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Take the Survey - From the Shattered Pulpit Blog


Take the Survey

How does this national survey compare to the Lutheran Denomination? 
Take the survey on the right (and share it) so we can see.

Diana Garland, dean of Baylor School of Social Work and co-author of Baylor University School’s National Study of “Clergy Sexual Misconduct with Adults” conducted the survey on more than 3,500 adults, which is the largest scientific study into clergy sexual misconduct (CSM). The abuse, however, often is seen by parishioners and denominational executives as something else--a problem with alcohol, for example, or an emotional or relationship problem of the pastor or the parishioner, or a parish conflict.

Congregations who blindly trust the person in the pulpit should tune into a new national study, suggesting clergy sexual misconduct with adults occurs across denominations and religions a lot more often than many realize. The analysis by Baylor University’s School of Social Work found that 3.1 percent of adult women who worship at least once a month have been the target of a clergy come-on since turning 18. 

Of those surveyed:
  • More than 3% of women who had attended a congregation in the past month reported that they had been the object of CSM at some time in their adult lives;
  • 92% of these sexual advances had been made in secret, not in open dating relationships
  • 67% of the offenders were married to someone else at the time of the advance.
  • In the average American congregation of 400 persons, with women representing, on average, 60% of the congregation, there are, on average of 7 women who have experienced clergy sexual misconduct
  • Of the entire sample, 8% report having known about CSM occurring in a congregation they have attended. Therefore, in the average American congregation of 400 congregants, there are, on average, 32 persons who have experienced CSM in their community of faith.
In addition to analyzing data from the General Social Survey, Garland also gathered first-hand accounts of clergy sexual misconduct. She interviewed more than 80 women and men. This group included victims of clergy misconduct, family members or spouses of victims, religious leaders who have committed misconduct, and professionals who have provided care for offenders and survivors.

From those interviews, Garland learned there were five factors that perpetuate clergy sexual misconduct.

-- Nobody acts in a situation that calls for action.

-- Parishioners don’t want to hurt their pastor’s feelings.

-- Religious leaders don’t have to report to an office or supervisor. And much of their communication is private.

-- People worship in sanctuaries, which means "safe place." That increases vulnerability and lack of awareness.

-- The same person exhorting the congregation from the pulpit is often the same person providing counseling or psychotherapy behind closed doors. The overlapping roles create an inappropriate power dynamic. 

Teaming with Microbes - Creation Gardening and Science


I told our helper and Mrs. Ichabod, "I just read a book that explains why I am doing everything right."

The book is Teaming with Microbes, The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web, Jeff Lowenfels and Wayne Lewis. Timber Press, Portland. 206pp. $17.


The next book is Teaming with Nutrients.

The titles are nifty puns, since teeming means "abounding" and they chose to use "teaming" to suggest making a partnership with the natural forces around us. The books are written with  a few solemn references to evolution and global warming, but the scientific descriptions are quite useful for the Creation gardener.

I read the book soon after someone said in the doctor's office, "I like roses, but you can have all the labor. We constantly sprayed ours." They had a problem with mildew, I believe. In contrast, I sprayed a bit once for insects once and never again. The roses have been no trouble, producing beautiful flowers and foliage from watering and cutting the blooms for everyone to enjoy.

I marvel that someone could find so many intricate relationships at the chemical and cellular levels and not attribute that to design and the Creation. But there are libraries of Lutheran books that ignore Creation and teach against the efficacy of the Word.

Roots and Bacteria
We all know that bacteria are essential for decomposition, but how they work is fascinating. They have chemical pumps that draw into the cell what they need and pump out waste. Rot is important because this is how God recycles all the chemicals and makes them available for plants.

The authors argue that the expensive gardening chemicals and sprays wreck the natural relationships and halt the decomposition process needed for healthy plants. They make fun of rototilling the soil--as I do--since that genocidal action damages the soil structure and the ocean of life dwelling there.

Bacteria count is quite important, since earthworms graze on them, multiplying the nutrition in the soil while grinding it finer. Some facts are below.

I never realized that plant roots do more that soak up water and minerals from the soil. Plant roots exude nutrients for bacteria, and enormous numbers of bacteria live in the zone around those roots. Bacteria use enzymes to break the bonds that hold complex chemicals together.

Plants are 50% cellulose, which is fairly difficult to break down, but there are bacteria that specialize in turning cellulose into simpler forms.

Tougher than cellulose is lignin - the tough brown part of woody material and bark. Most bacteria cannot do much with lignin, but earthworms feast on it. Newspapers are earthworm food, and earthworms make the garden productive. Most people throw away their newspapers and dose their gardens with inorganic salts that earthworms do not like.

Roots and soil particles have electrical charges that move mineral ions into the plant. Sand is too large to hold a charge, which is one reason pure sand grows almost nothing. Clay holds the most charges but needs to be modified with humus and sand to be an ideal soil instead of pottery.

Earthworm Metrics for the Creation Gardening Growth Movement
I have gathered some metrics from the book, to show how significant the earthworm is for the garden. The authors praise the red wiggler for gardening, the kind I buy from Uncle Jim's Worm Farm.

Earthworm casts compared to surrounding soil are:

  • Ten times richer in potash.  
  • Seven times richer in phosphate.
  • Five times richer in nitrogen.
  • Three times richer in magnesium.
  • One and 1/2 times richer in calcium. (p. 98)

Earthworms produce 10 to 15 tons of casts per acre each year. Compare that to hauling in soil amendments by the truckload. The earthworm labors for free and only wants to live in peace.

Application of the Metrics
Below are some steps to take in light of the research outlined above.

  1. Create a mulch layer in the fall for the spring gardens. 
  2. Leaves should be used as mulch or collected in a bin for composting. 
  3. Give up the tiller - use mulch to open up garden areas and to suppress weeds.
  4. Newspaper held down by shredded wood mulch will be attractive and effective.
  5. Collect all garden and vegetable kitchen waste for composting. 
  6. Soak the garden with soaker hoses instead of spraying wastefully. Do not water the lawn.
  7. Use clippings from bushes as mulch for those bushes, making them more productive.
Portrait of the Soil Below
A Creation gardener will have soil that is covered with organic mulch to decrease wind erosion and loss of moisture. Earthworms, soil creatures, and bacteria will thrive in this moist and dark zone, increasing the biomass and the tunnels for aeration and watering of the plant roots.

Healthy bacteria will kill pathogens and block attacks on the roots of plants. The presence of soil creatures will invite predators from below (moles) and above (birds) to move the soil and the mulch. 

Aerobic Discussions Are Better than Anaerobic Infections


There are two possible ways to break things down in nature. Bacteria can live and thrive with oxygen, some without.

Anaerobic composting is possible in gardening, but it is stinky. Put grass in plastic bags and open them up later - slimy and stinky. That is anaerobic.

Aerobic composting uses oxygen and has a pleasant aftermath.

Holy Mother Abusive Sect does not want discussions of anything, unless they are carefully controlled by them. The outcome is stinky.

Lately WELS has had three blogs actively engaged in open discussions, aerobic, breaking down the issues in a healthy way. The synod-minders are not happy.

Call me cynical, but I do not find any LCMS or ELS blogs that welcome discussion. Steadfast (sic) Lutherans is carefully controlled and censored. Discuss a child rapist welcomed into the ministry by a DP? Erase. Get a comment about justification? Block or erase. Call JBFA posters "morons." Yes, that is the level of discussion in Matt the Fat's LCMS.

Cyberbrethren (aka The Pope Speaks) is gone, and so is the comic relief we need so badly these days.

SpenerQuest proves that a Preus can find a worse outlet than Christian News for promoting justification without faith.

Everybody knows a little place like Kokomo
Now if you wanna go to get away from it all
Go down to Kokomo.

Ichabod Metrics Proving Church Growth Methods Have Become Dated and Uninviting

Elton Stroh is dated and uninviting.
Let me raise a few eyebrows with Ichabod metrics.

From last night at 7 PM until 6 AM, there have been 2,000 views.

The 30 day total has moved from 70,000 to 80,000, to 95,000, a 35% increase in several months.

In the 30 days after the blog reached 3 million views, another 100,000 were added.

Classic Ichabod - Rewarding Plagiarism Reveals Bad Management

The "new" post by McCain on St. Elizabeth is all over the Net, too:
hard to tell the original source.

Copied from -


Related reading: All About The Retrospect

By Rem Rieder
Rem Rieder (rrieder@ajr.umd.edu) is AJR’s editor and senior vice president.
We’ve been here before. Too often.

There was Ruth Shalit, the young New Republic writer who was Washington journalism’s It Girl in the mid-’90s, until she imploded with a couple of high-profile plagiarism episodes and a powerful but error-riddled assault on the Washington Post’s approach to race.

Then there was Stephen Glass, also of The New Republic, whose stories, packed with amazing, dead-on detail, seemed too good to be true. And were. Glass will long be remembered as the guy who would build a Web site to corroborate his fabrications.

Now it’s Jayson Blair, the 27-year-old New York Times national reporter who destroyed his career in a stunning conflagration of pilfered material, outright fiction and just plain bizarre behavior. (See “All About the Retrospect”)

The Times has a well-earned reputation for circling the wagons when its reporting comes under attack. It often chooses not to respond to questions about its coverage, as if it were above scrutiny. It did own up to some serious shortcomings after the Wen Ho Lee train wreck, but in a grudging, defensive Editor’s Note rather than a forthright mea culpa.

Not this time. Once the San Antonio Express-News brought a clear-cut case of piracy to its attention, the Times unleashed a posse of reporters and editors to put Blair’s national desk oeuvre under a microscope. It played the devastating findings of Blair’s serial crimes against journalism at the top of page one, with four open pages inside.

So give the Times its props for an extraordinary airing of some very dirty linen. That’s a courageous—and appropriate—thing to do. Now it faces the harder challenge.

Because the Blair report exposed a frighteningly porous management structure, one that allowed a truth-challenged journalist to not only survive but thrive, despite a blinding array of warning lights.

In April 2002, the Blair problem was so severe that Metropolitan Editor Jonathan Landman wrote in a memo, “We have to stop Jayson from writing for the Times. Right now.” Blair was warned he was in danger of losing his job. He took a leave to try to straighten himself out. But—astoundingly—by December he was the national staff’s lead reporter on top-of-the-charts news: the sniper story. For the New York Times.
Worse yet, the national editor and Washington bureau hadn’t been told of Blair’s pothole-strewn track record. So no alarm bells went off when serious questions were raised about two of his sniper scoops. Editors didn’t even ask the young reporter to ID the anonymous sources on which they were based.

While the Times report pummeled Blair unmercifully, it wasn’t quite as tough on the institution that allowed him to do his damage undetected. “The person who did this is Jayson Blair,” said Arthur Sulzberger Jr., Times publisher and chairman of its parent company. “Let’s not begin to demonize our executives—either the desk editors or the executive editor or, dare I say it, the publisher.”

No, let’s not demonize them. And, no, there’s no way to stop unscrupulous people from doing bad things. But there’s got to be a way to catch them more quickly—particularly when there are so many clues.


GJ - Readers were not surprised to find McCain posting on Tim Glende's pale imitation of this blog. Both of them are shameless plagiarists who are supported by their bosses.

Plagiarism does not shock me, but support of it does, because the evidence cannot be denied. Rewarding plagiarism suggests a much deeper level of corruption.

Apostasy also bears fruit.

WELS District President Doug Engelbrecht,
Northern - Anything Goes - District.
Click here for an attorney's response to this clarion call.

A Clarion Call For Faithfulness To The Word And For Faithfulness To The Tenor Of The Gospel 

A Presentation And Discussion Of Various Concerns That Have Been Raised Recently In Our Midst 

Pastor D.J. Engelbrecht NWD Pastoral Conference October 25-26, 2011

A “clarion call” is defined as “a strong and clear request for people to do something”. (1 http.www.The Freedictionary.com) This paper and attendant questions for discussion are intended to be a clarion call to all of the pastors in our Northern Wisconsin District to remain faithful to the Word and at the same time to remain faithful to the tenor (2 Tenor -“the overall nature, pattern, or meaning of something, especially a written or spoken statement”) of the gospel. As Professor Daniel Deutschlander and others have so often said, we must be careful that we do not fall into the ditch on either side of the road when it comes to our doctrine and practice.  

When it comes to doctrine and practice faithfulness to the Word of God is paramount. Paul‟s second letter to Timothy could be considered a “clarion call” to his ministerial student and co-worker, Timothy, to remain faithful to the Word above all else. Likewise in chapter 4 Paul encourages Timothy to “Preach the Word,”(3 2 Timothy 4:2,3 NIV 1984 by Biblica) because the time would come when people would not put up with sound doctrine. The warnings of the Apostle John in the 22nd chapter of the book of Revelation to remain faithful to the Scriptures likewise emphasize the importance of making faithfulness to the Word “job number one” for all followers of Christ and most certainly for those who shepherd Christ‟s people. 

At the same time we want to be faithful to the tenor of the gospel. What do I mean by “the tenor of the gospel”? I mean the overall nature or pattern of the gospel. The very nature of the gospel is love. The gospel reflects the love of God for sinners through the redemptive work of Christ. And the gospel urges Christians to likewise reflect the love that God, in Christ, has shown them in everything they do and say. Christ urges his followers to “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”( 4 John 13:33-35 NIV 1984 by Biblica)  The Apostle Paul told the Ephesian Christians that even when we must speak the truth to an individual who may not necessarily want to hear what we have to tell him, we do so in love. “Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.”(5 Ephesians 4:14-16 NIV 1984 by Biblica) Luther emphasized the gospel motivation for all that we do and say when, in his explanation of the eighth commandment, he said that we are “to take his (our brother's) words and actions in the kindest possible way.”(6 Luther’s Catechism, (Milwaukee: NPH, 1982), 108) Professor J. P. Koehler, one of the men identified with the Wauwatosa Theology, reminds us: “A Christian as such receives the motivation and forms of his actions from the gospel and not the law.” (7 Koehler, Gesetzlich Wesen Unter Uns, p. 3. 8 1 Timothy 4:16  NIV 1984 by Biblica)  Therefore, if a clarion call is to be made to the brothers in our district for faithfulness, it must be a two-fold call: faithfulness to the Word and at the same time faithfulness to the tenor of the gospel.  

What is it that has prompted this clarion call to faithfulness, over and above the encouragement that is continually given to all pastors in our synod to “watch your life and doctrine closely” (1 Timothy 4:16)? Over the past couple of years a number of issues and concerns have been brought before the District Presidium by various individuals, involving doctrine, practice, and approaches to ministry. Some of them were cleared up immediately, some were the result of misunderstandings and miscommunication and were resolved through extensive discussion, some fall under the category of legitimate differences of opinion on approaches to ministry, and some called for continued evangelical warnings to the brethren to help them avoid straying from the Word, the Lutheran Confessions, and the tenor of the gospel It must be stated that at no point in time did the District Presidium find false doctrine being espoused or promoted by anyone. However, through extensive discussion of these matters it became clear that it would be to the benefit of all the brothers in the District to join the discussion, to be the beneficiaries of the fruit of the discussions the District Presidium has already had on these matters, and to receive guidance, direction, and evangelical warning in regard to them, so that we all may continue to be faithful to the Word and faithful to the tenor of the gospel. 

It is not my intent to get into specifics in regard to the matters that were brought before the District Presidium with names and places. However, a number of general issues warrant discussion among a broader spectrum of and for the benefit of the brethren. The first of these general issues concerns the subject of plagiarism. 

Plagiarism is defined as: “the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work, as by not crediting the author” (9 dictionary.com) There are two basic criteria, therefore, for something to actually be considered plagiarism. One is that it is “unauthorized”. In other words, it is the use of someone else's material without being granted permission by that individual to do so. The second criterion is that it is the use of someone else's material with the purpose of passing it off as your own. “In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's work and lying about it afterward.”(10 Wikipedia.com) By definition, then, using someone else's material with their permission would not be considered plagiarism per se. [GJ - False, Doug. The deception is a fraud perpetrated on the congregation.] The original author could not sue for copyright infringement under those circumstances, because he has given permission for his material to be used, perhaps even without citation. Doing so could, however, be considered unethical, if the person using the material did not cite the source and then represented the material as his own original work with the intent of deceiving those to whom he is presenting the material. We should note that, “Plagiarism is not a crime per se but is disapproved more on the grounds of moral offense and cases of plagiarism can involve liability for copyright infringement.”(11 Plagiarism is not a criminal offense punishable by law.  If a person feels that his original material has been used by someone else without authorization, he may bring a lawsuit against that individual for copyright infringement.) Wikipedia adds this rather interesting comment about the development of the concept of plagiarism: “the notion (of plagiarism) remains problematic with nebulous boundaries. The modern concept of plagiarism as immoral and originality as an ideal emerged in Europe only in the 18th century, particularly with the Romantic movement, while in the previous centuries authors and artists were encouraged to "copy the masters as closely as possible" and avoid "unnecessary invention.” The 18th century new morals have been institutionalized and enforced prominently in the sectors of academia and journalism, where plagiarism is now considered academic dishonesty and a breach of journalistic ethics, subject to sanctions like expulsion and other severe career damage. Not so in the arts, which not only have resisted in their long-established tradition of copying as a fundamental practice of the creative process but with the boom of the modernist and postmodern movements in the 20th century, this practice has been heightened as the central and representative artistic device. Plagiarism remains tolerated by 21st century artists.”(12 En.Wikipedia.org) [GJ - Plagiarism is against the law. An author can go to court and sue for damages when someone makes money from his original work by selling it as his own.]

While plagiarism is mainly a source of concern in the areas of academics and journalism these days, it can also be a concern in the area of the church and with our ministers of the gospel. Ministers of the gospel should not knowingly and with intent to deceive their hearers or readers pass off someone else's material as their own, i.e. plagiarize. We use the word “knowingly” because it is certainly possible to say or write something that you think is original, only to find out that someone else has already said or written it, or something very similar to what you have written. When pastors are all basically preparing sermons from the same text it would not be unusual for one person's sermon to be very similar in nature to another's. We would also add the phrase “with intent,” because, first of all, that is part of the definition of plagiarism. By definition it involves a fraudulent intent. Someone may use another person's material and even have permission to do so without citation, and yet have intent on passing it off as his own to deceive his congregation into thinking that he is doing his own work when he is just reaping the benefit of someone else's labor. 

The bottom line is: plagiarism, as defined, is out of the question for a minister of the gospel, both from the standpoint of stealing someone else's material without permission and/or citation and from the standpoint of deliberately deceiving one's congregation into thinking that the work that is being presented is original (even though permission may have been given by the author) when that (originality) is what the congregation is expecting from its pastor. [GJ - Is it too much to ask for original Lutheran sermons from Lutheran pastors who get enormous grants from the synod to perpetrate this deceitful copying of false teachers like Groeschel and aping of gay activists like Andy Stanley?]

Questions For Further Discussion: 

• To what extent do pastors need to cite sources either verbally or in print when using materials from places like NPH (Advent or Lent series or outlines, stewardship sermons/outlines prepared by the synod, the “green” book)? 
• To what extent should a congregation expect originality from its pastor? (Consider Bible studies, text studies, the use of phrases or illustrations.) 
• Is there such a thing as “self-plagiarism”? If so, what steps must be taken to avoid it? 
Encouragement to the Brothers: 
Be careful to avoid any semblance of plagiarism or unethical practice by making an effort to cite the source of especially longer quotes or illustrations and sermon or Bible study outlines/series where practicable. 
If you are making use of other people’s work (e.g. a synod produced sermon on stewardship or a special occasion), make every effort to inform the leaders of your congregation that you are using such materials. 

Methodist EC Craig Groeschel (far left) comparing jeans with closeted Babtist Andy Stanley.
Andy does not admit to being Babtist at Northpoint,
just like Rick Warren at Saddleback.

The Use Of Materials Outside Our Fellowship 
That leads us to a related issue, namely the use of material from sources outside our fellowship. While our church body produces a great amount of resource material for our pastors, it is safe to say that our pastors use sources from outside of our fellowship in connection with their work, and that their bookshelves contain any number of volumes that have been produced by authors that are not WELS and/or not produced by our publishing house. The mere use of material that is authored or produced by someone outside of our fellowship cannot be considered plagiarism in and of itself. Again, I go back to the definition of plagiarism as “the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work, as by not crediting the author”(13 Dictionary.com) It certainly could be, if done so without citation and the intention of deceiving the congregation into thinking that their pastor is giving them original work. However, the use of materials outside our fellowship when given permission by its author and without intention of deceiving the calling body should not be considered plagiarism nor unethical. 
[GJ - DP Doug is addressing the Ski/Glende use of Craig Groeschel's materials, which he gives permission to use but advises the ministers to be honest about using them.]

Not a Photoshop - Andy Stanley posed with Ski,
and Ski worshiped with Stanley.
Apparently, so did Glende, Parlow, Buske and others.
DP Doug did not excommunicate them, but supported them instead.

The question then becomes: Is it permissible/advisable for our pastors to use materials and resources that are produced outside of our fellowship? To say that it is not permissible for our pastors to use materials and resources that have been produce or authored by those outside our fellowship would certainly be going too far. That would lead us to head toward the ditch of legalism. And to intimate that no good scholarship or creative ideas can come from someone who is not WELS would be the height of theological narcissism. Throughout the decades our pastors have benefited from the scholarship and creative work of people who do not share our WELS confession or even our Lutheran confession. We need only look at the list of authors and their backgrounds that fill the pages of our hymnal, Christian Worship: A Lutheran Hymnal (14 Christian Worship: A Lutheran Hymnal is filled with texts and tunes that were authored by people from a variety of theological backgrounds including Charles Wesley, Fannie Crosby, Franz Joseph Mohr, Ray Palmer, and Augustus Toplady), or the materials that NPH offers in its catalog, or even check the books that our seminary has used over the years as required reading  (15 My homiletics class was trained by Professor Gerald Hoenecke using “Reu’s Homiletics” as its textbook.) to see that much can be learned from and beneficial use can be made of the scholarship, materials, thoughts, words, and ideas of those who do not share our confession. 

But the question is: how advisable is it? The excessive use of materials that are produced or authored outside of our fellowship can be not only inadvisable, but dangerous for a number of reasons. One reason is that constant exposure to unorthodox material can, without a person even realizing it, affect his thinking to the point where he begins to espouse the same false teaching contained in that material. If the expression “you are what you eat” can be applied to our theological diet, it is not out of the realm of possibility for someone to find himself losing his Lutheran confessional moorings when the lion’s share of his daily menu is Reformed or Evangelical material. Another reason would be that the consistent use of material produced outside of our fellowship can lead to pure laziness and a desire to skip the hard work and just use what somebody else has produced. Obviously, the latter could also be said of consistently using someone else’s materials even though produced by a WELS or other orthodox source. Consistent and wholesale use (that is, without thoroughly scrutinizing and reworking what needs to be reworked to reflect our Lutheran confession) is indeed very dangerous. For that reason it is extremely important to limit the use of such material to as little as possible to avoid the danger. The same could be said for the literature that fills our pastors’ book shelves. Even though we would assume that our pastors are more prepared to separate the wheat from the chaff than most of their parishioners, an overabundance of books produced by sources outside our fellowship can have the same inherent dangers. A good ratio of thoroughly orthodox books to books produced by those who do not share our confession is vitally important. We would never tell a pastor what that ratio has to be, but we would certainly encourage our brothers to keep the books and materials in their library that are authored by those outside of our fellowship to a small number in comparison to those that are produced within our fellowship or from basically orthodox sources. 

Questions For Further Discussion: 

• To what extent can unorthodox materials be “Lutheranized” or “WELSified” and be safely used by our pastors? 
• How much “original” work should our pastors be expected to do in keeping with their time and abilities? 
• Can materials from outside sources in areas such as church management or church architecture, etc. be used safely? 
Encouragement to the Brothers: 
Refrain from using materials from outside sources as much as possible, (even though they can be “Lutheranized” or “WELSified”) because of the danger of unknowingly assimilating any false theology that may be contained in the material. 
Make a greater effort to produce your own materials or make use of materials produced within our fellowship. 
Trust your brothers to know when too much is too much and encourage them rather than accuse them when Christian freedom is the issue in this area. 

Choose To Believe 
Another issue that was thoroughly discussed centered around phrases used in a number of hymns that could be deemed unclear or confusing.    One phrase in particular is found in a contemporary song entitled “Voice of Truth.”(16 Voice of Truth – Casting Crowns) “I will choose to listen and believe the Voice of truth.” The song speaks of how a Christian is bombarded by the lies of Satan and the world around him and is placed in the position of choosing between what the devil and the world tells him and what God tells him in Holy Scripture.  The Christian answers repeatedly in the song, “I choose to listen and believe the Voice of truth.” Would someone who might use that contemporary song be guilty of promoting false doctrine? At issue is the matter of decision theology as well as post-conversion cooperation in sanctification. Holy Scripture says, “ no one can say, „Jesus is Lord,‟ except by the Holy Spirit,” (17 1 Corinthians 12:3 – NIV 1984 by Biblica) and Dr. Luther reiterates that the natural man is unable to “believe in Jesus Christ (his)Lord or come to Him”. ( 18 Luther’s Catechism, (Milwaukee: NPH, 1982), 188) (i.e. natural man cannot do anything to effect his conversion.) We reject, therefore, Decision Theology which says that natural man can “ask Jesus into his heart” (19 Having said that, consider all the phrases contained in our Lutheran hymns, such as:  “Jesus is my pleasure, Jesus is my choice,” “Enter now my waiting heart”, “Come into my heart I pray…”, Come now to dwell within me-” We have to assume those are all said by someone who is a converted Christian and, therefore, we are not promoting decision theology when we pick hymns containing such phrases.), make a decision for Christ, or cooperate in some way in and with one's conversion. That is the work of the Holy Spirit alone. Speaking as an unregenerated person, there is no way we can say “I choose to believe.”   However, can a person in whose heart the Holy Spirit has produced faith in Christ say “I choose to listen and believe the Voice of truth”? 

The Lutheran Confessions state: “From this, then, it follows that as soon as the Holy Ghost, as has been said, through the Word and holy Sacraments, has begun in us this work of regeneration and renewal, it is certain that through the power of the Holy Ghost we can and should cooperate, although still in great weakness. But this [that we cooperate] does not occur from our carnal natural powers, but from the new powers and gifts which the Holy Ghost has begun in us in conversion, as St. Paul expressly and earnestly exhorts that "as workers together with Him we receive not the grace of God in vain," 2 Cor. 6:1 But this is to be understood in no other way than that the converted man does good to such an extent and so long as God by His Holy Spirit rules, guides and leads him, and that as soon as God would withdraw His gracious hand from him, he could not for a moment persevere in obedience to God. Therefore, there is a great difference between baptized and unbaptized men. For since, according to this doctrine of St. Paul, Gal. 3:27, all who have been baptized have put on Christ, and thus are truly regenerate, they have now arbitrium liberatum (a liberated will), that is, as Christ says, they have been made free again, John 8:36; Whence they are able not only to hear the Word, but also to assent to it and accept it, although in great weakness.”( 20 Formula of Concord: Thorough Declaration Article II) 

The dogmatics notes which, in part, guide the study of dogmatics at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary say “A Christian may and must cooperate in his own sanctification ¬2 Cor. 6:1; 1 Cor. 3:9…he is one raised to new life”? Romans 6:13 Johannes Quenstedt, who is quoted in those notes says: “The Holy Ghost, however, renews us (brings about our renewal) in such a way that also man himself cooperates with him through powers of grace by which he is able to do that…Therefore the renewed man is a subordinate cause of his own renewal motivated by God to renew himself from day to day through the powers received from above. The Holy Ghost indeed without cooperation of man produces in man the ability to do good, (i.e.) the first power, (nearest power, the power that comes at the same time as conversion) and the actium primum of sanctification. The actus primus or "first act" is the ability to do good, and ability given by the Holy Ghost. But as soon as the Holy Ghost has begun the work of sanctifying man, he can cooperate in the actum secudum ("the second act"), namely, the use of the power {to do good} and the continuation of sanctification. He does that not by natural powers but supernatural. And thus by powers granted by God a man can become a coworker with God in the continuation of his own sanctification.” 

Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Professor Richard Gurgel writes: “Does our new self joyfully and willingly cooperate in every area of sanctification—both tables of the law---of course it does! The „new self‟ is the recreation within us of the image of God that Adam and Eve once possessed. Listen to the new self speak in Psalm 119 and any idea that he does not participate in joyful obedience to both tables of the law should disappear. He delights to believe in every promise of God. It is not wrong to say that a believer chooses to believe those promises….(although)… 

Of course there are some cautions to observe. Our Confessions rightly warn us about speaking of the Spirit and our new self as equal partners in sanctification. And unlike Adam and Eve before the fall, we still have the remnant of our old self hanging around to trouble us. However…I would say this, for two reasons I wonder if “our new self chooses to believe the promises of God” is the most helpful wording. First: we are surrounded by the "Evangelicals" who have forever corrupted that phraseology so that those who hear us say "choose to believe" will often be thinking decision theology. Then, here's the second reason I wonder if this is the clearest wording: the new heart God plants in us at conversion simply does believe every promise of God. That is its very nature. Our old self, of course, since we are simul justus et peccator, at the same time refuses to believe in any promise of God. So, the struggle we have is to act on the faith our new self possesses rather than the doubt and unbelief that springs from our old self. In other words, it's not so much whether I "choose to believe the promise (I both do and don't at the same time as saint/sinner). The question is whether I will act on faith or doubt as I live. Of course, the more I act on doubt the sooner I bring the day when complete unbelief robs me of believing in any promise of God! I am convinced that the brothers who are objecting to your wording are over-reacting in fear of  "decision theology".  But in the context in which we serve, I understand the concern behind it. The Bible is quite comfortable using language and expressions that portray believers as active participants in embracing God's promises, but at the same time maintain a clarity that God is always the Prime Mover and that the concept of merit is not to enter the picture. Let us be therewith content. To deny the validity of using the language of believers choosing what God declares fitting and pleasing to him is to overreact and invariably creates a false and distorted picture that differs from the biblical norm. The envisioned cure becomes part of the problem.” 

We would also note what Bethany Professor Adolph Harstad, ELS theologian, says in Joshua -The People‟s Bible p. 241, commenting on Joshua 24:15, a passage that came up in the discussion we had: “Israel faces a choice. When seen clearly, the choice is easy. It is between idols of wood, stone, and metal on the one hand and the living, powerful gracious Lord on the other. Joshua is not advocating a „decision theology‟ of the many preachers today when he says, „Choose for yourselves.‟ Modern decision theology claims that unconverted people have the power within themselves to choose the Lord and become believers. Sinful humanity has no such power of its own to turn from unbelief to faith in the Lord. That power comes from God (1 Cor.12:3) Joshua is here calling for a choice from people who already own the gift of faith from the Lord. They can choose to abandon the Lord, or by the power of the Spirit already given them, to confirm their God-given faith and renew the covenant he put in place.”(21 The People‟s Bible ((Milwaukee: NPH, 1991) p. 241 A survey of the WELS Conference of Presidents revealed that the group, as a whole, finds the interpretation that says Joshua was addressing only unbelievers, giving them only a choice between the false gods of the Amorites or the gods their fathers served beyond the river, to be a spurious one. ) 

From the quotations above, it should be clear that the converted Christian, given the ability by the Holy Spirit, can choose to listen and believe what God has promised as opposed to what the devil and the world whisper in his ear. That is part of post-conversion cooperation in sanctification, which involves both tables of the law. From the quotations above it should also clear that man cannot in any way choose to come to faith or choose to believe the Word of God on his own, without the regenerating and sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit. 

A follow-up question is: Can man cooperate in the preservation of his faith? The Formula of Concord – Thorough Declaration says that the Synergists believed that man can cooperate “by its own powers, with the Holy Ghost, in the continuation and maintenance of this work.” (22 TD, II, p.910:77) The Confession, of course, refutes that contention and says that anything good or God-pleasing the believer does is done only through the power that the Holy Spirit grants him. He cannot come to faith “by his own powers” nor can he remain in faith “by his own powers”. For example, if I as a believer understand that in order to remain in faith I must be in regular contact with the Means of Grace, the fact that I read my Bible, go to church on Sunday, read my Meditations, etc., is something I do, but not by my own power. It is done by the power that the Holy Spirit has given me. Thus my faith and the preservation of my faith is entirely the work of God. And yet I participate in that work in a certain respect. 

Here we would do well to hear what Koehler says in his “Summary Of Christian Doctrine”. He says that faith is the work of God and the act of man. “Conversion consists in the bestowal of faith. Hence, faith is not a work of man in the sense that by his own powers he produces faith in his heart. Faith is the "operation of God" (Col. 2:12) It is given unto us to believe in Christ (Phil. 1:29). Faith is, therefore, the work of God in the sense that it is He, and He alone, who creates and sustains it in our hearts. [GJ - DP Doug seems to be a synergist.]

However, it is not God who believes in us or for us; it is man who does the believing. "If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. And straightway the father of the child cried out with tears, Lord, I believe, help thou my unbelief." (Mark 9:23,24) What shall we do that we might do the works of God? (works God requires of us.) „Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on Him whom He hath sent. (John 6:28,29) These texts plainly show that faith is indeed an act or work of man, which he performs in his heart. To be sure, it is not a physical act, but, like fearing, loving, and hoping, believing is something we do in our hearts and souls. To illustrate: I live, but it is God who gives and sustains this physical life of mine; so also, I believe in Jesus as my Savior, but it is God who creates and preserves this spiritual life in my heart. Faith, therefore, is an act or work of man inasmuch as man actually does the believing.”(23 Koehler – A Summary Of Christian Doctrine (Concordia Publishing House-2006) p. 136)

Thus, there is a cooperation on the part of the Christian also in the preservation of faith in the sense that God does not continue to believe for me, but does supply the power and the means through which my faith is sustained. I am part of the process even though I supply none of the power to do so. Perhaps confusion comes from the word “cooperation” since it has the connotation of providing some power or impetus to remain in faith (“operatio”). A better word might be “participation”. Man participates in the preservation of his faith because God does not do the believing for him. At no point in time, however, can we say that such participation is meritorious, as the Confessions clearly state. We are called to faith and are preserved in faith by grace alone. 

In summary, Scripture speaks clearly of the regenerate Christian cooperating with the Holy Spirit in every aspect of sanctification, including both tables of the law. Therefore, it would not be wrong to use the phrase “I choose to listen and believe God's Word” in the context, not of conversion, but of sanctification. However, because of the confusion that such a phrase can cause among our people, especially those who do not fully understand post-conversion cooperation in light of the Scriptures and the Confessions, and because we are surrounded by the Evangelicals who espouse a Decision Theology, our pastors are encouraged to avoid the use of hymns and songs that have that phrase, or one similar, in them. 

Questions For Further Discussion: 

• How important is it to know your people and what they understand when it comes to choosing songs for worship? 
• Should we, in the theological climate in which we live today, make an effort to revise some of the hymns in Christian Worship, or would that be a case of theological paranoia? 

Encouragement to the Brothers: 
• Be judicious in the use of phrases or songs that contain words such as “I choose to listen and believe” or, if need be the hymn in CW that says, “Jesus is my choice,” to avoid confusion in regard to decision theology and the doctrine of post-conversion cooperation with the Holy Spirit in the 
Christian’s life of sanctification. 
• “It is wicked to interpret a poor choice of words as error when you know that the right meaning was intended.” (24 Gerhard, Johann – Good Works p.38) Trust that your brother has the proper understanding of a doctrine and perhaps just used poor judgment, in your opinion, rather than accuse him of false doctrine. 
• Do not consider your judgment to be more sanctified than your brother’s judgment. 

The Service You Need 
Along these same lines, concern was expressed over using the phrase “Show me, Lord, the service you will need.” Hymn #252 in “Let All The People Praise You” (NPH – 1999) contains that phrase. Scripture clearly states that the Lord, who is almighty God and creator of all things, does not need anything from His creatures. He is all-sufficient. He is El-Shaddai. “ When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD 
appeared to him and said, “I am walk before me and be blameless) אל שדי (GodAlmighty.” (25 Genesis 17:1 – NIV 1984 by Biblica)
Taking into consideration what the Scriptures say about God not needing anything from us, and taking into consideration the context of the song, it should be clear that the intent of the author (and therefore the one who sings this song) is to say: “Lord, show me the kind of service you require or ask of me as a Christian. This is borne out in verse 3 where the author says, “More than words I know you want from me.” He does not say “need” from me. Though a better choice of words by author Richard Avery would be preferred in verse 1, we can understand what he means when he uses the word “need” in the phrase, “Show me, Lord, the service you will need.” The songbook “Let All The People Praise You” was produced by the synod‟s Commission On Worship, which “reviewed the songs that were proposed, offered editorial suggestions, deleted a few selections, and authorized publication.”(26 Let All The People Praise You – (NPH – Milwaukee – 1999) Introduction) We should be confident, therefore, that the words of that song, though they could be improved upon, are consistent with the doctrines of Holy Scripture. 

Encouragement to the Brothers: 
If you feel that your people will misunderstand the phrase contained in that hymn or any other hymn or contemporary song, do not make use of it in your worship. 
Consider carefully the context of words and phrases used in hymns before ascribing false doctrine to either the author or the user. 

The Efficacy Of The Word 
Holy Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions have made it clear that the Word of God is efficacious in and of itself. “For the word of God is living and active.  Sharper than any two-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”( 27 Hebrews 4:12 -NIV 1984 by Biblica) and “So is my word that goes out from my mouth; it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”( 28 Isaiah 55:11 – NIV 1984 by Biblica) Nothing you or I do can make the Word of God more powerful than it already is. That all-powerful Word of God, is conveyed when it is written and spoken (or sung or signed), but it is not conveyed by a sanctified life. When Jesus says in Matthew 5:16 “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father, which is heaven,” ( 29 Matthew 5:16– NIV 1984 by Biblica) we do not understand Him to mean that people can be converted by seeing the good deeds that a Christian performs. Nor do we assume that the good works of a Christian can convey the saving gospel message of Jesus Christ crucified for sinners. The Apostle Paul emphasizes the fact that “faith comes from hearing the message,”(30 Romans 10:17 – NIV 1984 by Biblica) not by observing the sanctified life of a Christian. The familiar and often used phrase that is correctly or incorrectly attributed to St. Francis of Assisi, “Preach the gospel always, if necessary, use words,” may be understood correctly if it is meant to echo the words of Christ in Matthew 5:16 and used as an encouragement to actually live the Christian faith one professes. However, if the indication is that the saving message of Christ crucified for sinners can be conveyed simply through the sanctified life of a Christian, we would have to object to its use. 

The Word also cannot be made more powerful than it already is by the manner or method in which it is proclaimed.  Though the Word cannot be made more powerful or effective by the manner or method in which it is proclaimed, man can hinder the work or stand in the way of the Holy Spirit, thus blocking the Word from allowing its power to take effect. The Apostle Paul writes “Quench not the Holy Spirit.”(31 1 Thessalonians 5:19 -NIV 1984 by Biblica) (1 Thessalonians 5:19) Professor emeritus David Kuske writes, “Through these means (the Word and Sacraments) the Holy Spirit strengthens our faith and renews our zeal to live according to the New Man. Failure to make use of the Word and Sacraments, then, would by default give the Old Adam the upper hand and thus put out the Spirit‟s fire.”(32 The People’s Bible (NPH – Milwaukee 1999) Failure to make use of the Word and Sacraments, as well as failing to make the Word available (or understandable, i.e. in a language that the hearer can understand) can hinder the work of the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Paul says, “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?” (33 Romans 10:14 – NIV 1984 by Biblica) He also says in 1 Corinthians 14:13 “For this reason the one who speaks in a tongue should pray that they may interpret what they say.”(34 1 Corinthians 14:13 – NIV 1984 by Biblica ) Method or manner of presentation cannot make the Word more powerful than it is, but method or manner of presentation can either make the Word more accessible to people so that they have a greater opportunity to hear it, or it can prevent people from hearing the message. For example, though the Word of God is in and of itself the “power of God unto salvation,” (35 Romans) and nothing you do can change that, scheduling your worship services at 3:00 am on a Friday when it is likely no one, or at least a very few, will come to hear the Word being preached may prevent the power of the gospel from ever being released. The Apostle Paul stated in 1 Corinthians 9:12 “If others have this right of support from you, shouldn't we have it all the more? But we did not use this right. On the contrary, we put up with anything rather than hinder the gospel of Christ.”(36 1 Corinthians 9:12 – NIV 1984 by Biblica) Paul is referring to the fact that he and his coworkers had every right to be compensated for their work of preaching the gospel among the Corinthians. But he chose not to accept financial support from them because he did not want to hinder the gospel of Christ. The indication is that there are things that we do that can hinder the gospel, so that it does not have a chance to unleash its saving and redeeming power. Part of being faithful to the Word and to the call that we have to preach that Word is doing everything we can to remove as many hindrances as we can to the gospel reaching the ears of our people and the people of the world around us. 

No, there is nothing you and I can do that will change the ultimate will of God to save the elect and bring them to heaven. Nothing we do will “change the numbers”. But since we don't know who the elect are (“The Lord knows those who are his”) (37 2 Timothy 2:19 – NIV 1984 by Biblica), and since we don't know what the numbers are, we need to work almost as if just the opposite were the case! almost as if everything did depend on us, though we know full well it doesn't. How easy it would be for us to say, “Since there is nothing I can do to enhance the power of the gospel and since there is nothing I can do to "change the numbers" of the elect and the number of those who will ultimately be lost, I might as well spend my time on the golf course and just shake a sermon out of my sleeve on Sunday without putting any effort into it. It won't change anything in the grand scheme of things anyway.” Such thinking borders dangerously close to a belief in the double predestination of the Calvinists. [GJ - No more like the typical WELS pastor who plagiarizes from false teachers, visits the gym, but won't visit his own members.] The words of the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 9:22 are interesting here. He says, “I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.”(38 1 Corinthians 9:22 – NIV 1984 by Biblica) Paul wasn't saving anyone! Nor could he! The gospel saves, and the gospel alone, and yet Paul says that he became all things to all men, so that he might save some.  In other words, he worked as hard as he could to bring the saving gospel to people, taking away as many obstacles to the Word unleashing its saving power as possible, and working as if the success of the gospel were all up to him. That is part of being faithful to your call and faithful to the Word, doing whatever you can to prevent the gospel and its power from being hindered or failing to reach people with the hope that through you God might save some. 

Questions For Further Discussion: 

• What kind of things could be put into the category of “hindering the gospel” (not its power, but hindering it from unleashing its 
power/preventing people from hearing the message)?  
• Can “becoming all things to all men” go too far?   If so, how? • Can “becoming all things to all men” come in conflict with our 
stand as confessional Lutherans? 
Encouragement to the Brothers: • Remind yourself often of the complete efficacy and power of the Word and carry out your ministry with that in mind. • Do everything you can in your ministry to avoid putting hindrances in the way of people hearing the message. • Do not assume that brothers who approach their ministry in a different manner than you do reject the complete efficacy and power of the Word. • Keep in mind the fact that you are a confessional Lutheran as you carry out your ministry. 

Relevant/Relational Worship/Ministry 
We note the word “relevant” as it is used by some to describe worship and/or ministry. By definition “relevant” means: “bearing upon or connected with the matter in hand; the purpose—syn. applicable, appropriate, suitable”(39 Dictionary.com) We would assume that the worship that takes place in any of our WELS congregations is “connected with the matter at hand” and is therefore “relevant” in that sense.  The “matter at hand” is man‟s sin and his need for a Savior. Worship that is relevant does not have anything to do with where it takes place, or what instruments are used to lead the congregation, or what style the songs take, or what form the sermon takes, or whether the pastor wears a black or white gown. Worship that is relevant is worship that leads the worshipper to the knowledge of his sin and points to the cross of Jesus Christ as the solution to that sin. Relevant worship is worship that leads the worshipper to give praise to God for the free gift of salvation in Jesus Christ and for all other blessings in life. Worship that is relevant is worship that presents the truths of the Bible and mines the treasures of God‟s Word. It is worship that focuses not only on the “here” but more importantly on the “hereafter” as it leads the Christian through this life to life eternal in heaven. 

Our pastors should correctly understand that manner or method of presentation cannot make the Word more effective or more relevant, but that any form of worship or method of presentation that gets to “the matter at hand”, namely sin and grace, and is suitable to bring the sinner to repentance and to the foot of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ for full and free forgiveness is “relevant” worship. 

Another term that we hear being used in respect to ministry and worship is “relational”. The dictionary defines the word relational as “indicating or specifying some relation”.(40 relational. Definitions.net. STANDS4 LLC, 2011. 19 September. 2011.) Barista Daron Lindemann in his essay delivered to the 61st Biennial Convention of the WELS said, “caring for souls means caring for people, because every soul on earth this side of eternity is embodied in humanity. If anyone could have bypassed human nature and directly cared for souls, it was Jesus Christ himself. However, consider his ministry, beginning with his own incarnation. His active obedience healed and helped people. In his parables he taught about people and for people. His full humanity participated in the work of redemption even unto death, his resurrection appearances to his friends, and his real body and blood still given in the sacrament. Jesus cares about humanness—his own and that of every soul. People matter. No wonder crowds were “amazed at his teaching.” (Mark 11:18) Relationships, as messy as they can be, build bridges for spiritual care. Might there be room in our hearts and memories to appreciate this just a little more today, and in our minds and plans to gain some fresh insights as those called to care for souls?” ( 41 Essay “Caring For Souls: People Matter – Lindemann, Daron – July ,2011 p.2.) The point that he makes in the essay is that our ministry, and our worship as well, needs to be relational, that is, concerned about souls, about people, not just about form and function. He says, “The means of grace enrich, equip, engage, and encourage people, with pastoral rites, and through personal relationships. And often both wonderfully at the same time.” (42Essay “Caring For Souls: People Matter – Lindemann, Daron – July , 2011 p.31) 

A ministry that is “relational”, therefore, is a ministry in which great emphasis is laid on creating relationships with people so that the means of grace can be brought to them. A worship that is “relational” is 
one that fosters relationships and speaks to the hearts of people, rather than one that follows only rubric and ritual. “When your job becomes running the church from Sunday to Sunday with institutional duties, much like running a house where the to-do list grows as fast as the summer grass, practice the virtue of building a home, not running a house. You‟re not the manager of the lawn but the caregiver of the family. Nurture us with the peaceful pastures of Christ‟s love.  Lead us on the paths of Christ‟s righteousness by walking alongside of us in a relationship. Restore souls. Comfort us. The house of the Lord is not a structure or a system but a shepherd calling the Good Shepherd‟s sheep closer, safer, farther.” ( 43 Essay “_aring For Souls: People Matter – Lindemann, Daron – July, 2011 p.30) 

That is what is meant when someone describes their ministry and their worship as “relational”.  

Questions For Further Discussion: 

• How can “traditional” or “contemporary” worship fail to be relevant? 
Can “becoming all things to all men” come in conflict with our 
stand as confessional Lutherans? • How can pastors fail to be relational in their ministry? • How can worship fail to be relational? Be relational but fail to 
be means of grace oriented? 

Encouragement to the Brothers: 
Don’t assume that when a brother uses the term “relevant worship” he means that “my worship is better than yours”, but uses the term “relevant” because it gets to the matter at hand, namely presenting sin and grace, Law and Gospel, with Jesus Christ and eternal life at the center. 
Take care to avoid being either “over-relational” or “too institutional”. 

Small Group Bible Studies 
The matter of small group Bible studies also came up for discussion. There is no doubt that a major factor in the Pietist movement was Jakob Spener‟s insistence on small group Bible studies. The question one must ask, however, is: when pastors make use of small group studies in their congregation does that mean they are automatically Pietists? A second question one must ask is: does the use of small group studies in a congregation automatically lead to Pietism? While it is true that small group Bible studies were part of the Pietist movement and contributed to a certain extent to the rise of Pietism in the past, we would be going too far to say that every pastor who organizes small group studies in his congregation is a Pietist, and that every congregation that uses some sort of small group Bible or sermon study in their midst will, without a doubt, soon be displaying Piestistic tendencies and leaving behind the doctrine of justification by faith in favor of a preoccupation with sanctification and “right living”. It should be noted that the small group conclaves that Jakob Spener advocated were in many ways designed to supplant the corporate worship service. There surely is a great danger in replacing the corporate worship service with small groups. The Lord has told us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together. (Hebrews 10:25) We will never replace the corporate worship service with small group conclaves. However, there can also be great advantage in having members of a congregation actively engaged in a review of the previous Sunday's sermon or a properly led study of the Bible during the week between Sunday services in small groups. 

We would reiterate the caution previously stated when it comes to using and adapting materials that are produced outside of our fellowship for such small group studies. While we would not insist that such materials can never be used or adapted for our use, the dangers of consistently using such materials do exist and pastors should use great caution in making use of material produced outside of our fellowship. 

Questions For Further Discussion: 

• How can small group Bible studies or sermon reviews held during the week create a Pietistic atmosphere? How can they be of spiritual benefit? 

Encouragement to the Brothers: 
• Familiarize yourself with the history of Pietism and recognize the errors that were present in the movement and the methodology that may have contributed to those errors. 
• Do not universally condemn small group Bible studies in the home, either pastor or lay led.  
There are a variety of other topics that have come up for discussion among the brethren in the past few years that would be of benefit for all to hear and weigh in on, but time does not permit us to cover them all. My prayer is the discussion of these particular items and the encouragements contained herein will serve to keep us all faithful to both the Word and to the true tenor of the gospel and keep us from heading off into the ditch on either side of the road. 

Pastor D.J. Engelbrecht NWD Pastoral Conference October 25-26, 2011 

Rebuttal by Rick Techlin, an attorney who was kicked out his congregation for questioning plagiarism, the excommunication upheld by relationship expert Doug Engelbrecht.


Not a Photoshop - Craig Groeschel.

Craig Groeschel - making the Word attractive...or something.

From Craig Groeschel on using Andy Stanley material:

How To Use Someone Else’s Material
Recently I used Andy Stanley’s series, “How to Be Rich.” (If you haven’t listened to his messages, I highly recommend that you do.)

Here’s what we did:
We asked for permission. (For the record, if you use something from LifeChurch.tv Open, you don’t have to ask for permission. Since I didn’t know North Point’s stance, asking permission seemed like the right thing to do.)

We gave Andy credit publicly and sent people to his church’s website.

We sent Andy a note with a small gift to say “thank you.” (This obviously isn’t necessary, but I wanted to express my gratitude for his hard work, excellent material, and generosity.)

Parts of the series included almost exclusively his material. Other parts were very much my own. To me, he deserved full credit and honor for God’s work through him.

Several people thanked me for exposing them to North Point’s ministry. I’m thrilled to turn them on to a great spiritual resource.

When have you observed this done well?


GJ - DP Doug did not listen to an attorney from his own district, but he aped an EC Methodist from the Net!


Plagiarizing Pastors
Some have said, “If a pastor copies from one source, it’s plagiarizing. If he copies from multiple sources, he’s researching.”

This week I’d like us to talk about using other people’s material with integrity.

Giving Credit
On LifeChurch.tv Open, we don’t require attribution for resources that people download and use. We don’t need credit nor desire it. We simply want to make anything we create freely available for other pastors and churches to use in ministry.

Sadly, we know of a couple of pastors who have been fired, in part, for “plagiarizing” our work and others whose integrity has been questioned.

Here are my thoughts:

It isn’t plagiarizing if you’re given permission.
Just because it isn’t plagiarizing doesn’t always mean you shouldn’t give credit to others.

Years ago I used material—with permission—from a friend. He had asked me not to credit him, so I didn’t.

A few people took a strong stance against me for plagiarizing. Although he didn’t desire to be mentioned, we all would have been better off if I had given credit for the material I used.

Giving credit does several valuable things:
It honors the pastor or church who came up with the idea.
It demonstrates humility and security.
It exposes a church to other great leaders and teachers.
It removes any doubt of copying.
This week, we’ll discuss when and how to give credit.
What are your initial thoughts?

 Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "WELS, ELS, LCMS Beware - Rewarding Plagiarism Reve...":

Ichabod - I have no doubt that WELS will be forever discussing the issue of plagiarism; attempting to clarify it while splitting hairs and making degrees of it acceptable within its own inbred Synod. One of the things that utterly has turned me off to my own local WELS congregation, besides that of the pastor's Universalism teaching and preaching, is that he appears to be a synodical puppet.

Attending Bethel Lutheran is such, that it a local church which is compromised. Its own identity is torn because its pastor and congregational officers are so wedded and dependent upon local circuit, regional district and national synodical allegiances. On one particular occasion I noticed that the pastor plagiarized a sermon that was posted on the WELS site. It was during the time period of the synodical Bible Study on the Romans 12 gifts.

The sermon was about "encouragement" and highlighted Samuel's mother, Hannah. Finally, it is my observation that the WELS schools don't teach and train its students to be independent thinkers and to be solely beholden to the Scriptures and to the Lutheran Confessions. Students, are instead pumped through the multi-webbed system only to be a rubber stamped version of the same stale synodical status quo. Nathan M. Bickel - Bay city, MI www.thechristianmessage.orgwww.moralmatters.org



From the Jayson Blair Plagiarism Scandal

Parable of the Weeds

John Paul II rose.

Matthew 13:24-30
King James Version (KJV)

24 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:

25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

26 But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.

27 So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?

28 He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?

29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.

30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

When our helper was weeding with me, he began complaining. I said, "If it were not for weeds, everyone would be a gardener."

My neighbor on the corner, who can landscape a yard in a few days, let his rose beds go to crabgrass, and those weeds now surround his bushes, an odd effect when the yard was perfect. If he had started with newspapers below the wood mulch, the crabgrass would not have had a chance to roar into action in August. My sunny garden is like that, with tomatoes and sunflowers growing and thriving in the midst of crabgrass. I made the same mistake in my rush to plant, but the area will be papered or covered with straw bales next spring.

Hardly any weeds grow in the rose garden because we began with newspapers surrounding the newly planted bare root plants. Then we put a thick layer of mulch over the newspaper, close up to the roses. Witchgrass tries to come up and arc over into new plants in the mulch. I can eliminate most of them on top. But if I yank up the witchgrass from below, the mulch and newspapers move around, allowing even more weeds to be warmed and energized by the sun.

Goosefoot is a delicious green and beneficial weed.
The plant is quite nutritious.

Robust weeds are a sign of good soil. That is an old gardener's story, about a blind man choosing to plant where the thorns are strong enough for his son to use to tie up the horse. One of my favorite books is Weeds - Guardians of the Soil. It sells for almost $400 used.

Everyone calm down and don't blink. Weeds are God's method of keeping soil in place and improving it over time. My favorites are the ones with deep taproots, because they open up the soil and shed their leaves to feed the soil. The plant growing in the sidewalk, which I suspected was an unusual milkweed, was instead a pigweed.

Pigweed has distinctive red berries. I visited the one growing in the sidewalk a block away, where it was only knee-high. I pinched a berry and bright red juice coated my finger. The leaves are edible and nutritious, but I prefer lamb's quarters (aka goosefoot). If you cannot identify goosefoot, you should stay indoors and read more posts about gardening.

Red-root pigweed is hardy in dry weather, easy to harvest.

The taproots of pigweed and goosefoot mean they survive drought easily and harvest for compost quickly.

Crabgrass seed is in the soil everywhere, so control comes from mulching, not from poisoning the soil with pre-emergents. Shade is the best pre-emergent, and that shade comes from newsprint and

Puncture-vine flowers warn the desert gardener that seeds are on the way.

Puncture-vine seeds are tough, pointed, and painful.

In the desert valley of Phoenix, puncture-vine covered the soil when no one took care of their yards. I took boxes of it away when I moved in. Later I put all the uprooted plants behind the sunflowers, where they rotted into the soil without taking root. No sun - no growth. Their seeds traveled well by embedding themselves in paws, feet, fur, and shoes. Removing a large plant meant showering the soil with seeds that let go, as if to carry on the next generation. The alternative to something like puncture-vine is wind and water erosion, eventually no usable soil.

When the fall season is done I will have wheelbarrows of vines to put in the compost. The fence garden, which has some weeds, will be prepared in the spring with newspapers and mulch or with mulch alone in some cases. Asparagus is a traditional fence plant, since it is spread from birds sitting on fences and - planting - asparagus, to put it delicately.

In congregations and denominations, the Gospel attracts weeds. Billy Graham once told an argument that his rallies always attracted cults that posted leaflets on all the cars parked at the stadium they were using. The cults found it worthwhile to plant on newly tilled soil.

In any given situation, false teachers arise to take advantage of the others. The first remedy is to deny them the chance to germinate by teaching sound doctrine. When the congregation is well prepared, they have the Scriptural tools to resist and defeat false doctrine.

I have found that false teachers in the congregation expose themselves soon enough. For those burdened by synodical drones, the disturbed members of a congregation are the natural allies of destructive and shameless synodical leaders.

WELS leaders believe they must rip out any pastor or member who dares to challenge their dogma or their financial shenanigans. At the rate the sect is going, they will have 1,000 members who never say anything or think on their own. Kinda like the Church of the Lutheran Confession (sic).

Shattered Pulpit Blog - The Pastor Addict Cannot Help Himself - He Says.


Friday, August 29, 2014


From Pastor to Sex Addict

More so than anything else, the offending pastor repeatedly told me… “I can't help what I do because I'm a sex addict"… with an empty emotionless look on his face… followed with, “so why even bother trying”. Although, I do think that he also used that to excuse his behavior, as well. As long as he had a reasonable excuse, then it wasn’t his fault. I always rolled my eyes when he said that because I thought it was just making an excuse so he wouldn’t have to deal with it. I never understood what sex addiction was or how strong addictions are.

It wasn’t until I read the article below that I discovered exactly how true his words were. I read the warning signs and now, for the first time, I realize he was telling me the truth hereally was addicted and not only addicted but seriously addicted. It was more than just a mild inconvenience. He had a severe problem.

As I was reading, I kept thinking: “Yes, that’s true and so is that one” and with each point the author made, it hit home more. By the time I finished, I realized that every single point described my situation perfectly… he was a sex addict in every sense. Maybe if I had understood the magnitude of his addiction, it would have been easier to get him help and report it earlier. But I didn’t. I thought he was being irritating and it annoyed me that he kept repeating that same excuse. But maybe that was his cry for help.

Forever Recovery Treatment Facility writes - A lot of people relate sexual addiction with extra marital affairs and prostitution. However, there are other behaviors that can be associated with this type of sexual addiction, like the obsession with pornography, excessive masturbation, engaging in cyber-sex, and repeated visits to night and strip clubs.

This first point immediately hits home because each one of those is true…he was obsessed with pornography, the excessive masturbation, and the cyber-sex. The three they mention right off the bat were some of his biggest issues. I did not personally witness him visiting strip clubs - he did mention that he went during his college days - but that is the extent of my knowledge.

There are several signs that can determine sexual addiction. Here are some of the warning signs that determine this type of addiction: 

Extreme Escapism – Sexual addiction is like drugs and alcohol. People drink alcoholic beverages to cope with anxiety and sadness and take drugs to feel good. In the same way, sexual addiction is often used as a coping mechanism. Sexual addicts tend to use sex as a means to avoid stressful events and problems. Some sexual addicts even find relief from boredom, discomfort, anxiety, and depression.

This is also true a million times over. I must have heard this at least a thousand times. He used sex and pornography to escape the stress of work and problems at home. Every time, every single time, that I came in upset during counseling or when I was stressed, his very first words were, “I know what will make you feel better…” That was the only way he knew to deal with stress. When something stressed or troubled him, he turned to sex…. without fail. 

Risk Taking – Sex addicts are typically determined to take it to the next level. They often engage in sexual practices that come with more serious effects. These practices may include indulging in unprotected sexual activities with multiple partners or prostitutes. The blatant disregard for the effects of their actions is considered as one of the major symptoms of sexual addiction. Sex addicts are actually fully aware of the risks that are associated with their actions, but they choose to ignore these risks. Sexual addicts do not only jeopardize their well-being, but are also jeopardizing their career, finances, and relationships with other people.

It amazes me just how precise this article is.  It’s like the author looked directly at my situation and wrote an article based on it. And true to the article, he lived for the risk and was obsessed with risky behavior; much of which was extreme. It was one thing when he put himself at risk, but I dreaded when he involved me in that risk because it would humiliate me. Alcohol was widely accepted among the leaders; therefore, it was not unusual for “meetings” to take place at a local bar. When I would attend, as part of a group, he would always beeline to the seat next to me; and being a bar, it was dark. Once everyone was drinking, people were less aware, and it was at that point when he would reach over and provocatively rub my leg and thigh under the table. Never mind the fact that many times a congregational leader was sitting directly across from us or that I would be wincing in embarrassment, he was after the thrill the risk gave him. If I pulled away, he would tell me I was over-reacting because no one else can see in the dark. I tried not attending those meetings but then everyone else pressured me calling me “anti-social” for not wanting to go. I felt complete dread as I was pressured into attending. If I showed hesitation, he would turn to the others and say, “Tell her she has to come”. That would intimidate me because I didn’t want to cause a scene, therefore, I would relent and go. It would be even worse if I tried to leave early because no one else would be ready to leave that fast. He would excuse himself and follow me out to my car but that stressed me more yet because then I was in a dark parking lot alone with him after he had been drinking. Therefore, I did the next best thing and perfected the fine art of faking sickness as an excuse not to even go at all. It was partly true because the stress of the public humiliation made me want to throw up. My entire life was one big lie anyway in covering everything up so what was one more lie.

Loss of Control – Most sexual addicts tend to lose control over the act. They may feel a temporary euphoria while doing the act; this never really provides them with what they are looking for. Their problem remains unsolved, and they will not be able to relax. Moreover, some of the feelings of discomfort will increase. Basically, when this happens, sexual addicts indulge some more until the time that they actually lose the capability to reasonably fight off the sexual urges.

This is true because by the time it got to where the addiction was controlling his every move; he didn’t even bother trying to fight it off. Rather he embraced it and wanted more. That’s when the escalation really took off because his guilt was gone.

Escalating Problem – Sexual addiction is also considered an escalating problem. This does not stop at the time that the behavior becomes a bad habit to break. Sexual addicts are inclined to amplify the intensity, as well as the frequency of the activity that they engage in. For instance, those people who gravitate towards soliciting sex are likely to do the act more often. Those people who have multiple affairs will likely look for more sexual patterns. Basically, this upward spiral will happen during the first year of sexual addiction, and this will eventually plateau. During the plateau stage, the behavior will still continue but the intensity, frequency, and scope of the behavior will be maintained at a specific level.

This was also very true from day one until the very end. It was continually escalating. Everything escalated. The pornography escalated. The physical escalated. The risks escalated. The stress escalated. There were a few plateaus along the way, but they never lasted long. He would reach a level and say, “nothing will happen past this level; this is all the further it will go”. But soon enough he would get bored with that level when the “excitement” was gone and he would be wanting more. He was always on the prowl for what thrilled him.

Recurring Behavior – The need to engage in sex becomes never ending and the behavior becomes repetitive. Typically, health care providers consider the occurrence from six months to one year. If the same issue persists within the period, the typical diagnosis would lean towards sexual addiction.

Skewed Perspective – Once the sexual addiction cycle starts, everything can actually go downhill. During this phase, new problems will be created. Moreover, additional factors that cause anxiety and distress will appear. In fact, additional unpleasant feelings like guilt, isolation, and shame will arise. There will be emptiness and misery. However, sex addicts will not be able to see it this way. They will consider the situation as an indication that their current behaviors and actions are not as effective as it was before. They will decide instead to do more of the act for the purpose of bringing back the false sense of fulfillment and euphoria.

I can’t even add to that paragraph because it hit the nail on the head down to the very last word. It’s like the author of this article looked into my heart and wrote what he saw.

Preoccupation – Sexual addicts are preoccupied with sex. They are consumed by the thoughts of sex. These people waste excessive time in playing out sexual fantasies in their minds. They deliberate on past experiences and plan new and more complex ways on how to indulge themselves in the act.

Yet again, this is true more than I can ever say. Every word is dead on in accuracy.  It was impossible to have even a simple conversation that didn’t turn to explicit sexual talk. The electronic messages that I received from him were full of “fantasies”. I remember one time when I was in the hospital and he came to visit, which I will never allow a pastor to do again; I would rather die alone. He didn’t even bring a bible with him, but instead stood close to the hospital bed; caressed my thigh, and said “I know what will make you feel better”. I was beyond humiliated because it was a public place; what if my family walked in and saw him. I was connected to an IV in a thin hospital gown so I couldn’t go anywhere. I was frozen in panic. Hoping it would be over fast. I remember being surprised that he couldn’t tell how stiff I was from tensing up so much. Instances like this are exactly whymy faith is dead now. I was recovering from surgery and worried but instead of comfort, he had to physically caress me saying… “I know how to make you feel better”.  I hate those words now. I hate them with a passion. If a pastor ever said those to me again, any pastor, I would probably have a panic attack right there. It did not make me feel better. It made me feel worse. It made me hate pastors because if that was the kind of comfort pastors offered, then I wanted none of that. I was afraid and looking for real comfort. This killed my soul in every sense. I remember every detail like it happened an hour ago. That’s how much this all affected me. That’s how much this destroyed me.

Failure to Stop – Sexual addicts will reach a point where they actually realize the mess that they are stuck in. Most sexual addicts are stuck. Some try to stop or even reduce the compulsion, but they will fail. The intention to stop is real, but the effort comes up short. Thus, sexual addicts fail to stop.

I feel like a broken record because this one also is SO true. In the very beginning he would feel bad and beg and plead for me to forgive him for what happened. He would say that he didn’t mean it, that it just “happened”. But as time went by, that part was less and less. Over time, as his guilt melted away, so did his pleading for me to forgive him. The less guilt he had the more of the physical he wanted. After awhile he didn’t even say he was sorry anymore. But rather he would say that he regretted that it wasn’t “more”. It was like watching someone’s heart harden before your eyes. That’s what it literally felt like. I knew his heart was hardening as each day passed because he no longer had guilt and no longer asked for my forgiveness after each incident. When he stopped asking for my forgiveness altogether and just embraced it, was the day his heart went completely hard.

I gave my “safe” pastor page after page of screen shots of the offending pastor’s messages that contain much of what I write about in these posts so he could have it for documentation purposes. I went back and read them again while I was writing this. What I have written in this blog thus far is mild compared to the screen shots, and my point for saying that being, after reading this article now, and looking at the content of all those messages; there is no doubt in my mind, whatsoever, of the tremendous addiction he had. It was so extreme, that I have thousands of explicit messages from him and that’s in addition to everything physical that happened.

I am sharing that because this is the best way for people to truly understand themagnitude of his addiction. It consumed his life and destroyed not only me, but him, as well. I know for a fact that he’s not a happy person. I don’t know who cries more now – me or him.

It all started with a simple photo of a beautiful woman in a sexy outfit… and, when that problem was ignored, it became my story of hopelessness.

One seemingly harmless photo…. snowballed into spiritual death…


GJ - We are supposed to think no one on the WELS parish staff knew

SP Schroeder had a repeat offender next door to him at the Love Shack, and claimed - "We didn't know!" even though Hochmuth was already known as a heinous offender. After a heavy dose of OUJ from Schroeder, Hochmuth offended again - repeatedly.

Christian Worship editor Iver Johnson (ELS) carried on an affair for 10 years - at church - and dumped his wife of 50 years. No one knew? Good old Iver married his mistress, and his first wife decided against attended Iver's little-lamented funeral. 

Interested laity should join up with Lillian Armstrong and support her. They should join SNAP and form their own chapter.

Weeds, Spiders, and Bugs

I bought praying mantis egg cases in the past,
to establish them in the garden. Mantids love asparagus bugs.
LI took care of asparagus bugs with two blocks of wood.

Scott's Lawn and Garden talks people into putting inorganic nitrogen on their lawns, so can mow thick grass, bag it, and have it hauled away. A mulching lawnmower puts the grass back onto the lawn where it can be pulled into the soil to feed earthworms and the entire soil structure. Fresh-mown grass is a hot (high nitrogen) component for compost, so why not compost on the spot, where it is needed?

Grass enjoys frequent mowing, but weeds hate being cut. They want to spread out like dandelions and crabgrass, or grow tall like goosefoot and pigweed. Therefore, a good lawn is mulch-mowed a bit long but on regular basis. The weeds are weakened by this while contributing their cuttings to the lawn, which will overcrowd them in time by being fed.

A Creation gardener will snip away the leaves of a dandelion growing on top of his mulch in the rose garden, allowing the herb to continue to drill down and soften the soil. Moreover, the root hairs feed the ocean of life beneath the soil, so bacteria can feed the earthworms and concentrate nutrition while blending it it the gizzard and gut.

Garden spider.

Facebook features regular freak-outs over spiders, including videos of these hideous monsters. When I see a web across the plants or mulch, I smile, because the spiders are catching pests for me. I do see a bit of damage from grasshoppers and other insects, but not much at all. They like young, tender, weak plants. If I have enough planted, everyone is fed and happy. Their feast is only going to attract hungry spiders, so the balance is quickly restored if I do not spray down the plants with insecticide, which will kill all the beneficial creatures at the same time.

My question before spraying is - "Do I want this on my tomatoes and beans?" The answer is never - "Yes!"

I have never been been harmed by spiders or bees in the garden. Sometimes a hornet has dive-bombed me while painting a house, but that has never led to a sting.

The vast number of beneficial insects will displace the harmful ones. In fact, many of them will dine on the harmful ones. If someone bombs his yard with insecticide, the tough bad insects will come back.

My neighbor sprayed twice for mosquitoes. He said they came back at once, doubtless because the sprayer merely created an empty area for the pests to come back in droves from every other yard.

Morning dew on a spider web.

When It Rains, I Pour - Epsom Salt


Two of our favorite plants like magnesium - roses and tomatoes. One of best sources is Epsom salt, which provides magnesium and sulfur for the soil.  Epsom salt has natural origins, precipitating from water sources in Epsom, England, and melts into water. An eight-pound bag is about $6, so it can be used in foot baths and as a garden amendment without breaking the budget. Here is an article denouncing it as a miracle pain reliever. Sulfur is a common skin treatment, and people take magnesium as a supplement, so there might be benefits which are less than magical.

Our borage plant was getting buggy - not sure what kind - but they were munching away. I put Epsom salt on them.


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Epsom Salt Uses & Benefits

What is Epsom salt?

Epsom Salt
Epsom salt, named for a bitter saline spring at Epsom in Surrey, England, is not actually salt but a naturally occurring pure mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate. Long known as a natural remedy for a number of ailments, Epsom salt has numerous health benefits as well as many beauty, household and gardening-related uses.
Studies have shown that magnesium and sulfate are both readily absorbed through the skin, making Epsom salt baths an easy and ideal way to enjoy the amazing health benefits (*1). Magnesium plays a number of roles in the body including regulating the activity of over 325 enzymes, reducing inflammation, helping muscle and nerve function and helping to prevent artery hardening. Sulfates help improve the absorption of nutrients, flush toxins and help ease migraine headaches.

What are the health benefits of using Epsom salt?

Ultra Epsom Salt
Ultra Epsom® Salt by SaltWorks, the most trusted brand of high quality, pharmaceutical grade Epsom salt available.
Just $6.50 for 5 lbs.
Shop Now

The wonders of Epsom salt have been well known for hundreds of years and unlike other salts, Epsom salt has beneficial properties that can soothe the body, mind and soul. Some of the countless health benefits include relaxing the nervous system, curing skin problems, soothing back pain and aching limbs, easing muscle strain, healing cuts, treating cold and congestion, and drawing toxins from the body. One of the simplest ways to ease stress and stress-related problems is to soak in a tub full of hot water with a few cups of Ultra Epsom® Salt. Some of the magical benefits of Epsom salt include:

Eases stress and relaxes the body

Stress drains the body of magnesium and increases levels of adrenaline. When dissolved in warm water, Epsom salt is absorbed through the skin and replenishes the level of magnesium in the body. The magnesium helps to produce serotonin, a mood-elevating chemical within the brain that creates a feeling of calm and relaxation. Research shows that magnesium also increases energy and stamina by encouraging the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the energy packets made in the cells. Experts believe that bathing with Epsom salt at least three times a week helps you to look better, feel better and gain more energy. Magnesium ions also relax and reduce irritability by lowering the effects of adrenaline. They create a relaxed feeling, improve sleep and concentration, and help muscles and nerves to function properly.

Relieves pain and muscle cramps

An Epsom salt bath is known to ease pain and relieve inflammation, making it beneficial in the treatment of sore muscles, bronchial asthma and migraine headaches. In addition, it has been known to heal cuts and reduce soreness from childbirth. Mix a thick paste of Epsom salt with hot water and apply to get soothing comfort. Try soaking your aching, tired (and smelly) feet in a tub of water with half a cup of our Ultra Epsom Salt. Epsom salt softens skin and will even neutralize foot odor.

Helps muscles and nerves function properly

Studies show that Epsom salt can help regulate electrolytes in your body, ensuring proper functioning of the muscles, nerves and enzymes. Magnesium is also known to be critical in the proper use of calcium, which serves as a main conductor of the electric impulses in your body.

Helps prevent hardening of arteries and blood clots

Epsom salt is believed to improve heart health and help prevent heart disease and strokes by improving blood circulation, protecting the elasticity of arteries, preventing blood clots and reducing the risk of sudden heart attack deaths.

Makes insulin more effective

Proper magnesium and sulfate levels increase the effectiveness of insulin in the body, helping to lower the risk or severity of diabetes.

Relieves constipation

Numerous studies have revealed that Epsom salt can be used to treat constipation. Taken internally, Epson salt acts as a detoxifying agent for colon cleansing. The salt acts like a laxative by increasing water in the intestines and can bring about temporary relief from constipation. However, it is strictly warned that Epsom salts should not be used to relieve constipation without the consultation of a physician.

Eliminates toxins from the body

The sulfates in Epsom salt help flush toxins and heavy metals from the cells, easing muscle pain and helping the body to eliminate harmful substances. Your skin is a highly porous membrane and adding the right minerals to your bathwater triggers a process called reverse osmosis, which actually pulls salt out of your body, and harmful toxins along with it. For a detoxifying bath, at least once weekly add two cups of our Ultra Epsom Salt to the water in a bathtub and soak for 10 minutes.

What are some uses of Epsom salt?

Whether you like a relaxing soak or wish to enhance your beauty effortlessly, making Epsom salt a part of your daily routine can add a whole lot of goodness to your way of life. To experience the numerous health benefits of Epsom salt, take relaxing, stress-relieving Epsom salt baths three times weekly by adding 2 cups Ultra Epsom Salt to a warm bath and soaking for at least 12 minutes. For the added benefit of moisturizing your skin, add 1/2 cup olive oil or baby oil. Do not use soap as it will interfere with the action of the salts. Try to rest for about two hours afterwards. If you have arthritic joints move them as much as possible after an Epsom salt bath to prevent congestion in the joints.
As a foot bath, pamper weary feet by adding 1/2 cup of Epsom salt to a basin of warm water. Relax and soak feet for 20 minutes. If you like, rub away any calluses using a pumice stone. Dry feet, then add two drops of peppermint essential oil to your favorite natural moisturizer, like shea or coconut butter, and rub in thoroughly to lock in the moisture. If you are pregnant or have any health concerns, check with your doctor before using Epsom salts.


  • Athlete’s Foot - Soak feet in an Epsom salt bath to help relieve the symptoms of Athlete’s Foot.
  • Remove splinters - Soak affected skin area in an Epsom salt bath to draw out the splinter.
  • Treat toenail fungus - Soak your affected toes in hot water mixed with a handful of Epsom salt three times a day.
  • Soothe sprains and bruises - Add 2 cups Epsom salt to a warm bath and soak to reduce the pain and swelling of sprains and bruises.
  • Ease discomfort of Gout - Ease the discomfort of gout and reduce inflammation by adding 2-3 teaspoons of Epsom salts into a basin and immersing the affected foot/joint. The water should be as hot as it is comfortable. Soak for about 30 minutes.


  1. Exfoliate dead skin - In the shower or bath, mix a handful of Epsom salt with a tablespoon of bath or olive oil and rub all over your wet skin to exfoliate and soften. Rinse thoroughly.
  2. Exfoliating face cleanser - To clean your face and exfoliate skin at the same time, mix a half-teaspoon of Epsom salt with your regular cleansing cream. Gently massage into skin and rinse with cold water.
  3. Dislodge blackheads - Add a teaspoon of Epsom salt and 3 drops iodine into a half cup of boiling water. Apply this mixture to the blackheads with a cotton ball.
  4. Remove foot odor - Mix a half cup of Epsom salt in warm water and soak your feet for 10 minutes to remove bad odor, sooth achy feet, and soften rough skin.
  5. Remove hairspray - Combine 1 gallon of water, 1 cup of lemon juice, and 1 cup Epsom salt. Cover the mixture and let set for 24 hours. The next day, pour the mixture into your dry hair and leave on for 20 minutes before shampooing as normal.
  6. Hair volumizer - Combine equal parts deep conditioner and Epsom salt and warm in a pan. Work the warm mixture through your hair and leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly.


  • Clean bathroom tiles - Mix equal parts Epsom salt and liquid dish detergent and use as a scrub on bathroom tile.
  • Prevent slugs - Sprinkle Epsom salt on or near interior entry points to prevent slugs.
  • As a hand wash - Mix Epsom salt with baby oil and keep by the sink for an effective hand wash.
  • Clean detergent build-up on washing machines - Fill the machine tub with hot water, add Epsom salt, and run an agitate/soak/agitate cycle to dissolve detergent build-up (please consult your machine's instruction manual for specific instructions).


  • Fertilize your houseplants - Most plants need nutrients like magnesium and sulfur to stay in good health and Epsom salt makes the primary nutrients in most plant foods (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) more effective. Sprinkle Epsom salt once weekly to help nourish your houseplants, flowers and vegetables.
  • Keep your lawn green - Magnesium sulfate crystals, when added to the soil, provide vital nutrients that help prevent yellowing leaves and the loss of green color (magnesium is an essential element in the chlorophyll molecule) in plants. Add 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt to a gallon of water and sprinkle on your lawn to keep the grass healthy and green.
  • Insecticide spray - Use Epson salts on your lawn and in your garden to safely and naturally get rid of plant pests.


Avoid Force 5 hurricanes when dispersing Epsom salt.

I also put some Epsom salt on the Lyle Lovett groomed crepe myrtle bush. As I expected, the bush erupted into new growth after we severely pruned it, leaving long spindly legs and a fuzzy top without seed-heads. The top immediately began producing small flowers, which are only starting to bloom now. The legs sprouted energetically with twiggy growth. That twiggy growth will be pruned away and left at the base for additional free mulch.

Yesterday I watered the crepe myrtle bush in case we did not get the promised rain. The two layers of mulch will hold in the water, encourage soil life below, and promote more blooms in the late summer and fall.


Fertilize with Epsom Salts

By: Charlie Nardozzi

After working with home gardeners for more than 10 years, I know that they love to use home remedies on their plants. From setting out beer traps for slugs to hanging bars of soap to repel deer, if the household product seems to work, gardeners try it. That's why I was intrigued by the often-mentioned idea of using Epsom salts as a fertilizer.
Gardeners apply it to tomatoes, peppers, and roses, hoping to produce more flowers, greener plants, and higher yields. You can use it to improve magnesium content if you know you have a soil that's deficient in that element, but home gardeners are most likely to apply Epsom salts to peppers, tomatoes, and roses.
I wanted to find out if it really works and learn the best ways to apply it for best growth, so last summer I asked some of our test gardeners (home gardeners who tested seeds and products for National Gardening) to test Epsom salts' effects on plant growth and vigor by applying it to pepper plants and roses. Then I talked to researchers about using the salts as fertilizer. Here's what I found out.

The History and Science of Epsom Salts

This natural mineral, discovered in the well water of Epsom, England, has been used for hundreds of years, not only to fertilize plants but to treat a range of human and animal ailments. Who hasn't soaked sore feet in it at least once?
Chemically, Epsom salts is hydrated magnesium sulfate (about 10 percent magnesium and 13 percent sulfur). Magnesium is critical for seed germination and the production of chlorophyll, fruit, and nuts. Magnesium helps strengthen cell walls and improves plants' uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur.
Sulfur, a key element in plant growth, is critical to production of vitamins, amino acids (therefore protein), and enzymes. It's also the compound that gives vegetables such as broccoli and onions their flavors. Sulfur is seldom deficient in garden soils in North America because acid rain and commonly used animal manures contain sulfur, as do chemical fertilizers such as ammonium sulfate.
The causes and effects of magnesium deficiencies vary. Vegetables such as beans, peas, lettuce, and spinach can grow and produce good yields in soils with low magnesium levels, but plants such as tomatoes, peppers, and roses need high levels of magnesium for optimal growth. However, plants may not show the effects of magnesium deficiency until it's severe. Some common deficiency symptoms are yellowing of the leaves between the veins, leaf curling, stunted growth, and lack of sweetness in the fruit.
Magnesium tends to be lacking in old, weathered soils with low pH, notably in the Southeast and Pacific Northwest. Soils with a pH above 7 and soils high in calcium and potassium also generally have low magnesium levels. Calcium and potassium compete with magnesium for uptake by plant roots, and magnesium often loses. Sometimes, a soil test will show adequate magnesium levels in soil, but a plant grown in that soil may still be deficient because of that competition.
Gardeners add magnesium when they apply dolomitic lime to raise the soil's pH. However, this product (46 percent calcium carbonate, 38 percent magnesium carbonate) breaks down slowly, and the calcium can interfere with magnesium uptake. For soils with a pH above 7, many gardeners use Sul-Po-Mag (22 percent sulfur, 22 percent potassium, 11 percent magnesium) to increase magnesium. Although dolomitic lime and Sul-Po-Mag are inexpensive ways to add magnesium, Epsom salts' advantage over them is its high solubility.
When diluted with water, and especially when applied as a foliar spray, Epsom salts can be taken up quickly by plants. Epsom salts' magnesium content, high solubility, and ease of application as a foliar spray are the main reasons for the positive results many gardeners see in their plants.


Planting Flowers from Dutch Gardens

Crown Imperial - one whiff and you will never forget this skunky bulb.
The distinctive flowers stand tall on stems 24 inches tall.
They bloomed when we were selling our home in New Ulm,
surrounded by giant yellow tulips. 
Visiting real estate agents were stunned.

I ordered from Dutch Gardens today - surely the easiest garden I can plant, because each bulb is really a flower almost ready to bloom. The bulb grows almost to the top of the soil surface when planted, then waits for a good winter, and finally blooms according its normal schedule.  The greens gather energy for the bulb to repeat each year, although tulips tend to fade over time.

Dutch Gardens offer the best bulbs for the lowest prices. I once looked at "special daffodil" ordering, where a single bulb priced at $100. They looked like they were worth it, and the specialty catalogs promised abundant growth. But I resisted  the temptation.

Instead I get the healthiest (fattest) bulbs at a good price. The Dutch Gardens daffodils are doubles or triples I have to pull apart to plant. That means a $3 bulb is really three $1 bulbs. Many people buy $1 bulbs in the hardware store that are really 50 cent bulbs in value and size.

The tulip bulbs from Dutch Gardens make other catalog offerings look like walnuts.

Ceylon daffodil - tall and not very yummy for furry pests.

I would  like to grow many small bulbs, like crocus, but squirrels will dig them up and replant them. The tree-rats lay claim to anything edible in the soil. Of course, they eat a few bulbs too. Tulips can be eaten - and they were by the Dutch during WWII and by the deer at Dow Gardens. I decided to risk a very small order of Parade Red tulips.

Forget those fancy-dancy tulips with  various colors and fringes and other distractions.
The best tulip is large, egg-shaped, and solid red or yellow.

The garlic family (allium) is essential for any garden, so I plant garlic chives for the roses and future salads.

The giant allium is an impressive compound flower, with the additional benefit of yukky for animals or insects.

Allium - these garlic bulbs are so large that children are frightened of them.

That is my entire order - tulips, daffodils, allium, and crown imperial. Three of them should not be tempting to squirrels. I may protect tulips with garlic planted above or beside them.

Sceptics are wondering where I will plant them in the yard. That will be fun - between the roses. I can plant allium and crown imperial between the roses in the back two rows. Tulips will be in front, alone, required for their dignity and honor in the garden. The daffodils will be a drift around and behind the crepe myrtle bush.

WELS Has Another Plagiarized Experiment in Green Bay - And This One Is Real!But The CORE Is Real, Relational, and Relevant

They need  some middle-aged men suffering from Peter Pan syndrome - to lead them.

Facebook Page


So, in case the anticipation to find out what our cheat is hasn’t paralyzed you with…anticipation, here it is.  (This post will make much more sense if you read this postfirst).  The key to making yours and every student ministry absolutely rock.
Okay, not so much.  Really, this is something that we think is a pretty good idea in our particular niche of God’s earth, and we think it holds a lot of potential–for us.

We call it “the ave.”

It is a consolidation and unification of WELS student ministry in and around Appleton, WI.
Depending on your perception of Appleton, WI, (if you have one), this might seem like an excellent idea or a terrible one.  We’re hoping for the excellent one.  Appleton is dense with Packers, churches, and opinions.  I grew up in a district of the WELS where the nearest WELS church was a 30 minute drive from my house. Now, there are 13 WELS churches within 10 miles from my church.  And for the most part, the student ministries that happen in these 13 WELS churches aren’t much different from mine.  There’s certainly reason for frustration with this picture.  At the same time, this prospect shows incredible potential.
13 + congregations who aIl want to do more youth ministry better cooperating for a common cause is a powerful engine.  We’ve identified what we want to be, and we’re making it happen.  None of us have a hundred students in our student ministry?  Together we do.  Together we have more.  We don’t have the resources to hire a full-time youth minister our church?  We can pool our resources.
Since the end of Fall 2013, WELS youth pastors have been scheming what it would look like if we did student ministry in Appleton as a collaboration.  It looks like the ave.
On May 7th, we’re going to premier the ave. as a student ministry serving all high school age teens in Appleton, WI.  It doesn’t matter what church you go to.  It doesn’t matter if you go to church.  The ave. is a place for any high school aged student to come and ask questions, meet friends, hang out, have fun, and most importantly, have their worldview challenged by a perspective that suggests there is more to life than our immediate context.


After reading about Unplugged, a friend commented, “It sounds like another church service,” and then asked “why would I want to go to church again in a week?”
Psh. Whatever. It’s not another church service.
Here’s what prompted her question: “On the first Wednesday of the month, we come together for Unplugged. We’ll spend time in prayer, praise, and the Word as a speaker brings it to us.” This comes from aprevious blog post. There’s language on the ave.’s website that’s pretty similar.
I’ve read that sentence near a hundred times. But when I reread that paragraph after her question, it was like I was reading it for the first time. This time, without the pastor specs.
Prayer, praise, and a speaker giving a message from the Bible. Yup. Sounds like church.
And honestly, if Unplugged is just a repeat of church, I’d be asking that question right with her: “Why would I want to go to church again?”  Or if you normally don’t go to church, “why would I want to go to church at all?”
I’ll even go a step further. If Unplugged is a repeat of your Sunday morning (or other set aside church time), and I arbitrarily decide you should come to it, I’d be guilty of the most selfish and intrusive sin: redundancy. There are few things I tolerate less than giving time to something I’ve done/heard/endured already. If Unplugged is just a repeat of church, you shouldn’t come.
IF that’s the case. Which it isn’t.
Unplugged is a community/event/gathering unique from the normal church experience. It’s defining characteristic is: real. This isn’t to say that the church you might attend isn’t real, but Unplugged is different in that it’s for no one but you. We are incredibly specific in our target audience: 9-12 grade students in the Fox Valley. At the same time, our target audience is absolutely open.
Because at Unplugged, the staff, speaker, and leaders have no preconceptions about who you are. We can’t fine tune Unplugged until we know you. We want to be a ministry real for you, so we want to meet you. And the you we want to meet is you–not the person you think we want to meet.
We place a priority on being real with each other, because this authenticity is a catalyst for change. When there are no norms and expectations, there is no status quo. When we remove the status quo, what remains is a canvass for growth. So when you come to Unplugged, you’ll hear speakers who intentionally reach you at your heart. We want to speak to real issues and questions that you have in a way that is transparent and real.
And the cool thing is, we don’t have to be afraid of this transparency. Because it’s God’s Word that’s behind us. The more we see through each other, the more its God Word that we see. So we end up with this unique confidence that no matter where God’s Word takes us and no matter how vulnerable and broken we find ourselves, the movement is always forward. The movement is always upward.

Really, Unplugged is pretty simple then. It’s us being real with God’s Word and real with you. When you bring an honest heart to this equation, this is a powerful reaction.

The praise we sing at Unplugged comes from the real change that God’s Word works on our hearts. It’s honest, raw, and unadorned, whether we’ve got one guy, a guitar, and his voice leading us or a full band. Our praise is the product of God’s Spirit working on our hearts in his Word.
So the big question: why should you come? I’m not going to tell you to. I only want to see you at Unplugged if you want to be at Unplugged. But here’s the deal: if you see your life as something that can have a purpose more than just maintaining status quo, I think you’re going to get a lot out of Unplugged, and I think you’ll be able to give a lot to the other students at Unplugged. We’re starting September 3rd, and we’d love to have you join us.

The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity. Luke 18:9-14. The Pharisee and the Publican


The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity, 2014

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

Bethany Lutheran Church, 10 AM Central Time

The Hymn # 200     I Know that My Redeemer Lives   1.80   
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual       
The Gospel              
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed             p. 22
The Sermon Hymn # 384            How Great Is Thy Compassion            1.6

The Faith of the Publican

The Communion Hymn #236            Creator Spirit                         1.9 
The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn # 514     God Moves in a Mysterious Way    1.81

KJV 1 Corinthians 15:1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: 5 And that he was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve: 6 After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep. 7 After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles. 8 And last of all he was seen of me also, as of one born out of due time. 9 For I am the least of the apostles, that am not meet to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. 10 But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.

KJV Luke 18:9 And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others: 10 Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican. 11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. 12 I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess. 13 And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner. 14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

Eleventh Sunday After Trinity

Lord God, heavenly Father, we beseech Thee so to guide and direct us by Thy Holy Spirit, that we may not forget our sins and be filled with pride, but continue in daily repentance and renewal, seeking our comfort only in the blessed knowledge that Thou wilt be merciful unto us, forgive us our sins, and grant us eternal life; through Thy beloved Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one true God, world without end. Amen.

The Faith of the Publican

KJV Luke 18:9 And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:

1. Luke the evangelist explains to us this parable in his introduction, when he says: “And he spake also this parable unto certain who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and set all others at nought.”
2. In the Pharisees you see an example of those who have no faith, and yet because of their works they esteem themselves the most holy.

3. The Publican is justified without any merit on his part, alone through faith, by which he appropriates righteousness from God alone, and doubts not the goodness of our loving, gracious Father.

4. Therefore this parable shows that we are justified through faith alone without any work and merit whatever on our part.

Luke 18:9 is one of those remarkable introductions in the Bible where so much is said in a few words. In this case, one verse described those who trusted in their own works to make them holy while despising others. Thus we have works righteousness summarized (trusted in themselves) and the result (they despised others).

So we can assume that those who despise others really trust in their own righteousness and not in the righteousness of Christ - and they are unbelievers. The bad tree can only bear corrupt fruit.

The summary is so good - why do we need a parable? Centuries before Christ, Aristotle discovered and described that good literature edifies and delights. The edification is the content, which we have in one verse. Delight comes from stories and illustrations, because we love and remember both - the story and the graphic.

I learned through blogging that an illustrated lesson had much great impacted than words alone, though bloggers seem content with words alone. This also applies to picture words - metaphors, similes, and analogies. If someone can connect something tangible to the thought, the concept is easier to remember and recall. That is why I called the Peace rose the Secretariat of roses, since movie goers recall that racehorse as the standard for all horses since, the last winner of the Triple Crown, and the father of many champions afterwards (but none equal to him).

Ancient man did more than leave inscriptions. Emperors left stone monuments to their glory, with inscriptions about their conquests. Medieval churches told the story of the Bible in pictures, and that tradition was followed until recently, when movie theater churches made stained glass windows unlikely.

Christ is not following Aristotle, of course, but teaching in a way that He knew would be lasting. The Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican is well established in our culture, our artwork, and in general knowledge. A Pharisee makes himself holy through the Law but does not realize how inadequate self-justification is.

Instinctively, we react against someone trying to make himself holy by telling us how great he is, how horrible the criminal charges are against him. But - if he repents in public and seems to mean it, we are likely to forgive him or at least give him a chance to show the fruits of contrition.

Saying "I'm sorry" sticks in our throats but we like to hear it from others. In fact, we are likely to say it back if we hear it first. Publican humility is contagious, just as Pharisaical self-righteousness.

Here again we have a picture and an example of the divine judgment on saints and good people. Two extraordinary persons are presented to us in this Gospel; one thoroughly good and truly pious; and one hypocritically pious. But before we take up the example and consider the terrible sentence, we must first notice that Luke here makes the impression as though righteousness came by works. For Luke is most accustomed to do this, as when we at present preach that faith alone saves, he observes that people are led to desire only to believe, and to neglect the power and fruit of faith. This John also does in his Epistle and James, where they show that faith cannot exist without works.

10 Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican.

It is easy to see why this short parable is remembered so well.There are two figures. One is a good example. One is a bad example. One reminds us of the inner Pharisee in us. The other teaches us to be like Christ in humility. That means  to receive in faith His righteousness rather than raking together a pile of our good deeds to stand on and crow about.

We cannot grasp the power of this parable until we see the Pharisee as he was in his time, with many examples in our time. He was revered as a holy, pious, man of God - a living saint, the kind everyone admires. Today we use the term only in negative terms, but that was not so when Jesus taught this parable. So we have to translate this into figures known and revered in the church today. The Pharisee of the parable is like one of those leaders.

The publican has a good figure to represent him today, since the tax collectors have worked hard to make themselves loathed for partisanship. Criminal cases are still in the works for the things done in the name of politics, and many have suffered terribly from it. 

11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. 12 I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess. 

We can see the hypocrisy of the image here, because thanking God for being so good is the reverse of Scriptural teaching. David wrote Psalms about his sinfulness. When others despised him, he admitted that he deserved it. Criminal clergy defend themselves by boasting about their works and denouncing their victims in various ways - and people listen with awe, agreeing.

In his thankfulness, he steps over the line and despises the person with faith, because that person is not one of the elite - as the Pharisee is. This happens so often that it is either a comedy or a tragedy. Healthy people despise the disabled. Rich despise the poor. The upperworld despises the underworld, although they depend on the underworld to provide the fruits of vice and even to settle some scores. I saw a famous author neglected at a book display because no one knew who he was. No one talked to him at all - until they saw him on stage as a celebrity author. Afterwards he was mobbed.

The Pharisee uses "I" five times and refers to himself even more. His speech would be called a model of narcissism today. The new celebrity churches preach to those people today. Is this not the Age of Apostasy?

13 And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.

5. He speaks of the publican as though he must have previously heard a word from God that touched his heart so that he believed it and thus became pious, as St. Paul says, Romans 10:17: “So faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.” When the Word falls into the heart, then man becomes pure and good. But the Evangelist does not indicate that he now first heard the Gospel here, but that he heard it somewhere, it matters not where. For he says: “God be merciful to me a sinner.” This knowledge is above the powers of reason. And yet it must previously have been known to him that God is merciful, gracious and friendly to all those who confess their sins, who call upon him and long for grace. As he heard that God is gracious by virtue of his very nature, to all those who humble themselves and seek comfort in him. But to preach thus is always the pure Gospel.

One example is a perfect parallel for this parable. When Peter heard Jesus preach from the boat, he worshiped as the Son of God and said "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man." Faith in Jesus made Peter aware of his sinful nature, to such an extent that he did not feel worthy to be near the Savior.

The Bible gives us many examples like this. Men brought their friend on a litter to be healed. They even let the litter down through the roof. They did not say, "We believe!" Their actions showed they believed in Christ.

14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

Which is better to possess - the righteousness of man, built upon the esteem of other fallible men, or the righteousness of Christ, won by Christ and honored by God the Father. Does God want us to be loved by men or to love His beloved Son?

The comparison is so obvious for believers. For unbelievers, it remains a mystery. That is why the Bible teaches us that the Spirit witnesses to our faith. We know these things to be true because they comfort and challenge us. They comfort us with the knowledge of justification by faith, and they challenge us not to follow the example of the Pharisee.

Luther often emphasizes that faith makes us good. That is, in faith we receive forgiveness of sin and we bear good fruit from that faith which God planted in us, creating a graft in the Old Adam so that the New Creation might grow and be dominant. The sinful nature remains, it is true, but the Gospel energizes us to care for our neighbor and to be patient with one another.

11. This is why St. Luke and St. James have so much to say about works, so that one says: Yes, I will now believe, and then he goes and fabricates for himself a fictitious delusion, which hovers only on the lips as the foam on the water. No, no; faith is a living and an essential thing, which makes a new creature of man, changes his spirit and wholly and completely converts him. It goes to the foundation and there accomplishes a renewal of the entire man; so, if I have previously seen a sinner, I now see in his changed conduct, manner and life, that he believes. So high and great a thing is faith.

For this reason the Holy Spirit urges works, that they may be witnesses of faith. In those therefore in whom we cannot realize good works, we can immediately say and conclude: they heard of faith, but it did not sink into good soil. For if you continue in pride and lewdness, in greed and anger, and yet talk much of faith, St. Paul will come and say, 1 Corinthians 4:20, look here my dear sir, “the kingdom of God is not in word but in power.” It requires life and action, and is not brought about by mere talk.

12. Thus we err on both sides in saying, a person must only believe, then he will neglect to do good works and bring forth good fruits. Again, if you preach works, the people immediately comfort themselves and trust in works. Therefore we must walk upon the common path. Faith alone must make us good and save us. But to know whether faith is right and true, you must show it by your works. God cannot endure your dissembling, for this reason he has appointed you a sermon which praises works, which are only witnesses that you believe, and must be performed not thereby to merit anything, but they should be done freely and gratuitously toward our neighbor.

13. This must be practiced until it becomes a second nature with us. For thus God has also introduced works, as though he would say: if you believe, then you have the kingdom of heaven; and yet, in order that you may not deceive yourselves, do the works. To this the Lord refers in John 15:17, when he says to his disciples: “These things I command you, that ye may love one another.” And previous to this at the supper he said, John 13:34-35: “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another: even as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

"Now, that faith signifies, not only a knowledge of the history, but such faith as assents to the promise, Paul plainly testifies when says, Romans 4:16: 'Therefore it is of faith, to the end the promise might be sure.'  For he judges that the promise cannot be received unless by faith.  Wherefore he puts them together as things that belong to one another, and connects promise and faith."
            Apology of the Augsburg Confession, Article IV, Justification, Concordia Triglotta, St. Louis:  Concordia Publishing House, 1921, p. 135. Tappert, p. 114. Romans 4:16.                

"Also they teach that men cannot be justified before God by their own strength, merits, or works, but are freely justified for Christ's sake, through faith, when they believe that they are received into favor, and that their sins are forgiven for Christ's sake, who, by His death, has made satisfaction for our sins.  This faith God imputes for righteousness is His sight.  Romans 3 and 4."
            Augsburg Confession, Article IV, Justification, Concordia Triglotta, St. Louis:  Concordia Publishing House, 1921, p. 45. Tappert, p. 30. Romans 3 and 4.        

"Identisch mit der papistischen Lehre, dass der Glaube nicht als Mittel und nicht allein rechtfertige, ist die andere papistische Lehre, dass die Werke rechtfertigen." "Identical with the papistic teaching, that faith alone is not a means and does not alone make righteous, is the other papistic teaching, that works make one righteous."]
            Adolf Hoenecke, Evangelisch‑Lutherische Dogmatik, 4 vols., ed., Walter and Otto Hoenecke, Milwaukee:  Northwestern Publishing House, 1912, III,  p. 386.  

"The article of justification is the master and prince, the lord, the ruler, and the judge over all kinds of doctrines; it preserves and governs all church doctrine and raises up our conscience before God.  Without this article the world is utter death and darkness.  No error is so mean, so clumsy, and so outworn as not to be supremely pleasing to human reason and to seduce us if we are without the knowledge and the contemplation of this article."    
            What Luther Says, An Anthology, 3 vols., ed., Ewald Plass, St. Louis:  Concordia Publishing House, 1959, II, p. 703. June 1, 1537.    


Rural-Living Robert Fleischmann Tosses Water on the ALS Boycott


Lutherans for High Lifestyle CEO spins gold at his non-profit organization.
Mark Jeske has his Time of Grace tentacles in everything, because he is the man behind Church and Change, the big cahoona on the Thrivent board.

Supposedly WELS Lutherans for Life was started to keep the pure away from the taint of the Missouri Synod. But now it is generic Christian Life Resources, using WELS as a base to make money from all denominations - preferring 50's and 100's, of course. 

When I was leaving the LCA, I pointed out that the entire organization was budgeted and programmed for failure. One of the pastors turned to a district staffmember and asked, "Is that true?" The staffer, who was in business all his life, said, "Yes, that is true." 

WELS is in the exact same position. While the Church and Changers are looting the congregations to feather their nests, the whole apparatus is burning down. Considering the extraordinary level of abuse in the synod, that is good. More than one pastor will say so, too - but not in print. 

Meanwhile, many will suffer from the incompetent doctrinal and moral leadership of the synod. 

The Frog in the Kettle book argues
that congregations and synods can be changed slowly -
boil the frog before he notices the difference.
WELS-LCMS-ELS members are cooked
instead of being boiling mad.

KJV 1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 
KJV 1 Timothy 6:7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. 8 And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.


rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Burning Down the Sect": 

A friend of mine who has retired from OHSA once told me about the Interlocking Directorates Handbook.
A good description of it is here:


Since WELS is such a tiny sect, and the other players are small in number and tightly knit, postings here on Ichabod are usually sufficient to expose this network.

In the Austrian School of Economics, this can also be called the "Rothbardian Analysis", so named after Murray Rothbard. Old Murray had a way of finding out how unsavory characters were connected to each other and exposed it in his writings.

I would affectionately call the vetting process here on this blog the "Ichabodian Analysis".


I encourage caution to avoid quick judgment on those who boycott and those who do not. It was Jesus who sat down with the tax collectors and prostitutes of His time not to endorse sin but to build a relationship of genuine concern for the soul and then provide correction and direction.  Something to think about!

About Bob Fleischmann.

Born in Pleasanton, CA on October 5, 1956 and raised primarily in Lake Geneva, WI. I am the oldest of four sons to my parents, Bob and Helen Fleischmann who presently live next door to me in rural Wisconsin. I am an ordained Lutheran minister and I serve as the national director of Christian Life Resources.


GJ - I was getting mighty tired of the ice-water challenge when pro-life people began pointing out the unsavory nature of some ALS groups. That boils down to some ALS charities advocating use of fetal stem cell research.

Medical research has no qualms about mining the resources of aborted babies. The facts are probably far more horrible than anything we can imagine.

Fleischmann's blog states that boycotting will do no good and stem cell research keeps expanding.

I simply will not support any group that has a position condoning abortion on demand. That is reason enough to abandon ELCA, WELS, LCMS, and the Little Sect on the Prairie. Sure - Thrivent has been funding Planned Parent, but nobody cares if they send big and little checks here and there all over Lutherdom.

One way to test the credibility of a source is to examine trivial details unrelated to the issue. His blog solemnly declares -

"I am the oldest of four sons to my parents, Bob and Helen Fleischmann who presently live next door to me in rural Wisconsin."

These are the two rural homes of Robert Fleischmann and his parents.
Where are the cows, the sheep, and the outhouses? 
I looked over the tax returns of Christian Life Resources. They show a 50% decrease of income in the last few years (latest in 2012).

Norm Teigen on Christian Life Resources, Oct 14th, 2007:


I see the Christian Life Resources as a self-perpetuating organization without any control from a responsible church body. Christian Life Resources endorses an organization called Church and Change. 

A pastor in my synod was accused of false doctrine for his stated intention of attending the Church and Change conference. The objectee also, apparently, said that the Wisconsin Synod has a false doctrine in its synod in Church and Change.

My suggestion is for the ELS to put Christian Life Resources and Church and Change under the microscope and advise the membership of its results.

Special Rules for Relatives in WELS

Assignment day at Mequon - $100,000 a year salary -
so Glende destroyed the congregation and left.

Polluted WELS is hosting some debates about pastoral calls in WELS, including Assignment Day, when the new graduates are assigned to congregations. Later they become free agents.

The District Presidents control the calls, aided by various relatives in the system. The assignments are normally the ones without enough money to call free agents. However, Tim Glende, vicar to  Mark-and-Avoid Jeske, nephew of John Brug, received $100,000 a year - right out of Mequon.

The next time everyone is asked to cough up for Holy Mother WELS, consider the millions wasted on synodical pets and their absurd projects, like moving away from a campus location to rent worship space - just to build a debt-loaded building that would ultimately close the parish for good.

Parlow, Jeske, Kelm, and Patterson are all in
the Church and Change kick-line.
Join them or experience the Left Foot of Fellowship.

Raining on Our Bacteria and Fungi - Good News for the Creation Garden


I am studying a fascinating book about the components of good soil and how to use them for better and easier gardening. The rainstorm is helping build up the bacterial and fungi right now, and compost is...composting.

The book is Teaming with Microbes, The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web, Jeff Lowenfels and Wayne Lewis. Timber Press, Portland. 206pp. $17.


The next book is Teaming with Nutrients.

Soil research has provided many new insights about all the chemical components  and creatures working together. The relationships are far more complex than most of us realized, even if we read about each part of the puzzle before.

Old view - which I shared - bacterial are good because they break down organic matter as one part of decomposition.

New view - *Bacteria and plant roots have an essential relationship with each other, the roots exuding food for the little ones and the bacteria giving food back to the roots. About 80% of all the nitrogen used by plants is created in the immediate root zone.

Old view - which most books still advocate - *Mix inorganic chemicals (NPK) into the soil to boost the plant's growth and health.

New view - which I held long ago, using manure and compost - *Organic matter, which once lived, will break down and stay in the root zone to feed the plants. NPK fertilizer passes through the zone and enters the aquifer, potentially polluting the water supply.

Old view - which I rejected - *Fungi are found in soil. So what? Many organic gardeners and poet Walt Whitman thought this was a significant role for soil.

New view - *Fungi are not only essential in killing disease organisms in the soil, but also in moving nutrition to plants in a complex relationship.

Old view - *When in doubt - rototill. Break up the lawn with a 12 horsepower rototiller. Weed with a little rototiller. When the garden is done in the fall, osterize the garden until it looks like coffee grounds.

New view - which I adopted gradually - *Soil structure is essential to the health of all the creatures below the surface, Blending the soil kills many of the creatures and ends their complex relationships until they rebuild them on their own. Organic material on the top of the soil will be pulled down by the earthworms. Lawns can be converted to compost-on-the-spot by covering areas with newspapers and mulch.

Old view - which I rejected as too limited - *Earthworms (one per shovel of soil) are a sign of good soil.

New view - which is adding to what I learned from Rodale Press and experience - *Red wiggler earthworms should be introduced to the lawn, garden, and compost, because they are most active in the top 12 inches of soil. However, they should be viewed in light of the complex relationship between bacteria and earthworms, not to mention all the other living components of soil. In short, earthworms should be maximized in the soil. The ancient Egyptians were right - killing an earthworm should be a capital offense.

As I wrote before in my review of Teaming with Microbes, scientists may see all this as the result of evolution, but I defy anyone to show how protozoa have figured out they should not eat all the bacteria (in the book) or how plants devised a way to get bacterial and fungi to deliver usable chemicals in exchange for food they need.

Unintentional humor in the book - we should be concerned about bacterial producing methane (global warming!). How are we going to stop that? and where is the proof of global warming? - already proven to be a hoax.

Mobile Bacteria and Fungi - They Use Creatures for Taxi Service. Earthworms and Tiny Nematodes


The book is Teaming with Microbes, The Organic Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web, Jeff Lowenfels and Wayne Lewis. Timber Press, Portland. 206pp. $17.

http://www.amazon.com/Teaming-Microbes-Organic-Gardeners-Revised/dp/1604691131The next book is Teaming with Nutrients.

Fungi are the primary decomposers in soil, far more than bacteria, which rely on what was already started by the fungus enzymes (Teaming with Microbes, p. 65).

Fungi transport useful chemicals to plant roots in a strange swapping mechnism. The plant gives up food for the fungi and receives those elements it needs. Usually some change must take plant for the roots to take it up, and the fungus does this (p. 66).

Protozoa prey upon bacteria and together mineralize nutrients for plants, providing 80% of the nitrogen needed in the root zone (p. 84).

Mr. Inorganic Gardener thinks he is giving nitrogen to his plants by pouring fertilizer on them. The Creation Gardening is more efficient and cost-effective  by providing organics for the creatures. He will mulch the grass into the lawn and so the nutrients are locked up in the root layer, circulating through various creatures and concentrated by the earthworm.

Nematodes are another surprise for me in gardening. I knew they existed. Bad nematodes eat living plant roots. But there are many good nematodes. They taxi bacteria and fungi around because nematodes (the size of a human hair) are much larger and more mobile than their passengers. Since one problem is concentration of useful creatures, the movement of nematodes and earthworms puts the useful root-zone creatures in new places.

It is comparable to mixing a powder into a liquid. The fine particles clump if they are put in the bottom of a container and liquid is poured over them. However, if the powder is added on top of the liquid, it is easily dispersed by stirring, especially when the liquid is already moving around in a whirlpool.  I always thought of earthworm movement, but never the movement of the smaller creatures offering taxi rides to the smallest ones

Jeske Chose To Live Away from St. Marcus - In Another Neighborhood

Mark-and-Avoid Jeske had a sudden urge to pay his taxes,
since people ask why he is building his school empire on their taxes.

Michael Horne

Rev. Mark Jeske’s Lutheran Parsonage

By  - Aug 28th, 2014 01:46 pm

The televangelist's classic 1892 Italianate town home near Brady St. is hardly staid, what with its backyard hot tub.

St. Marcus Evangelical Lutheran Church has been in the news quite a bit, as it has attempted to purchase a former Milwaukee Public School building, only to find resistance from MPS, which has angered those who favor charter and choice schools, while public school supporters opposed the sale. Meantime, the church’s parsonage has a curious historylong exempt from property taxes, it has recently come back on the City of Milwaukee tax rolls. Yet it has had the same occupant, Rev. Mark Jeske, for decades.
Until recently, the home was owned by Jeske’s employer, St. Marcus church, which had bought the N. Astor St. home for $72,000 in 1987. As a church-owned parsonage for the Jeske family, it qualified for exemption from property taxes.
But Jeske, and his wife Carol Jeske, bought the home back from the church for the same sum on July 26th, 2013.
When word of the sale reached the assessor’s office, Mary Reavey’s staff was ready to spring into action. “When we receive transfer information for a property we have classified as exempt we immediately check to see if the status should be changed to taxable,” she tells House Confidential. That’s what happened in this case.
Upon review, the 2-story, 1,960 square foot 1892 Cream City Brick-veneered home was given an assessment of $42,800 for the 4,224 square foot lot [$10.13 / s.f.] and $255,300 for the improvements for a total assessed valuation of $298,100. This is considerably more than the $72,000 purchase price, which was clearly not an arms-length transaction. It is also more than the assessor’s 2013 calculation of the then-exempt property’s valuation of just $10,300 for the land and $123,600 for the improvements.
The Jeske Residence
The Jeske Residence
The new assessment should yield an annual combined property tax bill of about $9,000. About $6,800 of that would go to the City of Milwaukee and the Milwaukee Public Schools. Some of those funds may ultimately go to repair the sidewalk in front of the residence, just steps south of busy E. Brady St.
The home was designed in 1892 by Milwaukee architect W. A. Holbrook, who built the 24 ft by 54 ft. home on ten foot 2” x 12” studs on 16“ centers on a dressed limestone foundation for original owner W. W. Wallisat a cost of $5,000. Wallis was a pawnbroker, and the home’s old address was 831 Astor St.
Holbrook was the successor to Edward Townsend Mix, the most prominent of Milwaukee’s early architects, and took over the firm upon the principal’s death in 1880.
The home then dropped from history until 1957 when Theresa Jakusz installed a conversion gas furnace, and said goodbye to the coal man forever. In 1967 Louis Jakuszinstalled a gas dryer in the basement. Owner Gary Persinger paid $560 to install a 591 ft. perimeter, four-foot high chain link fence around the yard in 1972. It survives. In 1999 pastor Jeske installed air conditioning.
The home is among the loveliest and most substantial along this stretch of the Lower East Side. It has four bedrooms and two baths, and fine detailing throughout. The landscape is a bit over-mature, and some clumsy handling can be seen with the Pfitzer Juniper that dominates the front yard. An assertive city-owned basswood tree is pushing up the sidewalk somewhat precipitously. This is a concern in a neighborhood with many pedestrians and many elderly residents.
Surprisingly, the property has an outdoor hot tub and deck in the sheltered back yard, which lacks an alley and adjoins neighboring properties. This may force some to reevaluate the Wisconsin Lutheran Synod, which this writer had always associated with fire and brimstone tempered by cold showers, and not a nice, warm soak under the stars.

About Mark Jeske

Rev. Mark Jeske has a long affiliation to St. Marcus Lutheran Church, 2215 N. Palmer St., as he was baptised there in 1952 while his father served as associate pastor. After completing his studies at the Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in Mequon and engaging in teaching and missionary work for two years, Jeske was assigned to St. Marcus in 1980, and has remained there ever since.
According to his parish biography:
“The church and school are located in a neighborhood that, at that time, was failing. Abandoned houses, graffiti, broken glass, and very low rates of home ownership caused many who could get out to flee. But Pastor Jeske’s vision was to reinvigorate St. Marcus to be a Gospel-centered worship and education ministry that would bring people together: young and old, well-to-do and poor, black and white, well-educated and little-educated.”
Jeske also engaged in a program of rehabilitating the century-old school at the church, completing an ambitious remodeling and expansion of the original facility in 2003, and announcing further plans this year.
Jeske is also a televangelist, hosting the weekly Time of Grace half-hour television show since 2001. He is also the author of numerous books and pamphlets, and maintains arobust internet presence.
As to the recent politics involving St. Marcus, a month ago, Mayor Tom Barrett countered an $880,000 offer by the church to purchase the unused Lee School, 921 W. Meinecke Ave., to expand its successful charter school program. (The church had been rebuffed in an earlier attempt to purchase the shuttered Malcolm X Academy.)
The mayor said, “fine,” provided the school pay $1.3 million over the course of a decade to compensate city taxpayers for their share of the cost of educating the voucher students.
St. Marcus rejected this request.
Meanwhile, Jeske’s decision to buy the parsonage will gain the city some revenue. The addition of the minister’s home to the tax rolls of the city is the sort of thing that rarely occurs: “There are probably some other instances where pastors buy property and the property becomes taxable but it would be difficult to find them,” Reavey says.
As it stands, some 25 percent of property in the city is exempt from taxation at a time when residential taxpayers shoulder some 75 percent of the property tax burden, up from 50 percent twenty years ago.

The Rundown

  • Location: City of Milwaukee
  • Neighborhood: Lower East Side
  • Subdivision: Too old for that
  • Year Built: 1892
  • Style: Classic Italianate late 19th century formal town home.
  • Size: 1,960 square feet
  • Fireplaces: Apparently no longer
  • Air Conditioning: Central
  • Rec Room: 0
  • Assessment: Land $42,800 ($10.13 / s.f.), Improvements $255,300 Total $298,100.
  • Taxes: New to the tax rolls. Estimated at about $9,000
  • Walk Score: 88 out of 100. “Very Walkable”
  • Transit Score: 54 out of 100 “Good Transit”
  • Street Smart Walk Score: 92 out of 100 “Walker’s Paradise” I should say. Glorioso’s is right across the street; you can see Regano’s Roman Coin from the front door. Brady Streetis at your feet!
How Milwaukee Is It? The residence is about 1.2 miles from City Hall and a mile from St. Marcus Church.

Flower Man and Sassy Get Mulch, Reject Bags of "Natural" Amendments

Love roses? Then love earthworms, bacteria, nematodes, and springtails.

Sassy and I wanted to take advantage of the Labor Day sale on mulch, so we got ready for another trip to Lowe's. First I delivered the altar flowers to our gardening neighbor next door. He answered the doorbell and spoke to his family, grinning, "It's the flower man." His wife is crazy about roses, so I bring over an arrangement each week.

Likewise, at the college where I teach, roses routinely land in the registrar's office, where a student staffer said the group has their favorite roses - pink and bi-color and fragrant. They have no idea what next year will be like.

Lowe's was almost empty at 4 PM, probably because more rain seemed ready to fall. An executive at Scott's Lawn and Garden once said sales were always off when it rained on weekends. Most people make their gardening decisions at the last minute. Perhaps many wish for rain - for nefarious reasons. "I was going to garden all weekend, but that would be dangerous in the storm. I will pick up some things at Drive-Thru Liquor instead."

Sassy came in with her happy barks, so the clerk said, "Were you at the Walmart Supercenter opening?" Sassy's bark was that distinctive. We woke up the crowd, then sat in the Ichaboat for the ceremonies.

We checked out the alleged Epson salt for sale. Lowe's had an entire section of organic amendments for sale, but they were bagged so pretty and priced so high that I had the vapors about buying any of it. Similarly, on Amazon, Epson is priced like gold when I can buy it at Walmart for about $1 a pound.

The idea of buying high-priced "organics" - which have been boosted by various additives - strikes me as paradoxical, like women who apply makeup that cannot be seen - but certainly felt in the budget.

We have four neighbors involved in donating newspapers to Wormhaven IV, and I can probably enlist the fifth. The gardening neighbor contributes to the newspaper collection and the compost pile.

Before I read the two books on Teaming with Microbes and Nutrients, I thought in terms of the number and quality of the earthworm population. The general background was obvious, that the earthworm represented the entire decomposition process. The power of the tiniest creatures was lost on me.

Like the veterans who wrote the two recent books, I now realize that much of the value of organic gardening starts at the microscopic level, where bacteria, protozoa, nematodes, and springtails work.

Here is a list of the myriad creatures in compost.

Some creatures shred organic matter - and earthworms are the champion shredders. Bacteria, nematodes, and protozoa break the bonds of organic matter to make the shredded components usable for plant roots. When earthworms, springtails, and sowbugs shred the autumn leaves, the remains are easier for the bacteria and fungus to attack and decompose. Sycamore leaves will last intact all winter unless they are initially damaged by a lawnmower. The initial man-made shredding will initiate creature-shedding and eventual disappearance of all leaf residue.

Earthworms help with the initial shredding, since they pull down leaf fragments into the soil. But they also concentrate and move bacteria through the digestive process. This also concentrates beneficial elements in the castings, which are prized as the best possible soil amendment.

A Complex Relationship Not Unlike the Scriptures. Fungus Growing Ants a Tiny Part of the Picture


We had a medical morning, with a long wait for the doctor (a Lenski fan) and plenty of good news resulting from the visit. I brought along Teaming with MicrobesI just read Teaming with Nutrients by the same author - and took notes. 

I am shocked by all the new research on soil dependencies, which make my earlier knowledge equal to the experts on TV who advocate spraying, digging, and tilling. I had time in the waiting room to go through the Teaming with Microbes chapter on fungus. I knew they were an important part of the rotting process, but I merely thought, "Fungus forms on dead, damp plants, fungus eaters stop by to eat, and the cycle continues as the predators become the prey in stages."

Thanks to the authors, I now realize that fungi are not only the primary decomposers in the soil, but also the champions at distributing nutrition to the plant roots. I will summarize their astonishing characteristics, which were only beginning to be known after my reading spell.

  1. "A teaspoon of good garden soil may contain several yards of fungi hyphae (branches), invisible to the naked eye.... (Teaming with Microbes, p. 62).
  2. Their enzymes can dissolve lignin, the tough part of cellulose (p. 64).
  3. Their hyphal tips grow through the soil and extend the reach of the fungus, which is a long, tubular structure that conveys nutrients for growing while interacting with roots (p. 64).
  4. "Like bacteria, then, fungi can be seen as living containers of fertilizer" (p. 65).
  5. Fungi can extend from the leaf litter on top of the soil to the roots below (p. 66).
  6. Fungi can obtain nutrition from several sources at the same time (p. 66).
  7. Plants control fungi by providing what the fungi need, which makes the fungi give up nutrients for the tempting carbon exuded from the roots (p. 66).
  8. Fungi, as primary decomposers, provide nitrogen to plants, as a waste product or in swaps (p. 67).
  9. Fungus growing ants show a three-way mutual relationship, with ants and fungus and an antibiotic.

Creation Gardening eliminates useless labor by banning rototilling and excess digging. As the head of this movement, I am appalled that anyone would stir anything into the soil, which means breaking up the structure of the soil. Fungal hyphae are making their connections, tunneling between plants, giving and receiving. Various soil creatures will pull down anything on the surface, which should be mulched, not bare.

As predicted, the crepe myrtle bush is bursting into bloom after a severe Lyle Lovett cut. I continue to prune the lower branches of all growth and place the debris under the bush as mulch. Pruning adds energy to the plant and forces root growth. Mulch feeds and protects the earthworms and fungi. Yesterday I added Epson salt to the crepe myrtle and all the roses.

Describing the complex mutual relationships in the garden would take several books, so the material above is just a summary about one carefully designed part of Creation.

The Scriptures have a mutual relationship even more complex and mutually dependent. For example, the Good Shepherd passage of John 10 is linked to the whole of Scripture by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we do not look at John 10 by itself but in relation to Psalm 23 and Isaiah 40 - plus all the references to sheep, shepherds, lambs, and wolves in sheep's clothing (Matthew 7). There are roughly 500. "I will strike the Shepherd and the sheep will be scattered."

Those who do not grasp the unity of the Word are like the gardeners who buy an expensive tiller and rip up their soil - with glee - thinking they are doing something good.

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