[GJ - The author wanted to include his name, but I removed it, simply because the raging heretics in WELS would make him the issue instead of dealing with UOJ.]
Dear Pastor Jackson,
Here is the puss sack of all sin and false churches (WELS, LCMS, Baptist, Calvinists, Catholics, Turks, Jews, Muslims, Islam, Hindu etc):
"that a work of God is dependent on the worthiness of man."
In the above quote Luther venomously attacks UOJ as well as the Anabaptists etc.
Please note UOJ teaches God's justification is dependent on the worthiness of man - however true justification is NOT.
"The papists and the Anabaptists are harmoniously agreed today on this one proposition, over against the church of God, despite their verbal pretenses: namely, that a work of God is dependent on the worthiness of man. For this is what the Anabaptists teach: "Baptism is nothing unless a person is a believer." On the basis of this principle, as it is called, it necessarily follows that none of the works of God are anything if a man is not good. Now Baptism is a work of God, but an evil man can make it not a work of God." Dr. Martin Luther - Luthers Works Vol. 27, Lectures on Galatians, CPH, 1964, pg. 148 -Luther's Preface of 1535).
UOJ teaches God's justification is dependent on the worthiness of man
1. May Use operative words of work righteousness and worthiness such as "reach out", "realize" etc. for example such statements saying to realize you are already forgiven or realize you are already justified refers to man's worthiness making God's work effective.
2. UOJ faith is not trust in Christ but trust in universal forgiveness.
3. UOJ teaches God's justification is dependent on man's worthiness to receive it: man must "realize he is already forgiven", the prison doors are open- just walk out the doors etc.
The atonement is universal and is NOT dependent on the worthiness of man.
Justification is NOT universal and is NOT dependent on the worthiness of man.
Baptism is NOT dependent on the worthiness of man.
**The "washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost is NOT dependent on the worthiness of man.
**Sanctification is NOT dependent on the worthiness of man.
The Lord's Supper is NOT dependent on the worthiness of man.
The Office of the Keys is NOT dependent on the worthiness of man.
THE WORD OF GOD is not dependent on the worthiness of man.
Faith is not dependent on the worthiness of man.
Predestination is NOT dependent on the worthiness of man.
GRACE is NOT dependent on the worthiness of man.
By "worthiness of man" Luther and I mean works righteousness.
UOJ is the puss sack of sin that makes ALL the works of God and ALL the means of grace dependent upon the worthiness of man.
UOJ conquers true faith and true justification by redefining both.
1. Justification is the same as the atonement ( a lie and the puss sack of sin ).
2. Faith in Christ is trusting that everyone is already justified. (a lie and the puss sack of sin)
3. Salvation is dependent on man continuing to realize he is already justified. (a lie and the puss sack of sin and works righteousness)
This is why UOJ MUST divide true justification into two parts: because UOJ DEPENDS on the worthiness of man to "accept", "realize", walk out of etc.
Their Subjective Justification focuses on the WORTHINESS of man. (a lie)
Their Objective Justification focuses on the heart of God: that God in His heart has already forgiven the sins of the whole world. (a lie)
True Justification focuses on true faith in Jesus Christ, that no creature could make satisfaction for my sins but Christ true God and man. Believing in Jesus Christ is Trusting in Christ alone.
UOJ trusts in WORKS and worthiness alone not Christ Alone no matter how much they deny it.
We must remember it takes a BIG AXE to cut down this UOJ puss sack of sin: that Justification is dependent on the worthiness of man: (works righteousness).
Christ ALONE and His WORDS alone cut down the UOJ puss sack of sin for without me (Christ) ye can do nothing.
Jesus says, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life. ( John 6:47)
Those who trust these words and trust Christ alone are already justified and forgiven and are under grace. Here in Christ we remain safe.
Our salvation is NOT under our own will but under God's will. I confess with Luther:
"But now, since God has put my salvation out of the way of my will, and has taken it under His own, and has promised to save me, not according to my working or manner of life, but according to His own grace and mercy, I rest fully assured and persuaded that He is faithful, and will not lie, and moreover great and powerful, so that no devils, no adversities can destroy Him, or pluck me out of His hand. "No one (saith He) shall pluck them out of My hand, because My Father which gave them Me is greater than all." (John 10:27-28). Hence it is certain, that in this way, if all are not saved, ye some, yea, many shall be saved; whereas by the power of "Free-will," no one whatever could be saved, but all must perish together. And moreover, we are certain and persuaded, that in this way, we please God, not from the merit of our own works, but from the favour of His mercy promised unto us; and that, if we work less, or work badly, He does not impute it unto us, but, as a Father, pardons us and makes us better. - This is the glorying which all the saints have in their God! Dr. Martin Luther, On the Bondage of the Will, Associated Publishers and Authors, Grand Rapids, MI. 1971 pg. 149
All false churches teach the opposite. They teach man can loose his salvation because salvation is dependent not on God's will but on our own "free will" and efforts. "Free Will" is the true puss sack of sin as Luther has stated. Once saved always saved is a lie because it does not trust in Christ at all nor in God's Will, Nor is it afraid of God's universal condemnation of the whole world. So let us beware of clever phrases gushing from that puss sack of sin: that God's works are dependent upon the worthiness of man. LCMS teaches UOJ and also that man can loose his salvation. Luther and I and Christ deny this because: No man is able to pluck them out of my Father's Hand. Many obtuse things in the Bible because of our own unbelief and reasoning and free will that wants to come to God without true trust in Christ ALONE.
So let us all remain in Christ and in His WORDS alone. Here we are always safe.
Jesus Says, He that believeth in me hath everlasting life. John 6:47
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