$ 0 0 Dr. Lito Cruz Asked That Bethany Add a PayPal Acco...Jul 5, 2011, 654The Holy Spirit Teaches Man Better Than BooksMay 23, 2012, 437Refuting the Doctrinal Fallacies of Justification ...Nov 18, 2015, 419WELS District President Bullies Council To Protect...Nov 5, 2015, 276Luther's Sermons - 1 Corinthians 13:1-13.Quinquage...Apr 19, 2012, 170No Fixing the WELS, ELS, Missouri, or the Micro-Mi...Nov 27, 2015, 164ELS-LCMS-WELS-ELCA: Together Again. Complete Agree...Dec 9, 2015, 154Alaskan WELS Circuit Pastor - Same Old Playbook in...Dec 10, 2015, 149Hating Someone Out of the Vicarage and Blocking Hi...Dec 11, 2015, 136Spooked - Yet Nothing Is Done. Schroeder "Knew Not...Dec 7, 2015, 134Missouri loves WELS,but not as much as it loves ELCA.