Fox Valley WELS - Candid Photo
In a Search of the Literature, I Found This Website

Musicians endlessly categorize their sub-sub-sub categories, merging and fusing names, mesmerizing and confusing the rest of us. I found this scholarly summary of Doo-Wop on the Net a few minutes ago. How many years does it take to reach this level of Doo-Wop scholarship?
Nothing reveals the untrained theological mind faster than endless sub-categories, shadings, history, and trivia. Thus the laity have a great advantage over the pretensions of MDivs who still struggle with spelling. Laymen do not have to remember their precious dog notes from seminary, so they can rely on the plain message of the Holy Spirit in the Word.
One thing is clear - when someone begins articulating Justification by Faith, which is in fact the Article on Which the Church Stands or Falls, the UOJ-sperts begin their campaign of hatred, deception, and division.
Didja know the LCMS version of justification without faith was far superior to the WELS version of justification without faith? That shows the influence of MDiv coaching and brow-beating. Notice that one "without" is italicized while the other is bold. Subtle? Yes, but that takes four years of
Likewise, one must know the intimate details of Synodical Conference history to understand this UOJ religion. Disregard the myth of its origins. I suggested that all Lutherans follow Walther's example for excommunication, which he practiced on Bishop Stephan:
- Gather those who agree with the plan into a mob - and leave the rest behind.
- Travel, without warning, to the person's house, armed with torches and guns.
- Kick the person out of his house, threatening him with the weapons.
- Steal all his gold, strip him, and mock him if any gold is left. Take that too.
- Steal all his books.
- Steal his clothing, bedding, and gold jeweled chalice, a personal gift from Europe.
- Kidnap him and force him to cross over the river to Mississippi.
- Dump him on the shore with a shovel and a few bucks.
- Make up stories about the noble, Biblical, Confessional leadership of the mob leader, CFW Walther.
I tried that advice on some LCMS pastors on Facebook, and they did not respond. Another one informed me that I had no knowledge of Walther's forcing F. Pieper on the LCMS as his official parrot, bypassing the normal way professors were elected to that office. According to his nephew, L. Fuerbringer, Walther changed the election away from the local districts and made it a national election. And who chaired that meeting? The Great Walther, of course. One of the Walther hagiographies denied that CFW made a face when one candidate was mentioned. "But even if he did..."
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Francis Pieper. Notice the early photobomb. |
I did not steal your iPhone, but even if I did...
Sounds a wee bit fishy. Those are two memories of that moment when Pieper was selected from seminary to take over the Walther dog notes. After three whole years in the parish, Pieper became a seminary professor.
The division among American Lutherans happened mostly because of Walther's ruthless behavior, his lust for power, and his false doctrine. He did not win the fight for justification without faith until Pieper got it canonized in the 1932 Brief Statement, which the Enthusiasts raised above Scripture and the Confessions. The only question became, eyebrows dancing in wrath and consternation, "Do you agree with the 1932 Brief Statement?"
Thee Million Page-Views Since Ichabod Started
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Stop the presses! New front page - 3,000,000 views. "No one reads Ichabod," the yammering yahoods claim. |
Total posts - over 12,000.
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Only one blog identified and proved that Paul McCain, CPH editor, was a serial plagiarist. And yet, McCain enforces all imagined slights against CPH copyrights. Funny, no? |
Various tactics have been used to silence me, simply because I am a traditional Lutheran. The Northwestern Lutheran's editor (WELS) told me to stop writing for Christian News, or they would stop printing my articles.
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When was the last time Christian News mattered to anyone? |
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McCain used a cleaned up version of this painting for his dead blog, so Team Ichabod enhanced the original. Proof of Photoshopping - McCain's gut is actually Friar Tuck sized. |
Otten always demanded answers for his questions, but when I asked him about selling the dishonest anti-Luther book - The Truth about Luther - he did not respond to my email. Later he told others that he "sells" to both sides of the issue.
Kudu Don Patterson denied having an odious network of fawning ex-vicars, then had all his fawning ex-vicars phone me to deny the existence of the claque. Kudu Don wrote me an email calling me a "fool and a liar." The alleged lie was a little factoid, that his Daddy Warbucks was on his church council - no, he used to be on his church council - typical WELS GA double-talk. No wonder they wanted him for District Pope.
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Mark Walters defended his classmates and threatened to shut down this blog. |
Fox Valley decided to start a couple of anonymous blogs - typical WELS courage - and confuse readers. Glende and Lillo were two of the authors. Like McCain, they erased the evidence of their follies and misdemeanors. But Glende made my day when he complained to the judge about this blog - while suing the victim of St. Peter, Freedom pastoral sexual harassment.
Mark Schroeder and Jon-Boy Buchholz tried to spin the news on this blog. Both of them contacted me and tried their best. Buchholz tried to sell his version of UOJ as something new, but it was regurgitated JP Meyer - and worse. No wonder this alleged critic of Rick Johnson, Jeff Gunn, and Mark Jeske melted faster than DreamWhip left on a picnic table in August. Money cures chapped hides, and Enthusiasm bears corrupt fruit.
Pope Paul the Plagiarist ordered people not to let my posts go through on other blogs and banned links to Ichabod - and the cowards obeyed. That only increased traffic to this blog.
WELS told students not to read Ichabod and yet the Martin Luther College faculty openly discussed how to do things without being written up here.
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"Faith makes us bold," as Luther once wrote, and apostasy makes the timid Lutherans quake like chihuahuas in a thunderstorm. |
Commenting on the Post-Lutheran Situation
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Money makes SPs go around, SPs go around, SPs go around. |
Polluted WELS Comment:
Still recovering, eh? New to blogging? Yup, it can be utterly wasting for the editor/moderator, especially as discussion goes deep and becomes empassioned. This is one of those topics.
Joel Dusek asks: "Suppose we enter into a post-synodical era, where geographic and ethnic histories, and synodical affiliations give way to adherence to the Scripture and Confessions. From where would pastors come, and how would a congregation be assured their pastor was qualified? Independent Lutheran Seminaries? A formal recognized colloquy process? Some other means?"
RE: post-synodical era...
We're already there. I recall seeing this term ("post-synodical era") for the first time few years ago on BJS, and I recall being offended by it. I thought, "Post-synodical for the LCMS, maybe -- they're a mess." But now, I'm convinced that those who stick with the Synods are on the fast track to a post-Lutheran era. And despite my initial offense to the term, LCMS has far more resistance to it than WELS. By the size of the organization, by the size of its Confessional movement, by the willingness of its pastor to publically put there names on a document and enter into Statu Confessionis. ELS and CLC aren't going to survive into the next generation, and they know it. WELS thinks it can survive, but only as an organization, if it has the numbers. It is swiftly becomming the Wisconsin Evangelical Synod (WES), and doesn't seem to be embarassed or concerned about this in the least. One way or another, I am convinced that the Lutheran diaspora -- clergy and laity committed to genuine Lutheran orthodoxy who purposefully embrace a robust Lutheran catholicy -- will be forced out of the old organizions.
RE: Where would pastors come from?
The Confessions make clear (APXIV or SCIII:X, for instance) that where a given church finds it impossible to recognize an orthodox ministerium, it is incumbant upon that church to establish its own ministerium, to call and ordain its own pastors. In our day, that could mean that clergy, who have been examined by the congregation beforehand and who satisfy Scriptural approval criteria, are called from other Lutheran bodies scattered across the country -- or even the world; or it could mean that knowledgable laity, who are known to the congregation to satisfy Scriptural approval criteria and respected by them, are called by their brethren out of the congregation into the Office and ordained by them.
RE How would a congregation be assured their pastor was qualified?
This is where Lutheran laymen simply need to grow up. The burden of responsibility has always been on the laity to continually examine their pastors, in order to maintain the "assurance" that their pastors are, and remain, qualified. It's called being Berean. It is NOT the responsibility of some organization outside the congregation, apart from the laymen being served, to provide these services for the congregation or to "guarantee" anything. The burden of responsibility is on the Bereans in the congregation.
My Opinion.
Joel Dusek asks: "Suppose we enter into a post-synodical era, where geographic and ethnic histories, and synodical affiliations give way to adherence to the Scripture and Confessions. From where would pastors come, and how would a congregation be assured their pastor was qualified? Independent Lutheran Seminaries? A formal recognized colloquy process? Some other means?"
RE: post-synodical era...
We're already there. I recall seeing this term ("post-synodical era") for the first time few years ago on BJS, and I recall being offended by it. I thought, "Post-synodical for the LCMS, maybe -- they're a mess." But now, I'm convinced that those who stick with the Synods are on the fast track to a post-Lutheran era. And despite my initial offense to the term, LCMS has far more resistance to it than WELS. By the size of the organization, by the size of its Confessional movement, by the willingness of its pastor to publically put there names on a document and enter into Statu Confessionis. ELS and CLC aren't going to survive into the next generation, and they know it. WELS thinks it can survive, but only as an organization, if it has the numbers. It is swiftly becomming the Wisconsin Evangelical Synod (WES), and doesn't seem to be embarassed or concerned about this in the least. One way or another, I am convinced that the Lutheran diaspora -- clergy and laity committed to genuine Lutheran orthodoxy who purposefully embrace a robust Lutheran catholicy -- will be forced out of the old organizions.
RE: Where would pastors come from?
The Confessions make clear (APXIV or SCIII:X, for instance) that where a given church finds it impossible to recognize an orthodox ministerium, it is incumbant upon that church to establish its own ministerium, to call and ordain its own pastors. In our day, that could mean that clergy, who have been examined by the congregation beforehand and who satisfy Scriptural approval criteria, are called from other Lutheran bodies scattered across the country -- or even the world; or it could mean that knowledgable laity, who are known to the congregation to satisfy Scriptural approval criteria and respected by them, are called by their brethren out of the congregation into the Office and ordained by them.
RE How would a congregation be assured their pastor was qualified?
This is where Lutheran laymen simply need to grow up. The burden of responsibility has always been on the laity to continually examine their pastors, in order to maintain the "assurance" that their pastors are, and remain, qualified. It's called being Berean. It is NOT the responsibility of some organization outside the congregation, apart from the laymen being served, to provide these services for the congregation or to "guarantee" anything. The burden of responsibility is on the Bereans in the congregation.
My Opinion.
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No. Their Halle confession is Pietistic rationalism. |
BussFeed Has Higher Standards than LCMS, WELS, ELS. Unlike the Conservative Lutherans, BuzzFeed Is Deeply Embarrassed
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Paul McCain erased his cesspool of plagiarism - Cyberbrethren, but he never apologized. He is still employed by the LCMS - on copyright issues. Hahahahahaha. |
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Glende and Ski excommunicated a member for his research that showed their plagiarism, which Glende lied about. DP Englebrecht responded by piously endorsing plagiarism. |
BuzzFeed fires Benny Johnson for plagiarism
BuzzFeed has fired Viral Politics Editor Benny Johnson after finding more than 40 instances of plagiarism, BuzzFeed's editor Ben Smith announced on Friday evening.
In an apology to BuzzFeed readers, Smith said the plagiarism is “a breach of our fundamental responsibility" and that editors were in the process of attaching an editor's note to every instance of plagiarism.
"Plagiarism, much less copying unchecked facts from Wikipedia or other sources, is an act of disrespect to the reader. We are deeply embarrassed and sorry to have misled you," Smith said.
Examples from the BuzzFeed apology -
Update: Here are links to the 41 posts in which we found plagiarism and attribution issues.
BuzzFeed Shows LCMS, WELS, ELS an Example of Dealing with Plagiarism
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I was not invited to the Facebook executives' meeting at Walmart Headquarters, so I Photoshopped myself into the group portrait - for laughs. This has nothing to do with the article. |
From the BuzzFeed Article:
"We have corrected the instances of plagiarism, and added an editor’s note to each. We have also included links to each at the bottom of this note. We will work hard to be more vigilant in the future, and to earn your trust."
LCMS, WELS, and ELS continue to support plagiarism and offer no apologies for it.
This singular lack of character in the leaders should be kept in mind whenever they hold out their hands for more money.
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This kitten should make your eyes well up with tears. She is so cute and endearing. Increase your synod offering so she can have clean litter and a warm place to sleep. |
Back to Ustream Tomorrow
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Monarda, or Oswego Tea, or Bee Balm. |
I am not sure which one is better in the long run, but I had bad audio on YouTube and perfect audio on the hymns for Ustream. We will use the normal Ustream setup tomorrow.
Cox Cable doubled the bandwidth, which may be one reason for the improvement, but that does not explain having the odd warbling on the YouTube version. Theories are welcome.
The Sixth Sunday after Trinity. Matthew 5:20-26. Your Righteousness
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Hummingbird - designed by the Creating Word. |
The Sixth Sunday after Trinity, 2014
Pastor Gregory L. Jackson
Bethany Lutheran Church, 10 AM Central Daylight Time
The Hymn # 331:1-4 Yea, As I live 3:70
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual
The Gospel
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed p. 22
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed p. 22
The Sermon Hymn # 331:5-8 Yea, As I live 3:70
Baptized into His Death and Life
The Communion Hymn # 387 Dear Christians 3:41
The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn # 209 Who is This 3:33
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn # 209 Who is This 3:33
Sixth Sunday After Trinity
Lord God, heavenly Father, we confess that we are poor, wretched sinners, and that there is no good in us, our hearts, flesh and blood being so corrupted by sin, that we never in this life can be without sinful lust and concupiscence; therefore we beseech Thee, dear Father, forgive us these sins, and let Thy Holy Spirit so cleanse our hearts that we may desire and love Thy word, abide by it, and thus by Thy grace be forever saved; through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one true God, world without end. Amen.
KJV Romans 6:3 Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? 4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. 5 For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection: 6 Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. 7 For he that is dead is freed from sin. 8 Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him: 9 Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him. 10 For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. 11 Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
KJV Matthew 5:20 For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. 21 Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: 22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire. 23 Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; 24 Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift. 25 Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison. 26 Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.
Baptized into His Death - And Life
KJV Romans 6:3 Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?
Paul's Epistle to the Romans is a personal letter but it is also a deliberate doctrinal summary for the Christian Church. Paul saw the risen Christ and was taught the Gospel by Him.
In his epistle, righteousness by the Law is dismissed in powerful arguments. Whether righteousness comes through civil authority (national law), custom (traditions), or Judaism, no one is righteous. Anyone who violates one small law is guilty of the entire body of law.
In the first three chapters, justification by faith is repeatedly expressed as the solution to this problem of righteousness. This climaxes in Romans 4, where Abraham is the example of righteousness through faith.
When I was reading the liberal theology of the 19th century, one liberal author after another warned his readers, "There must be no contingencies, no ifs, or it is not grace."
The 19th century is pivotal, because that was the missionary century, the Christian Century (a magazine that become very liberal through social activism). Although intentions were good, they left behind the Means of Grace concept and began teaching grace without the Means, without faith.
Biblical Christians know better, since they are trained by the Holy Spirit, but the academics fell for this to such a degree that they began repeating it and insisting on it - no ifs, no contingencies.
Yet Paul, in Romans 4, talked about the righteousness and faith of Abraham this way.
Romans 4:13 For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.
14 For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect:
15 Because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression.
16 Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all,
17 (As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.
18 Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be.
19 And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb:
20 He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;
21 And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.
22 And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness.
23 Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him;
24 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on himthat raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead;
25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.
That caution from the liberal theologians ("no ifs") is easily dismissed, when the caution is not made a principle for interpreting the Bible. When people start with man-made inventions, instead of "Scripture interpreting Scripture," they fall into the Slough of Despond.
Those who stand with their jaws wide open, extolling righteousness without faith, are really claiming that the Bible is packed with contradictions and errors. Their attacks on justification by faith, their name-calling, comes about because they have blinded themselves to the Word of God by placing themselves above it.
Strangely, many people put human authority above the Holy Spirit's teaching. They seem to fear that some of their heroes might be wrong. In the name of Luther, they speak about the errors of Luther (showing a vast ignorance of his work) but they cannot abide Uncle Fritz being wrong about anything.
Baptism - the Word
Paul's expression about baptism expresses the power of the Word. If baptism were just a custom, then many more words would be used to make sure everyone knows baptism is only symbolic and merely a custom.
Through baptism, God has taken the believer into His Kingdom and into the life of following Christ. That means taking up the cross and also receiving the righteousness of Christ through the cross - through faith.
Baptism into His death means that He is in us and we are in Him, just as He is in the Father and the Father is in Him. For non-believers, such a concept is odd or mysterious or nonsense. But in true Judaism, one follows the other.
My Old Testament class found problems with all the kosher laws and the other customs imposed on them by Moses. I pointed out that there is a motto - "We have kept kosher, and kosher has kept us." Nothing is more identifying than the kosher laws, even though they are not always followed, or they are followed only for special events. A truly kosher kitchen would have two refrigerators, two dishwashers, and so forth. But the concept, which could be dropped during persecution, remained a distinctive of one group of people.
Sacrament is a short-cut word, but the concept has a lot of meaning. The current generation is sacrament-starved but rich in entertainment of the lamest sort. We watched a painfully bad movie called The Rev, which argued for entertainment in the worship service. The bad guy minister liked pipe organs and the bad members hated recorded back-up music on boom boxes. The horror of it all. Of course, the Elvis-like minister was the hero and he prevailed. The actor/director often said "The Gospel" but there was no Gospel message in the movie, as far as I could tell.
Sacrament means combining the visual with the Word. Baptism is a one-time event, but the Word makes it a lifetime sacrament. Therefore, since baptism is the sign of faith in Christ, everything relates to that baptism.
Baptized into His death is a way of citing Isaiah 53, the central message of the Gospel in the Old Testament. Imagine what that was like for people who commonly memorized the Word of God. Manuscripts were too expensive to leave lying around. Who could afford a hand-written copy of the Old Testament? So the substitute was knowing the Word, memorizing the Word.
Isaiah 53 is prominent throughout the New Testament, so we know that it was central to preaching.
Isaiah 53 King James Version (KJV)
53 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lordrevealed?
2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.
3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.
8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.
9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.
11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
So baptism into His death meant a lot when Paul wrote this.
Structure of Romans
After developing and teaching justification by faith in Romans 1-5, Paul taught sanctification based on justification in Romans 6ff.
That is where many people are confused, because false teachers begin with doing rather than believing. And they make a big deal about the right doing, but downplay faith, even judging faith by one's actions.
One Mennonite family said, "He is no Mennonite. He never comes to church." That is a good example. Perhaps they meant, "If he really believed, he would be in church." But the action was first, and that develops into a way of thinking where only the action matters.
Biblical faith unites the two, as Paul taught. Baptized in His death means our words and deeds reflect what Christ did for us.
Romans 6:4 Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.
The "walk" language was and still is symbolic of how we conduct ourselves. Because we are buried with Him by baptism, dying in the Old Adam, so we are raised up with Him into eternal life and therefore in a new way of living.
When I read Luther's sermons, there is a lot of Gospel motivation, which is foremost in this passage. The Gospel itself generates the fruits of the Spirit. So reflecting on the Gospel moves us to follow in the way of Christ, not based on fear of punishment, but simply out of love.
5 For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection:
11. On the other hand, we are outwardly oppressed with the cross and sufferings, and with the persecution and torments of the world and the devil, as with the weight of a heavy stone upon us, subduing our old sinful nature and checking us against antagonizing the Spirit and committing other sins. “For if we have become united [planted together] with him in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection; knowing this, that our old man was crucified with him, that the body of sin might be done away, that so we should no longer be in bondage to sin; for he that hath died is justified from sin.”
12. This is another distinctly apostolic discourse. Being baptized into Christ’s death and buried with him, to which Paul had just referred, he here calls being united, or planted together, with Christ in the likeness of his death. Christ’s death and resurrection and our baptism are intimately united with, and related to, one another. Baptism is not to be regarded a mere empty sign, as Anabaptists erroneously hold. In it is embodied the power of both Christ’s death and resurrection. Hence Paul says, “we are planted together with him,” engrafted into him as a member of his body, so that he is a power in us and his death works in us. Through baptism he dedicates us to himself and imparts to us the power of his death and resurrection, to the end that both death and life may follow in us. Hence our sins are crucified through his death, taken away, that they may finally die in us and no longer live.
12. This is another distinctly apostolic discourse. Being baptized into Christ’s death and buried with him, to which Paul had just referred, he here calls being united, or planted together, with Christ in the likeness of his death. Christ’s death and resurrection and our baptism are intimately united with, and related to, one another. Baptism is not to be regarded a mere empty sign, as Anabaptists erroneously hold. In it is embodied the power of both Christ’s death and resurrection. Hence Paul says, “we are planted together with him,” engrafted into him as a member of his body, so that he is a power in us and his death works in us. Through baptism he dedicates us to himself and imparts to us the power of his death and resurrection, to the end that both death and life may follow in us. Hence our sins are crucified through his death, taken away, that they may finally die in us and no longer live.
As Luther says, this is more than following or even partnership with Christ. We grow together with Him, because we merge into Him the way a graft becomes part of the plant and shares its characteristics.
This shows once again, using the language of gardening and farming, that the power of the Christian life comes from the Savior rather than from us. Those who want to praise themselves are really denigrating the power of Jesus in the believers.
As one wit observed, Paul seldom resisted the temptation to praise his own work, but he was also quick to give credit to the power of Christ in him. He had placed so much emphasis on his works-righteousness in his days as a Pharisee that he gloried in what Jesus did in Him, the former persecutor and unbeliever. He was so blind and hardened that he could see that this came through God's grace.
The old Pharisee comes through at times so we can see a glimpse of ourselves as well.
6 Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. 7 For he that is dead is freed from sin. 8 Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him: 9 Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him. 10 For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. 11 Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Death and life are explained two different ways. By modern man - "I want to leave a body of work." (actor) or this - "I want to preserve this house for the next generation." (preservationist) "I want to leave behind a legacy." (politician) Death would be not accomplishing that noble purpose, which is self-centered.
For a Christian believer, death is a transition to eternal life, a power so great that it energizes every day. And life is that eternal life that Christ has given us through faith.
Sassy's Emergency Run to Lowe's
Our helper decided to do some work when the real feel reached 100 degrees yesterday. Sassy and I jumped in the deluxe pickup truck (Lincoln Town Car) and went to Lowe's for mushroom compost and mulch.
Our target - the ugliest maple tree in town. Some inexpensive bulbs had been growing at the base of the tree, encased in roots and producing no blooms. The more we pruned the maple branches, the worse the base looked.
The plan - the shadier part looked like a good place for vinca minor (periwinkle) and the perimeter would be good for Gruss an Aachen roses. We could not get the roses yet, so we began a coverup operation that would elicit the envy of Washing DC and various synod headquarters.
Sassy is welcome at Lowe's so we went inside the gardening center together. She let out some happy barks, so I had to explain her loud barks. Lowe's staff gathered around, fussed over her, and asked about her history and DNA. She loved it.
We got 10 bags of mushroom compost and 4 bags of cypress mulch. I said, "That's a nice name for it - mushroom compost." They said, "Yes, more delicate."
In the old days, the same bags were composted manure, which was not the first thing the white gloved gardeners are going to buy. Mushroom compost sounds genteel, and the horses do not mind a bit.
Some readers may recall the post on manure adding "salts" to the garden and not good to plant in. The veggie garden is growing fine with mushroom compost, and the grass near it is growing even better. Still, I decided the compost should weather over the winter, because I want this rose garden to be the spectacular showpiece of the front yard, with a row of 8 rose bushes blooming in profusion around the maple, with periwinkle serving as ground cover in the shade.
Gruss an Aachen is famous for blooming in the shade, but that means it is even more productive in the sun. More pruning will give it plenty of sun.
As noted above, the day was brutally hot, so Sassy did not even want to play in the shady backyard with our helper's children, so she barked to go in. Normally she sits in the shade and supervises - her German Shepherd side.
We used circumvallation for the mushroom compost. I never get a chance to use that word - which describes how the Romans built a wall around an entire city, like Jerusalem. Its purpose was to prevent movement into a besieged city or escape from it. Fortunately Josephus escaped and wrote his history.
I did not want to buy a large supply of clay tiles to encircle the tree, and digging around a maple also seemed daunting. Weathered mushroom compost will make a good bed for the new roses in the spring, and the ground underneath will be thoroughly dug by earthworms and soil creatures. In effect, the roses will be on top the old soil with the weathered compost around them.
Today the rose garden exploded with blooms after seeming to be spent. All I added was Alex pruning all the old blooms off by himself, with a little grandfatherly guidance. He was very thorough and really enjoyed helping.
Everyone is interested in the gourds and pumpkins forming. The flowers are out and bees are working the pollen. That is another area where the Creator takes care of the work schedule. All I did was plant the seeds and water them. As soon as the blooms offer pollen, the bees move the pollen from the male blooms to the female blooms. I may forget to turn the elevated water system on - or off - but the bees show up on time.
Our helper is convinced I have a terrible weed in the rose garden. I said, "No I think I planted it." He wondered, "What is it? I think you have a very healthy weed." I was not sure - "We will find out when it blooms." Something is forming on the end, so I am hopeful for vindication.
The next planting will be fall bulbs:
- Crown imperial.
- Giant alium.
- Emperor tulips.
- Daffodils.Some crocus and early spring flowers - snow drops.
My daughter-in-law says that the animals eat the bulbs, so I will have to see what survives predation. Some bulbs are not likely to be eaten, but tulips and crocus are often eaten.
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John Paul II |
Below the tulip drifts will be the last row of roses in the spring. I am hoping to alternate pure white hybrid tea roses with pure red ones - JP II and Olympiad. That will leave room for Double Delight, and some varieties that are subject to voting from the altar guild.
I told our helper, "The best way is to get the spouse interested in plans, so the budget is not cut."
The tomatoes are growing and getting ready to ripen. The pole beans are wrapping around the top of the fence. Some sunflowers are forming seed heads. Other sunflowers are still growing up.
I thought Agent Orange ate my new veggie garden, but that was because the radishes sprouted first and seemed to be orphaned. I should have waited. The rest came up later.
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He stops by our salad bar - frequently. |
Exotics Can Be Found in Our Own Backyards - But We Take Them for Granted
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Have you seen a murmuration of starlings, where they weave patterns in the sky by constantly changing group flight patterns? We watched during a church picnic, transfixed by the ever-changing shapes created. |
I lost track of the Facebook page on jeweled spiders from Australia, with some remarkable photos in the article.
I decided to Google the images and could not find anything close to the article, so I wondered if it was a hoax. I could find the category and examples, but they did not look like walking stained glass windows - except for the one photo of a jewelry case in the shape of a spider.
Nothing would surprise me about exotic animals, especially those in Australia, where they seem to be larger, more colorful, and more dangerous than anywhere else except Africa. They even have giant earthworms in Australia.
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Everyone loves the Sassy grin. |
Sassy is learning her Australian culture, since she is half Australian Cattle Dog, bred from the tough little dingo wild dog of that continent. We sing Waltzing Matilda and the Cattle Dog Blues in the car. That proved useful when we were waiting for tires at Goodyear. Two customers became very interested in her behavior and three legs, so we sang the Cattle Dog Blues, with Sassy howling the chorus. They loved it so much that Sassy pawed my leg to get the second verse going, where she howled again. She loves attention. The customers wrote down the Sassy blog's name so they could look it up later.
When she begins yipping in a high-pitched voice, we chide her about "going full Kelpie." That is another name for the Cattle Dog - Kelpie. When she hears that Kelpie name, she really sounds off.
She used that call to get the Helper family out of their house. Mrs. Helper asks for the happy bark when we stop by. Sassy responds with her German Shepherd voice, a very loud but lower pitched bark, sent left and right for full coverage. "There's that happy bark!" And she barks some more. In contrast, the Kelpie yip is high pitched and penetrating, one sharp warning or alert.
She yips if anyone tries to pick her up or comes close to stepping on her. She is especially sensitive because of her amputation and recuperation, but she is also quite the drama queen.
She is one of those homegrown exotics that people often overlook. Sassy is unusually smart and independent, cleverly working on us to understand her way of doing things. I asked her to move over on the bed, so she rolled over for loveys. If Mrs. Ichabod does not join in pettting her, Sassy looks back to get a second person petting her at the same time. She grins about this because her independent actions make us laugh each time.
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Butterfly Weed is related to Milkweed, named Asclepias for the healing properties of this family. |
I am hoping that Butterfly Weed will grow in my yard. I planted some along the fence. In time they should show themselves. The attracts butterflies in general but also helps other plants - a companion plant.
Once upon a time Milkweed was common, and so were Monarch butterflies. Now people are wishing for more butterflies and worry about the loss of the Monarch.
I think I spotted some local Milkweed on my walk. A stand of them would support some Monarch caterpillars, but I doubt one plant in the sidewalk crack will do it.
Here the Monarch, in his jade coffin with golden nails. The wing markings are visible. Shortly before he was a fat caterpillar with none of this coloring - no gold frills. I am not going to get jeweled spiders in my yard, but I can raise these and even hatch them in a glass jar, as I did years ago in New Ulm.
No one is sure if the golden nails have a function. I consider it showboating by the Creator. If you ever doubt the power of the Creating Word, look at what He does with with a homely caterpillar that dines on milkweed sap.
Virtue Online Continues To Rebuke the Insane Piety of the Left -
A letter from the Rt. Rev. Charles G. vonRosenberg or how The Episcopal Church got it all wrong
A letter from the Rt. Rev. Charles G. vonRosenberg or how The Episcopal Church got it all wrong
News Analysis
By David W. Virtue DD
July 26, 2014
The provisional bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina, Charles G. vonRosenberg has written a letter to his diocesan supporters, addressing the recent trial over some $500 million plus dollars in properties, in an attempt to make the case that the trial is both necessary and, he believes, still winnable.
Bishop vonRosenberg: In a television interview at the trial’s conclusion, I said it is a sad image for sides in a church dispute to square off in a courtroom. This surely is not the best or most appropriate place for us to settle our differences. Nevertheless, the courtroom is precisely where we have found ourselves during these weeks. Another impression I have from that experience is that exhaustion became a fact of life for many participants in the trial. It really did develop into a test of endurance at many levels.
VOL: If you had not started this legal battle back in March of 2013, wherein you claimed to be the rightful authority of the diocese that of course included property issues, none of the millions spent since then would have been necessary. Ironically, St. Paul even addressed this possibility in his first letter to the Corinthians, “Why do you not rather allow yourselves to be defrauded? The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated?” (1 Cor. 6:7) Of course, it is a well known “fact” among liberal and revisionist episcopal bishops that St. Paul was a self-loathing homosexual who probably didn’t have a clue about the niceties of law (even though he was trained in the law) and had yet to meet the self-effacing David Booth Beers.
Conversely, “neutral principles” has always been the dividing issue. Judge Goodstein reiterated to both parties that South Carolina is a “neutral” principle state and that she would only consider how this relates to property law. Think All Saints’ Pawleys Island. The legal decision made over at All Saints should have triggered in your mind that you never had a prayer and should have raised a red flag about litigation. Apparently not. Furthermore, your lawyers tried to pull some sneaky legal maneuvers that didn’t get past the good judge thus making your case even harder to defend. Biblically, by ignoring St. Paul’s specific warning about taking brothers to court, you shot yourselves in the legal thigh making any hope of future reconciliation impossible.
Bishop vonRosenberg: Even though we occasionally might have been aware of the historic significance of what was happening, most of the time was spent observing routine legal details. That was not the most engaging or productive use of time.
VOL: True and the winner was the law firm of David Booth Beers. We should also not forget one other high-priced witness, Prof. Robert Bruce Mullin of General Theological Seminary in New York. So far, TEC has paid more than One Million Dollars to develop and testify to his unique “interpretation” of the historical documents of the Church. Is one man’s testimony really worth $1 million? That’s more than what several rectors make in a lifetime including their pensions!
Bishop vonRosenberg: It may appear that the Dorchester County case represents an unfortunate detour on the diocesan pilgrimage of Faith. On the other hand, these weeks may simply be part of the journey that we must endure along the way, in order to reach another place. In any event – as we reflect on our biblical heritage – perhaps we may see that these current times represent a kind of wilderness wandering. The good news in this, of course, is that we know that such wanderings in the wilderness may lead eventually to the Promised Land. And that, my friends, defines the destination of our journey! In our current times, keeping in mind that eventual destination is crucial for the endurance so necessary for us now.
VOL: Your use of biblical imagery to explain what happened is disingenuous to say the least…of “wilderness” and “promised land”, “destinations” and “journey”, taken directly from the OT wanderings of God’s nomadic people the Jews is pure unalloyed bunkum. They actually suffered real hardships. You have neither suffered nor wandered in the wilderness, nor will you see the Promised Land -- unless of course you hope to win in the state Supreme Court and, if not there, the Supreme Court of the US. Another option of course is repentance but we won’t hold our breath. One thing is for sure, the “journey” will end there and there is every likelihood you will lose. If what I am reading is correct, the only “suffering” will be over the millions of dollars paid to David Booth Beers law’s firm. I doubt you have personally lost a dime. It’s a bit much to imagine the “wilderness” as a metaphor for the fine streets, hotels, and restaurants of Charleston SC, and the tourist attractions that dot the landscape along with the fine history of the Lowcountry. The “wilderness” could be a metaphor for your own mind.
According to a VOL source you failed his canonicals because of the appalling rubbish you wrote. However this decision was overruled and you got ordained anyway.
Bishop vonRosenberg: Therefore, keep the Faith! In spite of receiving ill will, nevertheless be conveyors of good will. In spite of indications and evidence of division, nevertheless hold onto Christ’s vision of unity. In spite of the world’s hatred, nevertheless claim love as our Lord’s command. On our journey of Faith, remember that the Promised Land of God is our destination, and that Land will certainly mark the conclusion of our pilgrimage!
VOL: Keep the faith! Really! I have news for you. It is precisely you and your fellow liberal bishops (and those in your diocese) NOT keeping the faith that caused this legal and property dust up in the first place. Had you “kept the faith”, none of this would have happened. Had Bishop Gene Robinson’s openly homogenital behavior and lifestyle not been the problem, none of this would have happened. You can throw Spong’s 12 Theses on the pyre of episcopal apostasy for good measure.
You have a lot of nerve telling Bishop Mark Lawrence and his followers “to keep the faith” when it is you and your ilk that have abandoned it! What world are you living in? Your vision of “unity” is a bucket of Indaba manure. There is no unity in TEC. It has fallen apart. The only truth here is the absolute and total hatred you and your fellow bishops have of orthodoxy. How else can you explain the near total vilification of those who disagree with you about sodomy? In one general convention after another, the orthodox drew lines in the sand only to watch as pansexual Episcopal tanks rolled over them, pushing the orthodox past the Maginot line of safety (in the name of inclusion and diversity of course). In the end those actions forced a new spiritual and ecclesiastical army to form in the person of a new general (archbishop) Robert Duncan and the eventual formation of the Anglican Church in North America!
We now have ACNA as a sure sign that unity is not only not possible, it will never be possible again if you and TEC continue on your Gadarene journey of unbiblical apostasies. It is you who have embraced “erroneous and strange doctrines” contrary to God's Word that you vowed to “drive away”. It is you and your fellow bishops who have embraced pansexuality thus causing a de facto schism in the Anglican Communion. It is you and your crowd that forced the ACNA into existence. Had you not abandoned the faith, none of this would be happening.
The only “conclusion” for SCOTUS will quite probably be to decide whether or not you get the $500 to $800 million dollars worth of properties. If you don’t, will you then say the “wilderness” was worth wandering in? Will you continue perpetuating the lies that TEC is a viable Christian denomination when most of the Global South won’t have a thing to do with you, while they do recognize Bishop Mark Lawrence?
What will the “wilderness” look like if you lose the next two appeals? Will you come out of it and say, “We lost? God bless you Mark, you won the property and theological war; and when I end up in Hell one day, will you give me water to quench my thirst?” Or perhaps you will join Rumi the Sufi on a plain beyond good and evil, Frank Griswold’s utopian vision of the Book of Revelation.
Your letter is too disingenuous by half. You may temporarily placate your followers with soft words, but we all know this will end badly. Even if you win, you will be left with dozens of expensive (to maintain) but empty churches. How can it be otherwise?
Perhaps it might be worth ruminating on: What should it profit a bishop if he gains all the properties but loses his own soul? That’s worth thinking about.
Bishop vonRosenberg: Even though we occasionally might have been aware of the historic significance of what was happening, most of the time was spent observing routine legal details. That was not the most engaging or productive use of time.
VOL: True and the winner was the law firm of David Booth Beers. We should also not forget one other high-priced witness, Prof. Robert Bruce Mullin of General Theological Seminary in New York. So far, TEC has paid more than One Million Dollars to develop and testify to his unique “interpretation” of the historical documents of the Church. Is one man’s testimony really worth $1 million? That’s more than what several rectors make in a lifetime including their pensions!
Bishop vonRosenberg: It may appear that the Dorchester County case represents an unfortunate detour on the diocesan pilgrimage of Faith. On the other hand, these weeks may simply be part of the journey that we must endure along the way, in order to reach another place. In any event – as we reflect on our biblical heritage – perhaps we may see that these current times represent a kind of wilderness wandering. The good news in this, of course, is that we know that such wanderings in the wilderness may lead eventually to the Promised Land. And that, my friends, defines the destination of our journey! In our current times, keeping in mind that eventual destination is crucial for the endurance so necessary for us now.
VOL: Your use of biblical imagery to explain what happened is disingenuous to say the least…of “wilderness” and “promised land”, “destinations” and “journey”, taken directly from the OT wanderings of God’s nomadic people the Jews is pure unalloyed bunkum. They actually suffered real hardships. You have neither suffered nor wandered in the wilderness, nor will you see the Promised Land -- unless of course you hope to win in the state Supreme Court and, if not there, the Supreme Court of the US. Another option of course is repentance but we won’t hold our breath. One thing is for sure, the “journey” will end there and there is every likelihood you will lose. If what I am reading is correct, the only “suffering” will be over the millions of dollars paid to David Booth Beers law’s firm. I doubt you have personally lost a dime. It’s a bit much to imagine the “wilderness” as a metaphor for the fine streets, hotels, and restaurants of Charleston SC, and the tourist attractions that dot the landscape along with the fine history of the Lowcountry. The “wilderness” could be a metaphor for your own mind.
According to a VOL source you failed his canonicals because of the appalling rubbish you wrote. However this decision was overruled and you got ordained anyway.
Bishop vonRosenberg: Therefore, keep the Faith! In spite of receiving ill will, nevertheless be conveyors of good will. In spite of indications and evidence of division, nevertheless hold onto Christ’s vision of unity. In spite of the world’s hatred, nevertheless claim love as our Lord’s command. On our journey of Faith, remember that the Promised Land of God is our destination, and that Land will certainly mark the conclusion of our pilgrimage!
VOL: Keep the faith! Really! I have news for you. It is precisely you and your fellow liberal bishops (and those in your diocese) NOT keeping the faith that caused this legal and property dust up in the first place. Had you “kept the faith”, none of this would have happened. Had Bishop Gene Robinson’s openly homogenital behavior and lifestyle not been the problem, none of this would have happened. You can throw Spong’s 12 Theses on the pyre of episcopal apostasy for good measure.
You have a lot of nerve telling Bishop Mark Lawrence and his followers “to keep the faith” when it is you and your ilk that have abandoned it! What world are you living in? Your vision of “unity” is a bucket of Indaba manure. There is no unity in TEC. It has fallen apart. The only truth here is the absolute and total hatred you and your fellow bishops have of orthodoxy. How else can you explain the near total vilification of those who disagree with you about sodomy? In one general convention after another, the orthodox drew lines in the sand only to watch as pansexual Episcopal tanks rolled over them, pushing the orthodox past the Maginot line of safety (in the name of inclusion and diversity of course). In the end those actions forced a new spiritual and ecclesiastical army to form in the person of a new general (archbishop) Robert Duncan and the eventual formation of the Anglican Church in North America!
We now have ACNA as a sure sign that unity is not only not possible, it will never be possible again if you and TEC continue on your Gadarene journey of unbiblical apostasies. It is you who have embraced “erroneous and strange doctrines” contrary to God's Word that you vowed to “drive away”. It is you and your fellow bishops who have embraced pansexuality thus causing a de facto schism in the Anglican Communion. It is you and your crowd that forced the ACNA into existence. Had you not abandoned the faith, none of this would be happening.
The only “conclusion” for SCOTUS will quite probably be to decide whether or not you get the $500 to $800 million dollars worth of properties. If you don’t, will you then say the “wilderness” was worth wandering in? Will you continue perpetuating the lies that TEC is a viable Christian denomination when most of the Global South won’t have a thing to do with you, while they do recognize Bishop Mark Lawrence?
What will the “wilderness” look like if you lose the next two appeals? Will you come out of it and say, “We lost? God bless you Mark, you won the property and theological war; and when I end up in Hell one day, will you give me water to quench my thirst?” Or perhaps you will join Rumi the Sufi on a plain beyond good and evil, Frank Griswold’s utopian vision of the Book of Revelation.
Your letter is too disingenuous by half. You may temporarily placate your followers with soft words, but we all know this will end badly. Even if you win, you will be left with dozens of expensive (to maintain) but empty churches. How can it be otherwise?
Perhaps it might be worth ruminating on: What should it profit a bishop if he gains all the properties but loses his own soul? That’s worth thinking about.
Weeds and Herbs - Mix and Match. Borage Gives Courage and Volunteers Like Dill
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Borage flowers are so bee friendly that they are often called bee bread. |
Our helper pointed toward a plant with coarse leaves and asked what it was. I was not sure at first, because I planted a number of seeds in the rose garden. He said, "I think it is a weed." I thought not - maybe borage, an herb. I grew it in Phoenix, and it did well there, but the plants were small. This plant was attacked by insects but grew tall anyway. Now the top is ready to bloom and set seed. Like dill, it will seed itself easily.
Borage flowers are edible and often used to garnish a salad. The plant has a little rhyme in Latin, describing its virtue as an herb, which translates as -
I borage,
Give thee courage.
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Some see a coarse plant that insects chew - I see an easy to grow herb that attracts bees. |
The flowers are pink and blue, giving me a chance to say "The pink ones are girls and the blue ones are boys."
I went through the rose garden, looking for opportunistic weeds. They hate to be trimmed, so I trim them. They would rather be rooted out of the mulch, which would expose more weed seed for germination. So I use trimmers to cut them back to the base. One is witchgrass, seeking new points to create roots. Another is crabgrass, a productive seed producer - snip. Dandelion is a beneficial herb, so I let it sink down its taproot, but I trim away the leaves and flower stalk.
Mulch will have weeds because the seeds are in the air. They only need sunlight and some moisture to start their work.
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Dill is easily identified by its aroma and delicate flowers. |
Dill is known for being stronger as a volunteer than when first planted. The plant is attractive, aromatic, and fun to grow. I used to harvest the seeds to eat with ripe tomatoes from the garden. Warning - do not get used to garden tomatoes - they have flavor, even more so with dill.
Herbs are a good education for gardening. They either help nearby plants, or attract beneficial insects, or boost the compost - all while contributing health to us.
Before WWII, all pharmacy was based on herbs. They had little more than herbs to help people.Peasants used moldy bread on infections long before we began using and abusing penicillin.
The Rodale Press book on herbs is good to read. Herbs are often humble plants that look like weeds and get along on any kind of soil. Some grow better on poor soil than on good soil. Was that planned by the Creator?
Mulch Away
We continue to expand the backyard garden area for the spring. We are facing a critical shortage of newspapers. We used the last of them last night. My favorite item is a pile of soggy newspapers. What the world despises, God uses for the good.
Soggy newspaper stay put in the wind, which was a problem last night for the dry pages. Wet newsprint will attract earthworms and other creatures of rot to turn yesterday's journalism into the best soil - while suppressing weeds.
One part of the new vegetable garden is not really planted, so grassy weeds were growing up fast. That is simply green manure. I put soggy newspapers and mulch on top, and now that area is composting 100%. It is attractive with cypress mulch instead of unkempt with grassy weeds.
Except for poison ivy and a few other toxic plants, most weeds will become beneficial when denied sunlight or composted.
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Loaded with nutrition, great at volunteering, this herb has spawned the ideal industry. Dandelions will never go away, but people pay millions to dream that it might. |
Anonymous Attacks Me and My Readers on WELS Pollution
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I should stop using Ski/Glende graphics, but everyone enjoys them. |
The synod minders got to Polluted WELS and got him to be nice instead of honest. Now the site reads like the blog for the Campfire Girls. Are they allowed in WELS? I hope not. Pure unionism there.
I'm appreciating this thread, and the positive ideas that have been presented. My suggestion, if you wish to continue having beneficial conversation, is that you distance yourself from Greg Jackson. His posts (as demonstrated here) will do nothing but lower the overall quality of your blog. Jesus said we will know his followers by their fruit. Greg brings only division.

Cowardly Anonymouse - Jesus spoke of separating the sheep from the goats. And He said He came not to bring peace but the sword, and to divide one against the other. And Paul said there must be divisions, to separate the good from the bad. But some of your want your abusive Pietism, and you will keep it in the name of Holy Mother WELS, GA, group gropes, and alcoholism.

Mr. Overhill - I believe you are correct. I believe totally in the power of the Word, and that includes its proper and true exegesis, i.e. the Book of Concord. IF - wow what a HUGE word - but IF even a good percentage, say 25 to 30% of WELS Pastors and churches would study, really study, the Bible and Confessions TOGETHER, there would either be reform in the WELS, or the WELS would split - one or the other.
But I don't think either will happen, because I don't think anything close to a healthy percentage of pastors and churches will really dig into their true Lutheran and Biblical heritage. That is considered "looking back" by most of our peers. There is simply too much fear of having to work for a living, to punch a clock and be under a real boss, that most WELS pastors will do anything, or do nothing, in order to preserve their current situations and lifestyles. That's just the way it is.
b-t-w: I'm shown here as tlcsvaz, but in case anyone doesn't know, I am Rev. Fr. Steven D. Spencer, Pastor of Trinity Orthodox Lutheran Church of Sierra Vista, AZ; wearer of clerical collars, black gowns, beffchen, and chasubles, follower of TLH pg. 5 and 15 liturgies, hanger of Icons, user of ashes and incense, practitioner of Private Confession & Absolution; heretic-hunter even back in seminary, founder, publisher, and Director of the Orthodox Lutheran Forum, Inc.(1988 to present), co-founder of Intrepid Lutherans, Founder and Chairman of the Confessional Lutheran Ministerium of the Southwest, and all-around synod gadfly and pest to DPs. I for one don't want to be thought of as anonymous. Life is too short to spend time hiding under a rock!
But I don't think either will happen, because I don't think anything close to a healthy percentage of pastors and churches will really dig into their true Lutheran and Biblical heritage. That is considered "looking back" by most of our peers. There is simply too much fear of having to work for a living, to punch a clock and be under a real boss, that most WELS pastors will do anything, or do nothing, in order to preserve their current situations and lifestyles. That's just the way it is.
b-t-w: I'm shown here as tlcsvaz, but in case anyone doesn't know, I am Rev. Fr. Steven D. Spencer, Pastor of Trinity Orthodox Lutheran Church of Sierra Vista, AZ; wearer of clerical collars, black gowns, beffchen, and chasubles, follower of TLH pg. 5 and 15 liturgies, hanger of Icons, user of ashes and incense, practitioner of Private Confession & Absolution; heretic-hunter even back in seminary, founder, publisher, and Director of the Orthodox Lutheran Forum, Inc.(1988 to present), co-founder of Intrepid Lutherans, Founder and Chairman of the Confessional Lutheran Ministerium of the Southwest, and all-around synod gadfly and pest to DPs. I for one don't want to be thought of as anonymous. Life is too short to spend time hiding under a rock!
More from Mark Jeske, Inc. - WELS/ELS Rot Worse Than LCMS
Yup - WELS Bad Grammar on Jeske Websty
Frequently Axed Questions
Q26: Is the conference open only to CELC* members? *CELC = Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference of which the WELS and ELS are members
A: The 2015 Christian Leadership Experience and its organizing partners are specifically inviting the people who make up our constituency, which is primarily WELS/ELS or CELC. However, the event is open to whomever (sic) is interested in building their leadership skills.
The topic is discussed here.
Using whom and whomever in the wrong place is typical of those with poor training in English. They use "myself" instead of me. They never use "me" as the object of a preposition - "they gave the job to Bob and I."
Theology is the grammar of faith, as Paul Holmer, my professor at Yale, observed. WELS is a good example of bad English grammar and horrible theological grammar.
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My conference will be soooo big. |
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Elton Stroh is teaching Martin Luther College students how to dump the liturgy and creeds at their big old fuddy-duddy congregations. Those musty old practices are dated and uninviting. |
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This is the original photo, before it was edited by WELS to make the whiteboard writing hard to read. But they left in the same blonde, the same outfit on Elton. |
Money Changers at the Religious Conference
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Did you think we would forget the loot? Conferences are all about cash benefits - for us - the noble hosts. |
2015 Christian Leadership Experience: SPONSORSHIP
A Christian leadership event focused on: Organizational Leadership, Global Health Ministry and Mission Volunteerism.
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- Company literature inserted in each attendee folder
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- Listed in the Event Program
Gold Sponsor - $5,000
- Company name Listed on our event website
- Booth – 8ft. skirted table in Vendor Foyer
- Three (3) Conference Registrations
- Introduce 5 breakout sessions
- Company literature inserted in each attendee folder
- Logo on Front of Attendee Folder
- Print recognition on select marketing materials and signage
- Recognition in Event PowerPoint Presentation
- Listed in the Event Program
Silver Sponsor - $2,500
- Booth – 8ft. skirted table in Vendor Foyer
- One (1) Conference Registration
- Logo on Front of Attendee Folder
- Print recognition on select marketing materials and signage
- Recognition in Event PowerPoint Presentation
- Listed in the Event Program
Bronze Sponsor - $500
- Booth – 8ft. skirted table in Vendor Foyer
- Listed in the Event Program
General Contributor - $20-499
- Listed in the Event Program
Ichabod Contributor - $0
- Denounced by name while others pat themselves on the back for being Confessional.
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Highway robbery, without the Good Samaritan to help. Jesus works among believers, Satan among apostates. |
Kelmed from Polluted WELS:
Ok, I don't want to sound too "over the top"....but there is a real pecking order in the WELS. For most called ministers, they have quite a bit of latitude with who and where they associate. But God forbid that one of the lowly parishioners goes to one of their relatives churches (outside of WELS) and admit to reciting the Lord's Prayer, participating in the liturgy, etc...No way, they are too uneducated or unlearned not to be enticed away by other denominations. Oh, but let the "elite" in the WELS associate with whoever they want...if there is an issue, it will be "studied" by the district prez or circuit minister or whoever.
Thanks for letting my vent.
Mt Vesuvius
Thanks for letting my vent.
Mt Vesuvius

Maybe I'm missing something, but what exactly is the point of this conference thing?

Church Growth conference: How to make your congregation indistinguishable in doctrine and practice from the local non-denominational mega-church.

ok.. so I see the BIG names in WELS. Stroh, Jeske, K. Wendland and a few ELS thrown in. So are these all Lutherans or are there a few "others" thrown in?
Build a Customer-Centric Church Business To Make More Money. Even Better - Listen to Pagan Gods Teaching You How To Be Rich!
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http://www.christlead.com/speakers.php |
From Polluted WELS:

This is nothing less than a complete betrayal of everything that is truly and properly Lutheran. That it is put on by various semi-official entities of the WELS, and features at least 2 District Presidents, shows that it has the blessing of the entire administration. Thus, the rot in the synod goes all the way to the top, even if it didn't start there. This is absolutely disgusting. A petition should be started to condemn this. WELS Pastors - where is your confessional loyalty?!

Buchholz signed the secret Internet petition against Mark Jeske, then endorsed Mark Jeske soon after - at the WELS convention. Hysterically funny and so typical of WELS and Buchie. He did the same with Jeff Gunn, who went from leper to lapdog under the watchful gaze of DP Buchholz.
Ann Rhoades
Founding Executive Vice President of People, JetBlue Airways; President, People Ink and Best-selling Author, Built on Values: Creating an Enviable Culture that Outperforms the Competition
Exclusively WSB
Ann Rhoades is a corporate executive with over 25 years’ experience in a variety of service-based industries and is president of People Ink, her consulting company that helps organizations create unique workplace cultures based on values and performance. She held the position of vice president of the People Department for Southwest Airlines and executive vice president of Team Services for Promus Hotel Corporation and most recently, the executive vice president of People for JetBlue Airways where she currently remains as a board member.
Rhoades has a respected reputation in the industry for her creative approach to creating customer-centric cultures. During her tenure with Doubletree Hotels, later Promus Hotel Corporation, she built a service culture focused on delivering outstanding service to guests. During the time Rhoades headed the People Department at Southwest Airlines, she solidified Southwest’s reputation of retaining and hiring the best people in the airline business despite Southwest’s rapid growth during that time.
As one of five founding executives, Rhoades took responsibility for the creation of JetBlue Airways Corporation’s People Team in New York. In her role as head of human resources, Rhoades has been a key member of the executive team, and is extremely successful in her role as internal counsel to executives in every discipline in the organization.
Rhoades is a popular speaker on the subject of customer service and how to build a strong high-performing culture.
Her community involvement includes director on the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Board, University of New Mexico Alumni Association Board, University of New Mexico Presidential Award Advisory Committee, chairman for Safer New Mexico Now and board member of New Mexico Appleseed. Rhoades has formerly served on the boards of P.F. Chang’s China Bistro, HireVue, Inc., Restoration Hardware, Accion New Mexico, Albuquerque Community Foundation and the University of New Mexico-Robert O Anderson School of Business National Advisory Board.
Rhoades has a Master of Business Administration degree in Management from the University of New Mexico and her book Built on Values was released in January 2011.
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Sharon Buck sells Mary Kay Cosmetics and has a prize-winning (for ugly) websty. See the Mary Kay content here. |
http://www.helmsangels.com/Mundy%20Area%20Debut.pdf |
Did this blog warn about Mark Jeske being involved in occult philosophy? Yes - and above is an example of one of his keynote speakers teaching men. Her claim to fame is the cosmetics company run on Napoleon Hill's occult religion.
Napoleon Hill and Mary Kay - Principle 3.
Mary Kay supporting Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill
Updated Think and Grow Rich
In the original Think and Grow Rich, published in 1937, Hill draws on stories of Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and other millionaires of his generation to illustrate his principles. In the updated version, Arthur R. Pell, Ph.D., a nationally known author, lecturer, and consultant in human resources management and an expert in applying Hill's thought, deftly interweaves anecdotes of how contemporary millionaires and billionaires, such as Bill Gates, Mary Kay Ash, Dave Thomas, and Sir John Templeton, achieved their wealth. Outmoded or arcane terminology and examples are faithfully refreshed to preclude any stumbling blocks to a new generation of readers.
One Instance of NYT Plagiarism Is Worth an Article, But WELS-ELS-LCMS Plagiarism Is Supported
N.Y. Times investigating plagiarism charge
The New York Times is reviewing an accusation of plagiarism against veteran reporter Carol Vogel, who was charged with lifting a paragraph from a Wikipedia article for a story about Italian Renaissance painter Piero di Cosimo.
The paragraph, discovered by FishbowlNY on Monday, appears in a July 24 article and is almost identical to a passage from the Wikipedia entry on di Cosimo, with minor word swaps and grammatical changes. Gawker's J.K. Trotter flagged the Fishbowl report on Tuesday.
“We’re aware of the situation and are looking into it," Times spokesperson Eileen Murphy said in a statement.
The charge against Vogel comes just days after BuzzFeed Editor Benny Johnson was fired for serial plagiarism. In many instances, Johnson lifted passages directly from Wikipedia. He also copied from news sites, including the Times.
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WELS Church and Changers cannot write, so they copy and paste their material, much of it from the Fuller-Willowcreek-Groeschel-Stanley crowd. |
GJ - The blessing of plagiarism among LCMS-WELS-ELS clergy should make everyone stop before launching a defense of Holy Mother Synod.
Deputy Doug Engelbrecht--guardian of doctrine at the Anything Goes District of WELS--endorsed and excused plagiarism in a formal essay where he wiggled around more than an Episcopalian bishop.
The WELS district responded to a lawyer's charge of plagiarism against Glende and Ski - by excommunicating the lawyer. WELS' blessing upon this dishonest and illegal behavior is signaled by Glende being a featured speaker at the WELS Teachers Conference. Nota banally - Plagiarism is one of the biggest issues in academics today.
Paul Kelm, David Valleskey, and Waldo Werning led the way by copying what they loved at Fuller Seminary and marketing it as their creativity. WELS-LCMS-ELS rewarded their dishonesty with star status, protection, and baskets of cash.
Jack Cascione and Herman Otten are so dumb that they regarded Paul McCain's verbatim plagiarism from Roman Catholic sources as signs of scholarship. McCain's boss at Concordia Publishing House saw nothing wrong with McCain's plagiarism,denying it reflected on the integrity of their very rich publishing house. Ironic twist - McCain pursues any example of using CPH copyright material. He even blocked an independent book where the accidental use of one (1) CPH graphic had already been removed.
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I am still waiting for the email that says, "You were right." |
No public action was taken regarding McCain's repeated plagiarism from The Catholic Encyclopedia and his friends' blog. McCain boss unfriended me on Facebook and told me to stop being so unChristian. Finally McCain erased his entire blog without a word of apology - only lame excuses and more bragging than Toad of Toad Hall.
Cascione, who brandishes his anti-Catholicism, never admitted that he aided and abetted McCain by posting the links to the plagiarism on his dreadful SpenerQuest blog.
I have noticed this about WELS-ELS-LCMS. They pose as eagles glaring at the evil of the world, thousands of miles away, but cannot identify the vermin in their own nests.
Remember the plagiarism flowing from the Great Cloaca of LCMS-ELS-WELS the next times someone is kicked out the ministry and robbed of his income, simply because he dared to question the holiness and infallibility of Holy Mother Synod.
Comfrey - Or Knitbone: Big Relative of Borage
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Comfrey flowers quickly turn to seed - and even more comfrey. |
I did not have to look for comfrey in Michigan. The herb grows everywhere, so people consider it a weed. Organic gardeners like its green growth and deep roots, which mine minerals from the lower layers of soil.
Most plants are happy with feeding in the top 12 inches of soil. The plants with deep roots bring up those minerals that are out of reach of most plants. Tree leaves are a source of minerals, and so are the big green weeds often cursed, doused with Roundup, and cut down down with electric flails - weed-eaters indeed.
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The big velvety Comfrey leaves are attractive, good for composting and mulching. I suggest caution in using herbs for medicine, since opinions flourish on the Net. |
Comfrey is on my list for the backyard next year. Near the alley, it will be a good screening plant and source for compost and mulch. Pumpkins will grow back there, too. I may grow very large butterfly bushes for a screen with sunflowers helping out while the bushes grow.
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If it looks like the foot of a goose, it is goosefoot and good to eat. I am a weed eater, when I know the weed is a good, healthy plant, related to spinach. |
Learning the difference between good weeds and bad ones will help gardening projects. Goosefoot is big and green, with deep roots. Pigweed is similar, but not so nice. If compost and mulch producing plants are growing on their own and sheltering birds, why mow them down and bag them up for garbage?
This could become the official herb of the Church Growth Movement, started by Karl Barth and Charlotte Kirschbaum, imported by Fuller Seminary. |
Daily Bird Care
Later I want the back part of the yard full of plants that will feed and shelter birds.
For now, I make sure there are many stations for drinking and bathing. A dozen total in the front and back yards always have fresh water from watering, and I dump out dirty water that could shelter mosquitoes.
If there is human food to share, I toss some out among the flowers, to encourage them to stop by regularly. The resident population will be based on food, shelter, and water, so an abundance and variety will encourage more birds and more species. Sassy spits out crust - she will only eat medallions of cinnamon toast, and she leaves some snacks when they do not suit here. Crackers and stale bread might go out in the garden, but I like to toss a few peanuts instead.
Cardinals love to bathe but they are shy, so I will see one at the far end of the yard at this time, but eating at the feeder during the winter.
Joe Krohn Wonders Why Kudu Don Patterson Does Have a Gig At the Jeske Gag Fest
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Many of us think having live bunnies to pet on Easter Sunday is a cutting edge idea for evangelism. That is what Easter Sunday is all about - cutting edge stuff. |
I guess we need to define what "fellowship" is and "worship". Evidently they don't mean we think it means. (You keep on using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means...)
Bill Clinton had his own definition for "sex" and "smoking". Is there a similarity here?
--Joe K.
Bill Clinton had his own definition for "sex" and "smoking". Is there a similarity here?
--Joe K.

BTW...I am saddened to see that Don Patterson wasn't on the bill. This leadership stuff is right up his alley...
Luther is rolling over in his grave; 'Lutherans' who have lost touch with the left and right hand kingdoms.
Luther is rolling over in his grave; 'Lutherans' who have lost touch with the left and right hand kingdoms.