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The Grass-Free Yard: Accumulating Benefits

Purple Splash rose.

What Is So Rare As a Day in June?
James Russell Lowell

And what is so rare as a day in June?
Then, if ever, come perfect days;
Then Heaven tries earth if it be in tune,
And over it softly her warm ear lays;
Whether we look, or whether we listen,
We hear life murmur, or see it glisten;
Every clod feels a stir of might,
An instinct within it that reaches and towers,
And, groping blindly above it for light,
Climbs to a soul in grass and flowers;
The flush of life may well be seen
Thrilling back over hills and valleys;
The cowslip startles in meadows green,
The buttercup catches the sun in its chalice,
And there's never a leaf nor a blade too mean
To be some happy creature's palace;
The little bird sits at his door in the sun,
Atilt like a blossom among the leaves,
And lets his illumined being o'errun
With the deluge of summer it receives;
His mate feels the eggs beneath her wings,
And the heart in her dumb breast flutters and sings;
He sings to the wide world, and she to her nest,
In the nice ear of Nature which song is the best?

Happy June 1st. 
People write or message me and often comment on the gardening articles. Michigander says he looks for them twice a day. A layman in WELS looks for new posts three times a day. Since he suggested the gardening idea, I try to start with horticulture in the morning and repeat the topic later in the day.

We began eliminating the grass in our yard before I learned it was a trend. Those who appreciate Creation or organic gardening can see why grass is losing its appeal. The Creation gardeners enjoy the beneficial creatures in the yard.

Chemical-centered turf and bush landscaping is not very friendly to the variety of animals, large and small, that can inhabit the yard. Grass and bushes alone do not support a variety of creatures. Pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizer suppress life, sometimes on a massive scale.

Speaking of yards, the yard sale provided me a load of fresh cardboard. I did not expect to eliminate more grass so early in the summer. Converting my neighbors to using cardboard mulching made me fear I would not get the extra cardboard leftovers from the sale.

Helianthus is a polite version of the sunflower.

Initial Gardening Frustrations - Not Waiting
Most new gardeners believe the books and start rototilling the soil violently and adding organic matter in large volume.

Those who appreciate the soil food web concept, where fungi establish connections in the soil - if allowed - realize what happens. When soil is converted from grass to gardening, one way or another, a gigantic chemical revolution takes place, involving many different creatures.

Whether someone osterizes the soil with his 10 horsepower rototiller or covers the lawn with cardboard and mulch, the earth must digest the changes and grow the new animals to make fertility happen. In addition, permanent plants need to establish their roots and set up their own Vanity Fair, where they exchange their carbon for the nutrition and water provided by soil fungi. All the soil creatures, from bacteria to earthworms, aid this transformation.

Roses are like asparagus in reaching good production a year or two after being planted, improving after that. The fun of roses is seeing those bare root plants leaf out, bud, and flower so soon. But that is nothing compared to mature roses given a chance to establish their royalty in the soil and produce dozens of perfect blooms.

Strike It Rich rose.

You Didn't Build That
Echoing the Great Prophet Obama, I can say to the roses, "You didn't build that display of blossoms by yourself. Fungi, bacterial, protozoa, and nematodes in the soil worked with earthworms to fix the chemicals you need in the soil and send them to your roots. Meanwhile, Flower Flies and Ichneumon Wasps came in to destroy the aphids and earwigs that initially made your blooms hideous and your leaves holey. Birds supplemented that work by eating bugs that might harm your growth, and spiders set up webs to intercept pests."

Chaste Tree is loved by bees.

Second and Third Year with Plants
The TV roses and KnockOuts are enjoying their third year of growth, so they began producing blooms immediately, before most people in this area were gardening. The weather was cold and rainy, but roses tolerate a great deal of cold. Many hybrid tea roses were planted last year, so they were also blooming early.

Almost Eden began selling plants last year, so I added some I never heard of before or never planted or failed on my first try. Some of these came from clearance shelves at Lowe's and Walmart.

  • Chaste Tree
  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries (failed before, in Michigan)
  • Beautyberries
  • Spirea
  • Bee Balm (failed before, in Phoenix).
  • Trumpet vine (failed before, in Phoenix).

They were establishing roots last year, a difficult one for most plants.

Beautyberry grows berries for birds -
not for human consumption.

ELCA and Quotas


About the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America:
The ELCA is one of the largest Christian denominations in the United States, with more than 3.7 million members in more than 9,300 congregations across the 50 states and in the Caribbean region. Known as the church of "God's work. Our hands," the ELCA emphasizes the saving grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ, unity among Christians and service in the world. The ELCA's roots are in the writings of the German church reformer, Martin Luther.

The lavender description of ELCA, above, is from the standard ELCA news release. The ELCA began with 10,000 congregations and 5.3 million members. They have lost the equivalent of The ALC.

The former denominational executives probably realize now that they were better off separate, but Crumley and David Preus both sought to glue themselves together with the Seminex faction guiding the agenda. Both of them have been quoted as regretting the merger.

The pivotal issue driving the radicalism of ELCA is the quota system, which continues to drive the group into the ground.

"Brett, don't pay attention to this post.
The facts are grossly exaggerated.
I wanted to lose to Liz Eaton, really."

Quotas based on race and sexual orientation mean that qualified people are bypassed in favor of the quota pick. The quota winners know one another all too well and make sure they have greater numbers and more power.  Mark Hanson got gay ordination and gay marriage passed in 2009, and he was pushed out by Elizabeth Eaton.

Straight white males have no quota power. A woman has one quota brownie point. A lesbian has two points. A Black lesbian has three points. That is why so many women now occupy top executive positions in ELCA. Each woman is a two-fer if not a three-fer.

Men are introduced in the ELCA news releases with information about their wives, children, and grandchildren. The latest bishop elections had 3 (three) men elected. But when women are appointed to positions - like President of Luther Seminary, President of Wartburg Seminary - nothing is said about a spouse or any personal relationship.

The Episcopal Bishop was elected with almost no pastoral
or oversight experience. No matter - she was at least a two-fer
and almost destroyed her denomination.

Selective Diversity
Diversity today is always quite selective. What Mark Hanson thought and did  and accomplished for The Cause was meaningless compared to a candidate like Eaton who was a two-fer (married with a child) and favoring three-fers. In the olden days, which are not very old in ELCA, a leader going for re-election was normally re-elected. That was definitely true in the ALC-LCA.

Diversity never means including more conservatives. Nor does it mean making the gay quota 2% since that would match the numbers in America, 2% of the population. Watch TV news talking heads discuss policy. It is easy to see the quota at work.

Since Elizabeth Eaton has been ELCA bishop, several colleges and two seminaries have been given to women. I guess Berkeley had a woman president, but that tiny seminary was on its way to merging with a college. Luther Seminary was a big win for militant feminists.

Wartburg's new female president laid off three staffers once she was installed, but she added them to her prayers, which must have been a terrific boost. I think Wartburg is another Berkeley, headed for a merger of some type.

ELCA-Episcopal heads in the US and Canada
lined up for this shot.

Reviewing the June 6, 2016 Issue of Christian News Reading CN So You Don't Have To. The Kholas of Your Mind


The Chief Article of Christianity, according to Herman Otten, is text criticism.

Many have heard the term Higher Criticism, which involves deciding whether Jesus ever said what the New Testament claims. The short answer is - No!

Needless to say, Higher Criticism, Form Criticism, and the Historical-Critical Method are devious ways to deny the authenticity of the Bible, and these tricks have been effective.

Lower Criticism is deciding on the text of the Bible. Not much is said about the Old Testament, because the rabbinic tradition was so careful and precise, counting the words and the letters in a copy. The Dead Sea Scrolls show that variation in 800 years was almost zero - from the Qumran period to the next oldest example of Isaiah, about 800 AD.

Lower Criticism of the New Testament was giving a great boost by Count Tischendorf, a fabulist of great imagination. He kept the monks from burning up the greatest NT find ever, dubbed Codex Sinaiticus. A codex is more like a book. He found the other great manuscript at the Vatican Library: Codex Vaticanus. Both of his finds have more mystery in them than biography, like the  Shroud of Turin. Boop - there it is.

There is nothing like a good story, so an antiquarian who makes his reputation by finding something and declaring it priceless is a rare talent. They crop up every few years, but most people see through the scam and move it to the fraud and curiosity websites.

I began to read about Kloha and found an article by LMMS Pastor Martin Noland. Kloha's lecture was "published without his permission." Nice deflection. If he lectured, it was already public.

I noticed from this issue that Kloha is already being touchy about his opinions.

When Kloha wrote that the Nestle-Aland is "The Church's text," I thought - "Oh brother."

Here is the quotation -Is my Nestle text authoritative? Yes it is, because it is the church’s text, Christ her Lord is preached in that text, and the church recognizes that the Lord works through that text as the Lord of creation unfolds history. . . .

Noland, who seems to be Kloha's bulldog - 

These are the same positions about Scripture and its texts that I heard over thirty years ago from my own professors—the biblically-conservative and doctrinally-orthodox faculty at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne when Dr. Robert Preus was the president there. If Dr. Kloha is in error in these statements, then they were wrong too.
That is the logical fallacy called the Appeal to Authority. Besides that, it is hearsay. He claims that was their position. Maybe it was.

Ft. Wayne was very mixed in those days, actively supporting Church Growth - voting as a faculty for "Church Growth Principles" and being absolutely ridiculous about UOJ. Some of those students have never recovered from that - a combination of UOJ and Church Growth and Rome plus ecumenical delights. Their support of UOJ and Church Growth in those years made them anti-Christian and anti-Lutheran.

This bowl of hash is straight out of Pietism, learned by Stephan at Halle University,
regurgitated by Walther and all his unfortunate followers.
They call themselves Lutheran but rage against justification by faith.
The Church's text is the Byzantine. The Christian Church became established in the East and grew westward. The Byzantine Empire existed from about 300 AD to 1453 AD, when the Muslims overwhelmed Constantinople.

Let us just assume that a Christian, Greek-speaking empire preserved the New Testament text quite well. This Lower Criticism has invented an industry for itself which is full of professors, editions, books, and journals.

All these fine fellows have their publications, their degrees, their academic honors and awards, but they do not agree with the Scriptures. They are no different than the rabble of Romanists who argued with Luther while storing up kindling for a nice roast. They cannot claim to be Lutheran when they hate Luther's doctrine.

One baby Ichabod reader is JBFA. The other is UOJ.

Update On Luther Days Fake WELS/ELS Conference Twitter List - Following. A Reader Asked If Kegler Was Still Being Followed. Here Is the Current Line Up. Great Confessional Statement - WELS/ELS

 Lesbian activist, ELCA Pastor Emma Kegler is no longer being followed,
as far as I could see -
but guess who is?
Megan Rohrer - "The first trans pastor ordained in the Lutheran church. Also, a disabled writer + award winning filmaker (sic) and historian."
And -
Bishop Guy Erwin is the first openly gay bishop
in ELCA, with his partner Rob Flynn.

Luther Days is following:

  • Lots of ELCA congregations, districts, and entities.
  • NoCrapTheology (guess what the graphic is) - Roman Catholic.
  • Several accounts that feature f-bombing - so literate, so classy.
  • UniversityLuther - "University Lutheran Church intends to provide a safe and welcoming environment for all of God's people, regardless of race, situation, family status, sexuality,"
  • NorthPoint - the Andy Stanley twitter account. NP is a favorite place for WELS training. Ask Ski.
  • Zig Ziglar and another by his son.
  • Reformed quotes.
  • Reformed Pastor.
  • Alice in luxury - click for billions - softcore close-up.
  • Craig Groeschel - another Appleton and WELS favorite.
  • Facts not fake. Easy money and softcore photos.
  • Massages.
  • Pastor Rick Johnson WELS Leonard Sweet fan.
  • Various WELS Church and Changers.
  • Rob Guenther - WELS CP and Love Letter Pastor Protector.
  • Follow Back. Super Follow Back. Follow Back 500k, etc, etc. - Seems to be a way of inflating the list.
  • Buddy Jesus.
  • ReconcilingWrks - "ReconcilingWorks works for the full inclusion of Lutherans of all sexual orientations and gender identities in all aspects of the life of their Church."
  • Old Paths Calvinist.
  • ELCA Advocacy "Be a part of the ELCA advocacy effort by signing up for our network at..."
  • MMrohrer - "The first trans pastor ordained in the Lutheran church. Also, a disabled writer + award winning filmaker (sic) and historian."
  • Bishop Erwin - is the first openly gay bishop in ELCA, ordained in a hurry with no parish experience
  • Holey Bible - "funny" new versions of Biblical verses.
  • Sundans - links to porn.
  • Edwards... - same old porn link from before. F bombs. Yuk photos.
  • Pastor Ski - which means he allowed Natalie Pratt to follow him.
  • Bill Limmer - Church and Changer.

This dancer was featured at at ELCA district meeting.
Luther Days is following most if not all ELCA districts and entities,
including "advocacy" and HIV/AIDS.

Another Thank-You Note For Roses. Floribundas and Older Roses

Falling in Love

The doorbell rang with no UPS truck at the curb. I opened the door and there were the mother and daughter smiling, who caught me leaving roses for Mothers' Day last month.

They thanked me all over again, smiling, and gave me the plastic cup back. Attached was a hand-written thank-you.

Our neighbor finished by saying. "Your yard is such a pleasure for everyone to view."

I said, "Wait until the new roses bloom, probably this month. They are leafing out now." They left smiling.

I mention these responses because roses generate so much happiness for so little work. We began leaving them at the chiro's office and added one of their client's to the list. Yesterday we came in time to send a bunch home with the retired agriculture professor. His wife loves roses - she also mailed a thank-you note. He was quite taken by the California Dreamin' rose in the vase - among others. When I saw that one in the catalog last year, I had to grow some.

Europeana Floribunda Rose -
riveting in the garden.

Floribunda Roses
I enjoy floribunda roses because they add plenty of color. They usually have very short stems, so they need to be cut with some imagination for the vase. But they can also grow a generous cluster of roses all on one stem.

Our KnockOut roses produced like crazy in their first bloom and will now get pruned back by about 50%. Rain is going to delay that effort.

If I were just going to grow a rose hedge for color, I would get a group of floribundas, the same color or contrasting. Starting with KnockOuts only - that is rather unimaginative. Their initial bloom seems to bewitch people into thinking they need no mulch, no pruning, no weeding. When a distant neighbor had a weed growing out of his sad, neglected KnockOut rose, I was happy that his privacy fence hid the tragedy.

Mr. Lincoln darkens as it matures, fun to watch open up from the bud,
once the five sepals are open.

Another splash of color would be a group of Mr. Lincoln roses - perfect buds and roses, deep red color, powerful fragrance. Last year I found the new Mr. Lincoln roses trying to grow 8 feet tall.

Older Roses
The brand new roses are fascinating. I would like to have 10 of each. But I have found the hyped roses of today will reveal some weaknesses later. Every rose has its limitations and favorite places to grow. The older roses can be priced at various outlets and are well known for strengths and weaknesses. The new ones are hyped as if they must be ordered at premium prices TODAY or none will be left.

Many people still name Peace as their favorite older rose.

Luther Days' Natalie Pratt. "Largest Distinctly Lutheran Conference in North America? Are You Going to Accept That Boast, Mexico and Canada?

Have fun at Luther Days.
Have funds? Maybe not.
State of Wisconsin Search of Records

Pratt, Natalie
Fond du Lac Regional Clinic SC vs. Charles W Pratt et al
Pratt, Natalie
Players Choice of the Fox Cities LLC vs. Natalie Pratt
Pratt, Natalie
Nature's Pathways LLC vs. Natalie Pratt
Pratt, Natalie R
CitizensFirst Credit Union vs. Natalie R Pratt
Pratt, Natalie
44 North Advertising & Design LLC vs. Healthy Living Events LLC et al
Pratt, Natalie R
Oshkosh, City of vs. Natalie R Pratt
Pratt, Natalie
Cottonwood Financial Wisconsin LLC vs. Natalie Pratt
Pratt, Natalie
Affinity Health System et al vs. Charles W H Pratt et al
Filed Only
Pratt, Natalie R
DWD vs. Natalie R Pratt
Pratt, Natalie R.
State of Wisconsin vs. Natalie R. Pratt
Pratt, Natalie R.
State of Wisconsin vs. Natalie R. Pratt
Pratt, Natalie R
Fredrick J Sperling vs. Natalie R Pratt
Pratt, Natalie
Greenwood Trust Company Vs Natalie Pratt


Luther Days blocked me on Facebook while linking participants to a tranny ELCA Pastor and an openly gay ELCA bishop.

The Luther Days Festival is one of the most exciting events around for Confessional Lutherans and is the largest distinctly Lutheran festival in North America! This one-of-a-kind event is for the entire family and brings Martin Luther and the Reformation to life by offering participants a uniquely interactive and distinctly Lutheran experience for all ages. The festival also embraces the heritage of the Lutheran Church and is an action-packed day with hands-on exploration into the reformation, our Lutheran faith, and the German heritage of the immigrant Lutherans.
Non-profit is a lie. LLC is also a lie. 
Who has the last laugh?
Natalie Pratt posted this on her FB page,
until I posted it on Ichabod.

Private Detective License

State of Wisconsin

Filed Only
Tecrime Intl Inc
DWD vs. Tecrime Intl Inc
Filed Only
Tecrime Intl Inc
DWD vs. Tecrime Intl Inc
Tecrime International Inc
Wisconsin Public Service vs. Tecrime International Inc
Tecrime International Inc
Citizensfirst Credit Union vs. Tecrime International Inc
Filed Only
Tecrime International Inc
DWD vs. Tecrime International Inc
Filed Only
Tecrime Intl Inc
DWD vs. Tecrime Intl Inc
Filed Only
Tecrime Intl Inc
DWD vs. Tecrime Intl Inc
Tecrime International Inc
J&R Auto Service Inc vs. Tecrime International Inc

From LinkedIn - Natalie Pratt?

Natalie P.

Oshkosh, Wisconsin Area
Events Services
Joel GaertnerJoel Gaertner
Vice President of Ministry at The Lutheran 
  1. Prepare to Survive LLC
  1. United States Coast Guard
  1. Prep School
    Kim Bartelt
    Business Development Manager at Pro Staff
    Natalie is an extremely professional and wonderful person to work with. Her heart and the core person she is truly stands out in the passion she provides to her clients and the expos. I feel blessed to work with her and would strongly recommend her to any business or friend.
    April 5, 2013, Kim was with another company when working with Natalie at Prepare to Survive LLC

Owner & Director

Prepare to Survive LLC
 – Present (5 years 1 month)Oshkosh, Wisconsin Area

Prepare to Survive LLC

Events Services
1-10 employees


Sad or Funny - My Spam Folder


We should never think we have control over our computers, especially with Microsoft.

One reader sent me an email and I could not find it. That happened again. She was IM-ing me about it. Finally I looked in the spam folder and found hers and other personal emails.

In one case, someone "stopped writing to me." I grew alarmed because we went back and forth almost daily. I asked two people if he was OK, because I sent emails he did not answer.

He was in the spam folder too. Not literally, of course. His emails were there.

So were emails from several other people. Some were new contacts that I never heard from before, and they were using the bethanylutheranworship@gmail.com address. Several were from a member whose name was on my contact list.

That bethany account gets the fewest emails, but it was getting almost no emails, thanks to my busy-body spam busting Windows hotmail program.

Now I will routinely check it, because I like hearing from people.

I normally respond to email right away, so - if you do not hear from me - IM me on Facebook, or use this header "BARE ROOT ROSE SALE."

Accumulated Benefits for Birds, Bugs, and Butterflies


Early I wrote about the benefits that accumulate from proper treatment of the soil:

  • Not rototilling, double-digging, and not moving soil up, over, and around too much.
  • Not using pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides.
  • Applying mulches of organic materials.
  • Adding red wiggler earthworms.

Similar benefits accrue from Creation gardening efforts. That makes sense, since the Creator made, engineered, and continues to manage all life according to a divinely intricate plan, one truly beyond all human comprehension.

Every single living entity eats and is eaten. Whatever creature we happen to hate - whether spiders or beetles or moles - they have a purpose in the ecosystem.

Norma Boeckler's Bluebird.

By attracting birds to the yard with food, I obtained plants that birds love - such as pokeweed, which grows everyone and sprouts berries the birds alone can eat. By adding mulch, earthworms, and water when needed, I created a perfect landing zone for wild strawberry seeds. The birds were attracted to the initial supply and added to the future supply.

Leaving areas wild meant that I had buzzing, bouncing, crazy insect supplies that fed birds, toads, and other pest-eaters, like web spiders, beetles, and cursorial spiders.

The chemical answer is to spray down the yard, which kills all the pests and the pest-eaters. Did God design that answer? No. Instead, without asking -  I found myself with big, fat toads in the yard, enjoying the food concentrations and shade of logs I placed and shallow water dishes I distributed. A toad will eat thousands of pests in one summer.

The birds now have a lot more plants providing food for them, such as all the berries that are fruiting now, so they enjoy the fruit and eat the bugs as well. Since birds share with other types of birds but not so much with their own kind, we have quite a few to enjoy. Those that flock and feed, like the starlings and grackles, to a fine job of cleaning up pests from the soil.

The soil can build up a given population of soil creatures, based on weather, organic matter, and moisture. Because God engineered them to balance one another, no yard will have all earthworms or all bacteria or all protozoa in the soil

Likewise, the rest of Creation will flourish up to the ability of the area to sustain it. Excess ladybugs will go off to find food elsewhere. Excess aphids will invite Flower Flies and Tachinids to enjoy them as food for their babies.

The management of all created life is just as stupendous as the engineering. Man's best rototiller will tear up the sod, break the gas line, and puncture the water supply in its mechanical rage. God's little plowman, the earthworm, will grow in numbers - attracting predators - and leave the soil far better than it was before. In Creation this continues without man's anxious thoughts. But if someone is wise about Creation, little adjustments can tilt the entire ecosphere above and below ground to prosper with little labor and even less cost.

Tiny flowers favor tiny creatures,
the beneficial insects and flying jewels called hummingbirds.

Rev. Zessin to retire; last service Sunday - Winona Post > Community Record


Rev. Zessin to retire; last service Sunday - Winona Post > Community Record:

Rev. Zessin to retire; last service Sunday

The Rev. Larry Zessin, former pastor at Goodview Trinity Evangelical Lutheran and Minnesota City First Lutheran, will be retiring from the ministry on Sunday, May 22. Zessin will conduct his final service at Emanuel’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Kohlberg, Wis., where he is presently serving as part-time pastor.

Pastor Zessin, son of Irvin and Irene Zessin, was raised in Sturgeon Bay and has been a Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod pastor for more than 50 years.

He graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wis., in 1965. He also served congregations in Menomonie, Wis., Antigua in the West Indies, Oshkosh, Wis., Sturgeon Bay, Wis., and Kohlberg.

On August 10, 1963, he married the former Dolores Hintz at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Watertown, Wis. They have three children, all born in Winona, Natalie (Charles) Pratt, Oshkosh, Michael (Alisa) Zessin, Oshkosh, and Beth (Rev. Donn) Dobberstein, Daytona Beach, Fla. They have seven grandchildren.

Pastor Zessin and his wife Dolores will be moving to the Oshkosh area following his retirement.

Pastor Zessin will be preaching his last service as pastor of Emanuel’s on May 22 at 10 a.m. A potluck dinner will follow.
'via Blog this'

Luther Days Natalie Pratt - How To Run a Conference Scam as a Promoter

A previous scam event?

I have been in contact with Natalie Pratt aka Lilly aka whatever - for a long time.

I know some WELS laity were planning a conference. She failed to take it over, so she started her own - fake non-profit, fake LLC: Luther Days. WELS promoted Luther Days with a direct link from the WELS.net site.

Readers will find the same fingerprints on all of her expos.

Her LinkedIn page referred to promoting conferences and linked the prepper expo, see below.

Feb 4th

I have a large event coming up next weekend (13 &14th), and I'm coming up short because of being laid up when I was sick. I have to get all the final payments in by tomorrow or I lose the venue. I charge $7.00 admission fee at the door and easily get 1000 attendees so that's $7,000 right there by the weekend of the 13th & 14th. If I don't pay them tomorrow. I lose the venue and I have too much invested in this. The Wall Street Journal from New York even called me today and said that they were flying in to attend so I can't cancel. [GJ - Sure.] I'm set up to accept credit cards, so I could charge a card and then pay them back from my profits next weekend, with interest, before their bill is even due. I'm desperate and not sure what else to do. The medical bills make it impossible for me to get a conventional loan [GJ - court cases, judgments from other fly-by-night scams?], and I need a fast turn around. ANY thoughts on how I can do this??? I've been consumed with this for days now. Thanks! You always seem to have the answers to everything.


This expo is very much like Luther Days - just as fake. If you look around at the tabs, as I always do, you will see a whole series of prepper expos with the same contact address. The contact address is Oshkosh, and Natalie P. on LinkedIn had the prepper URL listed above on her LI page.

How do I know this is the right Natalie Pratt? Joel Gaertner - WELS Pastor is a 1st level contact. And he is a speaker at Luther Days - or so he thinks.

Joel GaertnerJoel Gaertner
Vice President of Ministry at The Luthe

If you want to do detective work on the Net, join LinkedIn. People tell others what they want and hide the rest - when they have a lot to hide.

Remember the CLC (sic)-ELCA-WELS-ELCiC pastor caught with boys and convicted? Horst Gutsche. He did the same thing as Natalie on LinkedIn and Facebook, but he also left a few cookie crumbs that gave away the whole deal. He was not thrilled that I had the court documents, and the CLC (sic) was not happy that CLC (sic) Pastor David Koenig was hanging out with Horst G.

Show Me the Expo Money!
The young and innocent Lutherans wonder how Natalie could make money with Luther Days, since admission is free ahead of time and only $5 at the door.

She has learned from Jedi Master Mark Jeske and others that the money comes from sponsors who want to rent space there. Jeske is always running an expo about himself, giving the same old tired "We ran out of Germans" lecture, showing an Ed Stetzer-like contempt for other ministers. It is dumb and worn out, but it makes a ton of money for him from the same old baloney. (Let me know if he ever mentions the Means of Grace.)

$1,000 Diamond Package

• Presentation Time on Stage
• Logo on all printed/online advertising
• Press Releases Recognition
• 6 Company vinyl banners
• 10 x10 space, 8 foot table, 2 chairs
• Corner Booth.

Doth Luther Days List Sponsors Doling Out the Loot?

"Make sure to check out Thai Village, Inc. and their wonderful selection of products at Luther Days."

And many more synodical suckers, who will send their money to Natalie's fake LLC, fake non-profit and see everything evaporate faster than a Mark Schroeder smile when he reads Luther.

NEW HAVEN, CT: Diocese of Connecticut Bishop Faces Multiple Parish Closures | Virtueonline – The Voice for Global Orthodox Anglicanism


Bishop Robinson, an alcoholic, divorced his first wife
and made his boyfriend his second wife.
He is now divorced from #2, but still a drunk.

Robinson tore apart The Episcopal Church apart - not as the first gay bishop -
but as the first openly gay bishop.

NEW HAVEN, CT: Diocese of Connecticut Bishop Faces Multiple Parish Closures | Virtueonline – The Voice for Global Orthodox Anglicanism: More at the link.

Diocesan History of Ecclesiastical Violence
But the diocese has a history of hatred of orthodox parishes that were once the theological and financial backbone and mainstay of the diocese.

During the reign of Bishop Andrew Smith, six parishes that became known as "The Connecticut Six", sought to leave the diocese following the consecration of Gene Robinson, an openly non-celibate, homosexual bishop. It tore the diocese apart, involving, at one point, even the Archbishop of Canterbury. The diocese became embroiled in lawsuits which slowly emptied their coffers.
Bishop Smith "pruned""The Connecticut Six", the most prosperous and orthodox parishes, as they were called. He cut off their spiritual life and financial supply line to the diocese. At that time (2005), "TheConnecticut Six" put out a statement accusing Bishop Smith of abandonment of orthodox Anglican faith and order, and continued harassment of faithful clergy and congregations in Connecticut.

The orthodox priests wrote to the diocese saying that the core of their disagreements with Bishop Smith involved the most basic issues of theology and Christian teaching. Since Andrew Smith became diocesan bishop in October 1999, he has expressed theology that exhibits a marked departure from Scripture truth and Anglican teaching. By word and action he has challenged essentials of faith including the nature of revelation, the person and work of Jesus, the authority of Scripture, and human sexuality. In June 2003, he ordained two non-celibate homosexuals to the diaconate. At General Convention 2003, he voted to confirm the election of V. Gene Robinson as bishop of New Hampshire; voted for approval of the blessing of same-sex unions; and voted against a resolution upholding the authority of Scripture. Despite the protest of numerous clergy and lay people of Connecticut, and in the face of warnings by the Primates, Bishop Smith and his two suffragan bishops participated in the consecration of Gene Robinson in November 2003.
They blatantly accused Smith of fostering policies which effectively excluded from ordination all who followed traditional, catholic teaching on human sexuality and attempted to force congregations to conform to his unbiblical theology during the process of clergy succession.

By the time Douglas took over as the 15th Episcopal Bishop, in April 2010, the diocese was in free fall. Two orthodox parishes still remained "faithful" to the diocese - St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Darien, a large, nationally recognized evangelical charismatic parish led by the Rev. Christopher P. Leighton (now retired), and Bishop Seabury in Groton, the largest parish in actual attendance in the diocese and the 300th largest in TEC (out of 7,500 parishes), led by the Rev. Ron Gauss, a Jewish convert to Christianity.

A long bitter legal battle ensued over Seabury and the bishop prevailed, but the cost has been enormous to the diocese in lost souls, no income, and a great priest deposed. The large parish property that once held hundreds, now lies fallow. The historic Bishop Groton church is no more.
The chickens have come home to roost for Bishop Douglas.

'via Blog this'

This Lesbian's Crucial Help in Translating the NIV WELS Forced Upon Its Clergy and Members. From 2011




Kate Bornstein's Blog for Teens, Freaks and Other Outlaws

Yes, Santa Claus, there is a Virginia.

Vm_comic_1stpageVirginia Ramey Mollenkott celebrated her 75th birthday a few days ago. You may or may not know Virginia, but the odds are if you're reading this blog, your life has been touched by her work.
In 1978, Virginia Mollenkott co-authored (with Letha Dawson Scanzoni) the book Is         the Homosexual My Neighbor? A Postive Christisan Response. God alone knows how many queer lives she saved with that book, which is still on the shelves, revised and re-isued, after 19 years. Yow!
I first ran into this handsome butch spiritual lesbian about ten years ago when we met at the now defunct A Different Light LGBT bookstore in New York City. Virginia has written 13 books, but my favorite remains Omnigender: A Trans-Religious Approach, in which she debunks the myth of religious "truth" of two and two only genders, and she does this religion by religion. It's amazing work.


Virginia Ramey Mollenkott, Ph.D.

Oral History:  Virginia Mollenkott

In the mid-1970's, while still closeted personally, Mollenkott began to advocate at church conferences in behalf of lesbian and gay Christians. In l978, with Letha Dawson Scanzoni, she published Is the Homosexual My Neighbor?, which became the spearhead volume of Harper San Francisco's collection of LGBT texts. The book, which won an Integrity award for "extraordinary support of the gay Christian movement," was revised and vastly expanded in 1994.

Mollenkott served as Stylistic Consultant for the New International Version of the Bible, and as a member of the National Council of Churches' Inclusive Language Lectionary Committee, coming out to the NCC convention in support of the Metropolitan Community Church's application for membership. She has guest lectured at hundreds of universities, church conferences and seminaries, and testified on behalf of the New Jersey anti-discrimination law, receiving a l992 Achievement Award from the NJ Lesbian and Gay Coalition. In 1999, SAGE (Senior Action in a Gay Environment) presented her with a Lifetime Achievement Award for her work of combating heterosexism in religion.

Mollenkott has served as Board Member for various GLBT-friendly organizations, including Evangelicals Concerned, The Center for Sexuality and Religion, and Kirkridge Retreat Center, where for many years has led several GLBT events annually. She is a founding member of the GLBT-inclusive Evangelical and Ecumenical Women's Caucus.

Among her twelve books, the most explicitly lesbian is Sensuous Spirituality: Out From Fundamentalism, although lesbians have also enjoyed The Divine Feminine: Biblical Imagery of God as Female. Her most recent and most radical work, Omnigender: A TransReligious Approach, won the 2002 Lambda Literary Award in the bisexual/transgender category.

(This biographical statement provided by Virginia Mollenkott.)

the LGBT Religious Archives Network


Honoring Virginia Ramey Mollenkott

514k8xghl_ss500__2Remarks I wrote and delivered in New York City at the Union Theological Seminary on Friday, September 19th, 2008—on the occasion of the publication of the new edition of her book, Sensuous Spirituality, and the acceptance of Virginia Ramey Mollenkott's archives at The Center for Lesbian & Gay Studies in Religion & Ministry at Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, California.
One of the major blocks to going through with my gender change was my fear of God's wrath. It makes sense—I'm a Jew, and we believe that God can be mighty wrathful when He wants to be—no matter that wrath is a deadly sin.
I left religion behind me, and embraced atheism as a spiritual path.

Many transgender people do that: when our religious leaders tell us how angry God is going to be with us for messing with our God-given genders, we turn away from God. And we eventually reach a point of unbearable loneliness and inconsolable grief, with no God to comfort us. Virginia Ramey Mollenkott is the first person to address our spiritual conundrum. She is the first person to return us to God's comfort and wisdom.

Over the recent history of the movement for transgender freedom—the 1990's and the late 1980's—trannies fell into one of two camps: either we were academics, who taught the neither/nor beliefs of postmodern theory, or we were political activists who fought for transgender civil liberties. For nearly a decade, Virginia Mollenkott has stood alone as a spiritual leader, a beacon to every transgender person who came across her work.

In her ground-breaking book, Omnigender, a trans-religious approach, Virginia teaches that the origin of trans oppression found in Deuteronomy comes down to the old Jewish love of binaries, and their abhorrence of incompatibility.

Men do one thing, women do another. They can't be mixed up. According to old Jewish ways of thinking, when you add femaleness to maleness, you pollute maleness and confuse the accepted bipolar gender system. That’s a double bind: first, it implies that femaleness is polluting, and second, it plays on the fact that Jews despise confusion. It’s why we’re always think-think-thinking!

Virginia's answer to the paranoia of Deuteronomy is this, from Omnigender:

“Any sincerely religious person who believes that women and men are equally created in God's image should think twice before invoking biblical prohibitions against cross-dressing and same-sex love. Because these prohibitions are associated with the attitude that femaleness is a pollutant, they have no place within a democratic and fair-minded society, let alone in a contemporary church, synagogue, or mosque.”

Virginia taught us that God—like gender—has many faces, and that none of His true faces are wrathful or transphobic. By painstakingly tracing the roots of trans prohibition in religions, Virginia has built us a bridge that connects postmodern theory and political activism with spirituality. That's never been done before.

Today, touring around to colleges and universities, I'm seeing more and more young trans students who are majoring in Religious Studies. Each and very one of them I spoke told me that Virginia Mollenkott was a major inspiration for their wish to ma
ke spirituality and religion a more integral and accessible part of the transgender experience.
Img_0851Why might Dr. Mollenkott be so successful at reaching out to trannies? Well, one reason Virginia's work is so popular amongst trannies is that Virginia makes it okay to be religious and sexy at the same time. I mean, just look at this sexy, handsome woman (who just happens to be one of the finest flirts I know!)Thanks to Virginia Mollenkott, religion hasn't been this sexy or this much fun since the days of temple prostitutes!

In closing—before coming to this gathering this evening, I posted on Twitter that I was writing my talking points on Virginia's impact on the trans world. Within minutes of my post, I received this response from Natasha:
"Thank you for introducing me to Virginia Mollenkott. Ya gotta love anyone who can get the theocrats panties in a twist!"

She’s right. We do love you, Virginia Mollenkott. We do love you.


My friend Virginia Ramey Mollenkott was speaking as was Rev. Elder Nancy Wilson, Moderator and spiritual leader of Metropolitan Community Church, my ministry home. I was privileged to spend some time with my friend and mentor Virginia and her partner. And I was able to enjoy Nancy and her assistant Connie's company as well.  Great lectures, wonderful music including a concert by folk singer Carrie Newcomer, a closing worship service that really grounded me in a way that was very helpful.

I've been slow to join EEWC (EEWC Website) and slower to attend their conferences and read their GREAT newsletter Christian Feminism Today.  So learn from my mistakes whether you're male or female identified and join this great organization.  These people, women and men, have something special going on. You won't find me missing from one of their conferences again!


Wikipedia Article. More at the link.

Virginia Ramey Mollenkott spent her 44 year professional career teaching college level English literature and language, but developed specializations in feminist theology and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendertheology during the second half of that career.

She was born in Philadelphia's Temple University Hospital on January 28, 1932; married Frederick H. Mollenkott on June 17, 1954; had a son, Paul F. Mollenkott, on July 3, 1958; and was divorced in July of 1973. She earned her B.A. from fundamentalist Bob Jones University in 1953; her M.A. at Temple University in 1955; her Ph.D. at New York University in 1964; and received an honorary Doctorate in Ministries from Samaritan College in 1989. She chaired the English Department at Shelton College, Ringwood, New Jersey, from 1955-1963 and at Nyack College, Nyack, New York, from 1963-1967. She then taught at William Paterson University in Wayne, New Jersey from 1967 to 1997, chairing the English Department from 1972-1976 and since 1997 holding the position of Professor of English Emeritus.

Dr. Mollenkott served as an assistant editor of Seventeenth Century News from 1965-1975; as a stylistic consultant for the New International Version of the Bible for the American Bible Society from 1970-1978; as a member of the translation committee for An Inclusive Language Lectionary for the National Council of Churches from 1980-1988; on the Board of Pacem in Terris, Warwick, New York, from 1980-1990; on the Board of the Upper Room AIDS Ministry, Harlem, New York, from 1989-1994; on the Board of Kirkridge Retreat and Conference Center, Bangor, PA, from 1980-1991; on the Advisory Board of the Program on Gender and Society at the Rochester (New York) Divinity School from 1993-1996; as a manuscript evaluator for the Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion from 1994 to the present; as a contributing editor to The Witness from 1994 to 2000; and as a contributing editor to The Other Side from 2003-2007. She has delivered hundreds of guest lectures on feminist and LGBT theologies at churches, conferences, universities and seminaries throughout the United States.
Mollenkott's books include Adamant and Stone Chips, 1967; In Search of Balance, 1969; Women, Men and the Bible, 1977 (revised and updated in 1988; Korean translation in 1981); Speech, Silence Action, 1980; Is the Homosexual My Neighbor: A Positive Christian Response, 1978 (with Letha Dawson Scanzoni; revised and updated in 1994; won the Integrity Award, 1979); The Divine Feminine: Biblical Imagery of God as Female, 1983 (published in German, 1985; in French, 1990; and in Italian, 1993); Views from the Intersection, 1984 (with Catherine Barry); Godding; Human Responsibility and the Bible, 1987; Sensuous Spirituality: Out from Fundamentalism, 1982 (revised and expanded, 2008); Omnigender: A Trans-Religious Approach, 2001 (revised and updated, 2007; won the Lambda Literary Award, 2002; and the Ben Franklin Award, 2002); and Transgender Journeys, 2003 (with Vanessa Sheridan).

Dr. Mollenkott also edited a book of spiritual poems, Adam Among the Television Trees, 1971; and a volume of inter-religious dialogue, Women of Faith in Dialogue, 1987. Since 1997 she has served on the editorial board of Studies in Theology and Sexuality, based in the United Kingdom.

In 1992 Dr. Mollenkott received the New Jersey Lesbian and Gay Achievement Award, and in 1999 was the recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award from SAGE (Senior Action in a Gay Environment).
She has been a lifetime member of the Modern Language Association, where she served on the Executive Committee of Religion and Literature from 1976-1980; and a lifetime member of the Milton Society of America, serving on the executive committee from 1974-1976. She has published dozens of articles in scholarly and literary journals as well as church-related publications, and is an active founding member of the Evangelical and Ecumenical Women's Caucus, better known as Christian Feminism Today.

A Democrat and trans-religious Christian, Dr. Mollenkott lives with her domestic partner Judith Suzannah Tilton at Cedar Crest Retirement Village; together they co-grandmother Virginia's three granddaughters. Dr. Mollenkott's archives are available at The Center for Gay and Lesbian Studies at the Pacific School of Religion.


Welcome to Virginia's Official Website

Virginia Ramey Mollenkott is the author or co-author of 13 books, including several on women and religion. She is a winner of the Lambda Literary Award and has published numerous essays on literary topics.


Sodomy and the NIV

The following readings compare the KJB and the NIV in several areas where sodomy or homosexual behavior is mentioned. Going over these, it is easy to see that sodomy was never considered as a viable concept in the NIV and homosexuality was presented from Dr. Mollenkott's viewpoint. The comments of Dr. Mollenkott are from her book, Is The Homosexual My Neighbor? (abbreviated as ITHMN)

Genesis 19:5 - The sin of Sodom

KJB - And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, where are the men which came into thee this night? Bring them out unto us, that we may know them.
NIV - They called to Lot, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out so that we can have sex with them."
Mollenkott, ITHMN, Page 57 -"... the Sodom story seems to be focusing on two specific evils: (1) violent gang rape and (2) inhospitality to the stranger."

Leviticus 18:22 - Sodomy

KJB - Thou shall not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is an abomination.
NIV - Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman: that is detestable.
(Author's note: There is quite a degree of difference between the meaning of the words, abomination and detestable.)

Leviticus 20:13 - Sodomy

KJB - If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death: their blood shall be upon them.
NIV - If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them has done what is detestable. They must be put to death: their blood will be on their own heads.
Mollenkott, ITHMN, Pages 110 through 121 - "Dr. Mollenkott argues that this is part of the ceremonial laws, and as such, are to be disregarded by the Christian. She places this act on the same level as wearing clothes of two different materials."

Deuteronomy 23:17 - Sodomite

KJB - There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel.
NIV - No Israelite man or woman is to become a shrine prostitute.

Judges 19:22 - Sodomy

KJB - Now as they were making their hearts merry, behold, the men of the city, certain sons of Belial, beset the house round about, and beat at the door, and spake to the master of the house, the old man, saying, Bring forth the man that came into thine house, that we may know him.
NIV - While they were enjoying themselves, some of the wicked men of the city surrounded the house. Pounding on the door, they shouted to the old man who owned the house, "Bring out the man who came to your house so we can have sex with him."
Mollenkott, ITHMN, Page 57 -"Violence - forcing sexual activity upon another - is the real point to this story."

I Kings 14:24 - Sodomites

KJB - And there were sodomites in the land: and they did according to all the abominations of the nations which the Lord cast out before the children of Israel.
NIV - There were even male shrine prostitutes in the land; the people engaged in all the detestable practices of the nations the Lord had driven out before the Israelites.

I Kings 15:12 - Sodomites

KJB - And he took away the sodomites out of the land and removed all the idols that his fathers had made.
NIV - He expelled all the shrine prostitutes from the land and got rid of the idols his fathers had made.

I Kings 22:46 - Sodomites

KJB - And the remnant of the sodomites, which remained in the days of his father Asa, he took out of the land.
NIV - He rid the land of the rest of the shrine prostitutes who remained there even after the reign of his father Asa.

II Kings 23:7 - Sodomites

KJB - And he brake down the houses of the sodomites, that were by the house of the Lord, where the women wove hangings for the grove.
NIV - He also tore down the quarters of the male shrine prostitutes, which were in the temple of the Lord and where women did weaving for Asherah.
Mollenkott, ITHMN, Page 59 & 60 -"Most scholars agree that in the fertility religions of Israel's neighbors, male cult prostitutes were employed for homosexual acts. The people who loved and served the God of Israel were strictly forbidden to have anything to do with such idolatry, and the Jewish men were commanded to never serve as temple prostitutes."
(Author's note: Clearly a male could be a shrine prostitute and not be a homosexual, but according to the dictionary a Sodomite is a homosexual.)

Matthew 11:24 - Judgment upon Sodom

KJB - But I say unto you, That it shall be more
tolerable for the land of Sodom, in the day of judgment, than for thee.
NIV - But I tell you it will be more bearable for Sodom on the day of judgment than for you.

Luke 10:12 - Judgment upon Sodom

KJB - But I say unto you, that it shall be more tolerable in that day for Sodom than for that city.
NIV - I tell you, it will be more bearable on that day for Sodom than for you.
Mollenkott, ITHMN, Page 59-"Jesus refers to Sodom, not in the context of sexual acts, but in the contents of inhospitality." And on Page 71, she expands this thought with the idea of a life long homosexual orientation or 'condition' is never mentioned in the Bible."

Romans 1:26 & 27 - Homosexuality

KJB - For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections; for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And like wise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in lust one toward another; man with men working that which is unseemingly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.
NIV - Because of this, God gave him over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another.
Mollenkott, ITHMN, Page 62 -"The key thought here seems to be lust, 'unnaturalness,' and, in verse 28, a desire to avoid the acknowledgment of God. But although the censure fits idolatrous people with whom Paul was concerned here, it does not seem to fit the case of a sincere homosexual Christian. Such a person loves Jesus Christ and wants above all to acknowledge God in all of life, yet for some unknown reason feels drawn to someone of the same sex, for the sake of love rather than lust. Is it fair to describe that person as lustful or desirous of forgetting God's existence?"

I Corinthians 6:9 - Rejection of homosexual behavior

KJB - Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.
NIV - Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral nor idolators nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders.
A note here to point out that this is the only place in the NIV where the word "homosexual" occurs. It is not clear from the context if this means heterosexuals who abuse homosexuals or homosexuals who abuse each other. See Dr. Mollenkott's explanation in the 1st Timothy comments following.

I Timothy 1:9 & 10

KJB - Knowing this, that the law is not made for righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers. For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for manstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine.
NIV - We also know that law is not made for the righteous but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious; for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murders, for adulterers and perverts, for slave traders and liars and perjurers, and for whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine.
Mollenkott, ITHMN, Page 67 -"Interpretations of these passages depends on two Greek words used in I Cor. 6:9 which have presented a problem for translators in the King James Version, they translated 'effeminate' and 'abusers of themselves with mankind.' In the Revised Standard Version of 1952, they were combined and rendered simply 'homosexuals,' which implied that all persons whose erotic interests were oriented to the same sex were by the very fact excluded from membership in the kingdom of God. But the original intent seems to have been to single out specific kinds of same-sex practices which were deplorable."

Jude 7 - Strange flesh

KJB - Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
NIV - In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.
Mollenkott, ITHMN, Page 59 -"The unnatural lust" thus could, in the context, and in view of the apocryphal texts to which Jude made allusion, refer to a desire for sexual contact between human and heavenly beings.î

It would not be fair to say that all the people involved in producing the NIV favored homosexuality as an alternate lifestyle, but it is fair to say that those who were responsible for the final wordings were at least sympathetic to Dr. Mollenkott's cause. One only has to look at the treatment of sodomy in the NIV to reach this conclusion.

While many believe practicing homosexuals can be Christian, there are many others who have a different conviction about what the Bible says about sodomy. For this group, it is hardly acceptable to call Sodomites temple prostitutes, or to think of same-sex relationships as natural. These same people would take a viewpoint that God hates the sin of homosexuality and will bring judgment on those who live this kind of lifestyle.

The information presented here is not all-inclusive, but is intended to sound an alarm. If the NIV is your Bible of choice, it would be prudent to look closely in other areas as well, for there are many other subjects handled just as loosely as sodomy. Don't take anyone's word for what God says; Check it out! After all, He'll hold you alone responsible.

Traditional theological schools explore mergers and campus sales amid financial pinches

Yale Divinity - Day Missions Library

Traditional theological schools explore mergers and campus sales amid financial pinches:

Seminaries Squeezed

Mainline Protestant theological schools are exploring mergers and campus sales as they feel a prolonged enrollment and financial pinch, but experts see smaller institutions bubbling up under different faiths.
May 27, 2016
Andover Newton Theological School’s plans to affiliate with and soon move to Yale Divinity School stand as the latest and perhaps highest-profile example of seminaries and religious institutions struggling to survive in a world of slipping enrollment and increasing financial pressure.

Seminaries and theological schools have been straining for years, prompting changes across denominations and at campuses around the country. The largest Evangelical Lutheran Church seminary in America announced major cuts in 2013. Three Assemblies of God institutions voted to consolidate in Springfield, Mo., in 2011. The Jesuit School of Theology decided to merge with Santa Clara University in California in 2009.

ELCA's Luther Seminary canned its president and
hired Robin Steinke from the Philadelphia Seminary.

Even against that backdrop, Andover Newton’s decision is noteworthy. The school, founded in 1807, can stake its claim as the oldest theological graduate institution in the country -- the prototype for a freestanding Protestant theological school. It credits itself for creating the model of education most other theological schools follow to this day.
The situation at Andover Newton, which is tied to the American Baptist Churches USA and the United Church of Christ, is most indicative of pressures continuing to mount on mainline Protestant institutions. Meanwhile, theological schools of other traditions are operating under a very different paradigm. Experts see a wave of new, smaller institutions and movements popping up to serve growing churches more recently founded.

Louise Johnson also left Philadelphia,
to become president of Wartburg Seminary.
Philly and Gettysburg had to merge.

Statistics from the Association of Theological Schools paint the picture clearly. Enrollment at its members has been on a slow, steady decline for years -- total head count at member institutions in the United States and Canada fell from 74,253 in 2011 to 71,950 in 2014 and 72,116 in 2015. At the same time, the number of member schools has risen from 260 in 2011 to 272 in 2015. The data also show the smallest schools -- those with fewer than 75 students enrolled -- growing in number and grabbing a larger share of the market as midsize schools with 151 to 1,000 enrollees lost share.
The new institutions are generally being formed by immigrants, and many are injecting new life into American Protestantism, said Daniel Aleshire, executive director of the Association of Theological Schools. Many Asian-serving institutions have sprung up after immigrant communities established churches on American shores, he said. For example, America Evangelical University, a 46-student institution in Los Angeles affiliated with the Korean Evangelical Holiness Church, received Association of Theological Schools associate membership in 2014. China Evangelical Seminary North America, a 56-student nondenominational institution in West Covina, Calif., received accreditation in 2015. Other denominations that appear to be strengthening include Roman Catholicism. At the same time, institutions with larger endowments and those connected to larger institutions -- like Methodist universities -- remain generally strong.
All the signs of new life come as the old model that sustained many seminaries in the 19th and 20th centuries breaks down. Freestanding, dedicated institutions tied to and subsidized by traditional Protestant denominations have been hit by larger changes to religion. Mainline denomination membership has dropped, meaning churches face constraints on the amount of support they can offer to theological schools.
The dollar amount of support religious organizations send to schools has not changed in two decades, according to Aleshire. Meanwhile, the costs of running theological schools has jumped, fueled by drivers like rising technology, health care, administrative and even library costs.
In abstract, the situation for many theological schools is similar to the one faced by public universities: an outside source of support -- funding from the state or church -- hasn't kept pace with rising costs. But while public universities have been able to turn to out-of-state students and the higher tuition revenue they bring in to help offset the widening gap, theological schools have had to look elsewhere.
“We have very few ATS member schools for whom the primary revenue stream is tuition,” Aleshire said. “So what’s happened, as you look at the increase of contributions from individual donors, it more than makes up for the loss of revenue from denominations. So theological schools are still about a third of their revenue streams from tuition, and two-thirds is either from religious organizations, endowments or individual donors.”
Drawing funding from individual donors is very different than drawing church support, though. Offices that solicit donations from individuals are more expensive to run than ones that open checks from church organizations. Individual donors also introduce a more complex set of relationships and motivations into the mix. And many of the schools facing these changes have just 200 to 300 students, limiting their ability to easily absorb the unexpected.
The pressures have added up to years of mergers and affiliations. About 20 percent of Association of Theological Schools members were affiliated with larger institutions 30 years ago, Aleshire said. Today it’s nearly 40 percent.

The Canadian version of ELCA is ELCiC
where Susan Johnson is bishop,
and Horst Gutsche is a pastor living in his mom's basement.

Planning and Soul-Searching
Andover Newton’s experience generally fits into that narrative about mainline Protestantism. The agreement with Yale came after much planning and soul-searching, said Sarah Drummond, Andover Newton’s dean of the faculty and vice president for academic affairs. The theological school faced mounting deferred maintenance costs on its campus outside Boston. It also saw a decline in enrollment -- from 450 students in 2005 to 225 today -- even as students took on more debt and faced a tighter job market.
“The ecology caught up with us,” Drummond said. “The decline in our denominations is about 45 years old, but it took a while for our seminaries to change their enrollment patterns.”

Leonard Woods Jr used the terms Subjective Justification
and Objective Justification in his translation of
Georg Christian Knapp's Halle University lectures.
His father was the first professor at Andover
and Junior graduated from Andover, both Calvinists.

Andover Newton has held discussions about and entered different partnerships in the past -- with the since-closed Bangor Theological Seminary in Maine, with Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School in Rochester, N.Y., with Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago and with its next-door neighbor, Hebrew College. But it’s never decided to make changes as drastic as those called for under the Yale Divinity School agreement.
Ultimately, leaders moved forward with Yale after deciding it was the right fit culturally, Drummond said. The institutions have a number of historical ties, and Yale Divinity School has a history of integrating another institution while allowing it to keep its identity -- in 1971, it brought in the Episcopal Berkeley Divinity School as an affiliate.
The timeline going forward will have Andover Newton operating in two locations next year. The institution will have a small presence at Yale Divinity School at first while continuing to operate in Massachusetts until existing students can graduate. Operations are expected to gradually shift the 130 miles southwest to Yale’s New Haven, Conn., campus. If all goes well, the move should be complete in the fall of 2018, and the two sides will reach a final deal that will have Andover Newton becoming a unit within Yale Divinity School. While all details have yet to be finalized, administrators said the plan is for Yale to eventually become the degree-granting institution, much as it is for Berkeley Divinity School.
Deciding to move to Yale was not easy, Drummond said. But some change was necessary because of Andover Newton’s finances. The school had run a deficit of $1 million or more for 10 straight years as of 2014-15. That’s substantial red ink for an institution with an operating budget of approximately $6-7 million and an endowment of roughly $20 million.
“The finances were really tough,” Drummond said. “In nonjargon, we were running out of money. It’s really not any more complicated than that.”
Andover Newton will face a vastly different economic situation at Yale Divinity School. The goal at Yale is to provide full-tuition scholarships to students demonstrating need, said Gregory Sterling, Yale Divinity School dean. Average yearly tuition at Andover Newton currently averages between $9,000 and $16,000, depending on the program. The school says scholarship aid will not cover students’ full costs.
Yale Divinity School has had other discussions about bringing in institutions over the years. They didn’t progress because Yale needed a partner institution to have a certain level of resources, Sterling said.
Andover Newton has many attributes Yale wanted. Yale is an ecumenical school, meaning it strives to represent different denominations. Yale has been tilted most heavily toward the Episcopal Church after its 1971 affiliation with Berkeley Divinity. Adding Andover Newton, and its ties to the American Baptist Church and the United Church of Christ, offers balance.
The affiliation will also allow efficiencies of scale to kick in on the back end. Expenses related to administrative staff, libraries and classrooms are all easier to swallow at an institution with more resources. From a facilities standpoint, Andover Newton will no longer be tasked with keeping up a campus built for as many as 500 people.
“When they are fully here, they will have far more resources to devote to programs and student support than they currently have,” Sterling said. “One of the things that is important to realize is that most theological schools spend right at 50 percent of their budget to sustain their infrastructure -- their campus, their physical buildings, not their salaries.”
Sterling admitted that the change process will not be easy. Still, Yale Divinity School wants Andover Newton to keep its identity, he said.
“We want them to have that, because they have ties to alumni, to friends that we don’t have,” he said. “It’s important that they have that independence. At the same time, they need to be fully integrated with Yale. So there’s a push-pull that goes on between those two that is delicate.”
Yale Divinity conducted a study four years ago finding its ideal size is 400 students. The school already has that many students. Total enrollment won’t change, even after Andover Newton comes onboard. The makeup of those students, and what they study, will likely be different, though. At a research institution like Yale, line of study is another balancing act.
“There is a natural pull for a divinity school to move in the direction of research, and I celebrate that,” Sterling said. “But I also want to be passionate and committed to service to churches, so I’m hoping Andover Newton’s presence will give a little more emphasis on the professional preparation, or ministerial formation.”
Someone donated this graphic -
Elizabeth Eaton heads ELCA.
Sterling also talked about changes to Andover Newton’s demographics. He hopes it can draw more nationally and that it can expand its scope to include other churches with congregationalist forms of governance.
“That means they will also become a natural home for all kinds of Baptists, and perhaps for interdenominational students or nondenominational students, which is a huge movement,” Sterling said.
Andover Newton isn’t the only northeastern Protestant institution to consider shaking up its institutional structure. The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, in Pennsylvania, is moving to unify with the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. The institutions’ finances clearly favor more collaboration as student bodies shrink and buildings age, said the Reverend Dr. Kristin Johnston Largen, dean and professor of systematic theology at the Gettysburg seminary.
Gettysburg Seminary’s enrollment over the past decade dropped from 160 full-time equivalents in 2005 to 81 in 2015. That mirrors trends across the eight Evangelical Lutheran Church in America seminaries, where enrollment fell 39 percent.
The merging seminaries hope to keep both campuses open but unify under a single organization in July 2017. Having two campuses has advantages, Largen said. It could mean exposing students to different campus cultures -- a more urban, diverse, commuter population in Philadelphia and a small-town, residential campus in Gettysburg. But decades down the road, it’s not clear whether a two-campus solution would continue or be re-evaluated.
Gettysburg’s student body is noteworthy for how it has declined. It still has many enrolling straight out of undergraduate programs, and it draws a substantial population of older students age 50 and above. But it’s lost those in their 30s and 40s, Largen said.
“The irony is, in the past couple years, our average student age was in the 30s, 40s, even though we didn’t have students in that age,” she said. “That has been, in the last 10 years, a little bit of a trend.”
Gettysburg Seminary wasn’t in the worst financial straits -- it wasn’t drawing down its endowment, Largen said. But it found itself doing more with less and decided to explore a change sooner rather than later. The change could help it offer more programs students need in current times.
“Congregations are smaller; there are fewer of them,” Largen said. “We are just hitting the wave of a large group of retirements that are coming, so there’s also a need for more senior pastors.”
Institutions are also moving to change in ways that don’t involve mergers or affiliations. Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School has agreed to sell its 24-acre campus in upstate New York. The 130-student school announced a deal to sell the campus in May that will have it creating a new campus by the 2018 academic year.
It’s a major move both for the institution’s physical presence and its income statement. Colgate Rochester Crozer had helped compensate for a campus that was too large for its student population by leasing space to other tenants that it felt fit its mission. It brought in the American Cancer Society, Ithaca College and the Veterans Outreach Center, said Tom McDade Clay, vice president for institutional advancement.
But there are real costs in time, energy and money to keeping up a campus. Over time, Colgate Rochester Crozer was worried it could find itself skewing toward landlord and away from seminary as it used its own facilities less and less.
That wasn’t just a function of the number of students enrolled. It was a function of changes in the student body. Students are no longer just 22- and 23-year-old unmarried men attending seminary full time, McDade Clay said. They’re older and often have families. They’re carrying higher levels of student debt, working jobs and looking for evening classes.
In the end, students needed an accessible campus, not necessarily one built in the early 20th century to house a large number of single students.
“People need to work, whether they’re going full time or part time,” McDade Clay said. “The idea of a graduate program offering courses for three days a week and then people going to lunch and then to the library and then going to their second class, that’s a thing of the past.”
While many theological schools face similar pressures, they’re reacting in various ways, said the Reverend Dr. Christian Scharen, vice president of applied research and the leader of the Center for the Study of Theological Education at Auburn Seminary.
“There are lots of different ways that I think people are trying to figure out how to rightsize,” Scharen said. “Some feel more desperate to me, and some feel more mission driven.”
Many of the dynamics driving changes in theological schools today were present 10 or 15 years ago, Scharen said. More and more institutions are now having to recognize the landscape and adapt.
A key point to watch going forward will be whether longstanding theological schools tap the groundswell of new religious traditions experts see. Right now, the traditional Protestant denominations often exist in parallel to new religions practiced by immigrant communities and other worshippers.
“There is this story about the dominant white Christian churches, which, partly just because of birth rates, but also because of secularization and other dynamics, have been losing membership since the ’50s, the high-water mark,” Scharen said. “On the flip side, with Pentecostal denominations and Hispanic programs for Roman Catholic lay ministers and Churches of God, lots of independent, evangelical traditions, you see all sorts of new things being started.”
The innovation flies under the radar in many ways because the people driving it have few institutional resources. They’re “pop-up shops” located in churches, and they are often unaccredited as educational institutions, Scharen said. But they’re becoming stronger and more sophisticated as communities coalesce and grow around them.
There are also examples of existing seminaries trying to evolve to change with the time. The Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, affiliated with the Disciples of Christ, has been vocal about its attempts to become more entrepreneurial and adapt its degree programs in order to keep pace with changes in religious practices. Additionally, some existing seminaries are partnering with Hispanic congregations and Pentecostal traditions in order to offer them theological education, Scharen said.
“It means they have to transform their bread-and-butter degrees -- it’s a lot bigger ask,” Scharen said. “But if they can create this experiment on the side and get that going, that ends up being a really effective track for these things to make progress.”
Change is hard at any institution of higher education. It can be more difficult for theological schools and seminaries. Not only do they have the typical stakeholders and considerations -- faculty, students, alumni -- but they have their larger religious missions to consider.
Stick an institution between the pressures of passionate belief and cold, hard finances, and the situation can boil over. Take the case of Union Theological Seminary in New York City, which faced backlash after a plan last year to pay for facility upgrades by selling air rights that would enable a luxury condominium tower to be built. A key line of protest was that the development of a building for the rich clashed with Union’s allegiance to the poor.

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Yale Divinity School Tuition - Then and Now

Harkness Tower - Yale University

Fixed Expenses Yale Divinity Now

Tuition$ 23,440
Comprehensive Fee$      450
Health Fee$   2,176*
Board Fee  $   1,000**
Total  $ 27,066

Fixed Expenses Yale Divinity 1972

Tuition                                                    $2,000 for the year
Medical Fee, Family                                    385 for the year
Furnished apartment                                    200 per month

WELS | Still Promoting Phony Luther Days Festival. Who Is Handling the Money? - Natalie Pratt?


WELS | Upcoming Events Luther Days Festival:


Natalie Pratt

Phone: 920-573-5903

Email: info@lutherdays.org


Luther Days FestivalSeptember 17, 2016

The Luther Days Festival is one of the most exciting events around for Confessional Lutherans. This one-of-a-kind event is for the entire family and brings Martin Luther and the Reformation to life by offering participants a uniquely interactive and distinctly Lutheran experience for all ages. The festival also embraces the heritage of the Lutheran Church and is an action-packed day with hands-on exploration into the reformation, our Lutheran faith, and the German heritage of the immigrant Lutherans.

Location: Shoreland Lutheran High School, Somers, Wisconsin.
Participating Presenters: All presenters are affiliated with either WELS or ELS, unless the presentation is non-religious in nature and pertains to the German Lutheran heritage instead.
Activities: About 100 different presentations, along with interactive activities for ALL AGES.

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Luther's Gospel Sermon for the Second Sunday after Trinity. Luke 14:16-24

Norma Boeckler

Luther's Sermon for the SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. LUKE 14:16-17.

Text. Luke 14:16-24. But he said unto him, A certain man made a great supper; and he bade many: and he sent forth his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden, Come; for all things are now ready. And they all with one consent began to make excuse. The first said unto him, I have bought a field, and I must needs go out and see it; I pray thee have me excused. And another said I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them; I pray thee have me excused. And another said, I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come. And the servant came, and told his lord these things. Then the master of the house being angry said to his servant, Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor and maimed and blind and lame.

And the servant said, Lord, what thou didst command is done, and yet there is room. And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and constrain them to come in, that my house may be filled. For I say unto you, that none of those men that were bidden shall taste of my supper.

This sermon appeared in 1535 in the document: “Two Sermons etc.” It agrees in part with the Sermon in the House Postil.




A. The supper. 10-14.

B. The guests. 15-40.

C. The guests judged. 41-48.

1. The Papists, contrary to the order of the ancient Church, have appointed this Gospel lesson for the first Sunday after Trinity, because they celebrated it the week during the festival of Corpus Christi, as is still the custom among them. For they interpreted the supper, of which this Gospel speaks, to signify the Sacrament of the Altar, and thereby desired to establish the Communion in one part or form only, which, as you well know, is one of their chief abuses and an anti-Christian perversion of this sacrament, concerning which we do not agree with them.

2. Inasmuch as young people are growing up and know nothing about such festivals or pompous demonstrations, and as we older persons forget it also, it is well to remind our people, so that, when our youth come to their churches and see such things, they may not be offended, but may be able to say: That it is not right, that they should play with the holy Sacrament and carry it about, in order thereby to dispense so many false indulgences, not with the intention thereby to honor the Sacrament, for then they would have carried about the entire Sacrament, or both elements, bread and wine.

But to the shame and disgrace of the Sacrament, they do this that they themselves may thereby be honored, namely, that the distinction be maintained, that the order of priests is a more special and a higher order before God, than the common order of Christians; because the priests alone receive the entire Sacrament or both elements, the body and the blood of Christ, and other Christians, as the body and the blood of Christ, and other Christians, as people of a lower order, must be satisfied with only one part of the Sacrament.

3. This difference they sought to introduce among the people by such a festival in order thus to praise their order above others, to the shame and disgrace of the holy Sacrament and our Lord Jesus Christ, who did not institute his holy Sacrament for a special order over and above the common order of Christians; just as he also did not suffer and die for a special order, but for the comfort Of his Christian church which is not divided, but consists of one body, of the one only Head, Jesus Christ, where all the members, so far as life and character are concerned, are equal; although their works are unequal and different.

4. This abuse, which is very great and harmful, we must not overlook, but picture it forth in its true colors, because the Papists insist with such hardened and impenitent hearts on their own godless conduct. For how does it happen that the holy Sacrament must be used to make a distinction among Christians? Whereas Christ our Lord instituted it chiefly for the comfort of the conscience and for the strengthening of our faith, and further that Christendom should be like a bond, by which Christians are bound together in the most intimate manner; that they be as one bread or one loaf, not only that they might have in common and at the same time one God, one Word, one Baptism, one Sacrament, one hope, one confidence, and all the grace and treasures of Christ in common; but that in their external life they are also one body, where one member assists, serves, helps, advises and sympathizes with the others.

5. This use of the holy Sacrament the Papists have thus entirely abolished, so that they alone have wholly taken the Sacrament to themselves, and thereby have formed an extra class that was to be better than common Christians. Yet, in order that the common people might also highly esteem the one part of the Sacrament and not entirely despise it, they celebrated this festival every year for eight days, When they played with the one part, with the wafer, in a grand procession through the city and carried it about with cymbals and stringed instruments, so that they made the people stare with wonder, and made them think that even if the order of priests were grander and greater before God, yet, they too had something of which they could publicly boast.

6. For this purpose they used this Gospel lesson, although it agrees very poorly with the teaching of the Sacrament under one form. Just as though this master of the house had prepared a feast for mice, and only gave them something to eat and nothing to drink; and yet they themselves sing about it: Venite, comedite panem meum, Et Bibite vinum meum.

Come, eat my bread, And drink my wine!

And after all, they only gave them the one form, the bread, and kept the wine for themselves. But thus our dear Lord God is constantly treated; whatever he institutes and orders must be perverted and put to shame by the devil and his imps. Thus the Sacrament has also been treated, which on this festival even at the present day is still most horribly blasphemed by the Papists.

7. For as said before, they do not keep this feast in honor of the holy Sacrament, else they would bear in their processions both parts, and the entire Sacrament; but they do it to honor themselves, and they had to raise it high, not for our benefit, but only that we might know what the difference is between a priest and a lay member. In other things, where God has so created them, it is proper to observe the difference, for instance, that a woman is a woman, and a man a man, that worldly government must be distinguished from its subjects, and in like manner other worldly conditions.

However, that men should here make a difference where God has put away all differences; that the Pope and bishops, yea, even St. Peter or St. Paul should have a better baptism or a better Gospel than any other common Christian is wrong. Therefore it is also wrong that they wish to have a better Sacrament than other Christians, for Christ our Lord and Savior, as already said, did not institute the Sacrament to make a difference among his Christians, but for the sake of equality, just as baptism and the Gospel, that we may have just as much from it as other persons.

8. This I desired to say briefly for the sake of the young, and also for our sakes, that everyone should learn to know the devil, and beware of the abominations which Popery has introduced, and has thus divided the Christian church which our Lord God has made one, while they condemn and persecute us because we will not allow ourselves to be made mice and rats who eat without drinking, or only receive the one part. For this reason we in our church have altogether done away with this festival, because the Papists have made it nothing else but pure idolatry, and have gone straight against the order and institution of Christ, bringing disgrace to the holy Sacrament and a positive injury to Christianity. For we will remain with the unity of Christians, that one is as good as another, and all differences are here at an end. This is enough here for the sake of the young and the common people. We will now take up the Gospel lesson.

9. The occasion of this sermon by Christ was the miracle which the Lord Jesus Christ performed in the house of a Pharisee, when he healed one sick of the dropsy. But the Evangelist tells how they followed him and were on the watch for him, in order to catch him. Therefore, he also begins to lecture them, and tells them how they are filled with pride and vanity, and crowd into the highest seats, until he at length comes to the host, and reads a text also to him, how he should invite his guests; not the rich who can invite him again and thank him for it, but the poor, who may welcome him again in the life to come.

10. Following this address one of them who thought himself much more learned than Christ the Lord, begins to say: “Oh, how blessed is he who eateth bread in the kingdom of God.” As though he would say in his great wisdom: You make yourself unprofitable enough by your preaching! If it would depend on preaching, I can do that, too, even better than you; for I consider this a truly great sermon: “Blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God.”

11. Christ replies to him: Yes, says he, I will tell you how blessed you and your comrades are: “A certain man made a great supper, and bade many,” and they despised it and would not come. This blow was meant for him. As though he would say: You say much in the words, that he is a blessed man who eats bread in heaven! Oh, but you are in very great earnest! What an excellent holy man you are, namely, you are one of those who are invited and yet do not come. These are hard, sharp and terrible words when rightly considered; for he is speaking to real thorough-going rogues, who sat about the table, not because they wanted to learn anything, but in order to observe him closely to see by what means they might come to him and take him. To those he spoke this parable: “A certain man made a great supper.”

12. This man who prepared this supper is our Lord God himself. He is a great and rich Lord, who also once prepared a feast according to his glorious majesty and honor, and it was such a supper which is called great and glorious not only on account of the host, who is God himself, for it would be a glorious supper if he had only given a vegetable broth or a dry crust; yet the food is beyond all measure great and costly, namely, the holy Gospel, yea, Christ our Lord himself. He is himself the food, and is offered unto us through the Gospel, how he has made satisfaction by his death for our sins, and has redeemed us from all the misery of eternal death, of hell, of the wrath of God, sin and eternal condemnation.

13. This preaching of Christ is the great and glorious supper with which he feeds his guests and sanctifies them through his holy Baptism, and comforts and strengthens them through the Sacrament of his body and blood, that nothing may be wanting and a great plenty may be at hand and all become satisfied. Thus this supper is justly called a glorious, great supper on account of the fare and food, so costly and richly prepared that no tongue can describe it and no heart sufficiently grasp it. For it is an eternal food and an eternal drink, by partaking of which a man shall nevermore thirst nor hunger, but be forever satisfied, his thirst is quenched and he becomes joyful; and this not only for one man, but for the whole wide world, even if it were ten times wider, they would all have sufficient. For it is an inexhaustible food and an everlasting drink, as our Gospel says: He who believeth on this Lord Jesus Christ, that he was born for us of the Virgin Mary and crucified for out’ sins under Pontius Pilate, died, descended into hell, and rose again from the dead and sitteth at the right hand of God, etc.; he who believes this, eats and drinks truly from this supper. For to believe in Christ the Lord means to eat and to drink, from which the people become satisfied, fat and stout and strong, so that they are joyful forever.

14. This is rightly called a great supper, because it is so precious, and is offered to so many people that every one may eat until he is satisfied, and yet the food never becomes less. For it is such a great and strengthening food that it endures forever and gives eternal life, for it nourishes us differently than our mere bodily eating and drinking. If one has eaten and drunk enough to-day, he must still eat again to-morrow. But this is an eternal food and lasts forever. With this Christ gives those hypocrites at the table to understand that it is a different supper from what they had given him; and yet they are such rogues and knaves, that although they gossip and talk about it a great deal, yet they despise God and his mercy, eternal life and salvation, and hold everything else dearer. It follows further: “And he bade many.”

15. The many who are bidden are the Jews and all the people of Israel, who from Abraham on, and especially through the prophets had been invited.

For to the patriarch Abraham the seed was promised through whom the blessing should come, and to him as the father of this people was this supper first announced. After that the prophets carried it further and directed the attention of the people to it, so that nothing was wanting on the part of the Lord our God, and all were diligently invited. Therefore St.

Paul in his Epistles everywhere tells the Jews: Judaeis primum et Graecis: To the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

16. Now when the hour came to go to the table, that is, when the time came for our Lord Christ to be born, to suffer and rise again from the dead, then the servants went out, John the Baptist and the Apostles, and said to those who were bidden, to the people of Israel: Dear people, hitherto you have been invited, now is the time to come, now the supper is ready! Your Lord Jesus Christ, your Messiah is already born, has died and rose again, therefore do not remain away any longer, come to the table, eat and be happy, that is, accept your promised treasure with joy, who has according to promise delivered you from the curse and condemnation and has saved you. And this message was brought especially to the leaders of the people, who held high places in the spiritual and civil governments. But what did they do with it? “And they all with one consent began to make excuse.”

17. This was a lesson for those guests who sat with Christ at the table, and especially for the good-for-nothing babbler, who wanted to master Christ and preached much about the bread in the kingdom of God; blessed is the man who eats bread in the kingdom of heaven! Yes, Christ answers, do you want to know how blessed you are? I will tell you. The bread is now on the table and the supper prepared. John the Baptist was here, I and my Apostles invite you now to come to the supper; but you do not only stay away, you let the host sit at his great and glorious supper, but you even want to excuse yourselves and yet be pure. Hence it is a twofold sin, not only that you despise the Gospel, but even claim to be doing right, and to be even holy, pious and wise; this is a very grievous sin. It were already too wicked not to believe in the Word of God our Lord; but as they go further and despise it, and yet want to be just besides, is going entirely too far. As our young noblemen also do, who have disgraced and blasphemed the Sacrament and have given to us erring creatures only one part, and at the same time excuse themselves, and claim thereby to have done right. Yea, they also condemn us, and oppress us with all kinds of martyrdom, murder and drive away the people who truly desire to enjoy the whole Sacrament.

But let them only pour out their rage hot enough, who knows, who will yet be compelled to sweat in this bath?

18. The Jews acted and excused themselves thus: Oh, we cannot accept the doctrine, for it is opposed to the priesthood and to the law, which God himself has given us through Moses. Besides it also creates divisions in our kingdom which God has confirmed. We must see how to maintain our own affairs! Thus the first one excuses himself with his land, the second with his oxen, and both think they do well; the third does not even excuse himself at all, he simply refuses, and says he cannot come.

19. These are the excuses of the Jews as well as our own, which we prefer against the Gospel, for we are no better than they were. They first pretended that the law of Moses had to remain, and because the Apostles preached against the law, that neither their law, temple nor priests were necessary, for a greater priest was present, Jesus Christ, of the tribe of Judah; they would not tolerate such preaching, but held to their law as they still do. Thus it has come to pass that they still wait at the present day, and must wait until the last day for their Messiah to come, and they hope that he will prepare all things, the old priesthood anti kingdom as it was in the time of David, when he will give them everything in the greatest abundance.

20. For Christ here treats of these three parties. The first says: I want to see my farm. These are the foremost and best among them, among the Jews they were the entire priesthood and the chief rulers. These said: We priests must work, cultivate and harvest the land, that is, we must rule the people, and wait upon the priesthood God has entrusted unto us, as Christ also calls ministers cultivators of the soil who sow the Gospel. But as the teachings of the Apostles are opposed to this, it is wrong, and we are justly excused when we do not accept their doctrine.

21. Thus others also who had offices in the civil government excuse themselves with the oxen. For oxen are called the rulers of the people, Psalm 22:12: “Many bulls have encompassed me; strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round.” These also have a fair excuse and say: We have a kingdom and government, instituted and appointed of God, with this we must remain and see to it how we may preserve it.

22. The third class say: The Gospel is a doctrine that will not allow covetousness, nor permit us to strive to have sufficient for our bodily needs, but commands us to risk everything, body and life, money and goods, for Christ’s sake. Therefore we will and cannot come, for we must see how we may keep our own, which God has given us. For to take a wife is not to do or undertake anything dishonorable, but to enter an honorable state, and to be at home and plan how to support yourself, which is everyone’s duty. But all this is just that by which an honest housefather commits sin, when he only thinks of this, how he may become rich, keep house well and prosper. God grant it whether it be done with or against God.

For the Jews took into consideration only how Moses had promised them if they would be good and keep God’s commandments, to give temporal blessings, cattle, lands, wife, child, and all things should be blessed and prosper. Therefore they only sought to have their cellars and kitchens full, and to be rich, and then they thought that they were good, and that God had thus blessed them, as the Psalm says, <19E413> Psalm 144:13-14.

23. Just in this very manner our Papists still excuse themselves and say:

The doctrine is right, of course, but we must still adhere to the Church and her orderly government. Again, we must above all things maintain obedience to the worldly power, so that there may be no disturbance and insurrection. Thus they are troubled just like the Jews. If they would accept the Gospel, they fear they might lose their Church and government, whereas the Gospel alone builds up the true Christian church, and prevents all injustice, violence and insurrection. Besides covetousness is also present; since they see nothing in the Gospel but mere poverty and persecution, so that it goes as it does here, that they simply and without fear refuse to obey the Gospel and say, they have taken wives and cannot come, and still they want to be Christians and claim to have done just right, and want to be regarded as pious bishops, good princes and good citizens.

24. But how will it go with them? Just as it did with the Jews. They held so long to their law, priesthood, kingdom and treasures, until they at last went to destruction, and lost one after the other; so that now they dwell here and there and have their homes under foreign princes as if living in a swing.

This is the reward for which they labored. For they desired not this supper, and preferred their kingdom, priesthood and houses, rather than the Gospel. Therefore they lost all three, and received the sentence that none of them should taste of this supper, and thus be deprived of both, of temporal things here on earth, and of the everlasting feast in heaven. The same will also certainly be the fate of our adversaries.

25. Thus Christ our Lord lectured this sharp doctor and his associates at the table, and showed them how they stood before our Lord God, namely, that God was angry at them, and would look out for other guests, as follows: “Then the master of the house, being angry, said to his servants, Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city and bring in hither the poor, and maimed, and blind, and lame.”

26. As though he would say: Very well, inasmuch as this must be done, that you must examine your land and oxen and take unto you wives, and on this account neglect my supper, that is, you want your priesthood, kingdom and wealth, and will let me and my Gospel go, hence I will let you go, too, that on this account you will lose all, and I will provide me other guests. Therefore go forth, my servant, into the struts and lanes of the city and bring in hither the poor and crippled, the lame and blind. This was also done among the Jews. For as the great lords, princes and priests, and those who were the best among the people would not accept the Gospel, for reasons already given, our God and Lord accepted the humble fishermen, the poor, miserable and despised little flock, as St. Paul also says, Corinthians 1:26-28: “For behold your calling, brethren, that not many wise after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called; but God chose the foolish things of the world, that he might put to shame them that are wise; and God chose the weak things of the world that he might put to shame the things that are strong, and base things of the world, and the things that are despised, did God choose, yea, and the things that are not, that he might bring to naught the things that are.”

27. According to this passage all that are wise, holy, rich and powerful, God has rejected, because they will not accept his Gospel; and the foolish, simple, and the most insignificant little lights, as Peter, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew and the like, who were poor fishermen and needy beggars, whom he here calls the poor, the maimed, the lame and blind, are chosen, whom no one would have considered worthy to be the servants of the priests and princes of the people. These were left like dregs, and as Isaiah says, the dregs of the good costly wine; the best among the people, the priests, the leaders, the rich and powerful are cast out as a vessel of good wine, and the dregs alone are left, which the Lord here calls the poor, the lame, the maimed and the blind. These are promoted to grace and honor, so that they become acceptable to God and dear guests, because the others, the high and great people will not come.

28. What the Pharisee now says: “Blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God”- to which Christ answers: Yes, blessed are they; but you and your followers are concerned about your farm and oxen. You speak of these things, therefore you shall know that a supper has been prepared, of which the poor shall eat, as the text says, Matthew 11:5, Pauperes evangelizantur, the poor have the Gospel preached to them. For the powerful, the saints, the wise do not want it, therefore it has come to pass that both priests and leaders have been cast away as the best wine, because they have held so firmly to their oxen, their land and their wives; and in their stead have been promoted the poor beggars, who came to the Gospel in this glorious supper.

29. This is to press the Jews very hard, and especially this one here, who wants to be wise and to eat bread in heaven, and yet he clings to his priesthood and kingdom, let Christ’ and his Gospel be what they may. For his heart is so constituted that he does not need Christ at all to make sure of heaven, but thinks our Lord God will say to him and all the Jews: Come, you Jews, and especially you priests, you saints, you princes, you fat citizens, for you the supper is prepared! Yes, says he, it is true, you are invited, but you care nothing for it and excuse yourselves and claim that you are right. Therefore I cast you away, and accept rather the most humble people, even if I shall obtain no one but the despised, the poor, the maimed and the lame.

30. Thus it shall also be done to our adversaries, and nothing shall help them, though they be great, holy bishops, powerful princes and lords, and think that our Lord God will not thus cast them away, and accept only the poor rats’ nest at Wittenberg, and the humble flock who love the Gospel.

Yes, my dear friend, if God has cast away the best among his people who had such glorious and great promises, and took the dregs, neither will he give it to thee. Simply because you are great, holy and powerful, will not enable you to eat bread in heaven, for the poor have the Gospel preached to them. For our Lord is much greater, stronger, wiser and holier than all kings and all devils; therefore he cares but little about your holiness or power. And if you will still defy him and so wickedly despise his Word, he will then also rise up against you, so that all your wisdom, power and holiness will come to naught.

31. Thus far this Gospel lesson pertains only to the Jews; for Christ speaks of the lame and cripple who are found in the streets of the city. The people of the Jews are called a city, because they were a constituted and well ordered people, and had the law, the worship, the temple, the priests and ‘king, all of which was ordained by God himself and established by Moses.

Now he also sends his servant into the highways and commands him to take guests wherever he could find them, even the beggars along the hedges and everywhere. “And the Lord said unto the servant, Go out into the high. ways and hedges, and constrain them to come in that my house may be filled.”

32. This refers to us, the heathen, who have dwelt in no city, who were without any worship of the true God, but were idolatrous, and did not know what we or God were. Therefore our condition is properly called a free, open place on the highways, in the field, where the devil walks over us and has his quarters.

33. Go thither, he says, and constrain them to come in. For the world arrays itself against the Gospel in every way, and cannot tolerate this doctrine, and yet this housefather wants his house full of guests, for he himself has thus made preparations, and he now must have people to eat, drink and be joyful, even if he had to make them of stones.

34. Here we can also see that Christ our Lord suffers the world to stand so long for our sakes, although he would have sufficient reason, because of our sins to destroy it every moment. Yet he does not do this because he still desires more guests, and because of the elect who also belong to this supper. Now, because his servants bring the precious Gospel to us, is an indication that we who are baptized and believe, also belong to this supper, for we are the great lords of the hedges, who are blind, poor and lost heathen.

35. But how shall we be constrained, as God does not want any forced worship? He constrains us by having the Gospel preached to all men: “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned.” Here he shows us both heaven and hell, death and life, wrath and grace, and reveals unto us our sins and ruined condition, so that we may be awakened on account of it, because we hear that a man as soon as he is born, naturally belongs to the devil and is condemned. This is part of this constraint, by which one is terrified at the wrath of God and desires grace and help from him.

36. When this has taken place by preaching and the hearts are thus stricken and awakened, he then desires that we should preach thus: Dear friend, do not despair because you are a sinner and have such a terrible sentence passed upon you; but do this, go forth and be baptized and hear the Gospel. Here you will learn that Jesus Christ has died for your sake, and has made satisfaction for your sins. If you believe this, then you will be safe against the wrath of God and eternal death, and you shall eat here at this glorious supper and live well, become hearty and strong.

37. This means rightly to constrain, namely, to terrify with sin, not as the Pope constrains with his ban. He does not properly awaken the conscience, because he does not teach what sin really is, but deals with his foolish work, saying, whoever does not observe his order and human tradition, shall be put under the ban. But the Gospel begins to reveal sin and the wrath of God from heaven, Romans 1, that we all live unrighteously and godlessly, without exception. This our Lord commands us to preach through the Gospel when he says to the Apostles: “Go forth and preach repentance.” But a man cannot preach repentance unless he declares that God is angry at all men, because they are full of unbelief, contempt of God and other sins.

38. This wrath must terrify them and make their consciences timid and fearful, that they constrain themselves and say: O, Lord God! what shall I ever do to be relieved from this distress? Now when man is terrified and feels his wretchedness and misery, then it is right to say to him: Sit down at the table of this rich Lord and eat, for there are yet many tables without guests and plenty to eat, that is, be baptized and believe in Jesus Christ, that he has made satisfaction for your sins. Otherwise, there are no means to aid you, except you be baptized and believe. Thus wrath will cease and heaven will shine with pure grace and mercy, forgiveness of sins and eternal life.

39. Therefore these words, “Constrain them to come in?’ are for the poor, miserable multitude of those who are constrained, that is, especially we, who before were lost and condemned heathen, the lovely and comfortable from the masses, by which God desires to forcibly portray and show unto us his unfathomable grace. For it must ever be an unspeakable love, that he shows in these words that he is so desirous for our welfare and salvation, that he commands us not only friendly to call and encourage poor sinners to come to this supper, but also desires them to be urged and constrained, and that such urging is not to cease, that they may only come to his supper.

By this he sufficiently shows that he will not cast them away or permit them to be lost, wherever they themselves will not only through malicious contempt and hardened impenitence oppose such efforts to constrain them.

So that he is as Tauler said, immeasurably more anxious to give and help us, than we are or ever can be to receive or to pray, and demands and requires nothing more difficult from us, than that we should widely open our hearts and accept his grace.

40. This constraining, however, is necessary in preaching both repentance and forgiveness of sins; for without repentance we remain too hard and obdurate under his wrath, in our sinful nature and in the kingdom of the devil. And moreover, when the terror of divine wrath strikes us, we are again too fearful, modest and disturbed, to take this to heart and believe, that he will show us such great grace and mercy, and we are always full of anxiety that we do not belong to them, and that he will reject us because of our sins and great unworthiness. Therefore he must himself command and work that men continue and persevere evermore to constrain and urge as much as possible, both by holding forth wrath for the wicked and grace for the faithful. Wrath and repentance urge man to run and cry for grace. This is then the right way a person goes to this supper, and thus from Jews and Gentiles there will be one Christian church, and all will be called alike poor, miserable people, lame and crippled, for they accept the Gospel heartily and with joy.

41. Those, however, who will not do this, be they as wise and as shrewd as they please, receive this sentence, they shall not taste of this supper, that is, the wrath of God shall remain upon them and they shall be condemned on account of their unbelief. For here our Lord does not inquire, as before said, whether they be rich, wise or holy. Therefore, although they be already secure and think there is no danger, they will nevertheless experience, that this sentence will stand, when the Lord here concludes: Non gustabunt, “they shall not taste of my supper.” We, however, who accept it and with terrified hearts on account of our sins do not reject the grace of God which is made known to us in the Gospel through Christ and is offered to us, shall receive grace instead of wrath; instead of sin, eternal righteousness; and instead of eternal death, eternal life.

42. In our time this terrible sentence, as we see, most powerfully goes forth against the Jews and the Turks, and no saver of the Gospel is left them; yea, it is to them a disgust and abomination, so that they can neither tolerate nor hear it. So are also our Popes and bishops, they shall not even smell this supper, not to say anything of their being filled with it. But we, who by God’s peculiar grace have come to this doctrine, shall become hearty, strong and joyful by it, and at the table of this supper we are of good cheer. God grant that we may thus remain constant to the end!


43. Thus in this parable the Lord would admonish us to esteem the Gospel as dear and precious, and not hold to the crowd who think they are smart, wise, powerful and holy. For here stands the sentence: They shall be cast off and shall never taste of this supper; as among the Jewish people they have been cast off, and only the small dregs thereof remained. Thus it will also be with us, when we prefer our land, oxen, wives, that is, as it is at present called, spiritual or worldly honor along with temporal goods, to the Gospel.

44. He declares in simple, humble, short but very earnest words: “They shall not taste of my supper.” As though he would say: Very well, my supper, too, is something, and what does it profit if it be better than their oxen, lands, homes and wives, when they now despise it, and regard their lands, oxen and homes, more precious? And when the hour shall come when they must forsake their oxen, lands and homes, then they would gladly also taste of my supper. But then, too, it shall be said: Dear friend, I am not at home at present, I cannot now wait on the guests, go forth to your lands, to your oxen, to your homes, they will, of course, afford you a better supper, because you have so securely and impudently despised my supper. Of course, I have cooked for you and let it cost me dear; this you have rejected with disdain. If now you have cooked better things, eat and be joyful, but you shall not taste of my supper.

45. This will be to them all a hard, terrible, and unbearable sentence, when he will call his supper everlasting life, and their lands, oxen and homes the everlasting fire of hell; and remain firm by this forever, that they shall not taste of his supper, that is, there shall be no more hope for them forever.

For there neither repentance nor sorrow will avail, and from thence there shall be no return. Therefore these are exceedingly violent words, which show the great and endless wrath of the master of the house, for this is customary with great lords and high people, when they are real angry, they do not speak many words. But what they do say, every word weighs a hundred pounds, for they intend to do more violently than they can express in words. Bow much more do those short words of the Almighty Lord signify an inexpressible wrath, which can never be reconciled.

46. Yet we act as though a fool or a child had spoken such hard, terrible words, at which we could laugh and make sport, or as though it were our Lord’s jest and mockery, and neither hear nor see what the text plainly says, that he is angry, and has spoken this in great wrath; and that he is not a fool or a child, but the Lord and God over all things, before whom we justly tremble and are terrified, as the Scriptures say, the mountains with their base and foundation, and both the sea and the waters flee before him.

But no creature is so hard and perverse as man, who has no fear whatever for anything, but despises and makes light of it.

47. But we are indeed sufficiently excused who say: This is our boast. For on that day the whole world must bear witness and confess that they have heard it from us, saw and experienced it, and it does not worry us if they condemn it as heresy. We will gladly bear it, that they call it heresy, and we hear it enough and beyond measure, and thank them kindly besides, that they cry it down as heresy. For thereby they always confess that they have certainly heard, seen and read it. I desire nothing more of them, for in that they confess that they have heard it, they testify that we have not been silent. If then we have not been silent, but have faithfully and diligently taught and preached this, so that our enemies themselves say that we have pressed it too hard, then let that man judge us, whom we hold has commanded us so to preach, and then let that god defend or condemn them, who urges them to condemn us. It shall be known in God’s name, whose God is the true God, and whose Christ is the true Christ, and which church is the true Church. It shall be known when the snow disappears.

48. Although there can be no better government for this world than the devil’s, or instead of the devil’s, the government of the Pope, for this is what the world wants. What the devil wants goes forth and mightily prospers; what God wants both in the spiritual and worldly government, never succeeds and has innumerable hindrances, so that, if I could separate the world from the church, I would gladly assist to subject the world to the Pope and the devil. But Christ our Lord will do this and other things besides, and will keep his supper far enough from the world and the devil.

The Second Sunday after Trinity, 2016. Luke 14:16-24


The Second Sunday after Trinity, 2016 

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

The melodies are linked in the hymn name. 
The lyrics are linked in the hymn number.
The Hymn # 361                                O Jesus King 
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual
The Gospel
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed p. 22
The Sermon Hymn #371                          Jesus Thy Blood                       

 Wedding Attire

The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn #660                            I'm But a Stranger Here          

KJV 1 John 3:13 Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you. 14 We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. 15 Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. 16 Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. 17 But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? 18 My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.

KJV Luke 14:16 Then said he unto him, A certain man made a great supper, and bade many: 17 And sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden, Come; for all things are now ready. 18 And they all with one consent began to make excuse. The first said unto him, I have bought a piece of ground, and I must needs go and see it: I pray thee have me excused. 19 And another said, I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them: I pray thee have me excused. 20 And another said, I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come. 21 So that servant came, and shewed his lord these things. Then the master of the house being angry said to his servant, Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind. 22 And the servant said, Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is room. 23 And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. 24 For I say unto you, That none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper.

Second Sunday After Trinity
Lord God, heavenly Father, we give thanks unto Thee, that through Thy holy word Thou hast called us to Thy great supper, and we beseech Thee: Quicken our hearts by Thy Holy Spirit, that we may not hear Thy word without fruit, but that we may prepare ourselves rightly for Thy kingdom, and not suffer ourselves to be hindered by any worldly care, through Thy beloved Son. Jesus Christ, our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one true God, world without end. Amen.

Wedding Attire

KJV Luke 14:16 Then said he unto him, A certain man made a great supper, and bade many: 17 And sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden, Come; for all things are now ready. 

One thing should strike us about the Great Feast Parable - this is a concrete comparison and not an abstract one. Objections to Biblical teaching are abstract and often use newly minted words. But Jesus taught with concrete examples from ordinary life and His own Creation. If we cannot learn from Creation, then we might pay attention to parallels with ordinary life.

No one had trouble with Holy Communion until the Reformation, when those who opposed Luther found an agenda they could promote. Zwingli and later Calvin wrote against it, and others did as well. The idea was always to make Holy Communion only symbolic, just a ritual. In doing so, they thought they refuted Roman dogma. But they were like the man, as Luther said, who saw his brother attacked by a bear. He grabbed his knife and stabbed, killing his brother instead of the bear. So these supposed anti-Romanists attack the wrong thing and effectively kill the efficacy and purpose of the Lord's Supper.

A certain man...
Everyone can see this is a parable, one with everyday comparisons. "A certain man" signals that this is a parable. As a teaching of Jesus in His own words, we should pay attention to it. 

When people appeal to authority as a logical fallacy, they pick their own authority and skip the true source, the Word of God, which judges all authorities. In addition, they use a reverse version of this, saying, "I don't agree with you." I have said to many, "But that does not matter. Do you agree with the Scriptures and as a Lutheran, with the Book of Concord?"

Secondly, as a parable, this ranks as teaching by Jesus that was explained thoroughly to His disciples. It was not supposed to be so obvious that any dabbler could deal with it.

A certain man made a great supper, and bade many: 17 And sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden, Come; for all things are now ready. 

We can all relate to this, because it is saying that the Gospel is a gracious invitation. Who would not accept an invitation sent when they are hungry - at supper time? The Jewish people hungered for righteousness. They knew the Scriptures but often missed the main point. And yet, at the time of Jesus, there was so much longing, so much hunger, that they flocked to Him to hear the Word from him rather than the scribes and Pharisees.

This is a parallel to what the Fourth Gospel states - that Jesus came to His own people, and they did not receive him (believe in Him).

18 And they all with one consent began to make excuse. The first said unto him, I have bought a piece of ground, and I must needs go and see it: I pray thee have me excused. 19 And another said, I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them: I pray thee have me excused. 20 And another said, I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come. 

The rejection of the invitation is shown to be ridiculous, because each excuse is shallow and ridiculous. One has to go look at some land. One has to test-drive his oxen. The last one has just married.

As Luther noted, this parable is a rebuke to the Jewish leader who tried to show off and preach better than Jesus.

10. Following this address one of them who thought himself much more learned than Christ the Lord, begins to say: “Oh, how blessed is he who eateth bread in the kingdom of God.” As though he would say in his great wisdom: You make yourself unprofitable enough by your preaching! If it would depend on preaching, I can do that, too, even better than you; for I consider this a truly great sermon: “Blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God.”
11. Christ replies to him: Yes, says he, I will tell you how blessed you and your comrades are: “A certain man made a great supper, and bade many,” and they despised it and would not come. This blow was meant for him. As though he would say: You say much in the words, that he is a blessed man who eats bread in heaven! Oh, but you are in very great earnest! What an excellent holy man you are, namely, you are one of those who are invited and yet do not come. These are hard, sharp and terrible words when rightly considered; for he is speaking to real thorough-going rogues, who sat about the table, not because they wanted to learn anything, but in order to observe him closely to see by what means they might come to him and take him. To those he spoke this parable: “A certain man made a great supper.”

So these people who excuse themselves are the Jews invited to believe every since Abraham, since that patriarch was and is the model of justifying faith. The Gospel invitations are all those predictions and blessings in the Old Testament. People think of the prophets as warning them about their sins, which is true. Those sins - like ours today - came from lack of faith. The condemnations were intended to warn the Jewish people away from all the consequences of their lack of faith, such as chasing after the carnal pagan religions around them. But they were also promised the Messiah, and their response was to get rid of the prophets who annoyed them so much.

I had to do some homework about Andover Newton, because these mergers and changes get so complicated. My memory was correct - that the Calvinist Leonard Woods Senior was the first theology professor at Andover. His son was the rock star Leonard Words Junior, who translated the Knapp lectures from Halle University, established to teach Pietism (soon after the bastion of Rationalism, rejection of the Word). Junior explained the opaque language of Knapp as teaching Objective Justification and Subjective Justification. 

These terms may not have originated with Junior, but we know this famous book was so influential that Walther approved the terms when they began appearing in Germany. The two terms - OJ and SJ - slowly became canonical and blessed by CFW in the LCMS, WELS, and ELS.

Recently, Jay Webber declared that Luther taught a term - Objective Justification - which did not even exist until long after Luther died, long after the Book of Concord was published. Luther was quite the prophet, to teach something that did not exist as though it did exist.

21 So that servant came, and shewed his lord these things. Then the master of the house being angry said to his servant, Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind. 

Who would reject a gracious invitation with such rude, flimsy excuses? And yet they continue to this day. People cite their bad experiences with their parents or a minister or a denomination, as that mattered in terms of faith in the Savior. Anyone can cite as as many excuses, and ministers can add many more. People should be overwhelmed with gratitude that there are any ministers left who believe in the traditional teaching of the Christian Faith. The modern theologians and the denominational executives are apostates who hate the Christian Faith.

More importantly, the greedy, dishonest, and criminal clergy are rewarded for their apostasy and behavior. Those who want the riches and glory of the world, as Jesus was offered in His temptations, are eager to bow down and worship Satan. They will not die for the Faith, but they will kill for their synod's corrupt leaders.

The Gospel moves on. As Jesus is teaching in the parable the Gospel invitation was extended to those never considered by Jews to be part of the Kingdom. That would mean us! And now that the West has been rewarded by the blessings of the Gospel, it is moving on among the poorest nations.

24 For I say unto you, That none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper.

Sometimes the Word emphasizes works, and at other times faith, but the decisive term in the entire Bible is faith.

As the Matthew 7:15ff passage teaches us, the good tree can only bear good fruit, and the bad tree only evil and corrupt fruit.

Any gardener can say, the battle against weeds is constant and never won. The weeds grab the good soil, the rain, and the sunshine to overwhelm the good plants. I have roses with grass growing right up through the plant, so I have to cut the grass carefully and deny it sunshine to sprout again.

Some weeds are so robust that they grow 9 feet tall, spread out their seeds, dominate the country they adopt, and produce horrible rashes when touched.

The believer still has sins, but they do not dominate and destroy, as we see happening with so many today. The unbeliever may strive to show off his great sanctity, but that by itself is an affront to God, as if a human's pretended righteousness is better than God's, which comes from faith in Christ alone.

35. But how shall we be constrained, as God does not want any forced worship? He constrains us by having the Gospel preached to all men: “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned.” Here he shows us both heaven and hell, death and life, wrath and grace, and reveals unto us our sins and ruined condition, so that we may be awakened on account of it, because we hear that a man as soon as he is born, naturally belongs to the devil and is condemned. This is part of this constraint, by which one is terrified at the wrath of God and desires grace and help from him.

36. When this has taken place by preaching and the hearts are thus stricken and awakened, he then desires that we should preach thus: Dear friend, do not despair because you are a sinner and have such a terrible sentence passed upon you; but do this, go forth and be baptized and hear the Gospel. Here you will learn that Jesus Christ has died for your sake, and has made satisfaction for your sins. If you believe this, then you will be safe against the wrath of God and eternal death, and you shall eat here at this glorious supper and live well, become hearty and strong.

This Is a Feast That Feeds
Holy Communion is not abstract, but concrete. It is both symbolic and real at the same time. Holy Communion symbolizes the Last Supper and has us re-enact that pivotal event. Christ instituted it, so the Sacrament is very important.

The power of this Sacrament is the Holy Spirit in the Word. What God promises is true - these ordinary elements, consecrated, are also the Body and Blood of Christ, given for the forgiveness of sin.

We say Sacrament because Communion  combines the Word with earthly elements. Supper is a good term. If we become weak from lacking food, how much more important is it to feed the soul so that we do not become weak in faith?

This feast depends on the Word and faith. God has the Word preached to strengthen faith and enjoy the invitation, trusting in the Spirit's work. Notice how powerfully people argue against this - to no avail. The use up 100 times the energy to say this cannot be so and to condemn those who agree with the simple and plain language of Jesus.

Email Addresses


Someone said my email address was difficult to find.

1. Here is the busiest and the easiest one to get lost in - chemnitz@cox.net. Best avoid that one.

2. This one seldom gets personal email and hardly anything else - bethanylutheranworship@gmail.com.

3. This one is probably easiest to remember - greg.jackson.edlp@gmail.com
The initials stand for Walmart's motto, Every Day Low Prices. They say - ee dee ell pea often at Walmart meetings. That is the one I am posting at the top of the blog. Note the period after greg and after jackson.

When one email disappeared into the spam folder, I began looking through spam in both my current email addresses and found several messages I did not know were there, including a series that wondered where I was when I was thinking the individual suddenly stopped writing.

Abundance of Rain - Indifference


We get plenty of rain that starts in Oklahoma, which is OK with us - and the rest from Texas, drawn up from the Gulf of Mexico. Last week we had a series of showers, all less than predicted, but still abundant.

I parked the wheelbarrow under the eaves -  and it was full. Four rain-barrels filled. The litle wastebasket also filled.

The transplanted Butterfly Bush kept showing signs of wilting before the roots had a chance to build up again. Before the rains, I kept extra rain-barrel water for the plant, and used it often. Now it looks as green and perky as the big brother plant, which is nine feet tall. The larger plant gets stored rainwater and the murky water left in the birdbath that I converted from a children's swimming pool.

When the rain is plentiful, gardeners who save the extra rain wonder what to do with so much. Several inches of rain mean there is no need to water for a while. If it continues to rain and mist, day to day, water is delayed even more and the storage containers fill to overflowing.

There is no better boon for gardeners. Rain is liquid fertilizer, the gentlest and best, life-giving for the plants and for the soil creatures that thrive when their thirst is satisfied.

Below is a summary of the nitrogen cycle.

The Nitrogen Cycle

  • All life requires nitrogen-compounds, e.g., proteins and nucleic acids.
  • Air, which is 79% nitrogen gas (N2), is the major reservoir of nitrogen.
  • But most organisms cannot use nitrogen in this form.
  • Plants must secure their nitrogen in "fixed" form, i.e., incorporated in compounds such as:
    • nitrate ions (NO3)
    • ammonium ions (NH4+)
    • urea (NH2)2CO
  • Animals secure their nitrogen (and all other) compounds from plants (or animals that have fed on plants).
Four processes participate in the cycling of nitrogen through the biosphere:
Microorganisms play major roles in all four of these.

Nitrogen Fixation

The nitrogen molecule (N2) is quite inert. To break it apart so that its atoms can combine with other atoms requires the input of substantial amounts of energy.
Three processes are responsible for most of the nitrogen fixation in the biosphere:
  • atmospheric fixation by lightning
  • biological fixation by certain microbes — alone or in a symbiotic relationship with some plants and animals
  • industrial fixation

Atmospheric Fixation

The enormous energy of lightning breaks nitrogen molecules and enables their atoms to combine with oxygen in the air forming nitrogen oxides. These dissolve in rain, forming nitrates, that are carried to the earth.
Atmospheric nitrogen fixation probably contributes some 5– 8% of the total nitrogen fixed.

Industrial Fixation

Under great pressure, at a temperature of 600°C, and with the use of a catalyst, atmospheric nitrogen and hydrogen (usually derived from natural gas or petroleum) can be combined to form ammonia (NH3). Ammonia can be used directly as fertilizer, but most of its is further processed to urea and ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3).

Biological Fixation

The ability to fix nitrogen is found only in certain bacteria and archaea.
  • Some live in a symbiotic relationship with plants of the legume family (e.g., soybeans, alfalfa).
    Link to a discussion of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in legumes.
  • Some establish symbiotic relationships with plants other than legumes (e.g., alders).
  • Some establish symbiotic relationships with animals, e.g., termites and "shipworms" (wood-eating bivalves).
  • Some nitrogen-fixing bacteria live free in the soil.
  • Nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria are essential to maintaining the fertility of semi-aquatic environments like rice paddies.
Biological nitrogen fixation requires a complex set of enzymes and a huge expenditure of ATP.
Although the first stable product of the process is ammonia, this is quickly incorporated into protein and other organic nitrogen compounds.


The proteins made by plants enter and pass through food webs just as carbohydrates do. At each trophic level, their metabolism produces organic nitrogen compounds that return to the environment, chiefly in excretions. The final beneficiaries of these materials are microorganisms of decay. They break down the molecules in excretions and dead organisms into ammonia.


Ammonia can be taken up directly by plants — usually through their roots. However, most of the ammonia produced by decay is converted into nitrates. Until recently this was thought always to be accomplished in two steps:
  • Bacteria of the genus Nitrosomonas oxidize NH3 to nitrites (NO2).
  • Bacteria of the genus Nitrobacter oxidize the nitrites to nitrates (NO3).
These two groups of autotrophic bacteria are called nitrifying bacteria. Through their activities (which supply them with all their energy needs), nitrogen is made available to the roots of plants.
However, in 2015, two groups reported finding that bacteria in the genus Nitrospira were able to carry out both steps: ammonia to nitrite and nitrite to nitrate. This ability is called "comammox" (for complete ammonia oxidation).

In addition, both soil and the ocean contain archaeal microbes, assigned to the Crenarchaeota, that convert ammonia to nitrites. They are more abundant than the nitrifying bacteria and may turn out to play an important role in the nitrogen cycle.

Many legumes, in addition to fixing atmospheric nitrogen, also perform nitrification — converting some of their organic nitrogen to nitrites and nitrates. These reach the soil when they shed their leaves.

Our basic human failing is taking abundance for granted. God provides the abundance to such an extent that we assume it will always be there. Looking back, we can see that a subversive president and a subservient Congress can wreck a country in eight years or less.

Reversing the damage is like cleaning up after a tornado and flood. Some people want the perfect presidential candidate, but that person is not going to repair the damage by himself.

This is my example of practical politics - taxing garage sales. I remember when Congress suggested taxing garage sales so that taxes were withheld at the time of the yard sale and sent to their greedy coffers. The outrage was so great, so universal that the plan was dropped immediately.

The same thing happened with the government idea of  withholding the tax on passbook savings as the interest accrued: floated as a concept, killed when national fury erupted. Now we have no interest to add up and very little money in savings. Obama passed a national, unlimited tax nicknamed ObamaCare, and the GOP did nothing to stop or reverse it.

The country will not change for the better as long as we let a radical minority dictate policy for the majority.

Likewise, the fever for electing the right Synod President in Lutherdom is irrelevant as long as factions control the practical outcome. The Wisconsin Synod is completely controlled by false teachers whose passion is justification without faith and Church Growth. They dominate all the leadership positions and skim all available money for themselves. SP Mark Schroeder is either the cause of this debacle, as their Manchurian Candidate, or the product of it, bowing the knee to the Jeske Crime Family and kissing both cheeks to honor the Godfather of Thrivent.

The solution is to write a letter to Christian News? Herman Otten promotes justification without faith and sells the Valleskey Church Growth textbook. The FBI can raid WELS headquarters and Otten will spike the story or soft-pedal it on page 17.

Back to Creation Gardening
So - now I have full rain-barrels in the backyard and roses needing some help in the front yard. The rain I have is very much like the Means of Grace. All I can do is distribute this rain, because God has provided the blessings inherent in the rain. There is nothing I can do to invent or manufacture rain. The new science has shown that chemical nitrogen, fixed by man, is vastly inferior to what rain or bacteria can manufacture.

I have been coveting water-pails, but they were often a separate item when stopping at Lowe's or Walmart. My jerry-built solutions, like  a wastebasket in the wheelbarrow, were sloppy and impractical.

Last week a neighbor made a point of thanking me for the Mothers' Day roses. No, I did not write about this neighbor so far. We had along talk in his front yard while his sons played with Sassy. He decided I could use paint-buckets in gardening, and I thought that would be great, when he was able to find  some clean ones from his business. After a while we finished talking and Sassy headed for home, 1/2 block away. I was just inspecting roses when he caught up with four paint-buckets, perfectly clean, with handles, each one carrying five (5) gallons. You thought "one gallon, big deal," didn't you.

That will be my job today, Most of the lagging roses have leafed out now. I will give some promising green canes another prune and extra rain water. If they fail to come out of dormancy, they will be replaced by Edmunds Roses. The new ones will be soaked in rainwater and planted.

Gardener Accused of Dumping Rainwater
No one has accused me - I just like the phrasing. There are times when I have had so much rainwater in the back that I wanted to get rid of it fast - before the next rain. That meant starting with a clean barrel and providing some plants with triple rain:

  1. Before the rain,
  2. During the rain, 
  3. With more stored rainwater to follow.

The chief recipients are the nearby Butterfly Bushes, new tomato plants, Hosta from Mr. Gardener, roses along Mr. Gardener's fence, the Honeysuckle vine, Ederberries, and the Blueberries.

The plants are green and lush from the abundant rain and extra rainwater.

WELS Is Blessed with Notorious Liars Like VP Joel Voss. The New DP is Michael Jensen, Western Wisconsin District

Scott Barefoot posed with Joel Voss and someone else.

Report from the District Conventicle -

"There was open laughter when Voss said that WELS was blessed to not have any major doctrinal disputes. Open laughter."

Pin the tail on the felony district. 
A great ice-breaker for synod beer parties!

1. Which one has the love letter pastor protected by the DP and CP?
2. Bonus - which state is he in?
3. Which district is the Anything Goes District?
4. Bonus - which city in that district has the highest percentage of drunks?
5. How many districts was Pastor Tabor in?
6. Where are the best liquor party/women's retreats?
7. Name the DP who has lost or kicked out the most congregations.
8. Bonus - identify the connection between Tabor and his doctrinal expert.
9. Which district is host to Fuller Seminary, their favorite school?

Voss preached at St. Paul in German Village (Columbus, Ohio).
It was the big Reformation service for the area.
He could not be found, because he was watching Green Bay on TV
somewhere in the building.

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