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The Synodical Conference has rejected Luther's Biblical justification by faith in favor of Halle University's Universal Absolution without faith, which requires a decision - you know, like synergism. |
"Because of the redemption through Christ God no longer imputes sins to men (2 Corinthians 5:19); - 1 wrong - He does not charge their transgressions against them, but credits them with the merits of Christ. “For He hath made Him to be sin for us who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him”(2 Corinthians 5:21). For the sake of Christ’s complete satisfaction God justifies the ungodly” (Romans 4:5), i.e., they who by nature and by their own works were altogether ungodly, were because of the work of Christ declared and pronounced just and righteous. - 2 wrong -God’s declaration of forgiveness calls for acceptance on the part of man - 3 wrong -. But it is impossible to accept it by means of works; it can be accepted only by faith, for this righteousness is revealed “from faith to faith” (Romans 1: 17). Faith clings to the promise of forgiveness, and thereby man appropriates to himself personally what the promise offers to all men in general." - 4 wrong -
GJ - Explanations:
1. Imputation of forgiveness is ascribed to faith in Romans 4, where Abraham's example is applied to all those who believe in Him who raised Jesus from the dead. The 2 Corinthians passage is about the atonement, which is not the same as justification by faith.
Otten does not use Objective Justification in this issue, but uses the phrase justification by faith while really meaning the above, which is rationalistic Pietism from Halle University.
2. Acceptance is a poor word to use because Evangelicals employ the term for making a decision. JP Meyer, the WELS genius of UOJ, is especially clear about making a decision for UOJ.
3. This declaration of forgiveness is soft-pedaled by Otten to hide the hideousness of Halle quasi-demi-crypto-Universalism. The entire world is forgiven, without faith, without the Word, without the Means of Grace. The Brief Statement of 1932, now raised above the level of the Book of Concord and the Scriptures, is especially clear in its Universalism where Otten is vague, vacillating, and vapid.
4. Otten is left with the pathetic extra-Watheristicum, that faith like a withered hand grasping the universal absolution so popular at Halle then and in ELCA today.
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Lutheran seminary education is so pathetic today that Rambach's dogma is hailed as Luther's Biblical doctrine. |
Let's be clear. This statement in the Book of Concord means:
1. Melanchthon's Apology of the Augsburg Confession teaches Justification by Faith as the Chief Article of Christianity.
2. Luther teaches Justification by Faith throughout his work, and considered himself a "theologian of the Augsburg Confession," expressed elsewhere.
3. The esteemed editors of the Formula and Book of Concord, 1580, including the great genius Martin Chemnitz (who was taught by Luther and Melanchthon) agree that Justification by Faith is indeed the Chief Article, the Master and Prince, the Judge of all other doctrines of Christianity.
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Preus provided many statements from the Orthodox Lutheran scholars devastating to Universal Objective Justification. Reading comprehension in the Synodical Conference is almost zero. |