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Luther Days Follows These Twits on Twitter

"We are the leader in Couples Only, Couples Cruises. If you like to cruise and want to cruise with other open minded couples, then our cruises are for you."

The above is a description of a Twitter service followed by Luther Days. An expert told me there was so much more, worse than Game of Thrones. Plus every Church and Changer in WELS, every apostate denomination. ELCA, ELCA, and more ELCA. 


Southern Baptist Church in Central Wisconsin
Serving the Foursquare Churches of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana & Michigan
A book to really help you get answers to prayers - 'THE CURIOUS CASE OF THE CONSTIPATED CAT and Other True Stories of Answered Prayer'.

Lutheran Bishop from NYMetro, Prays in Public, Loves the City. We're on Facebook: 
Joel Osteen Radio -  Ch 128.
Child of God, Follower of Christ, Lutheran Pastor, Benedictine Oblate, Friend of many, Auntie Mame to my nieces and nephews!

Northwest Washington Synod of the ELCA
The women's ministry organization of the ELCA

Countdown for Luther Days (Non-Profit sic) Porn and Open Sex Meltdown. Who Is Holding the Money?

Distinctly Church and Change:
Managed by a porn addict - see the Luther Days Twitter lists -
following porn and being followed by porn,
not to mention wife-swapping and "friend for a day" dating.

Why does every WELS meeting, conference, college day turn into a Church and Change extravaganza?

I am looking into relationships in God's Creation and the concept of irreducible complexity. When complex relationships and interactions take place, that must be from design, as the author argues in Darwin's Black Box. The more we know, the more Creation shows God's hand in everything.

Likewise, when people keep doing the same foolish things, there must be a plan, because no one could have such a collection of stupidity, fraud, false doctrine, and peculation without a blueprint, a design, a control freak behind it.

Watch people bail from this conference faster than fleas leaving a newly treated cat. People like Jay Webber will say, "I was never contacted. I don't know why my name is on the list." Some may be telling the truth. That happens randomly in WELS-ELS, but never on purpose.

Remove the Private (sic) Material!
A WELS pastor emailed me last night to say I should take down private material, about Luther Days, from this blog. I thought for a second and wondered about such claims. When the State of Wisconsin publishes a report on the Internet, that matter is not private but public, to protect potential victims of fraud.

I noted the fake non-profit LLC status of this fiasco called Luther Days, because the non-profit claim is a false assertion. There is no such thing listed in the Wisconsin records.

Twitter Is Not Private but Public - Especially When the Link Is Posted on Facebook

1,093 people like this

David Peters

The Twitter account for Luther Days is riddled with porn sites and also (ironically) sites about fighting porn addiction. I tweet my blog posts and FB posts automatically, but otherwise I have no interest in Twitter. When Ski, Glende, and Bishop Katie were tweeting away in Appletown, I found it useful to quote them, because their tweets were public and gave away their nefarious schemes. Suddenly Ski and Glende's accounts went silent while Katie chirped away. Soon she was gone - no problems, no problems. When Ski harassed his next staffer, she was told to resign and say, "No problems. No problems." She said there were problems, and Ski-Glende sued her husband in court.

The WELS teachers admired Ski-Glende's leadership so much that they invited Glende to keynote about spiritual matters.

But I digress. Two Twitter lists for Luther Days are significant.

One is the list of accounts being followed.  Luther Days' Twitter account, listed on their promotional material, is following 2,921 Twitter accounts.  One can tell from the descriptions on the accounts being followed that many are pornography sites and find-a-sex partner sites.

TwoLuther Days also has 572 followers. If people tweet back and forth, they often follow those who are following them.

The Appleton clowns showed that they were in constant contact with the gurus of Church Growth/Emergent Church Enthusiasm. The conferences they attended were exclusively at those interlocking businesses, the Mammon of conference hosting and collecting money for the events.

So with Luther Days, there are porn sites followed and also following Luther Days, a close relationship indeed. My computer does not handle a list of 2,921 accounts with ease, all with photos, but I could scroll the list of 572 followers with no problem. Odd that porn and sleep-with-anyone sites would want to follow Luther Days, eh?

My undergraduate students used Twitter all day to chat with all their friends, even during class and while walking to class. I banned all digital devices and confiscated them with glee. Those who get into tweeting have readers so they can tweet a bunch of friends at once and chat back and forth with those they follow and those who follow them. Twitter is powerful in its ability to send URLs (links to webpages) to a large group at once. In fact, a Twitter account could easily send an entire book to thousands of people simply by linking the PDF from DropBox.

So, as an underground (but public) communication device, Twitter is ideal for nefarious businesses. That is why WELS-ELS should be hitting the panic butter in a few more minutes, as people wake up to their coffee and detonations.

Your grandchildren will help you understand if I have gone too fast.

How many "likes"? People can purchase "likes" for social media. That makes them seem very popular. Luther Days probably bought 1,000 likes because only David Peters shows up on the list. A number of Twitter accounts being followed by Luther Days are concerned with selling "likes" to people who like to fool others.

These two jackasses would rather pose on Facebook
with porn singer Katy Perry than with their own wives.
Anyone see a problem with this?

Braaten's Apostate Memories - From 2011 - Warn Us about the Apostasy He Midwifed in the LCA

Carl Braaten enjoyed a charmed life in ELCA academics.
Then they threw him under the bus.

Carl E. Braaten, Because of Christ, Memoirs of a Lutheran Theologian, Eerdmans, 2010, 210 pages paperback.

When Mrs. Ichabod and I were in college at Augustana, Braaten was the boy wonder at the newly merged Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago. LSTC included Augustana Seminary, the ULCA Maywood Seminary, a Nebraska seminary, and some easily forgotten promises to the Finns.

The seminary merger was one reason why I never considered going to LSTC.

Braaten was the son of Norwegian Lutheran missionaries to Madagascar, growing up on that gigantic island. He came back to the States in 1946 to attend St. Olaf College (ALC) and Luther Seminary. In between he got a Fullbright Scholarship to study philosophy in Paris.

Braaten graduated from Luther Seminary in 1955 and entered the doctoral program at Harvard University. "Paul Tillich meant a lot to me," he wrote on page 32. Nothing is said about the appalling infidelities of Tillich, whether marital or doctrinal. Tillich's wife published a book about her wandering husband, who liked photos of women crucified, slept with the wives of his students, and behaved like a jerk. For example, he sold the same theology title to two publishers at once. The Fortress Press biography of Tillich, written by one of his academic friends, noted Tillich's bizarre inclusion of pagan myth in his Systematics. Tillich also bragged up his own importance in various ways. He wanted a job in Hitler's Germany because he was instrumental in promoting the cause of national socialism. His biographer said that Tillich did little beyond talking in coffee shops! Similarly, Tillich acted as though Columbia University's philosophers had great respect for him when he taught at Union Seminary (The Devil's Playground) in NYC. In fact, they did not.

But one does not make a dent in academic theology while pointing out these verities, even in class. I dared to mention some details in the Frank Fiorenza class at Notre Dame. Fiorenza (Roman Catholic) and Tjaard Hommes (liberal Dutch) were furious that I dared to say such things, even though I left out the whips, affairs, and girls-on-crosses. Frank said, "Lutherans do not understand Tillich." I responded with, "Lutherans do not understand a Lutheran?"

Tillich wrote from a philosopher's point of view, which must have harmonized well with Braaten's interests. Modern philosophy displaces theology, using the categories while expelling the content. Almost all of modern theology is written that way, providing a nifty income for closet atheists who moan about teaching nine hours a week - if that.

Tillich won many awards, which allowed him to study in Europe. He also heard Karl Barth lecture in Basel. He was thrilled to hear Barth, but Tillich was clearly his favorite. Tillich and Braaten worked closely together, so Braaten was happy to see Tillich emerge as a famous theologian in Germany and in America. Tillich was on the cover of Time magazine at one point. Few theologians can equal that.

Tillich and Barth are in the same boat as intellectual frauds. Neither one was remotely Christian in thought. Both of them borrowed heavily from the labor of others. Barth let his mistress, Charlotte Kirschbaum, do most of the work in the Dogmatics. Tillich let his grad students did an inordinate amount of his work. Graduate students were not going to kick about doing Tillich's work for him, since he had the power to make careers, as he did for Braaten.

Critical thinking is not an attribute of modern theology. To address the theologians' lack of faith in the Word of God is academic suicide. Apostates are quick to put everyone through a quick colloquy. They do not allow believers into their club.

Braaten has nothing but scorn for "Fundamentalists," which is his word for those who still believe in the authority and inerrancy of the Scriptures. Braaten goes back and forth. He condemns his church opponents for not being confessional, but no one opposed Christian theology more boldly than Braaten in his glory years.

He brags about his Braaten/Jenson Dogmatics, which attacks every article of faith in the Apostles Creed. The crucifixion of Christ is compared to a man hit by a truck, an accident meaning nothing. The gigantic two-volume set is a travesty in writing. To borrow from Luther, it is not even a pile of manure served on a silver platter. The serving dish is a garbage can lid, the inept style of closet atheists trying to act important. They wrote about basic Christian doctrine - Luther believed it, we do not.

And they were trying to rescue ELCA from the radicals. Read the paragraph above again, slowly. Add that the Trinity, in that book, is nothing more than "God, the man Jesus, and the divine spirit of the community." (I paraphrased that statement from memory.)

Braaten also helmed a journal called dialog, the lower case title serving as a reminder of how trendy they were - at the time. He enjoyed being a subversive until his troops over-ran his own position, took away his leadership, and kicked him to the curb.

Braaten's Bitter Fruits
Merger was the first game that burned Braaten. The radicals thrown out of their leadership in the LCMS--led by WELS' own Jungkuntz, a UOJ fanatic--were known collectively as the Seminex bunch. They were blooded veterans of many battles, from a synod where vicious in-fighting, kidnapping, and cover stories began with C. F. W. Walther.

The tiny, fading AELC (Seminexers) were allowed to dominate the ELCA merger talks. They created the gay-feminist quota system that would remove every single person like Braaten from any influence. The radicals opposed the traditional Name of God, but Braaten's book did the same. The memoir sounds like "No fair when you play our game of subversion. We had a blast doing it, but you are going too far." I see a parallel with the current leadership of Missouri, WELS, and the micro-mini sects. What they conceived and carried to term is an ugly little bastard child, who keeps growing and biting his parents.

I went to LSTC for research and also to visit the president of the seminary, Bill Lesher, in discussions about publishing the book. He kept confusing the words "biography" with "bibliography," which made the church history professor roll his eyeballs. Lesher pointed out that they could not keep several Midwestern seminaries going at once. Seminex merged into LSTC and Wartburg has been insolvent, but LSTC (Bergendoff's dream school) is still in deep trouble financially. Nota bene, defenders of WELS schools, this seminary meltdown was discussed 29 years ago. Ba-zing.

Seminex Drives Braaten Out
The Seminex faculty came to LSTC as a team, and they quickly took over. The chapel services conducted worship by avoiding male names or pronouns for the Trinity. Braaten was offended and quit coming to chapel. Boo-hoo Braaten. Did he oppose it at the service? No. Did he organize the other students who opposed this? No. He wrote a letter and quit coming. Does that sound familiar, WELSians? He wrote a letter.

The homosexual issue quickly took over, too. Deppe, as a Seminex professor, was arrested for soliciting a male policeman at a public park in St. Louis. Nevertheless, he still came over with the Seminex faculty. The rogue AELC seminary was also the official seminary of the homosexual Metropolitan Community Church, training and certifying their pastors, male and female, homosexual and lesbian. Did that give LSTC pause? Apparently not.

But Braaten complained about the Lavender Mafia's work at the seminary and in ELCA. Braaten stayed in ELCA but left LSTC.

Here are some quotations and insights, from his book, which perfectly parallel the sects considered more conservative than ELCA. The methods are exactly the same.

Page 121
"The theology that backed up the 'paradigm shift' at LSTC was either antinomian or a close relative." (Everyone is already forgiven - UOJ and Seminex's Gospel Reductionism, led by WELS' own Jungkuntz.)

Page 126
Quotas for Blacks did not increase Black membership in ELCA. (Nevertheless, WELS embarked on multi-culturalism with ELCA and Missouri.)

Page 132:
"Nobody who bucks the system gets elected to any office in the ELCA. This is why only retired bishops dare to speak out against the ordination of gay clergy in partnered relationships and the blessing of same-gender unions in the church. Even theological professors have become muted for fear of appearing out of sync with the rising trends in church and society. So much for the 'here I stand' courage of the founding father of the Lutheran movement. not even faint echoes of that are to be heard in the church establishment and its publications, for example, the Lutheran Magazine, Lutheran Partners, as well as books published by Augsburg Fortress Publishing House. Censorship is massive, complete, and effective, however it works."

Page 140
"From where I was sitting, the handwriting on the wall was so clear, I felt a person had to be blind not to see it."

Braaten also wrote about professors telling him they were too terrified to do or say anything about ELCA's deviancy.

Braaten enjoyed the comforts and prestige of an academic life, the security of tenure, high pay, numerous grants for study tours. He created the foundation for everything that turned the ELCA into a nightmare for anyone with a shred of faith. The extreme radicalism finally stirred up Braaten's memories of Biblical memorization, catechetical instruction, the good old days.

That is how the Word blinds people. The more time and energy they devote to attacking the Scriptures and mocking the Reformation, the blinder they become. One cannot juggle the Word, which always has the divine power of God, and come away unscathed.

The faculties of WELS, Missouri, and the Little Sect think they can ignore their own apostasy while saying "Naughty naughty" to ELCA. All Thrivent has to do is toss some money in the air, rent some rooms at the Notell Conference Center, and the Four-letter Synods are there, tongues hanging out.
The Goodsoilers, part of the Lavender Mafia in ELCA...and beyond.

I would have flown to Chicago just to see this chapel service.
The co-founder of Earth Day murdered and composted his girlfriend.

Through the Faith of Jesus - New Passage - Philippians 3:9


Philippians 3:6 Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.
But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.
Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,
And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:

Romans 3:21-26King James Version (KJV)

21 But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;
22 Even the righteousness of Godwhich is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:
GJ - This is a topic worth studying at great length. The modern translations seem to be universal in translating the clear, plain Greek as "faith in Christ."
But the genitive means the "faith that belongs to Christ." The house of the governor is the governor's house, so the faith of Christ is Christ's own faith. 
I believe that casts a different light on justification by faith, another nail (among hundreds) in the UOJ coffin.
Faith in Christ suggests "my faith in Christ," which is not bad or wrong, but through the faith of Christ emphasizes the human nature in Christ and all He did to redeem us from sin and Satan. The UOJists rave about "faithians" not being "Christians" but Luther identified himself as a "solafideist" virtually the same thing. Too bad he did not study under David Scaer and other Enthusiasts at Ft. Wayne, where they have improved upon Holy Writ and clarified everything via the Great Prophet CFW Walther. 


I am thinking out loud about this, so I welcome emails about your insights or refutations. I posted the graphic below, which I always liked, and it quotes Luther's Galatians Commentary on the same phrasing.

Preview of May 16, 2016 Issue of Christian News. Reading CN So You Don't Have To


Not much is in Christian News this issue.

Seminex was re-visited for the 293rd time. But at long last, the right conclusion was reached - Seminex won. Even the so-called conservatives in Missouri go along with the apostate trends. And why not?

Otten has been the stealth Seminex cheerleader all along. When Braaten wrote about how the Seminex professors ruined the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Otten defended his St. Louis classmates as rather conservative.

Otten follows the WELS rule that one's seminary classmates are always defended, especially when they are in the wrong. Commit adultery? Leave the Lutheran church? no problem for a classmate - he is still hailed as a great teacher of the Bible.

UOJ is just like the Roman Empire - embracing all doctrines except the One Truth of justification by faith. Therefore, what seems to be a tangle of contradictions in Christian News is simply the outgrowth of UOJ: "Everyone  is forgiven and saved without faith."

LCMS Pastor Flo writes for CN. He is a nice considerate guy, but stuck on UOJ like his badly taught classmates. Does anyone read Luther or the Book of Concord on his own? Or the Bible? These matters are clear to everyone except Synodical Conference graduates post 1932, when Seminex really started because the Brief Statement canonized UOJ.

I paraphrased Romans 4:24-25 for Flo, and he erupted in accusations. This was on FB and copied into this blog. He had challenged me to restate the Gospel, so I did - and he blew up. I asked him to express Romans 4:24, and he said "If we believed in the God who already forgave us..." I am paraphrasing - it was more awkward than that - exactly what happens when Scripture must conform to Halle Pietism.

David Becker is still doing PR for Brock, who claimed to have written a letter to me denying a homosexual encounter, etc. I have no such letter and as the lawyers say, "Just deny it." So I cannot refute a denial. Becker is the one who raised the issue  anew in Christian News. I read it before, looked it up, and linked it. So believe what you want. I can only report what is out there already.

"Husband of but one wife" but never married - Brock.

England has their Ministers without Portfolio, but CN has Experts without Education.

Here Is the Real Problem
No one stands for anything. The pastors are scared to death to disagree with anything, which breeds apathy and flourishing false doctrine.

If someone can come up with grants, no matter how rotten the source, the clergy and the synodical leaders will bow and scrape to get their trotters in the trough.

Introduction to the Christian Faith: Jesus Priceless Treasure - The Angel of the Lord


Three: Angel of the Lord

The Son of God appeared many times in the Old Testament as the Angel of the Lord. God created angels to be His messengers and servants, so we know there is a great difference between a created angel and God the Creator. An angel speaks in the name of God but is not God. In the same way, an ambassador speaks for the President of the United States but does not call himself the President. An ambassador will say, “The President has decided to do this.” He does not say, “I am the President.”
For this reason we can see from the very words of Scripture that the Angel of the Lord is not a created being but God. He is called God and calls Himself God. The Angel of the Lord appeared to Moses in the form of a burning bush that was not destroyed by its fire.

Exodus 3:2

3:2 And the Angel of the LORDappeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.

The Angel of the Lord called Himself God.

Exodus 3:6 Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God.

When Moses asked for the name of the name of God, he received this answer:

Exodus 3:14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

 The name of God, I AM, is used by Jesus to identify Himself and to show that He has always existed.

John 8:57

John 8:57 Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? 58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.

As we will see later in this book, the I AM passages in the Gospel of John are very important for all believers to study, understand, and believe. This particular verse, John 8:57, identifies Jesus with God in the burning bush. The Angel of the Lord revealed in the burning bush is the Son of God before He came to live among us.
 When we start to recognize the Son of God in the Old Testament, many more passages take on new meaning. To show this, I capitalized The Word in the following passage.

Genesis 15:1

Genesis 15:1 After these things The Wordof the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.

The Word is the name for Jesus in John 1:1. In Genesis 15:1, The Word of the LORD said, “I am thy shield.” Knowing that the Bible is one unified truth, we can see:
1.        God promised Adam and Eve a Savior.
2.        The Savior spoke to Abram (Abraham) in a vision.
3.        The Savior appeared to Moses as a burning bush and spoke to him.
When we read the Old Testament, we should not think of it as a long prelude to the New Testament Gospel of Jesus. Instead, we should read the Old Testament as the first part of the Gospel of Jesus, filled with promises, blessings, comfort, love, mercy, and forgiveness.
 The Savior’s appearance as the Angel of the Lord is worth special consideration in the story of Abraham and Isaac. The Lord promised Abraham that he would be the father of many nations. In fact, as the first believer of modern times (after the Flood), Abraham became the father of all Christians across the earth. But when Abraham and his wife Sarah were considered too old to have children, they were promised a son.
Sarah laughed, so the baby was named Isaac, a pun on the word for laughter in Hebrew.
 Have you ever known a man who had his first child in old age? It is obvious how deeply Abraham loved his only son with Sarah. Nevertheless, God commanded him to sacrifice his only son on a distant mountain. Abraham obeyed and took his son Isaac with him on a three day journey to Mount Moriah. When the boy noticed wood and fire for the sacrifice, he wondered why he saw no lamb to be slaughtered. His father said, “God will provide Himself a lamb for the sacrifice.”
 Abraham left his servants and took his son up on the mountain. He tied Isaac and placed him on the wood on the altar. Any father who loves his only son can imagine the unbearable pain felt by Abraham as he lifted his knife over Isaac, obedient to God’s command. The Scriptures indicate no struggle from the son, who obeyed his father. Then the Angel of the Lord called out his name twice:

Genesis 22:11-13

22:11 And the Angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I. 12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me. 13 And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son.

 The almost-sacrifice of Isaac remained a mystery to everyone until the Father sent His only-begotten Son to be a sacrifice for all sins. The Son obeyed the Father’s will and laid down His life to redeem the world from sin. Once the apostles understood and believed in the cross and resurrection, the ancient story became clear. God intended that Abraham and Isaac would help all people identify with the Father sacrificing the Son. Although the story of Abraham and Isaac turned out well, just as the sacrifice of Christ did, both events are filled with agony and wonder. We can appreciate the cross of Jesus better by understanding how this story of Abraham and Isaac was told with agony and wonder for centuries before the baby Jesus was born.
 The Angel of the Lord stopped the sacrifice. He was not a created being, because He identified Himself as God. Abraham feared God and did not hold back his only son from Me

Genesis 22:12

And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from Me.

The Savior was present to give Abraham a substitute for the sacrifice. The substitute was a ram, representing the Man Who would be our substitute through His atoning death. 

The God of Abraham Praise

The God of Abraham praise;
All praised be His name Who was and is and is to be And still the same!
The one eternal God,
Ere aught that now appears;
The First, the Last: beyond all thought
His timeless years.[1]

[1] Thomas Olivers, “The God of Abraham Praise,” The Lutheran Hymnal, #40. 

Pastor Ski's Tweets Are Protected


@pastorski's Tweets are protected.

Only confirmed followers have access to @pastorski's Tweets and complete profile. Click the "Follow" button to send a follow request.

Introduction to the Christian Faith - Jesus Priceless Treasure. Jesus in the Temple


Four: Jesus in the Temple

The only description of Jesus as a child is found in the Gospel of Luke. Almost everyone would like to know much more about Jesus growing up. The Scriptures tell us what we need to know to prepare us for eternal life, leaving out the details that we would like to know to satisfy our curiosity. However, the brevity of the Bible is a blessing rather than a handicap. Every single passage is filled with spiritual wisdom and leads to more passages overflowing with comfort, mercy, peace, forgiveness, love, and joy. Every passage is a goldmine never exhausted by study, always leading to more treasure in additional passages.
 Jesus accompanied His family on their trip to Jerusalem when He was twelve years old. The family went with relatives and friends, so Joseph and Mary did not look for Jesus on the way home. They assumed
He was with His young friends and relations in the group. Joseph and Mary traveled a day before they began to wonder and look for Jesus. Then they headed back up to Jerusalem—an uphill climb to the heights of that ancient city. 
           Joseph and Mary did not find Jesus for three days, finally seeing Him in the Temple talking with the religious leaders. Jesus was in a circle of scholars, listening to them and asking them questions. Mary was angry with Jesus and made it clear that both parents were extremely disappointed and grieved.
 Jesus said, “Did you not realize that I must be doing the work of My Father?” Joseph and Mary did not understand what He was saying. In conclusion, Luke stated that Jesus returned to Galilee with His parents and was subject to them.

Divine and Human Natures

 This Gospel lesson, so well known to children and adults, teaches us about the human and divine natures united in Jesus. In most of the story Jesus seems to be an ordinary boy, doing what most boys will do from time to time, losing track of his parents. However, Jesus stayed behind in obedience to His Father’s will, not to play with friends. When Jesus was in the Temple, His divine wisdom became obvious to the learned scholars.

Luke 2:47

And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers.

The teachers of the Law saw a twelve year old boy, but they heard the wisdom of the Lord of Creation. That is a good example of the divine and human natures of Jesus. Since the Son of God took on our human nature, we use the term God Incarnate (God in the flesh) for Jesus.
 Jesus is both God and man. His divine nature allowed Him to do anything as God, never limited by His humanity. Nevertheless, Jesus chose not to reveal His divinity most of the time, so people saw an ordinary looking man. It is wrong to think of Jesus as only God or as only man. Jesus is not part God and part man. He is both God and man.

Within the Father’s House

Within the Father’s house
The Son hath found His home, And to His Temple suddenly The Lord of Life hath come.

The doctors of the Law
Gaze on the wondrous Child And marvel at His gracious words Of wisdom undefiled.

Yet not to them is given
The mighty truth to know,
To lift the earthly veil which veils Incarnate God below.[1]

[1] James Woodford, “Within the Father’s House,” The Lutheran Hymnal, #133. 

Mighty Thunderstorm Soaking the Roses, Germinating Dill, Filling the Rainbarrels

In Midland, someone asked,
"Do you have dill growing everywhere?"
I would use some on tomatoes and sow the rest.

Low pressure fronts are my Kryptonite. Twice I have pulled the car over and stopped, because I felt so weak and sleepy. A tornado was close by, both times. Last night I had some grading to do, but that same drowsiness stopped me from finishing.

I was watching the weather websites, and they agreed about a powerful storm rolling through late at night. I bribed Sassy with Blue Buffalo bites to take one last visit outside. We all fell asleep, waking hours later to the crashing lightning, distant thunder, and heavy rainfall.

The non-arrival of storms is a regular issue in this area. Do the Ozarks north of us and the Boston Mountains south serve as a jetty to hurry the storms past us? From our front porch - Sassy and I watched a 4 PM storm race past us recently, clouds without rain, much like the speakers at Luther Days.

White Profusion Butterfly Bush will add to the
insects, butterflies, and hummingbirds in the backyard.

Rain benefits the Butterfly Bush outside our window in two ways. When a serious rainstorm threatens, I dump the large bird bath and the rain barrel on the Butterfly Bush area. If it also rains, the bush is really ready for growth. I want fresh water and protection against mosquitoes breeding in the rain barrels. The bush is growing accordingly, so Mrs. I looked out the window at the storm and said, "Look at the weed growing up to the window."

I said, "That is the white Butterfly Bush I am coddling so we can watch hummingbirds and butterflies from the window. And - I let some grassy weeds grow high too."

This time Mr. Gardener joined us in mowing before the storm, which seemed predicted by the stillness and the humidity. Our helper beat back some of the bordering weeds with his whining weed-wacker. However, we kept a swath of Dutch white clover, almost knee-high, and areas of tall grass.
The aim is to develop more self-sowing plants that favor beneficial insects and feed the birds.

Pokeweed has interesting white flowers that
redden as they ripen into berries.

Weeds We Should Appreciate
Weeds also provide beneficial insects with alternate hosts. A species of tachinid fly, for example, can use a ragweed stalk borer as a host when its preferred host, the European corn borer, is not available. Ragweed, as a matter of fact, is shown to support many alternative hosts and therefore to increase parasitism rates of the desired target pest. The same can be said of smartweed, pigweed, stinging nettle, lamb’s quarters, goldenrod, and other plants commonly thought of as weeds. Weeds also bring more prey insects like aphids and mites; this could lead you to believe that their presence means beneficials might prefer to visit them and eat their associated pests rather then gobble down the aphids in your lettuce, but most of the time this isn’t the case. All that extra prey means more reproduction, a greater chance of survival, and improved parasitism rates. However, in some situations, particularly on farms, natural enemies do prefer to stay in sheltered weedy habitats rather than moving into open fields. Some farmers solve this problem by timing the mowing of weed habitats to force predatory insects to move into crop fields and orchards when they are most needed.

Walliser, Jessica (2014-02-26). Attracting Beneficial Bugs to Your Garden: A Natural Approach to Pest Control (Kindle Locations 1614-1622). Timber Press. Kindle Edition.

Before the storm I planted and sowed Feverfew, Comfrey, and Dill. Amazon offered some large packets of Tansy and Yarrow, so I ordered them for a future rainstorm.

Weeds are plants whose virtues have not yet been discovered, so many of those listed by Jessica Walliser above are now on my wanted list. Fortunately we can easily grow weeds loved by birds, because those plans grow wherever birds roost. Thus a Wild Garden can be built with roosts and even with a wire stretched across supports to encourage bird planting.

As I wrote before, I found he giant Pokeweeds intimidating until I realized birds planted them after enjoying the berries. The weed can grow in the cracks of a sidewalk, in the shade, or in the sun, so its berries soon arrive and attract dozens of bird species. Pokeweed is easily pulled up when it is not wanted and does not have the allergic effects of some  noxious plants for beneficial bugs (Cow Parsnip, Poison Ivy). A large plant hosting many insects at once could be trouble, as one reader told me. He developed a horrible rash from pulling up Cow Parsnip. I did the same, long ago, after pulling up Poison Ivy with my  bare hands.

Clearly God has created hundreds of plants to bloom at various times, feed a variety of creatures designed for that purpose, and set up a management system to keep this process going in all climates.
Creation, engineering, and management are all evident in the garden.

Grow vines, like this honeysuckle.

New Roses Leafing Out
My classmates are exploring exotic locations around the world. In contrast, I survey the backyard or the rose gardens. Weed identification is one hobby. Another is rose identification. I cannot figure out how one beautiful floribunda (with dense flower clusters) was planted along Mr. Gardener's fence. The rose has dozens of dark rose clusters, which I should remember from the rose magazines and rose websites I enjoy. But no - I am puzzled.

This thunderstorm will finish the new mulch, by soaking and pressing down the cardboard layer. New mulch could have a drying effect by soaking up moisture from the ground.

I dote on new roses by showering them with rainwater from the barrels or hosing the canes to keep them moist. Nothing can compare to hours of rainwater fertilizing the yard with usable nitrogen compounds, minerals from the dust in the air, and soft pure water.

As one farmer in Minnesota told me, "Irrigation keeps the crops alive. Rain grows them."

Rain, as designed by the Creator, washes the trees and plants, adding to the particulates useful for soil chemistry and soil life. The trees and plants enjoy a good bath, and by shedding their mantle of dust, debris, and animal excrement, fertilize the foundation of their health.

Earthworms, bacteria, protozoa, fungus, nematodes, and all life perk up with a rainfall. The amount of life sustained in the soil increases with moderate rain, so the roots can bargain with the fungi for he nutrition needed.

All We Do Is Tilt the Playing Field a Bit
So much is already in the hands of the Creator that we can only tilt the playing field.

I sat next to a man in the doctor's office who began talking my language in gardening. We laughed about people hauling away all their leaves when leaves are ideal for building up the soil. I told him how I screamed, "Stop! Thief!" when the city truck came by with green bags of leaves I coveted.

Almost Eden told me about all the wildflowers (weeds) that grow in the grass and feed the wild bees as they blossom.

I spotted cardinals nesting in my Crepe Myrtle bush, so I began the tilt by piling sunflower seeds at the base of their home. That attracted squirrels from across the street - not my plan. So now I add plenty of seeds to the platform feeder.

The cardinal now lands on the platform feeder and eats his seeds in peace and comfort. A cardinal will rapidly devour a lot of seeds by cracking them with his powerful beak.

Some readers are saying, "But you get squirrels on the platform feeder, too." Yes, that is part of God's management system. I have four kinds of food in a row, all along the bedroom window. On the far left is the Lowe's $10 hanging feeder, the best buy I have seen. It holds a lot of seed, and multiple birds feed from it at once. Squirrels reach from the window ledge to feed from it, but they do not dominate or wreck the feeder.

Squirrels also like the platform feeder, a favorite hangout for baby squirrels. "Go eat breakfast at the Jackson window, son. We will teach you natural food-finding skills later today." Squirrels eat from the platform, but not all day long. Various species stop by - finches, doves, cardinals, woodpeckers. We also have the alleged squirrel-proof feeder, which the rodents now ignore because I fill it with finch seed. Lastly, I buy seven pounds of suet at the meat market once a month. As long as they are eating the suet, I will supply it. Last summer they left it alone late in the summer and resumed in the cold weather.

I have seen that birds and squirrels flock to food, but they seldom pig out and take it all. Everyone gets a chance. That is good management.

Tilts for the Garden and Lawn:

  1. Let all the weeds alone in the lawn and control with frequent mowing. Even crabgrass will mind its manners when cut often. Tiny flowers on various weeds are good for beneficial insects and bees. Dandelions are the only herb that sows itself into the lawn and blossoms cheerfully. 
  2. Keep organic matter for yard instead of sending it away. Leaves are great under trees and bushes, and they make a good mulch for the garden. Grass can be left in place, used as mulch, or added to compost.
  3. Consider weeds that feed beneficial insects and birds.
  4. Avoid pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides in the lawn and garden. God manages the bad stuff quite well, and man-made toxic chemicals do not.
  5. Use mulch and red wiggler earthworms for fertilizer.
  6. Do not rototill ever. Sell your machine to someone who buys fertilizer at the store.
  7. Look for plants with tiny flowers and buy that seed. Dill is a good example of a self-seeding plant that is great for seasoning and ideal for beneficial insects. Borage is a self-seeding herb that can be eaten - loved by bees (Bee Bread). 
  8. Place multiple bird baths, the most important attractant for birds. Also place shallow dishes where rain and sprinkling will keep them full and clean. The shallow dishes are for toads.
  9. Build stick piles, which birds like, or break them up into the mulch.
  10. Hang string on bushes and trees. Birds will use them for nests.
  11. Use garbage pails for rain barrels, if you don't have rainwater police. Use them regularly to refresh and save plants.
  12. Let tall weeds grow in the back. They are loved by various creatures, and birds will nest there too.
Grow berries for birds, squirrels, and even for the house.

Luther's Second Gospel Sermon - Festival of Pentecost. John 14:23-31

Norma Boeckler


KJV John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. 24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me. 25 These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. 26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. 27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. 28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. 29 And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe. 30 Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me. 31 But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do. Arise, let us go hence.

This sermon, which is also not found in edition c., appeared in pamphlet form under the title: “A sermon on Pentecost, the Gospel of John 14. ‘He that loveth me, keepeth my Word.’ Preached by Dr. Martin Luther, Wittenberg,” (1522). Another edition was issued in 1523.

German text: Erlangen Edition, 12:282; Walch Edition 11:1389; St. Louis Walch, 11:1032.



1. Whoever does not show signs of this love is no Christian

2. This love must make us able and fit to retain the Word of God 1-2.

* What we are to think of people being forced to believe 2-4.

3. The Christian character consists in this love 3-4.

4. In what way this love works 5-7.

* The power of the knowledge of Christ

5. The glorious fruits of this love. a. The first fruit 8. b. The second fruit 9-10.

* The miserable state of a man in whom God does not dwell * How Christ seeks to draw humanity to God 11.


1. The first consolation 12.

2. The second consolation 13ff.

* The difference between the peace of the Spirit and of the world 14- 15.

3. The third consolation 16-17ff.

* The more a Christian suffers outwardly the greater his peace inwardly 18-19.

4. The fourth consolation 20-21.


1. The conclusion 22.

2. An objection raised by this conclusion, and its answer 23.


1. In today’s Gospel Christ says plainly and bluntly: “If a man love me, he will keep my Word; he that loveth me not, keepeth not my words.” The text stands there clear; whoever loves God keeps his commandments, and on the contrary, whoever does not love God, does not keep his commandments. Christ here simply casts out of his kingdom all who do not keep his commandments with pleasure and love. Let us thoroughly understand this. It is briefly pictured to us here who are and who are not Christians. No one is a Christian unless he keeps Christ’s Word, as he here says. And no one can keep it, unless he first loves God. God had tested the plan of making people godly by means of force. For, in olden times, God dealt severely with his people, so that they were forced to keep his Word, and not to blaspheme God; to observe the Sabbath and to obey all the other commandments. To this end he threatened to afflict and punish them, severely, as is written in Leviticus 26:14ff. Thus, God from without coerced the people to be pious by means of the fear of punishment; but their hearts were not obedient. The result is the same in the present day.

Therefore, to keep God’s Word is a thing that can be accomplished only by divine love.

2. Accordingly, in the New Testament, God ceased to punish and only administered the Word; for the means must yet come to the point that the divine love be present. Neither the stake, nor bulls nor bans help in the least. Where this love is not, all amounts to nothing, do as we will. If one were to take all the swords in the world in his hands, he would not bring a single heretic to the faith. The people may, indeed, appear to accept the Word, but in their inward hearts there is no faith. Hence God has abolished the sword in this matter and his plan of salvation aims to possess the heart.

The bishops are commanded first to take the heart captive, so that it may find love and pleasure in the Word, and the work is then accomplished.

Hence, he who wishes to be a true bishop, arranges all his administration to the end that he may win souls and develop a love for and a delight in God’s Word and be able to oppose the false babblers with sound teaching, and to stop their mouths. Titus 1:2. This will never be accomplished by means of commandments, bans and bulls.

3. Thus the true spiritual leaders fight. They strike Satan dead and rescue souls from him; for to pierce Satan to death is nothing else than to rescue from him a human being whom he has taken captive by deceitful teaching.

And that is the right kind of spiritual tactics. But in case people will not outwardly obey the Word, their parents should educate their children, and the civil government its subjects, to obedience. However, by this method, none are yet brought to believe. For it is affirmed in our text: “He that loveth me not keepeth not my words.” Thus you hear what a Christian life is, namely to love God; it is not to storm about, eat flesh, destroy pictures in churches, become monks or nuns — neither a married nor a single life avails here. It means to love, and they do this who keep his Word.

4. Now, what is God’s Word? It is that we love one another as Christ loved us, and that we believe on him. If one truly possesses the Word, it must break forth out of-the heart from pure love. One may possess the words and commands of man, even if he does not love; he may receive the command of a superior and execute it. But the only thing that will keep God’s commandments and Word is love. Therefore, observe how foolishly our princes and bishops act, in that they coerce and constrain the people to believe by means of force.

5. How does one now acquire this love? The human heart is so false that it cannot love unless it first sees the benefit of loving. When, in the Old Testament, God struck blows among the people as if among dogs, and he dealt severely and fearfully with them, they naturally had no love for him.

Then God thought: I must show my love to you and be so affectionate that you cannot help but love me. Then he took his Son and sent him into our filth, sin and misery, pouring out his mercy so freely and fully that we had to boast of all his treasures as if they were our own. He thus became a loving Father, and he declared his mercy and caused it to go forth into all the world that whosoever believes this and lays hold of it with his heart shall have a gracious and merciful God, who never becomes angry nor deals blows, but who, instead, is kind and affectionate. Now, where a heart believes and experiences this, and gets glimpses of so much, then it must place all its confidence and affection in God, and deal with its neighbor as God has dealt with itself. As a result the Word of God goes forth out of the heart, and his commandments will be kept with pleasure. Thus, first, there is no other God; secondly, man calls upon the name of the Lord; and thirdly, he lets God reign — God can do as he will, and he possesses his soul in quiet and observes the Sabbath. In this way, the commandments of the First Table are fulfilled. Henceforth, he is kindly and humbly disposed toward all persons, he honors his father and mother and serves his neighbor as his highest pleasure and with all the love of his heart. His thought is ever this: I wall do to my neighbor, as God has done to me. Thus love alone is the fulfillment of the Law, as Paul says to the Romans 13:10.

6. Now, no man can bring this love into the heart. Therefore, God struck in among the people with the Law that man might experience and feel that no human being could love the divine, righteous, just and holy Law. In view of this he gave us his Son, thus graciously poured, out his greatest treasures, and sunk and drowned all our sins and filth in the great ocean of his love, so that this great love and blessing must draw man to love, and cheerfully be ready to fulfill the divine commandments with willing heart. In no other way can the heart love or have any love; it must be assured that it was first loved. Now, man cannot do this; therefore, Christ comes and takes the heart captive and says: Learn to know me. Then the heart replies: Aye, who art thou? I am Christ, who placed myself in your misery to drown your sins in my righteousness. This knowledge softens your heart, so that you must turn to him. Thus love is awakened when one learns who Christ is.

7. And a Christian should glory in this knowledge, as God says in Jeremiah 9:23-24: “Thus saith Jehovah, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches; but let him that glorieth in this, that he hath understanding, and knoweth me, that I am Jehovah who exerciseth lovingkindness, justice, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith Jehovah.” So also, Peter in his Second Epistle ( 2 Peter 3:18) says: “But grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” In all the prophets and especially the Psalms and in many places in the Bible there is much written about this knowledge. It is this knowledge of Christ that must convert or it will never be accomplished. No one is so hardened that he will not be converted and made tender if once his heart knows Christ. And the same knowledge causes one to steadfastly live a godly life. Isaiah says, The time will come when this knowledge shall flow forth like a deluge. This came to pass in the time of the apostles.

Therefore, whoever loves God will keep his commandments, and that love brings a knowledge of God. Now Christ says, further, in our Gospel: “And my Father will love him.”

8. It comes to pass in this way: I know first, that Christ has served me by his whole life, and that Christ is God; thus I see that it is God’s will that Christ should give himself for me and that the Father commissioned him to that end Thus, I climb to the Father through Christ. Then my confidence in him begins to grow, so that I esteem him as a loving Father. Christ here means to say: Man must begin with my love and then he will come to the Father; Christ is a mediator. Therefore, I must first be loved — must first feel the great treasure and blessing in Christ. Hence, God takes the very first step and allows his dear child to die for me, before I ask him to do so, yea, before I ever know him. Then a confidence in and love to God grow in me; this I must feel. Christ also says here: “And my Father will love him;” that is, the convert will feel that he is placed with me in the same kingdom and co-inheritance, and will, through me’ and with me and with my voice, say to the Father in comforting confidence: Dearly beloved Father. Then the text continues: “And we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.”

9. When I come to the point of knowing that God is my Father, then I let him rule in my heart according to his pleasure, and allow him to be all in all. Therewith, my heart becomes a quiet, humble abode of God. Thus, God is a co-laborer with me and assist me as he says in Isaiah 66:1-2 and in Acts 7:49-50: “Thus saith Jehovah, Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: what manner of house will ye build unto me? and what place shall be my rest? For all these things hath my hand made, and so all these things came to be, saith Jehovah: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and that trembleth at my Word.”

The heart must come to the point where it knows God’s glory. God’s power and God’s wisdom: and lets God rule in everything. It knows that all is God’s work; therefore, it cannot fear anything, cold, hunger, hell, death, Satan, poverty or any like thing. Then the heart says: My God, who has made his abode in me, is greater than Satan, death and all the powers of hell.

10. Thus there develops in man a confident defiance of everything upon earth, for he has God and all that is God’s. He does all that he is now required to do, and fears not. On the contrary, where there is no love of God, that heart does not keep God’s Word; and if the heart does not keep God’s Word, the hand never will. There God will never enter and make his abode. There the devil dwells, until the weak and despairing soul will even fear the sound of a driven leaf, as Moses says in Leviticus 26:36. Man cannot endure the gnawing of conscience. The conscience can never know any peace when oppressed by sin, nor can it experience a joyful confidence in God yea, it will sink lower than hell, while confidence is higher than the heavens. There is then nothing but despair and fear for that heart. All creatures are above it. Such is a picture of the kingdom of Satan. Christ continues by saying: “And the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father’s who sent me.”

11. These words Christ speaks only in order to bring us to the Father, either in a gracious or ungracious way, either with pleasure and love or with fear, for all must lean and depend upon him. Hence, whoever will not understand these words scorns God. Then no teaching, no words nor anything else will help in his case. Now Christ comes and says: “These things have I spoken unto you, while yet abiding with you.

But the Comforter, even the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said unto you.”


12. Here Christ says, The Father will send you the Holy Spirit, who will bring to your remembrance what I told you, and the same Spirit will explain it to you. In other words: Your hearts are as yet rough and untutored and you cannot understand what I have spoken to you; but when the Holy Spirit comes he will make all so plain to you that you will experience the assurance that it is as I told you before. Thus, the Holy Spirit, and he alone, has explained the Scriptures and Christ, and made them clear. This knowledge, then, is sufficient for me and enables me to fulfill God’s commandments. Beyond this, however, I have no obligations.

Christ courts his disciples further, and says: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you.”

13. As if he had said: I shall now leave you. Farewell! It was a common greeting among the Jews, in the Hebrew language, when they met or parted, to say: Peace be with your That is as much as to say: Take good care of yourself, be of good spirits, hope you may prosper; as we in German say: God greet you (Gott grusze euch), or God bless you!

14. And the Lord adds the kind of peace he wishes them to have, and says:

My peace I give unto you; not as the world is in the habit of giving peace.

In plain words he distinguishes between his peace and the peace of the world. The disciples, however, did not understand it, just as they did not understand what it was to love and to keep God’s commandments. Now, it is the nature of the world’s peace that it consists only in outward things, in eating and drinking — and dancing; its pleasure is in the flesh. Christian peace, however, is in the heart, although at the same time the heart may suffer great persecution, fear, want and opposition. The Lord had told them of all these things in the words: “Ye shall weep and lament.” The world will persecute you, will reject your teaching, will scourge, banish and finally put you to death; but in the midst of all ye shall have peace and rejoice. Cling only to me and my Word!”

15. And his words were soon fulfilled. When they had received the Holy Spirit, Luke writes in Acts 5:41, Peter, John and the other disciples, though scourged and forbidden to preach, departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the Name. But the disciples (lid not at this time understand and they were troubled because of the Lord’s discourse. Therefore, he gives them further comfort and says: “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be fearful.”

16. These are consoling words, but for the time they are not effectual. Be not afraid, he says, for you have my peace. No one will harm you; only cling to me. The words they indeed hear, as do we, but without seeing their significance. Therefore he says in clearer language: “Ye heard how I said to you, I go away, and I come unto you.”

17. As if he said: Be not fearful because I said to you! go away from you: I will come again to you; yea, it is especially for your sake that I go away, that afterwards when! return to you, you may be the happier and be of good spirits. But neither did they understand this until the Holy Spirit later interpreted it to them. Just so it is with us in the time of temptation: we do not then understand what God intends to teach us; but later, when grace and comfort return, we understand it very well. The Lord says to the disciples: “If ye loved me, ye would have rejoiced, because I go unto the Father.”

18. His words mean: The only failing you have is that you do not love me, or do not understand what it is to love. If ye loved me, ye would gladly let me go; yea, ye would laugh for joy, because I depart from you. And the more you are visited with ill-fortune and adversity, the happier you should be. But human reason does not understand this. It is certainly true that the more a Christian suffers persecution from without, the happier he is in heart, and the more peace he possesses. The reason is that he loves Christ.

This St. Paul well understood from his own experience when he wrote to the Corinthians in the second epistle ( 2 Corinthians 4:4-10): We are pressed on every side, yet not straitened; perplexed, yet not unto despair; pursued, yet not forsaken; smitten down, yet not destroyed; always bearing about in the body the dying of Jesus, that the life also of Jesus may be manifested in our body.”

And again, he says, in verses 16 to 18: “Wherefore we faint not; but though our outward man is decaying, yet our inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is for the moment, worketh for us more and more exceedingly an eternal weight of glory; while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.”

19. This is the experience of the Christian heart when the Holy Spirit has entered it. St. Paul writes more about this later, in the sixth chapter of Second Corinthians. It made an impression upon the heathen when they saw the Christians thus hastening to death; they thought the Christians were foolish and intervened to spare their lives. The Gentiles did not understand what it meant; but the Christians very well knew whence it came. Therefore the Lord adds: “For the Father is greater than I.”

20. Even if I should tell you many things, ye would not understand them; they reach no farther than the ears and never enter the heart. However, when I return to the Father, then I will take upon myself the power to send into your hearts the Holy Spirit, through whose help ye may understand all that I said to you. For the present I am in the service of my ministry upon earth; I only speak and preach the Word as it has been commanded me by my Father. The Arians paid no attention here to the words: “I go to the Father,” which means nothing more than, I go and receive the honor the Father has. It is as if the Lord had said to his disciples: I have two offices.

At present I am upon the earth, where I am performing my office of preaching, for which I was sent by the Father. When I come to the Father I will fulfill the other office, namely, this. I will send the Holy Spirit into your hearts. The disciples could not understand this, and neither do we understand how he administers the gift. He concludes by saying: “And now I have told you before it come to pass, that when it is come to pass, ye may believe.”

21. The meaning is: I know very well that you do not understand this now; but I tell you it now so that, when it comes to pass as I have told you, you may remember that I declared it to you before, and you can then say: It is true. In what follows now in this Gospel, the Lord speaks of the hour of his suffering, that it is at hand, and says: “I will no more speak much with you, for the prince of the world cometh; and he hath nothing in me; but that the world may know that I love the Father, and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do. Arise, let us go hence.”


22. In other words: The time of my suffering and death is at hand. The prince of this world, the devil, is present in his adherents, and will seize me.

But he will accomplish nothing, for he will unjustly lay hold of me, desiring to ‘crush me. His tactics will fail; I will triumph over him, and I will do it justly.

23. One may reply: Did not Satan conquer Christ? Did he not put him to death? Christ himself answers this and says that he dies for the very purpose of satisfying the will of the Father. It is not due to the power of Satan that Christ dies, but to the will of the Father, who would blot out sin through the death of his only begotten Son. Hence, it does not rest in the power of the world nor of Satan to put to death either Christ or any of his followers. But it does rest in the will of the Father, who reveals his power through our weakness, before all his creatures; as St. Paul says in Corinthians 15:27. In view of this, Christ here says to his disciples: I will indeed die, but I will rise again. I die to the end that the world may know that I love the Father and that I do what my Father hath commanded me. I seek the Father’s glory in this, who wills that I should so do. And all this for the sake of your salvation and blessedness. Therefore, be of good cheer and let not your heart be troubled; for you will have great joy because of my death and my leaving you.

WELS Has a Deliberate Culture of Alcohol Abuse and Addiction

Who better to serve as bar-tender at the WELS worship conference?

Alcoholism is the best explanation for the behavior - and even the doctrine - of the Wisconsin Synod, clergy and teachers alike. Readers have written that their experience confirms my speculations in the past; one saw the light and left the boozing culture early. Everyone on the staff was an alcoholic.

Alcohol abuse is cultivated, from one generation to the next, in their school system. But first - some information needs to be shared.

Alcohol addiction develops slowly - it may take as long as 20 years. Being able to handle alcohol is not a good sign, in spite of bravado claims, since the body adjusts to increasing amounts until the addiction is real and the withdrawal symptoms are life-threatening. Drunks tells one another that beer is not addicting, that scotch is entirely safe, that various potions will prevent addiction. That is one of the signs of alcoholism, self-deception.

Oh, how cute - Victory of the Lamb.

Synodical Schools and Meetings
Northwestern College, now merged into DMLC, promoted alcohol at every opportunity. NWC bartenders made sure their underage fellow students were served. The COS parties were organized for drinking.

NWC featured students passed out on the grass, on weekends. Martin Luther College is no different from what I heard. The student body president, one year, was so drunk that he needed help getting up the steps to his dorm. He became the GA pope at Mequon.

There is a culture of alcohol addiction, enforced by the faculty, that promotes and admires the abuse of alcohol. Beer is called "synod vitamins."

Likewise, synod meetings and events must be accompanied by drinking. At one worship conference, the cash bar was advertised, with James Tiefel as the bartender.

Roman Catholics do the same thing. At Notre Dame, the theology conferences were announced with the time of the cash bars. One famous speaker arrived on stage, "sailing on Cutty Sark," as they said in those days. Needless to say, alcoholism is rampant in the priesthood. Their set-apart teachers are also notorious alcoholics. A Christian Brother principal told me, "If they send me one more alcoholic to dry out at my school..."

How many WELS DUI stories do you know? Consider this - If someone is arrested on a DUI, then he is routinely driving drunk and endangering lives. The arrest is just the most obvious case, perhaps after crossing the center line or mounting a utility pole.

DP Don Patterson's women's retreats are so alcohol-soaked that the ladies bet on which newbie will puke her guts out first.

Like the country western singers, some WELS drunks are known as "drunks' drunks." They stand out among their fellow drinkers in their abuse of alcohol and the personality characteristics of the well placed drunk.

They may not show up half-clothed at an event, but more than one WELS speaker (male and female) has been noticeably under the influence while speaking on stage or directing the choir.

Who grabs a bottle of whiskey and cigars
when friends come by after 3 in the afternoon -
and defines that as a sweet time with his friends?

Denial - "I'm Not Drunk, I'm Just ____(fill in the blank)"
Nothing promotes alcohol abuse like denial. I was sitting with an LCA bishop and his assistant. Howie tried to put a lid on his pal's drinking, but his mission assistant slurred his denial that he was drinking too much, and "Leave me alone."

A group of people must engage in covering up the alcoholism, not just the drunk. The spouse and children make up stories. Colleagues make up excuses. The drunk has a collection to cite when the occasion arises. The excuse is best delivered in that super-sober tone that suggests there is so much to hide - "I'm not drunk, I'm just over my quota. I'll be fine in an hour or two."

"I only had two drinks" (in the last hour).

"I can handle it," suggesting a volcano about to erupt.

The measure of a man - extra wide.

Some people can get away with excessive drinking for a number of years, but their habits are still anathema to using their brains. Can people study and write when suffering from the flu? when overly tired? How can they get any brain-work done when drinking?

The result of the alcoholism culture in WELS is a collection of easy answers and evasions. The Society of Drunks is not going to indulge in self-criticism: too painful. Instead, they protect one another and laugh off any suggestions they are out of control. That is so easy to do. "I don't know about that." Or - "Where did you hear that?" or "This is what the grapevine says." Yes - WELS actually brags about anonymous disinformation - and uses that as factual. And - they are afraid of their own grapevine, a monster they feed themselves with their nasty little fables.

Alcohol is a powerful solvent that dissolves any concept of right and wrong, so "I was so drunk last night" is a good reason for criminal behavior. Alcohol also soothes the troubled mind, at least for a time, so those who run from the truth are apt to indulge again and again. This leads to a self-righteous, Pharisaical attitude of being holier than thou.

Does anyone know a holier sect than WELS? They never stop condemning everyone else, including their precious brothers in the ELS. But no one is allowed to comment on their behavior and doctrine.

I finally codified that in a graphic - the Four Noble Truths of WELS. Only a WELS member can criticize WELS, and if he does, he is no longer WELS. Of course, the Jeske Crime Family can criticize WELS, but they have been granted a waiver, so they can Church and Change all they want.

People are so worried about total family and friend rejection that they pass along their information with a request to hide revealing details.

Drunks are brittle and easily angered, especially when sober. They are always inebriated or in the process of feeling the withdrawal.

Alcoholism extends adolescence, so middle-aged people can follow their hormones (Greek for impulses) and act like teenagers. The WELS clergy act like they are still teenagers at prep.

Drunks have to lie a lot, and they imagine they are good at it. Lying is pandemic in WELS. The clergy engage in deception and brag about the power of their lies. One example was passed onto me. They like to moan to the laity about how hard it is to study all those languages and everything else at seminary. They go back to their dorms and laugh about how they have fooled the innocent. They all know how they spend their time partying and  would go into anaphylactic shock if they entered the school library.

Confusing and misleading the young at MLC.

Discussing horror stories at the bar -
Crossroads - WELS - in Chicago.

Health Effects

  1. Anemia - Drunks get tired easily. Sure, some alcoholics are workaholics too, and their energy amazes people when they are sober. But the price has to be paid down the line.
  2. Liver damage - Hardened or fatty livers interfere with the most astonishing chemical factory in the world, one which can break down substance newly invented and improve that ability with each effort. But - mess that up and the individual never feels entirely good and can react against ordinary food - the chemical factory goes on strike. Some WELS livers stick out so far they seem to be crying for help.
  3. Dementia - Alcohol addiction decreases executive ability.
  4. Heart-circulation - I used to hear drunks claim drinking never hurt the heart, but that is another lie they tell each other.
  5. Depression - Heavy drinking causes depression, not only from the health effects (low energy, poor digestion) but also from years of regret and guilt.
  6. Nerve Damage comes from alcohol itself and from nutritional deficiencies.
  7. Cancer and Diseases - Follow the route of the alcohol and you can list the all the cancers and diseases caused along that pickled path - mouth, throat, stomach, liver, pancreas, and gut.

Peter Pan syndrome - "I'll never grow up, never grow up,
 never grow up -
not I."

Alcoholics got to know the Booze Brothers in Appleton,
because The CORE "coffee house ministry" was
really a belly up to the bar ministry.

SP Schroeder - Why Is WELS Supporting a 50 Year Lady Porn Addict Promoting Luther Days with a High School Girl? No Wonder Joel Hochmuth Got Off Lightly

Facebook Cover Photo
You can hear Professor Daniel Deutschlander in person at 
Luther Days on September 17th.

WELS.net linked Luther Days, which has its own website. There is no non-profit status, or even an LLC, in spite of the claims made.

Luther Days also has a Facebook page with a video.

The website has most of the information.

The contact page says -

Natalie Pratt posted this as her photo on Facebook,
but has removed it.

Contact Info
If you have questions about the event or would like to get involved, we would love to speak with you.

Event Coordinator
Natalie Pratt: info@lutherdays.org - 50 years old - clearly a porn and get rich quick addict.

Marketing Manager
Karalena Pittenger: marketing@lutherdays.org, related to ELS Pastor Tony Pittenger. High school student.

Social Media



Webber can add this phony conference
to his sketchy credentials.
With luck, it will be mentioned in ILT News.

Note that the website, planned by Natalie Pratt, links the Luther Days Twitter account. This was not dug up by nefarious means, but displayed as part of the promotion on the website.

Luther Days' Twitter Account Reflects the Degenerate Morals And Attitudes of WELS/ELS

I asked an ELS/WELS computer expert (not related to me) to list some of the worst and strangest accounts followed. He provided me with lists and comments.

Six Lutheran accounts, such as WELS Seth Bode's, have "liked" Luther Days.

Luther Days is following 2,590 accounts.

The first one is no longer Pastor Ski, but he is still listed.


  1. A female named Daniel has "Disney scenes for adults," with cartoon illustrations.
  2. Cewgre has x-rated comments and photos.
  3. Poopstachio. Analysis needed? Lots of obscene remarks. 
  4. Some lady looks well known to the vice squad - Click for billions. Get rich schemes.
  5. Many accounts are all about dealing with porn addiction.
  6. One is for booking tours for open-minded couples. An article inside advocates spouse-swapping to improve one's marriage.
  7. More of the same could be listed.
Here is a lady following Luther Days - https://twitter.com/marianneterre18 - "View my sexy videos at..." (one night friend dating)

Some Surprises

  • Lots of Twitter accounts followed are ELCA, LCMS, WELS, ELS, and other mainline denominations.
  • Many more are individual pastors of various denominations.
  • Charities and entities within ELCA, LCMS, WELS, ELS and mainline denominations are included.D
  • David Bendix - He is the WELS pastor arrested for soliciting a prostitute, in New Ulm.
  • Church and Changers - Ski, Bill Limmer; Jim Aderman (follows).
  • Church Growth/Emergent Church - Batterson.
  • Liberals like DP Dave Benke. ELCA Trinity Lutheran Seminary. Pillar Seminary?
  • Thrivent Builds.
  • Higher Things George Borghardt.

Additional Comments from the Field

Isn't it odd that a "WELS/ELS" event follows a bunch of ELCA Twitter feeds given the official position towards the ELCA? An event headed and organized by two women, following a plethora of ELCA pastorettes. 

Yep, you read that right, women pastors' accounts are some of the favorites of Luther Days. Are they trying to send a message to the WELS? Add in Willow Creek, BOTH Osteens, some questionable "buy likes/follows/etcaccounts, and porn feeds and you have Luther Days' Twitter account. I wonder which TWIT is running it...

A cursory Google search of Natalie Pratt's name reveals plenty about her failed "events" business, and looking up the "Marketing Manager" reveals it is a high school student. Curiously, Shoreland Lutheran High School doesn't list the event on their calendar - but does list a Widows Mite Rummage Sale. An oversight? Perhaps, but given Ms. Pratt's numerous 
failed ventures, I'd wager good money that she hasn't confirmed or paid fees yet. Or maybe the Somers, WI police caught wind of it, and said no - since Shoreland doesn't even have enough parking for its own graduation services.

Luther Days is listed on the WELS events page, while the "other" event this summer - Return to Wittenberg, a confessional Lutheran conference aimed at millennials intending to teach them about the Confessions and encourage them in their faith has apparently been blacklisted. I guess the powers that be at the new WELS HQ are fine with a couple of women with questionable business practices and ties trying to get into the Guinness Book of World Records; but a group of WELS pastors and laymen trying to further theological and doctrinal education of young people? Well, we obviously can't have that listed on our events page!

A free event of this scale (or $5 at the door), yet Luther Days somehow has been promising the "presenters" that their travel expenses would be covered. It must have some good sponsors - there are a lot of logos listed - but if I were a sponsor, I'd want my sponsor level listed 
somewhere... Except, given that there are a plethora of porn Twitter feeds followed and following Luther Days, I think I'd rather not be associated at all since it is apparent that, at best, the people responsible for organizing this event are incompetent, unreliable, and totally irresponsible (all it takes is a few clicks to get rid of those porn feeds - yet they still haven't done it).


Learn more about Martin Luther College and hear President Mark Zarling speak at Luther Days at Shoreland Lutheran High School on Sep 17th.
Other MLC professors that will be speaking include: 
Professor of German James Danell
Professor of Hebrew Thomas Nass
Vice-President for Mission Advancement Michael Otterstatter
Professor of Theology and Social Studies David Sellnow

Luther Days Festival - a Distinctly Lutheran event for all ages!
Speakers Include: Mr. James Aderman, Rev Michael Berg, Mr. Mark Bergemann, Rev Luke Boehringer, Rev Daniel Bondow, Rev John Braun, Dr John Brug, Mrs. Laura Bublitz, Dr Rebekah Carey, Rev Aaron Christie, Prof James Danell, Prof Mark DeGarmeaux, Mrs Rebecca DeGarmeaux, Rev Daniel Deutschlander, Mrs. Sallie Draper, Rev Nathan Ericson, Mrs Karen Fischer, Rev Robert Fleischmann, Rev Don Frelitz, Rev Joel Gaertner, Ms Rachel Greiner, Rev Brock Groth, Rev Nick Haasch, Rev Mike Hartman, Rev Robert Hein, Ms Angela Hohenstein, Rev Kevin Hudley, Mr Rick Kneser, Rev Dan Koelpin, Rev Rik Krahn, Mrs Melissa Kreuser, Rev Daniel Kroll, Mr Brian Arthur Lampe, Mrs Marinda Ledermann, Mrs Linda Liesener, Dr Gary Locklair, Prof Thomas Nass, Mr Carl Nolte, Rev Michael Otterstatter, Rev Adam Pilarski, Rev Tony Pittenger, Mrs Melissa Pittenger, Dr Joel Pless, Rev Paul Prange, Mrs Sarah Reik, Mrs Amanda Rose, Ms Pat Schlosser, Mrs Naomi Schmidt, Rev John Schuetze, Rev Michael Schultz, Rev Roger Schultz, Rev Curt Seefeldt, Rev Nathan Seiltz, Rev David Sellnow, Mr Martin Spriggs, Rev Richard Starr, Rev Paul Stratman, Mr Jeremy Thiesfeldt, Rev Benjamin Tomczak, Mrs Bethany Warnke, Rev David Jay Webber, Rev Paul Webber, Rev Kenneth Wenzel, Mr Patrick Winkler, P.E., Rev Brad Wordell, Rev Mark Zarling, & Rev. Paul Ziemer.

Lena Pittenger, a high school student,
is working with Natalie Pratt.
Is anyone watching the store in the ELS or WELS?

ELS Pastor Tony Pittenger is listed as a speaker.
Events in the Past - Apparently Managed by Natalie Pratt

Get Your Career Upgraded after Some Time in the Hoosegow. It Pays To Belong to the Jeske Crime Family

Leon Brink, aka Leon Piepenbrink

Rev. Leon Brink, M.Div. served as an administrator and professor in a Bible college and seminary program designed for Asian students, coordinated with Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, WI.  The program served Asian ministry students (Hmong, Lao, Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans) in Minnesota, Wisconsin, California, Washington, Nevada, Kansas, and Thailand.  He also served as coordinator/director for Asian mission work around the U.S. and Thailand.  In addition, he worked with China Partners to make teaching trips to seminaries and Bible colleges in China.  He has taught seminary level courses in Systematic Theology, Hermeneutics, Church History, Old Testament Hebrew, and New Testament Greek.


Columbia Heights Campus ImageYou have many choices for an online seminary program, so what makes North Central an outstanding choice? Consider some of these factors.
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At North Central, almost all of our students are admitted with a subsidized scholarship to help with tuition costs. The exceptions are those affluent students who are serving as pastors in the United States and who have chosen to forego the subsidized scholarship and pay the full tuition of $14,500.00 for their entire degree program as a gesture of seed-planting to express their support for the seminary’s goal of making biblical education affordable to candidates serving under Christian persecution in nations all over the world.
The seminary engages in fundraising all year round, to make sure that a shortage of money is not a hindrance to anyone called by God to preach the Gospel from seeking top quality biblical education from bachelor’s to doctoral levels. Students who receive a subsidized scholarship do not have to pay more than $5,500.00 to complete a degree, and some even pay less than $2,000.00.
North Central’s degree program is comprehensive, unlike other online seminaries where you may be allowed to enroll, write a few short assignments, and then move on to the next course. At NCTS, initial enrollment is always non-binding, and is combined with our evaluation process. After completing an evaluation questionnaire, our enrollees take an online evaluation test on general Bible knowledge, which is electronically monitored live. A student must pass this test to be admitted to the seminary. Students who score below 70% for the doctoral or master’s level are rejected admission into the seminary.
Current students are tested at three levels for each course—writing essays ranging from 5 to 12 pages, depending on the degree program, writing a multiple choice test to review course material, and taking and passing an online live test to complete the course requirements before the next course is assigned.



Friday, April 27, 2012

St. Paul man pleads guilty to stealing from Lutheran synod - TwinCities.com

St. Paul man pleads guilty to stealing from Lutheran synod - TwinCities.com:

St. Paul man pleads guilty to stealing from Lutheran synod
By Maricella Miranda
Posted:   04/27/2012 12:01:00 AM CDT
Updated:   04/27/2012 05:41:47 PM CDT

A church official who worked in Inver Grove Heights believed he was in "confession" when he admitted to stealing at least $62,500 from the nation's third-largest Lutheran synod.

But Dakota County District Court didn't consider the conversation Leon E. Piepenbrink, 52, had with at least four church officials to be a "privileged conversation," said Kenneth Udoibok, Piepenbrink's attorney. Instead, the confession was used as evidence.

Authorities now say Piepenbrink stole $300,000 from the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, which employed him for five years as an Asian ministry coordinator.

"He believed he was in confession," Udoibok said. "When you go to church and confess your sins, and your minister takes the information and gives it to police - it's appalling."

Piepenbrink, of St. Paul, pleaded guilty Friday, April 27, to seven felony charges of theft by swindle. He is scheduled for sentencing July 17.

According to Minnesota sentencing guidelines, Piepenbrink could spend up to two years and three months in prison, said Dakota County Attorney James Backstrom.'

The charges allege Piepenbrink stole in excess of $62,500, and Backstrom said he plans to ask the court to order that Piepenbrink pay $301,581 in restitution.

"This is a major economic theft," Backstrom said.

Piepenbrink, who worked with the Hmong community from an office at Shepherd of the Hills Church in Inver Grove Heights, was fired in August 2010 when allegations arose. The thefts took place from 2007 to 2010.

Police began investigating him after the president of the Milwaukee-based synod noticed suspicious activity, according to a criminal complaint filed in May 2011.

Piepenbrink told church leaders his safety was threatened by people in the community he was working with, the charges said. Piepenbrink said he was shot at from a vehicle in June 2010 when he was driving on Minnesota 55 near Hastings. He asked the church to reimburse him for security upgrades, such as bulletproof glass and a gun.

The church soon learned that his claims were fabricated. When questioned by church leaders, Piepenbrink admitted to stealing money from the synod, the complaint said.

Piepenbrink managed funds primarily through the synod's operating budget.

While reviewing bank statements with a financial officer for the synod, Piepenbrink identified transactions for personal use, which were not approved by the synod.

Piepenbrink also said he made up stories about his safety concerns.

Udoibok said Piepenbrink didn't spend the money for personal gain. Instead, he used the money on at least six needy families and on recruiting a pastor from Laos.

Piepenbrink "has a soft heart," Udoibok said. "He doesn't belong in prison."

Whatever the money was for, Backstrom said, Piepenbrink obtained it fraudulently.

After the charges were filed, the synod released a statement saying it had taken precautions to ensure that internal controls exist for funds nationally and internationally. The thefts by Piepenbrink were a"unique and isolated incident in which someone had direct access to synod funds without proper protocols and oversight," the statement said.

The synod is a fellowship of about 1,279 churches and 389,545 members in 48 states, the group reported.

Piepenbrink trained leaders and pastors for non-English speaking Asians across the country, a church spokesman said. Piepenbrink was ordained as a pastor in 1986.

See also - http://www.atoast2wealth.com/tag/leon-piepenbrink/

'via Blog this'


GJ - WELS members - Aren't you glad SP Schroeder spent $250,000 on software to track synodical money better? That happened as soon as he took office. He should have called back the synod treasurer who found that staffers had taken the MLC chapel fund, some $8 million. That was under Gurgle.

The initial figure for Piepenbrink was impressive, but $300,000? The entire synod staff should resign. They cannot handle a real estate deal or manage their own people.

It is safe to say that anyone in American or world missions is a Church Shrinker. The main speaker at the Kelm "Leadership" Conference at WLC is in charge of the Third World Skim Program. You should hear the stories. I am guessing that Thrivent is funding some of this, but loot is loot. Stolen Thrivent loot is still money taken under false pretenses.

WELS members and pastors should de-fund the synod until sincere repentance is evidenced. So far, under Schroeder, each new scandal is just another opportunity to spin the news for people with short-term memories.

The trouble is - GA teaches seminarians to lie, and UOJ gives them an excuse for it.

Luther Days - Porn and UOJ - And Jay Webber

ELS Pastor Jay Webber and LCMS Church Growth Guru:
ILT graduation - unaccredited STM.


Webber, David Jay

The Rev. David Jay Webber received a Bachelor of Arts degree in history in 1984 from The King’s College in Briarcliff Manor, New York; a Master of Divinity degree in 1988 from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana; and a Master of Sacred Theology degree in 2015 from the Institute of Lutheran Theology in Brookings, South Dakota. In 1988 he was ordained as a Pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Synod, of which he has been a member ever since. He serves on the ELS Doctrine Committee, and is the Visitor for the ELS Arizona-California Circuit. He served as Pastor of Scriptural Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, from 1988 to 1990; as Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Brewster, Massachusetts, from 1990 to 1997; and as Rector and Professor of Theology at Saint Sophia Ukrainian Lutheran Theological Seminary in Ternopil’, Ukraine, from 1997 to 2005 (under the auspices of the Thoughts of Faith mission society). He has been the Pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Scottsdale, Arizona, since 2005. 
Pastor Webber has been a frequent speaker or essayist at various theological, genealogical, and historical conferences over the years, both in Europe and in North America. These have included the Confessional Christian Worldview Seminar in Trego, Wisconsin (on three occasions); the Bethany Reformation Lectures in Mankato, Minnesota (on two occasions); the New England Regional Genealogical Conference (on two occasions); the Palatines to America National Conference (on two occasions); the Biblical Worldview Conference in San Antonio, Texas (on two occasions); the WELS National Conference on Worship, Music, and the Arts; the Emmaus Conference in Tacoma, Washington; the Conference on Christianity and Culture in Escondido, California; and the Luther Forum in Brewster, Massachusetts. He has also taught in the seminary program of the Lutheran Mission of Salvation in India. 
Papers or articles written by him in the areas of theology, liturgics, church history, and genealogy have appeared in several publications, including The Bride of Christ, Concordia Historical Institute Quarterly, Logia: A Journal of Lutheran Theology (of which he is a contributing editor), Lutheran Quarterly, Lutheran Sentinel, Lutheran Synod Quarterly, The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Slovo (a bilingual Slovak-English publication), and Styah (a Ukrainian publication). He authored three chapters in the book Here We Stand: A Confessional Christian Study of Worldviews, issued in 2010 by Northwestern Publishing House. And his full-length book, Spiritual Fathers: A Treatise on the Lutheran Doctrine of the Ministry, with Special Reference to Luther’s Large Catechism, was published in 2013. One of Pastor Webber’s presentations, “Spiritual Fathers,” will be based on this last book. 
He has been married for 31 years to the former Carol Wimble. They have three grown children: Paul (also a Lutheran pastor; married to Marta; father of grandson John and granddaughter Helen), Sarah (married to Matthias), and Catharine.
Natalie Pratt has tried to erase the porn and porn addiction sites - too late.
My ELS/WELS expert collected a bunch of them,
and I have that list.

Information from Natalie Pratt is 100% suspect, but this photo and the one above were on her Facebook page - before she erased them.
She erased Twitter accounts she is following, perhaps all the porn addiction treatment sites (if they are that) But - 
How about the address that starts cew....? The first photo is x-rated, "wedding photos gone too far?"

WELS Will Be Furious with You, Pastor, For Telling the truth about the Impact of Alcohol on the Sect


WELS will be furious with you, Pastor, for telling the truth about the impact of alcohol on the sect.  You hit that one out of the park.  I bet you will get a lot of responses for cutting quite close to the jugular.

It was disconcerting for me to see the beer tents at the WELS biennial conventions (Y and Y) given the horrific losses of life on the roads due to alcohol and the significant damage it has done to families.  At the later confab the drunks were still going strong at 2:00 AM and awakened me.

You are correct regarding the Doctrine.  Those who are impaired cannot think straight and after a couple decades of heavy drinking, with full-blown alcoholism being next, denial clouds everything.

May God bless you,,,


"Boy were we drunk when we took this photo - love, love, love MLC."

GJ - Thank you. I also received a positive response immediately from overseas. A third person wondered how many extra brewery supplies they will need for the big one in 2017.

Luther's Gospel Sermon for the Day of Pentecost. John 14:23-31

Norma Boeckler
#17 The Holy Spirit teaches man better than all the books; he teaches him to understand the Scriptures better than he can understand from the teaching of any other; and of his own accord he does everything God wills he should, so the Law dare make no demands upon him.


This sermon, which is not found in edition c., appeared in three pamphlet editions in 1522 and 1523. The title of one is: “A sermon on Pentecost, Martin Luther, Wittenberg, 1523.” Compare the 15th sermon in the 8th vol. of the Erlangen edition with its first part.

German text: Erlangen Edition, 12:269; Walch Edition, 11:1379; St. Louis Walch, 11:1018.

Text: John 14:23-31 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my Word: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. He that loveth me not keepeth not my words: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father’s who sent me.

These things have I spoken unto you, while yet abiding with you.

But the Comforter, even the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said unto you. Peace I leave with you: my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be fearful. Ye heard how I said to you, I go away, and I come unto you. If ye loved me, ye would have rejoiced, because I go unto the Father: for the Father is greater than I. And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye may believe. I will no more speak much with you, for the prince of the world cometh: and he hath ‘nothing in me; but that the world may know that I love the Father, and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do. Arise, let us go hence.






1. How the Holy Spirit must work in our hearts love to God 26-28.

2. Where the Holy Spirit is not no one can keep the Law

3. Why the Holy Spirit can not accomplish his work in impudent hearts

4. How the Holy Spirit administers his teaching office

5. How the Holy Spirit administers his office of comfort

6. The office of the Holy Spirit will continue as long as believers live

7. The nature of the persons in whom the Holy Spirit administers his work and office

8. How and why no one can love Christ without the Holy Spirit

9. The whole Gospel treats of the work and office of the Holy Spirit 36.


1. From the passage, “If a man love me, he will keep my word,” every one may consider and conclude whether he believes or not; for love and faith cannot be separated from one another.

2. In that, Christ says, “We will come unto him, and make our abode with him,” e see, that believers are the temple of God. and anointed by the Holy Spirit, as is written in 1 Corinthians 6:19; Psalm 45:8; 1 John 2:20-27.

3. Christ’s Word is not carnal, but the power of God, as Paul says to the Romans “The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.” Romans 1:16.

4. The Comforter, the Holy Spirit, teaches and not the external preaching, which is only a handmaiden of the Spirit.

5. Therefore many papists dream that the Holy Spirit will reveal many more things to the world, besides the Gospel of Christ; but the Lord says here: “He will bring to your remembrance all that I said unto you.”

6. The peace that comes to us who are justified by faith in Christ, the world and the prince of the world must attack.

But since the Lord says: “And now I have told you, before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye may believe,” is in other words: when I go away temptations and persecutions will be your lot, then these my words shall be your comfort.

1. Before we explain this Gospel lesson we must first say a few words about the festival of Pentecost and its history, or the event we celebrate on this day. St. Luke records it in the Acts of the Apostles, second chapter, verses 1-41, in the following words: “And when the day of Pentecost was now come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound as of the rushing of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them tongues parting asunder, like as of fire; and it sat upon each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

2. “Now there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from every nation under heaven. And when this sound was heard, the multitude carne together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speaking in his own language. And they were all amazed and marveled, saying, Behold, are not all these that speak Galilaeans? And how hear we, every man in our own language wherein we were born? Parthians and Medes and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, in Judaea and Cappadocia, in Pontus and Asia, in Phrygia and Pamphylia, in Egypt and the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and sojourners from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabians, we hear them speaking in our tongues the mighty works of God. And they were all amazed, and were perplexed, saying one to another, What meaneth this?

But others mocking said, They are filled with new wine. “But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and spoke forth unto them, saying: 3. “Ye men of Judaea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and give ear unto my words. For these are not drunken, as ye suppose; seeing it is but the third hour of the day; but this is that which hath been spoken through the prophet Joel:

And it shall be in the last days, saith God I will pour forth of my Spirit upon all flesh: And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, And your young men shall see visions, And your old men shall dream dreams: Yea and on my servants and on my handmaidens in those days Will I pour forth of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy. And I will show wonders in the heaven above, And signs on the earth beneath; Blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke:

The sun shall be turned into darkness, And the moon into blood, Before the day of the Lord come, That great and notable day: And it shall be, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

4. “Ye men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God unto you by mighty works and wonders and signs which God did by him in the midst of you, even as ye yourselves know; him, being delivered up by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye by the hand of lawless men did crucify and slay: whom God raised up, having loosed the pangs of death: because it was not possible that he should be holden of it. For David saith concerning him, I beheld the Lord always before my face; For he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved: Therefore my heart was glad, and my tongue rejoiced; Moreover my flesh also shall dwell in hope: Because thou wilt not leave my soul unto Hades, Neither wilt thou give thy Holy One to see corruption. Thou madest known unto me the ways of life; Thou shalt make me full of gladness with thy countenance.

5. “Brethren, I may say unto you freely of the patriarch David, that he both died and was buried, and his tomb is with us unto this day. Being therefore a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins he would set one upon his throne; he foreseeing this spoke of the resurrection of the Christ, that neither was he left unto Hades, nor did his flesh see corruption. This Jesus did God raise up, whereof we all are witnesses.

6. “Being therefore by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the. Holy Spirit, he hath poured forth this, which ye see and hear. For David ascended not into the heavens: but he saith himself, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, Till I make thine enemies the footstool of thy feet.

Let all the house of Israel therefore know assuredly, that God hath made him booth Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom ye crucified.

7. “Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and the rest of the apostles, Brethren, what shall we do? And Peter said unto them, Repent ye, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ unto the remission of your sins; and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For to you is the promise, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call unto him. And with many other words he testified, and exhorted them, saying, Save yourselves from this crooked generation. They then that received his Word were baptized: and there were added unto them in that day about three thousand souls. And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and the prayers.”

8. This is the history of the day. The festival we call Pentecost originated thus: When God led the children of Israel out of Egypt, he had them to celebrate the Easter festival the same night, and commanded them to celebrate it annually, as a memorial of their exodus out of Egypt. Counting from that day, they journeyed in the desert for fifty days, to Mount Sinai, where the Law was given to them by God, through Moses. Hence they celebrated the festival we call Pentecost. For the little word “Pentecost” is derived from the Greek Pentecostes, signifying the fiftieth day; the Saxons say Pingsten. It is to this festival that Luke has reference. When the fifty days after Easter were past and the disciples had celebrated the event of God’s having given the people the Law on Mount Sinai, then the Holy Spirit came and gave them a different law. We celebrate the festival, not because of the old, but because of the new, event, because of the sending of the Holy Spirit. Therefore we must offer a little explanation and show the difference between our Pentecost and the Jews’ Pentecost.

9. In the first place, the Jews celebrated the festival because the Law had been given them in writing; but we ought to celebrate it because God’s Law is given to us spiritually. St. Paul aims to make this plain. In the second Epistle to the Corinthians, chapters 3 and 4, he speaks of two kinds of preaching. And just as there are two kinds of preaching, so also there are two kinds of people.

10. First, the written Law is that which God has commanded and embodied in writing. It is called “written” because it proceeds no further and does not enter the heart, nor do any works follow, except mere hypocritical works; the Law has only an outward significance. The people also, in this sense, remain altogether written. Since the Law has existed only in writing, in letters, it has been dead, and its influence has been deadening. It has ruled a dead people, for the hearts were dead which did not willingly do God’s commandment. If every man were allowed his own free will, to do as he pleased without fear of punishment, none would be found who would not rejoice in exemption from the Law.

11. Man’s nature is to follow his desire, but he is compelled to do otherwise. He thinks: God will punish me and cast me into hell if I do not keep his commandment. Since it is his nature to obey reluctantly and with displeasure when his will is opposed, man becomes hostile to God because of the penalty; he knows that he is a sinner and not in harmony with God, that he does not love God, yea, rather he would there were no God. Such hatred of God is hidden in the heart, no matter how finely nature adorns herself outwardly. Hence we see that the Law, as long as it is merely written, a Law in letters, makes no one righteous, for it enters not the heart. On this theme we have preached and written a great deal.

12. The other Law is spiritual. It is not written with pen and ink, nor spoken by word of mouth like the Law on the stone tablets handled by Moses, but, as we see in Luke’s narrative, the Holy Spirit falls from heaven and fills all the company assembled together, manifesting itself upon them in cloven and fiery tongues, causing them to preach boldly and with a power they had not before, so that all the people were pricked in their hearts and marveled. The Holy Spirit streams into the heart and makes a new man, one who now loves God and gladly does his will. Such is the Holy Spirit himself, or rather the work he does in the heart. He writes in fiery flame on the heart and makes it alive, causing it to find expression in fiery tongue and active hand; a new man is made, who is conscious of a reason, heart and mind unlike he formerly had. Everything is now alive: He has a live reason; he has light and courage and a heart which burns with love and delights in whatever pleases God. This is the real difference between the written and the spiritual laws of God; and such is the work of the Holy Spirit.

13. Therefore, the great art is to preach aright concerning the Holy Spirit.

Hitherto it has been preached concerning him that he alone produced and inspired what the councils decreed and what the pope commanded in ecclesiastical law, whereas the whole papistical law is only outward in effect, commands only outward observances and rules in material things.

Their claim is simply nonsensical, the reverse of their claim being true. For they turn the work of the Holy Spirit into a written, dead law, whereas it is essentially a spiritual and living law, and they make of him a Moses and a human weakling. The reason is, they do not know what the Holy Spirit is, why he is given, and what his office is. Therefore let us learn and understand well what he is, in order that we may define his office.

14. Here you learn that he comes down and fills the disciples, who before sat in sorrow and fear, and renders their tongues fiery and cloven; he so kindles them that they grow bold and preach freely to the multitude, and fear nothing. You see very clearly that the Holy Spirit’s office is not to write books nor to make laws, but freely to abrogate them; and that he is a God who writes only in the heart, who makes it burn, and creates new courage, so that man grows happy before God, filled with love toward him, and with a happy heart serves the people. When the office of the Holy Spirit is thus represented, it is rightly preached. Do not believe those who picture it otherwise. Now, you perceive that when he comes in this manner he abolishes the letter of the Law and desires to liberate the people from their sins and from the Law; the latter is no more needed, for he, himself, rules inwardly in the heart. They who oppose this doctrine, however, criticize him for compelling the people, like Moses, and above all for making new laws.

15. What means does he use and what skill does he employ thus to change the heart and make it new? He employs the proclamation and preaching of the Lord Jesus Christ; this Christ declares in John 15:26: “But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall bear witness of me.” Now, we have often heard that the substance of the Gospel is this:

God has proclaimed to everyone that no man can become just by means of the Law,-but rather is thereby condemned. That therefore he has sent down his dear Son to shed his blood and die, since men could not, by their own power and works, cancel their sins and get rid of them.

16. But in addition to what is thus preached, something else is needed; for even though I hear the preaching, I do not at once believe Therefore, God adds his Holy Spirit, who impresses this preaching upon the heart, so that it abides there and lives, It is a faithful saying that Christ has accomplished everything, has removed sin and overcome every enemy, so that through him we are lords over all things. But the treasure lies yet in one pile; it is not yet distributed nor Invested. Consequently, if we are to possess it, the Holy Spirit must come and teach our hearts to believe and say: I, too, am one of those who are to have this treasure. When we feel that God has thus helped us and given the treasure to us, everything goes well, and it cannot be otherwise than that man’s heart rejoices in God and lifts itself up, saying Dear Father, if it is thy will to show toward me such great love and faithfulness, which I cannot fully fathom, then will I also love thee with all my heart and be joyful, and cheerfully do what pleases thee. Thus, the heart does not now look at God with evil eyes, does not imagine he will cast us into hell, as it did before the Holy Spirit came, when it felt none of the goodness, love, or faithfulness of God, but only his wrath and disfavor.

Since the Holy Spirit has impressed upon the heart that God is kind and gracious toward it, it believes that God can no more be angry, and grows so happy and so bold that, for God’s sake, it performs and suffers everything possible to per form and to suffer.

17. In this way you are to become acquainted with the Holy Spirit. You may know to what purpose he is given and what his office is, namely, to invest the treasure — Christ and all he has, who is given to us and proclaimed by the Gospel; the Holy Spirit will give him into your heart so that he may be your own. When he has accomplished this, and when you feel Christ in your heart, you will be constrained to cry: Is this the idea, that my works are of no avail but the Holy Spirit must perform all? Why then do I punish myself with works and the Law? Thus all human works and laws vanish, yea, even the law of Moses; for such a being is superior to all law. The Holy Spirit teaches man better than all the books; he teaches him to understand the Scriptures better than he can understand from the teaching of any other; and of his own accord he does everything God wills he should, so the Law dare make no demands upon him.

18. Therefore, we need books only for the purpose of demonstrating that it is written even as the Holy Spirit teaches. We must not confine faith to ourselves, but must let it break forth into action; and to confirm and establish it, we must have the Scriptures. Therefore, be very careful to consider the Holy Spirit in no way a law-maker, but as one who abrogates the Law and frees man, so that no written letter remains, or that it remains only for the sake of preaching.

19. In all this, however, we ought to exercise sense and wisdom, understanding that a man receiving the Holy Spirit is not at once perfect, insensible to the Law and to sin, pure in all respects. For we do not preach, concerning the Holy Spirit and his office, that he has completed and finished his work, but that he has only begun it and is now constantly engaged in it, and that he is ceaselessly progressing; consequently, you will not find a man who is without sin and without sorrow, full of righteousness and full of joy, and so perfect that he is never needlessly concerned about anything, and who serves everybody freely. The Scriptures indeed tell us that the office of the Holy Spirit is to redeem from sin and fear; but that does not say that this is altogether accomplished.

20. Therefore, a Christian must at times feel his sin and the fear of death, and be concerned about all else that troubles a sinner. Unbelievers may be sunk so deeply in their sins that they do not feel them; but believers do feel them, yet they possess a helper, the Holy Spirit, who comforts and strengthens them. However, if he had finished and made an end of his office, they would experience none of these fears.

21. Therefore, I say that we must be wise and take care that we do not boast of the Holy Spirit too confidently and joyously, that we may not become too secure and imagine that we are perfect in all respects. For a pious Christian still is flesh and blood like other people, but he fights against sin and evil lust and feels what he would rather not feel — Romans 7:15ff. The unbelievers are indifferent and make no such fight.

22. It makes no difference that we feel evil lusts if we only battle against them. Therefore, the Christian must not judge according to his feelings, believing because of them that he is lost, but he must labor all his life with the remaining sin of which he is conscious and must permit the Holy Spirit to work, groaning without ceasing, to be rid of sin. Such groaning never ceases in believers, but is more profound that can be uttered, as St. Paul declares to the Romans 8:26. But there is a precious listener, the Holy Spirit himself, who deeply feels our longing and also comforts our consciences.

23. The two must always be mingled, in our feelings — the Holy Spirit and our sin and imperfection. Our case must be like that of a sick man who is in the hands of the physician; presently he will be better. Therefore let no one think: Such a one possesses the Holy Spirit, consequently he must be altogether strong, without infirmities, and do only precious works. No, not yet. The Gospel is not a proclamation for everybody. It is a proclamation exceedingly gracious, but a coarse, hard heart may hear it without receiving any good; rather are such made more audacious and careless, imagining they need not war against the flesh, because they do not feel their sin and misery. The Holy Spirit is given to none except to those who are in sorrow and fear; in them it produces good fruit. This gift is so precious and worthy that God does not cast it before dogs. Though the unrepentant discover it themselves, hearing it preached, they devour it and know not what they devour. The hearts which receive it with profit are such as feel their evil lust but are unable to escape from it. There must be struggling if the Holy Spirit is to abide in the heart, and let no one dare think it will be otherwise.

24. This is what we find in the narrative before us. The dear disciples sat in fear and terror, and still uncomforted and without courage. They were filled with unbelief and ready to despair, and it was with much effort and labor that Christ cheered and established them again. Their only difficulty was, they were afraid the heavens would fall upon them, and the Lord himself could scarcely comfort them until he said to them’ The Holy Spirit shall come upon you from heaven’ he will imprint me upon your hearts so that you will know me, and through me the Father; then will your heart rejoice. And so it happened. When the Holy Spirit came they were comforted and strengthened and full of joy.

25. Thus I have described to you the Holy Spirit. Now let us see in this Gospel lesson what we have discussed so far. Christ declares: “If a man love me, he will keep my Word: and my Father will love him.”

26. This text raises a question’ Why does Christ speak as though we must be first to love, when it is certain that the opposite is true, that God must first love us? This question I have before solved and in the following manner’ Several passages read as if we begin the work and others as if God begins it. Now, God must always lay the first stone. He makes the start, and receives me into his grace, so that I stand in his favor. But it does not follow that I at once feel his work of grace, although it is already there.

27. We saw that when the Holy Spirit came, he came with a rushing sound, even frightening the disciples until they knew not whither to go. But when he comes in this manner he is very near, and then he kindles the heart so that it feels love; when it feels love, it also begins to love. This is what Christ means. He is speaking not of our beginning the work, but of what we afterwards feel, and of the love that follows feeling. The import of his words is’ If a man love me, he will keep my Word, and my Father will love him; that is, when I have caused a man to feel my love, he will begin to love me in return etc. Therefore, the words refer to the realization of love, not to the beginning of love. Now, if a man love me, says Christ, he will keep my Word, and my Father will love him, that is, he will feel that he loves me and will do everything that pleases me, and he will perceive how I and the. Father come to him and dwell with him. And, furthermore, Christ declares: “He that loveth me not keepeth not my Words.”

28. Here we see it is plainly declared that they who have not the Holy Spirit do not keep one letter of the Law. Therefore I say, if all the preachers arise and preach the Law, attempting thereby to make people godly, what do they accomplish? They accomplish nothing. For, briefly, there must first be love in the heart, otherwise nothing is accomplished in keeping the Law. Do you accordingly teach first of all how to obtain love, then men will be able to keep the Law. The Holy Spirit is given, as we have stated, for the purpose of abrogating the Law. Hence, Christians are not to be governed by laws. Those, however, who are not Christians must be controlled by laws, and be subjected to executioners and governed by the sword, in order that they be compelled not to do evil with the hand, although they are thereby not made better in heart. Now, Christ does not want us to keep his Word with outward observance, like a finite law, but with the heart, with joy and love. But who will give us this joy and love?

The Holy Spirit gives it and no one else, Now, the next words read: “These things have I spoken unto you, while yet abiding with you.

But the Comforter, even the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said unto you.”

29. Here Christ calls the Holy Spirit a Comforter. If the Holy Spirit is to retain this name he must exercise his office only where there is no comfort and where comfort is needed and desired. Consequently, he cannot comfort the hard heads and audacious hearts, for these have not tasted of struggle and despair, and have never been in distress; he can accomplish nothing except with sorrowful, comfortless and discouraged hearts.

30. What, however, is he to do? He is to teach and bring to remembrance.

Here our learned men have come and declared: All that we are to believe, to do and omit to do is not in the Scriptures, and the Holy Spirit is to teach us many things which Christ did not teach. Such declaration is altogether contrary to the Holy Spirit, and even contradictory. For Christ says: “He shall teach you and bring to your remembrance all that I said unto you;” that is, he will beautifully explain (glorify) what I now say to you, better than I am able to teach with words, so that you will need no further words.

You are to know it now beforehand and have a sign, so that when it comes to pass you may believe it the more fully. Now the learned men declare, He shall not say what Christ says. How can we suffer the pope and the bishop to proceed with their declaration that the Holy Spirit teaches what they determine? We here see that Christ wants to establish his Word with the Holy Spirit, who is with us, for the purpose of bearing witness to Christ and of reviving in our hearts what he has taught, that we may understand and believe it. Therefore, wherever anyone teaches otherwise than the things Christ taught, or wants to direct you to another comfort than he speaks of, do not believe that it is the Holy Spirit. Now, the Lord says furthermore: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth give I unto you.”

31. Here we see clearly the Holy Spirit’s office, that he is bestowed only upon those who are sunk in affliction — and misery. For this is the import of the words when he declares: You must not think that I give you peace such as the world gives. The world considers that peace means the removal of trouble or affliction. For instance, when one is in poverty he esteems it a great affliction, and seeks to be rid of it, fancying that riches means peace.

Likewise, one who feels death near thinks: If I could live, and vanquish death, I would have peace.

32. Such peace, however, Christ does not give. He allows the affliction to remain and to oppress; yet he employs different tactics to bestow peace: he changes the heart, removing it from the affliction, not the affliction from the heart. This is the way it is done: When you are sunk in affliction he so turns your mind from it and gives you such consolation that you imagine you are dwelling in a garden of roses. Thus, in the midst of dying is life; and in the midst of trouble, peace and joy. This is why it is, as St. Paul declares to the Philippians 4:7, a peace which passeth all understanding.

This art no man can achieve with his understanding, nor fathom with his senses. Christ alone bestows it. He says to you’ Just pass down into the valley of death; there shall the Holy Spirit come to you and make you so courageous and joyful that you will not know death, yea, it will be sweet to you. The reason for this peace is that the Holy Spirit teaches one to know the great goodness and grace of Christ, making those who believe in him lords, like himself, over sin, death and all things. Therefore a Christian must possess the ability to be joyful in good or in evil fortune, whether it be sweet or bitter. Some possess it in greater degree than others, for we are not all perfect, yea, none will become so perfect as never again to experience a struggle.

33. I speak of the office of the Holy Spirit, what he is to do and how he is constantly to continue what he has begun, so that you may now begin to despise death. But you must continue and abide in this confidence, and work on, that you may constantly have less fear. You are not to be discouraged though you still shudder at death, and are not to think: I am told that the Holy Spirit makes the heart joyful so that it does not feel death, yet I am frightened at it; consequently I see plainly he is not in me.

Other thoughts of this kind may come to your mind. All these thoughts we must drive away, despising them. For the Holy Spirit’s office is not one that is finished, but is in process of fulfillment from day to day, and continues as long as we live, in such manner that sorrow is ever mingled with peace. If there were no sorrow, the Holy Spirit could not comfort us.

The closing words of this Gospel lesson are especially comforting: “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be fearful.”

34. These words give further hint of the work of the Holy Spirit. Again we see with whom the Holy Spirit deals, namely, they who are filled with sorrow and affliction. Because of the fear and trouble which oppressed the disciples, Christ made effort to comfort them, although the moment when they should fully realize his comfort had not yet arrived. In effect he declares’ I say to you now, with words, that you are not to be troubled, but this does not as yet help you; you do not now rejoice. I tell it to you, however, that when the Holy Spirit comes and comforts you, then you may realize my comfort and be glad. He concludes by declaring: “Ye heard how I said to you, I go away, and I come unto you. If ye loved me, y would have rejoiced, because I go unto the Father: for the Father is greater than I. And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye may believe.”

35. I am human, he says, and shall now die; but I come to you again, through the Holy Spirit. Therefore, if you loved me you would rejoice that I go to the Father. To love Christ is to love in him the humanity obedient to the sacred cross and which speaks only of suffering. No one can do this until the Holy Spirit comes; he alone creates this love in the heart. Christ’s meaning is’ When the Holy Spirit comes you will be glad that I went to the Father. Now you cannot understand my sacrifice and therefore you cannot appreciate it; but when I go to the Father, you will love me because I have ascended to the Father and have given you the great blessing of the Holy Spirit. My suffering and death will be comforting to you when you see that I live again and that! come to help you and to make you partakers of all the treasures I have. Therefore, we Christians are to become lords over all God’s creation, and to boastfully say of Christ: My Lord Christ, who takes my part, is lord over all things; what shall harm me? For the Father in his infinite power has made him lord over all creatures, and all things must lie at his feet.

36. Thus you perceive how this Gospel lesson constantly refers to the office of the Holy Spirit, in order that we may rightly understand that he is given to us to comfort us and to bring us to love Christ. See, then, that you do not permit yourself to be deceived and to receive other teaching concerning the Holy Spirit than you have here heard.

The WELS Tricks - Deflect and Erase


The Old WELS Tricks - Deflect and Erase
Dishonesty in WELS is betrayed by a number of old tricks.

  1. Deflection is useful. Don't address the issue of a fraudulent conference led by a woman with no qualifications. "You used private information!" Here is a little English lesson. When something is published - especially on the Internet - it is not private but public. Material posted on Facebook or government websites is not private or no one could see it. Pretending otherwise is deflection.
  2. Deflection is also handy for claiming victimhood and hurt feelings, two worn weapons of the Left. "You made me feel bad" is not only a criminal indictment, but a 100% conviction as well. Perhaps someone completely unqualified should not be even near a Lutheran conference, let alone managing it with a high school girl.
  3. Deflection is also practiced by running around gathering allies to pounce on the person who tells the truth in public, using his own name.
  4. Erasing is clever but always a day late. When I find someone published on the Net, I copy the URL and the material. WELS typically erases the evidence, claiming innocence, victimhood, and hurt feels. A good old round of name-calling is handy and comes natural to WELS. But erasing the evidence does not change the fact of the sin: it only proves the individual was guilty in the first place.
  5. Erasing does not solve any problems, since the evil intentions are the same. When I began publishing all the Church and Change conferences and their list-serve conversations, they were filled with wrath that their "secret" list-serve revealed the main characters and their devious behavior. Church and Change officially disappeared and had their "last conference" with DP-in-Waiting Don Patterson attending. But their cancerous organization simply grew in numbers and programs, with Mark Jeske and Mark Schroeder laughing at the hicks who believed C and C was gone.

Last Year's Labor Brings Results This Year

The roses go in first, then the lawn is turned into
ideal compost by the soil creatures, which work under
the cardboard and mulch.

Many efforts from last year did not look very impressive at first. I expected more time was needed for the roses, but I did not realize how true that was for everything else.

Last year I planted some asparagus. This spring, it came up six feet tall and has ferned out. It will build root energy for next year. I might be able to harvest some then.

I turned the weedy and sunny area on the "north" side of the house into a blackberry patch, after mulching it and providing some water. Now the canes have established new growth for free and the flowers are forming, promising berries for us - or at least for birds and squirrels.

The honeysuckle vine simply grew a bit last year. Experts say "it can take over an area." I was hoping for a takeover in the Wild Garden. Now it is already blooming on the large tree stump and promises to be as aggressive as they claimed. Currently it is all buds and blooms.

I planted a few perennials last year, many from Almost Eden. They already look great and mark the outer bounds of one garden. Blueberries from Almost Eden are the front row of the other garden, both in the back yard. Our neighbor has an abundance of pine needles so that will be the mulch of those two gardens. Elderberries from Almost Eden are budding and sprouting (spreading) around the base.

Mrs. Ichabod's quest to screen the backyard from the neighbors on the West meant:

  • Large Butterfly Bushes.
  • New dabbled Willow Bushes.
  • Chaste Tree.
  • Extra Triple Crown Blackberry canes.

Last year's Butterfly Bushes are quite large and promising . That variety can grow 9 feet tall. The one near our bedroom window is already 6 feet tall, and it is one of the smaller ones.

The wild strawberries also spread throughout the yard, not from my transplanting (ha) but from the flocks of birds enjoying the feeders and baths. I told one gardener that I transplanted wild strawberries until I learned the birds bombed the seeds into the soil for me. They bloom in profusion in the shade of the house, the shade of the trees' base, and all through the grass. But every plant has a growth pattern, and clover seems to be winning the backyard for now.

White Profusion Butterfly Bush
looked too good to pass up.
Now it decorates the bird and butterfly area
near our bedroom window.

God's Work in the Soil
The real labor in the yard has come from the soil creatures created, engineered, and managed to do the best with what they were given. Last year's roses are bursting with blooms already, and the early predation from aphids that we saw before is already muted by the beneficial insects patrolling their blooms. Some JP II white roses and Peace roses are warped and distorted, but they are simply setting up the beneficial insects for a round of fabulous eating all summer. The aphid eaters are more significant than the aphids, because the eaters flourish from the pests and set up shop.

Another factor is the complex set-up in the soil. Once I gave the yard an army of red wiggler earthworms to tunnel, fertilize, mix, and aerate the soil, the good plants have flourished. Sterile weeds prosper in bad soil because worthwhile plants cannot get a foothold. When good plants get a great start, weeds get squeezed out.

Once the level playing field (neglected or toxin soaked yard) is tilted toward Creation, the creatures take over as they were designed. Management is automatic.

As Luther says, all we need to do is patiently continue our tasks in faith, knowing that God will bless His work.

Chrysler Imperial is considered a great Southern rose.

The Feast of Pentecost, 2016. John 14:23-31. To Teach and Bring to Remembrance


The Feast of Pentecost, 2016

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

The melodies are linked in the hymn name. 
The lyrics are linked in the hymn number.

The Hymn # 236                              Creator Spirit 
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual 
The Gospel 
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed p. 22
The Sermon Hymn #237                               All Glory Be  

Teach and Bring to Remembrance

The Communion Hymn # 234                        Holy Ghost with Light Divine 
The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn #246                              Holy, Holy, Holy

KJV Acts 2:1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. 3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. 5 And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. 6 Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language. 7 And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans? 8 And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born? 9 Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judaea, and Cappadocia, in Pontus, and Asia, 10 Phrygia, and Pamphylia, in Egypt, and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, Jews and proselytes, 11 Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God. 12 And they were all amazed, and were in doubt, saying one to another, What meaneth this? 13 Others mocking said, These men are full of new wine.

KJV John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. 24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me. 25 These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. 26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. 27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. 28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I. 29 And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe. 30 Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me. 31 But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do. Arise, let us go hence.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Thou almighty Son of God: We beseech Thee, send Thy Holy Spirit into our hearts, through Thy word, that He may rule and govern us according to Thy will, comfort us in every temptation and misfortune, and defend us by Thy truth against every error, so that we may continue steadfast in the faith, increase in love and all good works, and firmly trusting in Thy grace, which through death Thou hast purchased for us, obtain eternal salvation, Thou who reignest, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, world without end. Amen. 

To Teach and Bring to Remembrance

Luther's history of Pentecost:
8. This is the history of the day. The festival we call Pentecost originated thus: When God led the children of Israel out of Egypt, he had them to celebrate the Easter festival the same night, and commanded them to celebrate it annually, as a memorial of their exodus out of Egypt. Counting from that day, they journeyed in the desert for fifty days, to Mount Sinai, where the Law was given to them by God, through Moses. Hence they celebrated the festival we call Pentecost. For the little word “Pentecost” is derived from the Greek Pentecostes, signifying the fiftieth day; the Saxons say Pingsten. It is to this festival that Luke has reference. When the fifty days after Easter were past and the disciples had celebrated the event of God’s having given the people the Law on Mount Sinai, then the Holy Spirit came and gave them a different law. We celebrate the festival, not because of the old, but because of the new, event, because of the sending of the Holy Spirit. Therefore we must offer a little explanation and show the difference between our Pentecost and the Jews’ Pentecost.

Therefore, it is no accident that the Holy Spirit was given to the Apostles on the day they were celebrating Pentecost. The era of the First Testament was one where the Law was given to the people God chose. He elected them - they did not make a decision for Him.

The era of the New Testament meant that the Holy Spirit would always guide the Christian Church through the Scriptures. Not surprisingly, when the rationalists became obsessed with what they called the "historical Jesus," they abandoned the Spirit, the plain meaning of the Scriptures, and the faith. Once this rupture was effected, anything was truth if it moved people, so visible church marched out versions of social activism and ecstatic emotionalism. Both become tiresome in time, and abandoned. 

KJV John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

The verb for "keep" is also used for guarding. If we have something valuable, we guard it.  If we guard it, we will treat that object with love and respect, not casting it aside, or ignoring it, or letting it get lost in the middle of every other item. We like to put our favorite things on a display shelf so we can keep track of them, admire them, and let other people see them. I have a glass vase that was bought by my grandfather when he was at the state fair, over 100 years ago.  The vase conjures up memories - a constant connection with my mother's own displays at our home.

Love and keep go together. Abandoning the Word means not having a love for that Word. No matter how some people posture, their dereliction of duty in keeping the Word means they have no faith and no love. They may say "Jesus" but Jesus comes to us only through the Word, never apart from the Word, since the Spirit and the Word are never apart. 

This important connection of steps reminds me of how plants and animals thrive in God's Creation. One step leads to another. Rain will bring fertilizer, water, and minerals to the soil. The nitrogen compounds green up the plant and give it growth. If the plant grows, it sends out more roots. If it sends out more roots, the root hairs communicate with more fungi. If it makes a deal with the fungi, to give carbon in return for rainwater and minerals, it will enable to fungi to work even better and growth. In growing it uses the water for all the tissues and evaporates them into the air, where they contribute to future rain.

If someone loves Jesus, he will guard the Words of Jesus. If he does that, the Father will love him. When that happens, the Father and the Son make their abode with the believer. This does not leave out the Spirit, since the Spirit provides the divine power of the Word to create faith and to bear the fruit of the Spirit - love. From that love will come ways in which to broadcast this Gospel of God's love and forgiveness, and so the Kingdom grows.

The big word used for this is monergism - God does all this because of His gracious will. The garden is a good comparison. If someone loves roses, he will plant them and care for them. He cannot make them alive or make them grow, but God provides all the ways for the roses to grow, be protected from pests, and thrive with blossoms to enjoy, the fruit of the rose, trying to make rose hips (the fruit) and fulfill its role as an ornamental thorn bush. The more one sees this in action (and in reverse, spoiled by lack of love and attention), the more obvious God's role is in all this enjoyment. 

As I said in a separate post, last year's cultivation of pest eaters - beneficial insects - has already provided extra, early protection against aphids. Did I create, engineer, or manage these beneficial insects? No - I do not even call them into action. Where one person may have a hair-on-fire experience with a large wasp around he roses, I watch and wonder how this little fighter jet lives from the pests.

To carry out the comparison further, a little bit of gardening care means all kinds of benefits arrive through this method of divine management - birds to eat insect pests and fertilize the ground, soil creatures to work the foundation of all plant and animal life, bees and wasps and hornets to do their work. As the other professor in doctor's office said, "The pile of leaves is a pile of fertilizer, not trash." It takes little time to see them reduced to productive soil. This is God's management system, that works without our help, works in spite of our mistakes, and really goes into high gear with a little bit of observation and trust in Creation.

So I tell the people in the urban ministry courses and Old Testament survey courses, "If you want an abundance of blessings, apply an abundance of Gospel in every way possible. God will accomplish His will through the Gospel, how and when we are not to judge." One student had 3 life sentences, repented, and now wants to return to the city to teach the Word of God and serve those dragged down by crime and drug addiction. They love to hear Luther's Biblical doctrine and the concept (strange in this age) that unbelief is the foundational sin.

24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me. 

Jesus was the first confessional Lutheran in the New Testament. I agree with the reader who says, "confessional is  a word that needs to be retired." He meant - the word has become meaningless in being used so often - like amazing. But the original meaning is good. One not only teaches the truth but rejects errors that work against this truth. Want to make established church leaders howl with rage? - just repudiate their errors. The errors show they do not believe what they claim - they are only posing.

Not loving Jesus is proven by not keeping His sayings. The unbelievers delight in saying, as they do in print news, blogs, and Youtube - "He was a conservative Christian minister and yet was arrested on the following charges..." Posturing is easy. The words just flow to please a traditional audience, but there is a direct connection between sincere love of the Gospel and respecting that Gospel as God's divine will. As Jesus often taught in John's Gospel, it is not His alone but the Father's too - in complete harmony - and witnessed by the Spirit. Sincere faith leads to actions in harmony with the Word. Faking faith means damaging believers and energizing the scoffers and atheists.

25 These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you. 26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

This is from His farewell sermons, so the words are extremely important. If you want to know what the disciples were supposed to know best of all, read the Fourth Gospel. Building on the base of Matthew-Mark-Luke, the Gospel of John is the red underlining and final thoughts of the ministry of Jesus. If you have a red letter edition of the Bible, John's Gospel is the red letter Gospel. The most profound messages are spoken in the simplest language, the most basic grammar, so we do not miss anything. 

Jesus is making a transition from reminding the disciple of His Words to promising what the Holy Spirit will do for them, with them. My fears would be, "How do I remember everything and get it right?" This is answered.

  1. He shall teach all things.
  2. He will bring to remembrance everything I have taught.
This is a major emphasis and really the turning point in the concept of Biblical inerrancy. We do not teach inerrancy because the Bible is old and special, but because ithe Word is divinely given. Errors sprout from those who do not make the Word/Spirit connection or from those who neglect it through silence and apathy.

Every denomination will make the claim that the Bible is the sole authority for doctrine and practice, and throw in a few words to satisfy the base ("raw meat for the base," as the scheming secular politicians say). Only the United Church of Christ throws it all away. But the claims mean nothing when the Bible is treated as a nice antique with some value here and there - like using special furniture to hold paint and varnish supplies.

Jesus is first saying - You are being given the Spirit/Word, always divine, always effective, always accomplishing God's will, and always prospering His will. Sometimes that means mass conversions (the Day of Pentecost). Sometimes that means a massive riot, such as when Stephan was stoned to death. If a minister cannot teach this Spirit/Word and mean it, bad results will follow. 

Secondly, Jesus is teaching - The Spirit will work through the Word to keep the true Gospel in mind and to separate truth from falsehood. In Mark -

Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
24 And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief.
When we look at the entire New Testament and the New in relationship to the Old, we can see the Spirit's work in keeping the message clear and without contradictions. The unity of the Bible is impossible through the best efforts of men, but is accomplished through the Spirit.
That continues with the ministers and laity. The foundation is basic Bible study and builds through additional study. The building blocks are divinely energized by the believer and sorted through additional study. Adult experiences, both joyful and tragic, bring to mind - through the Spirit - what the Word teaches. 
27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
This is an important verse, because the peace that Jesus gives is through forgiveness of sin and membership in His family. The world sees honors, money, and power as peace, but that peace can disappear overnight. The cross born by Jesus and His disciples is a comfort to Christians, because they realize the Word brings worldly difficulties but spiritual peace.
That is the paradox that we find so often in God's Word - the seeming contradictions that lead us deeper into the Scriptures. The failings and troubles of the disciples tell us that they were not much different from us, with the same impulses and weaknesses. They do not appear in the Scriptures the way denominational heroes appear in official biographies. One can seldom find an analytical biography of any denominational leader. They are all perfect, courageous, generous, loving, and self-sacrificing - very much like Hollywood biographies. But the Scriptures teach us about Christ instead of glorifying His followers. And that is why the Word comforts us. 
Note this brilliant contrast between the Law written on stone and the New Testament spread by the Spirit -
11. Man’s nature is to follow his desire, but he is compelled to do otherwise. He thinks: God will punish me and cast me into hell if I do not keep his commandment. Since it is his nature to obey reluctantly and with displeasure when his will is opposed, man becomes hostile to God because of the penalty; he knows that he is a sinner and not in harmony with God, that he does not love God, yea, rather he would there were no God. Such hatred of God is hidden in the heart, no matter how finely nature adorns herself outwardly. Hence we see that the Law, as long as it is merely written, a Law in letters, makes no one righteous, for it enters not the heart. On this theme we have preached and written a great deal.

12. The other Law is spiritual. It is not written with pen and ink, nor spoken by word of mouth like the Law on the stone tablets handled by Moses, but, as we see in Luke’s narrative, the Holy Spirit falls from heaven and fills all the company assembled together, manifesting itself upon them in cloven and fiery tongues, causing them to preach boldly and with a power they had not before, so that all the people were pricked in their hearts and marveled. The Holy Spirit streams into the heart and makes a new man, one who now loves God and gladly does his will. Such is the Holy Spirit himself, or rather the work he does in the heart. He writes in fiery flame on the heart and makes it alive, causing it to find expression in fiery tongue and active hand; a new man is made, who is conscious of a reason, heart and mind unlike he formerly had. Everything is now alive: He has a live reason; he has light and courage and a heart which burns with love and delights in whatever pleases God. This is the real difference between the written and the spiritual laws of God; and such is the work of the Holy Spirit.
Holy Baptism
The Spirit/Word unified effort means we can always trust the Word. When a baby is baptized through water and the Word, is he a believer? The answer is clearly - "Yes," because the Spirit has planted faith in that infant heart through the Gospel readings and promises for Holy Baptism. This is a great comfort for those who lose a baby early or who have a child with developmental issues, such as our daughters never being able to talk.
I have written it before - Men came to Luther and said, "But a child does not have adult understanding." Luther retorted, "You have adult reasoning and you still don't believe!"
For an adult, Holy Baptism is God's seal and promise. The Holy Spirit dwells within that person and guides the individual according to His divine will.
Holy Communion
No one should be surprised that those who denigrate the Means of Grace, including Holy Communion, also neglect the Means of Grace and doubt its efficacy. Guitars are effective. Praise bands are effective. Gutting the pipe organ is effective. Dropping the Creeds, the liturgy, and real Christian hymns - those are all effective. But they deny the divine connection of the Word in Holy Communion.
God has given us this regular individual celebration of the Last Supper so that "given and shed for you" has individual, personal meaning - far beyond an abstract concept. The Holy Spirit is welded to the Word of Consecration and the Word of forgiveness in Holy Communion. Am I forgiven of all my sins? Answer - I received Holy Communion in faith, not doubting God's Promises.
Absolution is part of the service, but also part of daily life. That means - forgiveness between people is just as complete as described when we talk about God's forgiveness. Forgiveness is forgetting, not a token forgiveness followed by many reminders. And this is the greatest atmosphere to enjoy - mutual forgiveness among friends and family.
Daily Life
The work of the congregation and the daily life of individuals is one of the Spirit. Anything done by God or through God or in the Name of God is through the Spirit. That also means through the Word, guided by the Word, inspired by the Word, blessed by the Word.
People talk about a "personal relationship with Jesus," which is exactly what happens when we hear, read, and remember the Gospel. The Word through the Spirit brings Christ to us and the meeting is not without consequences. If we feel sorrowful, abandoned, loaded up with troubles, the Spirit through the Gospel Promises moves us to pray and to pray according to God's will.

Luther Days Conference - With Its Porn Connections Lead the Week's Views. Is Anyone Watching the Store in the ELS and WELS?

When WELS-ELS promotes a Luther Days Conference,
why is the official Luther Days Twitter account following porn sites,
spouse swapping, porn addiction, and Church and Changers?


The Luther Days Festival is one of the most exciting events around for Confessional Lutherans and is the largest distinctly Lutheran festival in North America! This one-of-a-kind event is for the entire family and brings Martin Luther and the Reformation to life by offering participants a uniquely interactive and distinctly Lutheran experience for all ages. The festival also embraces the heritage of the Lutheran Church and is an action-packed day with hands-on exploration into the reformation, our Lutheran faith, and the German heritage of the immigrant Lutherans.

I asked my safe computer expert for an analysis of the Luther Days list of Twitter accounts Natalie Pratt was following. Many - but not all of the accounts - have been erased since I began revealing the list.

Not to worry - I have the images saved on my hard drive - samples just of the accounts' lead graphics, mind you. One glance inside the accounts - appalling.

Here is a sample - one Twitter account being followed was titled Couples. The account invited open-minded couples to book cruises where they could swap partners. The account endorsed - with a link - partner swapping as a marriage-building event.

Some of them are simply Twitter leads into the same porn account, since the names vary on the outside (with different graphics) and the actual Twitter address is the same. The Evangelical accounts were descriptive on the outside - "I am a Christian mother with two children and a deep love for my Savior." The porn accounts featured a woman's image (safe) and no description at all. That is what fooled me the first time I looked through some of the 2500 accounts. My safe computer expert clued me in a bit. Oh. Yuk.

Luther Days was officially following a large group of porn accounts, dozens of cure your porn addiction accounts, every ELCA entity account I could imagine, and the WELS Church and Changers.

Synod President Mark Schroeder - you have met with Natalie Pratt. This is one colossal joke right? This Luther Days conference reminds me of your tightening up synod expenses only to have Leon Piepenbrink, aka Leon Brink, aka Lightfingers Leon skim $300,000 from the coffers of WELS.

I would not call this conference "distinctly Lutheran" but "stinkily WELS."

Pastor Paul Lidke -
are you in on this joke?

Pastor Paul Lidtke, Bethlehem, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Oshkosh being last known address of the conference leader, Natalie Pratt - You have met often with Natalie Pratt. Have you considered how bizarre and disgusting this debacle is? You call your congregation Distinctively Lutheran. Would you call a conference organized by two women and full of Church and Changers - Distinctively Lutheran?

ELS Pastor Jay Webber - you had no problem collecting money from Floyd Luther Stolzenburg, another Church Growth guru, and naming a Ukraine church after his Masonic stronghold. Do you have any problems appearing with a founder of Church and Change, Jim Aderman?

Some more speakers -

Luther Days Festival - a Distinctly Lutheran event for all ages!
Speakers Include: Mr. James Aderman, Rev Michael Berg, Mr. Mark Bergemann, Rev Luke Boehringer, Rev Daniel Bondow, Rev John Braun, Dr John Brug, Mrs. Laura Bublitz, Dr Rebekah Carey, Rev Aaron Christie, Prof James Danell, Prof Mark DeGarmeaux, Mrs Rebecca DeGarmeaux, Rev Daniel Deutschlander, Mrs. Sallie Draper, Rev Nathan Ericson, Mrs Karen Fischer, Rev Robert Fleischmann, Rev Don Frelitz, Rev Joel Gaertner, Ms Rachel Greiner, Rev Brock Groth, Rev Nick Haasch, Rev Mike Hartman, Rev Robert Hein, Ms Angela Hohenstein, Rev Kevin Hudley, Mr Rick Kneser, Rev Dan Koelpin, Rev Rik Krahn, Mrs Melissa Kreuser, Rev Daniel Kroll, Mr Brian Arthur Lampe, Mrs Marinda Ledermann, Mrs Linda Liesener, Dr Gary Locklair, Prof Thomas Nass, Mr Carl Nolte, Rev Michael Otterstatter, Rev Adam Pilarski, Rev Tony Pittenger, Mrs Melissa Pittenger, Dr Joel Pless, Rev Paul Prange, Mrs Sarah Reik, Mrs Amanda Rose, Ms Pat Schlosser, Mrs Naomi Schmidt, Rev John Schuetze, Rev Michael Schultz, Rev Roger Schultz, Rev Curt Seefeldt, Rev Nathan Seiltz, Rev David Sellnow, Mr Martin Spriggs, Rev Richard Starr, Rev Paul Stratman, Mr Jeremy Thiesfeldt, Rev Benjamin Tomczak, Mrs Bethany Warnke, Rev David Jay Webber, Rev Paul Webber, Rev Kenneth Wenzel, Mr Patrick Winkler, P.E., Rev Brad Wordell, Rev Mark Zarling, & Rev. Paul Ziemer.

PS to those who want to silence or edit this blog -
You want to spin the message your way, to help out your buddies in Oshkosh and Waukesha. Why not do your job in ELS/WELS instead?

When Aderman was done kissing frogs,
his parish was shrunk 50% and his school was closed.
The parish fired him, but he maneuvered back in.
He is a founder of Church and Change,
a former board member, too.

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