Donut Disturb
Article 7
Luther Days WELS - Natalie Pratt - Still Allergic To Using Her Full Name and Photo. Here Is One Photo Erased from Her FB Page
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Natalie Pratt? - she posted this on her FB page and erased it. |
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Prepare to Survive LLC
Prepare Today. Survive Tomorrow. The “Prepare to Survive Expo” is an action-packed weekend that features a hands-on exploration into prepping, self-reliance, and disaster preparedness. More than 200 million people are affected by disasters each year. Protect yourself and your family by taking steps to be prepared.
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April 5, 2013, Kim was with another company when working with Natalie at Prepare to Survive LLCNatalie is an extremely professional and wonderful person to work with. Her heart and the core person she is truly stands out in the passion she provides to her clients and the expos. I feel blessed to work with her and would strongly recommend her to any business or friend.
Name It Not! June 27th, 2016 Edition of Christian News Reading CN So You Don't Have To
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Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed |
Greg Jackson on Harrison’s Reelection
Forwarded from David Becker Sent: Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 7:40 am
(From the blog of Gregory L. Jackson) The extent of Steadfast Lutheran cheerleading on the group blog was embarrassing. But that is why the group was set up, to promote Harrison agenda and buddies. Perhaps we will see another set of photos of McCain enjoying the furniture in the SP’s office.
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This Balrog is looking for treble. |
GJ - Name it not? That is a reference to Tolkien. When someone mentioned the Balrog, Gandalf said sternly, "Name it not!"
I find it amusing that people go out of their way to avoid naming the blog they clearly spend so much time reading.
Does Anyone Read the Augsburg Confession and the Apology?
Or Is This the Problem - Anyone from LCMS Trumps the Book of Concord.
Ordination on Lutherquest
David Becker on June 19 sent CN a notice which says in part: “4. The 1932 Brief Statement of the LCMS commented on the church and ministry issue, stating among other things, ‘Regarding ordination we teach that it is not a divine, but a commendable ecclesiastical ordinance. (Smalcald Articles. Triglot, p. 525, paragraph 70; M., p. 342.)’ Any statements I’ve made on that issue have been in agreement with that and other statements on the subject in the 1932 Brief Statement, which some bloggers claim is at variance with the Lutheran Confessions. Rev Rolf Preus seems to me to be calling the 1932 LCMS Brief Statement ‘radical’ on ordination.
10] Nor do we have another priesthood like the Levitical, 11] as the Epistle to the Hebrews sufficiently teaches. But if ordination be understood as applying to the ministry of the Word, we are not unwilling to call ordination a sacrament. For the ministry of the Word has God's command and glorious promises, Rom. 1:16: The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth. Likewise, Is. 55:11: So shall My Word be that goeth forth out of My mouth; it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please. 12] If ordination be understood in this way, neither will we refuse to call the imposition of hands a sacrament. For the Church has the command to appoint ministers, which should be most pleasing to us, because we know that God approves this ministry, and is present in the ministry [that God will preach and work through men and those who have been chosen by men]. 13] And it is of advantage, so far as can be done, to adorn the ministry of the Word with every kind of praise against fanatical men, who dream that the Holy Ghost is given not through the Word, but because of certain preparations of their own, if they sit unoccupied and silent in obscure places, waiting for illumination, as the Enthusiasts formerly taught, and the Anabaptists now teach.
Rescue Crows and Other Gardening Friends
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The Grackle is a member of the corvid (crow) family. They are also smart, social, noisy, and aggressive pest eaters. They also put their baby bird diapers in my rain-barrels. |
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Starlings, another member of the crow family, love to splash in the birdbaths. They prowl the grown and flip over leaves to find insects. They love suet. |
The corvids I see most are the Starlings and Grackles. They are also very social but not so wary of man. Crows have suffered from a bad reputation, not entirely deserved, so they react accordingly.
We were lucky one night to see a swarm of crows, hundreds and hundreds of them, picking a roost for the night. Apparently the roosting group can reach hundreds of thousands.
The pair of cardinals nesting in the Crepe Myrle bush (now blooming) is regularly feeding at the backyard platform feeder outside our bedroom window. We sometimes see the male or the female standing in the seeds and munching seed after seed with their powerful beaks.
The Crepe Myrtle is just starting to bloom, so I will have photos soon of it in its glory. I am watering and mulching it for the full effect.
I also see the male cardinal in one part of the front yard. He likes to look for food in the mulched rose garden, but also near the slabs of bark I am using to mulch the two Elephant Ears. The big slabs of bark that fell off two tree stumps are great places for soil creatures to gather some food in the dark dampness of their shelter. They easily attract birds and toads with their movement.
Scientific Theories
Someone asked me today if I were a determinist or something else in science. I replied, "I am a Creationist, and a Six Twenty-Four Hour Dayist."
I went on to say, "If someone does not believe that God could create the universe in Six Days, he does not believe in the Word of God."
Review of Churches That Abuse The Marks May Seem Too Familiar
https://www.probe.org/abusive-churches/ -
First, abusive churches have a control-oriented style of leadership.
Second, the leaders of such churches often use manipulation to gain complete submission from their members.
Third, there is a rigid, legalistic lifestyle involving numerous requirements and minute details for daily life.
Fourth, these churches tend to change their names often, especially once they are exposed by the media.
Fifth, denouncing other churches is common because they see themselves as superior to all other churches.
Sixth, these churches have a persecution complex and view themselves as being persecuted by the world, the media, and other Christian churches.
Seventh, abusive churches specifically target young adults between eighteen and twenty-five years of age.
The eighth and final mark of abusive churches is the great difficulty members have in getting out of or leaving these churches, a process often marked by social, psychological, or emotional pain.
GJ - I hear from people stuck in abusive churches. The eighth mark is common. Sometimes universal shunning sets in, which is feared by many - but should be welcomed. But often there is a compulsion by the sect to keep chasing that person, blaming, manipulating, etc. Wounding people is not enough - the abusive sects feel a need to keep it up.
I have seen several examples in WELS where the individual or family was hated out, followed by a subsequent attempt to love-bomb them back in.
Family members can really facilitate the abuse, because they only recognize One Truth Church - their sect. Therefore a departure from that sect is treated as rejection of the family. No transgression of the sect is allowed to be voiced, so those who pass on information to me also swear me to secrecy.
An abusive sect has this advantage - very few will talk. Finding the culprit among the small pool of candidates is relatively easy. Unfortunately for the failing Lutheran synods, the social media have complicated the problem. Someone sent me a link today that I posted last year. Social media posts have a long lifespan. I only had to Google this blog to find the story, which I linked back to the source.
Anyone who dares to mention this blog is condemned, followed by a stunning tirade of misinformation and deliberate falsehoods. Other blogs like Steadfast Lutherans (sic x 2) do not permit links to Ichabod. In spite of this massive shunning, writers are always referencing what they read and dislike, but often without mentioning the hideous name that describes them - Ichabod, the Glory Has Departed.
What is that glory? Justification by Faith through the Means of Grace. The Lutheran sects today cannot stop talking about themselves - they are the greatest, the holiest, the undefiled. They should be following the Biblical example of creating and sustaining faith through the Gospel Word, but instead they are shoring up the crumbling foundations of their fading groups. They lack the vocabulary and capacity to discuss Justification by Faith because they reject the Chief Article and dance around significant doctrinal discussion.
Facebook Claims
If we seem to walk in unity (or, if you wish to be derisive, "in lockstep"), it's not by his dictate, but by agreement in the Word of God. Interestingly, having been educated in various church bodies, schools, and academic eras, most of us did not start out on the same page, but have been brought together as we have studied and confessed individually and found that our confession was the same…for which, to God alone be the glory.
Ten years now, by God's grace; may the Holy Spirit ever cause us to walk as one!
And, suffice to say, such correction is very rarely needed.
GJ - Sounds exactly like the fake humility in WELS.
No Persecution Here
No, I do not feel persecuted. I am honored. I was done with "Lutheran" groups a long time ago. Unlike others, who merely slip away, I decided to catalog the crimes for others who have experienced the same.
One angry CLC (sic) leader said to me, in front of a group, "I have 105 members in my family, and every single one is a member of the CLC." I was going to ask, "Are they all Pharisees like you?" but that was too obvious.
The CLC (sic) protects their criminals while condemning 99.9% of the Lutherans who have not fallen prey to their hideous, inbred cult. I do have this commendation for the CLC (sic) - they make WELS look good by comparison.
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Gutsche's LinkedIn account also lists him as a WELS pastor for a short time. The social media are so pesky sometimes. No, he did not list his arrest on that account, but he features his ELCA and ELCiC service. Koenig was furious I obtained this photo from the Net. Live by the Net, die by the Net, I always say. |
Asked about a PhD in Theology
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The tower on the right of Sterling Library is Yale Law School, where Gerald Ford earned his law degree while he coached football for the college. |
Someone asked about the road to a PhD in theology.
I took Greek, Latin, and German in college to gain the basic tools for Biblical studies. Later I took French at Notre Dame and passed the language test. I preached in German so they excused me from the German test. Notre Dame now requires two ancient and two modern languages to qualify for the comprehensive exams.
College and seminary should have taken a total of 8 years with a vicarage, but I took extra courses every chance I got and finished both in a total of 6 years. In seminary I took Hebrew 1 and 2, receiving no credit because "Hebrew was not required." I vicared at the largest Lutheran church in Canada, so that helped out in coordinating studies.
For the STM program at Yale, I took Biblical exegesis in Greek and Hebrew from world-famous scholars who emphasized the historical-grammatical study of the text. The Appleton alcoholics condemned me for going to Yale until I pointed out that Uncle John Brug took a seminar there. Oops.
PhD work in theology assumes three years of graduate coursework, so I received a one-year discount for the Yale STM when I was accepted at the University of Notre Dame.
Notre Dame assumed one year of independent study for the written and oral comprehensives. Both had to be passed. The written exams took two days, follow by the oral exam.
The dissertation time period varied for a lot of reasons, including the guidance or reluctance of the dissertation committee. It had to be accepted by the committee and defended in front of committee members and an outsider or two.
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Old Main at Notre Dame - and their chapel. |
Grand Total in Normal Academic Years
8 years - college and seminary. BA and MDiv
1 year - STM Yale. 1973.
2 years - doctoral coursework
1 year - study toward the comprehensives. Pass - MA. 1978
4 years - finding a dissertation topic, finding an advisor, full approvals, oral defense. 1982
12 years - This is the approximate time required for a PhD in theology. Seminary PhDs are easier and take less time. A DMin is not a doctorate but an easy version of the old STM degree. Nobody wanted to say "I picked up an STD at seminary," so they simply made the STM into an expensive and simple DMin.
Fuller Seminary has mined the gold of the Synodical Conference with their drive-by DMin degrees.
Reading during this time - From start to finish, I read an enormous number of books. Like most doctoral students, my brain was so weary after passing comprehensives that I stopped reading scholarly works to give it a rest. My friend in Biblical studies said he could only read TV Guide after passing the comprehensives. The dissertation required reading books, dissertations, and journals from my field and related areas, so I overturned a library to create one more book, which was published.
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University of Notre Dame Library faces the football stadium, where we watched Joe Montana play. My fellow doctoral students are retiring or retired. |
Watering During the Dry Spells
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Triplecrown Blackberries |
Gardeners love rain. I view rain predictions the way Budweiser looks forward to the football season. But we also have long, hot, dry spells.
I noticed two boys watering the flower garden for their grandmother. They were waving the hose across the flowers, splashing lots on top of them, but they should have placed the hose down and let the water soak in the area for a period of time.
Like Almost Eden, my neighbor in the nursery business, I distrust predictions of rain. He waters in the morning regardless. We have been betrayed by the forecasts so often. His plants for sale are in plastic pots, so he has to water them more often. Sometimes Sassy and I find him at 6 AM, watering, with his dog Opie nearby.
If rain is predicted, I can gather more from four large garbage cans, four more paint buckets, and one small wheelbarrow. Therefore, I distribute the rainwater in advance, where it is needed most. Currently the replacement hybrid tea roses and the rugosa roses get the stored rain.
After Sassy's morning walk, I distributed the rest of the rainwater and trimmed every rose that needed pruning.
I use four long soaker hoses to save time and money. In the front, the two hoses are beneath the mulch. I can water most of the roses by turning on the water. If I overwater, the extra water flows down to the maple tree garden that Mrs. I suggested.
In the backyard, the hoses run on top of the fence on Mrs. Wright's side, among the roses on Mr. Gardener's side. He now gets free water for the Hostas and Lilies he planted parallel to my roses, on his side of the fence.
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Poison Ivy |
Ticks and Poison Ivy
I thought I had a skin tag when I went to the doctor's for a routine Medicare appointment. The nurse went along with that, but the blood-letting assistant said, "No. That is a tick. Look at his legs." She dabbed some alcohol on the little feller and his waved his legs in drunken jubilee. I knew his head was glued in place, so I took him out with pliers later.
That was my first tick, which I probably got from tramping around in the Wild Garden.
I went to look at the Honeysuckle when I saw a new vine growing up against it, borrowing the water from the soaker hose. The stump that supports the Honeysuckle seems to be supporting Poison Ivy as well. Leaves of three? Check. Arrangement? Check. Likely place where birds roost? Check.
That will be removed with great care and prejudice.
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I have plenty of Hog Peanut - I just identified it this morning. This plant fixes nitrogenand loves the shade. It grows beans above groundand peanuts below. |
Blooming and Fruiting
The roses are in glorious color all over the front yard. The KnockOuts are especially colorful after a 50% trim, but two bushes dropped dead - as KOs seem to do, I learned from the Net.
Rugosa roses are leafing out.
Coneflowers are attracting beneficial Tachinid flies.
Blackberries - but I never see a ripe one.
All berry plants are blooming - Beautyberry, Pokeweed, Wild Strawberry, Gooseberry, Raspberry, Honeysuckle.
Most Bee Balms (horse mint) are blooming but one just started to grow, so it was rewarded with some rainwater. The flowers have colors ranging from pink to red to lavender.
The front yard is a riot of color and fun to prune for friends and people we visit.
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Beautyberries are late season treats for birds. |
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Bee Balm is my favorite new flower. |
Live Blogging the CLC (sic) Convention Tonight. Watching the Convention So You Don't Have To
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CLC Pastor Paul Tiefel, is the cousin of Jim Tiefel, WELS. Both are nicknamed Teufel (devil) by their own colleagues. |
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Donkey Basketball is a big deal at the CLC (sic) college. |
Don't miss Donkey Basketball 2016.
All the photos.
CLC (sic) Live Streaming - Like a Glimpse of the Boring Past. So Much Hypocrisy in One Meeting, Not One Word of Gospel
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Bruce Naumann at Messian, Eau Claire - WELS does not agree with what the CLC (sic) disagrees with, or the sequence of events about the break in fellowship. |
However, Fleischer and Naumann do not admit how much their little sect has fallen for Church Growth under the guidance of Paul Tiefel, David Koenig, and other apostates.
According to Dan, WELS has issues with Church Growth, the lack of discipline about it, and Mequon's support of Church Growth (via Sausage Factory president Wendland).
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Gutsche also served a WELS congregation. Is the CLC (sic) in fellowship with ELCiC and ELCA? Why does Gutsche go to their German conference? Or he did until he became famous on this blog. |
Fleischer never minded CG coming from Paul Tiefel and best buddy Dave Koenig. Like the Church Growthers in WELS, LCMS, and the ELS, Koenig and Tiefel were free to do and teach whatever they wanted. (Note the episodes at the bottom of this post.)
Still, Dan wants to go back to the history and repeat that old history, in the same vein as Bruce Naumann.
Dan brought up when he was brought into the office at Northwestern College (RIP) in Watertown and read the riot act, "up and down" as he said. So Dan added, "It is personal." And it sounds personal, angry, and un-forgetting, which is funny with both sects adoring Universal Objective Justification.
Michael Eichstadt is the CLC president now. He seems to be more in favor of being chums with the Little Sect on the Prairie and WELS.
Paul D. Nolting is talking about "persistent errorists," a favorite term for others in Lutherdom. Nolting's father constantly fought for God commanding us to love ourselves (Schuller's self-esteem movement).
They are going over the history, again and again.
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Bivens went to Fuller Seminary too. |
Funny Story - Koenig and Valleskey
Whenever I said something or published a story, Koenig and Tiefel would fly into a rage, real drama queens worried about the reputation of WELS, crying "Eighth Commandment!"
When I said Valleskey went to Fuller Seminary, Koenig took it upon himself to write to Valleskey to prove me wrong. Valleskey told Koenig he did go to Fuller, and Koenig repeated that to me in one of his long, angry, omni-directional, hand-written notes.
I published that confession, in Christian News, as I recall. Valleskey was furious with Koenig and Koenig wrote me another note, blaming me for making his CG buddy angry with him.
The problem was - Valleskey often denied that he went to Fuller, just as his CG buddy Bivens did. Bivens' difficulty - he told me about Fuller in front of the Midland Circuit pastors. Koenig was also in contact with Larry Olson, DMin (Fuller), another WELS CG buddy.
"It's not the crime - it's the cover-up."
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The Chief Article of WELS is Church Growth fueled by UOJ. |
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The CLC (sic) proves that they are Pietists, holier than the rest, because their Chief Article is Shunning. |
Heard from Three Gardening Gurus at Once - Mulch Is Modular and Fun To Use. Saving Planet Earth So You Don't Have To
Yesterday I heard from my favorite gardening gurus at the same time. The three are:
- Jessica Walliser - Attracting Beneficial Bugs to Your Garden
- Jeff Lowenfels - Teaming with Microbes - Soil
- Sharon Lovejoy - A Blessing of Toads - The Big Picture
Sharon Lovejoy seemed surprised that I discovered her Blessing of Toads at Cracker Barrel. All three chimed in with a like or a comment.
As I wrote before, these three books are essential for a Creation Garden, with far less work and cost, far more enjoyment and production. We had a brief spell where all the roses were waiting to bloom or just finished.
For the KnockOuts, I pruned 50% of the bush. For the rest, I looked for dead wood, crossed canes, and unhealthy looking canes. The Jackson Rose Farm looked like a vast mulch display with little color. With some rain and watering, the roses took off again.The KOs are bursting with buds and blooms. The rest of the roses are either in full bloom, looking for some pruning, or ready to bloom he first time.
Strangely enough for some readers, the Maple Tree Rose Garden, which merged with the main rose area, is thriving with $5 roses in bloom - around 20 in all. Common sense says -
- Do not plant among maple tree roots.
- Do not make roses compete with greedy maple roots.
- Do not plant roses where there is more shade.
- Do not even think about digging under a maple.
I made the case with Mrs. Ichabod and lost, but I am glad. Our helper and I actually dug roses in between lumps of roots. Those roses get plenty of sun in the morning, another sunbath in the afternoon. The ones most in the shade are slower, but they also bloom.
The key argument is - "I want to see the roses." The most visible flowers are going to be enjoyed more - and our neighborhood loves them. The ones we pass every day will also get the most attention. Roses do not need a lot of work in the Creation Garden, but they need regular attention with their need for water and pruning.
Before I had any $5 roses to plant, I threw 10 bags of mushroom compost in the area where I hoped to plant something else. I covered the entire area with shredded mulch, added some garlic bulbs, and sprinkled red wiggler earthworms on top. That was in the autumn. At the worst, it was far better looking than what we inherited, an area packed with maple suckers, weeds, and broken toys.
Modular Mulch
The various weeds are pushing their way through the wood mulch. I can only blame the superfertile soil for that. Mulch builds the fungi network that Lowenfels describes so well. Earthworms and all soil creatures thrive with mulch. Besides those benefits, mulch conserves water and topsoil.
Weed seeds blow in and come up from below. Birds deposit them with fertilizer the natural way. Like any enemy, weeds find the weak spots and attack.
Mulch is modular. We do not need to re-mulch the entire garden. Instead, we:
- Look for weed patches.
- Cover them with cardboard or newspaper.
- Hold down the shade layer with shredded cyprus mulch - or water jugs in the back.
In the Wild Garden we used 60+ bags of autumn leaves to hold down the cardboard. That worked so well that hardly anything grew on top of the mulch. When I lifted the cardboard, unmoved for six+ months, the former lawn was soft composted soil, easily dug, earthworm packed.
I have a new supply of cardboard and wood mulch for the areas that want to be weedy. The weeds are great ingredients for compost. Why pull them up and compost them? They are more useful when they rot there, feeding billions of soil creatures and feeding the plants I want to thrive.
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Helianthus is a permanent sunflower plant, which I want, because the squirrels eat every sunflower seed I plant. |
Proof That the Synodical Conference Has Never Read the Large Catechism - Or Paid Attention after Glancing at Luther's Great Work
Luther's Large Catechism:
The Ten Commandments,
The Eighth Commandment,
Found Conveniently in the Book of Concord
276] But the true way in this matter would be to observe the order according to the Gospel, Matt. 18:15, where Christ says: If thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone. Here you have a precious and excellent teaching for governing well the tongue, which is to be carefully observed against this detestable misuse. Let this, then, be your rule, that you do not too readily spread evil concerning your neighbor and slander him to others, but admonish him privately that he may amend [his life]. Likewise, also, if some one report to you what this or that one has done, teach him, too, to go and admonish him personally, if he have seen it himself; but if not, that he hold his tongue.
277] The same you can learn also from the daily government of the household. For when the master of the house sees that the servant does not do what he ought, he admonishes him personally. But if he were so foolish as to let the servant sit at home, and went on the streets to complain of him to his neighbors, he would no doubt be told: "You fool, what does that concern us? 278] Why do you not tell it to him?" Behold, that would be acting quite brotherly, so that the evil would be stayed, and your neighbor would retain his honor. As Christ also says in the same place: If he hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. Then you have done a great and excellent work; for do you think it is a little matter to gain a brother? Let all monks and holy orders step forth, with all their works melted together into one mass, and see if they can boast that they have gained a brother.
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Some people leave Holy Mother Sect and take the worst of it with them. |
Luther's Two Sermons on the Miraculous Catch of Fish. Luke 5
Luther's First Sermon for the FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Luke 5:1-11
This sermon appeared in pamphlet or tract form in four different editions in 1522 and 1523, also in the two collections of 14 and 27 sermons of and was one of the “Three Beautiful Sermons Preached by Dr. Martin Luther at Wittenberg,”
Two of the pamphlet editions bear the title: “A Sermon on St. Peter and St. Paul concerning Trusting in God, etc.”
Text. Luke 5:1-11. Now it came to pass, while the multitude pressed upon him and heard the word of God, that he was standing by the lake of Gennesaret; and he saw two boats standing by the lake: but the fishermen had gone out of them, and were washing their nets. And he entered into one of the boats, which was Simon’s, and asked him to put out a little from the land. And he sat down and taught the multitudes out of the boat. And when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Put out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. And Simon answered and said, Master, we toiled all night, and took nothing: but at thy word I will let down the nets. And when they had dante this, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes; and their nets were breaking; and they beckoned unto their partners in the other boat, that they should come and help them. And they came, and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink. But Simon Peter, when he saw it, fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, Lord. For he was amazed, and all that were with him, at the draught of the fishes which they had taken; and so were also James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon.
And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men. And when they bad brought their boats to land, they left all, and followed hint.
Contents of this Gospel. 1.
1. Where this faith exists there is no lack of spiritual blessings. 2-7.
Those who believe have enough, but those who do not believe never have enough. The care for the needs of the body. avarice and unbelief. a. What follows from them. 3-4. b. They are a cursed thing. 5-6. c. The spiritual condition of things in the Papacy is the result of unbelief and the cares for the needs of this life.
2. What should move us to this faith. Why many suffer need in temporal things. 8-9.
3. How and why we should in addition to our faith perform the work of our calling. 10-11.
4. An objection raised by this doctrine of faith, and the answer.
5.How and why hope and expectation accompany this faith. 13-14.
1. The connection of this with the preceding faith.
2. How this faith in the example of Peter is painted forth. 16-19. In what way is a weak conscience to be strengthened and established. 16- 17. The difference between the true God and idols. 17.
Our works will avail nothing in the forgiveness of our sins, but we must confess them to God and Christ. 16-19.
3. The glorious fruit of this faith. 20-22. God cares for believers in spiritual and temporal things. 23.
1. Christ fishes with the Word, and he makes his disciples such fishermen.
2. There are here two ships. One signifies the Jews, into which Christ the Lord enters, as he was a servant of the circumcision, as St. Paul calls him in Romans 15:8. The other refers to the Gentiles, to whom the wink is given that they should come and help the first in order that both might be filled.
3. In vain we teach the law, human ordinances and our own devices the whole night in the dark, only to the end that the weak conscience may be smitten with anguish and martyred. But without the Word of Christ, which is light, one never catches anything. Therefore Peter says here: Lord, upon thy Word I will let down the net. If you will preach, then you must have the Word of Christ and you must also be sent by Christ.
4. Here you observe, Christ provides also for the needs of the bodies of his followers.
Norma Boeckler |
1. This Gospel is easy for those to understand who believe, and it presents to us two thoughts, namely: Faith in its relation to temporal blessings, and faith in its relation to eternal blessings.
2. In the first place Christ shows that those who believe on him will certainly have sufficient also for this present life. And this he does in that he gives Peter and his partners such a great multitude of fishes, more than they had any reason to expect; also, in that Christ also provides for the feeding of our stomachs, if it were not only for our cursed unbelief. For behold Peter and look deep into his heart and you will find, that he had no idea that he should catch so many fishes; then God came and drove the fish into the net, and more than all the disciples had desired.
3. Therefore this is an example that all who believe will have enough for their temporal needs; but those who do not believe can never get enough and have no rest in scheming how to secure riches, by which they fall into all kinds of vice. Then comes to pass what Paul in 1 Timothy 6:6-10 says: “But godliness with contentment is great gain; for we brought nothing into the world, for neither can we carry anything out; but having food and covering we shall be therewith content. But they that are minded to be rich fall into a temptation and a snare and many foolish and hurtful lusts, such as drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil: which some reaching after have been led astray from the faith, and have pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”
4. Now this passage of St. Paul shows clearly what follows our unbelief, namely, that he who strives after possessions and will become rich, must fall into the temptations and snares of the devil. These we cannot see, for they are spiritual. However if we could see the harm and ruin he does in spiritual things as he does in corporal things, then we would be good preachers. For we see publicly how an unbelieving man scrapes and does violence to everybody in order that he may scratch together something in which he may place his confidence, and say: Yea, now I have enough. Thus we see, what an avaricious, unfriendly thing unbelief is; for it is a benefit to no one, it sells no one anything unless it sees its own advantage in doing so.
5. For it has ever been a curse that we cannot trust God even for the daily food our stomachs crave, and that we continually think we are to die from hunger; and yet, we are to have enough, as Christ in Matthew 6:25f. says: “Therefore I say unto you, Be not anxious for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than the food, and the body than the raiment? Behold the birds of the heaven, that they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; and your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are not ye of much more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add one cubit unto the measure of his life? And why are ye anxious concerning raiment?
Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God doth so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and to-morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Be not therefore anxious, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? For after all these things do the Gentiles seek; for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first his kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Be not therefore anxious for the morrow: for the morrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.”
6. Here you see how God cares for the birds and flowers, and adorns them so beautifully; much move will he give us what we need; and yet we cannot trust him. So successfully has the devil taken us captive by his snares. If one comes now so far that he is not satisfied and does not trust God, then love must at once cease, so that he does no one any good, but he scratches together everything only on his own heap.
7. And in this way the calling of the priests and monks arose; only in order that they might help themselves and feed their stomachs, and not being permitted to work they ran into the cloisters. And the proverb is true:
Despair makes monks; yea, not only monks, but also priests, bishops and popes; for they do not trust God that he is able to feed and clothe them, and only think how they may fortify themselves against all want and poverty. All this is the life of unbelief. Then they go and keep strumpets or commit adultery, which are the fruits that follow unbelief; for they never trusted God, that he was able to sustain them, if they took unto themselves wives and remained out of the monasteries.
8. Now, here is an example that excites us to trust in God, and first for the needs of the stomach; since he cares for us also in temporal things. This we see here in the case of Peter, when he thus caught a great multitude of fishes, more than filled their boats. From this it is clearly shown God will forsake no one, each must have what he needs, if he trusts in God alone; as Psalm 37:35 says’ “I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.” There is no lack of provisions, only a lack of faith; before that should take place the angels would come and minister unto us. Therefore the fact that the people suffer now such need, is caused only by unbelief.
9. And although God is near us and will give us what we need, yet he requires on our part both work and hope, even if he delay for a time; therefore he gives Peter here a draught of fishes, and says: “Put out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.”
10. As if the Lord would say: Let down the nets, and do the work that belongs to a fisherman, and let me care for the rest. The care or solicitude shall not be thine but mine, and the work thine. We however wish to turn this around for Christ: we want the care and let him have the work. Hence it is that everyone strives after usury, and hoards money so that they may never need to work.
11. Therefore if you wish to lead a truly Christian life, let thy God see to it how the fishes come into your net, and go and enter some calling in life that you may labor. But we all wish to fill such positions, where we do not need to labor; that has ever been the trick of the devil. And because of this we became monks and priests, only in order that we might live like noblemen and would not need to work. Moved by this mothers left their children go to school, in order that they might have good days and serve God. In this way it came so far that people did not know what good living was; and yet God commanded and took pleasure in it, that man should eat his bread in sweat; as he said to Adam: “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread,” Genesis 3:19. And the deeper you stick in the law, the better it is. Therefore labor and believe, and let God rule unhindered.
12. If we speak of faith, and are to lean upon God and let him care for us, then they say: Yes, I must believe a long time before a roasted dove flies into my mouth, if I do not labor. Yes, it is true, you must toil, for you are commanded to do so: but let thy God provide for you. Believe and labor, then will not only a dove but a roasted goose fly into your mouth.
13. But to these belong also another part, namely, that we should hope, even if God does delay for a, time. Hence Christ here left them toil all the night without catching anything and it seemed he would permit them to die of hunger. Peter might have well thought since he fished so long and caught nothing: now God will let the stomach languish. But he despairs not, he continues to labor, and stands and hopes, God would give it to him although he might delay. Then God comes and gives him such a great multitude of fishes all at once, and more than he had been able to catch in eight days.
14. Therefore you must learn this part well, that you are to work and hope, even if God should delay a little and let you toil in your sweat, so that you imagine your labor is now lost. Then you must be wise and learn to know your God and to trust in him. Then he arrives and gives you more than you need, as he does here to Peter. Therefore if God has already delayed, only remember in the example of Peter there was also a little delay and yet it richly came. Thus it strikes in the time of his good pleasure; therefore do not despair, but hope and then thy works will be golden and pleasing to him; and then hope waits patiently, when God withdraws from us and does not do at once what we earnestly wish. Therefore he must make an appendix and hang on it a costly stone that thy works may become important. This precious stone is faith; but the works of unbelievers are stubble, for they are not built upon faith. This is the first part of our Gospel, now follows the second.
15. After the disciples caught the fishes and tasted the fruit of faith, their faith increased and grew. Now, we must first come to the point that we can commit unto God the care of our stomachs. For whoever cannot entrust that to God, can never commit unto him his soul. But this is only the faith of the child, where we learn to go to the public bank and continue to suck our mother’s breast. Yet, by this we must learn to confide our soul to God for his keeping. This to-day’s Gospel aims to do, when it says:
But Simon Peter, when he saw it, fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord. For he was amazed, and all that were with him, at the draught of the fishes which they had taken.
16. Let Peter here be a figure of those who should believe in the eternal possessions, and substitute for him the conscience, that now waits and looks for temporal blessings and possessions. A sinful conscience by reason of its nature is apt to do just as Peter does here, flee from its Savior, and think: O, God, I am not worthy to be saved and sit among the saints and angels! Oh, that treasure is far too high for me’. Here the narrow small conscience cannot grasp these great treasures, but thinks: Yes, if I were as St. Peter and Paul, then I might believe it. This is foolish; for should you wish to establish yourself upon your holiness, then you would build on the sand. No, not so; but do like St. Peter. For in that he considered himself so unworthy, then he became first worthy. And just because you are a sinful person, you must trust. Here you must open wide your conscience and greatly expand your heart, in order that grace may flow freely into them.
17. If you have now learned to know God, then refuse him nothing whatever; that is, if we behold the great treasures, then we should not despair. It is proper that we know ourselves, and the more thoroughly we do this the better; but you must not reject grace because of your sins. For if you find that your conscience struggles and would drive you to despair, then you are most comfortable and fortunate; then you will find the consolation in your conscience, and say like Micah 7:18-19: “Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and casts their sins into the sea and drowns them?” All gods that do not take away sin are idols. Therefore Micah well says, that there is no God like our God; for other gods wish to discover righteousness, but our God brings it; God the Lord brings it and does not discover it. Therefore you must not despair, although your conscience struggles and feels its sins; for the more disgraced you are, the quicker God imparts grace.
18. Now the great multitude of people go and dress themselves like the kitten does, and think God will then accept them. No, the Scriptures praise God that he takes away sins and casts them into the ocean. We cannot help our sins by our works nor become righteous by means of any power within ourselves: God, and no one else, will do that, without merit and without works, out of pure grace; as in Isaiah 43:22 he says: “I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake: and I will not remember thy sins.” And thus it must be, or you will never obtain a cheerful conscience. Therefore when Peter said, “I am a sinful man,” he did right. It is true he had indeed cause to fear and humble himself; but he was constrained not to reject God, but to accept him.
19. Therefore, if I feel my sins and become like St. Peter, and would run away from God; then I must first turn and approach nearer and nearer to him. For if God had fled and had not desired to take away your sins, he would not have come to you and run after you. Therefore the more you feel that you are a sinful man and the more you wish to flee from God, the more you should press forward to him; mark that well. For as St. Peter does here, so do all consciences, that are terrified before their sins, they wish to flee from God and seek another idol. Then do not desist, but approach God with fresh confidence and hold to him. On the other hand, if we flee from him and seek work righteousness and obtain help from another God, and afterwards come to the true God; then we will find him just like the foolish virgins, to whom, while they went to buy oil, the door was closed. Matthew 25:10.
20. But what did Christ do, when Peter humbled himself and in the face of great fear and terror he asked the Lord to depart from him? Did he let him stick in his despair? No, but he came to him, comforted him and said: “Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men.”
21. These are evangelical or Gospel words, that comfort weak hearts. And just in this way God makes our work and temptation golden before our eyes. Therefore observe now, how God provides for our bodies, in that he here gives Peter a great multitude of fishes, when he would have had enough with two, and in like manner satisfies and enriches him spiritually, so that he could from his fullness impart to others, and thus he made him a natural and a spiritual fisherman; a natural fisherman in that he caught a great multitude of fishes which he could sell; a spiritual fisherman in that he should henceforth catch men; for he had now the Gospel, by which he should gather the people and enlarge the kingdom of Christ.
22. Behold, thus it comes to pass: If one believes, God gives him so much that he is able to help all people, outwardly with his property and gifts; and from within he breaks forth, teaches others and makes them inwardly rich also, for such a person cannot keep silent, he must declare to others what he experienced; as Psalm 51:10-13 says: “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy Spirit from me.
Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with a willing spirit. Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee.” Also in another Psalm, 116:20, David says: “I believe, for I will speak.” This comes to pass thus: If I believe, I know God and then I see what other people lack, and go and preach to them the Gospel.
23. Thus we see in this Gospel how God cares for his own and how he sustains them temporally and spiritually both in body and soul. But where for the time there is need, it is certainly because of our unbelief or because we lately first began to believe. For when faith is still new and small, its blessings at the time are small and insignificant, to the end that we should learn to know and trust God. But if we are come to the point that we freely trust God, then we will be in want of nothing, for God then fills us with temporal and spiritual blessings, and with such superabundant treasures, so that we are able to help all people. That is called making the poor people rich and feeding the hungry. This is sufficient on to-day’s Gospel.
Luther's Second Gospel Sermon - Luke 5:1-11
Norma Boeckler |
KJV Luke 5:1 And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret, 2 And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets. 3 And he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon's, and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land. And he sat down, and taught the people out of the ship. 4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. 5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net. 6 And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake. 7 And they beckoned unto their partners, which were in the other ship, that they should come and help them. And they came, and filled both the ships, so that they began to sink. 8 When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord. 9 For he was astonished, and all that were with him, at the draught of the fishes which they had taken: 10 And so was also James, and John, the sons of Zebedee, which were partners with Simon. And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men. 11 And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all, and followed him.
The contents of this Gospel. 1.
I. How Christ confirms our faith by his help and care. 2-4.
II. When, where and how Christ shows his care of us. 5.
Labor and worry do not nourish the human race, the blessing of God must do that. 6-8. Avarice and the anxious care for the needs of the body.
1. Avarice and this care are the fruit of unbelief.
2. The harm and misfortune caused by this avarice and this anxiety. A.
In general. 10-15. B. In Particular. a. In the teaching office. b. In the offices for our protection. c. In the producing classes.
3. In what way we should escape avarice and anxious care for temporal things. 19.
III. Whether the labor of our occupation is to be abolished by faith and the care of God. 20-21.
IV. The labor of our various callings is Indeed necessary, but nothing is accomplished by it, where the blessing of God is not present. This is proved: 1. By the Gospel
2. By our daily experience. a. In domestic affairs. 23-24. b. In the civil government. 25-26. c. In spiritual affairs.
27. God must give success but man must labor. 28.
V. When, where and how our daily work is profitable and fruitful. 29-30.
Why Christ postpones his help for a time. 31.
VI. The care of God and Christ extend to the temporal needs of his church. 32-33.
As to what pertains to this Gospel it is accompanied by poverty.
32. After help is delayed Jesus gives the more bountifully. 33.
I. How the spiritual distress and conflict of conscience is pictured in the example of Peter. 34-35f.
II. The conflict and distress are the beginning of our spiritual riches. 36.
III. The nature of this spiritual distress and conflict. 37.
IV. How and why this distress and conflict are also found among those who have received the consolation of the grace of Christ. 38-39.
V. The fountain and origin of this distress and conflict. 40-41.
The Antinomians refuted. 42-47. The Law and the Gospel.
1. The difference In preaching the Law and the Gospel. 42-43.
2. No one can conceive by his own mind the message of the Gospel.
The Holy Ghost must reveal it.
3. The true order in which the Law and the Gospel are to be preached. 45-46.
4. Whether the preaching of the Law should be abolished. 47.
VI. In what way Christ removes this distress. 48-50 VII. How a Christian should conduct himself in this distress, need and conflict. 51.
Grace is given without any works; yet, works are not thus abolished. 52.
I. In general. 53.
II. In particular. The spiritual meaning: 1. That Peter and his partners labored all night and caught nothing. 54- 55.
2. That Peter caught this draught of fishes by day, and after Christ came to him.
3. That the multitude of fishes was so very great.
4. That the net brake by reason of the great multitude of fishes. 57-58.
1. This Gospel brings before us two parts, in which it exhorts to faith and strengthens faith. In the first part it shows that Christ cares for those who believe in him, so that they are abundantly supplied against temporal and bodily needs. In the second part it shows that he will help them still more against spiritual needs, thus in reality proving the truth of what St. Paul says in 1 Timothy 4:8: “Godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life which now is, and of that which is to come.” The Scriptures are everywhere full of these two kinds of promises.
2. To faith he assures temporal and bodily help by giving to Peter and his partners so great a draught of fishes after they had vainly toiled all night and caught nothing, and now could have no expectation or hope of taking anything. But herein he adheres to the rule and order which he himself has given and taught in Matthew 6:33: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” He here acts according to this saying and shows its truth by example and experience, inasmuch as the people press upon him in crowds, first to hear his words, and to such an extent that, in order to preach to them, he sets out from land in one of the boats. But when he has taught them he proceeds further to provide for their bodily needs, inasmuch as they are in distress and want.
3. Although it is not indeed the purpose of Christ’s coming or preaching to foster and provide for the body, yet he is not unmindful of it when the first thing sought is his kingdom. He therefore takes upon himself the distress of these poor fishermen who, through all this night, and with all their efforts and toil, have caught nothing. However, as they have lent him their boat to preach, and have listened to him, he, without any thought on their part, and before they have uttered any prayer, provides for them a draught of fishes so great that they are thereby enabled fully to learn and clearly to understand that in him they have a Master who cares for them and will not forsake them, provided they abide in his Word and remain his disciples.
4. He would that his Church, or believing people, should be comforted by the fact that he provides for them, and that somewhere on earth they shall find bread and an abiding place, even though they are everywhere so persecuted and scattered, that their place and provision in the world must be uncertain. We find this set forth, not only in the present instance, and in others like it, but in many a beautiful passage, such as Psalm 34:10: “The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger; but they that seek Jehovah shall not want any good thing.” And Psalm 33:18-19: “Behold, the eye of Jehovah is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his loving kindness; to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine.” And Proverbs 10:3: “Jehovah will not suffer the soul of the righteous to famish,” etc.
5. By this example he especially shows how it goes with those upon whom he is to bestow his gifts and assistance, and how he is accustomed to bestow these favors. It goes with them as it went with those fishermen, who labored all the night, yet had nothing for all their trouble and labor, and had nothing to hope for from human counsel or aid. Manifold tribulations, miseries and distress are the daily experience of all Christendom. If Christ is to help, there must be trials, trouble and toil, and it must come to this, that we despair of all human counsel, comfort and ability. Then he comes with his help, and shows that he still has the means of comfort, counsel, protection and deliverance, and that he is able to bestow all this when everything else has failed us, and when all that we have done or suffered, and still may be able to do, is nothing and in yam; yea, that in such need and weakness he gives and helps in richer measure than could be done by all human power, skill and aid.
6. On the other hand, by saying to his disciples: “Put out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught,” Christ shows that he does not forbid work, or would have that neglected which we have been commanded to do. He thereby enjoins upon them to continue in their handicraft. The two things are thus well maintained over against each other, namely, that we must work, and that our work accomplishes nothing. For if toil and trouble could have accomplished anything, then would the disciples have accomplished it during the hours of the night; and all the more so then, as they had hopes of taking a greater number of fishes while the silence and darkness continued than when Christ, in broad daylight, commanded them to let down their nets. Nevertheless, at Christ’s word, and at one draught, they drew them in full to overflowing.
7. From this every one may see and learn that no man lives by his labor or exertion, however great and unhampered this may be, but must live by God’s blessing and grace. Let it remain at this, as the Germans say, that “God helps,” or “God bestows his gifts over night,” which saying has come down to us from pious men of old who realized its truth in their experience. Daily experience still shows that many a one toils, tooth and nail, in anxiety and hard work, who yet can scarcely earn his bread or get rid of his debts and poverty; whilst to another, who takes it easy and newer overexerts himself, everything comes and flows in so abundantly that we really must say: “All this comes from God’s help and not from any man’s labor.” In <19C702> Psalm 127:2 we are told: “So he giveth it unto his beloved in sleep,” as if the Psalmist would say: “It is in vain that you fret and plague yourself with cares and labor, day and night, in order to provide what is needed in the home. Much may be needed there; but it does not depend upon your hands and labor at all. Nothing will come of your effort unless God himself is the “House Father” and makes it possible for you to say: ‘God bestows his gifts over night. ’ Grain and all food from the earth, yea, all that a man has, or may acquire, must be given him of God.”
8. Such favors he also bestows upon the godless and unbelieving, and upon them more than upon others. With temporal goods he fills to overflowing the house and home of many wicked men who never think of a God. And he does this, not by their exertion and labor, but by a simple act of blessing, as we are told concerning such men in Psalm 17:14: “Whose belly thou fillest with thy hid treasure.” It is as if the Psalmist here said: “Deliver me from the men of this world who have their portion in this life, whose belly thou fillest with thy treasure,” that is, with such goods as are divine and hidden treasures of thine own, concerning which no man knows whence they come, and over which he has no power, — treasures which he cannot provide for himself, but must be provided and bestowed by thee alone.
9. Hereby Christ would have Christians aroused and strengthened in faith, and protected against unbelief with its harmful fruits, such fruits, especially, as covetousness, and anxious cares for the body and the present life. These cling to man by nature like an inborn plague which, together with the lusts of unbelief, moves and rages against the Spirit, as St. Paul teaches in Galatians 5:17. Moreover, the devil seeks to hinder faith by his temptations and suggestions to mistrust and doubt God. This, too, the world does by its hatred, envy and persecution of the righteous, whose goods and honor and life it is after, and whom it would use as mats for its feet. On the other hand (I say), we here perceive both the power and advantage of the faith which holds fast to Christ’s Word and ventures thereon, as Peter does, saying: “Although we have toiled all night and taken nothing, yet at thy word I will let down the nets.” It is this faith that so enlarges the draught of fishes as to fill the two boats; for without this the nets would not have been let down, nor would any fish have been caught.
10. Scripture, however, everywhere shows the harm that is done by the avarice and anxieties of unbelief. For unbelief can by no means obtain anything from God that would benefit, comfort or bless it, but so deprives itself of the divine benediction that it can have no satisfaction or joy in the temporal goods it desires, and can never possess a good and peaceful conscience. Hence it is that Christ, in Matthew 13:22, speaks of all anxiety, with regard to sustenance, as thorns, on account of which the Word of God cannot put forth its strength or its fruits. St. Paul expounds the meaning of the thorns in 1 Timothy 6:9-10, saying: “They that are minded to be rich fall into a temptation and a snare and many foolish and hurtful lusts, such as drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil; which some reaching after have been led astray from the faith, and have pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”
11. Here compare the good things that faith brings and does, with the harm that is done by unbelief. For, in addition to this, that faith has the divine grace and blessing, it also has the promise that it shall be sufficiently supplied with all that it needs. It fills the heart with such goodness, peace and joy that it may well be called the root of all good things. Unbelief, on the other hand, with all its cares and covetousness, shall have this as its reward, that it is not bettered thereby, but must fall into all sorts of snares through many hurtful lusts and desires; and thus it attains to nothing in the end but eternal destruction. It is therefore nothing but the root whence all misfortunes spring.
12. These two things are clearly seen in the world. Those men are at rest and in peace who content themselves with the things that God provides.
They journey onward cheerfully and courageously, whatever their calling may be. They have enough to live on, and all their necessities are so well supplied that they must say to themselves: “No evening yet have I gone hungry to sleep,” although it appears as if affliction and want are at their very doors, as, according to our text, was the case with Peter. They have this benefit from their confidence and faith in God, that they need not fret and wound themselves among the thorns (cares for the body), or be stung and injured by them, but can, so to speak, sit amid roses in a garden of pleasure. As Solomon says in Proverbs 15:15: “He that is of a cheerful heart hath a continual feast.”
The others, however, who plant themselves among the thorns of avarice, and seek after great possessions, must suffer the consequences of being stung and torn and must fall, not only into manifold temptations and dangers, (which would be a mercy, if it only remained at that), but also into snares wherein they are so thoroughly caught that they sink to a temporal destruction and eternal damnation from which they can never again escape.
13. Of this we see daily examples in those who boast of the Gospel and their Christianity. Everywhere we find robbery, oppression, assessment, usury, etc. , to such an extent that even God and conscience are set aside for the sake of a miserable penny. Then, as if such a fall were not deep enough, they harden themselves, and keep on their course defiantly and sacriligiously, until they sink so far as to become enemies of God’s Word, become blind and deaf, yea, become so unblessed and accursed that they are of no service in any station, and can do nothing that is wholesome and good or useful to the pleasure and improvement of others. All they can do is to cause and bring harm, misfortune and misery upon land and people.
14. All comes from this, as St. Paul says, that men are bent on being rich.
For such covetousness and cares do assuredly keep company with a pride that makes men aim at being something great and powerful. Covetousness would appropriate everything to itself. It begins at first by saying: “Would that I had this house, this field, this castle, this village,” etc. Thus it grows greater and greater till it becomes a dragon’s tail that draws everything after it. And where covetousness has once become rooted there it daily brings forth cares of a hundred different kinds, as it seeks to obtain still more goods and gold. There the human heart boils and bubbles with countless insatiable lusts, and desires, that serve no other purpose than its own destruction, and spring from no other source than man’s fall from faith, and thence from one temptation and snare into another. It is a dreadful plague that has taken such thorough possession of men that, on account of it, they can do nothing good or useful in their station, and no longer ,an have any thought of serving God or man.
15. When one has scraped together a great deal, he has no less trouble in retaining and protecting it. He must then try to gain favor and friendship, and in all sorts of ways seek to prevent the loss of his property. In the meantime he brings upon himself hatred and envy and troubles of many kinds, from which he cannot escape; and thus, as St. Paul shows, there is nothing left but disturbance and sorrows of conscience, and a veritable hell, into which the man has cast himself. Upon the covetous man the plague and curse have already been pronounced that he shall never be satisfied, and, furthermore, that he must endure all sorts of misfortune and heartgriefs through the very things he has coveted to his everlasting destruction and damnation.
16. We see from daily experience what shameful and accursed vice covetousness is, and what harm it does, especially in high office, whether clerical or lay. If the money fiend has taken possession of a pastor’s or preacher’s heart, so that he, like the rest of the world, only aims at securing for himself great riches, then has he already, like Judas the traitor, fallen into the jaws of the devil, and is prepared, for a few pieces of silver, to betray Christ and his Word and his Church. Thus has the Pope, in order to secure and maintain his riches and dominion, introduced, in the name of God and the Church, all sorts of idolatries and abominations, and has openly led multitudes of souls to the devil, so filling men with the false terrors of his ban that no one dares to say a word against it.
17. How harmful it is in civil governments when lords and princes are dominated by this shameful vice, aiming to appropriate everything to themselves. Thereby they forget to exercise their princely office so as to be of help to the land and people over whom, for this purpose, they have been placed as lords, and thus they forfeit the commendation and love which, with all honor and praise, they should receive as the fathers of their people and country. They do not concern themselves about the spread of God’s Word, the administration and support of churches and schools, the proper instruction of the people, or the maintenance of law and order among their subjects. They permit destitute pastors, with their children, widows and orphans, to suffer injustice, violence and want. In the meantime they go about with their tax lists, and only consider how they may collect money enough for their excessive expenditures and pomp. And when this does not suffice, they flay and tax their poor subjects to such an extent that they themselves fall into perplexities and difficulties which must bring poverty and ruin upon themselves, their land and their people. Or if, in their avarice, they have already accumulated enough to make them think they are quite rich, then, in order to carry out their undertakings, they involve themselves in manifold strange dealings and affairs that finally, to their own punishment, they bring upon themselves great burdens and ruin.
18. What a dreadful disaster and ruin has been brought upon Germany merely by the shameful and accursed usury which has everywhere gotten the upper hand, so that there is no longer any check or restraint to it, especially as those who should check it are themselves mixed up in it.
Nowadays every one who has the power, by means of his money, impoverishes his neighbors, and thereby sets God and conscience aside.
Thus, with open eyes, and with an evil, self-accusing conscience, he speeds off to hell, burdened with the curse that has been pronounced upon the abominations of covetousness, — the curse, that he shall not himself enjoy such property in peace and tranquility as has been gained by usury, but either himself shall lose it by God’s visitation or it shall not descend to his heirs. Upon such un-Christian doings must come the fearful wrath and punishment of God, which alas! we have long ago greatly deserved; and the time must come when he will turn us out of doors, together with the Turks and other terrible plagues, so that, since we would not heed his Word and admonition, he him. self may put a forcible end to this godless business.
19. This the believer avoids and escapes who, with good conscience and godly fear, occupies his station in life peacefully and quietly, and is satisfied with the things that God gives him. He does not expose himself to the dangers of temptation or snares. He is in no need of troubling himself with cares and anxieties, or of engaging with others in bickering and brawling disputes, quarrels, jealousies and hatreds. He is a man of fine, blessed and useful character, one who can be of service and assistance to many. He finds grace and favor with God and man that shall benefit and honor even his children’s children.
20. The example before us in this Gospel should teach and admonish us that we may learn to believe, and thus experience through faith, that God cares for his children and provides for them to such an extent that they need not worry and condemn themselves with cares or covetousness. And yet, though cares and covetousness are forbidden, it should be borne in mind, as I have already said, that no one dare cease from labor. The world turns these two things upside down, as it usually does with all the words and ordinances of God. To care and to strive for the obtaining of gold and goods is something it is determined to do. Such care, however, concerns God alone, and for himself alone has he reserved it. And yet the world is willing enough to let God attend to the work which it has been commanded to do; yea, all the aim of its cares and covetousness is to be set free from working in the sweat of its face. God wants just the opposite. He wants us to keep the work and to leave the care with him. By doing this we shall do our part, and, with moderate labor and no care, we shall soon come into possession of all we need.
21. When Christ wished to bestow his gift upon Peter and others he did not cause the fish to leap into the boat without labor or nets, as he very well might have done. But he commanded them to put out into the deep and let down their nets. That is, they should engage in the handicraft they understood and had learnt and were accustomed to, and should act as fishermen. Christ keeps aloof from the lazy, unfaithful idlers who will not do as they have been commanded, and will not keep their hands and feet from straying. Thus he teaches a twofold lesson, that he will not give us anything unless we work for it, and that the things we obtain do not come from our work, but only from God’s help and blessing. You are to work, but you are not to depend upon that work, as if that which resulted therefrom were of your own accomplishment.
22. In short, our work produces and bestows nothing. Yet it is necessary as a means through which we may receive what God gives. The disciples must use their hands to let down the nets and to draw them in, if they wish to secure anything, and must be willing to do so. Yet they are obliged to acknowledge that their labor did not bring about the result, otherwise they would have succeeded, in the first place, without Christ. He therefore permits them to make a sufficient trial, and to discover by experience that the toil of this entire night has been in vain and to no purpose.
23. This he teaches us by daily experience in all sorts of affairs and doings and governments on earth. Very often he permits us to labor long and arduously and without results, till it becomes bitterly painful to us, and we are forced to complain with Peter: “We toiled all night, and took nothing.”
This he does that we may not venture to depend upon our labor, but may know that he must grant it success, and that we have not secured this through our own effort, skill or diligence.
24. What diligence, money and effort many a father and mother have bestowed in order to rear their son to honor and virtue, and that with a hope and confidence as great as if (to use a common expression) he were to become an angel. And yet he has become nothing but a notoriously willful and prodigal child. On the other hand, many a poor and forlorn orphan, upon whom very little effort and diligence have been expended, has grown up so surprisingly well-bred as to make us think that it just happened so, and did not depend upon any diligence or care of our own.
25. Of what do all civil governments more generally complain than of fruitless labors and efforts, even where their work is carried on energetically and in earnest, and where there are men who are willing and able to rule well, — men who are not lacking in wisdom, understanding, power and might? These are obliged to learn, after a long period of governing, that thereby they have not accomplished anything. How often it happens, indeed, that the best plans, the wisest counsels, and the brightest ideas prove to be the very worst, and result in nothing but harm and ruin.
The very wisest rulers have always experienced and complained of this.
And thus we may learn that God will not grant prosperity and success through human wisdom, plans and intrigues, if these are the things we depend upon.
26. Hence, if the world be willing to receive counsel from a plain and straightforward man, namely, from the Lord our God, who certainly has had some experience and understands the art of ruling, the best counsel would be, that each one, in his administration of government, should simply direct his thoughts and plans to a faithful prosecution and believing performance of the duties enjoined upon him, not placing any dependence upon his own thoughts and plans, but casting all his cares upon God. The man who does this will at last be sure to discover that he who trusts in God accomplishes more than he who seeks to transact his affairs according to his own wisdom and thought, or in his own power and might.
27. So it goes in the spiritual government of the Church, as specially indicated in the narrative now before us. Where I have preached and taught during the past ten or twenty years, there another could, perhaps, have done more in one year; and one sermon may bring forth more fruit than many others. Here, also, it is true that our labor, diligence and effort can accomplish nothing. These two things must go together, namely, that each one does his duty, and that he, nevertheless, acknowledges with Peter: “My labor cannot bring forth anything, if thou dost not give the increase.” As Paul also says in 1 Corinthians 3:6-7: “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. So then neither is he that planteth anything, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase,” etc.
28. In short, all human nature and life are so that, until God gives the increase, we may often labor long and much, and all to no purpose. But the work is not to cease on that account, nor should any man be found without work. He must wait for the increase till God gives it, as Solomon says in Ecclesiastes 11:6: “In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thy hand; for thou knowest not which shall prosper, whether this or that,” etc.
29. However, the circumstances are especially pointed out under which work becomes useful and fruitful, namely, when Christ appears and commands to let down the nets, etc., that is, when there is a faith that takes hold of his Word and promise and then, cheerfully and bravely, does what has been commanded, waiting, with prayer and supplication, for his help and blessing. This is to say with Peter: “Lord, I have indeed done and labored and suffered ninth, but I know that I shall accomplish nothing thereby, unless thou art present to give strength and increase. I will therefore depend, not upon myself or my own works, but upon thy Word, and will leave everything to thy care.” Thus shall we prosper; and experience shows that Christ, when he is present, gives more as the result of little labor and effort than any one would have dared to hope. For there can be no failure or scanty fruits where he adds his blessing.
30. Thus the disciples could see the experience for themselves what a difference there is between the work they had done all the previous night without faith in Christ, and the work they did when, without prospect of taking anything, they nevertheless, through faith in Christ’s word, and at one draught, drew in an overflowing multitude of fishes. Therefore, if we accomplish little or nothing through our labor and effort, we must put the blame upon our unbelief, or upon the weakness of our faith, and not upon anything else.
31. Yet this is also true, that Christ often delays the bestowal of his help, as he did on this occasion, and on another, John 21, when he permitted the disciples to toil all the night without taking anything, and really appeared as if he would forget his own Word and promise.
But this he does that he may drive us to implore his help the more earnestly, and that we may learn to strengthen and maintain our faith, so that we do not doubt, or cease to labor, but continue to wait for the bestowal of his gifts in his own good time and way. For it is his purpose to guide all Christians into a knowledge and experience of the fact that their livelihood and help do not depend on what they see or do, but upon what is invisible and hidden. This he therefore calls his “hid treasure,” as we have already said in regard to Psalm 17:14:, that is, such blessing, help and deliverance as we have not perceived or laid hold of before, but are hidden in his Word and are grasped by faith.
32. Behold, this is the first part of our Gospel, the events of which took place and were recorded that Christians might be instructed and comforted by the fact that Christ cares even for the temporal needs of his Church, so that it is fed and supported, although it should come into a distress where everything is at the point of ruin, and where it seems to have done and suffered everything in vain. Always and everywhere does it happen that the Gospel, as it advances, brings poverty in its train, together with hunger and nakedness and want. But at last, when the storms of the devil have blown over a little, and the world’s greed and appetite have been satisfied, Christ comes and declares that he, too, is a Lord of the earth. For in Psalm 24:1 it is written: “The earth is Jehovah’s, and the fullness thereof,” etc.
Also in Psalm 8:6-8: “Thou hast put all things under thy feet; all sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field; the fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea.” All these must obey our Lord, and must bend beneath his scepter, so that the world, after all, cannot prevent him and his from sharing in its food.
33. But, as I have said, we must first have hunger and want, that is, Peter’s empty boat and net, even where there has been long-continued labor. Yet Christ, after such a trial, makes his gifts all the more abundant, not only a tub full, with which the disciples might have been satisfied, but the entire net full and the two empty boats full. He does this that their faith in his spiritual help may thereby be strengthened, He shows this sign to Peter, and to the others whom he intends to call to be his Apostles, not only in order that they should believe that he would care for their bodies, but that he would so strengthen and help them in their apostolic calling that it should not prove to be in vain or fruitless.
34. The second part of this Gospel presents the great doctrine of the inner distress and conflict of conscience, and what constitutes our true comfort in the midst of it. Only after Peter saw this wonderful work of Christ and the abundance it produced, did he begin to consider what sort of a Man this Wonderworker must be, and what sort of a man he himself was in comparison. Out of this great blessing there comes upon him a greater distress than he has ever experienced from any bodily want. He now becomes so thoroughly poor and destitute, that, on account of terror, he almost sinks to the earth and bids Christ depart from him. He has begun to feel his unworthiness and sins. He is forced to acknowledge and lament that he is a poor sinner.
35. Peter is to become a different man; and a greater miracle is to be wrought in him than in the draught of fishes. The sermon which Christ had previously preached from the boat now first began to have its effect upon him. He, with the others, had indeed listened to Christ before this, but he had given no thought to the character of his Person. He had not thought of obtaining any temporal or eternal good from him; nor had he yet begun to tremble on account of his sins.
But now when Peter perceives the miracle and the blessing, and realizes, through the present event, what sort of a Man this Jesus is, he stumbles at the greatness of the blessing and of the Person on the one hand, and, on the other, at the extent of his own unworthiness. He trembles on account of his sins. His heart tells him that he does not deserve such great favor, and that he is far more deserving of God’s wrath and disfavor. He is now filled with anxiety and fear, not as to temporal poverty, or as to means of support, for he has been supplied with what he needs; but as to his ability to stand before God and before this man who has shown this great favor to such an unworthy and sinful human being as he.
36. This is the way Christ begins to make Peter spiritually rich in things that are eternally good, so that he may be able to impart them to others, yea, to the entire world. As on a previous occasion, he must first feel spiritual hunger and distress, that is, terror and anguish of conscience, before he can attain to forgiveness and to comfort. The boat and the world have become too narrow for him. He knows not whither to betake himself from Christ, whom, however, he has found to be, not terrifying, but friendly and helpful.
37. Here you see how poor and miserable conscience is when it really begins to feel its sins. how it trembles’.
How it runs to escape from God when he draws nigh, as if it would run across a hundred worlds! Thus Adam in Paradise thought to hide himself when God kindly asked: “Adam, where art thou?” So shy and timorous is such a heart and conscience that it gets frightened at itself, and flees from a rustling leaf as from thunder and lightning. It cannot endure the judgment of the Law, which reveals its sins and God’s eternal wrath. And here it is of no use to comfort a man by reminding him of the favors that God has shown him in the past. This only terrifies him all the more, as thereby he realizes that he deserves still greater wrath on account of his ingratitude and sins.
38. Yea, even they have ever to contend with this temptation and fear who already have received the comfort of the grace of God through faith. For his goodness and grace are too great and overwhelming. On the other hand, our heart, in the feeling and consideration of its own unworthiness, is far too narrow and feeble to hold and comprehend such great goodness and mercy. At this it is simply filled with amazement. God therefore shows himself merciful to us by veiling and covering these things under simple words and beneath great weakness.
39. But such is the awful wickedness of our nature that, even when Christ comes to us with his grace and comfort, we avoid and flee from our Savior, while we rather, though naked and barefooted, should run after him to the ends of the earth. We turn and twist, and resort to our own works, and would first, by our own efforts, cleanse and make ourselves worthy enough to deserve such a gracious God and Christ. Thus Peter thinks to seek peace and to escape sin by running away from the Lord. He first looks for something in himself to make him worthy of coming to Christ, but thereby only falls all the more deeply into terror and despair, until the Savior, by his word, raises him up again.
40. All this does, and indeed must, come to pass, where nothing but the Law is taught and understood, and where Christ is not rightly and fully known through the Gospel. A knowledge of the Law has been inscribed and implanted in every human heart by nature, as St. Paul says in Romans 2:15. The Law teaches us what we are to do, and pronounces us guilty of disobedience. It does so in many ways, not only through dreadful tokens and feelings of punishment and of God’s anger, but also through the various gifts and operations of the Lord, that appear to the eyes and ears of man and point out to him the sin and divine wrath which follow upon their abuse in contempt and disobedience towards God. From this he may conclude that those who are ungrateful to God for his gifts and favors, are worthy of his wrath and condemnation.
41. All God’s benefits when they move the heart, are really living sermons unto repentance that lead a man to acknowledge his sins and make him fear them, as St. Paul, in Romans 2:1, says to the impenitent, hardened hypocrite: “Despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and long suffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?”
42. Hence, there is nothing in the juggling tricks which our Antinomians play upon this example, when they say that repentance is not to be preached and practiced through the Law, but through the Gospel, or, as they put it, through the revelation of the Son. They change the proper order of the two parts: the revelation of grace and the revelation of wrath, as if we are first to preach comfort through grace and afterwards to terrify through wrath. This is nothing but a blind and foolish pretext on the part of these people. They have no understanding of wrath or grace or repentance, and know not how to comfort the conscience.
43. All preaching of sin and God’s wrath is a preaching of the Law, no matter how or when it may be done. On the other hand, the Gospel is such preaching as sets forth and bestows nothing but grace and forgiveness in Christ. And yet it is true that the Apostles and preachers of the Gospel sanctioned the preaching of the Law, as Christ himself did, and began with this in the case of those who had not yet acknowledged their sins and had felt no fear of God’s anger. Thus our Lord says in John 16:8: “The Comforter, when he is come, will convict the world in respect of sin,” etc.
Yea, what more solemn and terrible proof and preaching of God’s wrath can there be than the sufferings and death of Jesus Christ, his son?
It is not the preaching of the Gospel, nor is it Christ’s own preaching, but the preaching of Moses and the Law to the impenitent, so long as nothing but God’s wrath is preached and men are terrified. For the Gospel and Christ were neither ordained nor given in order to terrify or condemn, but to comfort and raise up such as are fearful and faint-hearted. And from this it follows that the man, whose heart has been rightly impressed by the sufferings of Christ, must, of his own accord, see and feel in these the unbearable wrath of God against sin, and thereby be so stricken with fear that the world becomes too narrow for him. St. Bernard testifies that this was his experience as soon as he gained a right insight into the sufferings of Christ. He says: “Alas, I thought I was safe! I knew nothing of the judgment and wrath that had come upon me, till I saw that the only begotten Son of God had to take my place,” etc.
This idea is so terrible that even the damned in hell can have no greater torment, no greater feeling of God’s wrath and condemnation, than this vision of the death of the Son of God, the benefits of which they have forfeited. Thus Judas, the traitor, as he would not heed the kindly admonitions and warnings of the Lord Jesus, and would not take into consideration how he acted towards him, was finally driven into such terror by this vision that he preached the Law and damnation to himself in saying: “I have betrayed innocent blood,” etc. , Matthew 27:4.
44. In like manner, Peter preaches to himself the Law concerning his sins and God’s wrath, and takes as his text Christ’s great kindness towards him.
From this kindness he can gather nothing but wrath and terror on account of his unworthiness before God. For he has, as yet, no other understanding in his heart than that of the Law, which Law shows that God is hostile to sin and will punish it. He is still ignorant of the grace of Christ which, through the Gospel, is freely offered to all sinners. To this grace he could not have attained, but must have despaired in ‘the midst of his terror, had not Christ delivered another sermon whereby he comforted him and raised him up. For, of himself, no man can grasp this doctrine, or arrive at an understanding of it, without the revelation of the Holy Spirit through the word of the Gospel.
45. Hence those foolish souls are entirely wrong, who allege that the Law is not to be preached under the New Testament dispensation, or that men are to be terrified with God’s wrath through the Gospel only after grace has been preached to them. For it is certain that the Gospel preaches no wrath; nor does it cause fear and anguish. When it comes, it is for the purpose of comforting consciences. The order everywhere indicated and observed by Scripture is this, that sin must always be acknowledged and fear of God’s wrath be realized, through the preaching or experience of the Law, before there can be such comfort as proceeds from forgiveness, the purpose of this order being that men may be led to long for grace and be made fit to receive the comfort of the Gospel. Those, therefore, who are yet without any fear of God’s wrath, who are secure and hardened and unyielding, must be strongly admonished and urged to repentance by the threats and terrors of that wrath, that is, to them no Gospel is to be preached, but only the Law and Moses.
46. On the other hand, no law is to be preached to those in whose hearts it has wrought its purpose so that, through the realization of their sins, they have become terrified, faint-hearted and fearful. To such as these nothing is to be preached but the Gospel and its comfort. For it is really the purpose of Christ’s coming, and of his command to preach the Gospel to all poor sinners, that they should believe that it abolishes and does away with all the accusations and fears and threatenings of the Law, and puts a perfect comfort in their place. This he everywhere teaches in the Gospel; and in Luke 4:18, quoted from Isaiah 61:1, he says: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor.” I have often said, therefore, that Moses must not be permitted to dominate the consciences that are agitated by the assaults of the devil and the dread of God’s wrath, but that these are straightway to dismiss Moses, together with the entire Law, and not listen to him.
47. But besides, we must bear in mind that the doctrine of the Law is not to be entirely done away with, even in the case of those who are Christians, inasmuch as Christians must exercise themselves in daily repentance, because they still live in the flesh which is moved by sinful lusts. hence they must be so taught and admonished, after they have received the forgiveness of sins, that they do not fall back again into a state of security, or give the flesh occasion to war against the Spirit. Galatians 5:13.
48. Such is Peter’s experience at this time. In his terror he has not, as yet, any revelation or knowledge of grace or forgiveness of sins. The revelation of wrath is working in him, and this impels him to flee even from Christ, which he certainly would not hare done, had he rightly known him. But Christ is now about to make of him a true Christian, about to make him experience the real comfort of conscience which overcomes the terror of the Law and raises man from the misery of sin to grace and blessedness, from death to life, from hell to heaven. It is necessary, therefore, that he should first have a real taste of that power of the Law which is roused and wrought, not by Christ, but by Moses through the ten Commandments.
49. Now, see how kindly Christ comforts the terrified heart and conscience. He says: “Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men.” In tones so truly loving does the Savior speak to all who are in fear and terror by reason of their sins. He will not have them to remain any longer in fear and anguish. He takes away from them all the dread of the Law, and shows them that they should not, on account of their sins, flee from him but to him, so that they may learn to know him as the loving Savior who has come into this world, not to reject poor sinners, but to allure them to himself, and to enrich and bless them with his comfort and help. He therefore says, in Luke 19:10: “The Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost.” And in 1 Timothy 1:15 St. Paul says: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.”
50. Not only does Christ give comfort to poor, terror-stricken Peter by the kindly words in which he declares and offers to him his grace and absolution, but he goes on to strengthen this comfort by the great promise that he will give him something far beyond anything he has hitherto received from him; and all this in order that Peter may perceive and experience how Christ’s heart and love go out to him. “From henceforth,” Christ says, “thou shalt catch men.” That Peter is not to be alarmed on account of his unworthiness and sins is, in itself, an abundant comfort and grace. However, he is not only to have the forgiveness of his sins, but is also to know that God intends to accomplish still greater things through him by making him a help and comfort to others.
What Christ would say is this: “That which thou hast accomplished by this draught of fishes is much too little; really, it is nothing at all. Thou art henceforth to become a different kind of fisherman, in a different sea, with a different net and boat. For I am going to engage thee in a business which shall be called ‘catching men’; and this means that, throughout the entire world, thou art to draw away souls from the power of the devil into the kingdom of God. Then, first, wilt thou become the sort of man that can help others, even as thou thyself hast been helped.”
51. From this Gospel let us rightly acknowledge and lay hold upon Christ and the power of his comfort, in order that we may comfort both ourselves and others, and may instruct and remind the consciences which are in distress and fear that they are by no means to run or flee away from Christ, but should much rather flee to him and wait for his comfort. Thus to run away, thus to fear, is nothing else than to drive your own salvation and happiness away from you. For Christ has not come to make you afraid, but to remove from you your sins and distress. Nor does he draw nigh and follow after you in order to drive you away, but that he may kindly allure you to himself.
You must therefore not do him the dishonor of thrusting him away from you. And you must not pervert to your own fear and despair the comfort he brings you, but much rather run to him in all confidence. Then you will soon hear the cheering and comforting words: “Fear not?’ which he speaks to your heart, and to the hearts of all troubled consciences, and through them he pronounces absolution for all sins and removes all fear. Yea, he will grant you a still richer grace by making you such a holy, blessed and useful man in his kingdom, that you can be of comfort to others, and can bring those to him who, like yourself, are now full of fear and in need of comfort and grace.
52. Here you see how a man is delivered from spiritual poverty and distress, that is, how, through Christ’s Word, he obtains forgiveness of sins and peace of conscience together with grace and increase of spiritual gifts, without any merit or worthiness of his own but only through the grace of Christ. It is in this respect as it was with the temporal miracle of the draught of fishes, which the disciples did not secure by reason of their toil, and which was not given to them before they had labored and striven in vain, and had despaired of taking anything. And yet, as Christ on that occasion does not forbid their laboring, but commands them to let down their nets for a draught, so now he does not abolish works. Although Peter does not deserve grace and forgiveness by what he does, but receives forgiveness and grace freely, yet the Lord will not permit him to dispense with all work and effort. Yea, he assigns to him the duty and business of bringing the same blessings to others, and, in the assignment of this duty, comforts him with the assurance that the necessary power and blessing shall be added. “For,” says he, “I will make thee a fisher of men.” Thus are the two parts rightly taught, namely, that faith deserves nothing by its works, and yet, that it performs all sorts of works in its station and calling, according to the word and command of God.
53. Christ himself teaches the meaning of this history of Peter’s draught of fishes when he says: “From henceforth thou shalt catch men.” Herein is represented the spiritual rule of the Church, which consists in the office of preaching. The sea, or the water, represents the world, the fishes represent men, while the outward office of preaching is represented by the hand and the net by which the fishes are caught. For as the net is let down among the waves, so the sermon finds its way among men.
54. But this office of preaching is of twofold One seeks to win men without Christ. This is the preaching of the Law, which demands of us nothing but works, and either makes arrogant saints who, without accomplishing anything, would pursue their own free, unhampered course through the wild and watery wastes, or only terrifies and drives away the consciences which, without works, are timid and weak.
55. Hence the labor and effort of the entire night (of the Law) must prove vain and lost until Christ comes with the other kind of preaching, — until he brings with him the dawn and revelation of the comforting and cheering Gospel that enlightens the hearts of men with the knowledge of the grace of God, — until he commands us to let down the net for a draught. When this is done at his word and command, great and rich fruits are the result.
Then men’s hearts are willing and ready to come to the obedience of faith in Christ, yea, even to press forward to it, and to venture life and limb in its attainment, as Christ says in Matthew 11:12: “From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and men of violence take it by storm.”
56. This draught of fishes is so great that the one boat alone (hitherto representing the Church of the Jewish people) is not able to draw it up or large enough to contain it. Those in the one boat must beckon to their partners in the other to come and help them. This other boat is the assembly and Church of the Gentiles which has been established and spread by the Apostles. Thus were the two boats filled with one and the same draught of fishes, that is, with one and the same sort of preaching, and with a corresponding faith and confession.
57. Owing to the great draught the nets began to break, and some of the fishes fell out. These are they who are not sincere, and do not abide in the Gospel, but cast themselves out of it, preferring to continue amid their free and wild waves rather than submit themselves to Christ. So there were many, especially among the Jews, who disobeyed and gainsaid the Gospel.
These, and all others who establish sects and factions of their own, may not and cannot continue with the true band of God’s people in the assembly of the Church, but make themselves manifest as being good for nothing.
Hence St. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11:19: “There must be also factions among you, that they who are approved may be made manifest among you.” These sects and factions must therefore fall away, while the others are gathered together out of the net and put into the two boats, where they are so kept, in the unity of the Church and of faith in Christ, that they do not fall away again. Otherwise they would be in danger of falling away at last, together with the factions by whom they had been seduced.
58. And as the net suffers through being let down into the water and becomes wet, so must the office of preaching suffer through all sorts of trials and persecutions in the world, even to the extent of being rent and torn. It cannot produce profitable or fruitful results in all men; yet great power and much fruit are found in those who remain steadfast and are kept to the end. It is our comfort, however, that Christ, through our preaching, will lead his own into the boat, and will keep them there, although we know that we cannot make devout men of all to whom we preach, and that we cannot escape persecution on account of our office; yea, though we know that many will fall away even among those of whom we felt sure that we had them in the net.
The New Edition of Thy Strong Word: The Efficacy of the Word in the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions - Is Available. Free Copies Sent
This is the Amazon link to the printed edition of Thy Strong Word. 19.99
The Kindle e-book version of Thy Strong Word can be found here. $8.99
The free PDF of Thy Strong Word is found here. You are welcome to download the PDF and share it.
The retail price includes a modest $1 profit, for the printed edition and the Kindle.
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Cover and illustrations are by Norma Boeckler. |
Good News about the Author's Price
I can send a single copy of TSW for $12, printing and shipping included.
But even more surprising - I can send two copies for $20, printing and shipping! Given the telephone book size of the book and the color cover, that is remarkable.
Donors have been emailed about the free copies coming to them. They can order more because of their generous gifts. I was not sure how many enormous books an individual would want. Some are trying to convert their Lutheran friends to Lutheran doctrine.
If You Want Printed Copies
I suggest that you order through me and save a bundle. That is why I am changing over to Amazon for all the books still on Lulu.
Just send me an email with the number you want and mail a check (or PayPal) to -
Pastor Gregory Jackson
1104 Letha Drive
Springdale AR 72762
email - greg.jackson.edlp@gmail.com
About Thy Strong Word Editions
I published the book with Hebrew and Greek exegesis in 2000. That is the blue hardback, which can be found on the used market (Amazon, Alibris, and others).
Later I published an English-only edition, hardback through Lulu, in 2010.
This Amazon edition is the paperback version of the English-only Lulu edition. Amazon does not issue hardbound copies. I asked my finishing editor, Janie Sullivan, to use the large format and the largest font, with a page limited (Amazon) of 604 pages. Thus - a telephone book in decent font size.
The Fifth Sunday after Trinity, 2016. Luke 5:1-11. The Miraculous Catch of Fish
The Fifth Sunday after Trinity, 2016
Pastor Gregory L. Jackson
The melodies are linked in the hymn name.
The lyrics are linked in the hymn number.
The Hymn # 375If Thy Beloved Son
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual
The Gospel
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creedp. 22
The Sermon Hymn # 132 O God of God
At Your Word
The Communion Hymn #350 Jesus the Very Thought (St. Agnes)
The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn #52 Almighty Father, Bless the Word
KJV 1 Peter 3:8 Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous: 9 Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing. 10 For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile: 11 Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it. 12 For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil. 13 And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good? 14 But and if ye suffer for righteousness' sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled; 15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:
KJV Luke 5:1 And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret, 2 And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets. 3 And he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon's, and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land. And he sat down, and taught the people out of the ship. 4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. 5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net. 6 And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake. 7 And they beckoned unto their partners, which were in the other ship, that they should come and help them. And they came, and filled both the ships, so that they began to sink. 8 When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord. 9 For he was astonished, and all that were with him, at the draught of the fishes which they had taken: 10 And so was also James, and John, the sons of Zebedee, which were partners with Simon. And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men. 11 And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all, and followed him.
Fifth Sunday After Trinity
O Jesus Christ, Thou Son of the living God, who hast given us Thy holy word, and hast bountifully provided for all our temporal wants, we confess that we are unworthy of all these mercies, and that we have rather deserved punishment: But we beseech Thee, forgive us our sins, and prosper and bless us in our several callings, that by Thy strength we may be sustained and defended, now and forever, and so praise and glorify Thee eternally, Thou who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one true God, world without end. Amen.
At Your Word
KJV Luke 5:1 And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret,
This sermon opportunity was special, because the land rises around the lake, so Jesus had a natural place from which to speak, especially on a boat. When surrounded by crowds, at an equal level, it was harder for those on the perimeter to hear and to see. The water was His sounding board and everyone could hear and see. As the church architects say, either slope the audience upward or build a higher chancel area. Jesus had a similar advantage in the Sermon on the Mount, only in reverse, with the audience down below Him.
This miracle lesson shows us God's concern for His own, starting with spiritual matters. The crowd wanted to hear the Word of God, so Jesus first made arrangements to preach to them so they would hear Him easily. He had a perfect opportunity, so He took advantage of using a fishing boat, a craft designed for stability, not like the canoes we rent on lakes or find at camps.
2 And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets. 3 And he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon's, and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land. And he sat down, and taught the people out of the ship.
Two fishing boats were nearby, and they were not full of fish. They were completely empty. He went into Simon Peter's boat and asked him to push out from land. There Jesus had a perfect place to project His voice into the crowd, so everyone could here Him. And He also had a very special audience there in the boat - the very first pope, if we believe the Church of Rome. Tis strange how that subject never came up in this lesson or any other. In fact, the apostles were equal when they had a conference together, and Paul could confront Peter (Galatians) on the topic of keeping kosher.
Jesus taught the importance of faith in Him as the way in which to become righteous. Or - justification by faith. We know that from His many sermons and from His ultimate farewell sermon in John 16. Simon had the special opportunity to experience the conviction of sin as defined by the Son of God. "The Holy Spirit will convict the world of sin...because they believe not on Me."
The fullness of the godhead dwelt in Jesus (Colossians) so when Jesus taught, it was the Father and the Spirit united with Him. Simon began to have faith in Him. As we know from our own experience and the episodes with the disciples, faith can be a small seed at first, a small seed that grows over time. Like plants that are whipped by the wind and pelted by rain and sleet, we grow stronger and become fruitful by abiding in Him.
This was the start of Simon's growth in faith, hearing the Word of God. Faith is foundational, because what follows cannot be understood apart from faith in Jesus. If we just have Jesus the Miracle Worker providing an enormous catch of fish, then the crowds only want Him for their stomachs. In fact, this did happen and many disciples (John 6) walked away, saying, "Who can bear these hard words?"
Simon as an experience fisherman felt completely crushed by their failure to catch anything. It was in that state that he heard Jesus preaching next to him in the boat and began to have faith in Him.
4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. 5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.
Simon was still despairing when Jesus urged him to launch into the deep waters and let down the nets to catch some fish. Simon knew from working all night that there were no fish, which were more easily caught then. Now the sun was up and it was worse for fishing. But Simon had faith. Jesus' Word moved him to try.
The men were not even looking for an answer from God for their needs. But Jesus anticipated that need and provided for them.
3. Although it is not indeed the purpose of Christ’s coming or preaching to foster and provide for the body, yet he is not unmindful of it when the first thing sought is his kingdom. He therefore takes upon himself the distress of these poor fishermen who, through all this night, and with all their efforts and toil, have caught nothing. However, as they have lent him their boat to preach, and have listened to him, he, without any thought on their part, and before they have uttered any prayer, provides for them a draught of fishes so great that they are thereby enabled fully to learn and clearly to understand that in him they have a Master who cares for them and will not forsake them, provided they abide in his Word and remain his disciples.
Simon had faith because of Jesus' preaching of faith. Therefore, with faith in Jesus, he agreed to try the impossible. So we need to remember this when we despair of help in time of troubles. The changes and misadventures of life deprive us of security and make us anxious. And yet God is answering prayers before we even ask them. We must always remember that.
Without faith, people look at vaults full of money and say, "I have so little compared to my relatives." I visited two MDs where the wife said, "The real money is in procedures. My sister makes 600k." Together the couple made $200,000 20 years ago and had no children, but they looked at others and coveted what they had.
One of my students came from a wealthy family. He was putting his finances together again and on the road to making a very good salary. He was tops in his field and everything was turned upside-down on him. He was punished for being good at what he did and he was out of a job. In faith he began again with what he loved, music. Now he is very happy and successful in that field, a completely different one in some respects, but he earned an MA in education before that, as I suggested. He said, "I use that degree every day."
God provides abundantly and miraculously, beyond all hope or imagination. Simon's expertise was quashed by the power of the Word, which can vanquish all our knowledge and mock our human labors.
10. Scripture, however, everywhere shows the harm that is done by the avarice and anxieties of unbelief. For unbelief can by no means obtain anything from God that would benefit, comfort or bless it, but so deprives itself of the divine benediction that it can have no satisfaction or joy in the temporal goods it desires, and can never possess a good and peaceful conscience. Hence it is that Christ, in Matthew 13:22, speaks of all anxiety, with regard to sustenance, as thorns, on account of which the Word of God cannot put forth its strength or its fruits. St. Paul expounds the meaning of the thorns in 1 Timothy 6:9-10, saying: “They that are minded to be rich fall into a temptation and a snare and many foolish and hurtful lusts, such as drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil; which some reaching after have been led astray from the faith, and have pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”
6 And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake. 7 And they beckoned unto their partners, which were in the other ship, that they should come and help them. And they came, and filled both the ships, so that they began to sink.
7. From this every one may see and learn that no man lives by his labor or exertion, however great and unhampered this may be, but must live by God’s blessing and grace. Let it remain at this, as the Germans say, that “God helps,” or “God bestows his gifts over night,” which saying has come down to us from pious men of old who realized its truth in their experience. Daily experience still shows that many a one toils, tooth and nail, in anxiety and hard work, who yet can scarcely earn his bread or get rid of his debts and poverty; whilst to another, who takes it easy and newer overexerts himself, everything comes and flows in so abundantly that we really must say: “All this comes from God’s help and not from any man’s labor.” In <19C702> Psalm 127:2 we are told: “So he giveth it unto his beloved in sleep,” as if the Psalmist would say: “It is in vain that you fret and plague yourself with cares and labor, day and night, in order to provide what is needed in the home. Much may be needed there; but it does not depend upon your hands and labor at all. Nothing will come of your effort unless God himself is the “House Father” and makes it possible for you to say: ‘God bestows his gifts over night. ’ Grain and all food from the earth, yea, all that a man has, or may acquire, must be given him of God.”
Those fishing boats were made specifically for this kind of work. I once read a dissertation devoted to fishing boats in the New Testament. They were flat-bottomed, very stable, and made to take on loads. But these man-made tools for fishing could not hold all the fish that were not there the night before. Helpers were not enough. A second boat was not enough. And they began to sink from all the weight. This was far beyond the normal good catch, and it came at just the right time to turn their despair into joy - and even into fear.
8 When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord. 9 For he was astonished, and all that were with him, at the draught of the fishes which they had taken: 10 And so was also James, and John, the sons of Zebedee, which were partners with Simon.
The Reformation often addressed the "terrors of the conscience" in which man realizes the vast gulf between Almighty God and his own sinfulness. Just as Simon in faith pushed out into the deep and let down his nets, so in faith he realized his vast sinfulness. He worshiped Jesus saying the Lord should leave him, a wretched, flawed, sinful man.
This can strike people in many ways. Some fight enormous battles with depression, as Luther did. He said only someone who had fought these spiritual onslaughts (Anfectungen) could give him spiritual counsel. And so he has been a source of comfort for millions. Such battles were once considered part of life and mentioned in biographies, such as Walther and Pieper, as well as Luther. People took a leave of absence for months to recover.
In other cases parent worry about how they failed their children. If only I could have... There are so many routes down that pit of despair. Once I was so sorry that our son spent so much time in nursing homes and hospitals because of his sister. He and I were in the big area where patients gathered. And I found him happily playing a game with a hat, with a very severely disabled boy who could not speak or do much. Both were having a great time. Later he told one of his friends. "I loved growing up in a parsonage. I would not trade a minute of it."
There are challenges too great for parents because so many factors work against children growing up. Considering the terrors of the conscience, we can realize that Jesus the Savior is our comfort, because the so-called perfect person is still a sinner. The best of intentions cannot change a flawed and broken world, where all kinds of hurt come from different directions.
And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men. 11 And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all, and followed him.
This reminds me of the pastor we met at one of those evangelism conferences. He told us about his mother being a prostitute and her customers beating her up. If he intervened, as a boy, they would beat him up too. He wanted to be a minister, but he told all this to the pastor who was encouraging him. He said, "You see, I can't be a minister with my past." The pastor hugged him and said, "You are exactly what we need."
This was the most gracious, warm, and welcoming man. Before he told that story no one would have thought that possible in his life. I took a photo of him with my wife Chris and I can still remember his big, warm smile.
Some minister was a neighbor to him and filled that emptiness with the Gospel of forgiveness. Despair was replaced with joy. That is why Luther calls the Church a mouth and an ear Church. The Gospel spreads by speaking the Good News and by hearing it.
God works from our weaknesses and flaws, creating something new. I was working with an alcoholic and drug addict - I was glad when he began to get counseling from other addicts in AA. He began to tell me how their straightened him out about his destructive habits. That bottoming out (which we studied at Yale at their famous clinic for alcoholism) was the start of having a real job, productive time, and new healthy habits. So many blessings flow from that, but they started from another person's battle with addiction.
Wherever your pain has been sharpest, there are people experiencing that who need Christian comfort. Sometimes we get help from the veterans so we can later provide that same help.
Isaiah 65:23 -24
They shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the Lord, and their offspring with them.
24 And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.
Ephesians 3:20-21
20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.
More Live Blogging from the CLC (sic) Convention. Watching So You Don't Have To
I listened to the CLC (sic) discuss opening up their schools to a few non-members. Men walked to the microphones to worry about the consequences of that idea. The sect has a definite commitment to whatever was done in the past. I noticed that cited again and again. They are stuck in 1955 -
The convention seemed to be repeating the same stories and arguments, little considering that their claims are far afield from reality. They are just as Church Growthy as WELS, not surprising since they cast covetous eyes over the fence all the time, just as WELS covets Missouri, and Missouri covets ELCA.
In video above, seemingly filmed in the 1950s, LW Schierenbeck explained UOJ with the time-worn bromides of the Synodical Conference:
- God has justified the world.
- God justifies the ungodly.
- If that were not so, I would blow my brains out, because I am ungodly.
Paul Tiefel did the interviewing in Hewn Rock, so that reminded me of this hilarious episode in the sect.
He was always worried about WELS being harmed by my truthful articles or emails. Tiefel always began by saying, "We are not in fellowship with WELS but we should not blah-blah..." He was always calling me a liar and and slanderer, but he never mentioned he was just as Church Growthy as his cousin Jim Tiefel at Mequon.
Someone mailed me the poster for Jim Tiefel's worship conference at Carthage College (ELCA). I sent out a purely factual email, probably on the CLC Slinger email. WELS had women teaching men, a Roman Catholic teaching the group, and - gasp - LCMS leaders. They did NOT have anyone from the ELS teaching anything at the conference.
Paul Tiefel used another person's email account to blast me as a liar, slanderer, etc. His entire spiel was hyperbolic. I was in New Ulm, where Martin Luther College bought my books as they came out. The library even phoned me to tell me about books they were removing from the library, in case I wanted some free old classics.
I tried to get the message about the conference out in Christian News, but Otten resisted me several times, even on the phone. Finally he printed the information as a letter, and the letters were always read.
At one point, either before or after this episode, Jim Tiefel (WELS, Mequon) sent Otten and others a letter saying that I needed a thorough examination from a "caring physician." Paul must have consulted an attorney because my copy was stolen from my office in New Ulm.
The narrative continued. At one point old Dan Fleischer (CLC prez) asked me about the WELS worship conference, which caused a minor dust-up in WELS. The question was still whether I made up everything. I said, "The poster was in the library at Martin Luther College, and I had a copy next to me as I wrote the message."
Every time the truth came out, someone cried "Liar! Slanderer! Eighth Commandment!" The CLC (sic) was no different from WELS in protecting and promoting false doctrine.
Tiefel and his pal Dave Koenig also hyperventilated at the mention of "making disciples" being a wrong and Church Growthy translation of the Great Commission. That had the Tiefel gang hopping up and down with rage, so precious was "making disciples" to Church Growth. The dunces of Church Growth taught their slow-witted followers that the key to growth was starting Pietistic cell groups, because "shepherds don't have sheep. Sheep have sheep."
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Gutsche has been in every Lutheran synod and sect except ELDONA. Koenig roared, asking who gave me this photo. It was on Facebook for all to see - but without the captions on the shirts. |
So it was with great irony that I watched old Dan Fleischer going over his experience at Northwestern College (WELS) and insisting that the Wisconsin sect had to admit all their horrible sins before they could ever be together again. He let Paul Tiefel and Dave Koenig run down anyone in their way.
Dale Redlin had an interesting comment about the two. He told me on the phone that Tiefel were always causing trouble with their false trouble. "They never apologize and never retract."
At one meeting I brought up on Paul Tiefel (CLC) tore into the president of the CLC in a letter, a disgraceful, disrespectful letter. Hothead Paul, instead of disdainful cool, stood up and started yelling non-stop. Such a laugh. I got the same response from Mormon missionaries when I asked about their sacred underwear and Jesus being the brother of Satan - incoherent yelling.
Sassy and I Garden Together - She Wonders Why I Water Before a Thunderstorm
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Sassy's missing leg makes her appealing to children and adults. She loves to talk, using various growls and yips to manage my life. |
Almost Eden said his dog tends to get underfoot when he works, but Sassy normally picks a place where she can watch in the shade and supervise. She enjoyed digging with me near the front porch. Once an area is opened up, she sniffs it and sometimes tests it with her paw. She ended up under my arms as I planted some new arrivals. I was stretched out on my stomach and she was beneath my arms, not quite in the way, enjoying the closeness.
We have an unspoken agreement now that afternoon walks are around the cul-de-sac, which is shaded late in the day. Six is a good time in the morning for a cool walk around the neighborhood, and six a great time to walk around our street in the early evening.
Sassy lets me water the new roses at the end of the day, even if rain is predicted. Yesterday she thought I was being too tedious, so she barked to go in, waiting just inside on the cool floor. She likes to be outside for a time with me, but not too long in the heat and humidity.
We had definite rain predicted, and I saw lightning blinking north of us later that evening. Why water? The new roses have to leaf out, and they dry out too much in the breezes and bright sunlight. If they have moistened canes and roots, the rain will be working on healthy rather than stressed roses.
Sometimes Sassy flushes out rabbits. I told one neighbor there is a rabbit for every yard. He said, "No, a rabbit you see and 12 you don't see - in every yard." We watched an adult hop away last night.
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Rugosa roses are known for their hips, ragged leaves, tolerance of shade and dryness. |
Rugusa Roses
I have been using rain-barrel water to get the Rugosa roses going. They showed life as soon as I soaked them overnight, before planting. Now three of the five have those ragged green leaves popping out.
The Hosta plants I bought with those roses were tiny. I soaked them too, now they are growing well in the shade of the house, amid Wild Strawberry plants.
I obtained some Willow bushes for a screen - from Almost Eden. He said, "I can see why you want to screen the view" as he looked at the view toward the West. Willows also tolerate shade and dryness, but they all needed a boost before the rain came. Once again, Sassy said "Enough of this," and barked to go inside.
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Beautyberries feed birds at the end of the season. |
Last Year's Bushes Flowering
Last year I bought samples of various plants from Almost Eden. I saw very little from them last year. They either had too much rain or too little, and their roots were not fully established in the soil. Many perennial plants do a lot of root growth in the fall and winter, and ours was perfect for that, with various mulches decomposing into the soil to feed the plant growth.
I planted a number of little Bee Balm varieties. My reward was seeing a hummingbird sipping from one (1) flower last summer. I wondered how Bee Balm could call itself a mint - where was the pervasive growth through the roots? I found out this spring when the red ones showed up like relatives and friends after a PowerBall win.
A tiny Bee Balm all last year, planted among the roses on the fence, grew to a large bush and flowered with purple frilly blooms, smelling like a jar of Vicks Vapo-rub. I cut some for the altar flowers. A few of them overpowered the rose fragrance, so I can see why various creatures are attracted to them.
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White Profusion Butterfly Bush |
Plant Them Where They Will Be Seen
I have learned to try plants in the places where I will always see them, even if the placement seems to be wrong at the time.
I tried out a few plants in one sunny but neglected area, in the West corner of the yard. Nothing grew well there and one Butterfly Bush barely stayed alive. Since then I have learned that Butterfly Bushes are rather fussy, so it almost finished off a Bonnie, destined to be 12 feet tall. I transplanted the midget bush to where it could be watched and watered from the rain-barrel. At first it wilted, as these flimsy plants tend to do. I used some logs to hold it up straight and gave it daily doses of liquid fertilizer (rain). Now the plant is established and ready to join its giant White Profusion partner.
I thought the White Profusion would be fun to watch in bloom from the bedroom window, thinking it would be six feet tall or so. Instead, the plant is nine (9) feet tall and reaching upwards. One reward was seeing a pair of Chickadees land on the platform feeder, move to the Jackson EZ Bird Swing, and rest in the large Butterfly Bush. Each one sang "Chicka-dee-dee-dee," so I filled two feeders for them.
Ministers would be a lot better at their jobs if they gardened and fed birds. Most of Jesus' parables concern His own Creation, which is fitting. He used examples that everyone could picture and see in their own work - wild flowers quickly blooming, the lowly sparrow, sheep, sowing seed, the harvest, the seed that grows while we sleep, the early and late rains essential for growing food.
Learning often means unlearning. We are immersed in business talk and ministers easily pick that up from our culture and the Tony Robbins of Church Growth. They talk about their vision, reaching critical mass, and numbers. Tis strange how I feed them my numbers, like 4.7 million total views - and it only makes them angry.
Ministers and laity need to lay aside those business bromides and pick up the language of the Word. Wear a rubber band on the wrist (sales tactic) and snap it hard when mentioning SAM goals (Specific, Achievable, Measurable). Snap! Bad habit. Instead, speak of the efficacy of the Word and trusting in the Means of Grace.
Holy Mother Sect is perfect. Snap! Jesus did not die on the cross and rise from the dead to let people make their own institutions the Gospel. Faith in the Creating Word or faith in the manufactured organization? That is easily answered from examples outside, from the birds who start the day cheerfully without knowing where their next meal is, from the plants that germinate, grow, flower, and fruit to feed Creation and beautify our lives.
Matthew 6
24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
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Doves are very good at gleaning seed from the feeders or the ground below. Messy birds and careless squirrels keep doves in business. |
John Milton - "When I Consider How My Light Is Spent"
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William Shakespeare was an actor, but he had twice the vocabulary of John Milton? That fact alone points to the Earl of Oxford, the best educated man in England as the real dramatist. |
One of my Moline classmates had a grandson in a costume competition. His wore a great little robot outfit, as I recall, made by his now deceased grandfather. I responded, "Who were the judges? The John Milton Society?"
He explained to his wife Linda - the John Milton Society provides services for the blind, because their icon became blind, perhaps from glaucoma or retinal detachment. That society used to reprint my articles from Lutheran periodicals, which pleased me and my friends. Several articles also appeared in Hungarian and German.
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Delacroix - Milton dictating Paradise Lost to his daughters. |
I always had a great liking for Milton. I actually read Paradise Lost, all of it, in college. I once owned a beautiful edition of that poem. I asked a rare books dealer if anyone read all of Spencer, and he said "Some of my English major friends did their best." His enormous Spencer set was selling for $50, a true bargain if one wanted to go blind reading it. Spencer, Shakespeare (Oxford), and Milton were the great sonnet writers of the English language.
Milton's sonnet about going blind is probably his most famous, and it brings to mind how we should spend the rest of our lives. He wrote three of the most famous poems in English literature, ones of enormous length and depth, after becoming completely blind. All three had Biblical themes.
Since we are living in the Age of Apostasy, as predicted by the Pastoral Epistles, the best use of my time is to teach and write about Biblical truths, especially since the so-called conservative Lutherans want to concentrate on Holy Mother Church rather than its Founder, the Savior.
I told one reader, "I learn about the audience every time a new title comes out. A new person writes and asks for a copy - or copies." In fact, he was one of those.
Reprints Coming Up
The next two books being prepared for Amazon are:
- Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant, which Paul Rydecki helped edit.
- Liberalism:Its Cause and Cure. NPH gave me the rights to print it.
Books and Booklets
The Creation Gardening book needs summer and early Autumn photos, so I am going to photograph during that time and finish the book, God willing, during the Fall.
The next new title will be Luther and the Word: The Lost Dutchman's Goldmine. That will a short book, like Making Disciples: The Error of Modern Pietism.
New books are going to be shorter, because they are less complicated to finish. When I look at old projects, like publishing all he Luther sermons from Lenker, or writing Thy Strong Word and Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant, I think - Where did the energy come from?
I figure 2017 will be a good year to challenge the faux-celebrations of the Reformation's 500th anniversary. They remind me already of the hat tip to the KJV (400 in 2011) and the nod toward Gerhardt (400th in 2007), who is not sung anymore unless Koine has a jazz version of his hymns.
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Milton completed his greatest works while blind, using a series of scribes. |
Donut Disturb Leads for the Last Seven Days. WELS Pride Month Accomplishment - Second Place
New Edition of Thy Strong Word Shipped. If I Sent You an Email, You Are Getting One or Two.Send an Email To Get Yours
The first batch of Thy Strong Word: The Efficacy of the Word in the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions has been printed and shipped. The first books are going to donors, reviewers, and the award-winning artist.
They take a little time to arrive, even though we use Priory Mail out of Springdale, Arkansas. The recent rain might slow down delivery.
If you want a copy or two, send an email and your address to -
One copy is $12 shipped. Two copies are $20. They are very large.