Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Loyalty to the Abusive Cult Has Its Rewards":
Primary reason for ignorance within the (W)ELS laity (this is also true for the other Lutheran in name only Synods) is the systematic perversion of Christ’s doctrine. The seminaries, colleges, high schools and grade schools have abandoned the Lutheran Confessions and any reference to them as faithful explanations of Scripture and their use as tools for guidance/correction is met with the charge of Legalism. The Synods have replaced the BOC with their authority. The Normed Norm is now the next level of political or clergy authority. (W)ELS UOJist Rev. Humann in defense of forgiveness without faith expressed it this way, “What I teach is the truth and I’m telling you that it is the truth.”
The seminaries continue to produce clergy who are, with every class, further from the foundations of the Christian faith than the previous class. And every few years the apostasy takes a significant leap further away when they hire past graduates to teach the next class - look at the 'talent' pool they chose to instruct the MLC and CDS students for the last few years. Ski, Kelm, Parlow, Gunn etc.
The Synod leaders who embrace the tenets of Universal Objective Justification and anathematize Justification solely by faith alone are thereby not Christian and are leading the laity away from Christ. What good fruit will ever fall from that tree - one with a foundation grounded in a false gospel. Lillo and the others would have everyone think that the (W)ELS excommunicating clergy for teaching one Justification solely by faith alone (by the grace of God through the Means of Grace) is just a matter of Christians talking past one another. This same level of discernment and conviction embraces the Antichrist as a fellow Christian who has been declared justified by God (forgiven all sin). Understand that point because it speaks to the discernment of the synod leaders who are leading the laity’s children down the path to abject apostasy: they consider the RCC Christian even when its official teachings are completely opposed to Christ, God the Father and the Holy Spirit. Such that, if a person was faithful to the teachings of the RCC they stand condemned by God - still the Lutheran Synods consider the RCC to be Christian.
GJ - Brett is correct, as many laity have admitted. They can send their children through WELS schools and end up with children with no knowledge of the Lutheran Confessions.
I cannot speak for all WELS area Lutheran high schools, but I do know that the Church and Changers are always promoted as great heroes in the synodical schools. Needless to say, the other side is scorned and abused.
DP Jon-Boy Buchholz earlier denied that Church and Changers are featured at WELS schools, when he was pretending to be against that odious cult-with-a-cult, but now he is known for sitting with Changer Jeff Gunn at conferences.
Judge them by their actions. Buchholz could not get rid of Pastor Paul Rydecki fast enough, and he also could not embrace Jeff Gunn quickly enough. (Joe Krohn is supposed to be working on Gunn! May God have mercy on Gunn's flinty soul.)
Jesus sits on the right hand of God, but Buchholz sits in the lap of Gunn. So sweet.
Only colossal ignorance fuel so many evils.