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Gerhard's Annotations on Romans 1-6



Published: Gerhard's Commentary on Romans 1-6

It has been almost two years since I began translating and posting excerpts here on Intrepid Lutherans from Johann Gerhard's much-quoted (and oft misquoted) commentary on Romans. The entire work has finally been translated and edited, and is now available from Amazon, published byRepristination Press.

Annotations on the First Six Chapters of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans
Amazon's summary:

Romans 1:16—For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. (KJV)

“The ‘power of God’ is the divine and efficacious means which God uses to save men, (1) because in it the benefits obtained by the suffering and death of Christ are offered, among which are also life and eternal salvation; (2) because through the preaching of the Gospel, God works the faith in hearts through which they embrace the good things offered in the Gospel and apply them to themselves; (3) because through the Gospel faith is preserved and increased, so that we are thus ‘guarded for salvation by the power of God, through faith’ (1 Pet. 1:5); (4) because, in all adversities and temptations, it furnishes a life-giving consolation, so that we may be preserved to eternal life under the weight of the cross.”

Gerhard's Annotations were incomplete at the time of his death; his son, Johann Ernst Gerhard, published them several years after his death. However, the Annotations are of enduring value and significance to the Church because in these first six chapters, Gerhard gives a clear treatment of the doctrine of Justification, and a model of Lutheran exegesis. Modern students of Holy Scripture will benefit from Gerhard's scholarship.

Honestly, the book is full of memorable quotations. In this one Gerhard summarizes the main theme that runs through the entire Epistle to the Romans:

“[Romans 1:17] explains the principal proposition of the entire Epistle, as a favorable opportunity presents itself at the end of the introduction. This principal proposition is that there is no other way to be justified before God except by faith in Christ, whom the Gospel sets before us, as confirmed by the prophetic testimony.”

Order Gerhard's Annotations here.

Gerhard was once cited by the UOJ Enthusiasts,
but he was not on their side.
They should quote Bishop Martin Stephan, STD, the founder of the Missouri Synod.

For Sore Throats and Raw Voices - Coconut Oil in Hot Tea or Coffee

Here is a list of uses for coconut oil.
Walmart and Sam's Club are two stores where coconut oil is available at a good price.

One of my Moline classmates suggested coconut oil in hot tea for a sore throat. I used it in coffee yesterday.

Earlier, a Facebook friend suggested coconut oil in coffee for the flavor.

On both counts - I give a big yes. The flavor is great, and it proved to be very soothing for my strained vocal cords. I had serious problems with laryngitis in Columbus, so the effect was immediately noticeable.

Abuse Victims - Do NOT Go to the Church Leaders - Go to a Lawyer

DP Engelbrecht, future DP Zank,
Tim Glende, and Ski abused the
victim all over again - with SP Mark Schroeder's approval.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Why Victims Should NOT Go to Church Leaders

Advice for victims written by Predatory Pastors

KNOW THAT YOU ARE NOT ALONE.  There are many more victims of pastoral and clergy sexual abuse than any of us want to believe. Over time, we've learned, there is rarely, if ever, only one victim of a predatory pastor.  While we were being abused we were isolated and felt extremely alone. Now it's possible to join with other survivors to find healing.  

DON'T GO TO THE CHURCH.  Many victims have gone to church leaders and officials to seek help, guidance and/or healing.  Many of us went to the church after building up loads of courage and strength, because we wanted to make sure our perpetrators didn't abuse anyone else. We mistakenly thought that church leaders would want to ensure others' safety too and that the perpetrators would be removed from the ministry. So many of us did this without ever telling anyone else. Then we found out that we were wrong. The church leaders did not care about protecting others and they did not care about us. Most of us found the experience of going to the church leaders a horrible mistake. The church leaders were insensitive, doubted our claims and didn't know how to respond to us. We were looking for help and healing, but found further victimization.  Most of us left feeling devastated and the entire experience of talking to the church leaders left us hurting more than ever.

Reasons why you should not go to your church leaders and other helpful tips

When first beginning to deal with the abuse, we are very confused about what has happened to us and still trying to sort through it ourselves. We many not have all the facts straight regarding places, dates, times, etc. ​Frequently our memories become refreshed with lots of details only as we engage in the healing process, taking days, months even years to fully recover.  If we've disclosed some details one day and recall more later, we will be discredited for being inconsistent with details.
We have been taught to trust pastors implicitly ​so we approach with full trust and disclosure. We look up to them and they are in positions of power and authority over us.They, on the other hand, do not trust victims. They may even view you as the "enemy".  While we think they are trying to help us, they are in fact, building up a case against us without our knowledge. Things said during initial meetings with church leaders can easily be twisted to use against you and this has happened to a number of CSA victims.
Seek alternative help!  ​As an alternative to going to your church leaders, we recommend that you go to a trusted family member or seek professional help from a counselor. Many CSA victims have found professional counseling to be a very important tool to healing.
Learn your legal rights.  ​The church leaders have a lot more information about our abuse than we do. They know our legal rights, but most of us victims do not know them. We can choose to exercise our legal rights or not, but it is empowering to know we have that choice.
Many survivors develop health problems.  ​The pain and betrayal we felt from being abused was intense. We had no knowledge of how to cope with the experience of Clergy Sexual Abuse as well as the feelings that came as a result.  All of us have found a way to survive or we would not be here today. The problem is that many of the coping mechanisms we used to survive the abuse are not healthy. Here are some of the types of problems some CSA survivors have suffered: Alcoholism, drug addiction, eating disorders, co-dependency, detachment from intimacy, sleep disorders, stomach and intestinal disorders, and overall attitude of anger.
Facing the issues.  ​Acknowledging and facing the issue of our abuse can be extremely time consuming and can require lots of energy and emotions. As a result, many of us have felt completely drained and had months of feeling tired, depressed and overwhelmed. Accept that you are going to have periods in your recover that feel hopeless and know that it will pass.
Everyone is unique.  ​Everyone's healing from abuse is unique. While many of our abusive situations were similar, everyone heals in their own way. Mostly we have learned to trust our own judgement and the people who know us best and love us the most.
We are the victims (survivors)!  ​The abuse was not our fault, no matter what we did or didn't do to stop or prevent it.  No matter what, the responsibility for a pastor abusing us rests solely on the pastor.  He was in a trusted position of power and authority. We looked up to him. We trusted him and believed what he told us.  We thought he was close to God and would help us get closer to God.  He should not have taken advantage of his sacred role. He abused his position. He used his role as pastor to victimize us. He had no right to do this. We are victims.  We have been wronged and we deserve to have the wrong made right. This will mean different things to each of us, but we all deserve to be made whole, as much as that is possible.

written by Predatory Pastors

Matt Harrison ordered Steadfast Lutherans (sic) to remove their
thread about the latest LCMS pastoral abuser - and they did.

Companion Plants and the Web of Life - Why Roses Love Garlic

The garlic cloves each make a new bulb.
Note well the shriveled roots - the key to this chemical marvel
called companion planting.

I startled a rose-lover at lunch by mentioning how roses love garlic, why rosarians grow the garlic family members with roses. Companion planting is still new to many people, and now I understand better why it works so well.

Double Delight rose - for colors and fragrance.

Double Delight Garden of Roses and Garlic
But first, a story. In New Ulm I found an area built to be a garden beside the wall, near the garage. I dug out all the weeds and planted three things there - daffodils, Double Delight roses, and garlic chives. I mulched the area heavily with wood mulch, so weeds were unknown. Daffodils pushed through the mulch, and so did garlic chives, which spread like weeds but stayed subordinate to the roses, looking like grass among the bushes.

Garlic makes roses stronger, fights diseases of the rose family, and repels insects. I experienced the repulsion when I bent over the rose garden to cut some roses on a hot, humid day. The garlic gas coming up from the chives was potent, like garlic bulbs left in a car on a hot day, windows closed. The roses were perfect and free of insect damage.

Scientists are starting to realize the complexity of life in the soil. Two components are fungi and bacteria, but nematode worms and protozoa also contribute at the root level. Fungi are the larger actors in Creation gardening. They take nutrition from the plant roots and give back what the plants need, the plants managing the exchange.

Fungi can reach long distances and connect various plants together in a complex symbiotic relationship. That is one of the key reasons why soil should not be disturbed and compacted.

Botanists have known that plants exude root chemicals to protect themselves. Sunflowers like to keep others away from their extreme sunbathing. They turn solar energy into food even more effectively than corn does. Therefore, they exude root chemicals that make living near them unpleasant.

This explains how the roots of the garlic family connect chemically with the roots of roses in their subterranean Internet. Chemicals have to move to the plant and they have to be usable, broken down into key components. Transport and chemical break-downs are two of these tasks, but locking them in the root zone is another one. Organic improvements build up soil life, so the chemicals stay where they are need and move around where they are used, thanks to earthworms, nematodes, bacteria, protozoa, sowbugs, pillbugs, millipedes, centipedes, springtails, slugs, ants, and fungi. An earthworm pigs out on bacteria, and ants take earthworm corpses away to be used for their feast of pork - since earthworms are all muscle.

This Knockout rose was once a used up newspaper.

My neighbors all have different skills. I hired one to fix the sagging doors on our Lincoln Town Car. His daughters give me their used newspapers, and I give them our Sunday paper to be used for coupons. He came over with his daughter while he looked over the car.

I cut the magenta Knockout rose for his daughter to take home, adding, "This was one of your newspapers." Her eyes lit up and she said, "Really?" I explained, "Your family gives me newspapers, which rot into the soil, and the roses use that to grow."

Complex relationships can work in the world above the soil, if we observe how God manages His Creation.

Where do we humans fit into the soil food web? We have a huge impact on it, and very often not a positive one. Most gardeners have never heard of soil food web systems, even though they exist everywhere, and have no inkling of the role of microbes and arthropods play in them. And, of course, the gardener hardly ever knows when enough is enough and almost always tips the delicate balance a soil food web maintains.
Lowenfels, Jeff (2010-09-10). Teaming with Microbes: The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web, Revised Edition (Kindle Locations 1514-1517). Timber Press. Kindle Edition.

Lincoln roses.

Clergy Abuse Lawyer Will Answer Your Questions at Shattered Pulpit


Monday, September 15, 2014

Clergy Sexual Abuse Attorney Answers YOUR Questions

Coming Soon! One of the nation’s leading Clergy Sexual Abuse Attorneys, who has litigated dozens of clergy sexual abuse cases, will be sharing pertinent information for victims and their families. Learn from an experienced expert the pros and cons of filing a civil suit, how to choose a qualified clergy sexual abuse attorney, and other inside knowledge that he has gained from his experience in the courtroom. 

If you have legal questions that you have been afraid to ask, here is your chance. Questions, do not have to only be from a victim’s standpoint – if churches, leaders, pastors or others have legal questions, they are also welcome to participate. 

Email your questions to lilliansuearmstrong@gmail.com

or add a comment to this post. We will be compiling all of the questions over the course of this next week.
He wants your questions!


GJ - Contact her and support her work.

Nominate Someone for WELS Prison Ministry

Scott Zerbe was a guest in the Michigan State Prison System,
thanks to his vicarage affair with a minor girl.
Fred Adrian - supervisor. $400,000 initial judgment against WELS, Inc.

N O M I N A T I O N L I S T 

The Conference of Presidents invites all voting members of WELS to nominate a qualified pastor, male teacher, male staff minister, or male lay member for the called position of administrator of WELS Prison Ministry. This position is under the Commission on Special Ministries, part of the Congregation and Ministry Support Group.

Candidates may be pastors, teachers, staff ministers, chaplains, or lay members with jail ministry experience and at least five to ten years ministry experience. He must be able to faithfully teach and apply the Word of God, to train adults for volunteer service, to work with correctional institution administrators, and to administer a small staff in New Ulm, Minnesota.

He will also assist the Prison Ministry Committee in developing face-to-face jail and prison ministries and oversee its Bible study publication work. He must have a passion for reaching the lost with the gospel, enthusiasm for working with and encouraging volunteers in ministry, and strong communication skills. Nominations must be received by Sept. 29, 2014. Access the nomination form at: http://www.wels.net/about-wels/synod-reports/nomination-alert Or call the President's Office, 414-256-3202. The list of candidates will be published at: http://www.wels.net/about-wels/synod-reports/nomination-alert
Joel Hochmuth was absolved by Mark Schroeder and given a top dollar lawyer (by whom?).
He pleaded not guilty, repented (see Stormtrooper above), and offended again.
His incredibly light sentence for file swapping was revoked and he went back to government housing with bars in every room.

Fred would be a good candidate.
How many pastoral supervisors see their vicar off to state prison?
Spell that "stupor-visor."

DP Ed Werner also went to state prison.
when he began molesting a second generation of girls, 
the mothers hauled him to court.

Honorable Mention

Al Just went to prison for murdering his wife, but he was not there long enough to gain real experience in prison ministry.

William Tabor participated in the murder of his wife, but he never spent a day in prison. His mistress was sentenced but he went as a pastor and widower to Escanaba, Michigan.

Various synod staff members and at least one Synod President should have gone to state prison for obstruction of justice in capital cases.

WELS's Meditations, March-May 2014, for Monday, 17 March 2014.  
The second column has a great recipe for murder, molestation, and abuse - 

"No matter what you did yesterday -- or failed to do -- and no matter what you will do tomorrow, God has forgiven you."

What better words to keep people coming back to prison and continuing this worthwhile effort!

Never Disturb the Soil Under a Tree

I saw the typo.

IN THE story of "My Grandfather's Earthworm Farm" George Sheffield is quoted as saying, in regard to the care of trees,"Never disturb the soil under a tree."The wisdom of this remark is appreciated fully only when a study is made of the subject of orcharding. When we go to nature where primeval forests have stood for centuries, we find the ground riddled to great depth by earthworm burrows. Earthworms like to work in the shade, among the fine roots of trees, finding sustenance in the organic debris and bacterial life of the soil, in the dead bacteria as well as the products of bacterial life. Aside from vegetation, there is a vast world of unseen bacterial life in the soil, amounting in aggregate weight in the case of fertile agricultural lands to much more than all animal life which crawls, creeps, walks, runs, and flies on numbers will reach astronomical figures within a few hours, with a bulk and weight of such magnitude that the human mind cannot grasp the total. The number of bacteria in an ounce of fertile topsoil is variously estimated as from eighteen million to twenty-four billion. When we consider that bacteria appear as dots under the microscope when magnified one thousand times, the results of such multiplication become still harder to grasp.

Barrett, Jason Thomas (2014-08-20). Harnessing the earthworm: a practical inquiry into soil-building, soil-conditioning and plant nutrition through the action of earthworms (Kindle Locations 1027-1028).  . Kindle Edition.

Where is the expensive stuff I must buy to make my garden grow?
And the chemicals to treat the damage I caused with the expensive stuff?

Before people realized the value of soil fungi in feeding the roots, two old battlewagons of organic gardening (Sheffield and Barrett) realized the need to leave soil alone. Now scientists realize how much is accomplished in that fragile zone immediately around the plant roots, where bacteria, protozoa, and fungi team up to gather and exchange nutrition.

Mineralization of nutrients is crucial to the survival of plants in a natural system. Our premise is that by interfering with or destroying the soil food web, the gardener has to step in and do extra work, making gardening a chore instead of an enjoyable hobby. If you are not convinced, then consider that as much as 80% of the nitrogen a plant needs comes from the wastes produced by bacteria- and fungi-eating protozoa . Since bacteria and fungi are attracted by plant exudates to the rhizosphere, and that is where protozoa consume them, a huge source of plant food is delivered, right around the roots.

Lowenfels, Jeff (2010-09-10). Teaming with Microbes: The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web, Revised Edition (Kindle Locations 1178-1180). Timber Press. Kindle Edition. 

Ski's Tweets Are Protected - Apply To Follow Him

Wisconsin Protects Drunken ELCA Bishop Burnside - Who Killed This Woman's Mother - Maureen Mengelt

Keep Maureen Mengelt's Memorial Plaque In Place

Keep Maureen Mengelt's Memorial Plaque In Place

    1. Megan Mengelt
    3. Petition by
      Sun Prairie, United States
The fact that I have to petition to keep a MEMORIAL plaque up in honor of my mother should speak volumes. Why should a mourning family and community have to fight to have a dedication kept in place? One person complains about it, and suddenly that constitutes the State of Wisconsin removing it entirely? Please sign to help prove that the majority vote should rule vs. a single complaint.
ELCA bishop Burnside was on his way to a church meeting when he mowed down Maureen Mengelt, and drove drunkenly away from the fatal accident.
Witnesses chased and trapped him.

The struggles that my family have had to put up with regarding all of this are just plain absurd. My mother was hit and killed by a drunk driver, a bishop at that, all while innocently taking a Sunday afternoon training run. That in itself has been the single most traumatic event of my life. But the aftermath of this case involving the State of Wisconsin is simply disgraceful. 
Bruce Burnside was free for over a YEAR while we tried to move the court case forward. That failure to proceed is due to the State of Wisconsin. During that painful year-long process, the community took comfort in placing running shoes at the site of the crash. These represented her love of running and how much she impacted fellow community members. Yet one person complained about them (Why? How does that affect their life, truly?) and the Department of Transportation removed them. 

My family has repeatedly gone out to collect those shoes from the State of WI and put them back on the site. Again, they would be removed days later. This cycle continued until we teamed up with Matt Glowacki to create a "proper" memorial. That way, we wouldn't have to continue dealing with these complaints and also have our memorial as a way to grieve and represent the beautiful soul that was taken from us that horrible day. 

We took time to create a tasteful dedication to my mother, Maureen Mengelt. Now we've been notified that the State of WI is removing the memorial site due to ONE measly complaint. This is truly an outrage. Why should one person dictate such drastic measures? What is so offensive to them that it must be removed entirely? How black can someone's heart be? This is not a distraction to drivers. This is a way to represent a wonderful life that was taken way too soon due to someone's choice to drink and drive. For this to be removed would be yet another failure to our family and the Sun Prairie community. The State of Wisconsin should be ashamed to even consider taking these actions.
Wisconsin State Government 
Keep Maureen Mengelt's Memorial Plaque In Place
[Your name]

Norma Boeckler's Fourth Book - Religious Art

Order Religious Art here.

Norma Boeckler's fourth art book has just been published through Amazon - Religious Art.

This her Facebook page for art - Norma Boeckler's Art.

Norma Boeckler's website is a convenient place to order her prints and original art.

I admit to getting Norma started on the computer. When I took Photoshop at Glendale Community College, a professional artist was taking the class. His artistic skill was ideal for the Photoshop program, and his classroom examples made us gape in awe.

Norma Boeckler became a member of our congregation, and we saw how artistic she was. I encouraged her to learn Dreamweaver and Photoshop, so she took tutorials and began showing what a Christian artist could do.

Everyone enjoys Norma's daily offerings on Facebook. The number of works is staggering, so now people have a chance to own many of them in a printed book or as a Kindle ebook.

The books is divided into two main sections. The first part illustrates Biblical verses, which are included for each artwork. I have enjoyed seeing them as they developed. Many have been featured on this blog or in various books I put together.

The Last Supper, p. 30.

Part 2 of the book features Norma Boeckler's hymn illustrations. Bethany Lutheran Church may be  alone in featuring The Lutheran Hymnal and illustrating the great hymns with art.

Norma selects the well known and the less famous hymns. I teach a graduate class in web tools for educators. I argue that the content plus illustration makes the idea lasting in our minds. This book proves the value.

Norma Boeckler has so many contributions that I can only indicate a few. Readers know how much she continues to do on a daily basis.

This is idea - she loves art, and everyone appreciates her unusual gifts and her expressions of Christian faith.

Polluted WELS Blog Dead



Blog has been removed

Sorry, the blog at pollutedwels.blogspot.com has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.
Did you expect to see your blog here? See: 'I can't find my blog on the Web, where is it?'

GJ - Do you wonder that I copy and paste blog posts and FB discussions?

One theory is that Buchholz said, "Erase the Polluted WELS Blog or be fired."

In other news - Paul McCain and Charles Austin were both permanently banned from the ALPB Online Forum. Both are back posting, which is regretted by most of the regulars.

McCain is also busy posting elsewhere, so the question arises, "Does he get $200,000 a year to blog?"

Baby as Ski Sermon Prop - Better Than a Weapon

Forgiving the Unrepentant Is Dangerous - From the Shattered Pulpit Blog

There are two keys - not just one:
binding and loosing,
denying forgiveness and offering forgiveness.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Issue of Forgiveness

Written by Sharon Rose

Several months after the clergyman perpetrator at my church had been exposed, and the church covered up his deeds, allowing him to resign as if nothing happened, I was still numb from all that transpired. I was left without any recourse against the clergyman perpetrator who sexually assaulted me. A well-intentioned Christian friend tried to explain to me that I needed to forgive the clergyman perpetrator and the elders of my church for what happened to me. It was “for me,” he said. It caught me off guard. I was still going through the disbelief and shock stage of grief. I was appalled and angry at the reality that the elders were not ever going to hold the perpetrator accountable. What happened still angers me. But the individual who spoke to me of forgiveness was someone I thought I could trust. He had counseled my husband and me, and had been an advocate for all of the victims of the clergyman perpetrator in my church. But on a particular evening, he insisted that I grant forgiveness to the predator and errant elders even though the predator never confessed, even though the elders deliberately wronged me—and continue to wrong me. I was astounded. In his frustration of not being able to convince me to “forgive” my nemeses, he finally stretched out his arm, pointed his finger in my face, and proclaimed, “YOU have a spirit of unforgiveness!”

I was stunned. Did I have a “spirit of unforgiveness”? His words stabbed deep. All of my Christian life, I have strived to live a godly life. His proclamation certainly didn’t set well with my desire to please God. On the other hand, the clergyman perpetrator hadn’t confessed his sin against me, let alone ask me to forgive him. As a matter fact, no one in authority in my church would acknowledge they had done anything to hurt me. Their stance was they had done the “right” thing in covering up what the clergyman perpetrator had done. They weren’t even going to entertain the idea of asking me to forgive them. Should I just grant them forgiveness without holding them accountable? I was confused. I decided to search for answers. Was I sinning by not forgiving them?

As a child, my parents taught me to forgive those who asked for it, but the clergyman perpetrator who hurt me brainwashed me to incorrectly believe that forgiveness was totally wiping out the offense without any confession or even asking for forgiveness. He said forgiveness was “wiping the slate clean.” Sins and offenses were to be cast “as far as the east is from the west,” he taught me. “You go back to square one with the [offending] person,” he said. “It’s as if the offense never happened,” he explained. He meant that relationships were restored by people unconditionally forgiving their offenders. He further explained that the offending party, if a believer, should be granted forgiveness whether or not any wrongdoing was confessed; that is, it was the obligation of the offended party to grant forgiveness to the offender—because Christ forgave us—and that doing so was for the benefit of the offended party. But this kind of “forgiveness” never seemed right.

Many Clergy Sexual Abuse (CSA) survivors have tried to follow the steps of Matthew 18:15-18. But too often church leaders side with the offender, not the offended. Instead of exposing the wrong and correcting it, they cover up and lie about the crimes committed by the clergyman perpetrator. Doing so is in direct opposition to Christ’s commands to the church. When church leaders refuse to listen to CSA victim/survivors, they skew the process for remedy that Christ Himself has laid out in Matthew 18. That, in itself, is offensive causing further damage and abuse of CSA survivors.

If a clergyman-perpetrator and/or the offending church leaders take steps toward forgiveness, i.e., publicly acknowledge (confess) the wrong, and offer restitution to the CSA survivor (perhaps by making arrangements to pay for pain and suffering, counseling, etc.), and then ask for forgiveness from the CSA survivor, then, and only then, would forgiveness become an issue. Depending on how deep the wounds are, even that might take many years; it would be up to the CSA survivor to determine if enough healing had occurred to grant forgiveness.

Don’t let anyone tell you that you need to ask for forgiveness in order to receive healing! While many victims feel the need to ask for forgiveness (I did), be careful. Much of that felt “need” stems from a “false guilt” which is normal for victims of sexual assault. It may be that you do need to ask forgiveness of certain people you hurt because of clergy sexual abuse. I needed to ask my husband for forgiveness, as well as my parents and the rest of my family. For years I had lived under the lie of the clergyman perpetrator. That hurt my family and especially my husband. So in that regard, I asked to be forgiven for living under a lie, not because I had committed a sexual sin with the pastor. The CSA victim/survivor is not guilty of any offense against the perpetrator or anyone in the church.

You do not need to ask for forgiveness from the church. On the contrary, the church needs to ask you for forgiveness! But don’t expect them to do so. The church leaders allowed you to be hurt when they should have protected you from harm!

As one of God’s precious sheep, it was up to the church leadership to shepherd you, guide you, and protect you; not flee and allow the wolf (clergyman perpetrator) to harm you. You are not at fault for what happened. The clergyman perpetrator and the church leadership are the ones responsible for the harm. If they are living right with God, then they should be compelled to ask you to forgive them!

What is really going on when Christians, church leaders, and church-goers demand that CSA survivors “forgive” their perpetrators? Many times church leaders will use this tactic to divert attention away from holding the clergyman perpetrator accountable for his crime. They seek to somehow blame the CSA survivor so they won’t have to deal with the real issue. The real issue is accountability and responsibility. A CSA survivor is not responsible for what happened, nor should she be held accountable. The clergyman perpetrator is responsible for the crime he committed. He should be held accountable. Church leaders often err in handling CSA cases. They are responsible for their actions before God and man. They, too, should also be held accountable. The real culprits are the clergyman perpetrator and errant church leaders. Attention needs to shift back to the center of the problem: the sexually immoral crimes that were committed, and, too often, the cover up of those crimes.

Often, well-meaning Christians will tell a CSA survivor to forgive the perpetrator, as was the case with me. Laity has a hard time dealing with clergyman perpetrators. The very idea is an oxymoron. Church goers have an even harder time dealing with CSA survivors. In trying to make sense of clergy sexual abuse, many look for someone to blame. They are hoping to find an easy solution to their own pain, or the pain they see in the CSA survivor. They might be grieving knowing their church is “split” over what happened. They yearn to regain their lost sense of “normalcy” in church. They falsely believe that if the CSA survivor would just “forgive” the clergyman perpetrator everything will somehow be better, things will get back to the way they were before they learned about the abuse, and the pain they feel inside will somehow subside. Some Christians have been taught that unconditional forgiveness (without the perpetrator confessing or repenting) is the only way the CSA survivor will gain healing. Many well-meaning Bible teachers erroneously teach that unconditionally forgiving every offender (no matter what the offense) will bring peace and “freedom” to the offended. However, this teaching is not what Scripture teaches, and leads to denial and false hope. Things may never be the same in a church tainted by clergy sexual abuse. Things may never be the same again for a CSA survivor.

Rather than pointing fingers at CSA survivors, church leaders and church goers should instead reach out their hands with open arms. CSA survivors need safety and support to go through the healing process which takes years. Part of the healing process may be to allow the CSA survivor to freely opt to leave the church with honor and with the church’s blessing. It needs to be with the understanding that she did nothing wrong; that she was victimized. Whether the CSA survivor decides to leave the church or not, both leadership and laity need to humbly apologize to her for not providing a safe place for her to worship God, fellowship with other believers, and participate in the Great Commission. CSA survivors are a vital part of the body of Christ and should never be cast off like a “throw-away.”

Written by Sharon Rose


ELCA uses this accusation too.

GJ - Forgiveness is the lame excuse offered in covering up the crimes of the unrepentant. If a pastor is kicked out of the ministry for adultery and divorced by his wife, but lies about having a "Scriptural" divorce, WELS calls the cover-up Evangelical. But they are really evan-jellyfish, slippery and poisonous.

I lost track of how many evan-jellyfish pointed their "forgiving" fingers at me and called me various names for saying that an unrepentant adulterer did not have a right to be a pastor.

In corporate life, this is called push-back. Let's say an educational leader wants to protect an obvious and unrepentant plagiarist--who is furious for being called a cheat--even though the URL is printed on the essay or class speech. Push-back involves saying:

  • You didn't handle this right.
  • This person has connections to the leadership.
  • This student is close to graduation.
  • Many don't realize this is wrong.
  • You should have phoned me.
  • You have to document this - hand over all the materials.

The cheat becomes the victim of injustice - with various implied and obvious threats. The person doing his job is now the criminal, so the issue of plagiarism has disappeared.

I tell those who are abused in various ways by the synod officials, "You are dealing with unbelievers. They may go through the motions and act very pious at times, but they hate the Gospel, even though they use their version of the Gospel to bash and trash you."

As Walther said - and he should have this known this well - offering forgiveness to the unrepentant hardens their hearts. Far from being Evangelical, it is guaranteed to make matters worse and to multiply the miseries of the victims and the victimizer.

Soon, as Stephanite mob showed, everyone participates in the Great Deception and the pious cover-up.

Avalanche of Rain - And Nematodes - Bless Their Little Hearts

This nematode has been captured by fungus strands.

Our teaspoon of good soil teeming with microbial life averages about 20 bacteria-eating nematodes, 20 fungal feeders, and a few predatory and plant-eating nematodes, making the total number between 40 to 50 nematodes. The number of fungi- versus bacteria -eating nematodes is directly related to the availability of the food sources they require.

Arguably, mineralization is the most important thing nematodes ( at least the bacterivores and fungivores) do for gardeners. Nematodes need less nitrogen than protozoa do; those that eat fungi and bacteria, therefore, release even more of the previously immobilized nitrogen into the rhizosphere, in ammonium form.

Jeff Lowenfels & Wayne Lewis (2010-09-10). Teaming with Microbes: The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web, Revised Edition (Kindle Location 5). Timber Press. Kindle Edition.  (2010-09-10). Teaming with Microbes: The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web, Revised Edition (Kindle Locations 1226-1228). Timber Press. Kindle Edition. 

If one teaspoon has 50 nematodes, there are zillions of them in one plot of land. Several characteristics of this hair-like worms are important:

  • They are much larger than bacteria and protozoa, so their production of useful nitrogen is significant.
  • They are mostly beneficial, although some bad species can be harmful to roots. Fungi help stop them from doing their damage since fungi live in close fellowship with root hairs.
  • They provide some of the soil moving that earthworms carry out on a large scale.

I have learned from this book that microbes provide a major contribution to the growth chemical -nitrogen - right at the root zone. They generate useful nitrogen and keep it in the root area by constant growing, feeding, excretion, and death.

These microbes like

  1. tight proximity to roots, 
  2. loose soil, 
  3. and a warm summer rain.

We went from sunshine to black clouds on Wednesday, when a downpour let loose on the entire area. A light rain continued into Thursday, and everything began to green up and ripen. Our helper anticipated the storm by 30 minutes, so I called him The Rainmaker.

Lyle Lovett originated the Jeske ambiguous half-smile.

LI laughed when he saw our crepe myrtle bush with the Lyle Lovett cut, all spindly on the bottom and frizzy on the top. As I promised, the bush is in full bloom, with mulch feeding the microbes below and pruning activating the pink flowers on top. Every few days I trim the bush a little more and add those twigs below for mulch. Before rain, I sprinkle a little Epson salt on.

The roses are ready for another epic bloom. On Sunday I cut a dozen Knockout roses for the altar. On Tuesday I cut an additional dozen Knockouts for the chiro. On Friday, today, the Knockouts are reblooming. Hybrid tea roses are budded and ready to open for Sunday.

Malabar spinach looks like and tastes like spinach.

The Malabar spinach finally appeared, with beautiful red stems and delicious leaves. It has a decided spinach taste, a love for heat, and some way to ward off insects. Asians use it for soup, but the tiny leaves are almost exactly like spinach in flavor and texture. This will be our substitute for spinach when the heat makes spinach bolt in the summer.

We are not getting any pumpkin production, since I planted late, but one vine is running across the top of the chain-link fence. There is nothing quite like the Creator's architecture of vines. They gracefully reach up for support, adjust for the best exposure to sun, and run on the fence or ground without regard to anything except frost.

Spinach seeds will arrive soon for fall planting. I will create wide rows for them in the mulch that created the vegetable garden area of the lawn. When the cold weather sets in, the seedlings will be covered with leaves to wait out the winter, then uncovered in the very early spring.

I bought my last haul of mulch for the year. Do not shake your heads. If I bought a used rototiller for far more money, some would murmur, "Good move." Yes, good move to buy a bargain rototiller - if I wanted to destroy the structure of the soil, osterize the earthworms, destroy the fungi. and traumatize the bacteria, protozoa, and nematodes.

Church programs are like that. If they cost a lot of money and do a lot of damage, every is thankful to God that they have spent so much to accomplish so little. Like the rototiller, the highly praised program will rest in storage after being used a bit.

But if people rely on the Word of God, which is free and at work constantly, they are baited with dogs and chased out of town, the reverse of Luther's advice in the Large Catechism. No wonder the synods continue to harrow their congregations, scattering and slaughtering the flocks.

Four Books by Norma Boeckler - The Newest is Religious Art


Norma Boeckler is a native of Midland, Michigan.(USA) She is a graduate and alumni of Famous Artists School.She has exhibited her artwork in Tokushima,Japan and had a one-artist show at Box Hill Community Arts Centre, in Melbourne,Australia.She has written two books, "The Art of Norma Boeckler" and "A Treasury of Inspirational Quotes." She has illustrated several religious books and has won many award.

Product Details

The Augsburg Confession by Dr. Gregory L. Jackson and Norma A. Boeckler (May 7, 2014)

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The Art of Norma Boeckler by Norma A. Boeckler (May 3, 2012)


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A Treasury of Inspirational Quotes by Norma A. Boeckler (Apr 3, 2013)


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Religious Art by Norma A. Boeckler (Aug 10, 2014)

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WELS Illumine Nightclub To Open - Koine ($3,000 fee) Concert Planned. They Even Copied "Extreme Makeover" from a TV Show.Everything Is Entertainment


From Night Club to Church

Over the Next 4 Months

In July, as many of you know, Illumine began leasing a 12,600 square foot building that had previously been a night club. Since then, we've been getting to know it, figuring out what can be and should be and must be done to make it a great ministry center, and planning.

The great folks who are Illumine Church have already logged many hours painting, drywalling, cleaning, and discussing this building, and we're ready to really get moving on it. We're even having a Builders for Christ team come down to help with the work.

Before launching into the details, it's important that you understand a couple things. First of all, we plan to buy this building. That means we (a) are going to reap the benefits of any work we do on it for a long time and (b) are going to be careful not to add too much value to the property too quickly - or we'll end up paying for it twice. Secondly, this isn't a temporary-first-place-until-we-build type of building. There's nothing wrong with that kind of facility (especially for mission churches) but that doesn't seem to be the way God is leading Illumine.

And one more thing (before the plan): You can get involved with this. No matter where you live, Illumine needs your involvement over the next couple of months. We're going to need to capitalize on the advantages that launching in this remarkably well-located facility is going to give us. We're going to need prayers, we're going to need funds, and we're going to need volunteers. We're going to need feedback, ideas, and encouragement when the going gets tough. Illumine needs you.

Next week, you'll learn a little more about how you can get involved and about how you can support this project. For now, please, please, please keep it in your prayers. It is undeniably a huge project for a church our size. It has the potential to make our impact in the community EXPLODE - but it also could lead to frustration, quarreling, and tenuous times. We'll need the full armor (and the full toolbox, and the full construction detail) of God to make this awesome opportunity real.

Until next time, God bless. Thanks for reading.

Feeding the Birds


I remember the days when I could buy some suet at the grocery store and get some citrus bags for free. When they began selling pre-cut meat, the suet had to come from the bird food supply companies, where one lump is $6 - and the minimal order is $20.

Dime's Meat Store sells suet because they actually cut their own meat. I ordered mesh bags from a supply house to hang the suet. I will put 10 bags around the yard today, hoping this does not make the yard Raccoon Central. The butcher and I exchanged raccoon stories when I got the suet.

Mine was pretty funny, except the varmits ate all the food I was leaving out for bluebirds and the pileated woodpeckers. In Bella Vista we had bird feeding stations all around the house, so pulling up to the house was something like visiting an airport for birds. They were everywhere. Since we lived above a creek, next to oak woods, and had a lawn and bushes, all the ingredients were there for a constant display of bird life. Blue jays built a nest outside our bedroom window, in the bushes, and we watched them hatch, flutter their wings, and learn to fly.

Our dogs were waking up in the wee hours from noise, so I kept a big flashlight near the bed. At 3 AM I saw dimly a raccoon on the window ledge outside, fiddling with the suet basket. I knew how to terrify him, as Sassy growled and moaned on the bed. I got right up to the window and shone the light in his diabolical eyes. He didn't flinch or look away. Instead, with one arm he reached back and unhitched the suet basket, letting the treasure drop to the ground. He followed it down and enjoyed his treat.

Nothing like a pound of suet to purge the system.

My only hope was that he got as sick on that square of suet as he did on the big lump from Dunhill, which he quickly recycled back onto the deck.

In short, suet-eating birds are insect eaters, so suet helps establish and fortify the best possible bird varieties:

  • Starlings
  • Cardinals
  • Woodpeckers
  • Blue jays
  • Chickadees
  • Blue birds
  • Juncos
  • Nuthatches

Downy Woodpecker - by Norma Boeckler.

These birds do well all winter because God decreed that insects would leave their larvae in bark and hidden in bushes. If there is a sleet storm, their food is hidden beneath ice, and they are really desperate. Otherwise, they enjoy the treats and use them as a small part of their diet.

As I wrote before, there are many gardening aspects to welcoming the birds. They enjoy a combination of trees, bushes, grass, and various plants - with plenty of bathing/drinking stations.
Since I am extending the elevated soaker-hose around the fence, I can have some herbs and tall plants growing in the distant back yard. Siberian sunflowers are an easy option, but I also want some other tall plants for bird cover and feeding, not to mention compost contributions.

A hedge of butterfly bushes will attract...butterflies.
Another interesting addition is the butterfly weed.

My winter garden is comprised of hardy bulbs, soon to arrive, garlic, and spinach. The corn patch is now mulched completely. Our helper asked, "Are we going to put soil on top?" I said, "No, we will pull some mulch aside, plant the corn, and mulch around the plants." In fact, pumpkin vines will mulch the bare spots and pole beans will grow up the corn stalks.

Grass loves sunlight, so a packet of newspapers will begin the rotting process fast. The grass turned black where we stored the mulch until we had time and weather to put in in the back. In some spots, where the grass poked out of the mulch and grew robustly from the rot nearby, I put down a wet layer of newspapers and saved a ton of time trimming.

When neighbors give me newspaper stacks to invest in gardening, I think, "You are giving me pounds of new soil." Their dividends are paid in roses for now. There will be corn and berries next year.

Congregations are increasingly confused about what they should be doing. I just finished an Old Testament survey class where I wrote to a large group of Evangelicals, "We should be singing hymns about God, not about us." A number of participants responded, "We are tired of singing about ourselves. All the modern music is about us, not about God."

God constantly displays the intricacies of His Creation, so we can see how He works, even while we are asleep. The clown princes of Church Growth tell their bedazzled followers, "You need to study statistics. You need to study management. You need to have contemporary worship, so Brunhilda sings her solo and all her relatives come to hear her."

They do not pay attention to the seed growing secretly because they ignore Creation and the Creator in favor of their own imagined cleverness.

Mark 4:26-29 King James Version  

26 And he said, So is the kingdom of God, as if a man should cast seed into the ground;

27 And should sleep, and rise night and day, and the seed should spring and grow up, he knoweth not how.

28 For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.

29 But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he putteth in the sickle, because the harvest is come.

In a rush to redeem the summer, I planted Malabar spinach, and now we eat the tender leaves. I grabbed some half-dead tomato plants from the display at Lowe's, and we have fresh tomatoes. I expertly dug holes for roses, expertly mulched them, and expertly pruned them. After doing almost nothing with roses, I harvest dozens of roses all the time.

Our helper says he worries about the garden - how are we going to deal with the weedy areas. I tell him, "Relax. We have already used bags of mushroom compost - old manure. The weeds are green manure. We will cover them to rot them into the soil - for the earthworms." His children now have a picture book on earthworms.

No, winter is for gardeners, when they dream about the perfect garden
and mentally buy all their supplies - no work, no cost -
the perfect season.

The Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity, 2014.


The Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity, 2014

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

The Hymn # 292                 Lord Jesus Christ               1:2
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual       
The Gospel              
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed             p. 22
The Sermon Hymn # 192               Awake My Heart            1:22 

Better Than All the Books

The Communion Hymn # 480            Lord of the Worlds            1:62
The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn # 511     Jesus Shall Reign                1:80

KJV Galatians 5:16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. 18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. 19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. 24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

KJV Luke 17:11 And it came to pass, as he went to Jerusalem, that he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee. 12 And as he entered into a certain village, there met him ten men that were lepers, which stood afar off: 13 And they lifted up their voices, and said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. 14 And when he saw them, he said unto them, Go shew yourselves unto the priests. And it came to pass, that, as they went, they were cleansed. 15 And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God, 16 And fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan. 17 And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine? 18 There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger. 19 And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.

Fourteenth Sunday After Trinity

Lord God, heavenly Father, who by Thy blessed word and Thy holy baptism hast mercifully cleansed all who believe from the fearful leprosy of sin, and daily dost grant us Thy gracious help in all our need: We beseech Thee so to enlighten our hearts by Thy Holy Spirit, that we may never forget these Thy blessings, but ever live in Thy fear, and, trusting fully in Thy grace, with thankful hearts continually praise and glorify Thee; through Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one true God, world without end. Amen.

Rest in Peace, Gary Meyer
We are often reminded that we do not having an abiding city on earth. God has called from our midst Gary Meyer, Alicia's husband, who died peacefully at his home this week. The family will have a private commitment ceremony.

Better Than All the Books

KJV Galatians 5:16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

This is a good lesson for expounding on Luther's statement in the graphic above.

"The Holy Spirit teaches man better than all the books; He teaches him to understand the Scriptures better than he can understand them from the teaching of any other; and of his own accord he does everything God wills he should, so the Law dare make no demands upon him."
Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., ed., John Nicholas Lenker, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1983, III, p. 280. Pentecost Sunday John 14:23-31. 

This statement, closely related to Paul's, is built on the Biblical foundation of the Spirit always working through the Word and never apart from the Word. In short, when the Bible speaks of the Spirit, the Word can be used in its place. And the Word is the instrument of the Spirit, so it stands for God's work - at all times.

Galatians 5:16 This I say then, Walk according to the Word of God, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. (paraphrase)

Most of the year I teach non-Lutherans in the classrooms and non-Lutherans in the Lutheran synods. The Baptists and Pentecostals get this basic doctrine, but the Lutherans leaders do not.

There are many ways this is expressed in the classroom. I do not choose the textbook and I have a low opinion of textbooks in general. They are Wikipedia without the name. A student is shocked by some claim by the textbook about the Bible. I have to tell them, "It is only a textbook. Someone's opinion. What does the Bible say? That is the only book God ever published."

Paul contrasts the Spirit and the flesh, the Gospel and Law, works and faith. Human flesh teaches works and remains in unbelief. When man teaches salvation by religious Law, it is only a variation of salvation by works. Man feels secure in the Law, the flesh, and works. The Gospel is freedom and it is giddy for some, who go back to the old ways.

Paul had to admonish the Galatians not to desert the Gospel. so we have the finest short epistle on justification by faith - and the best Biblical commentary, Luther's Galatians Commentary. In short, we do not need to study salvation by works much, because it comes to us naturally and it returns when we neglect the Gospel.

However, we do need to study justification by faith and all it involves through the work of the Holy Spirit in the Word.

Galatians 5:17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. 18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. 

This is why we must study the Word - because the Holy Spirit teaches us better than all the books. Our sinful flesh has an evil desire against the Word of God, and the Word of God battles against the flesh. They are and must remain opposed to each other. The Spirit keeps us from following the desires of the flesh.

This is also important to keep in mind because of authority. The truth is revealed plainly in the Word of God. No one can place his authority above the Word, and yet everyone can be taught by the Word.

When a pastor says, "I am the pastor. I am highly trained. I studied Greek. You must submit to me," he is denying what the Word teaches. No man and no institution has the authority to provide a special meaning to the Word that is alien to the Scriptures. 

Nothing speaks to the spirit of this age more than political rallies where various factions squabble and vote on the meaning of the Bible. The most ridiculous came when ELCA almost eliminated Father, Son, and Holy Spirit from its constitution. There was a big effort to restore the Trinitarian name to the constitution since various synonyms were being used for the feminist agenda or even for Unitarianism. The Trinity won by only a few votes and was restored. Does that mean anything, when a vote is divided  almost 50/50? No. In fact, voting on such things is ludicrous and disgusting, but it continues on a regular basis in the Olde Synodical Conference. 

Does anyone notice that Vatican doctrine is derived the same way? There was no official Immaculate Conception of Mary until various lobbies got it "determined" and expounded by the Pope himself, who said he did not need the dogma of infallibility since he already proved it by declaring Mary Immaculate.

A convention does not make a particular belief or program Biblical, even by majority vote. The popularity of a pastor does not make him right, nor does unpopularity make him wrong. Paul was probably quite irritating in many ways, and he certainly could cause trouble just by preaching. The question was, as he discussed in 2 Corinthians - was he faithful to the Word?

The laity have not had their authority to read the Bible taken away from them. They have surrendered it to the clergy, contrary to a proper reading of the Word.

Galatians 5:19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. 

Paul's list of the works of the flesh are a plain description of what we are like without faith, without the Gospel. Man teaches that favorite sins are perfectly acceptable, and they excuse them. These sins vary with each person. Therefore, the preaching of the Law is not preaching against unbelief, but preaching against a safe sin which they cannot be accused of promoting - the sin of disagreeing with the synod, the sin of not doing enough, the sin of skipping meetings, the sin of being against diversity or global warming,etc. It depends.

Real Law preaching starts with John 16:8f. - to convict the world of unbelief, because they do not utterly trust in Me.

Martin Chemnitz quoted the early Church Fathers, who put away all their creeds and paraded the Scriptures in front of theological conferences, setting aside all human authorities to return to where the source was pure  - the Word of God.

That is why the Bible teaches better than all of man's books. So I am putting together a book on the Trinity. People have said the Trinity was invented 500 AD or so. I can name many important books that say this. The modern founder of UOJ, Knapp, thought so too. 

But this little book will show what the Bible says about the Trinity, with artwork from Norma Boeckler. It will be better than any book on the Trinity, even better than Augustine's massive and important study of the doctrine.

Nothing is simpler or plainer than the Word of God, and nothing else has the divine power of the Word.

You would think that the Word of God gets its divine power from Fuller Seminary, or Willowcreek, or from statistics and studies and graphs and demographics. The Shrinkers who get drunk on shrinking the true Church. 

Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. 24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

The Law can lead us to Christ, but the Law bears no fruit. Mankind loves the works of the flesh. The media focus on these all the time. But the Spirit alone (the Gospel alone) - or faith in Christ alone - bears fruit, the nine-fold fruits which come from God, not from us. 

Luther - Galatians Commentary -
The Apostle does not speak of the works of the Spirit as he spoke of the works of the flesh, but he attaches to these Christian virtues a better name. He calls them the fruits of the Spirit. 


It would have been enough to mention only the single fruit of love, for love embraces all the fruits of the Spirit. In I Corinthians 13, Paul attributes to love all the fruits of the Spirit: "Charity suffereth long, and is kind," etc. Here he lets love stand by itself among other fruits of the Spirit to remind the Christians to love one another, "in honor preferring one another," to esteem others more than themselves because they have Christ and the Holy Ghost within them. 


Joy means sweet thoughts of Christ , melodious hymns and psalms, praises and thanksgiving, with which Christians instruct, inspire, and refresh themselves . God does not like doubt and dejection. He hates dreary doctrine, gloomy and melancholy thought. God likes cheerful hearts. He did not send His Son to fill us with sadness, but to gladden our hearts. For this reason the prophets , apostles, and Christ Himself urge, yes, command us to rejoice and be glad. "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout , O daughter of Jerusalem; behold, thy king cometh unto thee." (Zech. 9: 9.) In the Psalms we are repeatedly told to be "joyful in the Lord." Paul says: "Rejoice in the Lord always." Christ says: "Rejoice, for your names are written in heaven." 


Peace towards God and men. Christians are to be peaceful and quiet. Not argumentative , not hateful, but thoughtful and patient. There can be no peace without longsuffering, and therefore Paul lists this virtue next. LONGSUFFERING Longsuffering is that quality which enables a person to bear adversity, injury, reproach, and makes them patient to wait for the improvement of those who have done him wrong. When the devil finds that he cannot overcome certain persons by force he tries to overcome them in the long run. He knows that we are weak and cannot stand anything long. Therefore he repeats his temptation time and again until he succeeds. To withstand his continued assaults we must be longsuffering and patiently wait for the devil to get tired of his game. 


Gentleness in conduct and life. True followers of the Gospel must not be sharp and bitter, but gentle, mild, courteous, and soft-spoken, which should encourage others to seek their company. Gentleness can overlook other people's faults and cover them up. Gentleness is always glad to give in to others. Gentleness can get along with forward and difficult persons according to the old pagan saying: " You must know the manners of your friends, but you must not hate them." Such a gentle person was our Savior Jesus Christ, as the Gospel portrays Him. Of Peter it is recorded that he wept whenever he remembered the sweet gentleness of Christ in His daily contact with people. Gentleness is an excellent virtue and very useful in every walk of life. 


A person is good when he is willing to help others in their need. 


In listing faith among the fruits of the Spirit, Paul obviously does not mean faith in Christ, but faith in men. Such faith is not suspicious of people but believes the best. Naturally the possessor of such faith will be deceived, but he lets it pass. He is ready to believe all men, but he will not trust all men. Where this virtue is lacking men are suspicious, forward, and wayward and will believe nothing nor yield to anybody. No matter how well a person says or does anything, they will find fault with it, and if you do not humor them you can never please them. It is quite impossible to get along with them. Such faith in people therefore, is quite necessary . What kind of life would this be if one person could not believe another person? 


A person is meek when he is not quick to get angry. Many things occur in daily life to provoke a person's anger, but the Christian gets over his anger by meekness. 


Christians are to lead sober and chaste lives. They should not be adulterers, fornicators , or sensualists. They should not be quarrelers or drunkards. In the first and second chapters of the Epistle to Titus, the Apostle admonishes bishops, young women, and married folks to be chaste and pure. 

VERSE 23. Against such there is no law. There is a law, of course, but it does not apply to those who bear these fruits of the Spirit. The Law is not given for the righteous man. A true Christian conducts himself in such a way that he does not need any law to warn or to restrain him. He obeys the Law without compulsion. The Law does not concern him. As far as he is concerned there would not have to be any Law. 

VERSE 24. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. True believers are no hypocrites. They crucify the flesh with its evil desires and lusts. Inasmuch as they have not altogether put off the sinful flesh they are inclined to sin. They do not fear or love God as they should. They are likely to be provoked to anger, to envy, to impatience, to carnal lust, and other emotions. But they will not do the things to which the flesh incites them. They crucify the flesh with its evil desires and lusts by fasting and exercise and, above all, by a walk in the Spirit. To resist the flesh in this manner is to nail it to the Cross. Although the flesh is still alive it cannot very well act upon its desires because it is bound and nailed to the Cross.

Martin Luther. Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians (Kindle Locations 3121ff). 

Luther's Galatians Commentary

Publishing News


I finished the initial draft of a book listing the Scriptures that teach the Holy Trinity. Norma Boeckler will illustrate it.

Next is the final edit of Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant.

Both will be at Amazon and on Kindle.

Third is the mystery/apologetic novel - Metamorphosis. I will complete that in 2015, God willing and the cricks don't rise.

I have talked to the academic dean at one school to reduce my teaching hours. That is a new problem. Next semester will be more tolerable, although I never know exactly what is up with any given school. Demographics are helping in one way - Boomers are retiring from teaching.

I might write about gardening and birds again, but after the novel is one.

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