Bethany Greek Students - Beginning Greek: A Functional Approach: Stephen W....
Beginning Greek: A Functional Approach: Stephen W. Paine: 9780195010138: Books: 'via Blog this'***GJ - The price ranges from about $25 on Amazon to double that in other places.I suggest...
View ArticleArticle 1
EASTER MONDAYOR SECOND EASTER DAY.TEXT:Luke 24:13-35. And behold, two of them were going that very day to a village named Emmaus, which was three-score furlongs from Jerusalem. And they communed with...
View ArticleRoses on Sale - A Good Gamble
Peace is often difficult to buy later in the season.I saw quite a few potted ones in the Walmart parking lot - $10.The normal rose buying season starts in January. The mail carrier gives me those sad...
View ArticleBuckwheat and Other Easy, Useful Garden Plants
I am partial all plants that require little careand provide many benefits. Buckwheat tops the list.BuckwheatBuckwheat thrives in full to part sun and is very tolerant of lousy soils. Its heart-shaped...
View ArticleAfter Decades of Teaching against Luther's Doctrine - 500th Anniversary...
"Siebert Chapel is located in the middle of the Carthage campus, in close proximity to the Hedberg Library and the Tarble Athletic and Recreation Center. It is symbolic of the College’s relationship to...
View ArticleLuther's Sermon for Easter Tuesday - His Sermon to His Disciples
EASTER TUESDAYOR THIRD EASTER DAY.This sermon was printed with the “Rules and Instructions for those going to the Lord’s Supper.” See sermon after first Easter sermon.German text: Erlangen edition vol....
View ArticleInexpensive and Easy To Grow Plants for the Garden
I published a post on easy-to-grow plants - buckwheat and borage, so I decided to add a few more.Some people decry their shaded yards, but some plants need shade and abhor the sun. Lily-of-the-Valley...
View ArticleWalther's Dystopian Dream Has Come True - ELCA, WELS, LCMS, and the Little...
Students and the laity are encouraged to readthe rah-rah propaganda of the Walther cult.Look at where Universalism landed ELCA -the rest of the groups are following ELCA's lead.WELS will celebrate the...
View ArticleEcclesia on agency's watch list | NWADG
Ecclesia on agency's watch list | NWADG:"SPRINGDALE -- The U.S. Department of Education placed Ecclesia College in Springdale on a watch list that affects the school's cash flow, according to the...
View ArticleEven More Easy To Grow Plants
We should stop and wonder why food plants and flowers flourish in every kind of weather, climate, and soil. That can only come from God's Creation, engineering, and expert management. When plants fail...
View ArticleBethany Green New Testament Lesson - John 4:31ff. Harvest. Nobleman's Son...
John 431 εν δε τω μεταξυ ηρωτωναυτον οι μαθηται λεγοντες, "ραββι φαγε."32 ο δε ειπεναυτοις, εγω βρωσιν εχωφαγεινην υμεις ουκ οιδατε33 ελεγονουν οι μαθηται προς αλληλους μη τις ηνεγκεναυτω φαγειν34...
View ArticleCancer Free
Cancer-free. My wife Chris (aka Mrs. Ichabod) saw the oncologist today. She is cancer free. No infiltration. No lymph node involvement. As insurance against a return, she will take a generic...
View ArticleLawsuit seeking Ecclesia records to move forward | NWADG
Lawsuit seeking Ecclesia records to move forward | NWADG:"Arkansas legislators gave nearly $700,000 of taxpayers' money to the private Christian college from the state's General Improvement...
View ArticleRain, Rain, Stay a Day - The Creation Gardening Is Bursting with Life
Sweetheart Calladiums came from Florida CalladiumsYesterday I planted the Calladiums that came in the mail. Almost every one was a triple, so they will put on a great display, with color matching the...
View ArticleProgress of Luther's Sermons
Volume 1 of Luther's Sermons is having a final look, because extra readers really help. Norma Boeckler is already working on the art.Volume 2 already has one reading, which I will edit for the typo...
View ArticleEC President Oren Paris III and Shelton face 13 wire fraud counts instead of...
The defendants each face up to 20 years in prison, plus fines and forfeiture of any money or property acquired.Charges added against former Arkansas lawmaker in bribery case:"Former Republican Sen....
View ArticleComparing Traditional Bible Translations
In Biblical translations, the Protestants drove off the road after WWII. Most of them were associated with the Left-wing National Council of Churches, earlier called the Federal Council of Churches....
View ArticleBeneficial Garden Bugs – Attracting Pirate Bugs To The Garden
Crimson Clover arrived today - 5,000 seeds.Beneficial Garden Bugs – Attracting Pirate Bugs To The Garden:"Minute pirate bugs are tiny insects that are usually less than one-fifth inch long. They are...
View ArticleLuther's Sermon - Thomas Saved from Unbelief
Norma BoecklerFIRST SUNDAY AFTER EASTERFOURTH SERMON. JOHN 20:19-31.KJV John 20:19 Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were...
View ArticleQuasimodogeniti - The First Sunday after Easter, 2017. John 20:19-34....
Quasimodogeniti, The First Sunday after Easter, 2017 Pastor Gregory L. Jackson Lutheran Church, 10AM Central Daylight TimeThe Hymn #192...
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