Mark Jeske helps to fund ELCA and Planned Parenthood through his board membership, Thrivent Insurance. Ski and Glende worked for him - and he protects them. |
WELS member Ben Wink sent this post, published verbatim below:
I find the entire incident to be disappointing. Now how can anyone say that the synod is better than the Roman Catholic Church in dealing with errant ministers? Just move them along to a new parish, several states away and move along nothing to see here, right? Seems like the Roman way. Disgusting.
There are plenty of other qualified pastors who do not have a call and would be a vital asset to any congregation. Instead, why bend over backwards for these guys?
Why so eager to get this guy a call somewhere? And I didn’t just fall off the turnip truck yesterday, so I know that this is not an isolated incident that managed to get play on Ichabod.
Am I without sin? Do I stumble? No and often would be the correct answers respectively. I don’t presume to have a holier than thou attitude about this. Of course our ministers are supposed to be held to a higher standard. This is quite clear from Scripture. Also as those called are also sinners, I expect they stumble as well. Can a minister that was removed from ministry repent of their sin and throw themselves at God’s feet asking for mercy? Certainly. All faithful Christians fall into temptation and sin and they all can ask for repentance. Does this mean that they get their positions of ministry back? Every situation is different and perhaps after sincere repentance they can reenter the public ministry. Perhaps the nature of the sin even after repentance would be an incredible hindrance to future ministry. But here is the difference with anything said in this paragraph to what happened with Ski: where is the repentance in the first place?
If it happened between him and the Lord, fantastic. However why would a repentant soul take people to court? Why wouldn’t he take his lumps and deal with the consequences of his actions? Has repentance even happened? Regardless of the court issue, which a judge threw out in any case, aren’t the list of offences enough to hinder any effective future public ministry? Certainly. Solution: just move him to another state. Outrageous.
And one should ask oneself why. One should ask, “Who benefits?” Why go to such lengths for this guy? This was someone whose antics resulted in the synod president himself to make an appearance. Why would that be? I just shake my head. I hope other heads are shaking as well. Because this is unacceptable behavior from a pastor, from a district, from a synod.
Church discipline is only
- For those that rock the boat apparently.
- For those that question the authority of those in the church hierarchy.
- For those that don’t plagiarize.
- For those that don’t show offensive pictures to members of their congregation.
- For those that don’t drink to excess.
- For those that don’t take their members to court.
Will those offending pastors get disciplined by the church? No, apparently not. They get a call to Texas and start with an unearned clean slate. Will they get disciplined by the Lord? Only He knows for sure. But I certainly place more faith in the Lord than in any earthly church body. Especially when that church body shows initiative in covering up the sordid details of their shenanigans. Whenever this happens, the well is poisoned and does more harm than good. Members start wondering if the called workers in their congregations and schools might have dirty laundry that the church covered up at one point.
The integrity of the office is fractured across the board when erring ministers are not called to account for their sinful actions. This is something that would be eliminated throughout congregations if the church would just correct and discipline the called workers that fall from grace. Instead it just festers and good will falls away. Why should I believe anything that comes from official synod channels on any topic from now on? Instead they protected their good old boys club and at the rock bottom price of only their integrity.
Patterson and Glende are Facebook friends. |