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As They Often Say - Words Cannot Express How I Feel at This Moment...The Dancing Word

Our Attorney Friend Has Me Looking Up Old Posts - Elton Stroh, Kristen Koepsell, Randy Hunter, Buchholz. Results of a Google Search


Built of Straw (Stroh)

Church Growth is a foundation built of Elton Stroh.
SCH 1 Corinthians 3:12 Wenn aber jemand auf diesen Grund Gold, Silber, kostbare Steine, Holz, Heu, Stroh baut,
13 so wird eines jeden Werk offenbar werden; der Tag wird es klar machen,
weil es durchs Feuer offenbar wird.
Und welcher Art eines jeden Werk ist, wird das Feuer erproben.
14 Wird jemandes Werk, das er darauf gebaut hat,
bleiben, so wird er Lohn empfangen;

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Elderly Pastor Accepts Call to Wisconsin Lutheran ...":

December 2009 Forward IN Christ:

"The Conference of Presidents eliminated the positions of Pastor Paul Kelm, Parish Assistant consultant, and Pastor Elton Stroh, Parish Assistance administrator, because the Parish Assistance program has been discontinued."

Yes, this is old news, especially to the people on this blog. However, for folks who do not follow these things, they would have no idea that eliminated and discontinued actually means, "We KICKED them to the CURB!"

"A newly appointed committee will bring recommendations to the Conference of Presidents in April 2010 outlining the scope and function of a replacement to Parish Assitance, which may include its own commission with its own director."

I have a suggestion, if that WLC gig doesn't work out for Kelm, he can be the new director. Something tells me Kelm will NOT be on the top of that call list. SP Schroeder should make a recommendation.

In Christ,
from WELS church lady


GJ - I am told that Paul Calvin Kelm and Elton Stroh (German for straw) approached the WELS Kingdom Workers so they could raise Perish Services from the dead, or scrape it off the curb, to use the Church Lady's metaphor.

The COP nixed the idea.

When the Shrinkers ran the conventions, everything passed by the assembly had to be obeyed as canon law, no matter how anti-Biblical it was. They even had to merge the colleges, even though the voting results were flipped. Now that WELS is voting more sensibly, the convention must be ignored and disobeyed, because Kelm, Stroh, and WLC answer to a Higher Power - their Father Below.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Built of Straw (Stroh)":

Oh, so it is okay for you to make fun of the names of other people, but no one is to make fun of yours?


GJ - I was not making fun of Stroh's name, only making a point about Perish Services being built upon straw - false doctrine. The Biblical citation is clear. I left it in German so the Mequon graduates would not be able to read it.

The anonymous comment came in from Mankato, doubtless during computer lab at BLC.

Professor Weisacre: "Today's lesson is direct from the governing board. If you must make smart-aleck remarks on a blog, keep them anonymous. You do know the IP address can be traced back? You don't?"


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Built of Straw (Stroh)":

The men did not contact Kingdom Workers. Kingdom Workers contacted the synod first but most people externally and internally did not see a good fit nor the right leadership at KW to help.


GJ - Someone sent me the rumor. I was not sure it was true. Now that it is officially denied, we know it is true that Kelm and Stroh went to Kingdom Workers to reinflate their positions.

I also heard that Kingdom Workers dis-invited Jeske to their conference. That was their idea and it came from the laity.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Built of Straw (Stroh)":

Well, then by your logic you have proven the truth of Universal Objective Justification because you deny it.

"Now that it is officially denied, we know it is true..." -GJ


GJ - Now I know I am dealing with someone trained by WELS. I mean trained the way seals are trained to clap their flippers and bark for more fish. There is a wee bit of difference between denying a fact--typical for WELS Shrinkers--and rejecting false doctrine. Sound doctrine is revealed by the Holy Spirit through the Word, not deduced by logic.

The Shrinkers denied they hired Stetzer for the Church and Change conference. The Conference of Pussycats had already discussed it. I traced the invitation to Stetzer's own blog, twitter, and official schedule, all naming WELS Church and Change. The Shrinkers still denied it, calling their Babtist friend Stetzer a liar. Eventually the COP got them to dis-invite Stetzer.

Ditto the covert hiring of Paul Calvin Kelm as a Perish Assistant.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Another Strawy Epistle:
Perish Services Pleads for Business,
Third Time in Nine Months

From: Elton C. Stroh <ecstroh@frontier.com>
Date: Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 8:48 PM
Subject: Time for Crossroads?
To: Undisclosed Recipients <ecstroh@frontier.com>

Dear brother in Christ:

I am pleased to announce the launching of a new Crossroads Consulting Ministry web sitewww.timeforcrossroads.com .

After visiting the site, let me know if you have questions.  Perhaps this would be a good time to begin a conversation.


Pastor Elton C. Stroh
Executive Director  |  Crossroads Consulting Ministry

Crossroads Consulting Ministry is directed by Pastor Elton C. Stroh. Pastor Stroh served as a WELS parish pastor for 24 years during which, under God, he launched a new congregation, served as senior pastor in a turnaround congregation, and was privileged to serve in a number of district and synodical positions. Most recently he served as a church consultant and directed WELS Parish Assistance – a consulting ministry that became a blessing to about 500 congregations with the assistance of both full- and part-time lead consultants and well over 100 associate consultants. Pastor Stroh also conducted the Turnaround Churches in the WELS research project.

Crossroads Consulting Ministry offers both a comprehensive and streamlined ministry planning process, both of which are custom designed around the needs and desires of client congregations. Each planning process includes the following: (1) analysis of current reality, (2) development of short- and long-range ministry goals, and (3) strategic implementation. Special services are also provided as requested. Examples of these services include developing multi-site ministries, coaching/mentoring, leadership development, organizational realignment, organizing staff for maximum effectiveness, teambuilding, and assisting with conflict management.      

Staff Profiles
Randy Hunter - Pastor
Kristen Koepsell - Minister of Worship
David Hochmuth - Minister of Spiritual Growth
Elton Stroh - Pastor/Crossroads Consulting

Randy Hunter - Pastor

Family: Married to Karen (Janke) for 24 years. Three children, Philip, Paige and Jack.
Education: B.A. from Northwestern College ('81), M.Div. from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary ('85)
Hobbies: Sailing, raquetball, walking with Karen, reading, writing
Quote: What do churches and snowflakes have in common? It's not the color. It's not always the beauty. It's that both are one-of-a-kind.
If you've visited a few churches you know all about it. The music, style, people, architecture, strengths and weaknesses are different from one to the next. God made it that way...He loves variety. At St. Andrew we're glad for that. It helps keeps "church" from becoming what it should never be: boring.
One thing, though, that never changes: God. He is. He just is. In His Word we find the unchanging solid things for life. It's a place to stand, a place of retreat and a place from which to launch. That, too, keeps church alive.
We invite you to discover both with us: God's changing church and God's changeless truths. We're curious also about your response. See, we've discovered people are like snowflakes, too!
Contact Pastor Hunter

Kristen Koepsell - Minister of Worship

Kristen Koepsell
As Staff Minister of Worship, Kristen is responsible for planning and implementing all worship opportunities at St. Andrew. She also oversees the large corps of worship volunteers who serve in many and varied capacities each week. Music is the largest part of the worship ministry at St. Andrew, but the worship ministry also includes lay readers, dramatic and visual arts, hospitality ministries and audio/visual tech support. Kristen works with Pastor Hunter to study biblical worship principles and practices, evaluate current worship practices at St. Andrew, and define future directions for St. Andrew's worship ministry.
Kristen has been involved in worship ministry since she began singing in church with her Sunday school class at four years old, and greatly enjoys carrying on that part of her family's legacy. She graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran College in 2003 with a B.A. in Psychology and minors in Communication and Theology, and is currently pursuing Staff Ministry certification from Martin Luther College. When she's not writing services or running rehearsals, Kristen spends her time reading (her favorites being science fiction, classic literature and contemporary non-fiction), playing piano, writing music, running, and staying connected with friends and family.
Contact Kristen Koepsell (now working for DP Love Letter Steinbrenner)


June 2, 2011 7:24 AM
Blogger bored said...

What does snow and the Church Growth Movement have in common? Both are made up of flakes.

Did anyone else get the fullness of what Hunter is saying here? According to him, God made churches with their strengths AND weaknesses because God doesn't like to be bored. And here I would've thought sinful man was responsible for the weaknesses in churches. hm...

Randy, I'm remarkably bored by you because you seek to make God from an image of yourself--and call me crazy, but if we're going to remake God according to the strictures of contemporary populism I just don't think you are quite qualified.

By the by: The Latte Lutheran churches aren't just filled with young hipsters who only have themselves to blame if they lose their faith while sipping the double-whip false doctrine of Enthusiasm. I happen to know that in Hunter's congregation there are several cognitively vulnerable children--whose eternal souls are in the hands of Pastor Randy and their idiot parents.

Let us pray for these.

June 2, 2011 7:37 PM

Elton Stroh – Pastor/Crossroads Consulting

As Executive Director of Crossroads Consulting Ministry, Elton invests much of his time assisting WELS congregations with ministry planning and responding to other requests. Trained and experienced lead consultants (including Pastor Hunter), as well as associate consultants assist with this ministry on a part-time basis. Prior to launching Crossroads, Elton served as a parish pastor and directed WELS Parish Assistance – a consulting ministry that became a blessing to about 500 congregations. He also conducted the Turnaround Churches in the WELS research project.

Elton received a B.A. degree from Northwestern College ('74), a M.Div. degree from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary ('78), and is currently enrolled in a D.Min. program (leadership and ministry management). He is married to Gail, a horticulturist employed at The Bruce Company. Both were raised on farms and enjoy the outdoors. Elton and Gail have two married children, a fantastic daughter- and son-in-law, and eight grandchildren. One family resides in Pewaukee and the other in Wauwatosa, which makes family gatherings fairly convenient.
Contact Pastor Stroh
Visit Crossroads Consulting’s web site


GJ - Elton, babee. I am trying to be hip. I know - it does not work well. The same is true for Lutherans who try to be Babtist.

Here is my problem. You identified two schools you attended as WELS. Next you mentioned a DMin program, Elton. But where is it? Most people name the school instead of hiding it. Fess up.


AC V said...

"Perhaps this would be a good time to begin a conversation."

Undisclosed Recipients: "Why did we get this spam?"

Objective Observers: "Hubris and need for an income."

Undisclosed Recipients: "We wish Crossroads would go away."

Objective Observers: "Perhaps this conversation should take place on the floor of the synod convention this summer."

From: Elton Stroh 
Date: Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 12:58 PM
Subject: [church_and_change] Comeback Churches - Media Clips
To: Church & Change Listserve 

Brothers and Sisters in Mission:

I encourage you to view and perhaps pass on to others the following media clips (if you agree they have value). The six headings are:

1. Introductions, The State of the Church in the U.S, Re-Focusing on the Lost (9:26)

2. The Bridge to What God Desires, The Keys to Change (6:06)

3. The First 100 Days of Change (7:15)

4. The Role of Leadership/Teamwork (8:44)

5. Mistakes to Avoid (7:33)

6. A Word to Denominational Leaders - Making it About the Mission, Not the Machine (10:58)


Dr. Ed Stetzer (currently President of Lifeway Research and author of “Comeback churches” and many others) is being interviewed by a couple of denominational leaders in the Illinois District of the Assemblies of God. Of course, we would have much more to say about the gospel, means of grace, faithfulness to the Word, etc. if we were participating in the interview. But still, these media clips have some excellent content, the likes of which we need to be talking about in WELS.



Pastor Elton C. Stroh, Director

WELS Parish Assistance

251 Luther Drive, Sun Prairie, WI 53590

Email: Elton.Stroh@wels.net

Phone: 608-837-3819

Website: www.wels.net/pa 


Date: Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 1:34 PM
Subject: Re: [church_and_change] Comeback Churches - Media Clips
To: church_and_change@yahoogroups.com


Thanks. This kind of stuff is invaluable, even when it comes from heterodox sources.

Kenn Kremer - Editor, WELS Parents Crosslink.


Kelm would not budge with the Leonard Sweet Church and Change conference. Could he also be backing this Stetzer promo?


GJ - This is what I mean, readers, about WELS Conventional Wisdom. Plenty of exposure got Stetzer dis-invited from the November 2009 Church and Change Conference. However, shortly after that, the secretive sect is promoting Stetzer as invaluable and excellent. Who is promoting this? Team Kelm - two synod staff members, Stroh and his Amen Corner - Kremer.


A Right Strawy Epistle from Stroh

The Parish Assistance consulting ministry was authorized by the synod in convention in 1991, at which time an increasing number of congre­gations were seeking personalized onsite assistance with a variety of issues. Today our churches—mostly struggling ones, but some stable and even growing—continue to request the services of Parish Assistance, which focuses on “Assisting God’s people with pursuing his mission.”

We believe that, under God, as we help churches become healthier, we will also help our synod become a healthier church body. This, in turn, will position our synod to expand and support our ministry efforts at home and abroad, to train and send out more workers, and to increase our poten­tial to be a greater blessing to God’s kingdom.

Our core four-phase consulting service involves helping congregations accurately analyze current reality, create a compelling vision for future min­istry, prioritize and reorganize for action, and then pursue their preferred future with trust in the Lord to bless their efforts. Leaders are especially appreciative as we help them see with clarity

what must never change (God’s message and mission),

what may change (methodology), and

what must change (anything that gets in the way of proclaiming the gospel message and pursuing Christ’s make-disciples mission). 
Staffing challenges

For the past several years, but especially more recently, vacancies within Parish Assistance have presented challenges. Both full- and part-time lead consultants, in love for their Lord and for the con­gregations of our synod, overextended themselves to serve additional churches. Still, service to some congregations needed to be delayed, and now congregations are being told, "We want to serve you, but we don’t know when we will be able to because of our staffing shortage." This unfortunate situation has caused some leaders, who intended to request our services, to back away or to look for help elsewhere.

A pastor serving one of our client congregations recently sent this note: "I wanted to sincerely thank you for the long hours and dedicated, cheerful service you gave the Lord and his people here . . . I am certain the Lord will work many blessings from it! I will continue to hold you in my prayers that God will . . . enable you to continue to bring more blessings to more congregations! Thanks for the fruitful and enjoyable weekend." Bringing more blessings to more congregations is also our prayer, and we are planning for this to happen.

At this time Parish Assistance has two full-time consultants in place and two full-time vacancies. One of the two vacant positions was defunded a few years ago. The other posi­tion has funding, and we are continuing to call with confidence that the Lord will lead us to the person he has chosen. Meanwhile, plans are in place to increase our number of part-time lead consultants and to begin their formal training during the 2008 Summer Quarter at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. Our active part-time lead consultants will also participate in this week-long training event.

Additional consulting services

In addition to Parish Assistance’s core four-phase service, special consulting services have been provided over the years. Some examples of these services include team building, conflict transfor­mation, staffing level evaluation, lead­ership development, mentoring, coaching, merging ministries, and change management. It is now our intention to increase the availabil­ity of these and other services. To accomplish this, we are seeking the assistance of Dr. Ronald Heins (the former Parish Assistance director) and our part-time lead consultants—who by their previous ministry experiences and training are qualified to provide specialized assistance.

Forward with Lutheran Schools

Forward with Lutheran Schools is a major min­istry within Parish Assistance and is designed to assist congregations with starting new and strengthening existing daycares, preschools, Lutheran elementary schools, and high schools. Our Forward with Lutheran Schools consultant, who began his full-time service in July 2007, is Teacher Greg Schmill. He continues to serve congregations as they work through the pro­cess of analyzing the opportunities and chal­lenges of opening new preschools and Lutheran elementary schools. In addition, he is now piloting Second Wind, a streamlined school-strengthening process. As with our entire Parish Assistance consulting ministry, Forward with Lutheran Schools empha­sizes the use of programs within the church for outreach as well as nurture.

Parish Assistance had an opportunity in April to share information about its philosophy of ministry—why we do what we do the way we do it—with our Conference of Presidents. We appreciated their interest in and support of what Parish Assistance is striving to accomplish.

Turnaround churches

A future major project being undertaken by Parish Assistance, with funding from a Thrivent grant, will be a study of turnaround churches in WELS. Turnaround churches are defined as congregations between the years 1980 and 2007 that have declined at least 20 percent in worship attendance and then, by God’s grace and bless­ing, rebounded and rose above the original status (before the decline started) by at least 20 percent. In other words, turnaround churches experienced at least a 40 percent increase in worship atten­dance from the lowest point of decline.

An example of an imaginary turnaround congregation is provided in this graph.

The goal of this project is first to identify and categorize turnaround congregations—by setting, size, and age—and then study some of them in depth and discover what factor the Lord com­monly blessed among them. It is hoped that these findings will help inform and better enable our WELS consulting min­istry to assist additional congregations with pursuing turnaround. 

Potentially, the discovered factors could be pre­sented at our ministerial training college and seminary and at regional seminars and district conferences. At the same time, we anticipate that the findings will be helpful not only to congre­gations that need and desire turnaround, but also to more stable congregations that desire improved health for the sake of having greater spiritual impact among their members and in their communities.

Continuing to declare his praises

As we thank our Lord for his benevolent blessings on Parish Assistance, we also entrust our chal­lenges to him. Confident that he is in control, we will continue to work tirelessly for the benefit of his kingdom and, with all our brothers and sisters in WELS, declare his praises!

For additional information, contact Rev. Elton Stroh, 608-837-3819 or elton.stroh@sab.wels.net.

Rev. Elton Stroh, reporter


GJ - Wisconsin Lutheran College (nickname - Our Valpo) spawned Charis, and Charis begat Church and Change.

And lo, darkness spread across the land.

Church and Change members joined hooves to create stealth Church Growth missions across WELS. 

Church and Change members divert synodical offering money for their own salaries and their wild hair projects.

And there was weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth.

Church and Change members study and worship with false teachers, then conspire to have Lutherans listen to their favorite theologians:

  • Archbishop Weakland, Roman Catholic
  • Martin Marty, ELCA
  • Leonard Sweet, Methodist New Ager
  • Kent Hunter, Nominal LCMS
  • Waldo Werning, Nominal LCMS
  • Ed Stetzer, Babtist
  • Andy Stanley, Babtist


    Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Charis->Church and Change->Parish Services WELS":


    Could you please not publish this, yet answer a question? I haven't seen your explanation of "babtist"? Is there an inside joke I'm missing? Why the second "b" and not a "p"?

    Sorry...I'm a EE, not a M.Div. or PHD.

    Thank you in advance sir.


    GJ - I did answer this before, but I don't expect people to read every single post and memorize them as well. Lately I have been using the search function to find stuff I wrote.

    I was at the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College when the director made a distinction between Baptists and Ba-a-a-abtists. I laughed. The Baptists and the Ba-a-abtists did not.

    Southern Baptists often say they are Ba-a-a-abtists. Northern Baptists are more liberal and do not affect the Southern accent.

    I have been everywhere and heard the major Protestant and Catholic speakers, many of them now passed away. That, combined with doctoral studies in comparative dogmatics has given me a good perspective on what is happening. Unlike the Church and Changers, I can spell comparative.

    The WELS Church and Changers think my doctoral work gives them permission to study at Fuller Seminary and Willow Creek. But I disagree.

    I was in the LCA until 1987. WELS said, "Oh, unionism is so bad. People should not even study at those bad institutions." John Seifert (now DP) made a point of wrinkling his nose in disgust whenever Missouri was mentioned. Even now it is impossible to have a conversation with a WELS pastor without the typical We-are-so-superior-to-Missouri tale being shopped.

    WELS talked a big story against unionism, but the clergy have been more unionistic than ELCA and completely dishonest about it. The Wisconsin Synod is listed at Trinity Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois, as one of its corporate sponsors - in two different areas, including Parish Assistance. Connections? A Church and Changer runs PS which hires Parish Assistants like Paul Kelm.

    Going back, it is easy to track where this came from. Ron Roth was the first openly Church Growther in WELS. Kelm, Valleskey, Bivens, Hartman, and Olson followed. The second wave of Growthers came with Wisconsin Lutheran College creating Charis, which created Church and Change, which sponsored even more of the above.

    In the power structure it was Wayne Mueller at the center, with Parish Services (Bruce Becker) overlapping Church and Change. Love Shack employees are Church and Changers promoting Love Shack programs and eating up synodical offerings to pay for them.

    So everyone should be laughing at how the Church and Change leaders (like VP Don Patterson and his circle) run off to see Babtist Ed Stetzer. Meanwhile, other key Church and Change leaders (Parlow and Ski) fawn and worship at Andy Stanley's Babtist church.
  • ---
  • Have Your Brain Washed by Elton Stroh, Full of Straw and Strawmen.
    Lead Pastor in Latte Church Failure.
    Bad Metrics or Bad Coffee?

    Elton's Money Machine

    Elton Looking for Work

    Lookee Who Shows Up To Lead a Kelm Conference

    This Is Obviously Made Up - But Still Shockingly Funny

    Elton Stroh at Word - Or, Picking Up a Paycheck for Metrics

    Elton Stroh

    Pastor Elton Stroh

    Presentation Description
    Sessions 2A and 3B
    Building a Strategic Ministry Plan
    For ministry planning to be most productive it must be comprehensive (so it is well-informed and grounded in reality), engaging (so it has widespread ownership and participation),compelling (so it generates energy and enthusiasm), and cyclical (so both short- and long-term ministry goals are apt within an ever-changing context).  Strategic planners will want to:
    • Lay a firm foundation for planning
    • Accurately analyze ministry context
    • Form and cast a captivating vision
    • Gain measurable traction with implementation   
    Do Metrics Belong in the Church?
    This question is likely to raise some eyebrows and create some tensions.  Some ministry leaders could not imagine functioning within a church without discernible metrics.  Metrics and related words (e.g. measurablesscorecards, and outcomes) are mentioned routinely in their weekly staff or monthly elected leaders’ meetings.  Other ministry leaders balk at the use of such terms in the church.
    • What is at the root of these tensions?
    • Why does having meaningful metrics matter?
    • Which metrics belong in your congregation?

    Monday, February 22, 2010

    Stroh and Kelm - It Is All about the Money - Always Was

    A foundation built of straw - Elton Stroh.

    The following paragraph is from a WELS Kingdom Worker letter dated "February 2010" which was received today.

    "Another historic development in 2010 will be the consideration of a new WKW program, The Center for Parish Renewal. If adopted, a call will be extended to Rev. Elton Stroh [Fuller alum, Church Growth] to serve as an administrator. WKW will be working with the WELS Conference of Presidents' Parish Assistance committee chaired by First Vice President Jim Huebner [Fuller alum, Church Growth] to assure complementary non-duplicating resources are available to congregations. Designated gifts to support this new program may be sent to WKW apart from mission project gifts."

    WKW is going to grow by one staff member. Interesting when one considers the same letter also included the following:

    "Due to the current economy and financial losses suffered by the Schwan Foundation, matching funds for national [WKW] projects will not be available in 2010. The generosity of the Foundation still provides for the operation of WKW. In 2009 WKW full-time staff salaries were reduced by 20%. Salaries are restored in 2010."


    GJ - The WELS convention eviscerated Perish Services. Stroh and Kelm [Fuller alum, Church Growth] became unemployed at the end of December. Doubtless they got a few months of severance pay. They already have their new jobs lined up.

    Remember when someone heatedly denied that Kelm and Stroh hit up Kingdom Workers for money?

    What do the three men named here have in common? - Fuller alumni, Church Growth.

    I am sure the ELS/WELS boards of doctrine will jump on this like hobos on a hot-dog.

    No, not to thwart it - to support it.

    PS - I heard that WELS started to grow for a few weeks, while Kelm and Stroh were unemployed.

    Monday, December 5, 2011

    Elton Stroh At a Crossroads.

    Elton Stroh was invited to mislead the kiddies at Martin Luther College, WELS.
    DP Buchholz did not believe me when I told him how the synodical schools
    invited the Church and Changers, lauding them as heroes.
    Note the online student listening in on the computer screen.

    AC V has left a new comment on your post "Divinely Called by Whom":

    I'm sure they're lining up:

    Dear brother in Christ:

    I’m anxious to announce that, beginning in 2012, Crossroads Consulting will offer another ministry planning option and begin using an all-inclusive planning tool which (sic) I recently designed.

    Ministry Planning Options: Congregations now have the opportunity to consider which ministry planning approach (i.e. Comprehensive, Modified, or Basic) would be most helpful.

    New Planning Tool: This unique instrument will be utilized with all three ministry planning approaches and will help congregations accomplish both long- and short-range planning at the same time, and a lot more.

    I welcome you to browse the Crossroads web site where you’ll have access to recently posted materials.

    As the New Year begins, you and your leaders may be discussing your congregation’s gospel ministry challenges and opportunities. If you would like to add a consultant’s perspective to your discussions, please let me know.

    Assisting God’s people with pursuing his (GJ - whose? - Elton's or God's?) mission,


    Pastor Elton C. Stroh

    Executive Director | Crossroads Consulting Ministry

    608-837-3819 | elton.stroh@timeforcrossroads.com | timeforcrossroads.com
  • Lutherdom's Major Crime List

    Not a joke - DP Ed Werner went to state prison,
    but somehow WELS did not consider that news
    for the membership and pastors.

    The first Lutheran Crime Watch list got too long, so this second one will help fill in the gaps.

    Murders by Church Workers

    Al Just
    Arizona WELS High School teacher Al Just was convicted of murdering his wife with a steak knife in their conjugal bed. The president of Martin Luther College (WELS) was a character witness for Al Just. A busload of loyal WELSbots arrived to support Al at his trial in Phoenix. He confessed his crime to a relative, but his pals overlook that fact.

    Al married his children's baby-sitter, suggesting a motive. Later his second wife divorced Al when he scared her half to death.  Al served a few years in prison and was later seen with a WELS youth group. Many WELS clergy continue to claim Al was totally innocent, and besides, he served his time.

    Pastor William Tabor
    Tabor was serving Salem in Milwaukee when his mistress shot his wife - in the parsonage. In spite of these damning facts, Tabor never served a day in prison. The Milwaukee Police Chief was very sorry, upon retiring, that Tabor got away. According to WELS apologists, Tabor already had a call to Escanaba when his wife was murdered. He went to Escanaba anyway and served there for a period of time - as pastor. Tabor was already known for messing around in Cape Girardeau, where he was the pastor of Scriptural Lutheran Church (LCR, but now ELS) and then at a WELS congregation he started when things got hot for him at Scriptural. WELS received plenty of mail from Scriptural about not taking Tabor into the ministerium, but they did not care. Update - he now living in Texas.

    Carl Mischke's long-time friend and NW Lutheran editor said, "The police came and asked for Tabor's file. And it was empty!" I wonder who destroyed the evidence in a murder investigation - obstruction of justice is a felony, even among "guilt-free saints."

    Grand Theft - Church Property and Endowment - St. John Milwaukee

    One has to hand it to Mark Jeske, Mark Schroeder, and Kevin Hastings (ex-WELS). The first two let a series of illegal moves take the property away, lock out the pastor, and steal the endowment fund. Hastings gets credit for doing absolutely nothing, though warned early and urged to get legal help.

    Now the two members who did this with the help of Mark Jeske's pals are petitioning to join WELS.
    Has Scott Barefoot been alerted? Richard Starr? Sam Birner?

    Going back a few years, the WELS DP Rutschow tossed Pastor Kevin Hastings out of the WELS ministerium and then removed the congregation as well. How ironic that an ex-WELS pastor showed up to take over, someone I believe is now ELCA. The guy even stole my Photoshops of St. John - does the thievery ever stop?

    How About a Gang Rape by a WELS Pastor and His Friends?

    WELS Pastor Dave Wendt threatened
    a young woman with gang rape.
    A Lutheran pastor in Wisconsin reportedly resigned Tuesday after an email threatening to gang-rape an anti-police blogger was linked to his personal account.
    The Rev. David Wendt of First Evangelical Lutheran Church in La Crosse submitted his resignation to the church council, a day after blogger Claire Van Fossen posted the email on social media, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.
    Lee Hitter, a spokesman for the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, said Mr. Wendt told synod President Mark Schroeder that he didn’t send the threatening email but admitted the email address the message was sent from did belong to him, the Journal Sentinel reported.
    Mr. Hitter said the reverend asked the Onalaska Police Department’s cyber crimes unit to investigate, the newspaper said.
    Ms. Van Fossen, a liberal Milwaukee blogger, said she received a wave of threatening emails following a blog post on JSOnline that claimed police departments do “more harm than good.”
    Wendt is gone from the main websty but still in the posted newsletters.

    Annual income at First Lutheran? One million dollars.

    One particular email, sent to Ms. Van Fossen from a Dave Wendt on March 27, called her “the dumbest [expletive] liberal [expletive] I’ve heard yet,” the Journal Sentinel reported.
    “Get off the drugs, [expletive], and go check yourself into rehab,” the email continues. “Or better yet, you’re pretty hot. So how about if I come over and rape you with a few of my friends. WHEW! At least I won’t have to worry about you calling the police.”
    Ms. Van Fossen traced the Internet Protocol address to La Crosse and posted the email on Facebook, the Journal Sentinel reported.

    Police Chief Jeff Trotnic said Mr. Wendt called the department Monday and was invited to bring in his computer for analysis.
    Herman Otten Spiked This Story 

    Scott Zerbe was a vicar for WELS Pastor Fred Adrian when Scott had an affair with a minor girl. The girl sued WELS and the congregation, winning a $400,000 settlement. Adrian sent a letter around, saying. "No worries. The insurance will pay for it." But WELS lied during the trial and the girl's lawyer proved it, with help from me. WELS also appealed the verdict - not exactly contrite, eh?

    Stealing $300,000 from the Synod - But What about the Missing $8 Million?

    Piepenbrink made $300,000 disappear.
    Who made $8 million go away?
    One WELS District President was arrested for driving drunk. When WELS pastor was in a drunken wreck, WELS covered for him and sent him on a foreign mission.

    One Mequon professor was arrested for a very dangerous DUI but a good lawyer made the evidence go away and the charges with it. So he no longer directs the choir with conviction. Get it?

    Ski, famous for posing with a porn model and teaching sex education to the kiddies at the WELS high school, left some appearance bond behind in Milwaukee. Did he have to appear in court for a DUI? There is precious little evidence that he was ever sober, so maybe...

    The only program more ironic would be
    Glende and Ski talking about drying out
    and enjoying sobriety. Nevah!

    Many Copies of The Faith of Jesus: Against the Faithless Lutherans Are on the Way. Thank You - Ask For Yours


    First of all, everyone who helped in funding and writing The Faith of Jesus: Against the Faithless Lutherans is getting a free copy or multiple copies of the black and white version.

    You can also order The Faith of Jesus on Amazon, since Create Space is a division of Amazon.

    Secondly, if you want a copy or copies for your congregation, simple send an email to


    People donated money so I can send them free at the author's rate.

    The book drew blood - as shown on this Amazon online review -

    Most Helpful Customer Reviews

    Format: Paperback
    Webber's presentation was a masterful review of Lutheran doctrine in this matter.

    Dr. Jackson's writing commits the worst sin in biblical theology: it is boring. Also, the stuff one would expect of an heretic.

    By the way, heresy is also really, really boring.

    This is a boring book. Sticking crayons up one's nose is far more intelligent and edifying... and that is not an endorsement of that activity.
    Poot Dreeble

    Getting Rose Fever as Spring Approaches. Three Authors Featured Are My Facebook Friends

    Veteran's Honor, above, and Mr. Lincoln
    are two great, fragrant roses.

    One reader asked about growing roses and what kind of food was good for them.

    In general, roses love eastern sunlight, especially if the afternoons get too roasty in your part of the country. Roses on the south side will get the most sun and heat, which can be too much. But that depends on the setting, trees, and so forth.

    Roses are very tolerant of cold, so bare root roses ordered on the Net will arrive in cold weather and thrive. They love rain and flourish in the cold, rain-soaked early spring that many flowers abhor. My roses stayed green into January, when many other plants were bare of leaves and taking a long nap.

    Shrub roses grow very well - KnockOuts.

    They were converted to organic gardening.
    This book is essential for understanding the soil.

    Food for Roses
    The chemicals they sell as fertilizer for roses - or any other plant - are detrimental to soil microbes and larger creatures. Therefore, they are bad for roses and all other plants.

    The goal is to have soil undisturbed and mulched with:

    • A newspaper layer and wood mulch. Jackson Mulch.
    • A cardboard layer and wood or leaves. Jackson Super Mulch.
    • A compost layer - for those who love to haul heavy loads all over the yard.
    Last year I bought shredded cyprus mulch at Lowe's, to place on top of a thick layer of newspapers. Our torrential rains dissolved the newspaper and weeds burst through. Normally they do not. Weeds can be covered with more mulch, which we did, and that turns them into wonderful compost on the spot. The same thing happens when covering lawn with Jackson Mulch.

    Do not rototill the lawn to put in roses, unless there is other way. They are the biggest hoax since the flu shot.

    My other poorly kept secret is red wiggler earthworms. They are the ideal compost or mulch worm. They cannot turn sand into fertile soil, but they will mix organics ideally - in the root zone, the top 12 inches. Other earthworms help too.

    I buy earthworms from Uncle Jim, who also offers a degree in earthworm farming.

    My landscaper neighbor told me to cut back my shrub roses - the KnockOuts. I told him, in early spring, "I already cut them back 50%." They were back to chest height. 

    I listened to his advice until he began asking for mine - summarized as no poisons, no herbicides, no pesticides, no insecticides. But earthworms and Jackson Mulch.

    The flower fly, or hover fly, is your best friend.

    How Plants Are Fed
    The key rose feeders are the fungi, bacteria, and protozoa that achieve a balance in the soil. The rose root hairs offer carbon to fungi in exchange for the chemicals and water needed by the rose. The root hairs determine the swap. Fungi cannot produce carbon and must have carbon to grow.

    That is why we leave the soil as undisturbed as possible. God will fix whatever you wreck with your 20 horsepower rototiller and Agent Orange fertilizer, but if you keep that up you will have weeds and pests and a big bill at Lowe's to pay.

    Jessica was trained in insecticides,
    but learned to use beneficial insects and their hosting plants.
    Her book is excellent on this topic.

    Beneficial Insects, Spiders, and Toads
    When I walk Sassy, I look for rotten wood that has fallen from old trees. I try to look normal and casual as I walk home with lumps in my hand. Neighbors pretend not to notice.

    The wood will shelter and help feed toads, who eat slugs and other pests, raising baby toads who stay around for the water (shallow pans) and the feasts. I create watering pans just for the toads. They were finding water anyway, but I want this to be a toad spa for the Jackson Rose Farm.

    Spiders love to nest in roses, because flowers attract aphids and other pests. Let the aphids have their meals on the first flowering. Here they love white and light colored roses. My favorite Peace and John Paul roses were eaten alive on the first bloom, but I did not spray. I did not even try to flick aphids away. No, they were food traps for beneficial insects that feed on aphids. Kill the aphids, kill the beneficial insects and all the spiders. That also drives away all beneficials, like the toad and rove beetles. 

    On the second bloom the roses will be almost 100% perfect. Some attacks may take place later, but that will be very much limited by the beneficial insects, spiders, and toads. I often pick the best white roses just above a very tough spider's web.

    Sharon Lovejoy is a delightful author
    with a lifetime of experience.

    WELS Martin Luther College Graduate Has Changed His Name, Legally

    God Is at Work through the County Fair - Says WELS. Highly Recommended by the WELS GLBTQ Forum. Hochmuth Arrest a Shock to Schroeder

    JP Meyer was right about one thing.
    Lenski said as much about the same passage.
    4,000 balloons given away! - Think of that.
    WELS put a smiley face on their sourpuss image - for a moment.

    Ever find yourself singing the WELS connection theme song to yourself? I know I do. Fortunately its on YouTube (though not the circa 1990 version that I long for).

    6 people like this.
    Sarah Nell People never believe me till I show them smile emoticon
    Colleen Werner I like changing it to "run from the WELS"
    Jeff Schmidt I like the ever so subtle tribal feel of this version. Just "exotic" enough without scaring away the fan base 
    Joe Kolbow It represents our sinful nature.

    Virtue Online Shows that WELS and LCMS Not Alone in Their Scandals and Corruption

    Ex-Cardinal Keith O'Brien

    VirtueOnline - News:

    The Scandal of the Cardinals. The Disgrace of Episcopal Bishops
    The Episcopal Church embraces what Rome calls "intrinsically disordered"

    News Analysis

    By David W. Virtue 
    February 25, 2013
    Leading Episcopal gay and lesbian clergy and laity are publicly gloating over revelations that more leading Roman Catholic leaders have been quietly practicing what they themselves openly practice and preach.

    In the name of transparency, integrity, openness, inclusion and diversity, the Episcopal Church has rolled over to the zeitgeist and embraced pansexuality, even as leading Catholic prelates have been exposed for their sexual behavior paralleling a number of Episcopal bishops. Four of them have publicly outed themselves including Gene Robinson, Mary Glasspool, Otis Charles and Tom Shaw, while other Episcopal bishops clandestinely practice sodomy but have chosen not to "come out" preferring to remain closeted with their sexual practices.

    Who is surprised to learn that there are gay priests in the Vatican, asked Jim Naughton in a headline at his liberal blog Episcopal Café? "It is common knowledge that punitive attitudes about sexuality and the pressure to keep one's identity hidden can lead to unhealthy behavior. People who hide their identities and engage in these behaviors are open to blackmail. So this news is less shocking than it is predictable. The church's repressive teaching and the subterfuge it engenders--from officials of all sexual orientations--is what is undermining the church."

    Or this:

    "Perhaps we need to add to the list of known knowns and unknown unknowns, the "known but not acknowledged." One of the principal facts of scandal is that there is a fact, a reality that is revealed publicly. So I would not automatically dismiss this as a possibility. After all, in addition to being Bishop of Rome, one might well observe that the pontiff is to some extent Prisoner of the Vatican... and many are the secrets held in pectore..."
    Not surprisingly Britain's leading homosexual rights advocate, Peter Tatchell called Cardinal Keith O'Brien, Britain's most senior Roman Catholic a hypocrite following revelations of accusations of inappropriate behavior with male priests. "He appears to have preached one thing in public while doing something different in private." Cardinal O'Brien has condemned homosexuality as "a grave sin". He has now apologized to those he had offended for "failures" during his ministry and announced in a statement that he will be standing down as leader of the Scottish Catholic Church. Resigning Monday from the College of Cardinals, he will not take part in electing a new pope, even though he is only 74, thus leaving Britain unrepresented. leaving Britain unrepresented. 

    An ignominious end not unlike that of Bernard Francis Cardinal Law of Boston who resigned as Archbishop of Boston in 2002, in response to the Roman Catholic Church sex abuse scandal after church documents were revealed suggesting he had covered up sexual abuse committed by priests in his archdiocese. Many believe he fled to Rome to escape prosecution in 2004. Pope John Paul II appointed Law as Archpriest of the Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome.
    Cardinal Roger Mahony, who retired as head of the L.A. Archdiocese last year, was stripped of his remaining diocesan duties last month over his handling of priest sex abuse cases. He has repeatedly apologized for past mistakes. No criminal charges have been filed against him and he is still expected to participate in the upcoming Conclave despite a growing ground swell clamoring for him to recuse himself from helping to elect the next pope.

    Ireland's Sean Brady, Belgium's Godfried Danneels, and Philadelphia's late Cardinal Justin Rigali have all been pilloried in the press over allegations they failed to protect children from pedophiles. Both Brady and Danneels are, by age, eligible to enter into the conclave. The Irish cardinal is 73 and Danneels will turn 80 in June. 

    Recent revelations in Italy have alleged the existence of a gay mafia within the Vatican, including senior Cardinals and other Vatican officials, and their alleged participation in gay bars, clubs, saunas, chat rooms and escort services.

    Several press reports now suggest that Pope Benedict's stepping down might be over the tension of his knowing about the widespread, deeply entrenched "gay mafia" in the Vatican that only a new pope can root out.

    Catholic theologian Larry Chapp noted in Benedict's statement that the reason why the Church needs someone with more physical strength at the helm is because the faith of the Church is facing what he calls a "grave crisis." I think he is saying there is something uniquely dangerous in the current situation of the Church and that unique thing is the de facto apostasy of so many within the Church, up to, and perhaps especially including, many members of the clergy and religious.
    In his book "Light of the World" Benedict says, "The greatest persecution of the Church comes not from her enemies without, but arises from sin within the Church." The retiring pontiff seems to have found this out through sad experience.

    That homosexuality has become the lightning rod issue of our times for nearly all the major Christian denominations is a horrific story which is still unfolding and to which we may now only be seeing the tip of the iceberg.

    Charges of hypocrisy notwithstanding, the Roman Catholic Church has stood by its claim that while its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained, based on Sacred Scripture which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered." They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.
    Even if Tatchell's claim that around 40% of Catholic priests in Britain are gay and nearly half of all Cardinals worldwide are thought to be gay, (an unprovable assertion) this will not change the church's teaching nor does it negate Scripture's clear prohibition against any sort of sexual behavior outside marriage between a man and a woman.

    The Roman Catholic Church will hold firm to Scripture, history and tradition to maintain its position regardless of how many priests, bishops and cardinals are living double lives and broken the moral law. 

    The Episcopal Church on the other hand, has embraced the entire panoply of sexualities - LGBTQI - with devastating consequences to its future. The Roman Catholic Church can still claim a billion souls, even as the West broadly continues its decline away from organized (or even disorganized) religion.
    Sociologist and culture analyst Dr. Os Guinness is on record as stating that inclusivity is indifference to truth which he calls "profoundly dangerous". In a conversation with a Roman Catholic cardinal, he noted that while the Borgia popes, one of whom fathered children with his own daughter, never denied a single issue of the creed, Episcopal leaders in The Episcopal Church deny much of the creed and remain in post.

    Guinness argues that the Church has always made distinctions because truth matters. "Inclusivity is indifference to truth. There is respectful tolerance (based on freedom of conscience) and sloppy tolerance, which is muddle headed, ethically folly and a slipway to real evil."

    Hypocrisy over sexuality issues, including gay marriage, may well drive many out of the Roman Catholic Church, but still and all, that branch of Christendom survives and in some geographical instances still thrives. The rise of Catholicism and, of course, Anglicanism in Africa gives the lie that the Hawkins and Dawkins of this world are winning the God no-God debate. Post modernism is running its course to nowhere.
    Interestingly enough, even as the Roman Catholic Church searches about for a new leader, one possible candidate is Ghana Cardinal Peter Turkson, tipped to become first black pope in modern times. He publicly blames gay priests for abuse scandals facing the Catholic Church and said sex scandals would not happen in African churches. He has faced a predictable backlash after blaming gay priests for the clerical abuse crisis. He said that similar sex scandals would never convulse churches in Africa because the culture was inimical to homosexuality.

    The Roman Catholic Church will survive, even though Evangelical Anglicans, who number in the tens of millions, will never bow the knee to Rome and liberal Protestant Christianity will continue its gadarene slide to oblivion.


    'via Blog this'

    Generosity Spreads the Word of God


    Copies of The Faith of Jesus: Against the Faithless Lutherans are moving across the nation now. I had no trouble ordering multiple copies for many people because of gifts given to do that very thing. Free books have been sent to ELDONA, the only group teaching justification by faith; Pastor Herman Otten, in case he wants to review the book; various LCMS pastors and laity; WELS members and clergy; plus a few others in the stealth mode.

    The current orders will arrive February 10th, some a little earlier, perhaps by February 5th.

    If you have been overlooked, send me a message with your address - bethanylutheranworship@gmail.com

    Brett Meyer attended one Emmaus Conference and gave away books and materials - until he was asked not to speak to people about justification by faith. We took the Free Conference title seriously.

    Nevertheless, the effort and expense bore fruit, which is probably why the UOJ leaders were so alarmed.

    Other people are involved in these publishing efforts, and they receive payment for their work. That means research, editing, and more editing. "There are no good writers, only good editors." - An old motto of newspaper editors.

    One goal is to have others practiced in the art and science of self-publishing. People I have little chance of meeting in this life have been essential in various projects. I plan to do more as long as I am able.

    Thy Strong Word was going to be my last book, because it was a lengthy, expensive, and frustrating project that was universally shunned and blocked by the UOJ Stormtroopers. But it did get around and I published a hardcover English-only version. One person wrote this today -

    "I am ordering the hardcover Thy Strong Word today. The book is too good to read on a PDF."

    Finally - Autumn Leaves for the Wild Garden

    I admit to calling this one Stinkin' Lincoln,
    but only in admiration for its powerful fragrance.
    Nothing makes a gardener feel better than
    a rose growing like Jack's beanstalk.

    Our strange autumn meant leaves were on the trees late, and few people gathered them in their green bags to leave on the curb. Our nursery owner nearby probably felt the same way I did. He admitted to using his truck to gather them all the previous winter, the opposite of the milk route his father ran. That little dairy farm is adjacent to our cul-de-sac and now displays a wonderful, organic, flourishing, tempting nursery. What we called "the park" is the well maintained grassy area that once supported the dairy herds.

    Last week our helper asked his neighbor for work in gathering the leaves, knowing how much I wanted them. Our wild garden was paved with cardboard all winter, and the Dogpatch look was difficult to ignore. Besides that, the more organic material ingested by soil creatures, the better the plants would grow.

    So we ended up with a dozen large leaf bags to haul away in the Icha-boat, our luxury pick-up, featuring leather seats, AC, and the largest trunk in the Free World. I raised the issue of double-dipping, being paid to gather leaves and then to scatter them a block away. We laugh a lot while plotting these projects. Mr. Gardener did not seem to approve of the Wild Garden. He looked over the fence and asked,  "Do you have a plan or are you making it up as you go along?"

    Roughly half the backyard will be devoted to plants for birds, hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees.

    The project reminds me of a Lutheran pastor who seemed acutely embarrassed that I wrote a gardening book about earthworms. In the course of writing that little book, which began in Midland, Michigan, I gained a lot of knowledge about plants and creatures in the garden, a micro-world far more full of wonders than the places so many spend thousands to visit.

    What is embarrassing about the doctrine of Creation and its implications for gardening, agriculture, and the Gospel message of the Scriptures? Martin Luther wrote in his Genesis Commentary about Creation, mice and their fascinating little paws.

    If someone does not believe in the power and efficacy of the Word, then he does not believe in Creation. If that is lacking, anything said about the Gospel Promises, the ministry, the Sacraments, and evangelism will be hollow and superficial. That is precisely why so much writing on the Net is insipid, having no substance.

    I have a project to finish up, then the new book to start - Creation Gardening - which will focus on roses. If someone can grow roses, which are so easy to grow, he can grow all the other plants as well. Most writing about roses makes them seem too difficult to begin, but that is the result of old fables being constantly recycled to sell books.

    I dropped off roses at the college, including this one,
    Falling in Love, one staffer's favorite.
    We attended her marriage the same year.

    Lutheran Resources - Which Are Kept Posted at the Top of the Page. Luther's Sermons, Book of Concord, Lutheran Books, Martin Chemnitz Press, Pastor Paul Rydecki Books

    Luther's Sermons, Book of Concord selections,Lutheran books, Free PDFs, Pastor Paul Rydecki Publications,Martin Chemnitz Press.

    Lutheran Resources - Posted on Ichabod

    Melanchthon's Book of Concord Work

    The Augsburg Confession, Book of Concord

    Apology of the Augsburg Confession, Book of Concord


    Martin Luther

    Luther - Sermons  - Lenker Edition

    Luther - Small Catechism, Book of Concord

    Luther - Large Catechism, Book of Concord

    Luther - The Smalcald Articles, Book of Concord

    Luther - Galatians Commentary, Recommended by the Formula of Concord

    Luther - Preface to Romans - Also Called - Introduction to the Romans Commentary


    F. Bente's Historical Introductions

    Complete Text of Bente's Historical Introductions in One File


    The Formula of Concord, Solid Declaration


    Martin Chemnitz Press Books - Free PDF downloads

    Liberalism: Its Cause and Cure

    Jesus Priceless Treasure

    Angel Joy

    The Story of Jesus in Pictures, In Color

    Coloring Book - The Story of Jesus in Pictures

    Luther versus the UOJ Pietists: Justification by Faith 

    Jesus Lord of Creation 

    The Wormhaven Gardening Book 

    Thy Strong Word - English only edition 

    Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant 

    Discussion Guide for Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant

    College Students - Tips for Success

    Moline High School 1966 - The Class the Stars Fell On

    To Order from Lulu.com

    Purchase MCP printed books from Lulu.com here


    F. W. Stellhorn's family came across the Atlantic with the Bishop Stephan migration.
    L. Fuerbringer mentions him as a Missouri Synod teacher in his memoirs.

    From Bruce Church - The Error of Missouri and Lutheran Seminary Costs

    Various Formats - The Error of Missouri


    H. Schmid - Doctrinal Theology of the Evangelical Lutheran Church

    Text Version of Doctrinal Theology - Perfect for Copy and Paste

    HTML Version of Doctrinal Theology - Webpage friendly

    Another PDF of Doctrinal Theology


    This is a zipped folder of all the hymn texts from The Lutheran Hymnal - from the Wittenberg Project

    Here are Lutheran Reformation hymn resources.


    Order from Amazon.


    Project Wittenberg - Texts about Luther and Other Lutherans


    Pastor Paul Rydecki is actively translating essential Lutheran materials.
    Check out the link below.
    Pastor Paul Rydecki's books and links to his stand on justification by faith are here.

    Walther-Loehe Exchange. Walther Wants the Seminary and Continuing Support


    Correspondence Between

    J.C.W. Loehe and C.F.W. Walther

    About the Fort Wayne Seminary

    As Transcribed in James L. Schaaf,
    "Wilhelm Loehe's Relations to the American Church:
    A Study in the History of Lutheran Mission,"
    Heidelberg University, Ph.D. Dissertation, 1961, Appendix VII.
    Translated by Erika Bullmann Flores


    Highly honored and dearly beloved brother in the Lord:

    Pastor D. Sihler has requested at this year's first synodical
    conference to call Pastor Oster as director and teacher at the
    Seminary in Fort Wayne. He based this request on his declining health
    and the fact that his own ever-growing congregation is making it
    impossible for him to expand the time and energy necessary for the
    seminary. We have come to the unanimous conclusion that we do not
    have the right to issue a call on behalf of the seminary, because it is a
    private institution, founded by the love of the German brothers.

    Consequently it was decided to ask you, beloved brother, and
    through you also the other participants of this work of love, whether
    you are willing to surrender the seminary to the Synod, formally and
    actually giving it under the Synod's free disposition, while
    nevertheless continuing with support in the forms of money, books,
    etc. in the usual loving manner, because the Synod--especially at this
    time of its organization--does not have the resources for the
    seminary's upkeep.

    In addition, it was agreed to ask you in a brotherly manner to
    forward to us the writings of Pastor Ostor (sic) thus enabling us to
    form our own opinion concerning his attitude, knowledge, spiritual
    gifts and qualifications for the proposed position.

    With the heartfelt request to include us and our work in your
    brotherly supplications, we command you to the Lord's mercy.

    Chicago, May 6 in the year of our Lord 1847.

    On behalf and in the name of the "German Evangelical--Lutheran
    Synod of Missouri, Ohio and Other States" at their first annual
    conference here.

    Signed respectfully and most humbly,

    C. Ferd. Wilh. Walther, President


    Correspondence Between
    J.C.W. Loehe and C.F.W. Walther
    About the Fort Wayne Seminary

    As Transcribed in James L. Schaaf,
    "Wilhelm Loehe's Relations to the American Church:
    A Study in the History of Lutheran Mission,"
    Heidelberg University, Ph.D. Dissertation, 1961, Appendix VII.
    From: K.M., VI (1848), cols. 42-45. See pp. 114 and 119


    Fr. Wilh. Husmann, Secretary
    To the President of the German Evangelical-Lutheran Synod of
    Missouri, Ohio and Other States, Pastor Karl Ferdinand Wilhelm
    Walther in St. Louis, MO.

    Neuendettelslau, Sept. 8, 1847

    I have duly received your valued letter dated Chicago, May 6 of
    this year, and I forthwith shared its contents with Pastor Wucherer in
    Noerdlingen, the only person with whom I needed to discuss this
    matter. I needed to discourse with him only because in Bavaria we do
    not have a North-American society, rather the entire aid project, as
    far as we have handled it, is a private undertaking aided by the
    completely voluntary assistance and advise of other brothers.

    After having assured myself of my dear friend's opinion of the
    matter at hand, I am herewith releasing the seminary, in my name and
    in his name--as far as it could be considered thus far to be our
    establishment, in its present state--to the Synod, whose president you
    are. It shall be the sole property of the Evangelical-Lutheran Synod of
    Missouri, Ohio, and Other States, and be entirely under its care and

    Release of the seminary, however, is under the following
    conditions which we hope you yourself are in agreement with:

    1. We release all our claims of ownership to the seminary in Fort
    Wayne with the condition that it shall, for ever, serve only the
    Lutheran church and train her preachers and shepherds. As Lutheran
    churches we recognize only those who confess the Lutheran Book of

    2. We are releasing all our claims to the seminary under the
    further condition--which shall be inviolate--that the German language
    shall be the only vehicle of instruction

    3. We are releasing our claims under the condition that the
    seminary remain what it is now, that is, an institution whose purpose
    it is to train--thoroughly and when possible without delay--preachers
    and ministers for the countless lost, German brothers-in-faith, as
    well as for newly arrived congregations of our faith. In the beginning
    we did not consider a theological institution in the usual, German
    tradition, but rather as a "nursery" of preachers and ministers whose
    studies are to be preparation for the holy office itself.

    Presuming that these conditions meet with your approval, we
    gladly promise to continue support of the seminary, that is, to the best
    of our abilities and as God provides us. As the situation presents itself
    now, there cannot be any specific promises.

    You are already familiar with one of our ideas, and Dr. Sihler,
    director of the seminary, has also espoused it as his own. It is this:

    the seminary is to be also a place for the training of
    missionaries among the heathen natives of North-America. We
    must tell you that it would cause us extreme pain if you were to
    let go of an idea which--especially in Bavaria--has gained many
    mission-minded friends and their support. However, we have no
    doubt that you will continue faithfully in this matter also.

    We also must inform you that Pastor Oster from Posen has
    emigrated with some of his parishioners to Australia. Therefore,
    examination of his faith and life on your part, as well as a call, are too

    In closing we want to share with you what is making our hearts
    heavy, especially since it is of the utmost important to the seminary
    in Fort Wayne. With much regret we have noticed that your first
    synodical constitution, as is set now, did not completely follow the
    example of the first congregations. We fear, and most likely rightly so,
    that the basic, strong mixing of democratic, independent,
    congregational principles into your church constitution will cause
    more harm than the meddling of the princes and authorities did in our
    church at home.
    Careful study of the apostles' many lessons concerning
    organizing the church and ministry, would have better and differently
    taught the dear brothers from among the laity. Constitution is a
    dogmatic, but not a practical adiaphoron. May that which the NT
    teaches of constitution, organization and ministry at large, be the
    right locus of the new seminary, and may the results of new research
    done by Lutheran theologians in the home country not be considered
    inferior and be ignored by the professors and teachers at Fort Wayne.
    If a large, interconnected church is to be assembled which is to be a
    haven for harried souls, care must be taken that she be endowed in
    holy form and shape by which she can be recognized and grasped.

    Signed with heartfelt, loyal love and esteem your devoted friend
    and Brother,

    Johann Conrad Wilhelm Loehe
    Pastor at Neuendettelslau in Franconia

    This text was converted to ascii format for Project Wittenberg
    by Erika Flores and is in the public domain. You may
    freely distribute, copy or print this text. Please direct any
    comments or suggestions to: Rev. Robert E. Smith of the Walther
    Library at Concordia Theological Seminary.

    E-mail: robert.smith@ctsfw.edu

    Surface Mail: 6600 N. Clinton St., Ft. Wayne, IN 46825 USA
    Phone: (260) 452-3149 Fax: (260) 452-2126
    Walther kidnapped his niece and nephew and Bishop Stephan,
    and CFW stole gold, land, books, and personal possessions from Stephan.

    How To Recognize an Abusive Cutl

    Women do not preach or teach men,
    except at WELS conventions under Mark Schroeder.
    WELS has suspended for the moment -
    women consecrating Holy Communion.


    Message from reader - "Good article!! Add me to the list of the victims united with Ichabod! No one else in the synod stands up for the victims!!"

    First List of Lutheran Crimes

    Second List of Lutheran Crimes

    Those raised within the cult cannot see the marks of the beast clearly. In fact, many aspects of the cult draw the victims closer from a fear of being excluded and shunned.

    The constant spying - also known in the Bill Gothard abusive cult - always keeps people worried about who knows what and who is reporting it.

    Some of the marks of cult are:

    • The leadership is dictatorial in imposing strict rules, showing savage disapproval if their rules are broken. But the leaders break those rules all the time. In WELS, they were always talking about "fellowship principles" while attending Fuller Seminary and rewarding those who also went.
    • Hysterical denial and lying when the obvious is pointed out. No one ever went to Fuller Seminary, including Valleskey and Bivens, even though both bragged about it, However, if someone else said they went to Fuller Seminary, retaliation followed.
    • Those who begin to see the light are driven away from the congregation or synod in a series of nasty, dirty little tricks. But, when people quit in disgust, the same are drawn back in with a superficial show of affection and forgiveness. The cult wants everyone back, as long as each target has a broken will and a new, servile attitude.
    • Dogma is rigid but changed when certain people decide that can be done. The old attitudes are a matter of boasting until the new set of rules is imposed without notice. Love the KJV and hate the new translations? Then hate the KJV and love the new translations. Questioning the new translation became cause for excommunication in the WELS.
    • Contradictory dogmas are taught at the same time, depending on whether the cult is including or excluding. For example, one future WELS DP would be passing out brochures on "fellowship in externals" being wrong, but the current DP is saying, "No, we are FOR fellowship in externals." When one pastor learned for the first time that his DP was on the board of Lutheran World Relief, he almost cried. "I grew up in WELS and never knew that." 
    • Secrecy is the key approach to every single matter. Therefore, it is a sin simply to be curious about the truth or to seek it out. "How dare you investigate on your own!" - I was told. 
    • No scandal or crime is bad enough to be revealed to everyone else. Because of this secrecy, the criminals are protected while the leakers are searched out and stopped. The evidence has to be erased because "you are hurting brethren and sistern in the faith." Cistern is the operative pun.
    • Therefore, no one knows anything, even if a DP is in court on felony charges against young girls in his congregation, the DMB chairman is in court over his vicar's felonies, or someone's spouse has been murdered.
    • But - pay close attention to this - if the cult is offended, any lie, slander, or fiction aimed against the offender is just desserts, payment due with double interest, 
    • This is how any abusive cult - like WELS or Bob Jones or any IFB church - deals with the truth starting to emerge. "Where did you hear (or read) this?" No matter what the answer is, the response is a volcano of vilification filled with the official "facts" that seem to be everywhere. Hardly anyone persists after hearing how evil, brain-damaged, dishonest, hated, senile, or stupid that source is.
    • Note that Missouri, the Little Sect, and WELS play a game with Herman Otten and Christian News. The abusive sects have minders that encourage Otten to spike any story about their crimes. But if word gets out through persistent CN authors, then Otten and CN are given the volcano of vilification treatment.
    • Publishing in CN is a heinous sin, unless the synod leaders do it. Then they "cannot help it, because Otten copies everything."
    • Finally, because everyone becomes accustomed to these marks of an abusive cult, children and youth of both sexes are sexually abused, just as women are - and no one cares. No one dares report it. The targets do not have the emotional strength to get out of the situation on their own and find themselves re-victimized if they try to end the situation. They welcomed the sex! They seduced the poor fellow - a teacher, pastor, or prominent layman! WELS is advanced enough to have predatory lesbian teachers too. 
    • But nothing ever happened. 
    • I don't know anything about it.
    • Who told you?

    If a woman on the staff objects to sexual harassment,
    including x-rated conversations
    and an x-rated photo thrust at her,
    the pastors and their robots sue her in court.

    Hilarity Continues on SpenerQuest as the Bumpkins Bump into One Another


    David Bickel (Drb)
    Advanced Member
    Username: Drb

    Post Number: 864
    Registered: 11-2009
    Posted on Wednesday, January 27, 2016 - 7:12 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

    Pastor Webber’s observation that unity in doctrine is not disturbed by variety in exegesis adds clarity to this debate. He also has a helpful Krauth quote on his site.
    http://www.angelfire.com/ny4/djw/lutherantheology. justificationquotes.html

    Has anyone written a credible study of Krauth’s position on objective justification?
    Dawning Realm

    GJ - Everyone must be deeply moved that SpenerQuest has adopted Jay Webber as the Great Prophet. Do they realize he earned an unaccredited STM from an online ELCA style seminary - where women are prepared for the pastorate and preach to the seminary community?

    The SpenerQuest group may realize they have the marks of an abusive cult, especially the most important one - their ability to live with constant dogmatic contradictions.

    Their purity measure is based upon harmony with Walther, someone with even less education than former LQ warrior Paul McCain and current resident guru Jay Webber. Walther associated only with Pietistic groups, conventicles with abusive gurus, in Germany. Stephan was the second Pietism guru, and Stephan brought his sex cult over to America so he could enjoy his young female groupies - and syphilis - in peace.

    Flash - the confessional group in the General Council taught justification by faith. Yale's famous church historian, Jaroslav Pelikan, editor of Luther's Works, defined justification as - justification by faith.

    These poor dweebs obsess about their Halle Pietism but choose to overlook the glaring deficiencies in their education and Biblical knowledge.

    Did I predict this in a prophetic Photoshop, years ago?
    A child shall lead them - Jay the OJ guy.
    All Biblical doctrine is trumped by universal salvation without faith.

    On WELS Abuse - From a Reader

    Synod President Mark Schroeder - silent.

    Everyone complains about Ichabod and the “perceived” damage it does to the Synod. However, did it ever occur to anyone that if WELS would get off its butt and act when a crime is reported, then victims would seek help first from the Synod and not others? But by its own actions, the Synod forces victims to turn to Ichabod. It’s their fault that so many turn to Ichabod for help! They have no one to blame but themselves. After all, the synod’s response is to ignore. They turn deaf ears to the victims, hoping it will go away. They leave victims with little option except to turn to Ichabod for help. It’s a no-brainer. Of course victims will turn to someone willing to listen! The synod had their chance over and over again and they blew it! You blew it BIG TIME, WELS!

    Why is Ichabod the ONLY one listening to the victims? Why is he the only advocating on behalf of the victims? Where is the Synod? Oh, that’s right they are down with their head buried in the sand - pretending it didn’t happen! They have their hands covering their ears yelling loudly, so they can’t hear anything bad… just like a two year old throwing a tantrum. Grow up; get a backbone and listen for heaven’s sake!

    Is it ANY surprise then that so many victims turn to Ichabod to get their voice heard? Why are people so shocked? Who else can they turn to? It only makes sense that they continually turn to Ichabod because he is the only one listening. He boldly advocates for them. He doesn’t take “No” for an answer. He doesn’t even take “Hell No” for answer. He refuses to be pushed around when advocating for victim rights. Maybe the synod needs to take some classes from Ichabod on “Victim Sensitivity”. Maybe then they would get it! Of course victims will turn to him for help and a sympathetic ear. He won’t ignore them, like the synod does. He won’t hurt them again, like the synod does. Even the Catholics know how to do it better than our Synod! They make a public statement. They denounce the act. They call it what it is….a CRIME! But does WELS….No! WELS is hiding. WELS is covering up. WELS is heartless to victims. If the synod continually refuses to acknowledge the victims, then they should be PRAISING Ichabod for helping the victims and not condemning him for doing what they FAIL to do! Maybe if the synod gets its act together, and actually does something to help the victims, the victims will start coming to them instead. They have already been hurt and are fearful, so when they are berated and ignored on top of that, you add insult to injury and force them to turn to someone who will listen. The synod hates Ichabod….but Ichabod listens. The Synod says Ichabod does damage… but Ichabod advocates. The Synod says Ichabod is too loud…but Ichabod speaks for those who don’t have a voice. The synod should be thanking Ichabod for picking up their pieces!

    Luther's Epistle Sermon for Sexagesima Sunday. 2 Corinthians 11:19ff.


    Luther's Epistle Sermon for the SECOND SUNDAY BEFORE LENT. 2 Corinthiasn 11:19-12:9

    2 CORINTHIANS 11:19-33; 2 CORINTHIANS 12:1-9. 19 For ye bear with the foolish gladly, being wise yourselves. For ye bear with a man, if he bringeth you into bondage, if he devoureth you, if he taketh you captive, if he exalteth himself, if he smiteth you on the face. 21 I speak by way of disparagement, as though we had been weak. Yet whereinsoever any is bold (I speak in foolishness), I am bold also. 22 Are they Hebrews? so am I. Are they Israelites? so am I. Are they the seed of Abraham? so am I. Are they ministers of Christ? (I speak as one beside himself) I more; in labors more abundantly, in prisons more abundantly, in stripes above measure, in deaths oft. 24 Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one. 25 Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day have I been in the deep; 26 in journeyings often, in perils of rivers, in perils of robbers, in perils from my countrymen, in perils from the Gentiles, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren; 27 in labor and travail, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness. 28 Besides those things that are without, there is that which presseth upon me daily, anxiety for all the churches. 29 Who is weak, and I am not weak? who is caused to stumble, and I burn not? 30 If I must needs glory, I will glory of the things that concern my weakness. 31 The God and Father of the Lord Jesus, he who is blessed for evermore knoweth that I lie not. 32 In Damascus the governor under Aretas the king guarded the city of the Damascenes in order to take me: 33 and through a window was I let down in a basket by the wall, and escaped his hands. 1 I must needs glory, though it is not expedient; but I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. 2 I know a man in Christ, fourteen years ago (whether in the body, I know not; or whether out of the body, I know not; God knoweth), such a one caught up even to the third heaven. 3 And I know such a man (whether in the body, or apart from the body, I know not; God knoweth), 4 how that he was caught up into Paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter. 5 On behalf of such a one will I glory: but on mine own behalf I will not glory, save in my weakness. 6 For if I should desire to glory, I shall not be foolish; for I shall speak the truth: but I forbear, lest any man should account of me above that which he seeth me to be, or heareth from me. 7 And by reason of the exceeding greatness of the revelations, That I should not be exalted overmuch, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, that I should not be exalted overmuch. 8 Concerning, this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. 9 And he hath said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my power is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.


    1. They who praise themselves are fools according to the views and speech of the world. The saying is, “Self-praise is unsavory.” It is forbidden by Solomon in Proverbs 27:2: “Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth.” And Christ says ( John 8:54), “If I glorify myself, my glory is nothing.” Paul acknowledges that he had to become a fool, something for which he had no desire, by reason of the necessity laid upon him to praise himself. The false apostles, as false spirits habitually do, delivered great, fine, splendid speeches to the multitude, in their vainglorious attempt to raise themselves above Paul, thereby to make contemptible and insignificant that apostle and his doctrine.

    2. Paul was little concerned that he personally should be lightly esteemed and the false apostles highly honored, but he could not bear to have the Gospel perish in that way and his Corinthian converts seduced. Therefore he exerts himself to the utmost, at the risk of becoming a fool by his boasting. But he, in his strong spiritual wisdom, glories in a masterly manner, and skilfully puts to shame the boasts of the false apostles.

    First, he shows them he can glory in the very things wherein they glory, and in even more. At the same time he declares himself a fool for glorying.

    He might have said: “Foolish, indeed, are they, and boorish creatures, who glory in themselves. They should feel shame to the very depth of their heart. No true, sane man boasts of what he is. The wicked and the frivolous do that.” But the apostle’s attack is not quite so severe and harsh.

    He addresses them civilly and delicately in that he makes himself appear a fool, as if to say: “Look! how becoming self-praise is in myself, although I have grounds for my glorying. But how much more disgraceful for you to boast when perhaps none of your claims are true.” So Paul wears the foolscap, that those coarse fools might have a mirror in which to behold their real selves. This is wisely making foolishness minister to the good of the neighbor and to the honor of the Gospel. To the just, even folly is wisdom, just as all things are pure and holy unto him.

    3. Second, Paul deals the false apostles a stout blow when he shows them to be ignorant of the grounds in which a true Christian seeks his glory. For, as he teaches them, a Christian glories in the things whereof other men are ashamed — in the cross and in his sufferings. This is the true art of glorying. To this he refers when he says ( Galatians 6:14), “Far be it from me to glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.” But the false apostles are careful to avoid glorying thus; for they flee with alacrity from reproach and affliction, rather seeking a life of ease and honor. They ever would have prominence over their fellows, be superior to and unlike others — certain indication that they lack the right spirit and are not of God.

    Christ testifies ( John 5:44), “How can ye believe, who receive glory one of another, and the glory that cometh from the only God ye seek not?”

    4. The main point of this lesson is that in a preacher or a teacher no vice is more injurious and venomous than vainglory. It is true, however, that avarice also is an evil characteristic of false teachers, being found hand in hand with vainglory. For the sake of profit, for the purpose of gain, the false teachers aspire to prominence, to honor and position. With them, nothing but current coin will pass, and what does not pay dividend is unprofitable. Any other vice is more endurable in a preacher than these two, though none is compatible with goodness, blamelessness and perfection being required in the ministry according to Paul, Titus 1:7.

    This is not surprising, for the two vices under consideration are essentially and directly opposed to the nature of the ministry. The ministry is ordained to have as its aim the glory of God and its promotion. Psalm 19:1 affirms, “The heavens declare the glory of God.” And ministers must, for God’s glory, suffer reproach and shame. Jeremiah complains ( Jeremiah 20:8), “The word of Jehovah is made a reproach unto me, and a derision, all the day.” The world will not endure the Word. For him who in preaching seeks his own honor, it is impossible to remain in the right path and preach the pure Gospel. Consequently he avoids striving for God’s honor; he must preach what pleases the people, what brings honor to himself and magnifies his skill and wisdom.

    5. Avarice, too, is, according to its very nature, opposed to the interests of the ministry. Just as the ministry is to be devoted to God’s honor at the expense of our own, so is it to be devoted to the interests of our neighbor and not to our own. Otherwise it is an injury rather than a benefit. With the false teacher seeking only his own good, it is impossible for him to preach the truth. He is compelled to speak what is pleasing to men in order to gratify his appetites. Therefore Paul ( Romans 16:18) says of such preachers that they serve their own bellies. And in many places the Scriptures reprove avarice. Let him, then, who would be a preacher guard vigilantly against vainglory and avarice. But, should he feel himself in the clutch of these sins, let him avoid the ministry. For under such conditions he will accomplish no good; he will only dishonor God, seduce souls and be a thief and robber in the acquisition of property. With this explanation, the lesson is now easily understood, but we will consider a few points.” “For ye bear with the foolish gladly, being wise yourselves.”

    6. Paul commends the Corinthians for their patience and wisdom in six points: as wise men, they cheerfully endure the foolish; they bear with those who bring them into bondage and oppress them; with those who devour them; with those who take from them [or take them captive]; with those who exalt themselves; with those who smite them in the face. But his commendation is meant to pave the way for his folly — to prepare them to suffer him the more readily. He would say, “Since you suffer so much from them who injure you — and you are wise in that — I trust you will bear with me who have wrought you only good, when I act the fool for a little; particularly when my object in it is your good — to preserve the Gospel among you in opposition to the false apostles.” Note how tenderly and patiently he deals with the Corinthians when he might have severely reproved them for tolerating the false apostles. He commends them as does a father a timid child, and yet, while commending them he censures both them and their false teachers. He handles them as tenderly as if he held a raw egg in his hand, in order not to distract or terrify them.

    7. Paul delivers a masterly stroke when with the same words he praises the Corinthians and rebukes them and their false apostles. His commendation of their patience is in reality reproof, blows and wounds for the false teachers. He would say: “I have preached the Gospel to you at my own expense and jeopardy. By my labor have ye attained to its blessing. Ye have done nothing for me in return, and I have been no tax upon you. Now, upon my departure, others come and exploit you, and seek honor and profit from my labor. They would be your masters and I am to be ignored. They boast as if the accomplishment were all theirs. Of these ye must be disciples and pupils.

    Their preaching ye must accept, while my Gospel must become odious. My case is that of the bee who labors to make honey and then the idle drones and the earthworms come and consume the sweet not of their making. In me is illustrated Christ’s proverb ( John 4:37), ‘one soweth, and another reapeth.’ Continually one enters into the fruits of another’s labor. One must toil and incur danger, while another reaps the benefit in security.

    8. “Ye can suffer these false apostles, though they be fools and teach only foolishness. In this ye display wisdom and patience. But ye do not so suffer me, who taught you true wisdom. Nor do ye permit me much enjoyment of my labor. Further, ye can permit them to make servants of you, to be your lords and to order you to do their bidding. And ye obey. But I who have made myself your servant, I who have served you without profit to myself, that ye might be lords with Christ, must now be ignored and all my labors be lost. They rule you at their pleasure, and their pleasure is all they consult. You suffer yourselves to be devoured. That is, your property is consumed; for ye bestow it upon them abundantly, as Psalm 14:4 has it, ‘Who eat up my people.’ Upon such as these ye can shower goods and gifts, and can permit them to devour you as they please. But I have never enjoyed aught of your property. All my service has been without recompense, that ye might become rich in Christ. “Again, ye suffer the false teachers to take from you beyond your consent; to exalt themselves above you, to esteem themselves better than you and me, and to exercise their arrogance upon you.

    But ye deal not so with me, who have sacrificed my own substance, and have taken from others, that I might bring the Gospel to you; who have not exalted myself above any, but have yielded to all and served them. The false apostles permit you to serve them; in fact, trample you beneath their feet. They even smite you in the face; that is, they reproach you publicly, put you to shame, and abuse you with rude and insolent words. They act as if ye were beasts of burden and they your real masters. All this ye suffer. But my patience with you, my parental tenderness, past and present, is remembered no more. Paul is now represented as having wrought no good at Corinth.”


    9. Note the master hand wherewith Paul portrays the character of false teachers, showing how they betray their avarice and ambition. First, they permit true teachers to lay the foundation and perform the labor; then they come and desire to do the work over, to reap the honors and the benefits.

    They bring about that the name and the work of the true teachers receive no regard and credit; what they themselves have brought — that is the thing. They make the poor, simple-minded people to stare open-mouthed while they win them with flowery words and seduce them with fair speeches, as mentioned in Romans 16:18. These are the idle drones that consume the honey they will not and cannot make. That this was the condition of affairs at Corinth is very clear from this epistle — indeed, from both epistles. Paul continually refers to others having followed him and built upon the foundation he has laid. Messengers of the devil, he terms them.

    10. And such false teachers have the good fortune that all their folly is tolerated, even though the people realize how these act the fool, and rather rudely at that. They have success with it all, and people bear with them.

    But no patience is to be exercised toward true teachers! Their words and their works are watched with the intent of entrapping them, as complained of in Psalm 17:9 and elsewhere. When only apparently a mote is found, it is exaggerated to a very great beam. No toleration is granted. There is only judgment, condemnation and scorn. Hence the office of preaching is a grievous one. He who has not for his sole motive the benefit of his neighbor and the glory of God, cannot continue therein. The true teacher must labor, and permit others to have the honor and profit of his efforts, while he receives injury and derision for his reward. Here the saying holds true: “To love without guerdon, nor wearying of the burden.” Only the Spirit of God can inspire such love. To flesh and blood it is impossible.

    Paul here scores the false prophets when he says, “Ye suffer fools gladly”; in other words, “I know the false preachers often act as fools, nor can they help it, because their teaching is false; yet ye excuse them.”

    11. In the second place such teachers are disposed to bring the people into downright bondage and to bind their conscience by forcing laws upon them and teaching work-righteousness. The effect is that fear impels them to do what has been pounded into them, as if they were bond-slaves, while their teachers command fear and attention. But the true teachers, they who give us freedom of conscience and create us lords, we soon forget, even despise. The dominion of false teachers is willingly tolerated and patiently endured; indeed, it is given high repute. All those conditions are punishments sent by God upon them who do not receive the Gospel with love and gratitude. Christ says ( John 5:43): “I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye shall receive.” The Pope, with his spiritual office, became our lord, and we became his captives, through his doctrine of human works. And our present-day schismatics pursue the same object with their fanciful doctrine concerning their works.

    12. In the third place, false teachers flay their disciples to the bone, and cut them out of house and home, but even this is taken and endured. Such, I opine, has been our experience under the Papacy. But true preachers are even denied their bread. Yet this all perfectly squares with justice! For, since men fail to give unto those from whom they receive the Word of God, and permit the latter to serve them at their own expense, it is but fair they should give the more unto preachers of lies, whose instruction redounds to their injury. What is withheld from Christ must be given in tenfold proportion to the devil. They who refuse to give the servant of the truth a single thread, must be oppressed by liars.

    13. Fourth, false apostles forcibly take more than is given them. They seize whatever and whenever they can, thus enhancing their insatiable avarice.

    This, too, is excused in them. Thus, the great establishments of the Pope did not suffice for him; with various artifices, bulls, laws and indulgences, he has brought under his power land and people and all they possess, exhausting the world by usury. And so it should be, for this state of affairs was richly deserved by men for despising the Gospel and its preachers.

    14. Fifth, these deceitful teachers, not satisfied with having acquired our property, must exalt themselves above us and lord it over us. Not only do they possess all property, but they must for that very reason become our superiors; must have precedence and receive honor. We bow our knees before them, worship them and kiss their feet. And we suffer it all, yes, with fearful reverence regard it just and right. And it is just and right, for why did we not honor the Gospel by accepting and preserving it?

    15. Sixth, our false apostles justly reward us by smiting us in the face. That is, they consider us inferior to dogs; they abuse us, and treat us as footrags.

    I venture to say we became sensible of such treatment when, under the Papacy, we were readily put in the van, cursed, condemned and delivered to the devil. We endured it all, suffered most patiently, and yielded up property, honor, body and soul. Fault in a sincere teacher, however, could by no means be tolerated. Very well, then; God is just, and it is his judgment that we must honor the messengers of Satan a thousand times more than his own, and do and suffer everything. “I speak by way of disparagement [speak as concerning reproach], as thought we had been weak.”

    16. There are two ways of interpreting this sentence: First, as meaning: “I speak as one of the weak whose folly you must endure; for which I deserve reproach, since I ought to bear with you.” From such meaning I to this day have seen no cause to swerve. The other interpretation is: “I speak as one reproached — after the manner of the weak.” Or, more fully expressed: “I can speak in two ways of myself and my class: First, with honor, because of our strength in the sight of God and the spiritually-minded, worthy of honor, noble; not weak but strong, able. But I will not at present employ, this way, for we are now despised; we are not known as honorable. And all because of the false prophets. I will, then, present myself in the other light, as I am regarded — despised, held in reproach and disrespect, weak and incapable. But even this condition shall be an occasion of glory for me; my reproach and weakness is more honorable than their honor, power and strength. What would my glory be should my actual strength inspire my speech! “Weakness,” according to Paul’s own later interpretation, implies being regarded worthless, unfit, a failure. The apostle’s meaning, then, is: “I, too, will be one of the boasting fools. You will excuse it in me for I speak from the standpoint of my critics, that of a man contemptible, foolish, incompetent. Before God, however, I feel that I am a quite different being.”

    17. And recollect, Paul says, “Because ye are wise, ye suffer fools gladly,” implying that one fool cannot tolerate another. The saying is, “Two fools in one house will not do.” Reason and wisdom are required, to bear with another’s infirmities and to excuse them. “Yet whereinsoever any is bold.”

    18. That is, in whatever the false apostles can boast, I can likewise glory.

    Here we are shown what is the ground of the false apostles’ boasting: their outward respectability — being of Abraham’s seed, children of Israel, Christ’s preachers. Therein they think to far excel the Corinthians, claiming their doctrine and works to be of greater weight because they have Moses and the prophets for their teachers. But they failed to perceive that their boast is of mere externals, that render no one righteous or better before God. The majority of the Hebrews, of the Israelites, of the seed of Abraham, and of the preachers of Christ are lost. Names are of no consequence; they only make a fine show and serve to seduce the simpleminded.

    Paul boasts of his origin and yet derides his boasting, calling it fool’s work. His object is to destroy the boasting of the false prophets, that the people might not be deceived.

    19. Note how, even in Paul’s time, great men erred concerning the true sense of the Gospel, and many noble preachers would have estimated Christian life by a merely external appearance and name. The true spiritual preachers must have been few. Should it be strange, then, that in our time sincere preachers are not numerous, and that the majority of ministers riot in what they themselves seem and do? It cannot and shall not be otherwise.

    The thievish drones, which are prone to riot, let them riot! We will resist to the utmost of our power, commending the matter to God, who doubtless will grant us sufficient honor and profit, both temporally and eternally, though we must labor gratuitously, accepting injury and derision as our reward. Our adversaries will not long continue their persecutions, for, as Paul says just preceding our lesson, they will eventually receive their deserts.

    20. Again, Paul boasts of certain temporal afflictions wherein he excels the false apostles, who suffer nothing, for the sake of either the word or of souls, but only boast of name and person. Among the afflictions he mentions, he names having been a night and a day in the deep. Some refer this allusion to the voyage of which Luke writes ( Acts 27:20-21), when for fourteen days Paul and his companions ate nothing and saw never a star, being day and night continually covered by the surges and waves of the sea. Others think Paul was, like Jonah, personally sunk into the deep sea, though but for a day and a night. Such is the clear meaning of the text.

    Yet others interpret it as having reference to a prison or dungeon, because the Greek text makes no mention of the sea — simply “the deep.” “Who is weak, and I am not weak?”

    21. Of external afflictions affecting not his own person, but distressing others, Paul mentions two: he is weak if another is weak, and burns if another is offended. Thereby he plainly portrays the ardor of his heart — how full of love he is; the defects and sorrows of others pain him as his own. By “weakness,” I imagine, he means, not bodily infirmity, but weakness of faith. He refers to those who, young in the faith, have a tender and frail conscience, thereby betokening immaturity and feebleness of faith.

    He says ( Romans 14:2), “He that is weak eateth herbs”; and in Corinthians 8:12, that we sin against Christ if we wound a weak conscience. These weak ones Paul does not reject. He receives them and conducts himself as if he, too, were weak. He asserts ( 1 Corinthians 9:22), “To the weak I became weak, that I might gain the weak.”

    22. This interpretation of the sentence is borne out in his allusion to “that which presseth upon me daily, anxiety for all the churches.” Paul would say: “I exert myself, I have a continual care, I urge and admonish constantly, that offenses and false doctrine may not invade and destroy my planting; may not violate and ruin the weak consciences. As seen in his epistle to the Corinthians, directed against the false apostles, and in that to the Thessalonians, such is his vigilant anxiety to guard them from the tempter that he sends them a special messenger, and he exultingly declares it is life to him to learn of their steadfastness.

    23. Likewise, by the assertion that he burns, we are to understand that he is exceedingly grieved and pained if one is offended; that is, if through misleading doctrines or examples one in any wise falls from the faith. Of the offense to faith, he says much in Romans 14. Not desiring to be offended with the offended, as he became weak with the weak, he says: “I burn and sorrow for them.” “I know a man in Christ, fourteen years ago.”

    24. Of the translation of Paul into the third heaven many have written, perplexing themselves over what constituted the first, second and third heavens, and the paradise. Paul himself, who had the experience, does not tell, and declares no man can tell, for none may utter the words he heard.

    Therefore, we must humbly acknowledge we do not know the nature of these things. And it matters not. Paul does not boast of his experience for the purpose of imparting knowledge to us or of enabling us to duplicate it.

    The purpose of his boasting is simply to stop the mouths of the fanatics and to show how paltry was their glory in comparison with his own. Certain it is, however, that Paul was ravished from this life into a life ineffable; otherwise his expression would be meaningless.


    “There was given to me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan.”

    25. And must this mighty apostle, O merciful God, be subject to trials lest he exalt himself because of his great revelations? Then how should others, how should such infirm beings as we, be free from self-exaltation? Many teachers have explained Paul’s thorn to be the temptations of the flesh. The Latin text is responsible for this interpretation; it reads, “stimulus carnis,” a spear, or thorn for the flesh. Yet that rendering does not do justice to the words. Paul is not in the habit of terming temptations of the flesh “thorns.”

    The thorn stands rather for something painful and afflicting. In “a thorn of the flesh” the thought is not of an instrumentality whereby the flesh stings, but of something that stings the flesh. The Greek text impels us to the thought of a thorn for the flesh, or a thorn upon or in the flesh. The idea is much like that in the German proverb, “The clog is bound to the dog’s neck.” We may imagine Paul expressing himself: “As a clog to a dog’s neck, as a ring in a bear’s nose, a bit in a horse’s mouth or a gag in the mouth of a swine, in order to restrain them from running, biting and general mischief, — so is my thorn a clog to my body lest I exalt myself.”

    26. But Paul himself explains the nature of the clog, or thorn. He calls it “a messenger of Satan,” a devil, to “buffet” him, or to flay and jog him. Hence a spiritual trial cannot be meant. The explanation appeals to me that the persecutions and sufferings the apostle recounts above constitute the devil’s flaying. Thus his meaning would be: “I have received great revelations, for which reason the clog is bound to the dog; that is, the many dangers and misfortunes with which the angel of the devil buffets and humiliates my body will make me forget to exalt myself. They are the thorn in my flesh, or upon my body; for God will not permit it to come upon my soul.”

    27. Yet the text seems to imply some peculiar work of the devil upon Paul’s body, for it says the thorn, or clog, is the messenger Satan employs to beat his body; and also that the apostle diligently but unavailingly thrice besought the Lord to remove it. I do not imagine him praying for the cessation of persecutions in a spirit of unwillingness to suffer them. But since he does not specify the affiction, we must let it remain a secret one, a distress known only to himself. It is enough for us to know that while God had given him great revelations, revelations beyond human ken, he also bound the clog to him — gave him a thorn for his body — to prevent his exaltation of himself; and that the knowledge of the buffetings and flaying caused by this clog, or devil, are likewise beyond human ken. “My power is made perfect in weakness.”

    28. It is a strange sort of strength which is weak and by its weakness grows stronger. Who ever heard of weak strength? or more absurd still, that strength is increased by weakness? Paul would here make a distinction between human strength and divine. Human strength increases with enhancement and decreases with enfeeblement. But God’s power — his Word in us — rises in proportion to the pressure it receives. It is characteristic of God the Creator that he creates all things from naught, and again reduces to naught all created things. Human power cannot do this. The power of God is the true palm-wood which buoys itself in proportion as it is burdened and weighted.

    29. Note here, “weakness” is not to be understood in a spiritual sense, as on a previous occasion, but externally; as not illness alone, but every sort of evil, misfortune, suffering and persecution calculated to buffet and humble the body. The power of Christ, in connection with which spiritual weakness cannot exist, is invoked against this weakness likewise. He says, “Most gladly will I glory in my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” And his weaknesses he immediately explains as infirmities, injuries, necessities, persecutions and distresses. The thought, then, is:

    Christ is not mighty within us, his word and his faith are not strong in us, unless our bodies suffer affliction. The false apostles, however, take excellent care to escape suffering.

    Luther - False Teacher's Described in His Sermon


    PAUL’S DESCRIPTION OF FALSE TEACHERS. Sexagesima Epistle Sermon. Lenker.

    9. Note the master hand wherewith Paul portrays the character of false teachers, showing how they betray their avarice and ambition. First, they permit true teachers to lay the foundation and perform the labor; then they come and desire to do the work over, to reap the honors and the benefits.

    Glende had to have the right building for his ego, so he sold this one
    for a song and went on synod welfare.
    Jeske and Brug got Glende his big church building,
    which Glende abandoned before the structure was finished.

    They bring about that the name and the work of the true teachers receive no regard and credit; what they themselves have brought — that is the thing. They make the poor, simple-minded people to stare open-mouthed while they win them with flowery words and seduce them with fair speeches, as mentioned in Romans 16:18. These are the idle drones that consume the honey they will not and cannot make. That this was the condition of affairs at Corinth is very clear from this epistle — indeed, from both epistles. Paul continually refers to others having followed him and built upon the foundation he has laid. Messengers of the devil, he terms them.

    10. And such false teachers have the good fortune that all their folly is tolerated, even though the people realize how these act the fool, and rather rudely at that. They have success with it all, and people bear with them.

    But no patience is to be exercised toward true teachers! Their words and their works are watched with the intent of entrapping them, as complained of in Psalm 17:9 and elsewhere. When only apparently a mote is found, it is exaggerated to a very great beam. No toleration is granted. There is only judgment, condemnation and scorn. Hence the office of preaching is a grievous one. He who has not for his sole motive the benefit of his neighbor and the glory of God, cannot continue therein. The true teacher must labor, and permit others to have the honor and profit of his efforts, while he receives injury and derision for his reward. Here the saying holds true: “To love without guerdon, nor wearying of the burden.” Only the Spirit of God can inspire such love. To flesh and blood it is impossible.

    Paul here scores the false prophets when he says, “Ye suffer fools gladly”; in other words, “I know the false preachers often act as fools, nor can they help it, because their teaching is false; yet ye excuse them.”

    Kelm copied Fuller Seminary slavishly,
    and his Church and Changer group accused everyone else of not being with it,
    not being creative, not hard-working like them,
    not caring about Holy Mother WELS' future.

    11. In the second place such teachers are disposed to bring the people into downright bondage and to bind their conscience by forcing laws upon them and teaching work-righteousness. The effect is that fear impels them to do what has been pounded into them, as if they were bond-slaves, while their teachers command fear and attention. But the true teachers, they who give us freedom of conscience and create us lords, we soon forget, even despise. The dominion of false teachers is willingly tolerated and patiently endured; indeed, it is given high repute. All those conditions are punishments sent by God upon them who do not receive the Gospel with love and gratitude. Christ says ( John 5:43): “I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye shall receive.” The Pope, with his spiritual office, became our lord, and we became his captives, through his doctrine of human works. And our present-day schismatics pursue the same object with their fanciful doctrine concerning their works.

    DP Jon Buchholz replaced another DP noted for kicking pastors out,
    and he began doing the same thing - bu the Changers are spared.
    Buchholz lied to the New Mexico congregation and then
    tried - and fail - to steal their property through foreclosure.

    12. In the third place, false teachers flay their disciples to the bone, and cut them out of house and home, but even this is taken and endured. Such, I opine, has been our experience under the Papacy. But true preachers are even denied their bread. Yet this all perfectly squares with justice! For, since men fail to give unto those from whom they receive the Word of God, and permit the latter to serve them at their own expense, it is but fair they should give the more unto preachers of lies, whose instruction redounds to their injury. What is withheld from Christ must be given in tenfold proportion to the devil. They who refuse to give the servant of the truth a single thread, must be oppressed by liars.

    Bad enough to steal the property of a church just kicked out,
    but to grab what was long ago thrown out?
    Funny how often Mark Jeske's name comes up
    in WELS/LCMS examples of false doctrine and perfidy.

    13. Fourth, false apostles forcibly take more than is given them. They seize whatever and whenever they can, thus enhancing their insatiable avarice.

    This, too, is excused in them. Thus, the great establishments of the Pope did not suffice for him; with various artifices, bulls, laws and indulgences, he has brought under his power land and people and all they possess, exhausting the world by usury. And so it should be, for this state of affairs was richly deserved by men for despising the Gospel and its preachers.

    Mark and Avoid Jeske
    teaches self-love and fellowship with everyone except Lutherans,
    so Thrivent Insurance pays him $140k for being on the board and
    making things worse.
    The Institute of Lutheran Theology, ELCA-based,
    trains women for ordination
    and ELS Jay Webber for the ELCA dogma of universal salvation.
    Thrivent Choice - a hint at their pro-abortion stance
    or a reference to choice meat being second-rate?

    14. Fifth, these deceitful teachers, not satisfied with having acquired our property, must exalt themselves above us and lord it over us. Not only do they possess all property, but they must for that very reason become our superiors; must have precedence and receive honor. We bow our knees before them, worship them and kiss their feet. And we suffer it all, yes, with fearful reverence regard it just and right. And it is just and right, for why did we not honor the Gospel by accepting and preserving it?

    What can anyone say, except,
    "What did WELS do to deserve these clowns, bullies,
    camp-followers, and con-artists?"
    15. Sixth, our false apostles justly reward us by smiting us in the face. That is, they consider us inferior to dogs; they abuse us, and treat us as footrags.

    I venture to say we became sensible of such treatment when, under the Papacy, we were readily put in the van, cursed, condemned and delivered to the devil. We endured it all, suffered most patiently, and yielded up property, honor, body and soul. Fault in a sincere teacher, however, could by no means be tolerated. Very well, then; God is just, and it is his judgment that we must honor the messengers of Satan a thousand times more than his own, and do and suffer everything. “I speak by way of disparagement [speak as concerning reproach], as thought we had been weak.”

    The congregations he kicked out or hated out
    are begging to return, hoping the terms of surrender
    are not to burdensome.
    Thus the hirelings feed their sheep to the wolves.

    Sexagesima Sunday, 2016. The Parable of the Sower and the Seed

     Norma Boeckler - The Sower

    Sexagesima Sunday, 2016

    Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

    Bethany Lutheran Church, 10 AM Central Time

    The Hymn #190               Christ the Lord                     
    The Confession of Sins
    The Absolution
    The Introit p. 16
    The Gloria Patri
    The Kyrie p. 17
    The Gloria in Excelsis
    The Salutation and Collect p. 19
    The Epistle and Gradual       
    The Gospel              
    Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
    Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
    The Nicene Creed p. 22
    The Sermon Hymn # 339               All Hail the Power            

    The Power of Creation - The Word

    The Hymn # 308                    Invited Lord                          
    The Preface p. 24
    The Sanctus p. 26
    The Lord's Prayer p. 27
    The Words of Institution
    The Agnus Dei p. 28
    The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
    The Benediction p. 31
    The Hymn #46              On What Has Now Been Sown              

    2 Corinthians 11:19 For ye suffer fools gladly, seeing ye yourselves are wise.
    20 For ye suffer, if a man bring you into bondage, if a man devour you, if a man take of you, if a man exalt himself, if a man smite you on the face.  21 I speak as concerning reproach, as though we had been weak. Howbeit whereinsoever any is bold, (I speak foolishly,) I am bold also.  22 Are they Hebrews? soam I. Are they Israelites? so am I. Are they the seed of Abraham? so am I.  23 Are they ministers of Christ? (I speak as a fool ) I am more; in labours more abundant, in stripes above measure, in prisons more frequent, in deaths oft.  24 Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one.  25 Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day I have been in the deep;  26 In journeyings often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen,in perils by the heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren;  27 In weariness and painfulness, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness.  28 Beside those things that are without, that which cometh upon me daily, the care of all the churches.  29 Who is weak, and I am not weak? who is offended, and I burn not?  30 If I must needs glory, I will glory of the things which concern mine infirmities.  31 The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is blessed for evermore, knoweth that I lie not.  32 In Damascus the governor under Aretas the king kept the city of the Damascenes with a garrison, desirous to apprehend me:  33 And through a window in a basket was I let down by the wall, and escaped his hands. 12:1 It is not expedient for me doubtless to glory. I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord.  2 I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven.  3 And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;)  4 How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.  5 Of such an one will I glory: yet of myself I will not glory, but in mine infirmities.  6 For though I would desire to glory, I shall not be a fool; for I will say the truth: but now I forbear, lest any man should think of me above that which he seeth me to be, or that he heareth of me.  7 And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. 8 For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me.  9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

    By Norma Boeckler

    KJV Luke 8:4 And when much people were gathered together, and were come to him out of every city, he spake by a parable: 

    5 A sower went out to sow his seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the way side; and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it. 

    6 And some fell upon a rock; and as soon as it was sprung up, it withered away, because it lacked moisture. 

    7 And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up with it, and choked it. 

    8 And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit an hundredfold. And when he had said these things, he cried, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. 9 And his disciples asked him, saying, What might this parable be? 

    10 And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand. 11 Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. 12 Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved. 13 They on the rock are they, which, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, which for a while believe, and in time of temptation fall away. 14 And that which fell among thorns are they, which, when they have heard, go forth, and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to perfection. 15 But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience.

    The Power of Creation - The Word

    KJV Luke 8:4 And when much people were gathered together, and were come to him out of every city, he spake by a parable: 

    5 A sower went out to sow his seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the way side; and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it.

    This parable is one of the best illustrations of Jesus as the Creating Word using that Creation to teach people about the Word of God.

    The purpose of the parable is clear. People wonder about why so few believe when the Gospel is proclaimed with such abandon, much like seed being sown. Some of us still sow seed, whether replanting grass or dealing with easy to grow small seeds, like lettuce.

    No gardener and no farmer can take the time - and even if could - examine each seed for whether it will produce part of the crop. The outcome remains mysterious, no matter how much we know. My grandfather earned an agricultural degree at the University of Illinois. He did quite well until the Depression and FDR's takeover of agriculture. As much as my grandfather knew, he could not predict that aspect of farming.

    On a much smaller scale, we had torrential rains last summer that changed many of my notions about what worked in gardening. The rains and rabbits reduced my food crops to almost nothing, but some grew anyway. The corn was a bit shaded but grew well and filled out. It must have been good corn, because the squirrels harvested most of it.

    In this case, the sower broadcasts the seed and some of it falls on the well worn path, where it really cannot find a place to root. Soil is light and full of air pockets. When we trample it down, the soil creatures diminish and the surface becomes as hard as  a clay pot at times. Our clay soil turns white in the sun.

    2. The first class of disciples are those who hear the Word but neither understand nor esteem it. And these are not the mean people in the world, but the greatest, wisest and the most saintly, in short they are the greatest part of mankind; for Christ does not speak here of those who persecute the Word nor of those who fail to give their ear to it, but of those who hear it and are students of it, who also wish to be called true Christians and to live in Christian fellowship with Christians and are partakers of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. But they are of a carnal heart, and remain so, failing to appropriate the Word of God to themselves, it goes in one ear and out the other. Just like the seed along the wayside did not fall into the earth, but remained lying on the ground in the wayside, because the road was tramped hard by the feet of man and beast and it could not take root.

    3. Therefore Christ says the devil cometh and taketh away the Word from their heart, that they may not believe and be saved. What power of Satan this alone reveals, that hearts, hardened through a worldly mind and life, lose the Word and let it go, so that they never understand or confess it; but instead of the Word of God Satan sends false teachers to tread it under foot by the doctrines of men. For it stands here written both that it was trodden under foot, and the birds of the heaven devoured it. The birds Christ himself interprets as the messengers of the devil, who snatch away the Word and devour it, which is done when he turns and blinds their hearts so that they neither understand nor esteem it, as St. Paul says in 2 Timothy 4:4: “They will turn away their ears from the truth, and turn aside unto fables.” By the treading under foot of men Christ means the teachings of men, that rule in our hearts, as he says in Matthew 5:13 also of the salt that has lost its savor, it is cast out and trodden under foot of men; that is, as St. Paul says in 2 Thessalonians 2:11, they must believe a lie because they have not been obedient to the truth.

    This is exactly what happens in sowing seed and also what happens in teaching and preaching the Word. One person came to my ordination "just to be seen" as he told me. At least he was honest. The Word falls on hardened and indifferent people and finds no root. That is not the fault of the seed (the Word) but a natural occurrence when there is no hungering and thirsting for righteousness. 

    Just the opposite is the example of a mother and daughter who never missed a service. The mother simply hung on every word of the sermon. She had a very trouble marriage with an addict, the father serving as a role model for the son, who was also an addict. This situation is a great set-up for people feeling worthless and punished. And here the Word was always welcome, embraced like food after a long fast. Luther often said, the Gospel is not for the secure, powerful, and wise, but for the weak, afflicted, and crushed souls who hear it with gladness. As we can see with the interactions with Jesus - the great and holy always found fault and were greatly offended. The open sinners were attracted to His grace, His gentleness, and His message of faith in Him.

    6 And some fell upon a rock; and as soon as it was sprung up, it withered away, because it lacked moisture. 

    I have done this, seeing seed that fell from a bird feeder onto a flat roof with organic matter and some rainwater. Organic matter is very spongy and offers a great start. Look at the great garden in your rain gutters right now. The leaves stop the rainwater from going down, hold onto it, and rot in place, a great situation for a seed that needs water and nutrition with plenty of sun. We had a forest of maple trees at our house in Moline - all in the gutters. Big mama maple tree dominated the yard and broadcast her seeds in all directions.

    Seed that sprouts so easily in shallow soil will also fry when the sun dries out that little bit of soil. Many are converted by the Word and find great joy in its message of forgiveness received in faith through God's grace. When affliction comes in the form of everyday difficulties and hatred of the Word, that joy dries up and turns to bitterness and rejection.

    They also know that they are free from the bondage of the law, of their conscience and of human teachings; but when it comes to the test that they must suffer harm, disgrace and loss of life or property, then they fall and deny it; for they have not root enough, and are not planted deep enough in the soil. Hence they are like the growth on a rock, which springs forth fresh and green, that it is a pleasure to behold it and it awakens bright hopes. But when the sun shines hot it withers, because it has no soil and moisture, and only rock is there. So these do; in times of persecution they deny or keep silence about the Word, and work, speak and suffer all that their persecutors mention or wish, who formerly went forth and spoke, and confessed with a fresh and joyful spirit the same, while there was still peace and no heat, so that there was hope they would bear much fruit and serve the people. For these fruits are not only the works, but more the confession, preaching and spreading of the Word, so that many others may thereby be converted and the kingdom of God be developed.

    A great number of Christians today are nominal (in name only) and at the point of being turned into apostates.
    • Is a brother pastor being kicked out for teaching the truth? They join the leaders in shunning him and offer not one drop of compassion or help. Some call up and say, "You had it coming to you."
    • Is the congregation hearing a boatload of false doctrine from a charismatic pastor or teacher? They know it is wrong but feel it is better to be silent than to be on the wrong side of popularity.
    • Is the congregation viewed as a good place to be for business or professional reasons? 
    • Is the synod making it so attractive to be quiet and accept the promotion to the plum congregation?
    This answers the issue of faith withering away, not overnight, but in steps, until there is only the shadow and the faith-words left, without producing fruit, and often eager to prosecute the Gospel in favor of false doctrine.

     7 And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up with it, and choked it. 

    6. The third class are those who hear and understand the Word, but still it falls on the other side of the road, among the pleasures and cares of this life, so that they also do nothing with the Word. And there is quite a large multitude of these; for although they do not start heresies, like the first, but always possess the absolutely pure Word, they are also not attacked on the left as the others with opposition and persecution; yet they fall on the right side, and it is their ruin that they enjoy peace and good days. Therefore they do not earnestly give themselves to the Word, but become indifferent and sink in the cares, riches and pleasures of this life, so that they are of no benefit to any one. Therefore they are like the seed that fell among the thorns. Although it is not rocky but good soil; not wayside but deeply plowed soil; yet, the thorns will not let it spring up, they choke it. Thus these have all in the Word that is needed for their salvation, but they do not make any use of it, and they rot in this life in carnal pleasures. To these belong those who hear the Word but do not bring under subjection their flesh. They know their duty but do it not, they teach but do not practice what they teach, and are this year as they were last.

    I learned my lesson with this, last summer. The rule is - roses like to grow alone. When I was done in the sunny garden I had a neat row of roses ready to grow and bloom. But little did I realize that sun, watering, the straw bales, and weeds would create a jungle around them. They struggled to produce the most beautiful roses, but it was almost too much for them.

    Here the problem was too much of everything, worms, slugs, sun, water, and creatures. The roses were surrounded and distracted from their mission.

    This class of hearers are those who are distracted from the Word of God by cares, riches, and the hedonism of this world. I have nothing against spectator sports, but sometimes I am simply stunned by the money and energy devoted to it. I watched skating from some gigantic place where the iced, curved track rose up and down, giving skaters a real challenge to complete it. This was simply to create a kind of football stadium for skating enthusiasts.

    Others feel they have to work seven days a week, and they draw their greatest love from that work. 

    8 And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit an hundredfold. And when he had said these things, he cried, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. 9 And his disciples asked him, saying, What might this parable be?

    This shows that the parable was meant for added instruction. That is, it was not an evangelism message but one for believers who would be trained in the meaning of each section.

    This parable addresses the question of why so much is done to broadcast the Word and yet the results seem so slender at times.

    The Sower parable also discusses the kinds of problems that affect the growth of the Word in the hearts of people.

    Finally, the parable encourages everyone to stop judging the process and do more with broadcasting the Word of God. We all need that boost about the power and efficacy of the Word, because we may wonder about the effect of our parenting through the Word. And ministers often fall prey to measuring how well they are doing.

    Thy Strong Word is a good example of an apparent total failure. No one would review it (except for one negative review in CN). I was not allowed to advertise it in Logia - using my own money. Etc. And yet years later people I may never meet say they love to study the free version I have posted.

    We were banned at Emmaus, yet that attitude seems to propel the Word forward, having its own divine energy and power.

    So Jesus is teaching us to trust in the Word, avoid our own problems in the Word being brought to perfection and becoming fruitful in us, and continue broadcasting recklessly, carelessly, heedlessly, because the Word always accomplishes God's will, as Isaiah teaches.

    From Kevin Hastings, 2012 - About Historic St. John Lutheran Church in Milwaukee. The Two Men Who Stole the Congregation and Its Endowment Want Back into WELS. The Welcoming Committee Is Tickled Pink


    Pastor Kevin Hastings:
    From St. John's: There came four daughter congregations, St. Peter's, St. Marcus, and Apostles and St. Philips. Three synod presidents served there: Streissguth, Bading and Brenner. The Synodical Conference held its first convention at St. John's in 1872, which Pastor Bading chaired from 1872 - 1912. 

    From St. John's church, the old Seminary on 60th St. was dedicated, and the "new seminary" and its budget was overseen by Pastor Brenner, with the result that the Synod did not go head over heels in debt after its dedication in 1929, the year the Great Depression began. St. John's shared Pastor Brenner as President Brenner from 1933 to 1953, the Depression years and War Years. 

    It founded four other congregations, and operated, at one time, four mission schools. Its own mission school closed in 1960, 25 years after Grace downtown closed its school, ten years after Trinity, LCMS. In the 1980's, without proper facilities, the congregation conducted a VBS with up to 60 children in attendance.

    Pastor Kevin Hastings:
    Who wants this to end? Who wants to turn the back on so much that went before and established what once was? In the 1990's money "counselors""received from St. John's more than the church had for itself, for "missions", unknown to the remnant of the congregation. 

    I believe there is an astounding debt owed St. John's by its mission beneficiaries and by its Lutheran recipients of the orthodoxy established by Bading, and his beloved colleagues C.F.W. Walther and Adolf Hoenecke. Nor should those be forgotten who were so instrumental as leaders, classmates of long ago - John Brenner and J.P. Meyer. "Remember your leaders who spoke the Word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever." I remember 26 years, but I cherish from God the 118 years that went before. Do you?

    Pastor Kevin Hastings:
    The old federated Synod of Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota held its first convention at 8th and Vliet as well - celebrated 100 years later in 1992 with presentations by the sainted Professor Fredrich and John Brenner.


    GJ - Repeating its habits from the good ol' Protest'ant days, WELS kicked the pastor and congregation out of the synod. The DP who did this is one of the original Church and Changers, the same one who refused to do anything about Mark and Avoid Jeske.

    David Rutschow endorsed Church Growth early, in TELL, and was elected DP - still is.
    SP Schroeder also wrote an article for TELL.
    Welcome back into WELS, brothers.
    Sam Birner will sing, "Run from the WELS."

    Zak Stowe came out a few minutes after graduation
    from Martin Luther College, WELS.
    Party in the MLC
    Rummaging through MLC closets, Bluestem has stumbled over an old social media tale that involves student self-censorship after a popular dorm homecoming video hit YouTube.  The September 18, 2009 MLC Update High School edition reported in Dorm Videos:
    For Homecoming festivities, the four dorms put together a video to entertain the student body. (Well, not Augustana— they must have forgotten.) Concord, the frosh and sophomore men, starred Nate Wordell (West) in a series of misadventures to arrive at chapel on time. Centennial, the frosh and sophomore women, featured Claire Czaplewski (KML) and a team of students on a mission to conquer the Swine Flu Sprite. By far the crowd favorite was the Summit men’s video rendition(pictured)  of “Party in the USA” by Miley Cyrus.
    That sounds innocent enough in the pre-twerking days of 2009.
    Here's the video preserved on the Facebook page Bring back the MLC version of party in the USA!!!!

    The Martin Luther College  (MLC) parody of a Fire Island Pines (FIP) parody
    The "Party in the MLC video was based on the Fire Island Pines (FIP) parody tribune video of the Miley Cyrus music video for "Party in the USA."   Fire Island Pines:
    . . .has been a jewel in the gay community for over 60 years, and continues to be the premier vacation destination for residents and vacationers. Located just 50 miles east of New York City, The Pines is home to the most expensive real estate in Fire Island.

    Source -

    Sep 29, 2013

    WELS Favorite Fuller Seminary Professor Anointed or Blessed This Rank Apostate and Criminal Todd Bentley- 2008

    WELS Pastor Reuel Schulz thought Fuller Seminary professor
    "Pete Wagner" was great. Wagner is probably more
    influential than his mentor Donald McGavran.

    You have to watch this until the end, when Todd Bentley does his grinning head wiggle with a grin.

    He is still in business, but so is Jay Webber's fund-raiser, Floyd Luther Stolzenburg.

    More on Todd Bentley - not exactly a Rolls Royce.

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