Channel: Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed
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Sent by a Reader - Luther on Justification


Sent by a Reader, who wrote - "UOJ promoters have not read Luther, or they consider him a fool."

Luther:"There is no god to be found who will forgive sins and justify sinners in this way. God has not promised that he will save and justify people on account of the religions and ceremonies devised by them; he abhors nothing more than such rites and ceremonies, as the whole Scripture witnesses. He overthrows whole kingdoms and empires because of them. Therefore, those who trust to their own strength and righteousness serve a god they have imagined for themselves, and not the true God. The true God says: “No righteousness, wisdom, or religion pleases me, but only that by which the Father is glorified through the Son. It is those who lay hold of the Son and me and my promise in him, by faith, to whom I am a God, a Father; it is they whom I accept, justify, and save. Everyone else remains under wrath, because they worship what is no god.” Whoever forsakes this doctrine must fall into ignorance of God, not understanding what true Christian righteousness, wisdom, and service of God are. That is idolatry, and everything that such a person does is condemned."

Chapter Four - Galatians Lectures - Martin Luther

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