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Just Say No to the Abusive Cult Named WELS - From 2010

Walther took someone to court for slander.
Defamation is defined here.

This takes some time, so I will list matters in chronological order.

1. I received this email from an ELCA pastor named Bruce Foster:

"----- Original Message -----
From: Bruce Foster
To: gregjackson1948@qwest.net
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 7:46 AM
Subject: orthodox rhetoric

Dear Pastor Jackson

I am writing this letter against the advice of a WELS pastor who claims to know something about you (he says he has a relative who served your WELS church in Ohio after you left). He says that you are unable to see any fault in your opinions or manner of stating them. He is also sure that you are mentally ill.

As I have been reading your blog for the last few months I have not seen those two traits. You think you are right and everybody who disagrees with you is wrong. So what’s new? Everybody thinks that! But you aren’t beyond being corrected. NPH showed you how you misinterpreted their web site and you admitted it. And as to you being crazy, well, being nuts is in the eye of the beholder and being passionate isn’t being nuts even if it is sometimes confused with it.

So here it goes. I’m actually going to give you a constructive admonition, not a “brotherly admonition” since I’m a member of the ELCA and thus out of fellowship with you.

Dr. Jackson, why do you declare your love of Luther so much and never take seriously Luther’s explanation to the 8th commandment? I am not accusing you of lying, but rather of ignoring the second part of the explanation.

but will defend him, say good things about him, and see the best side of everything he does.


but defend him, speak well of him, and take his words and actions in the kindest possible way.


sondern sollen ihn entschuldigen, Gutes von ihm reden und alles zum besten kehren.

I am willing to believe that all these versions of the last half of the explanation of the 8th commandment are part of some vast Church Growth conspiracy and in your private set of original Luther documents you have a version that says,

but spend a lot of time dreaming up abusive nicknames for your enemies.

Unless however you can produce those documents and have them authenticated, I will have to stick to the version I learned in LCMS catechism class and which is found in the Triglotta."

2. I asked him to verify his source, so ELCA Pastor Bruce Foster wrote:

From: Bruce Foster
To: Gregory L. Jackson
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: orthodox rhetoric

The WELS pastor is Peter Lindemann Jacksonport WI. I didn't name him because it wasn't the point of my email. Love to hear your response to my actual email, email not an essay.

3. I saw that there was a Lindemann in Jacksonport, so I emailed him to see if he said this to the ELCA pastor. He did not respond and the email did not bounce back. I assume this is Jenswold's brother-in-law, the son of Dean Lindemann at the late Northwestern College.

4. WELS SP Schroeder had contacted me more than once when he wanted something corrected, so I wrote him about this. His only response was - contact them. That was late in 2009, when I was moving to Arkansas.

5. I wrote a certified letter in April of 2010, sending it to SP Schroeder, Pastor Jenswold, and Pastor Lindemann, who was in another parish. A copy of all three signed receipts is below. All three are signed May 3, 2010. But no one responded by phone, by email, or by letter.

6. When I pointed a total lack of response, SP Schroeder sent me an email denying this had happened. He said I did not need to issue a correction. He is keen on corrections. When I pointed that he signed the certified letter, so there was no need to change an accurate post, he said, on October 23, 2010:

"Since the certified letter was not addressed to me but sent as a “CC”, and since I had encouraged you to contact these men directly and you were doing so, I did not respond directly to your letter.

Regardless, I apologize if this appeared to be a lack of response. It was not intended to be.


Rev. Mark Schroeder

WELS President"


GJ - I have known about this slander campaign for many years. Various friends in WELS have told me about it. As I pointed out to all three WELS pastors, defamation is a crime punishable by the law. WELS is very big on slander. When I was writing about WELS involvement in Church Growth and Fuller, Paul Kelm and Norm Berg and Joel Gerlach all wrote to cry "Slander! Eighth Commandment!"

SP Schroeder is legally responsible for what his underlings do. So is DP John Seifert and other WELS leaders. Ecclesiastical leaders can get away with just about any defamation in their own sect. That is why the leaders, pastors, and members get used to abusive behavior. Nothing is done. But when someone is outside of their organization, defamation is a very serious matter.

Schroeder could have asked Lindemann and Jenswold to apologize, since neither one denied this happened. Both pastors could have apologized, but they did not. That is because WELS pastors cannot admit ever being wrong. They are so thin-skinned that they believe themselves entitled to slime anyone who disagrees with anything.

Schroeder himself could have apologized for the criminal behavior of his underlings, but he did not. WELS never admits wrong.

ELS Pastor John Shep (now ELCA) was caught doing the same thing via email. In an email to a generous donor to Thoughts of Faith, he praised me. In an email sent to another contact, he questioned whether I was normal or balanced. When the donor confronted him with a copy of his negative email, he did not respond at all. Shep, by the way, had never met me or talked to me, but he wrote, "How well do you know him?"

What I am reporting here is only the tip of the iceberg in WELS/ELS abusive behavior. They treat their members and pastors like trash, if it suits their immediate purpose.

I could detail many other items from my own experience with WELS, to show how pathetic their leadership is. When my wife was disabled with a life-threatening illness, they told others that she was not sick at all. As anyone can tell from the original report from Lindemann and Jenswold, they imagine they are medical experts too. Nothing is too low for them.

I showed up on the NWC campus one day, in the midst of Dean Lindemann being a tyrannical jerk with a group of students. He was being quite threatening with them about "a letter." I followed WELS procedure and invited him for a face-to-face meeting in his office. I asked about "the letter," which magically no longer existed. I told him how I defended WELS all the time, perhaps mentioning the whining the ELS Pastor Jay Webber, who wanted to break fellowship with WELS. (He is a born-again Intrepid now, Defender of the Unfaith.)

Later, students said Lindemann had a look on his face no one had seen before. They were all quite pleased. I am not saying the Lindemann clan nursed a grudge. Oh no. The entire sect nurses a grudge against anyone who does not fall down and praise them with glazed eyes.

I know from a dust-up between Paul McCain and Larry Darby that publishing a letter neutralizes it as evidence. Long ago, McCain sent one of his ugly letters around, which blamed Darby and me because a Missouri pastor failed to support UOJ. I did not even know the pastor named, so I wondered about McCain's omniscience and ethics. Darby would not give me the letter because the attorneys were dealing with it. He was not allowed to share it, even though I was named.

I discussed this matter with an attorney. I know church officials (who are often in court, due to criminal behavior) get all huffy about this. Dan Preus wrote about Walther's parallel experience.

"Walther himself initiated a lawsuit in the state of Indiana against a
fellow Lutheran of the Ohio Synod who had been guilty of slandering him. Through
his lawyer he even sought monetary damages from the man guilty of slander,
although stating that any damages awarded would not be used for his personal
benefit. Walther dropped his lawsuit only when the two individuals primarily
responsible for slandering him had retracted their slander and apologized in
writing, submitting their apologies for publication in 'Der Lutheraner.' (Der
Lutheraner, July, 1884, p. 109)
Daniel Preus,
"Christians, Lawsuits and 1 Corinthians 6,"
Affirm, June, 1991, p. 5-6.

In the last two years, Jenswold, Lindemann, and Schroeder have had many chances to man up.

Jenswold does not even know me. I visited Shepherd of Peace once. He was rude to me and my wife, which is typical of WELS clergy. That Sunday he talked about what an expert he was in Greek, so no one could question the new feminist Creed promoted by Christian Worship. I said nothing. There is an old saying, "Have regard for the pastor before you and the pastor who follows you." WELS is not aware of that saying. They are crippled in ethics.

I told the congregation when I resigned from WELS, "Don't bother to call a pastor if you cannot back him up." They remembered that during the last 17 years. The statement still comes up.

Supporting ELCA As Easy As Getting a DMin from Fuller Seminary. All the Ways ELCA Gets Money and Support from WELS-LCMS-ELS

They are ELCA-wannabees.

Facebook makes it easier for everyone to keep track of apostasy, because the ELCA units love to brag about their latest projects. Like the Shrinkers, the Lavender Mafia members love to crow about their dominance. The passive remain in bondage - they must like domination.

I am linking Exposing the ELCA now because they are good at updating their readers about ELCA's latest crimes against the Word of God.

LCMS, WELS, and ELS members/pastors should find their blood boiling, because their overpaid synod presidents willingly work with ELCA on a multitude of projects, from the congregational level to the national level. Of course, national for the ELS is an oxymoron. And WELS is merely a four-state synod: Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, and Adjoining States (Nebraska).

Nevertheless, the millions wasted pile up, even when the sects are a small part of the pie chart - about 5% for the WELS/ELS.

All four sects work together following the ELCA agenda. Everyone must accept women pastors and ordained women executives. Missouri and WELS were doing that years ago with the The Membership (insurance funded) Initiative. But WELS and LCMS also work with open lesbian and homosexual executives. The lavender leaders of each group know one another, but I am sure that is as far as it goes. I know what you are thinking - but that would be unionism!

WELS/LCMS/ELS oppose unionism with their lips. They are confessional, they say!

The WELS DPs, who are so quick to get rid of justification by faith, are also blind to their constant work with ELCA. If they oppose the Gospel (justification by faith), and support the crimes of ELCA, they must be apostate themselves. Ditto LCMS and ELS.

I know many people of various confessions, who ask about this strange tolerance of abortion and gay activism, "How can stay in the same room with those people, let alone engage in religious projects of any kind?"

The rot spreads from the top. A few boards make sure their apostate buddies get the funds and the coveted positions.

In brief, if you donate to the ELS, WELS, or LCMS, you are supporting the ELCA agenda. If you pay for Thrivent products, you are funding ELCA, the Unitarian-Universalist Church, Habitat for Humanity, and the United Nations.


ELCA Malaria Campaign

ELCA Malaria Campaign Logo

Lutheran Malaria Initiative is Now ELCA Malaria Campaign
The ELCA, the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod and the LWR had been approached by the United Nations Foundation and offered a grant of $5 million to develop a movement to prevent and treat, increase awareness and educate those at risk for malaria.  As part of the grant, the ELCA agreement was to raise $30 million out of a total Lutheran Malaria Initiative goal of $70 million by 2013.

UOJ makes work with ELCA as easy as a DMin from Fuller.

Recent Successes in the Creation Garden


Sassy is making sure I know the sun is up, 6 AM. I may get a post written before she starts some of her vocal signals, such as muttering and a high pitched "mmmmmm." Additional props are the sad eyes, the leaning off the bed toward the front door, and the impatient "Yip."

Sassy just got Mrs. I to tell me to feed her. My wife is Sassy's closer. Sassy sells and my wife says, "Go ahead and..." short-circuiting my stall. I jump up, outvoted 2 to 1.

The designated repair man came over yesterday to fix a few things. He often has practical and easy answers for annoyances. He always sees his elderly mother after stopping here, so I fixed a vase of roses for her. The Falling in Love roses were blooming everywhere, so he got those and some bonus blooms. I said, "Tell her that these are for the great work you do at our house." We also visited in the garden. As a steward of the property he complimented us on having a "natural front yard" full of roses. I told my wife, "That took a lot of work to make it so natural looking."

Here are some recent successes in the gardens, though lush weeds threaten everywhere:

  1. The purple Bee Balm transplanted well in two places, front and back yards.
  2. The Bottle Brush (Clethra) shrubs are blooming and attracting many pollinators.
  3. Mountain Mint continues to grow and mature. 
  4. Spirea - the bushes around the main rose garden - are blooming and growing.
  5. Daylilies donated are thriving in the Wild Garden.
  6. Rugosa Roses are tiny but growing in the Wild Garden.
  7. Willow bushes are established as the ultimate Western Wall, to hide our neighbors' back yards.
  8. The main Butterfly Bush, White Profusion, is about nine feet tall and full of birds as they rotate on and off the feeders, the Jackson EZ Bird Swing, The bush also serves as shade and a natural outdoor curtain.
  9. The Crepe Mytle is in full bloom.
  10.  Butterfly Weed, for Monarch Butterfly babies, is growing in the front.
  11.  Borage - aka Bee Bread - just bloomed. The flowers are good to eat and the plant encourages a collection of beneficial insects.
  12. The roses are thriving without pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides. The only fertilizing efforts are earthworms and mulch.

Short Review of Thy Strong Word from a Former WELS Layman. Long Review from Gerald Parker

 The Kindle eBook Edition of Thy Strong Word can be found here.

This link is for Kindle, Print, and the used, first edition of Thy Strong Word.

Good morning, pastor.  Am working my way thru the above and find it highly readable, informative and interesting.  Most of all:  Faithful to the Word.


Another Reader -

Top Customer Reviews

Format: Hardcover Verified Purchase
I am a layman, not a theologian, but I have read fairly widely in the literature of Lutheranism, my heritage faith, so I do not hesitate to praise with the highest encomia possible this very fine and much-needed book that refutes the errors of latter-day North American Lutheranism, alike the unbelieving "liberalism" of the E.L.C.A. and E.L.C.i.C. as well as the pseudo-conservatism (which falsely poses as Confessional) of the denominations deriving from the old Synodical Conference (most notably the L.C.M.S., W.E.L.S., E.L.S., and the L.C.M.S.' sister sect, the Lutheran Church Canada), which have betrayed genuine Confessional Lutheranism with their bizarre speculations embodied in the theological paradigm of "Universal Objective Justification and Subjective Justication" (U.O.J.), which Ptr. Dr. Gregory Lee Jackson anathematises and disproves, as well he should do, showing these heinous false speculative ideas to be being neither Scriptural nor Confessional, and, hence, not genuinely Lutheran at all. (Coming back to this review to revise it some, I would point out that Jackson has written and published a separate book, one that handles the matter superbly, on the U.O.J. heresy, titled "Luther versus the U.O.J. Pietists: Justification by Faith".) Jackson also scathingly and realistically savages the venal "Church Growth Movement" tendencies in all forms of this hemisphere's Lutheranism, liberal and pseudo-confessional alike.

There are magnificent defenses of "genesio-Lutheran" Confessional teaching versus the claims of what Ptr. Dr. Jackson calls the "Reformed" (by which he includes all non-Lutheran Protestantism and sectarianism, rather than only, more properly, the teaching of other genuinely Protestant churches that follow the doctrinal teachings of Martin Bucer, especially, and of Jean Calvin, as well as the Three Forms of Unity and Westminster Standards that so principally, soundly, and moderately codify them confessionally). Jackson's defense of the Lutheran and hence Orthodox Christian "Means of Grace" is a stunning refutation of the claims of Baptists, Pentecostals/Charismatics, the loud-mouthed "Fundamentalists" who are so fundamentally wrong, the so-called "Neo-Evangelicals", Campbellites/"Restorationists", and other "cheap white [or black] theological trash") by explicating from the Scriptures (using, wisely, the Authorised "King James" Version, free of the sectarian bias that afflicts to one degree or another the modern versions in English of the Bible) the true Lutheran and biblical teaching about Holy Baptism and the Eucharist (Holy Communion, Mass). For the fine defense of Lutheran sacramental theology alone this book would be worth the purchase, but there is so much more as well!

A fault, a minor but nonetheless somewhat irritating one, is Jackson's intemperately vituperative assaults on other Lutherans and their squabbles and peccadilloes over relatively minor matters of turf, petty corruption, and so forth which, really, are of only passing interest or importance compared to the major issues that this book addresses, something that inevitably will cause this book become a bit dated in that regard. (That said, though, Jackson`s comments on such matters are reasonable and, I believe, true.) Dr. Jackson's book is already a classic of Lutheran exegesis and sound doctrinal teaching.

A note of warning is in store for those who purchase the book second-hand; the earliest printing of this book had some pagination and binding irregularities, but even a copy with these defects is worth having, since they do not affect any of the most important passages of the book.

GJ - Note that the new edition is all English in a new binding and very carefully edited by several people.

From WELS Documented 2015 - Examples of Schroeder's Leadership. But Why No Punishment for the Mark Jeske Crime Family?


Friday, January 16, 2015

Among the Hidden: The fear of speaking out against the WELS

Why the fear to speak
publicly against the WELS?
Why do so many people, pastors included, feel that when they have concerns about the Synod they must speak anonymously? What happens if those concerns are expressed? Is there a safe manner for both concerned pastors and laypeople to express those thoughts where they don't have to do it anonymously? What can the Synod do to assist people and help them feel like they are able to speak openly and not anonymously? Obviously many feel like they can't.


IMPORTANT NOTE: The purpose of this post, and the cases cited, is to examine and discuss WHY so many people, who have concerns about the synod, don't speak up as themselves but instead feel the need to remain anonymous. It is also to examine if there are only specific subjects (i.e. contemporary worship, doctrinal issues, etc.) that make people feel vulnerable or if it is "across the board" with everything. The cases cited below are for discussion to see if these very public cases, and their results, are what is holding people back - because of what they have seen happen to others.

For all the "anonymous and hidden" people out there, please comment with why you feel the need to either blog, write, or comment anonymously. What do you fear will happen if you speak openly?

Likewise, if you are one that HAS spoken up about concerns in the Synod, and had positive results, please share the general topic and how you broached the subject with the Synod.

For those on the other side of the fence, that spoke up using your real identity and it lead to negative repercussions, what were they? What would you do differently (if anything)?

And finally, what specifically can the synod - synod president, district presidents, circuit pastors - do to reduce all the anonymous writing, comments and concerns?

Another embezzler,
dearly loved by WELS UOJ/CGM leaders.


The Polluted WELS Blog was written by an anonymous author (Matthias Flach) and when he accidentally gave away too many details about his identity, he deleted his page for fear of retribution. Since most of it has been deleted, it's difficult to link to anything for verifiable documentation therefore, Matthias, if you are reading this, we would love to have your input on why published and what lead you to delete, etc so we can learn from your experience.

Comment that wasn't deleted:
"...Two of the DP who are supposed to be the most Confessional are preaching at this conference. If I dared to voice my concerns, I would automatically labeled "divisive" and blackballed. Anonymous blogging is the only recourse Confessional Lutheran pastors have."

The Bailing Water Blog examined issues in the WELS from 2007 - 2011. If the author of Bailing Water is reading this, we would welcome your input on why you began the blog, what you were able to accomplish, and why you stopped.


The Intrepid Lutheran Blog also started strong and the people involved were NOT anonymous. Did that lead to negative repercussions for any of them? We ask because this was posted in their 2013 blog post, The Witch Hunt Has (Officially) Begun: "...The following paragraph is from WELS District President Doug Engelbrecht’s summary of the recent meeting of the WELS Conference of Presidents, sent out to the pastors of his district: Another item involved the Intrepid Lutheran website.  There is a concern that those who still wholeheartedly support this group by being “signers” are also supporting a pastor who has been removed from the ministerium of the WELS for doctrinal reasons, because he has been given a forum on their website.  The consensus was that each district president should approach pastors in their district who are listed as “signers” on the website and determine whether or not they are in support of the false doctrine that the suspended pastor espouses..."

Because the Intrepid Blog is so big and involves so many issues and people, we would welcome input from any of the originals "signers" on how you felt then and how you feel now about voicing public concerns. Do you have any regrets? Would you encourage others to be like you and come forward as themselves publicly to express concerns? What advice do you have to give looking back in hindsight now?


The following three case are well known public cases which are often cited as reasons for why people feel the need to be anonymous. The parties in all these cases chose to make them public. We did not dig these out of a closet somewhere. All of them have substantial referenced reading material online if you would like to study each one in more in-depth. We would welcome first-hand feedback from all the parties below (both sides) to further elaborate on the obstacles you faced - both positive and negative. We would also be interested in hearing, now that you know the outcome, if you have any advice for others who may also be in the same situation? 

Case 1: Pastor Paul Rydecki
Issue: Spoke up about doctrinal concerns in the Synod
Outcome: It is with great personal distress that we inform you, earlier this week Rev. Paul Rydecki was suspended from WELS on the charge of teaching the “false doctrine” of Justification by Faith Alone. This drama has been drawn out over the past few months.
Reading Material: 

Case 2: Layperson Rick Techlin
Issue: Concerned about doctrinal issues and plagiarism in his WELS church
Outcome: Had his membership terminated from his lifelong church
Reading Material: 
note: all the letters were linked from public websites; they were not obtained by private means.

    Case 3: Layperson had a restraining order filed on him by two WELS pastors
    Issue: JD was standing up for his wife's reputation after she was sexually harassed by a pastor. That WELS pastor, as well as, a second WELS pastor filed a restraining order against him and took him to court.
    Outcome: Case was dismissed.
    Reading Material: 

    Lazy Pastors Do Not Study. From 2012


    I marvel at how little the full-time ministers do. They must be like the royalty in Europe, who are always exhausted from the latest party, the most recent vacation.

    The pastors have to study the Word in order to preach, so many of them plagiarize their sermons and skip the studying part (which they imagine is boring).

    They do very little visiting.

    Those are the three components of a healthy congregation - preaching, teaching, visiting. Thelazyu pastors do little of all three.

    I gave that secret away without charging a consulting fee.

    WELS had two "consultants" in Columbus, both divorced. They did their best to wreck the congregations. WELS made sure one got a congregational call to an independent congregation, though he was never a member of WELS. The other one went to work for WELS Lutherans for Life, for a time.

    Everyone wants to be a boss and earn the big money. WELS Lutherans for Life has a generic name, to make more money. Their payroll in 2010 was about $350,000, and they listed assets of $500,000. Few pastors make as much money as Bob Fleischmann (divorced and remarried). His Christian Life Resources gathers in $1 million a year, so he goes around raising money from congregations that will never see that kind of annual budget, from pastors who actually do Means of Grace work.

    $1.3 million income for his generic charity - one year.
    Income dropped by 50% from 2010 to 2014.
    Salaries used to be listed in the IRS forms, but they are not in the 2010 report for Fleischmann. His salary was quite hefty many years ago. 2014 has Fleischmann listed as making $72,000 a year.

    The Advantages of Study and Controversies


    I looked over at Sassy. Her eyes were fixed on me, her tail wagging in a friendly and encouraging way. How can I resist her silent request for a walk? I will be back in a while. This is our long walk time, relatively cool and quiet.

    We had fun on our walk. One neighbor lost her foot to infection from diabetes, She was in a wheelchair for a long time. Now she has a prosthetic lower leg. She looked at Sassy, resting in the dew-soaked grass and said, "We get tired fast. don't we?"

    This resting position lets Sassy enjoy some cooling wet grass.
    When she went outside after her bath yesterday, with a real feel of 100, she was as jumpy as a puppy,because she felt the cool effect of the wet fur.

    Study and Controversy
    St. Paul commends doctrinal conflict, because that separates the bad from the good. The Pietists want everyone to get along and continue to lay their bug eggs in the good meal, like flour flies, and prosper their ministry of indifference.

    If a pastor refuses to engage in doctrinal issues, he puts his study habits to sleep. Too many passages, even in the horrid NIV family, are too challenging, too much against the denominational fads running their sect into the ground.

    The "confessional" leaders of the LCMS-ELS-WELS-ELCA
    rejoice in forgiveness without faith -
    contrary to St. Paul, Luther, and the Book of Corcord.
    Pass the plate and fund their missions (salaries) of apostasy.

    If someone says, "I am going to read the Book of Concord," that is not motivating for careful study. Required reading in a school is only a shallow introduction. But if someone wants to know what the Book of Concord teaches about the forgiveness of sin, that will take him through the:

    1. Augsburg Confession
    2. Apology of the Augsburg Confession
    3. Small Catechism
    4. Large Catechism
    5. Smalcald Articles
    6. Formula of Concord, especially the Righteousness of Faith
    7. Article on Election, and related passages.
    Go ahead, prove me wrong about Justification by Faith being the Chief Article. But post it in public and give exact quotations and the correct citation, so I can check your work.

    The answer from the UOJ/Church Growth Pietists is - "Do not listen to him. Do not read his work. Do not quote him."
    I would not trade all the guns in the McCain armory for the pleasure and peace I have received from studying Luther, the Confessions, Chemnitz, and Gerhard.

    Darth Vader, Leader of the UOJ Stormtroopers -
    "I find your lack of faith...uplifting."

    Vines and Asparagus - A Long Wait But Worth It

     I will need to rent a truck to harvest the asparagus.

    Many refuse to grow asparagus because they have to wait to start harvesting it. My experience is that there is nothing better than asparagus from the yard. In fact, we ate most of it raw in Midland.

    Asparagus is better now. One can buy male plants that do not use up energy in going to seed. The plants are sent fairly well developed and ready to grow. The old instructions made asparagus growing sound like building the Great Wall of China. I simply dig shallow holes, plant the rubbery crowns, cover and mulch them.

    Birds plant asparagus in the wild, along fences. If you need more information, send me an email. When we visited our farm cousins, we looked for asparagus along the fences.

    Vines Take Time Too
    I have learned that vines also take time. That goes against our assumptions. Don't many homes have vines growing on them. We had English ivy on the front of our house, just a little. It has taken four years for it to cover the front porch and picture window area. From there it decided to invade the rose garden. Like Burmuda grass and Blackberries, a can grow from its tips by rooting itself, and expanding form there.

    God created vines for vertical use of the sun. I bought three Trumpet Vine sticks, which arrived looking dead. I soaked them overnight in rainwater and they began to grow. Last year they made modest progress, even though I doted on them, like a worried nurse reviving a weak and pale patient.

    In the second year the vine began to show its strength. As I hoped, the one planted under the maple tree is now climbing the tree and covering part of the Maple Tree Rose Garden. I reckon the third year of growth will bring some flowers to attract hummingbirds.


    Honeysuckle Vines are slow to get established and then take over if left alone. Last year the vine bloomed a bit and that was all. Now it is starting to spread a little. I expect a lot more blooms and growth next year.

    Morning Glory
    We ended up with a glorious display of Morning Glories from Mr. Gardener parking some old vines next to the fence. They planted themselves, got going on my earthworm fertilized, mulch enhanced soil, and grew fast. That happened so fast that I asked him if he deliberately planted them there. He laughed and explained the accident and worried I did not like them.

    Cow Vetch is a delicate plant but some consider it invasive.

    Cow Vetch seeds are harvested for budgies.

    Cow Vetch
    Vetches are related to beans, so they are good for the soil. I had climbing beans come back this year, just because I let them go to seed last year. The seeds stayed safe in the soil and mild winter, then took off.

    Cow Vetch is wild here. Some grew and bloomed in the front yard and the back fence. On the back fence we had a blue waterfall of flowers for time. This year I have not seen it, perhaps because birds love the seeds.

    Gardeners agree that they see cycles of growth. Some years nothing can stop a certain plant. The next year, nothing will make it grow.

    True Diversity
    The Creating Word created genuine diversity in the plant and animal world to take care of all contingencies. Nothing is allowed to dominate for long.

    For example, Starlings are aggressive and work in large flocks. But they do not take over the bird population. When plants are truly invasive, it is because they are brought into a country where they do not belong - like Kudzu  Vine (US Government) or the Chinese Multiflora Rose (US Government).

    Control-freak sects to not allow diversity of thought. That threatens the insecure leaders. In dominating the members and ministers, these petite tyrants deny the gifts of the Spirit and ultimately pay the price.

    One layman said of the WELS District Presidents - "They have to be alcoholics. It's the only way they can live with what they have done to others."

    WELS planted the Kudzu Vine of Church Growth
    and is now dying of staff infections from Larry Olson, DMin Fuller.

    Vines and Asparagus - A Long Wait But Worth It

     I will need to rent a truck to harvest the asparagus.

    Many refuse to grow asparagus because they have to wait to start harvesting it. My experience is that there is nothing better than asparagus from the yard. In fact, we ate most of it raw in Midland.

    Asparagus is better now. One can buy male plants that do not use up energy in going to seed. The plants are sent fairly well developed and ready to grow. The old instructions made asparagus growing sound like building the Great Wall of China. I simply dig shallow holes, plant the rubbery crowns, cover and mulch them.

    Birds plant asparagus in the wild, along fences. If you need more information, send me an email. When we visited our farm cousins, we looked for asparagus along the fences.

    Vines Take Time Too
    I have learned that vines also take time. That goes against our assumptions. Don't many homes have vines growing on them. We had English ivy on the front of our house, just a little. It has taken four years for it to cover the front porch and picture window area. From there it decided to invade the rose garden. Like Burmuda grass and Blackberries, a can grow from its tips by rooting itself, and expanding form there.

    God created vines for vertical use of the sun. I bought three Trumpet Vine sticks, which arrived looking dead. I soaked them overnight in rainwater and they began to grow. Last year they made modest progress, even though I doted on them, like a worried nurse reviving a weak and pale patient.

    In the second year the vine began to show its strength. As I hoped, the one planted under the maple tree is now climbing the tree and covering part of the Maple Tree Rose Garden. I reckon the third year of growth will bring some flowers to attract hummingbirds.


    Honeysuckle Vines are slow to get established and then take over if left alone. Last year the vine bloomed a bit and that was all. Now it is starting to spread a little. I expect a lot more blooms and growth next year.

    Morning Glory
    We ended up with a glorious display of Morning Glories from Mr. Gardener parking some old vines next to the fence. They planted themselves, got going on my earthworm fertilized, mulch enhanced soil, and grew fast. That happened so fast that I asked him if he deliberately planted them there. He laughed and explained the accident and worried I did not like them.

    Cow Vetch is a delicate plant but some consider it invasive.

    Cow Vetch seeds are harvested for budgies.

    Cow Vetch
    Vetches are related to beans, so they are good for the soil. I had climbing beans come back this year, just because I let them go to seed last year. The seeds stayed safe in the soil and mild winter, then took off.

    Cow Vetch is wild here. Some grew and bloomed in the front yard and the back fence. On the back fence we had a blue waterfall of flowers for time. This year I have not seen it, perhaps because birds love the seeds.

    Gardeners agree that they see cycles of growth. Some years nothing can stop a certain plant. The next year, nothing will make it grow.

    True Diversity
    The Creating Word created genuine diversity in the plant and animal world to take care of all contingencies. Nothing is allowed to dominate for long.

    For example, Starlings are aggressive and work in large flocks. But they do not take over the bird population. When plants are truly invasive, it is because they are brought into a country where they do not belong - like Kudzu  Vine (US Government) or the Chinese Multiflora Rose (US Government).

    Control-freak sects do not allow diversity of thought. That threatens the insecure leaders. In dominating the members and ministers, these petite tyrants deny the gifts of the Spirit and ultimately pay the price.

    One layman said of the WELS District Presidents - "They have to be alcoholics. It's the only way they can live with what they have done to others."

    WELS planted the Kudzu Vine of Church Growth
    and is now dying of staff infections from Larry Olson, DMin Fuller.

    Episcopal Seminary Funeral March Underway? - Juicy Ecumenism. Note How Another Collapse Is Affecting Trinity ELCA Seminary, Also a Merger

    This is the Episcopal Divinity School near Harvard. My professor Elizabeth Schuessler-Fiorenza taught there after Notre Dame, then received an endowed position at Harvard.
    Hartford Seminary became Hartford Seminary Foundation,many years ago - and now it is Hartford Seminary again.

    Episcopal Seminary Funeral March Underway? - Juicy Ecumenism:

    Episcopal Seminary Funeral March Underway?

    In a surprise move, the Board of Trustees for one of the 10 schools educating Episcopal Church seminarians has voted to cease granting degreesat the conclusion of the 2016-2017 school year. It is unclear how Episcopal Divinity School of Cambridge, Massachusetts might continue on, with the board stating that it “will explore options for EDS’s future” in the coming year.
    Interim Dean Francis Fornaro, who took office in March of 2015 following the departure of former Dean Katharine Ragsdale, will resign in November and stated “I totally disagree with this resolution.” Fornaro is a 1996 graduate of the seminary and previously served as adjunct faculty there.
    “A school that has taken on racism, sexism, heterosexism, and multiple interlocking oppressions is now called to rethink its delivery of theological education in a new and changing world,” declared former Washington National Cathedral Dean and EDS Board Chairman Gary Hall in an official announcement. “Ending unsustainable spending is a matter of social justice.”
    Hall has significant history with multiple theologically progressive, financially struggling institutions: he also presided over the final years of Seabury-Western Theological Seminary of Evanston, Illinois before it merged with Bexley Hall Seminary of Ohio to form Bexley-Seabury. In 2015, Hall announced that he was stepping down as head of the National Cathedral early, in order for another official to be named that could complete a 10-year fundraising campaign to stabilize the financially struggling church.
    Episcopal Divinity School was formed from the 1974 merger of Philadelphia Divinity School and Episcopal Theological School, both of which trace their origins to the mid-1800s. The Cambridge, Massachusetts seminary sold property worth over $33 million to neighboring Lesley University in 2009 in an effort to pay off outstanding debt and regain the school’s financial footing. According to The Living Church, EDS draws 7 percent from its $66 million endowment to cover operating costs; 5 percent or less would be considered sustainable.
    In early 2015, Dean Katharine Ragsdale announced that she would be departing as head of the seminary after five rocky years there marked by intense disagreement between faculty and the administration.
    Several Mainline Protestant seminaries have been under financial stress in recent years, with American Baptist Churches USA (ABC) and United Church of Christ (UCC)-affiliated Andover-Newton Theological School – the oldest graduate theological institution in the United States – announcing intent to sell its campus and end its residential study program. In January, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg and Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia announced that they would each close and re-launch as a single institution.
    Of those schools educating Episcopal Church seminarians, the denomination’s flagship General Theological Seminary in New York faced turmoil in 2014 as Dean Kurt Dunkle met opposition from a majority of faculty whose “resignations” were accepted by the GTS board despite not being offered. Eight of the nine dismissed faculty were later “provisionally” reinstated and much of the faculty has since turned over.
    Episcopal Divinity School is regarded as one of the Episcopal Church’s most liberal seminaries. The seminary’s board describes EDS as “leaders in educational programs that are enlivened by theologies of liberation, especially the many voices of feminist, congregational, ecumenical, and global studies.”
    According to EDS Board Treasurer Dennis Stark, “We are spending six million a year from our endowment, and 30 percent of that is above a reasonable amount.”
    According to the school, EDS’s investments are currently valued at approximately $53 million plus the real estate value of its campus, which is adjacent to Harvard University. More than half of the endowment is restricted.
    UPDATE [7/22/2016]Anglican Ink reports that another progressive Episcopal Church seminary, Bexley-Seabury, is closing its Columbus, Ohio campus partnership with Trinity Lutheran Seminary (ELCA) and will consolidate its presence at UCC-affiliated Chicago Theological Seminary. Bexley-Seabury had already shuttered a Rochester, NY campus partnership with Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School in 2008. Bexley-Seabury has a full-time enrollment of 17 students and four full-time faculty as of autumn 2015.

    'via Blog this'

    Who Is Left Standing in Egyptology at Yale? From 2013. Now Being Replayed at Fox News with Roger Ailes

    John Darnell was considered the department's Indiana Jones.

    The first Mrs. Darnell was actually a pioneer in the field
    and was listed as a member of the Yale Egyptology faculty.


    And who’s left standing?

    When John Darnell agreed to a one-year suspension from the Yale faculty following numerous University policy violations, he left the Egyptology division of the Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations Department without a chair and with just one full-time faculty member — associate professor Colleen Manassa ’01 GRD’05, with whom he allegedly had the intimate relationship that led to his suspension.

    Hat tip to John Brewer.


    A little more eye makeup and she will look like one of the musician women on the walls of the Tomb of Nakht. Does her mummy know how she is behaving?


    Nice way to get a promotion – sleep with the boss and get him fired.
    If he violated the policy, why is she not also suspended? Presumably she knew about the policy, and the breaking of it, and did nothing to report it. I’m not sure that I see that much difference between what he did, and what she did. (Presuming that it was all consensual.)

    Rescue Roses - Harvesting and Replanting. Another Insect Magnet

    Veterans Honor Rose:
    Fragrant, pure red, lasts forever in the vase, even when left cut on the ground.
    One Veterans Honor rose was in a bad place and kept getting stepped on. I moved it to the Blackberry patch temporarily.

    I told our neighbor next to Mrs. Wright's home that I should have some extra roses from Gurney's this year. No offer came from Gurney's, which told me that Week's roses were not overplanted and undersold, as they were last year. I got 20 roses for $5 each and enjoyed learning about a lot of great roses that I would not have planted otherwise: Easy Does It, Europeana, Paradise, Purple Splash, and Hot Cocoa.

    The Blackberries were crowding the orphan rose, so I decided to offer it to our neighbor. Sassy went outside today and found our neighbor's little terrier in the bush near our house. Sassy flushed the dog out, did a meet and greet, and started to play. The terrier ran over to neighbor's house, and we learned the little doggie can climb his own fence.

    The same neighbor and her daughter followed me on Mother's Day and thanked me for the roses I left at their door, so I knew she loved roses but thought they were "difficult to grow."

    The plan is to figure a place to put them, and prepare a place one day ahead. I do that by soaking the ground thoroughly the day before. Then the clay is easy to dig but not a mess on transplant day. Meanwhile I will water the Veterans Honor rose extra to build it up.

    Purple Splash climbing rose stays in bloom. 

    More Rescue Roses
    Our helper has two Purple Splash roses growing, and one of our maple trees, too. All are mulched carefully with cardboard and shredded cypress.

    Today I saw that my work on the fence roses yielded some Peace roses and Pink Peace roses. The Peace roses were harboring a couple of Japanese beetles, which enraged me. I got my supersharp rose clippers and cut the Peace roses and put them in a vase with water. The beetles wanted to stay in the roses and eat, but I chased them out with the clippers, as much a nightmare for them as they were for the roses.

    Pink Peace are intense, deep pink, and very productive. The heat index was Inferno! today so I cut those too, to let them enjoy the cool weather inside.

    I watered a long time in the main rose garden yesterday, so I figured some roses would be there as well. The Falling in Love row had several more, perfect in form and delicate in color, mildly fragrant (compared to Stinkin Lincoln, cough). The entire vase was quite a cloud of rose fragrance when I brought it in.

    This photo captures the white reverse of Falling in Love,
    but not the meanest thorns in rosedom.
    This week I cut one stem with four blooms and two buds on it,
    which Mrs. I enjoyed indoors.

    I noticed that the whole front yard smelled rosy this morning, with only a few roses in full bloom.
    The fence roses will become front yard roses next year, so we can enjoy and care for all the roses at once. I can replace the fence roses with some low flowering shrubs like Clethra.

    Clethra is an insect magnet, full of flowers, attractive and low growing.

    Borage is just starting to bloom, so we ate a few flowers.

    This annual herb has bright blue clusters of edible, cucumber-flavored flowers. Studies in Switzerland have shown borage to be exceptionally attractive to beneficial bugs with an average of over 100 beneficials found in just 1-square-yard of borage. In addition, common green lacewings have a very strong preference to lay their eggs on borage. Look for it on garden center seed racks and mail order seed catalogs.
    I have sown borage seeds and had them grow all along the Wright fence. This year I have fewer in the back that I can see, but several plants in the front rose garden. They are fun to have in a high traffic area. We used to harvest the flowers all the time in Phoenix, with them growing around the pool.

    A garden of roses is a delight to everyone
    and a reminder of this great Luther quotation.

    Berry Plants in the Creation Garden

    The Peace rose is popular with aphids
    and Japanese beetles.

    Japanese beetles were in my Peace roses yesterday, reminding me of the need to feed, water, and shelter birds.

    Here are tips from Master Gardeners:

    Aerial Assault – Birds
    Among bird predators, Starlings are the best known beetle-eaters, eating both the grubs and adult beetles.  Other birds known to eat grubs are robins, crows, grackles, catbirds, sparrows, bobwhites, blue jays, eastern kingbirds, woodpeckers and purple martins.  You can often see birds pecking at your lawn — they may be hunting — and eating — beetle grubs among other garden and lawn pests.
    By the time the adults have emerged with their protective shells, it becomes harder to control their numbers.  Some birds like Starlings are known to eat the adult beetle although if truth be told, I have never witnessed a bird eating a Japanese Beetle.  Other area birds reputed to be Japanese Beetle eaters include robins, cardinals and catbirds.

    Feed Birds Year Round

    Next to beneficial insects, songbirds consume the most pest insects in your yard and the best way to attract birds is to provide them with year round food (bird feeders), water, and shelter.  An excellent review of attracting garden pest eating birds can be found at National Wildlife Federation’s eNature website.

    Mow The Lawn Properly

    Japanese beetles prefer to lay their eggs in turf grass that is short, avoiding grass that is more than 2 inches high.  Tall grass harbors natural beetle egg predators like ground spiders and ants.  And, cool season turf like fescue should be maintained at a higher length regardless for many other good reasons, so consider this one more reason for keeping your lawn mower setting at around 3 to 4 inches. 

    GJ - The hint about longer grass may surprise a number of gardeners. Beetles that prey on pests are best sheltered in tall grass and areas that are never disturbed, especially higher ground.

    Beautyberries are for birds at the end of the season.

    Feeding the Birds - Retail
    Yesterday we brought home a barrel of popcorn from the movie theater. Normally they have sunflower seeds in the hanging and platform feeders, finch seed in the squirrel-proof feeder.

    Birds are always entertaining at the feeder, and the squirrels sometimes do more than sit on top of the seed and eat. Yesterday two squirrels were having a fight over the top squirrel title and swirling around the whole feeding area.

    Wild Strawberries thrive everywhere, blooming early and often.

    Feeding the Birds Berries - For Almost Nothing
    The Creator has designed many plants to feed the bird population most of the year. Anyone who thinks this is all an accident may drink from my empty coffee cup. I did everything right to make a fresh pot this morning. When I went out to fill a mug and jump-start a blog post, the pot was empty. These are the steps in making a pot:

    1. Empty the thermo-carafe and fill it with hot water.
    2. Empty the coffee basket, place a new filter in it, and spoon 8 measures of coffee grounds into it. Replace the coffee basket in the slot designed for it.
    3. Fill the tank with water.
    4. Empty the hot water from the carafe and place it under the coffee basket.
    5. Make sure it is plugged in and the start button pushed.
    This is rather simple - if we omit the steps needed to get fresh water, a coffee pot, and ground coffee. But I missed one step today and had no coffee at first.

    I did not press the start button, due to being a quart low in coffee myself. 

    Therefore, the production of berries is a constant wonder to me, because these plants, domestic and wild, are always producing food for us and God's creatures, most of the year, with provisions for the end of the season. 

    Elderberry flowers create clusters of berries.

    Flower and Fruit
    Berries are always flowering on their own particular schedule. Our Wild Strawberries were blooming with little yellow flowers in the shade, in early spring. Soon they had bright red berries for the birds. I saw more plants than ever before in the front and backyards.

    Berries are a perfect example of Creation, Engineering, and Management. They flower to produce their fruit, feeding nectar and pollen to the pollinators, which make sure berries will form. The berry is the irresistible capsule for the seeds, so birds and humans have food to eat and seeds to plant from the fruit.

    One way to ensure birds' favorite plants will grow in the Wild Garden is to stretch wire across it, so birds perch, poop, and plant their digested food, with fertilizer added. Since I have trees, bushes, and mulched areas for birds to enjoy, I have an abundant supply of their favorite foods - long in Wild Strawberries and Pokeweed berries.

    The Beauty Berries grow last and linger on their plants, to serve as food for birds at the end of the season. They are toxic to humans.

    Pokeberries are another birds-only fruit, growing in the cracks of the sidewalk and achieving full potential in the sun, reaching nine feet tall, stretching out branches to support the birds that first planted it.

    Thornless Blackberries and Raspberries enjoy spreading through their root system, turning a few planted canes into a tangle of plants in a year or two. Rabbits adore these tough plants, so they may be a part of keeping them in check. On the other hand, that may be why I have a herd of rabbits in and around our home.

    Blueberries like acid soil, so I mulch the pine needles and pine-cones from a neighbor to make a more acidic garden, which Blueberries and Hosta enjoy.

    Gooseberries are so easy to grow that they were once a staple of food for rural and self-sufficient families. Talk up berries and someone will say, "My mother made gooseberry pie."

    Elderberries are a tall, majestic plant, with large crowns of flowers and the impulse to send up new shoots of Elderberry plants to make a hedge of them. Insects love the flowers of all berries, but these berries are at eye level, so the pollinators are easier to watch at work.

    Gooseberries grow on an unglamorous plant.

    Management by the Creator
    The management of the berry population is often ignored because we take it for granted. The appeal of berries for animals and humans will always ensure that they spread. Grains have to be cultivated. Corn has to be planted at the right time in large masses for its air pollination. Tomatoes - ach, don't get me started. They are tempting and nutritious but fraught with more problems than a sorority in a crowded house.

    Lantana flowers create these crinkled fruits.

    Conservative Lutherans Join the Death March of Seminaries

    The ELCiC bishop for CLC-WELS-ELCA Pastor Horst W. Gutsche
    is Susan Johnson.

    I posted this article about the upcoming mergers of  previously merged mainline seminaries, such as

    1. Andover-Newton going to Yale Divinity.
    2. Philadelphia ELCA and Gettysburg ELCA joining to cut expenses, 64 years after promising to do so.
    3. Episcopal Seminary at Harvard closing.
    4. Episcopal fragment at Trinity ELCA Seminary packing up: four faculty, 16 students (but bigger by far than Bethany ELS Seminary).
    Meanwhile, knowing this was developing, the LCMS-WELS-ELS segment of mainline Protestantism built and remodeled their temples of learning for a drastically shrinking student population. Each sect poured millions upon millions into buildings that are liabilities, not assets, when emptying out.

    Seminary student loan debt is more frightening than Hillary's plans for America.

    Thrivent is the enabler -
    isn't that Mark and Avoid Jeske in the back?

    Mark Jeske, Thrivent, ELCA and women pastors -
    always together, working harder than Japanese beetles.

    How Did This Happen?
    Bluntly speaking, the "conservative" Lutheran wing is only slightly to the right of ELCA, a dying sect that makes a mild interest in God look like rock-ribbed orthodoxy. 

    In their lust to be relevant, the ELS-LCMS-WELS leaders have chased the mainline bandwagon at full gallop. Not once have they admitted that they are destroying and robbing their denominations by doing this. 

    There is a reverse correlation between societal relevance and spiritual health. The early Christians did not celebrate abortion, pan-sexuality, and women's ordination. The LCMS-ELS-WELS leaders do - either through their own programs or their joint-work with ELCA and Thrivent.

    All of them have spent millions - with ELCA - in studying how to ruin their sects - at Fuller Seminary, Trinity Seminary, and Willowcreek. WELS gave pastors free scholarships for pastors to study at Willowcreek - though no one offered to send me there for free. 

    One only needs to look at worship trends in LCMS-ELS-WELS, which are no different from ELCA or similar near-dead groups:
    • Entertainment means passive services where the members or seekers sit and listen.
    • Pipe organs are ripped out in favor of chintzy, no-talent rock bands.
    • Real sermons, the liturgy, Creeds, hymns, and the Sacraments are banned on Sunday.
    • The male, female and undecided clergy steal their pep talks from each other and from motivational gurus.
    • The message is - "We know you are self-centered hedonists, just like us, so we will cynically cater to the Old Adam and enrich ourselves."
    • Suddenly everyone has to have bar ministry or a Bible study at a bar, something CLC Pastor Dave Koenig did 20 years ago.
    • This approach is marketed as "mission" and "reaching people by any means possible" but it is crass commercialism sanctified by appeals to emotion and the flesh.
    The only out ELCA bishop is Guy Ervin,
    who was rushed into ordination and his election.
    He is married, pictured, but without issue.

    The gayer and more feminist - even Lesbian - the mainline seminaries are, the faster they go downhill. The Episcopal school near Harvard has an all-female faculty, except for one man with a lot of tenure. The first female on the list shares her Biblical insights on an "out" site for the ultra-Left church leaders.

    The ELCA-ELCiC leadership has only one "out" leader, but one suspects that the new crop that came in with Liz Eaton will reveal themselves when the time is right and the tenure secure.

    Bishop Gene Robinson helped accelerate the rapid destruction of his
    Episcopal denomination, by leaving his wife, marrying his partner,
    divorcing his partner, and playing the victim all the while.

    Conservative Lutheran pastors think
    ELCA's Nadia Bolz-Webber is cool.

    Long Discussion on Facing the Altar for Holy Communion on the ALPB Onlnie Forum

    Luther's Second Gospel Sermon for Trinity Nine - Faith and Works


    Luther's Second Gospel Sermon for the NINTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. LUKE 16:1-9.

    KJV Luke 16:1 And he said also unto his disciples, There was a certain rich man, which had a steward; and the same was accused unto him that he had wasted his goods. 2 And he called him, and said unto him, How is it that I hear this of thee? give an account of thy stewardship; for thou mayest be no longer steward. 3 Then the steward said within himself, What shall I do? for my lord taketh away from me the stewardship: I cannot dig; to beg I am ashamed. 4 I am resolved what to do, that, when I am put out of the stewardship, they may receive me into their houses. 5 So he called every one of his lord's debtors unto him, and said unto the first, How much owest thou unto my lord? 6 And he said, An hundred measures of oil. And he said unto him, Take thy bill, and sit down quickly, and write fifty. 7 Then said he to another, And how much owest thou? And he said, An hundred measures of wheat. And he said unto him, Take thy bill, and write fourscore. 8 And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light. 9 And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations.

    This sermon appeared during the years 1522 and 1523 in eight editions. It was translated first into Latin in 1522, and again in 1525.





    A. The defense of the true doctrine concerning faith.

    1. The true doctrine concerning faith. 4-6.

    2. The defense. 7-14.

    B. The defense of the true doctrine concerning works.

    1. The true doctrine concerning works. 15-16.

    2. The defense. 17-19.

    C. The defense of the true doctrine concerning the merits of the saints.

    1. The true doctrine.

    2. The defense. 21-22.


    A. The three questions in general. 23.

    B. The three questions and their answers in detail.

    1. The first question with its answer.

    2. The second question with its answer. 25-26.

    3. The third question with its answer. 27-28.

    1. Although in my Postils hitherto, and in my little book, Christian Liberty and Good Works, I have taught very extensively, how faith alone without works justifies, and good works are done first after we believe, that it seems I should henceforth politely keep quiet, and give every mind and heart an opportunity to understand and explain all the gospel lessons for themselves; yet I perceive that the Gospel abides and prospers only among the few; the people are constantly dispirited and terrified by the passages that treat of good works; so that I see plainly how necessary it is, either to write Postils on each gospel lesson, or to appoint sensible ministers in all places who can orally explain and teach these things.

    2. If this Gospel be considered without the Spirit by mere reason, it truly favors the priests and monks, and could be made to serve covetousness and to establish one’s own works. For when Christ says: “Make to yourselves friends by means of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when it shall fail, they may receive you into the eternal tabernacles;” they force from it three points against our doctrine of faith, namely: first, against that we teach faith alone justifies and saves from sin; second, that all good works ought to be gratuitously done to our neighbors out of free love; third, that we should not put any value in the merits of saints or of others.

    3. Against our first proposition they claim the Lord says here: “Make to yourselves friends by means of the mammon of unrighteousness,” just as though works should make us friends, who previously were enemies.

    Against the second is what he says: “That they may receive you into the eternal tabernacles;” just as though we should do the work for our own sakes and benefit. And against the third they quote: “The friends may receive us into the eternal tabernacles;” just as though we should serve the saints and trust in them to get to heaven.

    For the sake of the weak we reply to these:


    4. The foundation must be maintained without wavering, that faith without any works, without any merit, reconciles man to God and makes him good, as Paul says to the Romans 3:21-22: “But now apart from the law a righteousness of God hath been manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ unto all them that believe.” Paul at another place, Romans 4:9, says: “To Abraham, his faith was reckoned for righteousness;” so also with us.

    Again, 5: “Being therefore justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Again, 10:10: “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” These, and many more similar passages, we must firmly hold and trust in them immovably, so that to faith alone without any assistance of works, is attributed the forgiveness of sins and our justification.

    5. Take for an illustration the parable of Christ in Matthew 7:17: “Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but the corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.” Here you see that the fruit does not make the tree good, but without any fruit and before any fruit the tree must be first good, or made good, before it can bear good fruit. As he also says, Matthew 12:33-34: “Either make the tree good, and its fruit good; or make the tree corrupt, and its fruit corrupt: for the tree is known by its fruit. Ye offspring of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things?”

    Thus it is the naked truth, that a man must be good without good works, and before he does any good works. And it is clear how impossible it is that a man should become good by works, when he is not good before he does the good works. For Christ stands firm when he says: “How can ye, being evil, speak good things?” And hence follows: How can ye, being evil, do good things?

    6. Therefore the powerful conclusion follows, there must be something far greater and more precious than all good works, by which a man becomes pious and good, before he does good; just as he must first be in bodily health before he can labor and do hard work. This great and precious something is the noble Word of God, which offers us in the Gospel the grace of God in Christ. He who hears and believes this, thereby becomes good and righteous. Wherefore it is called the Word of life, a Word of grace, a Word of forgiveness. But he who neither hears nor believes it, can in no way become good. For St. Peter says in the Acts 15:9: “And he made no distinction between us and them, cleansing their hearts by faith.”

    For as the Word is, so will the heart be, which believes and cleaves firmly to it. The Word is a living, righteous, truthful, pure and good Word, so also the heart which cleaves to it, must be living, just, truthful, pure and good.

    7. What now shall we say of those passages which so strongly insist on good works, as when the Lord says: “Make to yourselves friends by means of the mammon of unrighteousness?” And in Matthew 25:42: “For I was hungry, and ye did not give me to eat.” And many other similar passages, which sound altogether as though we had to become good by works. We answer thus: 8. There are some who hear and read the Gospel and what is said by faith, and immediately conclude they have formed a correct notion of what faith is. They do not think that faith is anything else than something which is altogether in their own power to have or not to have, as any other natural human work. Hence, when in their hearts they begin to think and say: “Verily, the doctrine is right, and I believe it is true,” then they immediately think faith is present. But as soon as they see and feel in themselves and others that no change has taken place, and that the works do not follow and they remain as before in their old ways, then they conclude that faith is not sufficient, that they must have something more and greater than faith.

    Behold, how they then seize the opportunity, and cry and say: Oh, faith alone does not do it. Why? Oh, because there are so many who believe, and are no better than before, and have not changed their minds at all. Such people are those whom Jude in his Epistle calls dreamers, 5:8, who deceive themselves with their own dreams. For what are such thoughts of theirs which they call faith, but a dream, a dark shadow of faith, which they themselves have created in their own thoughts, by their own strength without the grace of God? They become worse than they were before. For it happens with them as the Lord says in Matthew 9:17 “Neither do men put new wine into old wine-skins; else the skins burst, and the wine is spilled.” That is, they hear God’s Word and do not lay hold of it, therefore they burst and become worse.

    9. But true faith, of which we speak, cannot be manufactured by our own thoughts, for it is solely a work of God in us, without any assistance on our part. As Paul says to the Romans 5:15, it is God’s gift and grace, obtained by one man, Christ. Therefore, faith is something very powerful, active, restless, effective, which at once renews a person and again regenerates him, and leads him altogether into a new manner and character of life, so that it is impossible not to do good without ceasing.

    For just as natural as it is for the tree to produce fruit, so natural is it for faith to produce good works. And just as it is quite unnecessary to command the tree to bear fruit, so there is no command given to the believer, as Paul says, nor is urging necessary for him to do good, for he does it of himself, freely and unconstrained; just as he of himself without command sleeps, eats, drinks, puts on his clothes, hears, speaks, goes and comes.

    Whoever has not this faith talks but vainly about faith and works, and does not himself know what he says or whither it tends. For he has not received it; he juggles with lies and applies the Scriptures where they speak of faith and works to his own dreams and false thoughts, which is purely a human work. Whereas the Scriptures attribute both faith and good works not to ourselves, but to God alone.

    10. Is not this a perverted and blind people? They teach we cannot do a good deed of ourselves, and then in their presumption go to work and arrogate to themselves the highest of all the works of God, namely faith, to manufacture it themselves out of their own perverted thoughts. Wherefore I have said that we should despair of ourselves and pray to God for faith as the Apostle did. Luke 17:5. When we have faith we need nothing more, for it brings with it the Holy Spirit, who then teaches us not only all things, but also establishes us firmly in it, and leads us through death and hell to heaven.

    11. Now observe, we have given these answers, that the Scriptures have such passages concerning works, on account of such dreamers and selfinvented faith; not that man should become good by works, but that man should thereby prove and see the difference between false and true faith.

    For wherever faith is right it does good. If it does no good, it is then certainly a dream and a false idea of faith. So, just as the fruit on the tree does not make the tree good, but nevertheless outwardly proves and testifies that the tree is good, as Christ says, Matthew 7:16: “By their fruits ye shall know them”--thus we should also learn to know faith by its fruits.

    12. From this you see, there is a great difference between being good, and to be known as good; or to become good and to prove and show that you are good. Faith makes good, but works prove the faith and goodness to be right. Thus the Scriptures speak in the plain way, which prevails among the common people, as when a father says unto his son: “Go and be merciful, good and friendly to this or to that poor person.” By which he does not command him to be merciful, good and friendly, but because he is already good and merciful, he requires that he should also show and prove it outwardly toward the poor by his act, in order that the goodness which he has in himself may also be known to others and be helpful to them. 13 So you should explain all passages of Scripture referring to works, that God thereby desires to let the goodness received in faith express and prove itself, and become a benefit to others, so that false faith may become known and rooted out of the heart. For God gives no one his grace that it may remain inactive and accomplish nothing good, but in order that it may bear interest, and by being publicly known and proved externally draw every one to God; as Christ says, Matthew 5:16: “Even so let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” Otherwise it would be but a buried treasure and a hidden light. But what profit is there in either? Yea, goodness does not only thereby. become known to others, but we ourselves also become certain that we are honest, as St. Peter in 2 Peter 1:10 says: “Wherefore, brethren, give the more diligence to make your calling and election sure.” For where works do not follow a man cannot know whether his faith is right; yea, he may be certain that his faith is a dream, and not right as it should be. Thus Abraham became certain of his faith and that he feared God, when he offered up his son. As God by the angel said to Abraham, Genesis 22:12: “Now I know, that is, it is manifest, that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.”

    14. Then abide by the truth, that man is internally, in spirit before God, justified by faith alone without works, but externally and publicly before men and himself, he is justified by works, that he is at heart an honest believer and pious. The one you may call a public or outward justification, the other an inner justification, yet in the sense that the public or external justification is only the fruit, the result and proof of the justification in the heart, that a man does not become just thereby before God, but must previously be just before him. So you may call the fruit of the tree the public or outward good of the tree, which is only the result and proof of its inner and natural goodness.

    This is what St. James means when he says in his Epistle, James 2:26: “Faith without works is dead.” That is, as the works do not follow, it is a sure sign that there is no faith there; but only an empty thought and dream, which they falsely call faith. Now we understand the word of Christ: “Make to yourselves friends by means of the mammon of unrighteousness.” That is, prove your faith publicly by your outward gifts, by which you win friends, that the poor may be witnesses of your public work, that your faith is genuine. For mere external giving in itself can never make friends, unless it proceed from faith, as Christ rejects the alms of the Pharisees in Matthew 6:2, that they thereby make no friends because their heart is false. Thus no heart can ever be right without faith, so that even nature forces the confession that no work makes one good, but that the heart must first be good and upright.


    15. Christ means this when, in Matthew 10:8, he says: “Freely ye receive, freely give.” For just as Christ with all his works did not merit heaven for himself, because it was his before; but he served us thereby, not regarding or seeking his own, but these two things, namely, our benefit and the glory of God his Father; so also should we never seek our own in our good works, either temporal or eternal, but glorify God by freely and gratuitously doing good to our neighbor. This St. Paul teaches the Philippians 2:5: “Have this mind in you which was also in Christ Jesus: who, existing in the form of God, counted not the being on an equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men; and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, becoming obedient even unto death, yea, the death of the cross.” That is, for himself he had enough, since in him dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and yet he served us and became our servant.

    16. And this is the cause; for since faith justifies and destroys sin before God, so it gives life and salvation. And now it would be a lasting shame and disgrace, and injurious to faith, if any one by his life and works would desire to obtain what faith already possesses and brings with it. Just as Christ would have only disgraced himself had he done good in order to become the Son of God and Lord over all things, which he already was before. So faith makes us God’s children as John 1:12 says: “But as many as received him, to them gave he the right to become the children of God, even to them thai: believe on his name.” But if they are children, then they are heirs, as St. Paul says, Romans 8:17, and Galatians 4:7.

    How then can we do anything to obtain the inheritance, which we already have by faith?

    17. But what shall we say of passages that insist on a good life for the sake of an external reward as this one does: “Make to yourselves friends by means of the mammon of unrighteousness?” And in Matthew 19:17: “But if thou wouldst enter into life, keep the commandments.” And Matthew 6:20: “But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.” We will say this: that those who do not know faith, only speak and think of the reward, as of works. For they think that the same rule obtains here as in human affairs, that they must earn the Kingdom of heaven by their works.

    These, too, are dreams and false views, of which Malachi 1:10, speaks: “Oh, that there were one among you that would shut the doors, that ye might not kindle fire on mine altar in vain!” They are slaves and greedy self-enjoying hirelings and day laborers, who receive their reward here on earth, like the Pharisees with their praying and fasting, as Christ says, Matthew 6:2.

    However, in regard to the eternal reward it is thus: inasmuch as works naturally follow faith, as I said, it is not necessary to command them, for it is impossible for faith not to do them without being commanded, in order that we may learn to distinguish the false from the true faith. Hence the eternal reward also follows true faith, naturally, without any seeking, so that it is impossible that it should not, although it may never be desired or sought, yet it is appropriated and promised in order that true and false believers may be known, and that every one may understand that a good life follows naturally of itself.

    18. As an illustration of this take a rude comparison: behold, hell and death are also threatened to the sinner, and naturally follow sin without any seeking; for no one does wickedly because he wants to be damned, but would much rather escape it. Yet, the result is there, and it is not necessary to declare it, for it will come of itself. Yet, it is declared that man might know what follows a wicked life. So here, a wicked life has its own reward without seeking it. Hence a good life will find its reward without any seeking it. When you drink good or poor wine, although you do not drink it for the taste, yet the taste naturally follows of itself.

    19. Now when Christ says: make to yourselves friends, lay up for yourselves treasures, and the like, you see that he means: do good, and it will follow of itself without your seeking, that you will have friends, find treasures in heaven, and receive a reward. But your eyes must simply be directed to a good life, and care nothing about the reward, but be satisfied to know and be assured that it will follow, and let God see to that. For those who look for a reward, become lazy and unwilling laborers, and love the reward; more than the work, yea, they become enemies of work. In this way God’s will also becomes hateful, who has commanded us to work, and hence God’s command and will must finally become burdensome to such a heart.


    20. This is so clear that it needs no proof. For how can the saints receive us into heaven, as every one himself must depend on God alone to receive him into heaven, and every saint scarcely has enough for himself? This the wise virgins prove, who did not wish to give of their oil to the foolish virgins, Matthew 25:9, and St. Peter, 1 Peter 4:18, says: “The righteous is scarcely saved.” And Christ in John 3:13: “And no one hath ascended into heaven, but he that descended out of heaven, even the Son of Man, who is in heaven.”

    21. What then shall we reply to: “Make to yourselves friends out of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when it shall fail, they may receive you into the eternal tabernacles ?” We say this: that this passage says nothing about the saints in heaven, but of the poor and needy on earth, who live among us. As though he would say: why do you build churches, make saints and serve my mother, St. Peter, St. Paul and other departed saints?

    They do not need this or any other service of yours, they are not your friends, but friends of those who lived in their days and to whom they did good; but do service to your friends, that is, the poor who live in your time and among you, your nearest neighbors who need your help, make them your friends with your mammon.

    22. Again, we must not understand this reception into the eternal tabernacles as being done by man; however, men will be an instrument and witness to our faith, exercised and shown in their behalf, on account of which God receives us into the eternal tabernacles. For thus the Scriptures are accustomed to speak when they say: sin condemns, faith saves, that means, sin is the cause why God condemns, and faith is the cause why he saves. As man also is at all times accustomed to say: your wickedness will bring you misfortune, which means, your wickedness is the cause and source of your misfortune. Thus our friends receive us into heaven, when they are the cause, through our faith shown to them, of entering heaven.

    This is enough on these three points.

    23. In this connection we will explain three questions, that we may better understand this Gospel. What is mammon? Why is it unrighteous? And why Christ commands us to imitate the unjust steward, who worked for his own gain at his master’s expense, which without doubt is unjust and a sin?

    24. First, mammon is a Hebrew word meaning riches or temporal goods, namely, whatever any one owns over and above what his needs require, and with which he can benefit others without injuring himself. For Hamon in Hebrew means multitude, or a great crowd or many, from which Mahamon or Mammon, that is, multitude of riches or goods, is derived.

    25. Second, it is called unrighteous, not because obtained by injustice and usury, for with unrighteous possessions no good can be done, for it must be returned as Isaiah 61:8, says: “For I, Jehovah, love justice, I hate robbery with iniquity.” And Solomon, Proverbs 3:27, says: “Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thy hand to do it.” But it is called unrighteous because it stands in the service of unrighteousness, as St. Paul says to the Ephesians 5:16, that the days are evil, although God made them and they are good, but they are evil because wicked men misuse them, in which they do many sins, offend and endanger souls. Therefore, riches are unrighteous, because the people misuse and abuse them. For we know that wherever riches are the saying holds good: money rules the world, men creep for it, they lie for it, they act the hypocrite for it, and do all manner of wickedness against their neighbor to obtain it, to keep it, and increase it to possess the friendship of the rich.

    26. But it is especially before God an unrighteous mammon because man does not serve his neighbor with it; for where my neighbor is in need and I do not help him when I have the means to do so, I unjustly keep what is his, as I am indebted to give to him according to the law of nature: “Whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do you even so to them.” Matthew 7:12. And Christ says in Matthew 5:42: “Give to him that asketh thee.” And John in his first Epistle,1 John 3:17: “But whoso hath the world’s goods, and beholdeth his brother in need, and shutteth up his compassion from him, how doth the love of God abide in him?” And few see this unrighteousness in mammon because it is spiritual, and is found also in those possessions which are obtained by the fairest means, which deceive them that they think they do no one any harm, because they do no coarse outward injustice, by robbing, stealing and usury.

    27. In the third place it has been a matter of very great concern to many to know who the unjust steward is whom Christ so highly recommends? This, in short, is the simple answer: Christ does not commend unto us the steward on account of his unrighteousness, but on account of his wisdom and his shrewdness, that with all his unrighteousness, he so wisely helps himself. As though I would urge some one to watch, pray and study, and would say: Look here, murderers and thieves wake at night to rob and steal, why then do you not wake to pray and study? By this I do not praise murderers and thieves for their crimes, but for their wisdom and foresight, that they so wisely obtain the goods of unrighteousness. Again. as though I would say: An unchaste woman adorns herself with gold and silk to tempt young boys; why will you not also adorn yourself with faith to please Christ? By this I do not praise fornication, but the diligence employed.

    28. In this way Paul compares Adam and Christ saying: “Adam was a figure of him that was to come.” Romans 5:14. Although from Adam we have nothing but sin, and from Christ nothing but grace, yet these are greatly opposed to each other. But the comparison and type consist only in the consequence or birth, not in virtue or vice. As to birth, Adam is the father of all sinners, so Christ is the father of all the righteous. And as all sinners come from one Adam, so all the righteous come from one Christ.

    Thus the unjust steward is here typified to us only in his cunning and wisdom, who knows so well how to help himself, that we should also consider in the right way the welfare of our souls as he did in the wrong way that of his body and life. With this we will let it suffice, and pray God for grace.

    The Ninth Sunday after Trinity, 2016. Luke 16:1-9. Make Friends with Unrighteous Mammon

     Santa's business burned to the ground, with no insurance.
    The firemen failed to extinguish the initial, smaller fire.
    Moline classmates are raising money to get him back into the car upholstery business.

    The Ninth Sunday after Trinity, 2016

    Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

    The melodies are linked in the hymn title. 
    The lyrics are linked in the hymn number.
    The Confession of Sins
    The Absolution
    The Introit p. 16
    The Gloria Patri
    The Kyrie p. 17
    The Gloria in Excelsis
    The Salutation and Collect p. 19
    The Epistle and Gradual       
    The Gospel              
    Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
    Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
    The Nicene Creed             p. 22
    Faith and Works

    The Preface p. 24
    The Sanctus p. 26
    The Lord's Prayer p. 27
    The Words of Institution
    The Agnus Dei p. 28
    The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
    The Benediction p. 31
    The Hymn # 54              Guide Me Thou, O Great Jehovah                   

    KJV 1 Corinthians 10:1 Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; 2 And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; 3 And did all eat the same spiritual meat; 4 And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ. 5 But with many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness. 6 Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted.

    KJV Luke 16:1 And he said also unto his disciples, There was a certain rich man, which had a steward; and the same was accused unto him that he had wasted his goods. 2 And he called him, and said unto him, How is it that I hear this of thee? give an account of thy stewardship; for thou mayest be no longer steward. 3 Then the steward said within himself, What shall I do? for my lord taketh away from me the stewardship: I cannot dig; to beg I am ashamed. 4 I am resolved what to do, that, when I am put out of the stewardship, they may receive me into their houses. 5 So he called every one of his lord's debtors unto him, and said unto the first, How much owest thou unto my lord? 6 And he said, An hundred measures of oil. And he said unto him, Take thy bill, and sit down quickly, and write fifty. 7 Then said he to another, And how much owest thou? And he said, An hundred measures of wheat. And he said unto him, Take thy bill, and write fourscore. 8 And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light. 9 And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations.

    Ninth Sunday After Trinity

    Lord God, heavenly Father, who hast bountifully given us Thy blessing and our daily bread: We beseech Thee, preserve us from covetousness, and so quicken our hearts that we willingly share Thy blessed gifts with our needy brethren; that we may be found faithful stewards of Thy gifts, and abide in Thy grace when we shall be removed from our stewardship, and shall come before Thy judgment, through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one true God, world without end. Amen.

    The Sower - by Norma Boeckler

    Faith and Works

    KJV Luke 16:1 And he said also unto his disciples, There was a certain rich man, which had a steward; and the same was accused unto him that he had wasted his goods.
    Pixelation - expanding a small picture until it loses all meaning.

    Every doctrinal topic is good for pixelation, where one phrase is expanded until it makes no sense at all in the context of the Scriptures. This pixelation method is the hallmark of false teachers, who use the Bible against itself and glory in their great wisdom.

    The Church of Rome - and many others - have added works to faith and used whatever passages they could drag in to support their initial assertion - that faith is not enough.

    The Protestants are not immune to this, whether they call themselves Bible Christians or have bishops or have district presidents. Some blatantly say that faith alone is not enough for salvation, but others are more subtle. Lutheran Pietists - who come in many varieties, from Geneva gown to alb to chausibles and mitres and incense - make all the claims of Lutheran doctrine but add their little laws about what man must do. The cell group simply states that no one is a Christian outside their true church, which is the cell group. The crypto-Romanists insist on bishops who play the rose of Moses as the savior.

    Luke 16:1 And he said also unto his disciples, There was a certain rich man, which had a steward; and the same was accused unto him that he had wasted his goods.

    This is a difficult parable taught to His disciples. The hero is not a good person but a clever one. He is unrighteous and takes care of himself alone. Like many other difficult passages, once we have learned it, the story sticks because of its strange plot.

    That is why I suspect tear-jerker stories on Facebook, which come out just right. When I copy and paste the wording, they often come out as plagiarism from a short story, a little morality tale made up by some writer. That is fine, like "The Gift of the Magi," but a stretch when portrayed as reality.

    The audience is His disciples, so it was an important lesson to learn. Overall the Christian Church has done a fine job of making this the spirit of America. But I am jumping to the conclusion.

    The Plot
    The tension of this story comes from a manager of the estate who has wasted vast sums of money and will be fired. He can only see himself as another estate manager, so he cleverly cuts the bill of various customers so they owe much less than they did before. 

    The rich man commends his manager for being so clever.

    8 And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.

    The children of light are Christian believers while the children of this world are unbelievers! This is another problem for people.

    The last blow to our sense of right and wrong is this - Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations.

    Most Basic Principle
    We have to start with the most basic principal in the Bible - forgiveness and salvation come to an individual only through faith, without works, and this faith is created by the Gospel Word.

    Matthew 7:15-21 makes this abundantly clear. The good tree is the person of faith, who upon coming to faith, trusting in Christ, does good works as the fruit of that salvation worked by God through the Word.

    The entire Bible is a testimony to forgiveness through faith alone, with good works following as a result, not a cause of salvation. Abraham is not only shown to be justified by faith in Genesis 15, but also used as an example in Romans 4, Galatians, James, and Hebrews. 

    4. The foundation must be maintained without wavering, that faith without any works, without any merit, reconciles man to God and makes him good, as Paul says to the Romans 3:21-22: “But now apart from the law a righteousness of God hath been manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ unto all them that believe.” Paul at another place, Romans 4:9, says: “To Abraham, his faith was reckoned for righteousness;” so also with us.

    Again, 5: “Being therefore justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Again, 10:10: “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” These, and many more similar passages, we must firmly hold and trust in them immovably, so that to faith alone without any assistance of works, is attributed the forgiveness of sins and our justification.

    Satan tempts into thinking we are forgiven 50%, 70%, 80%, but certainly not for the rest. In that area we need to make up for it, feel tortures of the soul, and perform heroic deeds to prove contrition and repentance. In other words, Satan tempts us all to deny the Gospel and listen to reason, which certainly works this way in the world. Those who steal money are expected to pay it back. If they damage property, even by accident, they are expected to pay it back.

    Those who offend a special interest group are expected to give a huge gift to the group's "charity" and grovel in public for a time. If they fail to do this, they are cast into the outer darkness. The facts do not matter. A rumor about saying the wrong thing, even 20 years ago, is enough.

    But to treat God's justice the same way - though tempting - is a denial of the Gospel. And this denial is so reasonable. Sure, faith is enough but just add works to adorn your faith. 

    Roman Catholics say quite boldly, "Yes you are forgiven through Christ's suffering on the cross, but you still need to pay for your sins. That payment throughout your life will probably not be sufficient, so Purgatory will cleanse the rest of your soul, just as Plato taught." Yes, Plato is used to support Purgatory, a mini-hell for almost eternity.

    Since making works a part of forgiveness and salvation is counter to the entire Gospel, what else could this mean?

    First of all, this is a clever unbeliever, so the only thing commended is his cleverness. That is what we can admire, and the paradox makes it fun because it twists our mind up. 

    So we are supposed to be clever like this self-dealing, back-stabbing steward?

    Luther's example is "a clever flirt." That is paradoxical way of saying a woman is good at flirting. Of course, that is also a warning sign, since perfection comes with practice.

    The Resolution of the Strange Plot
    Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations.

    The mammon of unrighteousness means - the extra goods or money we have, beyond what we need for our necessities.

    When we fail - when we die and face final judgment.

    they may receive you into everlasting habitations - Those who have benefited will welcome you and speak for you in eternal life.

    21. What then shall we reply to: “Make to yourselves friends out of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when it shall fail, they may receive you into the eternal tabernacles ?” We say this: that this passage says nothing about the saints in heaven, but of the poor and needy on earth, who live among us. As though he would say: why do you build churches, make saints and serve my mother, St. Peter, St. Paul and other departed saints?

    They do not need this or any other service of yours, they are not your friends, but friends of those who lived in their days and to whom they did good; but do service to your friends, that is, the poor who live in your time and among you, your nearest neighbors who need your help, make them your friends with your mammon.

    22. Again, we must not understand this reception into the eternal tabernacles as being done by man; however, men will be an instrument and witness to our faith, exercised and shown in their behalf, on account of which God receives us into the eternal tabernacles. For thus the Scriptures are accustomed to speak when they say: sin condemns, faith saves, that means, sin is the cause why God condemns, and faith is the cause why he saves. As man also is at all times accustomed to say: your wickedness will bring you misfortune, which means, your wickedness is the cause and source of your misfortune. Thus our friends receive us into heaven, when they are the cause, through our faith shown to them, of entering heaven.

    I am going to repeat a story I was told by the recipient. He gave me permission to do so. He was the president of every group in school. He earned all the honors, plus starring in tennis. He received a full scholarship to Yale and won a spot in the Wiffenpoofs, a very special singing group. In that group he was also honored with a special role.

    For an extend period of time his family had almost no money. People gathered food and clothing for the family. One person gave him his first tennis racket (which became his vocation and the source of national honors). Nobody knew among the friends his age. I now realize that our clothing was being shared and it was "none of your business." He was my close friend in school and still is a regular, joking on FB, where he told this story. 

    This was a good case of "covering" as Luther says. The family was spared the shame of being so poor - and fortune changed for them eventually. My friend was thankful for all the help and the absence of shame. He said, "Remember how much I was helped and think of that when someone near you has a need." 

    Now another person, the Santa above, is brought low by a fire that started in the business nextdoor. I am sure our classmates will pitch in and help. Our veteran friend could not sleep at night because of his lack of furniture and bedding, so we bought him a new bed and a complete set of bedding. It was so gratifying to see how much that helped.

    Point of the Story
    Jesus taught this story to His disciples so they would be encouraged to help the poor, which is the story behind Paul's gathering of money in 2 Corinthians 8 and 9, see Acts 16. 

    The apostles were so occupied with taking care of the needy that they commissioned deacons (not bullies) to carry out more of this work. So the apostles took this strange parable to heart. That has continued to be the template for the Christian Church and for America.

    Faith and salvation bring prosperity to people, because God blesses what we do and shows us how to use our resources wisely. We are always tempted to look down on someone in poverty and say, "But if only..." and that is true. People squander their money on liquor, tobacco, gambling, and drugs. Many live on the edge, working for little and often spending it foolishly.

    If we denounce them for bad behavior, then we have no audience. They know it. They have heard it before. Many have lived better before this dark age of America. But if we share their burdens and help out where we can, that establishes trust and an audience for the Gospel. 

    Luther turned against the Medieval fads of building glorious buildings which were seen as honoring God and the saints, while the poor were suffering and starving. It is funny how we have done the same, as Lutherans. One very rich man was quite a cad and doubtless felt guilty over it. So the LCMS, ELS, and WELS tapped his riches to pay for his guilt and praise him into heaven - literally. And what do they have to show for it? They are financially bereft. They have big empty buildings and nothing to show for it but a bunch of bronze plaques honoring the cad.

    I love the ending of this strange parable. Isn't it pleasant to think of the cheers upon entering heaven? After all, the Gospel is for the poor in spirit (those who need the comfort of the Gospel) and for the weak, the needy, the disfigured and disabled. The great, wise, and strong do not feel the need for the Gospel and only want the praise of denominational leaders. 

    Review of July 25, 2016 Christian News Reading CN, So You Don't Have To. Nostalgia Issue


    The new issue of Christian News is a nostalgia tour, wrapped around the synod convention, which took place in the Wisconsin Center in Milwaukee.

    Many will be relieved that this is another issue free from any mention of this blog or its author. Although Herman Otten received a free copy of Thy Strong Word a long time ago, when the Amazon edition first came out, no mention has been made of TSW.

    When these crypto-Romanists get out of their fancy robes,
    they sound like brawlers at a blue collar bar, but with less charm.
    Pastor Herman Otten enjoys warm relations with every denomination except his own - the sign of a true ecumenist. I am always looking for the latest Roman Catholic or Wheaton College publication in Christian News.

    Of course, one must buy the collected works of Marquart or CFW Walther. Neither one taught the Biblical Justification by Faith. Luther did, but he is a minor figure in Christian News.

    As I wrote before, one LCMS District President did not wear his hobnail boots to schtomp an advocate of Justification by Faith, simply because the Missouri Synod does not teach it. The Stormtroopers of UOJ persuasion make their cause sound like the universal witness of all the Lutheran saints, but their roots only go back to Halle Pietism.

    Exceptions to their UOJ fever can be found in

    • Concordia Publishing House catechisms, 
    • The history of the LCMS. 
    • Luther's Works (CPH), 
    • Robin Leaven (CPH), 
    • The works of Chemnitz and Gerhard (CPH), and
    • Naturally in the Scriptures, even in the notorious New NIV.
    That is as deep as the LCMS gets.

    Dr. Ben Dover is ready for your exam.

    Was Kent channeling C. Peter Wagner or Waldo Werning
    when he solemnly declared this Church Growth bromide?
    His delusions have nothing to do with the Scriptures or Confessions,
    so the COP loved his work.

    Nothing is going to grow on the weed of Pietism. Weeds are sterile. They produce more weeds no matter what the weather. Drought - love it. Rainy - love it. However, no one wants what weeds produce.

    Southern Pruning - Called Crepe Murder. No Wonder the Cardinals Nest in the Crepe Myrtle Bush

    This is our Crepe Myrtle in full bloom,
    a straggly and neglected plant when we moved in almost four years ago.

    This kind of pruning is called Crepe Murder,
    sometimes an entire row is topped off this way.

    Saturday's paper included a column on the Southern habit of Crepe Murder, the practice of removing all the branches from the plant. This is so established as a custom in the South that pictures and articles denouncing it are numerous on the Net.

    Google is my guide, because most gardening books are photo extravaganzas with little information, apart from the trite advice. When I inherited a dispirited Crepe Myrtle, I looked over what we could do for it. My first impulse was to feed it with manure and mulched, and water it every so often. The famous Cactus Park in Phoenix waters their plants, so I figure a drought tolerant bush could use some extra help.

    One large Southern garden advocates no pruning, no watering, no extra anything, but that strikes me as the other extreme.

    Two years ago I pruned all the flowers early to create a re-bloom, and that worked great. All the other bushes were done when ours burst into bloom again. I let the flowers turn to seed for the winter birds.
    Last summer we pruned too late and did not get the re-bloom desired.

    We get gigantic blooms from extra watering
    and year-around mulch, plus moderate pruning.

    The newspaper article made me stop in mid-pruning. Cardinals love the seeds formed by the blooms. No wonder I have Cardinals nesting there.

    I needed to shape the plant, since it overlaps the mailbox and the sidewalk. Pedestrians should not need to duck under undisciplined plants, and the mailman does not need to reach the box through flowers and hovering bees.

    I will leave the entire top in bloom to create a fine set of seeds for the birds. Moderate pruning will shape the plant and encourage roots, branches, and blooms.

    Mulch Feeds the Plant
    Long ago, as a beginner, I joined the crowd in raking leaves from under the bushes, little realizing how much food I was taking from the plants.

    In Springdale I started adding mulch or manure to the base of the plant every time I had a new supply. Each time the food disappeared into the soil. When I piled up leaves under the plant - for the winter - they also disappeared by spring. Once we had huge blobs of grass and clay from under the mower blades. I piled them under the plant and saw them disappear, as soil creatures turned nitrogen rich grass into usable nitrogen for the roots.

    The newly pruned blooms go onto the mulch, adding a festive pink decoration for a few hours, and a few seeds for the ground feeding birds. The layered mulch is a food bonanza for all of God's workmen, from the spiders eating the insects to the birds harvesting bugs from the mulch.

    I dasn't water the flowering part of the bush now, as I did in years past. The nestlings need to remain dry and secure. Instead, I soak the mulch, which decomposes better with moisture added and holds the water in for the benefit of the plant. None of the actors think about what they are accomplishing together - they just continue their lives and their agendas, the divine. management system already in place.

    In the early spring, the entire mulched area took on a new look. I noticed that a mole made his feeding tunnel go under the bush in a perfect circle - following the area of greatest bug, larvae, and earthworm concentrations. Do I mutter against the tough little diggers? No -

    • Moles stir and mix the soil.
    • They  eat the pests when the pests are still grubs, like the hated Japanese beetles.
    • They eat the earthworms they find, but rich soil will refill the supply immediately.
    The real feel is 100 or higher today. Would you dig in heavy clay soil today or let the moles and earthworms tunnel as part of their daily feeding schedule? Rains are coming, and the rainfall will be more effective for having the soil opened up and mixed in advance.

    The soil creatures do not turn the soil upside-down and inside-out, as rototillers and plows do - they gently aerate and mix, as they were created and engineered to do.

    The Sower and the Living Seed of the Word - by Norma Boeckler.

    So Much Like the Divine Work of the Word of God
    All of this gardening parallels the Holy Spirit's work through the Word of God. We get to enjoy a part in what God does - simply by 
    1. sharing His Word, 
    2. broadcasting His Word, 
    3. teaching His Word, or
    4. encouraging those whose primary work involves the Word.

    The Word belongs to God alone, which is intimately connected to His Creation. If we cannot see His work in Nature, then we can see it in how He works through the Means of Grace. 

    Like most gardeners, I would like to plant asparagus crowns one year and harvest them the next. I would love to have full-grown sunflowers a few days after planting the seeds, which the squirrels consider their stored food. My eyes are on some white Calladiums, waiting for them to unfurl and contrast their snowy leaves with the red Calladiums near them.

    The Word grows in the same way, never as fast as we want, but slowly as God wills. 

    ELCA (Seminex) Pastor Bruce Foster Unhitched His Hellish Bigotry in 2011


    Dear Dr (by virtue of a degree issued by a school run by the underlings of the anti-Christ) Jackson

    You like to remind people how my (sic) hits your web site gets. The traffic is dramatic. What exactly it means, however, is up to interpretation. One group who follows your posts are people who support your ideas. A small group of names come up again and again on comments, Bruce Church, Brett Meyer etc. I have no idea if these are real names or people who use fake names. They are, I am sure, real people because their styles are unique and I don't think anyone would go to the trouble of making up commenters.

    Others, however, I suspect are people like myself who stumbled on to your web site and have become addicted to your style and thought processes. Any one who blogs as much as you do reveals a great deal about yourself on the site. One thing I am sure, however, is that your desire to present the actual facts in matters takes a back seat to presenting your own world view. If the facts don't match your world view, ignore or change the facts. An example. You wrote

    "ELCA and the Episcopal Church began living together in sin a few years ago. They did not form a legal, legitimate merger, but invented a way in which Episcopalian polity could be forced upon Lutherans. One example was the sudden necessity to have an Anglican bishop present at all confirmations and ordinations. Why not at Holy Communion too? "

    [GJ - Objections from pastors and laity leaving ELCA because of CCM.]

    The best response to this is "Weird." I am not sure which alternative universe you live in, but you do not live in mine. In my universe CCM had two requirements. First, that all ELCA bishops in the future have at their consecrations at least three bishops who themselves were ordained into the historic episcopate. Second, that a bishop be present at all ordinations. This second requirements has an exception for those ministerial candidates who object to this requirement (not many do, but some have). And that's it. Now I didn't support CCM. I spoke against it. Indeed I publicly in the presence of Bishop Anderson said that the historic episcopate was one of the most butt stupid idea ever developed in the church. But I attacked CCM for what was actually there.

    Where you get the idea that an Anglican bishop has to be present at "all confirmations and ordinations" I haven't a clue. Trust me, in the years since CCM I have had confirmations every year without any bishop there. And the comment "Why not at Holy Communion too?" is just bizarre.

    Bizarre. Maybe that's the answer. You were just making stuff up for the fun of it. Satire or parody. Just like when I challenged you about how you knew Bill Lazareth went to hell your response was that you were joking.

    And yet this makes for entertaining reading. What will Dr. Jackson make up next? It's all too sad really. You have a great work ethic. You are in many ways very bright. Too bad you don't take things seriously.

    Bruce Foster (please don't belittle me for not having a degree from the anti-Christ's best school)


    GJ - Every few months, ELCA Pastor Bruce Foster sends an email like this. It makes my day. He was the ELCA pastor who gave up the WELSians pastors Lindemann and Jenswold by quoting them. They were quite nasty anonymously. Foster is a bit hostile, but he signs his stuff instead of hiding in the foliage of the WELS Grapevine. I just call him Bananas Foster.

    He used to be LCMS, so I am glad there is a place for apostate Missourians to go. Anyone trained in UOJ will fit right into ELCA, so the transition from LCMS to Seminex to ELCA is an easy one. Neuhaus took one more jump - to the Church of Rome.

    I wish I had the creativity to make up everything. Of course, if Foster had a serious objection to the facts I presented about the Anglican-ELCA morganatic marriage, he could send a serious post. ELCA is not so fascinating that I keep track of every detail. ELCA's CCM was so terrible for many that they began leaving the sect, one large congregation at a time. That became the base for the LCMC, which grew to something like 700 congregations after ELCA bowed to the Lavender Mafia in 2009.

    Foster is correct. The more he writes, the more he reveals about himself. He is still fretting over the posthumous status of Bill Lazareth, sainted bishop and theologian of ELCA. I think that is all settled by now. As Bones often said in Star Trek, "He's dead, Jim."

    Foster misses the point about education. Tim Glende and other WELS bullies claim they are right by virtue of their excruciatingly difficult education. They actually studied Greek! The WELS pastors do not not admit how few of them are even adequate in Greek. Glende is not on that list. Even if he were, the argument is completely bogus. Here is the argument encapsulated:"You, a lawyer and layman, cannot possibly be correct. I can plagiarize Groeschel's sermons all I want, because I studied Greek and you did not."

    As 29A knows, I have been almost everywhere and often have first-hand knowledge of the theological leaders I discuss. For example, I heard Lazareth speak in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Some other recent leaders in ELCA that I have met are: Chilstrom, Marshal, Crumley, David Preus, Franklin D. Fry, Neuhaus, and several seminary presidents, including the new one at Wartburg, Stan Olson.

    If merely graduating from an unaccredited seminary is enough to dazzle the typical WELS/ELS layman, how much more should theology degrees from Yale and Notre Dame?

    The Lutherans have not been able to put together a university yet, and Valpo does not count. Foster should know that seminary "doctorates" are a joke, whether they are DMins or some other concoction.

    The only Catholic-run part of Notre Dame was its seminary. We used their building on the lake once or twice, but the PhD program was independent of priestly training and had almost no connection with them. Some future priests attended our classes, but we were never in theirs. Foster should know by now that Notre Dame is managed by an independent board.

    I am not sure what fuels his endless sarcasm. I suppose it is the closest he can get to humor. Foster sounds just like the WELS pastors who go ballistic because I point out their beloved CGM is nothing but false doctrine. They have deep, serious arguments like, "We can go to Fuller because you went to Notre Dame."

    No one is allowed to criticize ELCA or WELS. Both are thin-skinned Holy Mother Synod operations, and their clergy are equally irritable. I enjoy getting under the skin of false teachers, Pastor Foster, and that is the point of this blog.


    Why was the Lavender Mafia so happy about Liz Eaton's election?
    Mark Hanson was already on their side.

    Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "ELCA Pastor Bruce Foster Needs Some Attention":

    Perhaps ELCA Pastor Bruce Foster should remember that although Pastor Jackson studied at the Antichrist's university, he was and remains faithful to Christ and the Lutheran Confessions. Pastor Foster though is in direct denominational fellowship with the Antichrist as was confirmed by the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification and is neither faithful to Christ or the Lutheran Confessions.

    Ichabodians should note that the Antichrist's hope for global spiritual ecumenism (quoted below) is the same ecumenism that is being promoted and established by the (W)ELS - diaprax (dialogue) being the tool to help build that unity.

    Holy Father meets with Lutheran delegation, encourages prayer and dialogue
    Vatican City, Feb 10, 2010 / 11:05 am (CNA).- After today’s general audience, the Holy Father met with a delegation from the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) in which he expressed hope for the “continuing Lutheran-Catholic dialogue.”

    The Lutheran delegation was led by the ELCA’s Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson, who is also President of the Lutheran World Foundation, the global Lutheran partner to the Catholic Church since the Second Vatican Council.

    The Holy Father addressed the delegation in English, saying that he hoped “the continuing Lutheran-Catholic dialogue both in the United States of America and at the international level will help to build upon the agreements reached so far.”

    One such agreement is a joint declaration on the Doctrine of Justification signed by the Vatican and the Lutheran World Federation on October 31, 1999. It was the product of nearly 35 years of Lutheran-Catholic dialogue in the United States and abroad.

    The Pope the noted that an important additional task “will be to harvest the results of the Lutheran-Catholic dialogue that so promisingly started after the Vatican Council II.” In order to continue “what has been achieved together since that time, he encouraged Lutherans and Catholics toward “ardent prayer” and “conversion to Christ, the source of grace and truth” in order to build a “spiritual ecumenism.”

    “May the Lord help us to treasure what has been accomplished so far, to guard it with care, and to foster its development," the Pope prayed.

    The Holy Father concluded by echoing his predecessor, John Paul II’s words while addressing a similar Lutheran delegation in 1985: “Let us rejoice that an encounter such as this can take place. Let us resolve to be open to the Lord so that He can use this meeting for His purposes, to bring about the unity that He desires. Thank you for the efforts you are making for full unity in faith and charity.”


    "Brett, our guy is not going to budge on this one.
    Yes, I am wearing a Presbyterian pulpit costume -
    it sure beats a rose chasuble."


    GJ - How delicious it must be for Foster--to join in fellowship with Rome and all denominations of the Left, creating union congregations--and denounce me for studying at Notre Dame, for writing against Roman heresies, for questioning his apostasy from the LCMS.

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