bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Ski Still Lists Himself as the Pastor at The CORE ...":
BJS reports that one of the Concordia U's gave an honorary doctorate to a pastor who transitioned his parish from traditional Lutheran music to "Gospel" music, which I suppose involves praise bands.
Back in the mid-1990s I toured a new LCMS church in its construction stage. The church was quite large, and they made a point of showing the praise band platforms in the making. They were proud of themselves because in most other churches the praise band platforms had to be retrofitted, with the result that they looked retrofitted and out of place.
(The other point they made sure to mention were the steel studs used instead of wood two-by-fours. They cost twice as much as wood, but are always straight, are much lighter than wood, and present no fire hazard. When drywalled with gypsum, the walls are fire-proof rather than fire-resistant like drywalled wood frames walls are):
One of the official publications of one of our LCMS Districts reports that a retired pastor has just been given an honorary doctorate from one of the Concordia universities owing to the fact that under his leadership, his congregation’s music “transitioned from the emphasis on traditional music and added a more Gospel oriented genre.”