Don Moldstad, Chaplain said...
This is Chaplain Don Moldstad responding: I do apologize for not being more accurate with my source. I was simply attempting to show how the Confessional Lutheran church has confessed this blessed truth in contrast to Rome. Thank you for your attention to detail. My apologies.
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The fake, dishonest "Luther" statement below teaches contrary to the Augsburg Confession. |
GJ - Ecclesia Augustana first exposed this deception, which had already been aired in its earlier form on Intrepid Lutherans. Here is the update from Intrepid Lutherans - on the Moldstad lies.
Don Moldstad's statement has been reported as an apology, but it was just the opposite of an apology. He did not retract his falsehood - he supported it as "confessional" and as a "blessed truth." It was just a little thing about "detail." How much more arrogant can Pope-Brother be?
What exactly was his source? Is he so ignorant of Luther's Small Catechism that he calls this drivel Luther's? Notice the quotation marks, created to make us think this is some version of the Small Catechism we have never seen before.
I know Pope John the Malefactor did the same thing, turning a question about UOJ into someone asking, "How can critics of UOJ even call themselves Christian?" That was published in the unheralded and largely unread ELS magazine of record.
I know Pope John pulled this deception off, because I corresponded with the letter-writer and his family, and we met Kokomo. That is the place you want to go, if you want to find out about WELS/ELS duplicity.
Now let us ponder the faux-quotation from pseudo-Luther (aka the Moldstad brothers).
I believe in the forgiveness of sins because the Bible assures me that God the Father has by grace forgiven all sinners and declared them righteous. [Moldstad brothers]
What does this mean?
GJ - This is UOJ code talk. Faith is not mentioned because "forgiven all sinners" means forgiven without faith. Just to make sure no one misses the UOJ content, this phrase is added "and declared them righteous." The two errors are synonymous. God does indeed forgive sinners, since He has no reason to forgive non-sinners. However, ever since Walther, Preuss, and the SynCons, "forgiven all sinners" has been used to argue that the entire world is absolved without faith.
UOJ places a great emphasis upon "without faith."
"Declared them righteous" is a second attempt to say the same thing, avoiding justification, perhaps because justification always means justification by faith in the Scriptures, in the Book of Concord, in Luther, Melanchthon, Chemnitz, Gerhard, Calov, Quensted, Andreae, and many more.
God can declare sinners righteous because, on the redemptive work of Christ, He has aquitted (sic) of the guilt and punishment of their sins, and has imputed to them the righteousness of Christ. He therefore regards them in Christ as though they had never sinned. [Moldstad brothers, with Jay Webber's in Christ added]
GJ - This section features bad spelling and atrocious English. I wonder if they meant to use some different words or omitted a word or two.
This is also boasting that God has forgiven the entire world, without faith, without grace, without the Word, without the Means of Grace. Where is this fantasy recorded? Not in Luther and not in the Book of Concord. I can find it in the notorious false teacher named Samuel Huber. Two orthodox Lutheran theologians refuted Huber, who had been a Calvinist and accused justification by faith Lutherans as "Calvinists." Sound familiar?
Once again - nothing is said about faith. Imputation and faith are always used together in the New Testament. This imputation relates to Abraham who was justified by faith in Genesis 15, as argued again in Romans 4 and repeated in Galatians. Imputation is our fancy word for "count." We are counted as righteous when we believe in the atoning death of Christ.
KJV Romans 4:24 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; 25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.
5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:
2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
I receive this justification when the Holy Ghost through the means of grace, leads me, the sinner, to believe that God has forgiven all my sins for Christ's sake. [Moldstad brothers, ELS]
What does this mean?
GJ - In other words, faith in the absolution of the world (without faith) is necessary for this absolution to be true. What a mish-mash of rationalism, Pietism, and mainline gibberish.
This is not faith in Christ but faith in UOJ, exactly as Walther learned it from his syphilitic bishop, Martin Stephan, who learned it from Georg Christian Knapp at Halle University, the center of Pietism in Europe.
The Pietist Rambach also taught this, as Samuel Huber--the repudiated heretic--did.
But today, people call themselves "confessional Lutherans" while repudiating the Lutheran Confessions, then bragging that their amalgam of Pietism and Rationalism is the true faith.