***GJ - I could quote Oh! Jay Webber at length, but his evasions are always the same, circling the same Walther-Stephan points with various subtle evasions. In contrast, Daniel Baker sticks to one point - the Pharisee and Publican - and asks how UOJ fits that Parable of Jesus. He backs up a good, clear, plain argument with Chemnitz, whose authority in these matters is far greater than JP Meyer, Marquart, and Valleskey put together.
Marquart could not answer Thy Strong Word - and never did. He received a free review copy and responded, only reluctantly when pressed, with a postcard acknowledging he received it.
All the UOJ arguments are divorced from the Confessions, so each person adds his own personal revelations - much like Sig Becker - and makes their wrong position even worse. They have given up the light yoke of justification by faith and assumed the far heavier, even impossible yoke of UOJ.
Must we carry that lying, thieving pimp Walther on our backs until the end of time? How does anything he wrote replace the Book of Concord?
Notice these evasions and lapses among the UOJ Stormtroopers:
- Luther's Galatians Commentary is avoided and never quoted.
- The phrase justification by faith is studiously avoided.
- They never speak of being justified "by the faith of Jesus," which is right from Romans and Galatians. In fact, they hate the word faith and seldom mention it.
- The attempt to make Subjective Justification into justification by faith is deceptive and furtive.
- Article III of the Formula of Concord - The Righteousness of Faith - is never mentioned, never quoted.
- No knowledge of Luther is evidenced, but the writers like to pixelate Luther in a self-serving and ignorant way. Smirk. Smirk. "Uncle Marty," as Jon Buchholz said to a WELS congregation.
- They call justification by faith Calvinism! but they also say "The three solas!"
- They like to equate the atonement with OJ, but that is clearly a lie, as they know. OJ is precisely God's imaginary declaration of the forgiveness of the world. That is not the same as Christ dying for the sins of the world. In fact, the early Robert Preus expressly stated that OJ is not the atonement.
- They are full of themselves and puff themselves up about their synod's doctrine or - get this - THEIR doctrine. The Word belong to God, not anyone else.