to purple BeeBalms called Monarda.

Cardboard is free, easy to lay, and blocks weed growth
very well. The covering of leaves and pine needles will make it
a giant feeding zone and also more attractive.

Cardboard Plus Leaves
Newspapers work well for the first layer of mulching, but they do not cover much and want to fly away rather than stay in place while laying them down.

Wood mulch looks great, but the cost adds up. In the backyard gardens we are using only leaves now. They also look good and mat down well for the winter. In the late spring they are decomposed into the ground by rain, earthworms, mites, and other soil creatures.

The extensive leaf layer serves three purposes:

  1. The overwintering beneficial insects will burst into life in the spring and provide protection against pests, food for birds.
  2. Leaves piled around roses will insulate them from the cold and drying winter winds.
  3. The leaves and cardboard will become part of the soil over time and feed God's creatures. I see a pound of organic matter as a pound of organic fertilizer, whether the material is manure, grasses, weeds, leaves, cardboard, or newsprint.

Sharon Lovejoy says, "Let the birds eat the seeds
from the plants that bloomed" - like these coneflowers.

Report of the Twelve - From 2012

"Be it further resolved...
What do you mean, one of us went to state prison?
And the Director of Communications did what?"

Time of Grace
The convention last summer acknowledged that the situation with Time of Grace and its status as a “Recognized Service Organization” (RSO) of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS) was a source of some concern and confusion. The convention encouraged Time of Grace in its ministry of gospel proclamation; at the same time it expressed support for the Southeastern Wisconsin District presidium in its continuing efforts to bring the matter to a God-pleasing resolution.

The Southeastern Wisconsin District presidium reported its progress to the COP in October 2011. On the basis of conversations with Time of Grace and the LCMS official in charge of RSOs, the Southeastern Wisconsin District presidium reported to the COP that it determined that the relationship was not a violation of fellowship principles, since the LCMS and Time of Grace understood the wording in the RSO definition to mean something different than the words say. It was the understanding of Time of Grace that the publicly stated requirements for an RSO to be in agreement with LCMS doctrine and practice and to commit to fostering the mission and ministry of the LCMS did not really mean what a WELS person would understand the words to mean, and that the LCMS was making no requirements of Time of Grace to alter its message to conform in any way to LCMS doctrinal positions.

"Guard and protect the rot we have passed down to you,
thou founder of Church and Change."

In spring 2012, the Southeastern Wisconsin District presidium, along with President Mark Schroeder, met with leaders of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod to clarify how the LCMS defines and understands the Recognized Service Organization status. The LCMS explained that the published guidelines defining the relationship are intended to be used by the LCMS in evaluating organizations for this status and that the guidelines do not require an organization to change its message or its program to comply. It was this understanding that led Time of Grace and the presidium of the Southeastern Wisconsin District to conclude that the RSO status did not represent a violation or compromise of biblical fellowship principles.

The LCMS officials also reported that they are currently in the process of reviewing the entire RSO program with the intention of developing new requirements and guidelines. From what was said, the new guidelines may include requirements that would make it no longer possible for a WELS organization to have RSO status. Once those requirements have been adopted, Time of Grace has indicated that it will evaluate what is being required and take the appropriate steps.

Patterson's outreach to gangs has yielded these recent converts.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Wisconsin Lutheran College - Paul Kelm's Latest Ch...":

They would be more honest to maintain the mantra of their Synod Leader, Mark Jeske WELS/ELS/LCMS/ELCA, and refer to their group as Change Or Die.

Noticed that Jeff Gunn continues to teach (W)ELS sheep following his 2011 Youth Rally pied pipering:
Establishing a Vision for the Future, with Buy-In
Pastor Jeff Gunn of Cross Walk Church in Phoenix

As difficult as it may be to say, it's getting hard to think of (W)ELS leadership as crassly impotent and simply come away with the conclusion that they are intentionally enabling the New Age Emergent false teachers to lead their churches glibly into the Last Days.

Buckets of shame they heap upon themselves, from clergy worshiping with Baptists and Methodists, clergy learning evangelism from Satanic New Age motivational speakers, financing ELCA called worker abortions through Thrivent, financing the New World Order religion, the UN's United Religions Initiative (URI) through Thrivent, Change or Die seminars given by Synod cross dresser and (W)ELS Media celebrity Pastor Mark Jeske, unconditionally forgiven homosexual child pedophile (W)ELS Communications Director Hochmuth ...


GJ - Hochmuth's name does not appear in the report. Remember how Schroeder and Otten went Medieval on me about the MLC gay video? Otten apologized to WELS for printing the truth. Soon after the Hochmuth scandal broke and page-reads doubled for a long, long time. The video continued to be posted on Facebook on its own page. Now it is gone, but replaced by two more copies posted by fans. Here is a message posted on that page:

A request from one of the originators of the video, and from all the guys in the video...I don't know who the administrator of this group is, or who created it, but it's time to get rid of this group, especially since the video is still posted on it. The video was removed from YouTube for a reason...because we didn't want the video open to public viewing. It puts those of us in the video in a bad light, and we don't want it posted anywhere, anymore. So please, if you are the administrator, or know who the administrator is, please remove this page and the video from Facebook. Thank you!

One comment below:
Hank Williams hmmm and when did that happen? After Hochmuth was arrested for distributing child porn? You should really think how your actions can lead others into sin ans stop hiding behind the 8th commandment. No one would have anything to say if you'd used your other head and thought through what the ramifications were goig to be. And BTW it doesn't just put you in a bad light - it harms MLC and WELS. No shortage of stupid here?! Right.

Troy Schreiner You're right, sir. It was a mistake. It doesn't make it an excuse that it was a dumb thing we did in college, and we didn't think it through. It was a poor decision, and we now regret it, which is why we've been working to get it taken off of every public venue since it first happened. We have repented and asked for forgiveness for what we did and haven't "hidden behind the 8th commandment" at all. It does put our school and our synod in a bad light....which I reiterate is why we're trying to get rid of it, so it isn't available for people to see anymore. As I said, we've apologized, we've repented, and we've been forgiven by our God and by those we've apologized to. Hope you can do the same, Mr. Williams.


GJ - Obviously people made copies of the video and it will never go away. Martin Luther College is completely lacking in faculty supervision. The college students were angered that I posted objections to their gay plagiarism and they grudgingly said they would forgive me! The objections came from WELS members and several WELS pleas are still on that special FB page of theirs.

SP Schroeder's claim in Christian News that the video was taken down is ridiculous for anyone under nursing home age. The video was linked to many different gay websites, and the people they copied were flattered by the imitation.

The MLC guys should apologize for lying about not knowing the original was a gay video. That also seems to come from the locked ward of the nursing home. "Hey Maude, look at those Lutheran boys dancing around like girls."

One person on the FB page asked:

Did they steal your idea for this vid? It's remarkably similar. Also, it's odd that FIP is a gay retreat camp, isn't it?
1 ·  · 

Anita Hardkak or like a gay beach?


Adolph Hoenecke has left a new comment on your post "Report of the Twelve Apostles, WELS. Glad They Wer...":

..."did not really mean what a WELS person would understand"... "It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is"-Bill Clinton. When did Bill Clinton become WELS?

The Mark and Avoid Jeske Crowd Embraces Scott Barefoot. From 2015

The Odd Couple - Richard Starr and Scott Barefoot
Their book will be turned into a Broadway musical -
"Once Upon a Mattress."
No wait, that title has already been taken.

WELS's Meditations, March-May 2014, for Monday, 17 March 2014.  The howler is in the second column which reads:  "No matter what you did yesterday -- or failed to do -- and no matter what you will do tomorrow, God has forgiven you."

Scott Barefoot and a delighted Jonathan Stern
Pastor Jon Stern (friend and classmate of my friend and book co-author Pastor Richard D. Starr) came to hear my presentation today. Enjoyed meeting him also!

Kudu Don Patterson, Scott Barefoot, and Dan Laitenen
Pastor Don Patterson (President of WELS' South Central District) and Pastor Dan Laitinen both of Holy Word, Austin TX with me prior to my talk there this afternoon. Enjoyed meeting everyone there today! They also had a great potluck meal while I was there.— at Holy Word Lutheran Church.

Ski, Scott Barefoot, and Ski's wife Janinne.

Pastor James "Ski" and Janinne Skorzewski with me at Christ the Rock (WELS) Round Rock, TX. They were kind enough to provide my transportation and lodging this weekend. It was great to see Ski again and meet the rest of the family! — at Christ the Rock.

NSA Intercept - Making a Yuuuge Deal

Do not anger the Big Kahuna.

One of my sources downloaded this from NSAintercepts.com, but the URL has changed since then. Those spooks are so careful with their information.

Kudu: OK, boss. We will give Ski a big recommendation, that he is 100% for a call anywhere.

Big Kahuna: This will make Insurance-ho happy. He protects his alumni.

Tiny Tim: That's right, Big. We will call Ski as soon as we get the OK. No one wants to accept a call for that position. Hahahahahahahaha.

Kudu: But boss, my parish needs to take over his members and territory, OK? That way we can go multi-campus and make a big splash in the area. Round Rock is loaded with high-end potential members.

Insurance-ho: I am sure that some generous grants will come from this blessed plan. The board wants to do more with our institutions and congregations.

Big Kahuna: Kudu, we have to have a study about the situation, maybe call in an outsider on this, like Will Cell 4 Call. He will make sure we have good results

Kudu: He is a fine man. I am sure he would like to hunt lions in Africa with me.

Tiny Tim: He's a vegan.

Kudu: He can hunt deer with me. They only eat grass and leaves.

Big Kahuna: Great. We are all on the same page. Now let's make sure this does not get out.

Kudu: Boss, it's already a speculation post on you know what.

Big Kahuna: Conversation over. This never happened and nobody was here.

Tiny Tim: GA promise - better than a pinky promise.

In Production - Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant: A Doctrinal Comparison of Three Christian Confessions

Norma A. Boeckler designed the cover
and provided the artwork inside the book.

Scapegoat Studio Blog: Return to Wittenberg 2016. How Many Will Mark Schroeder Kick Out of WELS?


Scapegoat Studio Blog: Return to Wittenberg 2016:

"This past week I was privileged to be a part of the first Return to Wittenberg (R2W) conference, entitled “What Does This Mean?” The event was held at Wisconsin Lutheran College in Milwaukee, on July 26-29. Since this was the event’s debut, I’ll spend a little time explaining what R2W is before reviewing my experience.

Last fall I was invited by several WELS pastors and laymen to consider presenting at the conference and help with the planning. Much of the groundwork had already been laid, so I can’t claim to have contributed much more than a graphic identity. In the early planning stages, the conference was conceived of as an alternative to WELS youth rallies that would be recognizably Confessional and Lutheran. While that may be the easiest way to explain it, it would be an oversimplification to say that R2W is just a WELS knockoff of Higher Things. What it became was a conference focused on the catechism, aimed at teens through 30-somethings, with the intent that all ages would be welcome."

'via Blog this'

Reviewing the August 8, 2016 Christian News Reading CN So You Don't Have To


Ralph Bohlmann is the only LCMS Synod President
to have a real PhD and be a life-long Missouri member.

I wrote the complete article on July 28, 2016
and most will not see it in CN until August 8th.
For fast results, read Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed
 This is an all-Lutheran sport.
Even those like Herman Otten join the sport.

This is another Bohlmann issue for Christian News, which backed his candidacy. Bohlmann was one of the remaining professors at Concordia St. Louis when most of them walked out and formed Seminex, the Seminex students gallantly and dramatically walking out with them, only to return for the next meal. Really!

This issue is more about Bohlmann's daughter, who married a woman and became a UCC minister working with the Unitarian-Universalists.

You know what is coming mext, don't you?

The LCMS, when it planted its flag in 1932, with the Brief Statement, also allied itself with the Universalists, claiming falsely that God declared the entire world righteous (justified) and simply listed some Biblical citations that revealed the opposite to anyone who could read.

David Becker, remarkably unqualified to write on Lutheran topics, has a lot of stuff on Bohlmann's daughter, which is rather odd, since Ralph was Synod President and a temporary ally of Herman Otten.

No one wants to talk about that matter at all. Or about Barry, Otten, and Paul McCain.

Or about Harrison, Otten, and Paul McCain. I blame Otten for promoting these bad Synod Presidents, though I appreciate Jack Preus - another temporary Otten friend - for moving Missouri away from apostate mainline Protestantism for a while.

Nor do they discuss the decline of the Missouri Synod, WELS, and ELS after they made the Brief Statement of 1932 their Holy of Holies, their Rosetta Stone for all doctrine, with the dogma of the Synodical Conference's sex criminal founder, Bishop Martin Stephan, STD, engraved on the hearts of the foolish, naive, and Biblically ignorant.

Forster's statement is demonstrably true,
so Walther was another opportunist,
another enable of Stephan's sex and money follies,
not the knight riding in on a white charger
to teach the Pure Doctrine.
Walther, loved, loved, loved, UOJ.

Chipmunks, Hosta, and Toxic Remedies. Hosta La Vista? Weed and Pest Control


Hosta - Blue Hawaii

Mrs. Ichabod loves Hosta plants, which are a decorative weed. Just kidding folks. There are 8,000 varieties of Hosta and one can join a Hosta society and become part of their community.

The American Hosta Society.

Free Hosta Journal

This article proves that Hosta fanatics are a bit different.

Hostas are the most famous shade plant, and they have the advantage of spreading on their own and attracting hummingbirds. Some gardeners leave the base of their trees bare or covered with wood mulch. Others would rather use the area for Hostas and other shade plants.

Mr. Gardener gave me some of his Hosta, and I purchased a few more from Direct Gardening, which means very small ones for a very small price. However, the tiny sprouts grew quickly and began to catch up with the big plants from my neighbor.

The Michigander told me chipmunks were eating his Hosta, killing them, so I looked up the topic. Internet Forums are interesting, because everyone has a theory and a cure.

Hosta - Great Expectations

Toxic Avengers
The forums blamed chipmunks on Hosta problems, but some named other culprits. The defense tactics made me cringe and laugh.

One person hates slugs, which comes from slugs rasping away leaves and really damaging young plants. Like earthworms, they are considered shredders, an important part of decomposition. In addition, 2/3rds of them are never seen - so good luck  with ammonia water, suggested by one person who loves to see them writhe and die. You know what they say about people who enjoy hurting animals. I would watch that one.

Animals go to where they are fed. Slugs love moisture, darkness, and garden products. Watering at night is a great way to gather slugs in the garden. Anything strong enough to kill one creature will kill others, though ammonia has the advantage of being a nitrogen product and not true poison.

So poison slug bait is going to kill some slugs and plenty of other critters. That could poison dogs and cats, too. But slugs will never go away. Go out at night and view the garden with a strong flashlight. That will be enlightening.

Detergent and Other Mixes
Some people pass this around as a cure for weeds - Epsom Salts (why?), a huge dose of Dawn detergent, and vinegar. Epsom Salts will not kill weeds or improve most soils, but it is fun to see it melt into the soil when it rains.  Those who make the product say it is ideal for every single desirable plant. Martha Stewart scratches Epsom Salts into the top layer, showing as much soil knowledge as the Gabor sisters.

Dawn detergent is a great degreasing product that will kill everything it touches: soil creatures, weeds, plants, flowers, bushes, and soil microbes. The soap will also imbalance the soil chemistry while adding toxic chemicals to the water table.

Vinegar is a mild acid. I doubt whether that by itself would have a long-term effect on weeds. Doubtless the combination of all three will make a smelly, awful mix.

Hosta - Liberty.

Easy Weed Control
When Jessica Walliser wrote on the topic, I offered my answer - Washing DC Cover-Up approach. I cover up the weeds with cardboard and mulch and say, "What weeds? I don't see any."

When I have a large patch of tall weeds, we mow them down first, then cover them with cardboard or newspapers, then add leaves or mulch.

Weeds popping out of the edges can be pulled, which is quite effective after a long rain.

We leave dandelions (true herbs) alone, because they are not weeds and are not invasive. Besides, they will always be around. Learn to love them and eat the nutritious greens.

Purslane is another eternal edible that some see as obnoxious. Nothing tastes better while gardening.

Our constant pest is Bermuda or wire grass. We do some pulling and cover large patches.

Crabgrass, a grain imported from Europe, is mowed rather than soaked with RoundUp, which only leaves bare spots in the lawn and messes up all the plants and critters.

Crabgrass in the cracks of the driveway and sidewalk can be treated with rock or pool salt. The salt will dry up the plant and go away.

Milkweed is highly desirable for Monarch Butterflies.

Rabbits and squirrels most of my food plants, one way or another, so I no longer try to grow much food.

I let God sort out the creatures. Each one is food for another, so they balance out overall. My neighbor has a caged garden fenced in and covered on top.

Morning Glory will grow like a weed.
Our mutual fence is covered with them now,
because Mr. Gardener put his green trash along the fence.
They planted themselves and we have a big display of them.

Fun Sharing Rose Blooms and Rose Bushes

Barbra Streisand Rose

I wrote before about giving Barbra Streisand to a friend to grow, because she loves lavender roses. No, I do not blame the rose for the name - I thought it was a good match. We should always give what we would like to have ourselves. Like great books, great roses can be enjoyed over and over again by various people.

I had a routine exam at the doctor's office, so I brought roses for the reception staff. They paid no attention to them when I signed in. Then I said, "These are for your staff. You do all the work around here." One receptionist said, "Hola, roses. The goat ate all my roses. Not my goat. His goat." It was clearly her husband's hungry goat. I said, "They taste good. They are herbs."

Our neighbor and her daughter loved the Mother's Day roses I left on their porch, so I decided to give them a rose bush or two to practice on. They are both excited because it has been a topic of discussion between them. They will get a Veterans Honor and probably a Peace Rose.

Veterans Honor Rose

Sassy found their dog under a bush when he ran away, and they were happy about the little fence-climber coming home, only two houses away.

They also love our front yard, especially the Calladiums showing off their red, green, and white colors in the middle of the roses.

I gave a few tips, such as not using man-made fertilizer but following the principles of Creation. A believer, she smiled and said, "God's ideas are probably a lot better than ours."

Mr. Lincoln never disappoints.

If I had to name one rose to start with, it would be Mr. Lincoln, because no rose grows with the vigor and strength of Mr. Lincoln. The canes repeat bloom, time after time. The buds open up slowly with the richest fragrance and slowly turn an attractive shade of purple.

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