Practice - The Computers Are Working - 3:30 PM Today - Finishing John's Gospel
I will work on it later today and let people know.
View ArticleReformation Seminary Lecture - 3:30 PM Central Daylight Today KJV John 2121 After these things Jesus shewed himself again to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias; and on this wise shewed...
View ArticleDaily Luther Sermon Quote - Oculi - Lent 3 - "By this he testifies also that...
Oculi. Third Sunday in Lent. Luke 11:14-23. Jesus Casts out a Demon, or Christ’s Defense against his Blasphemers10. He answers them in the third place, by a comparison taken from life, namely that of...
View ArticleStanley Hauerwas - From Yale and Augustana to Bricklayer Theologian, Notre...
Hauerwas was born in 1940 and began work as a bricklayer for his father's business. His academic life was Yale, Augustana, Notre Dame, Duke.Jesus Changes Everything: A New World Made Possible (Plough...
View ArticleDaily Luther Sermon Quote - Lent 3 - Oculi - "But when the stronger man, the...
Oculi. Third Sunday in Lent. Luke 11:14-23. Jesus Casts out a Demon, or Christ’s Defense against his BlasphemersII. THE ALLEGORICAL OR SPIRITUAL MEANING OF THIS GOSPEL.14. This dumb, deaf, blind, and...
View ArticleIn the Midst of Storms - Hyacinths Treasured by Neighbor
The daffodils are in full bloom in the rose garden, the backyard, and anywhere they were planted. My neighbor was not looking for what she already had - daffodils in the front yard. Instead, she...
View ArticleOculi - The Third Sunday in Lent - 2025. Lutheran ChurchSunday Worship, 10 AM CentralPastor Gregory JacksonThe Hymn #175 When I Survey the Wondrous...
View ArticleSomeone Has Discovered Denominations Collapsing - But Forget the Lutherans
Don't touch our Thrivent, our NGOs, and US.AID!Various SourcesWhile circumstances vary, the March 14 AP News report highlighted a shared pattern among several groups: internal divisions and declining...
View ArticleDaily Luther Sermon Quote - Laetare - Lent 4 - "That he now takes the five...
Laetare. Fourth Sunday in Lent. John 6:1-5. Jesus Feeds 5000 People LAETARE. FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENTTEXT: John 6:1-15. After these things Jesus went away to the other side of the sea of Galilee, which...
View ArticleDaily Luther Sermon Quote, Lent 4 - "This he gives to his disciples, and the...
Laetare. Fourth Sunday in Lent. John 6:1-5. Jesus Feeds 5000 People 4. Again, that he tells them so faithfully to gather up the fragments, teaches us to be frugal and to preserve and use his gifts, in...
View ArticleHow Many Purple Palace Drones Fan Out on Sunday To Serve Small Churches?
Faux-bishop Matt Harrison is wearing a garment selling for $1,117 or more at Almy's.Submerged at the Purple Palace, Matt the Fatt cannot spend his precious time preaching the Word of God instead of...
View ArticleReformation Seminary Lecture - Acts of the Apostles - Transition Luke to Acts... KJV - The Ending of LukeLuke 24:4949 And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of...
View ArticleDaily Luther Sermon Quote - Lent 4 Laetare - "Thus he lets us also disgrace...
Laetare. Fourth Sunday in Lent. John 6:1-5. Jesus Feeds 5000 People 9. The two fishes are the example and witness of the patriarchs and prophets, who are also in the basket; for by them the Apostles...
View ArticleLuther's Condemnation of the Big Five Apostates - ELCA-LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic)
"Thus he lets us also disgrace ourselves and labor with human doctrines, that we may see and understand how necessary and precious God’s Word is and how doctrines do not help the least without God’s...
View ArticleMidweek Lenten Service - 500 References to Sheep and Shepherds in the Bible Fisher's sheep and guard-dog.The Hymn # 536 The Lord's My ShepherdThe Order of Vespers...
View ArticleLearn Dress Code from the Lutheran Leaders of Apostasy
"Eaton’s four emphases for the ELCA are: We are church; We are Lutheran; We are church together; We are church for the sake of the world. These four emphases are fundamental to identifying who the...
View ArticleDaily Luther Sermon Quote - Lent 4 - "That Andrew pointed out the lad and the...
Laetare. Fourth Sunday in Lent. John 6:1-5. Jesus Feeds 5000 People 12. That Andrew pointed out the lad and the loaves, and yet doubted still more than Philip, signifies the teachers who wish to make...
View ArticleReformation Seminary Lecture - Part 2 of Acts 1
Theophilus - address changes Excellency - Luke 1:3 It seemed good to me also, having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first, to write unto thee in order, most excellent...
View ArticleLiz Eaton and Matt Harrison and Doubtless Mark Schroeder - Propping Up the...
Before the hissy-fits begin, please remember that my sainted wife's family came over after WWII. Christina's dad helped Patton's troops. They lived in a Displaced Person camp and flew to America on...
View ArticleDaily Luther Sermon Quote - Laetare Lent 4 - Read Luther's Galatians Commentary!
Luther's Sermons - Galatians 4:21-31.Laetare. Fourth Sunday in LentTEXT:GALATIANS 4:21-31.21. Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law?22. For it is written, that Abraham...
View ArticleBillions of Dollars Siphoned Off Lutheran Apostates and Roman Catholics. Oh...
It's Not Just Thirty Pieces of Silver These Days, It's Billions for the Pharisee Bishops!I do not mention Roman Catholic corruption often because I am busy enough with the Big Five Apostates -...
View ArticleThere Goes the Lutheran and Papist US.AID Honeypot!
BREAKING: State Department officially notifies Congress of USAID closureThe State Department has officially notified Congress that the US Agency for International Development (USAID) has been...
View ArticleHow Is WELS Different from Andy Stanley's Gay-Lesbian Training?
Protestia - Exclusive: Leaked LGBTQ Training Video From Andy Stanley’s Church Reveals Shocking Instructions Ski, Glende, Bishop Katie and other WELS clergy worshiped with Andy Stanley and other sect...
View ArticleNo But Yes in WELS-ELCA-LCMS
"Thrivent will provide a $1 match for every $2 donated to featured organizations. This match will run until the $500,000 cap is met, or March 10, 2025, whichever comes first. Donations must be made...
View ArticleLaetare - The Fourth Sunday in Lent - 2025. The Miraculous Feeding, Bread...
The Hymn #132 O God of GodThe Confession of SinsThe AbsolutionThe Introit p. 16The Gloria PatriThe Kyrie p. 17The Gloria in ExcelsisThe Salutation and Collect p. 19The Epistle and Gradual...
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