Pastor Tim Glende posed with Katy Perry, as Pastor Ski did.
Ski was a board member of Church and Change.
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "St. Peter, Freedom, Wisconsin. Letter to WELS Offi...":
This was an outstanding letter by Rick Techlin Jr. of St. Peter church in Appleton.
It is very good to see a Confessional Lutheran stand against the tide of the New Age false teachers sweeping through the visible Lutheran [self sic] churches.
Is the heinous actions of (W)ELS Pastor Glende, the voters of St. Peter, the lack of action on the part of the individuals addressed in the letter including the so-called conservative synod president that much different than the abject apathy of the majority of (W)ELS laity and clergy? After all they all remain in fellowship with the mini popes of the (W)ELS who perpetrate and allow horrible actions to take place against faithful Lutheran Christians.
GJ - Posted below is an exact replica of a letter written by a distraught WELS layman and sent to many WELS officials, one year ago today. All Saints Day. I received the PDF, as many others did. The letter was going to be published in the IL blog, then in the Light from Light blog.
Nothing happened from sending the letter, of course. They always say, "Write a letter." The WELS method is to keep everything a secret so they can call the truth a lie while inventing a convenient version of their truth.
I forgot that I had the letter. While converting an ELCA document into something useful I ran into the St. Peter letter, since both were PDFs and lined up together in my bulging storehouse of information. I found a way to turn the PDFs into PNGs and publish them in order.
Some of the readers will think the main perpetrators are Tim Glende, nephew of Professor Brug at The Sausage Factory, and Pastor Ski, popcorn impressario of The CORE. But that is not true. Their problems with honesty and doctrine began long ago, when WELS teachers made it clear that trickery, threats, and oodles of money were the answer to everything.
The letter shows that Pastor Tim Glende is a plagiarist, a bully, and a thug. He has to copy everything, it seems. He started an imitation Ichabod blog, with a slightly different name, just to fool people into landing on his anonymous effort, which was focused solely on attacking me.
Glende also adopted the nickname I gave him for his vile, cowardly attacks via the comments on this blog. I kept calling him Anony-mouse, so he began another blog which he called Anonymouse. He was even more disgusting on that blog, using my two dead daughters as his ammunition.
He gave himself away when he commented from Appleton. When I narrowed the blogs down to him, the blogging stopped, until he posted again to provide a smokescreen for his classmate at MLS, Aaron Frey. Like Kilcrease, he often deletes his most obnoxious work. But they are easy enough to save and use later, whenever needed.
Pervasive Evil in WELS
No one is going to stop the pervasive evil in WELS until it is addressed directly and openly. Glende and Ski are simply outlying growths in the cancer that has grown unchecked for decades. That cancer has involved the cover-up of two spouses murdered by their church worker husbands, countless cases of abuse and molestation, a District President and vicar in different state prisons, rewarding false doctrine with promotions and job security.
Take Away What They Worship
The WELS leaders worship money rather than God. They despise the Confessions, the liturgy, the Creeds, and Luther's doctrine.
The DPs and national staff get a fortune in pay, housing, and benefits to promote evil and false doctrine. Why not take away what they worship - holy mammon? They have enough to blow on The CORE. Ski and Glende were $250,000 down before it even started.
When will a single DP ever do anything against the crafts and assaults of the Church and Changers? The dopey DP in Milwaukee cannot do anything Lutheran or even WELS, but he can throw out a pastor and congregation for the tagging of a sidewalk, even though the trickster paid damages the next day. Tagging seems to be the only target of discipline in the entire state, where half the members reside and the worst DPs reign.
Their discipline has worked well. No other WELS pastor has tagged a sidewalk since that time. A seminary professor was convicted for drunk driving, which might seem a little more serious, but his lawyer convinced the court later that he was avoiding a band of pet turtles on the road, swerving left and right to save their lives.
Do you think anyone is serious about these letters they receive? Look at the luminaries at the top of the page. I can tell you this - When the Intrepid Lutherans dared to say the Synod Sunday materials were pathetic, there was an uproar that quashed IL in 24 hours.
Yes, 24 hours was all it took to make sure no one questioned Holy Mother Synod. Add that to your list of no-nos, seminarians.
- Teach any doctrine except Luther's.
- Have an affair with a music director if you want a promotion.
- Murder your wife and make up any old lame story.
- Drive drunk.
- Bully and threaten your members who do what you said they should do in following Matthew 18.
- But DO NOT question anything coming from The Guilt Factory (formery The Love Shack).
and do not,
and I mean this,
DO NOT TAG a sidewalk....ever.
If you do, may God have mercy on your soul, because WELS will not.
From the Martin Luther College student Portal:
This week Friday we will be hosting our second Educational Convocation. Because of the recent media coverage nationally, statewide, and locally on Bullying in Our Schools we are changing our presentation topic to that issue. Our WELS schools are not exempt from such behavior and learning to identify and correcting this behavior is vital for our future educators. Our presenter will be Professor Rhoda Wolle from WLC. So plan on attending this all important convocation on Friday, November 5 at 9:35 am in the gymnasium. See you there and bring a friend.
Too Funny. Gasping for Breath -
From My Favorite CG Email Spammer:
![]() Should a pastor with an addiction be fired?This is the question that more and more churches are having to deal with these days. How do you deal with a pastor who has an addiction. Maybe it's an addiction to alcohol or drugs; maybe it's a sexual addiction like pornography. The question is... what should be done with a pastor that has an addiction of some kind when it is found out? How about a pickled seminary professor? |
![]() Why you probably stink at delegatingGreat piece over at Lifehacker about delegation. Why is it so difficult? And why are most people so sucky at it? Here are three very simple reasons... |
![]() Matt Chandler: One year after cancerJustin Taylor has a great interview with Matt Chandler over at The Gospel Coalition website. It's been one year since Matt was diagnosed with a very serious form of brain cancer. |
![]() Mark Driscoll on young leaders in the churchWhat is encouraging Mark Driscoll about today's young leaders in the church? And what concerns him? Check out this short clip (it's about three minutes long). Take a look, and see if you agree/disagree. And where are you on the spectrum that Mark speaks about? Ski? Glende? |
![]() Andy StanleyismsAndy Stanley is one of my favorite communicators. Here's why: there is so much content when Andy speaks that are bite-sized nuggets that keep me thinking. So... I decided to gather some recent Andy Stanley quotes shared on Twitter and share them with you here. See what you think: Ski, Glende, Parlow, Buske, Buehler? Buehler? Anyone? |
![]() Erectile Dysfunction commercial gets woman kicked out of churchOK... I know this is sensationalistic... but here's the headline in Australia's Herald Sun newspaper: The star of an erectile dysfunction commercial has been kicked out of her church until the ad comes off air. |
WELS Laymen - "If the Synodical Council would read Rick..."
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Synodical Council to meet this week
During the first week of November, the Synodical Council (SC) will hold its regular fall meeting and will address several significant items of business.
Long-range planA special task force of synod administrators, with input from synodical boards and district conventions last summer, has been developing the synod's long-range plan for the year 2017.
Click here for the letter.