Beginning Greek: A Functional Approach: Stephen W. Paine: 9780195010138: Books:
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GJ - The price ranges from about $25 on Amazon to double that in other places.
I suggest this book if you want handy charts on the nouns and pronouns, the verbs and the irregular verbs.
This book uses John 1-6 to teach basic grammar and vocabulary, so it is good for explaining the details. Xenophon in the back - bonus!
This class will also make Lenski's Interpretation of John a very useful commentary. Lenski explains all the issues with understanding the Greek text, plus various doctrinal debates. I do not like his playing around with the "proper text," a fad created by Wescott and Hort - and the fraud Tischendorf.
The best way to learn is by using the Greek text only until there is a big problem. Then use Jimmy or Lenkski. I used a German book with LI to explain certain passage. Ja, sehr gut. That may be why he was so fast in learning various computer languages - many computer languages.
I do not think Paine is absolutely necessary, but some will find it useful, especially if they want to advance in NT Greek.
My argument is thus - learn to read the entire Gospel in Greek, then use that knowledge to learn the fine points of grammar. At some point you will begin to read the Gospel and no longer translate it. The brain does that overnight, like the seed growing secretly in Mark.
If Mama taught you to speak by reciting rules of grammar to you and handing you vocabulary lists, then I will withdraw my argument for this relative ease in learning a new language.
One way to self-teach is to pick a defined text, such as one Johannine epistle and write out a translation in your own words.
Or pick a series of well known NT sayings we all know, and read them in Greek.