Rick Strickert (Carlvehse) Senior Member Username: Carlvehse Post Number: 6499 Registered: 10-2003 |
The LHM website contains several videos, including "WTC - History of LCMS." This video is a yet another sad example of the SPIN-DOCTORING, HISTORICAL-REVISIONIST (and DISHONEST) FAIRY TALE told about the Missouri Saxon immigration:
CTS President Larry Rast, | ||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Rick Strickert (Carlvehse) Senior Member Username: Carlvehse Post Number: 6500 Registered: 10-2003 |
BTW, this is the same Lutheran Hour Ministries under the same International Lutheran Laymen's League that has yet to apologize for the ILLL/LHM behavior in firing Rev. Wallace Schulz because he carried out his synodical responsibilities, which the ILLL had promised as an auxiliary (for what that's worth) to aid and coordinate with the Synod. The ILLL/LHM leadership has yet to show any. |
LutherQuest Outlines Some of the Many Lies about LCMS History. Helpful Notes Added in Red
The First Synodical Conference Lie - "We Didn't Know Stephan Took His Mistress Along and Left His Dying Wife and Children at Home!"
21 January 1839
I, H. W. Exter master of the Ship Olbers do solemnly sincerely & truly swear that the within list signed by me & now delivered to the Collector of this district contains the names of all the Passengers taken on board of the Said Ship at the Port of Bremen or at any time since and that all matters therein set forth are according to the best of my Knowledge & Belief just & true & I do further swear that Two of the Said Passengers died on the voyage.
Sworn before me this 21st Jany 1839 ~~ [signed] J. W. Exter-Master
List of Passengers on board of the bremer Ship Olbers H. W. Exter My bound from Bremen to New Orleans
Columns represent: Passenger number, Name, Relationship to the head of the family, Last dwelling place, Occupation, Age, Died on the voyage.
1 Martin Stephan Dresden Preacher 61
2 Martin Stephan his son Dresden 16
3 Theodore Julius Brohm Dresden Candidate 30
4 H. S. Fischer Dresden Merchant 40
5 Julie Fischer his wife Dresden 32
6* Louise Gunther (#1 Mistress) Dresden 32
7 Gustav Jaeckel Dresden Cashier 32
8Francis Adolph Marbach Dresden Attornay (sic) 40
9 Louise Marbach his wife Dresden 34
10 Gustav Marbach his child Dresden 11
11 Clara Marbach his child Dresden 6
12 Victor Marbach his child Dresden 5
13* Martin Marbach his child Dresden 2
14 Eduard Vehse Dresden Recorder 35
15* Mathilde Vehse his child Dresden 9
16 Hermann Walther Dresden Preacher 29
17 M. Emil Julius Moritz Wege Dresden Candidate 38
18 Sophie Schneiderin Dresden 40
19* Fred Loeschner *Konigsbruck Painter 44
Last NIght's Beer Party - Neighbor Invites Himself
What Would Mequon Say? |
I would love to have that statement overheard during a phone conversation. Not carrying a cell phone probably protects my reputation for sober reflection.
My neighbors were outside and noticed me carrying the beer to the Elephant Ears. I told them, "I am having a beer party for the slugs. They will drink this and drown by tomorrow morning." Wesleyan Methodists should note that this was the end of a six-pack I opened a year ago for this purpose.
The boys heard this about my beer party, and were intrigued. The father said, "I may come over myself," which presented an amusing image for the kids as I poured the beer into a bowl, which was kept outside for that purpose.
The problem with pests in the garden is attempting mass killing to aim at a few. If the slugs are not thirsty or have acquired sentience, the brew may go untouched unless neighborhood pets and wildlife taste it. Various slug baits are toxic and may entice the wrong animal while leaching the poison into the ground, killing the significant but overlooked soil creatures.
A Hymn from the Past
The quartet above illustrates what can be done with a hymn. A reader sent this because I quote James Russell Lowell from time to time - Truth on the Scafffold, Wrong on the Throne. His poem morphed into a hymn.
Ironically, Lowell, the son of a Congregational minister, did not write hymns as such, but spiritual poems. Therefore, a version of his poem became a hymn. Parts of that hymn appeal to liberals activists, but the key expression of the poem is within the graphic above.
So Much To Do!
Coffee is the great motivator.
I awoke to the second of two job candidates messaging me at 4 AM - that dream job came through, the chief benefit in each case being the right place and the right job.
As I drink morning coffee and read the news, the desire to write something increases. I am happy to have my own dream job. We love living in Springdale, in this neighborhood, and not far from our son's family. Team Jackson will grill again this weekend.
Jesus' first miracle created a miraculous abundance of perfect wine, through the power of the Word. |
I get to work from home where my hobbies are
- Gardening,
- Writing, and
- Writing about gardening.
Pastors late to the party are starting to explore what our little congregation has done for years - broadcasting to everyone via the Net. That means various people write to me about doctrinal issues. I enjoy responding to them. At least I can offer educational and synodical perspective, from the grim and grimy to the hilarious.
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The Feeding of the Multitude is another example of miraculous abundance through the Word. |
Luther called the pastoral ministry Predigtamt - the preaching ministry. His view of the ministry is the opposite of what we see today, where the emphasis is on management, keeping the operation running smoothly, achieving critical mass, and getting good, measurable results.
Luther's perspective, borrowed from the Scriptures rather than Peter Drucker's Management by Objectives is rather simple - sow the living seed of the Word and trust God for the results. I do that in the garden by not trying very hard.
I sow various seeds and many of them come up, flower, and bring their fruit to perfection. With roses I get ugly little thorny and dormant sticks, soak them, and plant them. This involves effort, but nothing compared to what God accomplishes through His Creation, engineering, and management.
Today I will have the before and after photos of the front yard.
Broadcasting the Word is exactly the same. The Word goes out the same way as the snow and rain come down from heaven, bringing seed to the sower and bread to the eater. The Word is never without an effect, both positive and negative - it is always effective.
The Word
- Is never void.
- Always accomplishes God's will.
- Always prospers God's will.
The trouble with man's manipulations is that they reveal so little trust in the Gospel Word.
Many of these posts make ministers hopping mad. Why? The Word condemns their unbelief, because they do not utterly trust in the Savior. Otherwise, why would a blog "that no one reads" have any effect at all? Perhaps if we owned a shining, marble temple endowed by a famous adulterer, we could have some real impact. But here we are, broadcasting and blogging from rented rooms, so we should be dismissed rather than fried, scattered, and chunked like Waffle House hash browns.
Intrepid Lutherans: When the Government Forbids Orthodox Pastors to Christian Congregations: The Sad Story of America’s First Lutheran Colonists
Intrepid Lutherans: When the Government Forbids Orthodox Pastors to Christian Congregations: The Sad Story of America’s First Lutheran Colonists:
Last year, our Fourth of July post, The Lutheran Conception of a Christian Commonwealth according to King Gustavus Adolphus, and its Mighty Impact on the Formation of our Great Republic, and on the State of Pennsylvania in particular, recounted the happy history of Swedish Lutheran colonists who originally settled New Sweden – an area that is now Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Wilmington, Delaware – under a Charter devised by the beloved Swedish King, Gustavus Adolphus, prior to his grizzly death at theBattle of Lützen in 1632, and later carried out by his successor, Axel Ostenstiern. A pious Lutheran aggrieved by the plight of Christians in the face of State sponsored religious persecution, who fought gallantly in the name of Religious Liberty, and died as a victorious leader in its cause, his plan for a colony in the New World, which would guarantee and protect the Fundamental Rights of the people, was defended by him for almost a decade as
- “a Free State, where the laborer should reap the fruit of his toil, where the Rights of Conscience should be inviolate, and which should be open to the whole Protestant world... [where] all should be secure in their persons, their property, and their Rights of Conscience... [and] should be an asylum for the persecuted of all nations.”
'via Blog this'
ELDONUT Eric Stefanski Unfriends the Entire LCMS Ministerium, Quotes Hard Rock Group Lyrics. Leaves a Foul Smell Behind
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ELDONUT Pastor Eric Stefanski |
The LCMS is worse than I am! And why? Because they do not listen to the minister who was promoting UOJ for years on his website. |
The ELDONUTS have a strange obsession with rock music, given their veneer of old-fshioned popery. |
As the Spartans said to Philip of Macedonia, "IF." I missed the fireworks too, Richard, but heard the whining. Your review of Thy Strong Word gained us a member, so thanks. |
As I wrote before, Martin Luther described the factious Synodical Conference sects with great discernment here, in his Galatians Commentary.
I snipped the timeless tosh of Rev. Stefanski from his Facebook page, lest he erase his words and charge me with misquoting him. So in the midst of excommunicating all of the LCMS clergy, he has to heave a digression full of unwarranted accusations, an ad hominem sputter, to avoid dealing with the facts of their nasty two-faced attitudes.
I would be wary of dealing with them in any fashion. They let their drama queen emotional state get in the way of the truth. They are currently in a status confessionis with me - or more accurately - status epilepticus. In other words, they do not talk to me, although my email is clearly posted. But they loudly complain about me on their Facebook pages, and "like" one another's little witticisms, so precious in the sight of the Lord. They they prove they aim to be what Luther described about Paul's opponents.
When he says, “to his face,” this is aimed especially against those poisonous spirits who slander those who are absent but do not dare open their mouths in the presence of these people. That is what the false apostles did; he touches them obliquely here, because they did not dare slander him in his presence; they did so only in his absence. “I did not,” he says, “speak evil of Peter in the way; but I opposed him candidly and openly, not because of any pretense, ambition, or other human affection or mental disease, but because he himself was deserving of attack.” Page 108 of LW Lectures on Galatians
They imagine their little fulminations are hidden away, since I have blocked the ELDONUT Enthusiasts on Facebook, but I can still read and copy their posts. The kids these days are so naive.
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The Word of God is a better weapon - better upgrade, ELDONA. |
Strange Accusations That Impugn Their Character
One ELDONUT claimed that their Pastor X "worked with people" but I do not.
That moved me to tears - tears of laughter. I was working with Pastor James Heiser around 20 years ago, when he was selling books with Lutheran Confessional Synod Bishop-for-Life Randy DeJaynes.
That situation blew up and I was again in contact with Heiser when he received a call to Malone and began working to get out of the LCMS. I promoted his books, sold his books, and he sold Thy Strong Word. He liked to play both sides of the fence, so he was working with Paul McCain to sell his Repristination Books through Concordia Publishing House.
As an AAL agent once said to me, "If a man has two stories, he does not believe either one."
This went on for a long time while I was in Phoenix and we had many long phone calls, mostly from Heiser calling me, all the way through taking the congregation out of the LCMS. He wanted to be at the independent Lutheran conferences I helped organize, and he was welcomed, but he seemed to have a hidden agenda.
When Stefanski joined his group, I figured that Heiser would have to face the Justification by Faith issue, but that did not happen. Anyway, Heiser wanted subordinates who bought his bishop-for-life status, so he went silent.
When WELS Pastor Paul Rydecki showed up at the Emmaus Conference, he got a free copy of a justification book from Brett Meyer. ELS Pastor Jay Webber hid behind a column, motioning to get Paul to go to lunch with him. Rydecki and I discussed publishing at great length, and I encouraged him to publish with ELDONA, not with me, because so many faux-Lutherans boycotted me and would hold any association. And I thought ELDONA was better than solo, which I stated clearly enough. I mostly help people think through options, instead of bossing them around.
It became clear that Rydecki was associating with ELDONA, as Doug Lindee of the Intrepid Lutherans did. I had many friendly exchanges with Lindee over the years, when he was Freddy Finkelstein. Funny how people associate with ELDONA and stop being friendly. That is no longer surprising, based on the raging of their bishop-for-life.
I have concluded a few things:
- Concordia Seminary in Ft. Wayne really damaged a lot of pastors they produced, not only with UOJ fanaticism from Preus and Scaer, but also in their abusive, dishonest, and opportunistic behavior. ELDONA is largely a product of Ft. Wayne, where Jay Webber and Paul McCain graduated during the same time.
- ELDONA is not really a Justification by Faith group. They went through the motions, but they are like the other mini-micro sects in being not-LCMS, not-WELS, not-something, and really obessesed with leaving Bablylon for their Paradise.
- ELDONA is another sect-worshiping sect, glorying in how perfect they are. Just listen to them. Mercy!
Someone Asked
Yes, I work with people all the time, various people from all over the world, at many different levels. A typical day involves communicating with three or four different people, not the same ones each day.
Many abused people contact people because their synod ignore and shun them. I keep their secrets and share their sorrow. In fact, Heiser used to have pastors contact me after they were kicked out of the LCMS. I knew the process and tried to help in the recovery.
Shunning Contests and Legalism Do Not a Church Body Grow
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Does a dentist live here - is he building up his practice? |
The Synodical Conference sects are so much like the Fuddlementalist Babtists. If they only knew, they would throw down their Canon Law and start teaching the Gospel.
The Church of the Lutheran Confession (sic) never stops talking about the error of WELS breaking with the LCMS too late, marking but not avoiding. Apart from UOJ and Church Growth, that is all there is to CLC (sic) dogma. Their debates consist of demanding Unconditional Surrender from WELS. They even brag about being the mark and avoid synod, which is hilarious considering their love for Fuller and their ignorance of the Means of Grace.
I got President Dan Fleischer to write a good comment against Church Growth, which he published. But he still backed the Fools Gold Twins, Koenig and Tiefel, and everything they did. When someone was assigned a paper on the Means of Grace - which I also urged on them - he wrote me, "They never taught this at the CLC seminary." I gave him an outline to follow and quotes, and he wrote a good paper.
WELS? - The same thing. They spend their time complaining about the looseness of the LCMS, but Missouri has never voted in an all-gay congregation with an ELCA pastor, as WELS did with St. John Lutheran Church, 8th and Vliet, Milwaukee. Nor does Missouri have an Odd Couple publishing about sodomy all the time - and asking for names/emails of males troubled about their sexuality.
The ELS brags about not being WELS.
ELCA, on the LCA side, said towns lacked the Gospel when only Missouri and WELS had congregations there. That was the LCA mission, to teaching the Gospel of Everyone Saved to those towns burdened only with the Synodical Conference. And yet, the LCMS and WELS and ELS and CLC(sic) teach the same UOJ as ELCA does.
Their Canon Law varies. WELS used to be all Geneva-gown-with-a-stole, a hilarious costume often featured in photos. But now the alb has become 100% in WELS with only a few exceptions.
ELCA and ELDONA favor the bishop title, the elegant robes, and the same clenched fist approach to their willing subordinates - fellowship based their Law, not on the Gospel.
So what happens when sects slight the Means of Grace in favor of their Canon Law? Their unbalanced state leaves them obsessed with one or another fetish and the need to feel superior to everyone else.
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Bad thoughts will be reported to the bishop, District President, and circuit pastor. Their hands already hover above the shun button. |
1) We seek to achieve a high degree of uniformity in the liturgical expression of our theological agreement among the parishes of our signators. Significant deviation in liturgical practice between parishes is confusing to the members of the Church. Therefore, we commit ourselves to endeavor over time, by common consensus, to minimize local deviations from common practice.
It has become sadly evident that there is a need to make a clear distinction between the doctrine and practices of the Evangelical Lutheran Church and the churches of Eastern Orthodoxy . Our fellowship eschews any appearance of “Easternizing.” Yeah right
The Lord’s Supper
10) The use of grape juice or any other element but natural wine for the blood of Christ in the Lord’s Supper is a violation
The Buckwheat of Evangelism - Teaching Faith in Christ
I needed buckwheat. Many farm and seed stores are around town, but would I ever go by one and get some buckwheat? Not likely. How does one introduce the need for buckwheat in the shopping discussions?
Mrs. Ichabod - "I need some bananas and brats."
GJ - :Farm and Fleet. I need a pound of buckwheat."
Mrs. Ichabod - "We can get some at Walmart. Don't be silly."
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Bee all that you can bee - on buckwheat. |
I decided to seize the moment and order some from Amazon. That is either where I start or end up with odd agricultural requests.
Some are already wondering - why buckwheat? The grain has several distinct advantages. One is its appeal to pollinators. The plant flowers quickly.
But an unusual feature is buckwheat's ability to displace weeds. I am going to try it in the calladium patch around the maple tree. I have had trouble with grassy weeds taking over there.
Buckwheat is the speedy short-season cover crop. It establishes, blooms and reaches maturity in just 70 to 90 days and its residue breaks down quickly. Buckwheat suppresses weeds and attracts beneficial insects and pollinators with its abundant blossoms. It is easy to kill, and reportedly extracts soil phosphorus from soil better than most grain-type cover crops.
Buckwheat thrives in cool, moist conditions but it is not frost tolerant. Even in the South, it is not grown as a winter annual. Buckwheat is not particularly drought tolerant, and readily wilts under hot, dry conditions. Its short growing season may allow it to avoid droughts, however.
Anything drastic would mean killing or pulling up calladiums that are just starting to pop up and show their colors. Calladiums emerge late from the soil and look like flagpoles. Next they unfurl their colorful leaves and wave them back and forth in the wind - great contrast - and they love shade.I will sow buckwheat around the maple tree, knowing the plant will do its job without introducing another round of "Why did I ever plant that?" At the worst some will bloom and feed some butterflies and bees. At the best it will displace some of those grassy weeds.
Later in the season, when the Calladiums are almost done, I can cover the area with cardboard and newspaper for the fall and winter, holding it down with mulch and leaves.
The Buckwheat of Evangelism
Lutheran church bodies are shrinking because they obsess about conformity, enforce their man-made laws, neglect doctrine, and fail to teach faith in Christ.
The main work of every congregation should be to teach faith in Christ and all its benefits. If people only read Chapter 3 of Luther's Galatians Commentary, they would know exactly what to do. Or - they could read a Luther sermon each week.
Teaching the Gospel and emphasizing the efficacy of the Word in the Means of Grace will not rid the world of weeds, but it begin to displace the opportunistic weeds of triumphalism, legalism, and clericalism.
- Triumphalism - We are the best, the purest, the only true saving church - all Lutheran sects today.
- Legalism - In order to remain with us in good standing, you must obey these 10,000 rules, even if we do not know what they are until we tell you how you violated them.
- Clericalism - How dare you disagree with me? God put me in this position to rule over you.
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Don't look around - oh oh - the Commisar's in town. |
Consider the Teaching of Melanchthon and Chemnitz. Thoughtful Comments from 2012
A. Berean has left a new comment on your post "Imputation Is the Foundational Issue - Says A. Ber...":
Justification - the Chief Article of Christian Doctrine as Expounded in Loci Theologici, by Martin Chemnitz. Translated by J.A.O. Preus. Published by Concordia Publishing House. Page 149.
Also in his Examination of the Council of Trent vol. 1, pg. 532, paragraph 17. Published by Concordia Publishing House. Translated by Fred Kramer.
solafide (http://solafide.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Imputation Is the Foundational Issue - Says A. Ber...":
Here it is to be noted that these three things are joined together: faith, Christ, and acceptance or imputation. Faith takes hold of Christ and has Him present, enclosing Him as the ring encloses the gem. And whoever is found having this faith in the Christ who is grasped in the heart, him God accounts as righteous. This is the means and the merit by which we obtain the forgiveness of sins and righteousness. “Because you believe in Me,” God says, “and your faith takes hold of Christ, whom I have freely given to you as your Justifier and Savior, therefore be righteous.” Thus God accepts you or accounts you righteous only on account of Christ, in whom you believe.
Now acceptance or imputation is extremely necessary, first, because we are not yet purely righteous, but sin is still clinging to our flesh during this life. God cleanses this remnant of sin in our flesh. In addition, we are sometimes forsaken by the Holy Spirit, and we fall into sins, as did Peter, David, and other saints. Nevertheless, we always have recourse to this doctrine, that our sins are covered and that God does not want to hold us accountable for them (Rom. 4). This does not mean that there is no sin in us, as the sophists have taught when they said that we must go on doing good until we are no longer conscious of any sin; but sin is always present, and the godly feel it. But it is ignored and hidden in the sight of God, because Christ the Mediator stands between; because we take hold of Him by faith, all our sins are sins no longer. But where Christ and faith are not present, here there is no forgiveness of sins or hiding of sins. On the contrary, here there is the sheer imputation and condemnation of sins. Thus God wants to glorify His Son, and He Himself wants to be glorified in us through Him.
Martin Luther, Luther's Works, Vol. 26 : Lectures on Galatians, 1535, Chapters 1-4, ed. Jaroslav Jan Pelikan, Hilton C. Oswald and Helmut T. Lehmann, Luther's Works (Saint Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1999, c1963). 26:132-133.
SolaFide: Pretty clear, I think.
Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Imputation Is the Foundational Issue - Says A. Ber...":
Ichabod - Thank you for highlighting, A Berean's excellent comment. Yes! The word "Imputation," is at the forefront of this universal objective justification controversy and discussion.
Luther correctly said: "Where there is the forgiveness of sins, there is life and salvation."
But it is here where the universal objective justification enthusiasts [UOJE] get tripped up, and never do get to first base:
UOJE [Universal objective justification enthusiasts] become hung up on the Atonement as a "be all" and "end all." They would rather just view Christ's universal sacrifice for sin as the one time imputation to the human soul. Their basic view of imputation is that when Christ died and rose; - that is what Luther talked about - "Where there is the forgiveness of sins, there is life and salvation." To them, that is the sum and substance of imputation. Hence, this is why UOJE often don't highlight the Holy Spirit's work in the salvation process. [John 3:8 in context] They essentially diss (ignore) faith. They bypass faith and actually believe that with the forgiveness of sins brought about by the Atonement, - that has brought [as Luther put it] "life and salvation" to all. So, then, their understanding is all based around the Atonement; that Christ's sacrifice was imputed, - not, faith.
On the other hand, those of us who believe Scripture, (and, the Confessions, concur); we believe that we, (by God's grace) are justified by faith. [Ephesians 2:8-9] We believe that the faith the Holy Spirit creates in us is imputed to us. We could almost use the words "infused" and "continually dispensed." Luther put it this way in his explanation of the 3rd Article of the Apostles Creed:
"In which Christian church He daily and richly forgive sins to me and all believers......"
Finally, I will point to an illustration, using an analogy. [And, I realize that no analogy is perfect]:
The universal objective justification crowds are stuck on the Atonement. To them that is their priceless "auto body."
But, the car doesn't travel (anywhere) without wheels and fuel. Hence, the Atonement without its (Holy Spirit) "imputation wheels & fuel" is useless. Without the Spirit's wheels and fuel, the human soul cannot personally partake of and benefit from Christ's all encompassing Atonement. Nor, (without Holy Spirit wheels and fuel) will that human soul travel to heaven. All that, though, does not matter for the universal objective justification enthusiasts still stuck in their Atonement auto. To them a car without wheels and fuel is a perfect and complete auto.
Nathan M. Bickel
GJ - The readers and I are grateful for the thoughtful contributions that arrive as comments.
Before and After - The Long-Awaited Photos of the Front Yard.
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Google Maps photos. Note the early clean-up attempts - tree trash. The Crepe Myrtle near the mailbox is weak and not blooming. The maple tree has lots of suckering and weeds. No roses have been planted. |
July 13, 2016. Roses fill the yard. |
The KnockOuts on the right were planted years ago. The next rows down are new roses. |
The straggly Crepe Myrtle of the past is in full bloom. Mulch and recent weeds are on the right. Below the bush is a layer of manure and mulch. |
Who has bigger Crepe Myrtle blooms? The bright flowers of the yard make everyone happy. |
Reviewing the July 18, 2016 Christian News Reading CN Learning about WELS Discipline HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa!
Nothing is new in this issue. Kloha is the star again - and why not?
When most of the Lutheran leaders in America - ELCA or the rest of them - reject Justification by Faith and and teach universal absolution without faith, nothing else is an issue.
WELS Pastor Jonathan Rupprecht, now retired, wrote a little report about Kloha, with stereotypical WELS ending -
"For me, going to one of these events, where everything is so outwardly similar to our WELS, softens a person to LCMS. I just wish I could talk with LCMS leaders and ask: why so little - if any - doctrinal discipline? Why so many guest speakers, lecturers, etc, who are so heterodox? Why are you offering an alternate, second-rate system for training your pastors? What role does sound doctrine and its application really play in your priorities these days?"
That comes from a synod where WELS Pastor Mark Jeske is backing another Change or Die! conference led by ELCA women pastors and other Church Shrinkers. SP Mark Schroeder really clamped down in that sect. Harrison should look at Schroeder's work in awe and wonder.
Or - how about WELS taking in an all-gay congregation headed by an ELCA pastor. That did not happen by stealth, which is their favorite method. With stealth tactics they can get people to object and extend them the Left Foot of Fellowship. But no, the proper district voted on the issue and took St. John Lutheran Church, 8th and Vliet, back into the synod and district.
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WELS, LCMS, and the rest |
Pastor John Brenner (Sparky) plans to preach there. The Odd Couple is probably booking a speech there, and a book signing.
Or how about the latest Change or DIE!!! Conference?
Our 2016 Planning Commitee consists of:
Rev. Alexia Salvatierra - ELCA pastor speaking for Jeske's conference.
Rev. Sherrie Lorbeck - Another ELCA pastor.
Mark Jeske's Church Growth Disciple Lost Two (2) Congregational Buildings in Illinois. A New Record for Church Growth?Change Locations or Die!
This building on the university campus in Urbana, was not good enough for the newly ordained Tim Glende, of WELS fame. Where was the coffee bar? He ordered the synod to redevelop the congregation, sell the building, and go looking for something suitable for a Brug nephew and a Mark Jeske alumnus.
WELS sold the paid-for building to the Eastern Orthodox for a song. The Eastern Orthodox named it St. Nicholas, perhaps because the Lutherans gave them a gift ideal for EO campus ministry. The EO minister invited me to join their denomination instead of the WELS practice of extending the Left Foot of Fellowship and offering the stink-eye.
The attractive interior had room for an icon wall. How un-trendy and old fashioned.
But the Boy Wonder was not done yet. He had another church building to abandon.
Glende left town - not for the last time - and dug a hole by the cornfields. He and his wife needed a building as large as his ego. He cajoled the diminishing congregation into a pile of debt, but lo - Team Glende escaped to Appleton before it was built. The remaining members could not keep up, so the synod sold the building to Cornerstone Baptist and pocketed the equity for themselves.
Remember that, synod members. You can pay on a building for 20 years and have the synod grab the equity for themselves as they continue to say, "Lord, Lord, have we not done many miracles in Thy Name?"
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Cornerstone rejoiced in their bargain building and enlarged it. |
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Glende should star in a synodical movie, "Honey, I Shrunk the Congregation." |
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Ever wandering, the Booze Brothers bought a failed bar with a synod grant and loan, after renting a movie theater and a former WELS church building. Ski and Glende are living allegories. |
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Cornerstone baptized a new member and inscribed this verse on the cake. Is this in the Bible - I mean Murdoch's New NIV? The fake blog from Fox Valley specifically condemned justification by faith. Maybe WELS should return to Gausewitz instead of disgracing a Gausewitz congregation with a Ski sermon. |
Luther on High Titles and Human Wisdom
“For God is a great enemy to high titles and human wisdom, hence he allows them at times to be handled roughly, and puts them to shame in their speculations, that the truth of the proverb may appear: The learned are the most perverted.”
-Luther Eight Sunday After Trinity
Hosta Garden Getting the Cardboard Foundation
Storms are on their way, very likely today, and perhaps on Friday and Saturday. I emptied the rain-barrels yesterday, on the fence roses and the Bee Balm transplants. Our helper spread cardboard out on the Hosta garden. I said prophetically, "Nothing brings on the wind like cardboard without the mulch."
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Blue Hawaii Hosta |
He said, "Are we putting mulch on the cardboard?"
"No, we are mulched out. We will weigh it down until we have leaves to add."
Mrs. Ichabod wanted a Hosta garden, and I realized one garden area was more in the shade than the sun, in spite of our massive pruning effort last spring. Mr. Gardener gave this a boost by donating some small Hosta plants to us. Direct Gardening then sent some bonus small plants reputed to be a different color than green. Not only that, Sassy kept taking me by a neat front yard, carefully managed and full of mature Hosta, so I was convinced.
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How to view your new plants from Direct Gardening. |
Even better, the tiny Hosta sent by Direct Gardening grew like weeds, even though the starts were tiny. They were actually more yellow than green, as promised.
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Great Expectations Hosta |
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Hummingbird, by Norma Boeckler |
Hosta Fans and the Hosta Garden
I first heard about Hosta when attending an evangelism conference with Mrs. Ichabod. The leader ran into Hosta fans somewhere and commented on that interest group - a plant he had never heard of. Later I recognized Hosta as part of our home garden in Moline. They are good pass-along plants, since they grow and spread so easily. Everyone needs shade plants.
Their reputation for attracting Hummingbirds increased my interest, and squirrels decreased my desire to plant corn again. Squirrels cleaned me out last year and showed a distinct and passionate love for ripe Silver Queen corn, my favorite. They left the stalks.
Our helper just mowed that garden that was to be the Three Sisters Garden last year - corn, beans, and pumpkin. We had a thick layer of cut grass and weeds, including my 9 foot Pokeweeds (which the fireman eyed with concern). With two rows of Hosta already growing and soaker -hose laid along the house, that seemed like a good time to prepare the area for Hosta alone, plus one row of Blueberries.
Readers may remember how I saw a Blueberry stalk pulled down twice by a squirrel, so he could harvest the berries on top. Fortunately, the squirrels are allowing me to enjoy the Blackberries, which are so abundant that most would call them weeds. The State of Washington seemed paved with Blackberries when we were there, the woods mulched with them. They expand like Raspberries through their roots and are not fussy. Mine are Triple Crown - thornless.
Our helper brought up the sunflower seeds we planted with abundance in the early spring. "Where are they?"
I replied, seething, "The squirrels and rabbits got to them, and they left one out of all the seeds we planted - hundreds and hundreds of seeds. Don't mention it again." We laughed about the second year of feeding squirrels and rabbits.
The bunnies are all over our area. He said, "I have five rabbits in my yard." I responded, "You have five rabbits you have seen, and 20 you have not seen." He has a large grassy yard. Sassy and I see them every morning in many yards.
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Liberty Hosta |
Hummingbird Blog for Addicts of the Little Creatures
Hostas for Hummingbirds
How to Plant
Hostas for hummingbirds are hugely popular. On account of their easy maintenance and shade tolerance, they are often called the perfect perennial. We can absolutely tell you that the hummingbirds certainly agree.
Taking Shade
On hot summer afternoons, my husband and I enjoy sitting in the shade. We find that we are not alone. There is usually a party going on. The hummingbirds are dancing all around our hosta plants enjoying the sweet nectar. These blooms are shade tolerant, so they are just right for the shaded areas of our property. Over the years we have purchased a few attractive and comfortable Adirondack chairs nearby, keeping cool, watching all fast paced hummingbirds. They have a special metabolism that allows them to keep a body temperature that is much higher than ours.
In our opinion, "Hostas for Hummingbirds" are definitely among their favorites!
How to Plant Hostas for Hummingbirds
- Select some plants - Did you know that you can buy them direct at
Direct Gardening and save money. You might like to do this because Hostas are so lovely and easy to grow that many of us find that one is not enough. We soon find ourselves with a number of these plants and our hummingbirds don’t mind at all. - Choose a location - Remember that these plants are perennials. Even though they can be moved, we find that it is better to plant them in the right spot the first time.
- Sun requirements - Hostas for hummingbirds are shade tolerant. This can mean many things. Like most plants, they require some sun. When planted in a very dark location, you might see little growth. It is better for them to receive some light for a few hours a day or filtered sun throughout the day. We plant some of ours under trees. This gives the hummingbirds a perfect place to perch. Hummingbirds need to perch often, they digest food quickly while perching.
- Soil requirements - They thrive in a variety of soils. This is one reason for their enormous popularity. Now, if you really want to maximize growth potential, a rich well drained soil is optimum. We usually just add leaves or compost and our plants grow beautifully.
- Water needs -They grow best with adequate moisture. Those of us who plant hostas under trees need to realize that the trees are competing for water in the soil so they may need to be watered in drier spells. I love to water my plants because I then have the chance to view them and the hummingbirds.
- Pests - Hostas have few pests. Slugs will poke holes in the leaves of the immature leaves. Once mature, slugs can’t work through the thick, tough leaves. Deer and rabbits sometimes eat them. We do not recommend chemical pesticides of any kind. These will absolutely harm the hummingbirds. We use natural products…….. We are surrounded by forests and have plenty of deer. We use the old trick of tying a bag of ivory soap to a stick to keep the deer away.
- Plant division - A great feature is that hostas for hummingbirds are maintenance free. It is not necessary to divide them unless you would like to create more plants.
Out of Balance Is Not Biblical, Not Orthodox, and Often Not Even Christian
I once read a quip about the visible Christian Church, something like this -
"Jesus established the Gospel to be taught by the Church, but once the Church discovered itself, it never stopped talking about itself."
That was a critique of institutionalism which is even more poignant today, because most of the talk is about the denomination and not about the Gospel. That by itself is alarming, because the clergy and laity have become quite articulate about their little corner of the world, which is much smaller and insignificant than they imagine. The clergy and "approved" laity have also become foggy, confused, and anti-Biblical about the Gospel itself.
Pastor Nathan Bickel made a great observation about the Universal Objective Justification Stormtroopers - they stop at the Atonement and make that apply to justification, which is utterly false. They do not even realize or read about the mainline Protestants adopting universal salvation without faith as an expression of God's grace.
Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Imputation Is the Foundational Issue - Says A. Ber...":
Ichabod - Thank you for highlighting, A Berean's excellent comment. Yes! The word "Imputation," is at the forefront of this universal objective justification controversy and discussion.
Luther correctly said: "Where there is the forgiveness of sins, there is life and salvation."
But it is here where the universal objective justification enthusiasts [UOJE] get tripped up, and never do get to first base:
UOJE [Universal objective justification enthusiasts] become hung up on the Atonement as a "be all" and "end all." They would rather just view Christ's universal sacrifice for sin as the one time imputation to the human soul. Their basic view of imputation is that when Christ died and rose; - that is what Luther talked about - "Where there is the forgiveness of sins, there is life and salvation." To them, that is the sum and substance of imputation. Hence, this is why UOJE often don't highlight the Holy Spirit's work in the salvation process. [John 3:8 in context] They essentially diss (ignore) faith. They bypass faith and actually believe that with the forgiveness of sins brought about by the Atonement, - that has brought [as Luther put it] "life and salvation" to all. So, then, their understanding is all based around the Atonement; that Christ's sacrifice was imputed, - not, faith.
On the other hand, those of us who believe Scripture, (and, the Confessions, concur); we believe that we, (by God's grace) are justified by faith. [Ephesians 2:8-9] We believe that the faith the Holy Spirit creates in us is imputed to us. We could almost use the words "infused" and "continually dispensed." Luther put it this way in his explanation of the 3rd Article of the Apostles Creed:
"In which Christian church He daily and richly forgive sins to me and all believers......"
Finally, I will point to an illustration, using an analogy. [And, I realize that no analogy is perfect]:
The universal objective justification crowds are stuck on the Atonement. To them that is their priceless "auto body."
But, the car doesn't travel (anywhere) without wheels and fuel. Hence, the Atonement without its (Holy Spirit) "imputation wheels & fuel" is useless. Without the Spirit's wheels and fuel, the human soul cannot personally partake of and benefit from Christ's all encompassing Atonement. Nor, (without Holy Spirit wheels and fuel) will that human soul travel to heaven. All that, though, does not matter for the universal objective justification enthusiasts still stuck in their Atonement auto. To them a car without wheels and fuel is a perfect and complete auto.
Nathan M. Bickel
Readers - this forgiveness and salvation without faith is not a new development. Salvation without faith was taught by Schleiermacher at Halle University, the home of Rambach and Knapp, Tholuck and the founders of American Lutheranism.
The General Council that broke from the General Synod struggled with Pietism versus the Book of Concord and mostly left Pietism behind, but the rationalism that always grows with Pietism came back in the ULCA merger of 1917-18. Hence ELCA is 100% rationalistic, the terminal stage of Pietism.
Unfortunately, Walther and his gang had to lie about their origins and hide their extreme, morbid Pietism. On one hand, they promoted a lot of studies of Luther and the Reformation. But on the other hand, Walther and his chosen acolytes adopted the Stephan episcopal model and his Halle justification without faith, the Easter absolution of the entire world.
Magic and UOJ Are the Misdirection of the Eyes
I enjoyed buying and trying some magic tricks. They all depend on getting people to think one way and losing their focus. Magic is often summed up as misdirection of the eyes. With the right practice and deft movement, an audience can be left gasping.
Once I made smoke come from my fingers. I told the audience it was smoke, but they were just plastic filaments. "Ooooh."
I pressed two special coins together, which made one disappear. Don't laugh - that launched my university teaching career.
Jay Webber, who loved Halle's Rambach and an even more obscure Pietist (Quistorp), hates the precision of Justification without Faith.
The UOJ Stormtroopers want everyone to look at grace - "Oooooh" - while they take away faith, the Means of Grace, Luther, and the Book of Concord. Their UOJ is nothing but misdirection of the eyes - look at forgiveness and ignore the fancy footwork.
A second display of prestidigitation is the necessity for having a bishop, a perfectly good Biblical term used to abuse, dazzle, and enslave other people. In the Episcopal view, the institutional Church is defective without the title of bishop. As everyone knows, the chief problem with The Episcopal Church, USA, is the bishops, especially the Presiding Bishop, who can borrow millions to sue the under-bishops, priests, and even the lay leaders. The former PB, Katie Schorie, destroyed her own denomination with this power.
One hesitates to mention that the North American Episcopalians and ELCA-ELCiC Lutherans had three top female bishops at once, a short time ago - Katie Schori, Liz Eaton, and Susan Johnson. Being a bishop is more important than what St. Paul taught about women usurping authoring and ruling over men in the Church. Pshaw, that does not count anymore.
Why Is Faith Trample by the UOJ Stormtroopers? From 2010

L P has left a new comment on your post "Justification by Faith Alone":
To the UOJers, faith is an idle thought. It does not produce new life. They hate it with utmost hatred.
Imagine, they hate the one whose author and finisher is Jesus.
GJ - UOJ suffers from mission creep. Each generation wants to outdo the previous ones in making forgiveness without faith more radical.
KJV Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
The fanatics are not studious, as they admit in weak moments. They simply repeat slogans.
Krauth pointed out the motto - "Young Calvinist, old Unitarian." We can update it with "Young UOJer, old atheist." I have already experienced that with WELS Shrinker pastors. Every UOJ advocate is well on his way to atheism, because Law and Gospel are both obliterated by their Enthusiasm.
Did you notice that the WELS Kingdom Worker message started with UOJ and finished with febrile Church Growthism?
Another side of this turning away from sound doctrine is weakness and apathy about the efficacy of the Word.
Once Isaiah 55 and many other similar passages are grasped, there is no problem with the Holy Spirit creating faith through the Word. Nor is there a moment's hesitation about the Real Presence and Consecration by the Word. Nor about baptismal regeneration.
KJV Isaiah 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. 10 For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: 11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
KJV Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.
KJV 1 Thessalonians 2:13 For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.
The Biblical emphasis upon faith is based upon the Holy Spirit's exclusive work through the Instruments of God's Grace - the Word and Sacraments. The Concordists understood this as well as Luther. The breakdown came after the era of Pietism, when the rationalism and emotionalism of Reformed doctrine crept into the Lutheran Church on little cat's feet.
Now we are cursed with the filter of Pietism's watery dogma whenever someone discusses justification by faith alone.
Big Storm Arriving
We kept preparing for the big storm, and it just arrived, although it may peak in a few hours. I was outside talking to Mr. Gardener over the fence. We were both identifying flowers back and forth, discussing hummingbirds, which are fairly easy to find around here.
He told me what a disaster his honeysuckle was, threatening to take over several properties. I told him I planted it too, but he said, "That's fine with me. I just let mine go too long." Mine is barely started in its second year but promises to be beautiful when it spreads out. I planned the Wild Garden to let it spread across the back area as it saw fit, using the old tree trunk as its initial display.
Thunder and lightning encouraged us to go inside.
Our helper arrived earlier with another load of cardboard. We weighted it down with mulch and manure bags. In the back yard, with the wind kicking up, I had all kinds of weights on yesterday's cardboard, which now covers 1/2 of the Hosta Garden. Apart from some Blackberries and Wild Strawberries, that garden will be all Hosta.
The Blackberries and Wild Strawberries surprise me with their tolerance for shade. The Wild Strawberries bloomed with yellow flowers in the deepest shade in the early spring and have been bearing fruit ever since. They are a good cover crop, filling in wherever they are planted and watered.
The birds are engineered by God to spread their favorite foods, so the popularity of the Jackson Bird Paradise has led to an abundance of Pokeweed, Wild Strawberries, and unknown weeds.
Sassy saw me take some extra rolls out to the bird-feeder, a waste of food from her point of view. I gave her a little bit of cornbread and the corner of a biscuit. Yesterday I caught her with stale bread from the backyard, as if she had to scrounge food from the birds. Sassy dropped it fast.
Cardboard Effect
I first learned about using cardboard from a Kindle book on mulching. Secondly, I learned that Jessica Walliser covers an area with cardboard in the fall and plants tomatoes in holes in it in the late spring. Voila - almost no weeds.
We had two gardens that had been mulched with newspapers and shredded wood mulch. In time the weedy grass began to take over where we had no plants. Two areas were mowed and therefore coated with grass. That would suppress weeds for a time, but feed them as the dried plant material feeds the soil creatures - earthworms, bacteria, protozoa, slugs, nematodes, and fungi. With cardboard on top, the composting takes place faster and keeps almost all weeds from breaking forth into freedom.
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Power-packed Purslane. |
Weeds are God's Creation to hold, build, and improve the soil. Many so-called weeds are great food sources too. I had tons of Purslane in Midland, Michigan, and despaired of pulling it all out from around my sweet corn. I read it was good to eat raw - and crunchy. So I ate Purslane and another nutritious weed - Goosefoot. Dandelion is probably the most nutritious of all the weeds.
I never pull out Dandelions and caution our helper to leave the plants alone. They have not taken over the garden. We usually leave clover alone. even in patches in the garden, especially early, because the plant is building nitrogen and feeding the bees. If the clover gets mixed with the hated Bermuda grass (aka Wire Grass), we cover it up with cardboard and mulch.
Bermuda grass is pervasive and plants itself in octopus fashion, in every direction.
The lawn areas are now about 80% clover, so the bees are well fed.
Weeds lose their ignominy when they are useful. Around here, Pokeweed is used by old-times for salad and by the birds for their food. I once heard of two elderly brothers who raised Dandelions for their leaves and made wine from the flowers. The brothers were known for their excellent health.
The Gospel for this coming Sunday is clear about the distinction in plants. The Creating Word used His own Creation to illustrate His truths.
Matthew 7:15-21King James Version (KJV)
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
This Passage Above, When Illustrated as Figs From Thistles, Drove WELS-ELS Wild with Anger
I published a critique of David Valleskey's odious Church Growth essay, because WELS Pastor Steve Spencer asked me to address it. No WELS pastor had the guts to write any criticism, but some wanted the false doctrine of Mequon addressed. (So convenient it is, to call me nasty for doing what the timid cannot - write against false doctrine.)
Bethany Supposedly Lutheran Seminary took this out on LI, because - like WELS - they did not have the guts to phone, write, or email me. The great heroes of the Faith at Bethany - Gay Schmeling and future Pope John the Malefactor - thought they were justified in their rude, unethical bullying. I suppose if I allowed myself to be whipped on the posterior during initiation at Northwester College (WELS), as Schmeling was, then I would still be a scared little yes-man.
By the way, no one in WELS in the Little Sect on the Prairie ever wrote a letter or article agreeing with anything I wrote against false doctrine. Like bunnies afraid of thunder, they hid in their warrnes and drank their booze to calm their nerves.
Luther's distinction about this passage is clear to anyone who has gardened, farmed, or walked outdoors.
The good tree is the believer. Only good fruit can come from the good tree.
The corrupt tree is the unbeliever and false teacher. Only evil fruit can come from that.
Valleskey's argument in his absurd essay is this - Fuller Seminary - where he studied with F. Bivens - is the thistle that produces figs, delicious fruit that grows on the thorny weeds of false doctrine and unbelief!
Borrowing from Fuller Seminaryis "spoiling the Egyptians, using the gold and jewels of C. Peter Wagner and McGavran."
One good example thistles growing on thistle plants is the way Valleskey and Bivens denied their study at Fuller and also bragged about it. Timorous retailers of teaching against Luther are bound to deceive, instead of saying,
"We reject Justification by Faith. We ignore the Means of Grace. We do not trust the efficacy of the Word of God."
The LCMS and ELCA are just as bad about promoting false doctrine because they reject Justification by Faith in exactly the same way.
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F. Bivens - proud but furtive Fuller Seminary alumnus. |
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Three out of four promoted Church Growth - one went to state prison for molesting little girls in his parish. |
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Jay Webber on the far left, Synodical Conference specialist in unbelief. |
Getting the Long, Drenching Rain Promised
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Roses and grapes respond to pruning the same way. These are Europeana roses. |
We had a combination of relatively little rain - plus grass encroaching the roses. We solved the second issue by pulling some Bermuda grass, placing newspaper and cardboard, and adding another layer of cypress mulch where needed.
The fence roses were looking lean, so they received almost all stored rainwater in time for the initial rainstorm, which did not last long enough for a generous rain. I gave the roses plenty soaker-hose water under that mulch, so they perked up right away. Mr. Lincoln roses began producing more roses.
Our helper, when he got a vase of roses for his wife, asked, "What is the name of that strong smelling roses?"
"Stinkin' Lincoln," I said. He laughed.
Our helper said, "That rose fills the whole room." I said, "Yes!" and made a choking sound. Mr. Lincoln has everything going for it - spectacular growh, perfect buds, classic rose fragrance, and beautiful roses in full bloom.
Our chiro's secretary loves rose fragrance, so they get some Mr. Lincolns each time. We were low on Mr. Lincoln blooms, but now they are back. Mrs. Gardener also loves them. Weather permitting, she will get some today.
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The falling KnockOut petals show that some branches need pruning to make them even more fruitful. |
KnockOut Roses - 50% Off
Readers may recall that my video of the front garden showed KnockOut rose blooms peaked and even dropping petals. I am glad that showed up, because I have been pruning the blooms all the time. The heat made them bloom and finish fast.
Unlike most KO owners, I execute the 50% prune in early spring and mid-summer. Our helper cut them in half.
"Cut all of them in half?"
I said, firm in my conviction, "Yes, 50% off all the KnockOuts. Leave no blooms. This will encourage new growth and they will all bloom at once."
Once again, this is John 15:1ff at work. The deadwood is pruned away while the fruitful branches are pruned to make them even more fruitful.
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Peace roses remind us that peace is the chief attribute of the forgiven believer. |
The True Vine
15 “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. 2 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes (GJ - cleanses), that it may bear more fruit. 3 You are already clean because of the Word which I have spoken to you. 4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.
5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. 6 If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. 7 If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will[b] ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. 8 By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.
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Mr. Lincoln is the classic rose that delivers beauty, abundance, and fragrance. |
With yesterday's rain and today's soaker, the KnockOuts will be especially hydrated and fertilized for a new bloom cycle and display of color. Even now the drenching rain is pouring down, one of those rains that will soak a person running to the car, no matter how fast he runs.
Like the Matthew 7:15-21 lesson coming up on Sunday, this parable illustrates the difference between faith and unbelief.
People do not face the fact that deadwood on a rose will never get better, and they act as if pruning roses will hurt the plants. This parable illustrates the reality of deadwood being taken away, withering, gathered up, and destroyed. We piled up the KnockOut cut branches and put them in the garbage, because that helps prevent the spread of disease.
The pruning to allow more fruit is a bit obscured in translation. The Greek word is "cleanse" and it is used again when Jesus says, "You are already cleansed by the Word I have spoken to you." I not only studied Greek for years but also wrote out a translation of the entire Fourth Gospel, Mark and Revelation as well, plus Galatians. I have the Greek text for this passage open at the moment.
Like most parables, this one seems obscure at first. That was Jesus' intention. As we study it in time, each phrase takes on more meaning.
Like Matthew 7:15-21, this passage encourages the use of the Word and trust in the Word. What does this mean - 5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing" - except to remain in the Means of Grace?
The fruitful believer is not defined as one who is on 15 parish committees and a synodical board or two. He is not described as a "disciple-maker." The fruitful one dwells in Christ through the Word and Sacraments. The abundant fruits of the Spirit come from the abundance of God's Word, which inevitably have an effect, both in converting and damning, in enlightening and damning.
No wonder that Scriptural sermons make people so upset they call the district president to "remove this stone from our shoe" as the mobsters say. But Scriptural sermons must bear fruit, whether in pruning away the unbelievers or in refreshing and encouraging growth in the believers.
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Falling in Love roses offer white and pink petals, fragrance, and a mean set of thorns. |
Proof That Someone Reads This Blog - From 2009. Enhanced with New Graphics

Lesli Frank has left a new comment on your post "The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name: Stealth Con...":
I would personally like to thank you for your thorough investigation of these churches and pastors. Often times when my family and I go on vacation, other than sound emphasis on God's word, we don't really know what we are going to experience when we go to a WELS church. Because of your reporting, we now know that if we are in the areas of these churches you have highlighted here, we will most certainly attend them. We are always looking for the congregations that are looking to preach and live out the gospel message that Christ died to give us the freedom to follow Him. While most churches claim that and may very well do that, it seems that those that are willing to acknowledge that God himself gives no preference over traditional or contemporary, and He certainly doesn't state that either is wrong and that really appeals to us. May all of these churches and their pastors be blessed according to God's promise to those persecuted for His namesake. To God be all the glory.
GJ - Clearly this family thinks worship is an adiaphoron. Now they can have snacks and softdrinks at many WELS churches, like Victory of the Lamb, and Bible study with booze, too. See the links in the left column.
GJ - Once I told Doctrinal Pussycat Robert Mueller what a church member related to me. She said, "When my husband and I worship at WELS churches in Florida, the only way we can tell they are Lutheran is from the sign outside." That was 20 years ago. (27 years ago now)
Mueller glared at me. He claimed I was the "only one having problems with the Church Growth Movement." When I mentioned Pastor Stern's problems with CG, Mueller and Oelhafen immediately began making fun of Stern. I thought, "So this is how the Wisconsin leaders act?" And that was not the most disgusting moment by far.
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WELS Pastor Jon Stern does not seem to be feeling fabulious when posing with Scott Barefoot. Thanks to WELS' new direction under Mark Schroeder, they can say "Bottoms up!' with conviction. |
I hear positive comments from a wide variety of people, included ordained pastors with some clout. No ELS, WELS, or LCMS pastor is allowed to be caught thinking. The officials remove the pastor by any means possible (since the officials reject the Means of Grace) and spew their venom on him and his family. I have seen it many times over. Next they justify their criminal behavior as saving their beloved Holy Mother Synod from harm. The results speak for themselves.
So I get a lot of positive remarks from all over, by phone, email, and even in person.
And there is this one:
"A friend alerted me to your slander. Please remove my name and image from your web site. I did not attend the Exponential conference. Get your facts straight.
Ben Golisch"
I am checking it out with my source. I will make the correction if it is correct. The comment was anonymous and could have come from anyone, including Gunga Don. I do not think people have control over their published photos.
Pastor Ben fails to mention his co-pastor Stelljes being at Exponential. Stelljes is directly related to VP Gunga Don Patterson's Church and Change Network. Daddy Stelljes is a member at Holy Word, an ironic name for Patterson's nest of Enthusiasts.
For years Valleskey peddled the lie that he never went to Fuller. He even claimed that his study of Church Growth was forced upon him when he gave his Figs From Thistles paper (which WLQ subsequently published). He had been teaching CG at The Sausage Factory for some time already, and his class notes clearly showed that he was completely smitten by Church Growth. When CLC (sic) Pastor David Koenig got him to admit going to Fuller, Valleskey was furious that Koenig told me the truth in writing. Of course, Koenig was also mad as a hatter about my publication of the truth. Church Growth never advanced by being honest with anyone.
Yet Valleskey denied going to Fuller when I asked him after he gave his horrible paper at the Ohio conference.
Later, Valleskey even claimed I never spoke to him, a common WELS accusation aiimed at any public criticism of their published false doctrine. Of course, that was also a fabrication. I had to corner Valleskey, who tried to escape my probing questions. That claim about never speaking to Valleskey was passed on by Doctrinal Pussycat Nitz, whom Frosty Bivens called "the second most spineless DP in WELS."
A Midland circuit pastor asked, "Who is the most spineless?"
Frosty said, " Robert Mueller."
Later, Tim Buelow related his shock at Bivens openly criticizing an official. Normally the officials all treat each other as infallibly led by the Holy Spirit. One pastor even said, "I am not going to argue with the Circuit Pastor. The Holy Spirit appointed him." When ex-convict DP Ed Werner was choosing CPs who would wink at his criminal behavior, was that the work of the Holy Spirit?
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DP Ed Werner was known for molesting girls in his congregation. WELS did nothing until he was convicted, thanks to a new generation of victims and their mothers. |
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Proof That Someone Reads This Blog with Discernmen...":
How ironic that the Doctrinal Pussycat is now filling a vacancy in Florida! He'll fit right in there.
After a century of ministry, the once largest Methodist church in Virginia comes to an end | Faith
After a century of ministry, the once largest Methodist church in Virginia comes to an end | Faith:
GJ - Could this be a reason? Methodists are far from Wesley now.
Thousands of souls once worshiped at Park Place United Methodist Church. Only a dozen or so gray-haired holdouts are left – the vestiges of what was once the largest Methodist congregation in Virginia.
Mortality and white flight claimed the rest of the flock. The remnants abandoned the 1,000-seat sanctuary long ago – they gather in a tiny chapel, down the hall from all that stained-glass stillness.
Now, the elderly congregation is calling it quits; Sunday was the last sermon for its retiring pastor, Steve Wall-Smith. Title to the property is being turned over to Methodist missions. Members will shuffle off into the sunset.
'via Blog this'