Someone asked about how to copy and pass along posts from this blog. I will first deal with the icons at the bottom of each post. Scroll to the bottom of this post - or open up another window for a second view, which may make this easier.
Lower left, end of this post - email. Left-click on that M icon - M for eMail and you will get a page looking like this. Fill out the form and send it. Several at once could get it, if you have email software for that.
Blog This!
Next on that row is the b for Blog This!, a handy tool I use for capturing news items with the link. I mark part of the article (not all of it - which is not allowed) and click the orange b I have on my toolbar in Blogger. That will create a new blog post that will be easy to edit and comment upon. The marked area will appear within quotation marks.
t for Twitter
Twitter is bad software, poorly maintained and - we hope - soon to disappear. If you tweet all the time, you are POTUS or a college student.
f for Facebook
I would not use Facebook pass-alongs, because Facebook exists to mine your data and your friends' data.
I do not use Pinterest or watch The View. That funny icon is for Pinterest and also calls up Facebook - double data sharing, if you like that.
G+1 is for Google Plus, which shares the post using Google's software.
Old-Fashioning Printing and Mailing
One option is to print the post with an actual printer. Printers were once a marvel, but they are not used as much anymore. They are handy.
Press the control key and press the p key at the same time - that opens up the print command. On my computer, that limits printing to that post.
Or mark the part you want to copy by using the mouse to highlight that area. Once you press the control key and the c copy, you have copied it into the temporary buffer (also called the clipboard). Control v will paste it into Word, into an email, or into a blog.
Copy the Specific Link for the Post
Copy the Link for that Post and Paste the Link into Facebook, etc.
The link or URL is general for the entire blog, but each post has its own link. To get that link, click on the embedded title. I did that for the follow-up article on the New Testament text and got this
I also embedded the link, which is done in some software that shows a chain link - get it? - link? Haha. So clever. The broken link means remove the link. Some emails will embed the link by using the enter key. Sometimes not. Depends. Blogger has a command graphic that says LINK, which is not very subtle, but it works.
Working links are the heart of the Google search engine and all social media. The formula looks for active and often-used links. That moves them up on the search engine results. That is why Ichabod owns so many Lutheran topics and graphics on the Net, sharing links, reading links, and methods I employ to get links clicked upon. Daily haters of Ichabod improve the ranking. Daily fans, who Icha-peek all day, disregarding their Icha-widows - improve the search engine results.